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The demonology, slave owner from a Southern State who had some retrograde views on race. Elsewhere, the historical awareness seems a little fuzzier. It was goodbye to poor old Hans Christian egg, who actually fought and died for the union in the civil war. In washington, d. C. , the protesters declared it was time to get rid of the emancipation memorial, Abraham Lincoln lifting up a former slave to freedom, dedicated by frederick douglass. You may remember President Trump predicted this might come to pass three years ago. Of course, at the time he was mocked by liberals by comedians, such as john oliver. The president s concern this week its robert e. Lee. I notice that stonewall jacksons coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week and Thomas Jefferson is week after . Where does it stop . Ultimately where it stops, somewhere. Anytime someone asks where does it stop, the answer is always somewhere. [laughter] you might let your kid have twizzlers, but not inject black tar heroin. [laughter] you dont just go, where does it stop . [laughter] and the same is true of confederate monuments. Gerry well, it wasnt true, and its not very funny anymore, is it . Meanwhile, weve seen other strange phenomena that now seem to represent our new normal. One of them is the spectacle of young white people animatedly lecturing black people about racism. Watch this. I cant be racist, right . No, sir yeah, exactly. Excuse me. No, sir. Systemically, racism can only be white. Systemically, sir. Gerry quite a spectacle, isnt it . Overentitleed, indulged privileged we might even say white people telling black police officers, black people how they should think. Yes, i think weve got it now. Thats the new world of racial equality that weve created. Sadly, this is no laughing matter. The antipolice efforts of the movement thats sweeping across the country are being felt everywhere. More than 100 people were shot in chicago over the fathers day weekend, several of them children including one 3yearold boy shot dead. Hed just had a haircut with his father. Shooting spiked in new york city after the dismantling of the nypds anticrime unit, and seattle officials had to move to call back the autonomous zone. Despite all their cries for change in law enforcement, liberal democrats blocked a Republican Police reform bill authored by africanamerican republican senator tim scott. But still democrats are winning at the polls. In new york congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez and several other farleft candidates appear to have easily beaten their rivals this week. Joe biden holds a strong lead in the polls, what sort of democratic party, though, is biden leading . Is it the Old Democratic Party of sleepy uncle joe from delaware or the radical new party of aoc can and blm . What about the president himself . He does now trail the former Vice President , as we said, by a wide margin. Can he make up the gap . A major figure in republican politics, steve bannon was mr. Trumps chief strategist in the first seven months of his administration. Steve, thank you very much, indeed, for joining us. Thanks, gerry. Gerry youve seen all the polls, you consume them all the time, but the latest fox news poll says President Trump, 38 , Vice President biden, hes in deeper trouble than when you took over his campaign. How does he get out of this . Look, its very simple. I know youre trying to be ironic about year zero. This, whats going on with these anarchists and these cultural marxists right now, to me, is what the vote in november is going to be about. Year zero, this is all from the french revolution, from the boll bolsheviks, from the cultural revolution under mao. First they have to tear down your history, they have to reeducate you. This is not about racism or policing efforts, this is not the purpose of the revolution is the revolution. Theres no set of demands, theres no set of demands you can have, no set of demands you can make. And i think that joe biden and the energy on the left and this is what is so ridiculous about it. Its not about economic change, its not the Bernie Sanders economic proposals or some of the populist proposals or economic National Proposals in the trump movement. What theyve done is allowed this cultural marxism to take over and then wall street can avoid all the deep structural issues we have to do particularly about the Chinese Communist party and bringing back gerry steve, i want to come to all that, but you make that case very, very well, but again, the polling. Just call up some sweet state polls we have. Here we are, texas. Biden supposedly even leading in texas, 4544. Move on to florida, way ahead, biden, 4940. I think we have north carolina, 4745. And we also have georgia, 4745. Steve, if youre right and everything you say makes a lot of sense to a lot of people that we are facing this cultural assault on american, on the very meaning of america, whats going so badly wrong . The president s behind even in what have been typically for a long time red states. Well, listen, the basic point is that the president can turn this around quite easily. I think these polls are obviously warning signs. Youve got to take them very seriously. I dont think theyre fake news. I think the trends, particularly the trend of the president between, you know, 3841 or 42, the wall street journal, i think today, had a pretty brutal and frank editorial about that, and peggy noonan also had a followon editorial. And this is about i think now, what ive been saying, its not about a campaign or rallies or any 30second spot, its about action. Its about taking action. The president s a man of action. When hes taken bold action before particularly on the crisis, declaring a National Emergency or getting on top of the ventilator situation, good things happen. Its very simple, the president of the United States has got to run as the incumbent. Every day, to me as President Trump, is election day. Hes going to be weighed and measured by the American People. Theres no campaign spin or even wall street journal talking about all this other stuff, education, yeah, thats all fine. He should and must lay out a vision for the second term. But most importantly in the middle of a global pandemic, in the economic inferno that the the chinese ccp virus triggered, right, and the financial crisis on top of that that weve blown up the Balance Sheet of the federal reserve, a all of those actions i think hes taken which have been very well thought through and has gotten us through economically where we are, the reason the markets are acting so positively, i think its the focus of action, action, action on jobs, jobs, jobs, law and order and the pan pandemic. Hes president of the United States, he went to the border wall and he went to wisconsin to look at what hes doing to bring jobs back. Its those actions that the American People measure. And i think we can turn this around. Gerry when we come back, i want to talk more about the election and get your thoughts also about relations, as you mentioned, between the u. S. And devin, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15 percent credit on car and motorcycle policies . Ok . 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Thats not a message thats going to win the election, is it . Listen, lets take john boltons, you know, book for what it is. He never really understood information warfare, economic warfare, he was very much in the kinetic warfare, wanting to bomb things. If you look, i think President Trumps right on every topic that bolton brings up. Lets go to china. Remember, it was china, that dinner they talk about took place in june 2019 just after china walked away from the lighthizer deal, all seven verticals of how to integrate china in the worlds economy. China right around that time decided to uncouple from the west technologically. Its the most important geopolitical event of really the 20th century until the pandemic. Theyve made a conscious decision to uncouple from the west. What donald trump is trying to do, bring them back to the table and see if we cant work together. There hasnt been a president ever thats been as tough on china and understood what that were now in a confrontation with them. He doesnt want to slip into some kinetic war into in the soh china sea. The president , i think, is being a real statesman. Look, im very honored to be one of the ultrahawks, and i think President Trump has done a tremendous job. China, and you can see their handling of the virus, is absolutely central. This great struggle between the industrial democracies, the free market capitalism versus a totalitarian, mercantilist state, that is the struggle of the 21st century. Its the freedom of the Chinese People thats at stake. President trumps been tougher than anybody. Look, even the ultrahawks say, look, he hasnt taken every action hes taken, and the reason is is he wants to keep the channel of communications open. Remember, the ultrahawks see the destruction of the Chinese Communist party. President trump understands that somehow we try to, have to figure out how to make this work. Gerry but on i think hes been a real hero on that, although i think all of us would like to be much tougher on china. Gerry on the coronavirus, the wuhan flu or whatever, but actually again when this first happened back in january, steve, the democrats have been attacking him, he said president xi doing a great job, hes doing all he can, he was very defensive and supportive about china. But on the action, on the 31st he actually shut down on Peter Navarros memo all travel from china, and on that very day joe biden had a decision to make. When President Trump announced it, it was a very reasonedded approach and saved tens of thousands of lives here in the United States, joe biden took the beijing party line. Its xenophobic, its nativist, its racist. Joe biden went in just as look, binds record on china is absolutely horrific, and hes going to be field stripped from today going forward. The American People are going to have a choice of who can handle china better. Joe biden has essentially been a useful idiot for the Chinese Communist party or donald trump who has said, hey, look, i am going to confront you on trade, on manufacturing, on bringing supply chains back, on all that. Gerry we need to take one more break, and well talk further about what we can expect between now and the election. Stay witititit right now is a time for action. Thats why usaa is giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Discover all the ways were helping members today. Wherever you make go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers. Get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Im szasz. Experience amazing [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. We do consulting, but we also write. 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Why isnt the president making a stronger case that this country is, essentially, out of control, and it needs restoration of order . Well, he did sign the executive order to Start Talking about police reforms. Two things, law and order with reforms. I have been an advocate the president could call a National President s commission on policing minorities, and lets work through this as americans. Joe bidens right, this elections going to come down for a battle for the soul of america. I think President Trump is naturally a law and order candidate, understands there has to be, there has to be reforms and this has to be some changes made, and they should be made. And that should be debated out. But more importantly, i think, is this law and order from what . The purpose is for what . Remember, its the economic nationalism, its the jobs. Its the opportunity for young people, its the opportunity for africanamericans, for hispanics. Thats what President Trump had built, a strivers economy before the ccp virus, before this pandemic came out of the heart of china really with if not a weapons lab, if not from a biological lab, then the chain of title as they looked the other way as this thing spread holds them culpable. The stakes couldnt be higher, this is going to be the nastiest election in american history, no doubt about that. The stakes are high. Both sides understand what theyre fighting for, and i dont think youre going to see any giveup from either side, and this is going to be very close, very tight, very contentious. Gerry looks like the campaign is trying to draw on the playbook from 2016. The rally last week widely regarded as a bit of a flop. Not many people showed up. Does the president have a problem with his Campaign Team . Look, the president s got to make decisions about that. To me, look, 2016, its still the issues. Its about the management of the United States by the elites and President Trump being an act of change. Clearly, you werent going to be able to get this done in four years or eight years. This is going to take decades to reverse, but you have to start somewhere, and thats what donald trump did. This is still about the managed decline in the return of america to her former greatness, and thats what donald trump represents. To me, its not about a 30second spot or rallies or anything like that, this is about governing, and this is about understands that when you win on november 3rd its not going to get easier, its going to get harder. The forces of opposition are not going to go away after a trump victory. Theyre going to be even more intense. And people have to understand if youre fighting for your country, youre going to have to fight, and youre going to have to fight every day. The wall street journal is very correct, this is a referendum. Its about action. The president of the United States takes more directed action on economic nationalism, on law and order, on china, on the pandemic. And people are going to weigh and measure that and say, hey, look, in the center of this storm, donald trump is the guy i want to see us through here. Gerry very quickly, very quickly we need [inaudible] gerry ten seconds, we immediate to wrap. Four years ago around about this time, you came into the campaign. You going to do it this time . Absolutely not. Im 100 spending my time working with freedom groups, taking down the communist party. The president s got a team, im sure theyll turn this thing around. Hes still the best president ial candidate weve ever had and the best closer. He took on a candidate much better than joe biden in Hillary Clinton and beat her. Stand by. Gerry steve bannon, thank you very much for joining us. Coming up next, ill explain the main reason why the looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. 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When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. Thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. Gerry when we try to understand whats happened to our national discourse, the first place we need to look is higher education. For decades, colleges here have been increasingly dominated by a crowd of intolerant idealogues pushing social extremism. This week we saw just where that leads. On monday there was uproar in Great Britain after an incident in which someone threw a light plane with a banner saying, white lives matter. It was widely condemned in the u. K. As a kind of race baiting of what is a very sensitive time. But some, of course, went further. One professor lists her special tyes as gender, marxism and critical race theory. He put out a tweet. Ill say it again, white lives dont matter as white lives. The cambridge professors was condemned by some. Hate speech. But the university, the second oldest in the englishspeaking world, rushed to her defense. The university defends the right of its academics to express their own lawful opinions which others might find controversial. Really . This is the very same university that just last year actually terminated two academics for supposedly holding unacceptable positions on issues like race. You can probably guess what their views were. Can you imagine what it would be like to be a student of professor gopals . Displaying this kind of intolerance, the more theyll drive resentment and anger and encourage the extremism they say theyre against. Theyre fanning the flames of the very bigotry they profess to be trying to extinguish. Well, thats it for us this week. Be sure to follow me on twitter, facebook and instagram. And plan to tune into fox business on thursday, july 9th, as neil cavuto hosts a virtual town hall with real estate icon and pioneer barbara corcoran. Send us your questions by messaging fox business on facebook or instagram or emailing at investing in yaw fox business investing in ewe fox business. Com. Thank you very much for joining us. Investing in you foxbusiness. Com. Thank you very much for joining us. Jack welcome to barrons roundtable where we get behind the headlines, im jack otter. We begin with what we think are the three most important things investors should be thinking about right now. The markets stumbled after concerns about rising covid19 cases and the feds dress test results. What to watch in the coming weeks, found that the biggest Financial Institutions are healthy but ordered them to cap dividends and halt buybacks. How vulnerable are are the banks . How a chip

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