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Big headlines. Washington getting ready for the million maga march as counterprotests a are planned. Major networks called georgia and arizona for biden, Computer Software used for voting created major irregularities as resentment grows over this story and more, the do as i say, not as i do politicians. New examples of them breaking their own covid19 shutdown rules. Also tonight, how the election is not a repudiation of republican policies as democrats try to claim. Democrats are left with the slimmest majority in two decades. More democrats support nancy pelosi. Republicans could claim the house in the midterms as the democrat civil war is intensifying. Mud slinging, pushback, name calling, the far left squad is growing in size, also stepping up their fight with moderates. Theyre saying the far left, quote, defund the police is wrong and democrats dont have some, quote, crazy socialist agenda. They dont like it. And more on the hunter biden controversy. Democrat adam schiff now trying to get out in front this story in the media, trying to downplay the hunter biden controversy as Senate Republicans are poised to intensify probes there. And investigative journalist gwen greenwald, hes been Glenn Greenwald is ripping into the media for what he says is how they are naively agreeing with democrats and ignoring the government evidence on hunter biden. Im Elizabeth Mac congress, the evening mac don, the evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth macdonald. Elizabeth welcome to the show. Youre watching the fox business network. Lets get right at it with Texas Attorney general ken paxton. Sir, its great to have you back on. Its good to see you. Good to see you too. Elizabeth okay. I want your id like to get your reaction to this, what the president just said a short time ago. Hes saying his administration would not put the nation back into lockdown. The president also said this, watch. Ideally, we wont go to a lockdown. I will not go, this administration will not be going to a lockdown, hopefully the, whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration it will be, i guess time will tell, but i can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown. There wont be necessity. Lockdowns cost lives, they cost a lot of problems. The cure cannot be, youve got to remember, cannot be worse than the problem itself. Elizabeth okay. So, you know, the administration is fighting the vote recount. We know that you, the state of texas has rejected the Dominion Software Voting Program for the state of texas because i figured, were going i want to know if you thought the software is weak. But the medias saying what the president just said is an admission that hes going to concede. What was your take on that . You know, it didnt sound like a concession to me. Theyre still pursuing remedies in court. I think he was only saying he wasnt going to go through lockdown during his administration, however long that lasts, and i clearly think thats the right approach as we move forward. Elizabeth why did the state of texas reject the Dominion Voting Software . So we tested it starting in 2012 until more recently, we tested it three different times in testing labs, and we found it to be filled with inaccuracies and subject to potential fraud and manipulation. So we can never certify it as a reliable voting system. Elizabeth how long ago did you guys, did the state of texas test the Dominion Software, and tell us more about the irregularities you found. So it started in 2012, and i think its been every several years, every three or so years, a more recent test, i think, a couple years, a year ago or so. And we just found that it had softwares, it had hardwares, and we could not trust it to have accuracy, and we were concerned that it was subject to fraud and manipulation. And so we just, the secretary of States Office and my office, we just wouldnt certify it. Elizabeth do you believe the claims that this software has led to voting irregularities in the swing states . What do you think . In, you know, its being used in 28 states. Its possible for about a third of the voting systems, is my understanding. So if we couldnt verify it through our tests, certainly i have concerns that other states shouldnt be able to verify it too. And im actually wondering why they didnt do their own testing or at least look at our testing to look at some of the issues that we felt, that we were concerned about. Elizabeth okay. Lets go to this story, lets move on to this, because weve got a lot of headlines coming out of this presser, press conference with, a little while ago in the rose garden. Talk of a lockdown, growing tide of resentment. A growing number of states, new york, maryland, michigan, california, about a dozen are moving to do more restrictions. The president saying youre not going to hes totally against that. He doesnt want people to be thrown out of work. Theres resentment against the media and politicians talking about shutting down thanksgiving and christmas gatherings, dont turn your house into a superspreader center. Weve had politicians breaking their own covid19 rules. Weve got cnn hosts saying dont talk loudly at holiday gatherings. When you see these stories, we know you guys have seen covid hot spots certainly in el paso, whats your reaction to whats happening with what the president said . I agree with him. We have our own hot spot in el paso, as you said, and were fighting that right now. Weve got a county judge whos trying to shut business down that are determined by the government to be nonessential. To me, it seems like individuals ought to make their own decisions. Weve learned a lot about covid. We certainly dont know everything, but individuals can make their own decision about where they can whether they can go to a restaurant or a movie. I think its better left to the individual as opposed to the government deciding a one size fits all for all of us. Elizabeth you know, hospitalizations are on the rise. Its, you know, this is a serious situation, you know, we understand that here. But when you see these stories, the stories of the do as i say not as i do politicians, the mayor of chicago is shutting down chicago again, shutting down, you know, holiday gatherings but defends going to a joe biden rally. Shes saying, quote, people sometimes need relief. We have the governor of california, began somehow in, just gavin newsom, just went to a Birthday Dinner in napa with a dozen people, its the exact same thing hes telling people dont too to do that, and major de blasio saying dont travel out of state for thanksgiving, but de blasio did travel out of state last month to see family. People are getting really angry about this. Whats your thought . I agree with that. I mean, thats hi epochally city. And the hypocrisy. The reality is people cant live are like this forever. Were coming up to eight or nine months, and people have to work, they have to live, they want to visit their family members for thanksgiving and christmas. I mean, who wants to be excluded from those family gatherings for this year or for any year in the future . So i think its easy to tell people not to live their lives, but in reality its hard to not live your own life. Elizabeth the covid restrictions. Okay, the Supreme Court Justice Alito says they are doing basically a stress test of the constitution. Hes getting heavily criticized by people including senator Elizabeth Warren for saying politicians arent severely stress testing the constitution and also Civil Liberties and religious liberties are at stake. When you hear Justice Alito and then senator warren criticizing him, what are your thoughts about that . Well, i think they need to look at the constitution. I mean, we looked at this across the country like churches that were being told they had to shut down. We have a First Amendment right to gather and worship. There are all kinds of things that governors were doing and county judges, even in my state there were, you know, local officials trying to stop people from doing things they should be able to do under our freedoms in this country. So, yeah, i agree that there are Civil Liberties that are being impinged upon, and we need to be very careful when government starts doing that, because it could have longterm impact on our freedoms. Elizabeth you know, you had the wisconsin state superior court toss out Governor Tony Evers covid19 restrictions for the state of wisconsin saying he overstep thed his authority, and weve been overstepped his authority, and weve been tracking more than 30 protests on 5 continents worldwide. People around the world are marching saying dont do lockdowns in places like loan bonn, berlin, ireland london, berlin, ireland. Theyre saying theres lack of Scientific Data to back up these kinds of mandates. Do you believe theres lack of Scientific Data supporting lockdowns. Look, weve heard all kinds of Different Things from whether you should wear a mask, when you should wear a mask, what drugs work, what drugs dont work, theres all kinds of confusion about what actually is true about this virus and how you treat it, how you prevent it. Yeah, i think its hard for people to trust the government when theres no real answer on this stuff. Thats why i think it goes back to individual responsibility. If youre older or you have some higher risk, you might want to take more precautions. Either way, you know, you might want to follow the cdc klein guidelines. But to tell people how to live their lives, whether theyre going to be able to go out and, you know, enjoy a movie, that ought to be up to individuals. I dont think that should be a government function. Elizabeth do you what final question about President Trump saying to new york state governor andrew cuomo, youre not going to get our help on a vaccine. Is that the right approach to take . Sure Elizabeth Andrew cuomo was saying we dont trust the vaccine developed under your administration. Your thoughts. Yeah. Theres always a back and forth between the federal government and state governments, and theres always strings attached. If the Administration Currently doesnt want to fund the state because theyre overreacting or they feel like theyre overreacting and impinging on peoples freedoms and their ability to work, you know, the federal government has that right to address funding. So i do not fault the administration for pushing forward policies they think will work. Elizabeth all right. Ken paxton, thank you so much for joining us. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Have a great evening. Elizabeth staying on this story, were going to talk to texas congressman Jodi Arrington about what ken paxton just said about the Dominion Software issue with voting counts as washington is bracing for the million maxa march tomorrow maga march tomorrow in support of President Trump. Fighting, fighting, fighting still in court, more on this escalating batting and also the democrats civil war intensifying. Lots of namecalling and mudslinging there. That story next. Know how important this race is for them to turn out. This is no time from our perspective to stay home, this is no time for republicans to stay home, this is no time for us to take this lightly or take this for granted. This is truly about control of the senate with having Chuck Schumer in charge. Flub. Wild thing, you make my heart sing wild thing i. Think i. You know what i think . I think you owe us 48. 50. Wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. And a high risk for fracture, osteoporosis if you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Now might not be the best time to ask yourself, are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. 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Yeah. Well, i think that the electoral process has to run its full course. I think this is paramount to our constitutional democracy, and we have seen this happen before. I worked for george w. Bush as president , as you mentioned, and the bush v. Gore contention over the election outcome was solved new the court system, and we need to let law and democracy play out before being premature about calling the election. There are serious allegations and irregularities, they need to be substantiated, no question. But it doesnt serve our republic well, and it wont serve whoever ends up president well if the people of this country dont feel like it was fair, open, accurate and there was legitimacy. Elizabeth weve got ken paxton just joining us moments ago, the state of texas rejected the Dominion Voting Software saying the state of texas didnt trust it, its used in a number of other states. We have a pennsylvania secretary of state saying she will not order a recount of her States Election results if it falls within that margin that would trigger that basically, she doesnt see that happening, rather, she doesnt see a recount happening. A Philadelphia Appeals Court just denying all five lawsuits from the Trump Campaign, a michigan to court rejecting a lawsuit as well. So, you know, the certification of the results will come down next week. How do you see this playing out . Well, i think theyre petitioning to extend the certification while some of these questions are being, are being vetted out, and some of them are constitutional questions that may end up at the Supreme Court. You know, the Judicial Branch doesnt make the law, not at the federal level, not at the state level. So there may be questions there. Look, the im not trying to predict the outcome, and im not advocating for this verify caution of the outcome and the system itself in these states that are in question, im simply saying its good for american democracy, its good for the president and for public confidence. And so i think it looks like a narrow shot, but i think it has to be exhausted because theres serious concerns. The voter laws were relaxed in such a way that it is certainly opened it up for widespread fraud and error. So well elizabeth yeah, former have to look at it. Elizabeth mick null vainny was with mulvaney was with us last night, he would agree with you. They need to prove individually each and every one of those votes was fraudulent, so we hear what youre saying. We want to move on to this story, the Republican Party so far is the big winner, the election is not a repudiation of gop policies, democrats will have the slimmest majority in two decades in the house. Ten of those democrats did not back nancy pelosi in the last congress, her gavel is still in question. We see the namecalling and mudslinging going on, Johnny Deutsche saying, you are a, quote, moron if you think the voter is going to go for socialism. Hes a tv pundit. Weve seen alexandria ocasiocortez in a fight with senator joe manchin tweeting back at him, a death stare she gave to him. Hes saying that no way would democrats and should democrats back, quote, the crazed socialist agenda, they should not back defund the police. This seems like a growing fight, infighting inside the democrat party. Youre down there, what do you see . I think its very contentious, and its a house divided. I dont see it getting any better as the democrats will determine who would lead the house and their party. I think this election was a referendum on pelosis agenda of obstruction, impeachment and socialism. She made a deal with the radical left, its a very small group, but its a very loud group, and she basically gave them the pen to write the legislation. This isnt just rhetoric. They put it on paper, they passed it through the United States house of representatives. And the American People are not buying it it. Minorities have moved to the Republican Party in droves. Theyre not buying defunding the police and open borders and socialized everything. They know what a disaster. And especially minority communities, my hispanic fellow americans who have heritage in latin america where theyve seen the authoritarian socialist rule and way and what it does to the people and to the country. It ruins it. So i think that theyre not buying identity politics, they dont want a country that has to apologize all the time and pits one group over the other and keeps us always fighting. They want an american that theyre proud of, and they want leaders who will fight for them, and they want better opportunities, and thats what they got with President Trumps leadership and with republican policies. So its an affirmation of republican policies as well. Elizabeth okay. Congressman Jodey Arrington its good to see you. Thanks for coming on. Thanks, elizabeth. Elizabeth coming up, former federal prosecutor jim trusty is back with us. Hes going to break down this story, democrat adam schiff now trying to get out in front on the media by downplaying the hunter biden controversy as Senate Republicans are poised to expand and intensify and escalate the prose there. Story next. There absolutely should be a special counsel investigation. Were going to have a special counsel investigation for 18 months basing a document on the Trump Campaign that was completely false, we have a whole bunch of evidence here of a lot of evidence of wrongdoing on behalf of the biden family, of hunter, his brother and all the things that they were doing in these different foreign governments. We all have our own journey ahead of us. Our own hopes and dreams. Well pass many milestones. Moments that define you. And drive you. To achieve even more. So, celebrate every one. Because success isnt just about where you want to get to. Its also about how you get there the all new 2021 cadillac escalade. Never stop arriving. Its also about how you get there beautiful. But when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. 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Jim, we always love having you on. Here is whats going on, house intelligence chair adam schiff is now saying that republicans investigating the biden family would be a degradation of our democracy. This after the Senate Homeland security and Senate Finance put out a report based on treasury records and bank records what the biden family was doing in their business dealings in china, in russia, ukraine and kazahkstan. Republicans say they will intensify their probe into this. Your take on adam schiff now. Well, look, the day that we can say adam schiff is fair or credible is the day that we can say im quitting the law to be a supermodel. It is ludicrous. This guy was jury, you know, judge, jury and executioner. Remember, this is a guy that stopped congressional hearings to run out in the hall and have press conferences to breathlessly announce that the president is a traitor. This guy is a joke. What hes doing right now is essentially anticipatory obstruction. Its recognizing that, you know, theres a good chance that theres going to be a new administration, new attorney general, and hes setting the stage to have people walk away from an obvious point of inquiry. It may not be a fullblown case at this point, but youd have to be remarkably incurious to not have concerns about russia, ukraine, kazahkstan and the biden flow of money through shell corporations to joe. Theres a lot to ask about. Elizabeth yeah. The New York Times two years ago also detailed what was going on with the biden familys interaction with the Chinese Energy conglomerate. The guy who was accused of, charged with Money Laundering and bribery, the first phone call he made was to joe bidens brother james biden. As i said, theres government documents, weve been seeing them talking about this, about, you know, what Bank Records Show end happened here. You talked about how adam schiff has been criticized for repeatedly going on television and making misstatements that he claims are facts. Lets show you what adam schiff has done on tv. Lets watch this. This is about as clear evidence you could find of intent by the campaign to collude with the russians. He may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time. The russians offered help, the campaign accepted help. The russians gave help, and the president made full use of that help. Theres clear evidence on the issue of collusion. There is ample evidence of collusion. An asset of the russians. Elizabeth okay. The Mueller Report found nothing, nothing to support what adam schiff said. So, you know, is this a preview of what were going to see from adam schiff as senator grassley is expected to lead the charge on these probes . You know, look, i think schiff has been consistent if nothing else, hes been consistently dishonest, consistently show boating and consistently making up facts just to suit his political am bugses. So, yeah ambitions. So, yeah, were going to hear a lot from this guy. I have to say when i look at the guy, i think the fact that at least at some point, i dont know if it was for a minute or for a year, he was a federal prosecutor, and he has completely abandoned any pretension of procedural fairness or of just being judicious. So its very sad, you know, to see anybody if clamor to this guy like hes got some credibility. Again, i guess im more interested not in the political component, although it could be very interesting to watch, i would like to see the Law Enforcement component. Theyre the ones that should be looking at, you know, burisma deals and comments by a sitting Vice President about shutting things down while his son is benefiting from that. Elizabeth yeah. You know, cesc, the Chinese Energy conglomerate, was acting like a middleman to help iran avoid sanctions and also accused of doing arms dealing. It was backed by, you know, the Top Executive had close connections with chinas government. You talk about Shell Companies, weve been digging into numerous Shell Companies hunter biden and husband family was using to his family was using to get money, his financial dealings involve Shell Companies connected to the wife of the former mayor of moscow, 3. 5 million through a Shell Company connected to hunter biden. He set up a Shell Company for the entire cesc deal in order to avoid registering under fara. He basically got money out of china wired in to hunter biden, hunter biden got it from china via a Shell Company. Were highlighting the shells in yellow e that show the money sluicing in from overseas to accounts connected to hunter or biden. So, you know, so this story, do you think this story is over . Do you think its done . We keep seeing, you know, government reports about how theres potential for criminal activity here. Thats what the homeland and Senate Financial reports said, interaction between hunter biden, his family and associates with ukraine, russia, kazahkstan and china. Well, liz, theres a few kind of pivotal points to look at as you would start an investigation into these matters. One is who are the people who are making donations. When you talk about a russian oligarchs wife making a payment, thats huge, or burisma, you know, or some of these folks that are connected to iran or china. Theres a lot of potential bad players who are out there. The next thing youd look at is what are the services, what are they actually getting from the hunter biden. And if theyre basically just selling access to the Vice President , then were off and running. And, of course, Shell Companies as we have talked about before, theyre not necessarily illegal. Theres plenty of real estate transactions where Shell Companies are used to legitimately limit liability. But if its cloak and dagger, if its being used to keep people seeing the money trail, thats important. And, look, a lot of this stuff is accompanied with money wires, suspicious activity reports. Thats great stuff for investigators to be able to know some bedrock facts early into their investigation. So, look, i think if you have any sense of fair play, you think this stuff should be run down by congress or by, you know, the fbi or by both, and thats what i would hope would happen, but well have to wait and see. Elizabeth all right. Jim trust few, well certainly have you back on. Thanks for your insights there. Thanks, liz. Elizabeth next up, former Trump Deputy National security adviser kt kt mcfarland. Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald ripping into the media for ignoring the documents in the hunter biden controversy. That story next. The cia is just simply asserting, as are people like adam schiff, the chairman of the intelligence committee, that the emails are the providence of russia, that this is russian disinformation which is an absolute lie. They have no evidence and no basis for making that claim, and more kiss turning still is that journalists are simply going around asserting that. For over 30 years, lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2021 rx 350 for 419 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. At university of phoenix, students with relevant Life Experience and eligible transfer credits save on average 11k and 1 year off their undergrad degree. See how much you can save. But children living in the worlds poorest places face the greatest risks of all. 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Because for years he said, oh, donald trump, hes a russian agent, hes part of a conspiracy, hes definitely an agent for russia when turns out there was nothing there. And now when there actually is real stuff there, as Glenn Greenwald is writing about, real evidence of biden family corruption particularly with china, what does adam schiff say . Oh, no, nothing there, nothing there. Black is white, white is black, but the china thing is real, and the chinese do corruption this withdraw. Now, the russians, liz, when they do corruption, they put the money in the politicians swiss bank account. Or if you really get on the wrong side of them, they knock you off. China, they put the money in the relatives bank account so that you never can trace it to the official. But it turns out grannys a millionaire, shes in a nursing home in gaga. So when the bidens got off the phone, off the plane in beijing, joe biden goes to have meetings with the chinese officials, hunter goes to have meetings with the chinese businessmen. What happens when they come back . Hunter biden has billion and a half dollars of contract, and joe bidens just given away the store. Go figure. Elizabeth okay. So we the Glenn Greenwald is also saying this. This is a quote from him. He says adam schiff is a, quote, shameless pathological liar, that adam schiff was going on the media talking about the hunter biden story claiming this is russian disinformation. Hes citing a letter from 50 former intelligence officials, but he left out the crucial fact that these former intelligence officials admitted they did the not know for sure that this would, this really was russian disinformation, right . So thats in their letter, even though that they speculate that it is, that Hunter Bidens story is russian disinformation, you know, thats a crucial fact. So how can you now report that, right . I mean, weve got dan rather saying the media is harder on joe biden than donald trump and that weve got cnn anchors saying this hunter biden story is, quote, too disgusting to repeat on camera. When theres government documents spelling out what is going on. Your thoughts on that, kt. Well, the cnn anchors, the same cnn anchors are calling donald trump a fascist and a nazi. Again, i think this is all upside down, and the tragedy is its the press. I mean, i expect politicians to lie, cheat, spin, steal. But the press that are censoring free come of freedom of speech . Thats prettied bad. When you get to that point, its not just that theyre partisans, but theyve become the ones who are censoring the media. And youre right, that letter that those intelligence officials wrote, youve got to read the small print because the small print negates everything that theyve said before. Elizabeth so why did they put out the letter . Well, they put out the letter because theyre trying to put their thumb on the scale. These are a lot of the same people, the ones who were talking about the whole russia hoax thing. I mean, from clapper, comey, all these guys were part of the russia hoax, the russia investigation that turned out they knew there was never anything there. They knew there was never any collusion, there was never any connection to trump and the russians, but they put it out [inaudible conversations] yeah. Elizabeth yeah, the story that trump helped russia hack. Yeah, go ahead. No. And so but even more than that, liz, mean, they were i mean, they were going to schiffs committee behind closed doors and saying there was no evidence that donald trump was connected to the russians, thatconnected to the hacking, but also there was collusion to try to win the election for trump with the russians. And yet they were saying publicly just the opposite. Well, now theyre saying the opposite again where you cant trust its almost like if they say one thing, you know, thats the tell. It really means something else. Elizabeth all right. Kt mcfarland, good to see you. Thanks for joining us. Good to see you, liz, thanks. Elizabeth sure. Still ahead, Media Research center Vice President dan gainer is back with us. Hes going to take on the medias inflammatory rhetoric. Were going to break it down. Basically, the immediate medo mad about the 2016 election, mad about the 2016 election, they vowed to make trump music time and time again, you know when im doing street magic. Ill walk up to someone and i can just see theyre against me right . They dont want to be amazed. They dont want this experience to happen. But then the magic happens. Can we be there . And all of that falls away. Oh, just think of the time i know that some will say come on man it matters a little babe. Stunned. I believe in magic. 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For more information about talking with your kids about underage use of alcohol and other drugs, visit underagedrinking. Samhsa. Gov. So talk, they hear you. You can do it if you try. Elizabeth with me now is Media Research cr Vice President dan gain e err. Dan dan gainor. Okay, inflammatory rhetoric in the media, they said trump would pull out the military, theyre calling him hitler, saying hes a fascist, saying its, quote, disgusting to cover the hunter biden controversy. Whats your first thought . Oh, its not journalism. You cant tell any difference between the comments that joe biden makes where he prepares trump to goebbels. I mean, the journalists are just the p. R. Team for the bind administration. Biden administration. Elizabeth you know, id like to play sort of a montage of what the media and democrats have been saying about President Trump calling in the military to stay in power in order to, quote, steal the election. Watch this. Looking at potentially a trial run for a kind of, a genuine attempt to, through intimidation and potentially through force, to try to, to try to steal this election. If he loses, and i expect that he will, we have to be prepared for things that this nation has never faced before. And, unfortunately, that could involve the use of, you know, these forces. It has been suggested that this is a trial run for the president of the United States who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election. This is just the president s own version of martial law since the real military has kind of pushed back from doing that. Elizabeth you heard all that. What are your thoughts . Well, its insane. This, were hearing this kind of rhetoric from the media when donald trump wont accept the election, hes going to declare martial law, they never accepted the 2016 election. They parade Hillary Clinton out there to disagree, they e promoted false, you know, the false electors so that some people would be unfaithful and vote otherwise to keep donald trump out of office. But you go back to 2000, and they loved the idea of challenging elections when al gore was doing it. This rhetoric has become so incendiary, its so dangerous. The people who are putting our nation and our republic at risk, its not trump, its the press. Elizabeth you know, its a lot of opinion, right . So the its a lot of people talking to each other in the same corner, agreeing with each other and amping each other up. On our program we push back, and weve had guests push back on things the president has said. Andrew mccarthy has said things hes tweeted is inexcusable. Ivanka trump has said its hard to take, so has melania trump, some of the things he says, it isnt right. But when you hear it go to that degree that its martial law, hitler and fascism without facts underneath it to support it, dan, where are we headed with this . Well, were headed to a very dangerous place. Weve been fortunate that they have not been able to pit americans against one another any more than they have. But what theyve tried to do is turn a nation of 330 million people, you know, into an armed, violent version of twitter. Elizabeth okay. Dan gainor, its good to have you on. I wish we had more time. Have a good weekend, okay . You do the same. Look forward to seeing you. Elizabeth same here. Okay. National Border Patrol Council Art Del Cueto coming in. Border officials warning another 2014 border crisis could be becoming, talking potentially more illegal border crossings. Apprehensions since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. Introducing the most versatile and advanced chevy suburban and tahoe ever. New projects means you need to hire. Gers. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Elizabeth lets welcome back national borr Patrol Council Vice President art del cueto. Art, its great to have you on, we love having you on. Were seeing apprehensions at the border of illegal border crossings nearly triple since the spring, and now Border Patrol warning were about to have a crisis like the one we had in 2014 with up accompanied children. What are you guys hearing . The difference right now, liz, is the individuals detained and arrests are being sent back to their country. The people that are being detained that have warrants and have past criminal, theyre facing consequences. The problem is moving forward with the new administration saying that they were going to stop the wall, theyre going to stop any type of deportations, the big issue that i believe were going to see because we saw it in the last administration is youre going to have a bunch of people false claiming asylum, theyre going to be coming in, getting released in the United States, its going to be the same old catch and release all over again. What that does is it creates a humongous magnet for a wunsch of criminals bunch of criminals to say, hey, you know, if i come into the u. S. , theyre not going to deport me, i can just claim asylum and just run awe mock. Thats very irresponsible, very irresponsible to even say youre going to do that. Elizabeth yeah. And weve seen illegal border crosser es not just from south america or central america, from asia, from the middle east, from africa. So, you know, we see drug cartels trying to break in via planes, drones, boats and tunnels to deliver hard core narcotics. So the border is still really, really vulnerable right now. Your thoughts . We have been very blessed with the administration right now under the Trump Administration to be able to enforce the laws that are on the books. But when you start hearing the new administration flat out say theyre not going to enforce the immigration laws, theyre not going to do deportations, theyre going to stop building the wall, its insane to even hear. I think weve taken so many steps forward in securing our nations borders, and now were going to take this gigantic step back and at the same time create that huge magnet that weve always talked about thats going to allow criminals to come into our country, and its going to allow a lot of these cartels to start bringing in, you know, their drugs. Because youre going to have agents tied up, you know, with a lot of those individuals that are false claiming asylum. So its going to leave wide open areas for drugs to come in. And, i mean, you dont know, but under that administration lets remember a lot of the Holding Cells that were being used at the time were those cages that everyone decided to blame President Trump for. And now i think a lot of people are educated and realize that that was under the obama administration. Elizabeth you know, were seeing tons and tons of narcotic seizures, you know, in Southern California it was enough meth recently seized to dose every man, woman and child in both the u. S. And mexico. Weve seen mexicos homicides per capita higher than the middle east. We see also, art, in 2006, you know, the democrats, 2 of them votes 26 of them voted for a secure fencing and barrier act to build border barriers, 700 miles. President trump accomplished 400 miles of that. Were talking joe biden, thensenator barack obama, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer said, yeah, do it. That was 2006. This only changed within the last decade or so where the democrats are saying no to what President Trump was trying to do at the border. Your thoughts. I think it changed when you ended up having radicals, you know, take on political positions that started attacking and not really caring about america. Thats honestly what i believe. Right now is not the time the take any steps back. Its the epitome of saying, you know what . Im going to open up my front door and just let anyone that wants to come in my home run amok and not face any consequences. Very irresponsible. Elizabeth e health yeah. You know, we saw the Golden Gate Bridge when authorities stopped a man in a car, he was knocked out of control, and then the Law Enforcement approached the car. This happened just recently. They got knocked out too within seconds because he had a form of fentanyl in the car, and its such a powerful narcotic that it just, you know, wipes these guys out, and they all had to go to the hospital. I mean, i dont we keep seeing these stories. You see the danger of that too, right . Whats going on with this fentanyl alone, right . You know, and thats the big issue. These individuals that are going to be allowed to just come into the country at the time that are going to hold up our agents doing something different, whats going to happen is youre going to have these criminal elements that are going to take advantage of that, and theyve already taken advantage of it because they dont just bring, you know, marijuana in, they bring cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, and its going into our city streets. Elizabeth okay. Art del cueto, thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate it. And thank you so much for watching. Im Elizabeth Macdonald, youve been watching the in a wild west ghost town. A teenager stumbles upon a dilapidated gold mine. And its owner. She had a no trespassing sign at the gate. Does she say, im calling the cops, or does she pull an annie get your gun . Its the start of an uncommon relationship. Im thinking, youre a smooth operator. No, it was just the history i was interested in. Next thing her family knows, the guys getting their strange inheritance. I said, i certainly hope youre on the upandup. But is this old mine spent . Ruth, i got a lot of respect for you now. Or could it still make him rich . Theres still gold here. This is by far the hottest re

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