Marie Lang Lauren Trumpore was instrumental in advocating for the new Undergraduate Research Scholars awards. She will be among the inaugural class of honorees recognized at graduation this May. Forty members of the inaugural class of Undergraduate Research Scholar Awardees will be honored at this year’s graduation ceremonies. The recognition highlights their accomplishments in a variety of complex and demanding research areas during their time at RIT. It also shows RIT’s commitment to meeting the growing demand by undergraduates for research experiences to complement coursework. “We have an extremely high density of undergraduates who are engaged in independent, scholarly research,” said Ryne Raffaelle, RIT’s vice president for research and associate provost. “Hands-on education through research continues to be a hallmark of an RIT undergraduate education. What we are happy to see this year is the breadth of fields represented and the depth of the work of this first class and anticipate even more in the years ahead.”