View Comments Editor's note: This story has been updated with council members' remarks, as well as opinions from citizen speakers. FOND DU LAC - The City Council voted Wednesday to terminate the agreement with Lakeside Forward, which planned to add a multipurpose building, ice skating rink and amphitheater to Lakeside Park. The vote passed 4 to 3, with council members Tiffany Brault and Keith Heisler, as well as council president Kay Miller and vice president Patrick Mullen in favor; and council members Arletta Allen, Ben Giles and Donna Richards opposed. A vote to amend the agreement — to reflect moving the planned multipurpose building slightly west of its present planned location — was brought forward first, but failed 4 to 3, with Giles, Allen and Richards in favor; and Miller, Mullen, Brault and Heisler opposed.