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the demographic shift that keeps showing up in poll after pollk yo after poll. and you mentioned these demographics earlier. african hispanic americans,n-amr young people. that is a biicg of the par democratic coalition. and you've heard people liket ee james carville, like really angry. and i've known james, i've debate y d james over the years.. i like him. yeah, crazy. but like himhe's cra i. and he's a smart guy and peoplen david axelrod and van jones and even maureen dow d, l you know, powerful voices in the democratic partn thy, sensing that that coalition is crashing. >> i would argue that the that the radical party of the left today is nothing like the old democratic party. is not likthey become the party of coastal elites and the and republican, especially under you, has become the party of of hard working americans. you know, rank and file the people when you went out

Related Keywords

People , Poll , African Hispanic Americans , Demographics , Demographic , Biicg , Shift , Democratic Coalition , Par , Ee , Pollk Yo , N Amr , Known James , Peoplen , Dow D , Smart Guy , Cra I , James Carville , Himhe , David Axelrod , Van Jones , Nothing , Democratic Party , Coalition , Voices , Radical Party Of The Left , Partn Thy , Party , Republicans , Hard Working Americans , Elites , Rank And File ,

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