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Be widely available. We will have 100 million shots in arms by the end of february. The experience will look at what you do for a flu, cbs, cvs, krogers, or at your Doctors Office so that is the experience we are trying to recreate. Dana President Trump calling it a modernday miracle and touting Operation Warp speed. If i wasnt president you wouldnt have a vaccine for five years, okay . I push the fda, Companies Involved like nobodys ever been pushed before and now you have it rolling out. But this has been a great really medical miracle. And its going to have a tremendous impact. Juan williams, lets start with you and give the floor over to our cohost. Juan i think this is great news, dana. I had this covid thing and it is great news. You dont want to mess with this. I just think it is a wonderful day for america that we have this vaccine now being distributed. The key point i would ask everyone to keep in mind, no point, no time to let your guard down. It will take a while for this to be distributed. Until then, we all have to be vigilant. We have to keep wearing our masks. We have to keep the social distance in place and just work with each other. But this is a great day. And i think it is a moment where we can say government work for the people. Dana we are glad you are feeling better. Greg, i was thinking in the last ten years since we Work Together there has been several significant, historical moments. I think this is probably the most hopeful, the most uplifting one that i can remember. Greg two points, number one come i think when people hear trump say this couldnt har president , i can see his critics like scowling. But the reason why he does that is because no one will give him credit. And he actually does deserve credit. And i will say this, we, the media were wrong about this. We were wrong about the belief that we could do this. I dont think we were as like mocking as cnn or msnbc was about this vaccine. But remember they were sagging, this is impossible. This cannot happen. And trump says we are going to try to do it. And hes oddly been responsible for a lot of impossible things, whether north korea or these middle east peace plans and how this covid moon shot. These are things, these are impossibilities and tells you why you need trump in this world. Trumps may be irritating and obnoxious but they are responsible for doing things that nice guys cant do. A lot of those things are often impossible. He has had an impact as you can see on politics come on media come on medicine and of course foreign policy. So you didnt know you needed trump until you got trump. And in this case we needed him. Last thing i want to warn people what happens after a vaccine. People will die. But the reason for that is because people will die every day. I think it is roughly 7,000 people die every day. The challenge with vaccines has always been tidying or getting sick in the same age period that you get a vaccine. So there is this natural in Natural Inclination to correlate the illness or the death with what happened. And we see this a lot with vaccines and it turns out it is often not true. So i would warn people against the correlation being causation thing and always examine the data when it comes out rather than freaking out when you see something, when you hear about somebody dying, you are going to freak out, right . Because that is what we do. But you have to wait and look at this data and step back and look at all of the data. It may simply be correlation and not causation. Dana all right, emily, lets get your take. Sure, first of all, it is exciting to witness history and in the opener, dana, his dad to come at the memory of the Polio Vaccine Rollout and i think it is an amazing time to be an american and witness this. Two things come to mind for me. One is incarcerated and one about Small Businesses both of which you know i feel strongly about. We know prisons are total institutions like hospitals. So what that means, the population lives they are full time socially distance in these institutions are necessary to us in society. Those in prisons and jails are four times more likely to get covid than the general population and twice as likely to die. This is why we should care in society, compassion. 93 of those incarcerated will eventually be let back into society. So i think when we are talking about priorities here, we cant ignore that really large and important segment of the population. And secondly about Small Businesses, two made the Vaccine Stepping through the door into the aftermath of the pandemic. And for Small Businesses and the families behind all of these businesses i hope the funds are expunged and i hope Liquor Licenses and without penalty still on the hook. So i hope we as a collective we will support them but also in the matter of legislation. So relaxing these regulations that might continue. As we look forward on the day that the vaccine is rolling out. Dana a lot forward to you, jesse. Jesse i am happy that juan is back, welcome back mr. Williams. Im glad you didnt inject bleach but you told me it was on a good idea. And you made it out okay. That is good. [laughter] i do want to say though what trump did say earlier in the year that the vaccine would be out in a year, nbc news did a factcheck. They said the expert said that trump was dead wrong. So tomorrow i will revoke the badges of said experts because dana, you remember my definition of an expert. An expert is someone a liberal journalist calls on the phone when they need back up here are the liberal journalists says i have an opinion that i will not change. I need you to get me back. They say yes, you are an expert. That is what they do. The democrats and the media and all the expert said that trumps Distribution Plan wasnt going to be able to be pulled off. Yet it looks like he is pulling it off flawlessly, so i expect apologies tomorrow at the earliest. They said he wouldnt be able to do the biggest Mass Mobilization for medical industry and the entire country. He did it. Now, hes doing a mass vaccination mobilization. So i do think mike pence should get vaccinated. I know trump said he doesnt want to get vaccinated and he doesnt need it because he is the antibodies. But i would like to see him roll up his sleeves, show off those president ial guns, and as dr. Siegel stick him with a needle live on fox friends so everybody can see that it is safe. [laughter] dana you will have a busy day tomorrow, jesse. All right, up next, it is not over yet according to President Trump. He says he will keep fighting the Electoral College votes today. vo when subaru shares the love, good things happen. 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Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. Jesse the Electoral College is voting right now. But President Trump said his fight and challenge of result is far from over a period that comes after the Supreme Court refused to hear a texas case that challenges results in four, he states. But is not over. We keep going and we continue to go forward. We have numerous cases where the states got rig dan robbed from us. So it was a rigged election. It was really a sham and a shame. I worry about the country having an illegitimate president. That is what i worry about. A president that lost and lost badly. This was not like a close election. You look at georgia and we won we won pennsylvania pig, we won pennsylvania big. Jesse joe biden is set to speak tonight after the Electoral College finishes voting. Greg, just breaking, an audit of all the dominion machines and found 68 error rate and all of the software was wiped illegally. People are saying they have to look at all the machines and all the counties, but i mean, it is an Uphill Battle from here. Yeah, and im wondering where are all the people in the media and the liberals that hit the Electoral College . They have gotten very, very quiet. Look, just for the people that are laughing or making fun of this effort, this has been going on for one month. If you dont like this but you didnt mind for years of a collusion hoax, you have lost the right to comment. We dont have to listen to you. You cant accuse anybody of undermining democracy because you did that for four years. The other mistake, donald trump is somehow leading this effort, i dont think he is. I think he is responding to his supporters who legitimately feel they have been cheated. Now i will get to the point where they feel they are cheated. Unlike others, he will not be dismissing the people who supported him for years. He is following through with their own faith in him. Trump didnt just win in 2016. It was the voice of American Voters who are often ignored and bought. I think we should Pay Attention to that Going Forward. All right, we know what is going on. There was fraud, but the solution, which is throwing out this election is being deemed worse than the actual wrongdoi wrongdoing. The courts are saying, im sorry, what can we do . We dont want a civil war. I hear you. You have the affidavits. You have the testimony and they definitely tell a story of widespread bullying and intimidation. You are right to be upset. But to reduce the transparency of the voting tabulation. Everybody knows this. However, what is The Next Step . The next step, nobody wants to take responsibility for that. The corn film i courts dont so they say there is nothing we can do. That is my theory. Jesse emily were you surprised the Supreme Court didnt take there illegal scholars to adjudicate between the two states . People thought they would take it but they didnt. Emily i wasnt surprised. I expected them to issue an order pretty quickly on the standing issue to be honest. To gregs point, it will give a really brief overview of the legal landscape. Since the election, just since the election there were 39 lawsuits filed by the g. O. P. And trump campaign, 36 of which either dismissed or lost thus far. Three are still pending, two out of wisconsin in one out of georgia. The wisconsin one, remedy thought to State Legislature pick the Electoral College and given to todays date, moot. So taking a step back short of continuing to file and arguably you could say President Trump is running out of time and options at least in the courts for the selection. So the way that i look at it now, the shift of the focus should be what he can control and what he can do, which is lobbing in georgia. That is what hes doing. That is the last Standing Wave for him to preserve the legacy he left for four years and. Think he has accomplished and to ensure this was not a what dont make onehit wonder and the accomplishments of this Administration Try to sustain throughout the next four years. And i will conclude with actually a point i found in politico today and thats him running 2424. He doesnt need to run but he needs to have us think that he will run and that he will continue to be again like i always say the sun around which Everything Else orbits. Jesse the sun around which Everything Else orbits. Did politico say that where was that Emily Compagno right there . Emily i did mean everything in that topic. Jesse okay. Dana, what are your thoughts on all of this . Dana i will just pick up on something emily said about george appear that president is being as helpful as he can encouraging people to vote as early as possible. Early voting started today. On the ground some of the democrats are saying we have this big lead but it actually doesnt look like they do. They are way down in absentee voting, mailin voting than they were before the general election. But there is something that the Republican Party needs to think about. That was in georgia in 2020, there was in the Primary Election and then the general election, 24,500 registered Republican Voters that voted in the primary. Did not then vote in the general peer that could have made all the difference. So when you are talking about legacy, to emilys point, they have to think about that. How did they get the voters to make sure they turn out to . Jesse juan, joe biden will be speaking tonight. You know, hes got a lot of work to do because half of the country thinks he cheated and stole it. Do you have any advice to him how to change those peoples minds . Juan welcome i think hes on a good track. He is talking about healing and largely ignored donald trump. I mean, despite what donald trump said to brian kilmeade, this is over appear this is really over. And the Supreme Courts ruling on friday, i mean, that put the nail in the coffin for a dead idea which is there was some fraudulent corrupt pursuit of the presidency by joe biden or that votes were somehow layered and that didnt exist. This is really wrongheaded. You think about the number of republicans in congress who signed on to this, they misled their own supporters, voters, many trump voters. They misled them in a way that i think really is shameful because i think and you lead people to be disappointed. Of course, you lead people to lack trust in our own democratic system and process. That shouldnt have been. It becomes a Feedback Group where they are saying something in the voters are saying it, no, they and trump were leading people down the path, and i think it is really about, you know, may be raising money for themselves. I dont know what else you could say except it is just shameful and it is they are corruption that is the issue, not the corruption of the voters or the Election Process Peer that has been verified by everybody. And the Supreme Court has put its stamp on the idea the American People and their votes should be the last word on what happened 2020 president ial race. Jesse i dont think they are misleading anybody. I think they are probably representing their constituents who listen to dozens and dozens of witnesses testified they saw fraud command that is what they believe. And bidens legal issues are getting a whole lot worse. Plus new email shows joe biden might know a lot more than he is claiming. This year, we learned anythings possible. Even fast delivery on the perfect last minute gift from your walmart store. Really fast. Really perfect. Lets end the year nailing it. And im still going for my best. 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And if your ability to afford your medication has changed, we want to help. And other Money Managers dont understand why. Because our way works great for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. But you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . We dont have those. So, whats in it for you . Our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. But with walmarts low prices, you still know how to do it up. And keep costs down. Lets end the year enjoying more. You are all i need baby baby to get by greg as the feds get closer, things get gross or pure the probe into hunters questionable Income Practices expand targeting the ukrainian feelings, china and potential money laundering. Fox news have females in which hunter asked a key be made for his new office mate for a shared space with Chinese Energy firms adversary. The mate, his dad, joe, his uncle jim and dr. Joe biden. It is always good to have a medical professional and staff. So this stinks like a old diaper at a red lobsters dumpster. It makes you wonder how long the pathetic media will pretend there is nothing to see here. Lets note the contrast between investigation into someone they hate versus someone they love. First the dossier. The dossier has been cooperated by the intelligence community. The speaker that dossey is far from bogus. So far nothing in the dossier has been disproved. It is inaccurate dossier. What a bunch of dopes. No hunter. We know this is a classic example of the right wing media. Talking about biden, hunter biden and most of those charges verified peddling faceless Conspiracy Theories about joe biden and his son. As you know perfectly well, im a journalist and a reporter and i follow the facts. There has never been any issues of corruption. Greg you got to point out that you are a journalist, you are not. It is worth noting since the Hunter Evidenc actually real, ne paid for a phony dossier and media to pass it around like a crack pipe so it got reverified by other. One heck shares it with another and suddenly two sources are getting high together. They did this for four years and still got nothing but dumber. Meanwhile, hunter wasnt going rogue but working for joe to secure millions for him after 50 years of snipping hera. Except hunter didnt factor in not retiring. Now left holding the bag wondering if jill gets seamless . Are you sure you want to do this . But sadly china has joe over a barrel, barrel filled with a lot of dirt. What a relief for president xi and thought on our behalf instead of chasing popularity. No wonder china cant wait until inauguration. Neither can joe. A lot can happen in six weeks. We went to Kamala Harris for comment. [laughter] greg so joe biden officially reached the threshold. I think they are talking about the Electoral College and not actually entering a room. Do you want me to read this now question works in breaking news, california putting President Elect joe biden over the edge. I was trying to do that. He is now 270 electoral votes, and the next major snap when congress has to come from the results. So, jesse, i love the media mocking us for covering this too much. I think we have do we have a tweet from Cnn Media Guys often consumed by fox . I dont know if we have it. If we dont come i will keep talking and looking at your beautiful hair. I love this part, box lid this hour with more fallout from Hunter Biden Investigations from brian salter who then says fox has a big problem with Portion Control. You know, im going to let that go. Im going to let that go, jesse. Im not going to think terrible thoughts. [laughter] im just going to say they had Portion Control problems with collusion and Everything Else. You take it away and im going to shut up. Jesse they are gluttonous with collusion. I too will not make fat jokes. I refrain from that in 2020 and i will stick to it. [laughter] it is funny though, joe biden shares his office with a Chinese Communist for three years. So for three years he puts the key in the door, opens the door, walks past the chinese guys office and the nameplate says something, the guys name. And then he walks to his office and sits down. Hunter, who is the chinese guy named dong we are sharing an office with . He represents the exxonmobil of china, dont worry about it. We will hold ten for you. How is a reporter not ask joe, hey, joe, did you ever go to your office . Well you were there, did you see dong and that seems like a relevant question which someone still has not asked, have you ever met tony b . Lets get this straight hunter biden son of President Elect i have to call him and he goes over to a foreign country, brings home 500,000, hides it from the irs, spends it on escorts instead, gets pregnant and escort and a dancer and when she says, can you pay me some Child Support . He says no, no, no, he fights it. This makes don jr. Looked like an angel. Don jr. Turned over everything. He sat for hours in a deposition, handed over thousands of documents and hunter and his uncle james are stiff arming congressional investigators. And joe, meanwhile says come i never talk to hunter about business. He wasnt making any money and china. Everything was clean in ukraine and this was Russia Disinformation Pier that was all the likes. Who would have thought a lifelong politician with a history of plagiarism and family drifting could be so dishonest . Greg i dont know. [laughter] juan, you got covid come a virus china. Isnt that enough to impeach joe biden . [laughter] juan i dont know but somebody should be paying a price. Ive been listening and i just think to myself, you know, we dont know how bad this is going to get for hunter biden. We just dont know. But i do think, i do think President Trump is wrong to be going after bill barr, the Attorney General and saying he should have expose this during the election. To my mind, bill barr was acting in accordance with the law. So what you get now is President Trump who has his own tax problems and his kids have tax problems try to put the onus and the focus on joe biden. There is no indication joe biden has any role in this at all and as regards to hunter biden, well have to understand that hunter look, they talked about him, i dont think he was actually there. I dont think that was his office, jesse. But i believe that because i dont know for sure. But im just saying, it looks to me like trump has no regard for even an ally, even one of his most stalwart allies bill barr because all trump cares about is getting reelected. He didnt care about the law or how this country works or the fact that we are not a country of men but a country of laws that protect us all. Greg very sexist, juan men and women. Dana, this should be the biggest scandal of fulltime peer of the biggest scandal of fulltime and the media ignoring it. Dana worse than watergate. Youve got to believe it, youve got to believe it. I believe the Biden Transition Team is keeping scoops of problems going into their transition. One is that all of these other stories, the Electoral College fight, the vaccine, and also hunter biden in a way. And basking in the fact they have not had a great rollout of the nominees for the federal government. In fact, the progressives are quite unhappy. I think there will be some difficulty Going Forward for them there. And then you have to wonder, Georgia Communications people for the biden team, you think everyday how in the world that i go through the whole day not get asked about the story . Well, i must be a very lucky person. Greg [laughter] you know, emily, you are an attorney. Hunter biden is an attorney. What say you . Emily i hope you are not insinuating something, greg. I will say this. So as we learn the u. S. Attorney john durham is expanding his team, right, the investigation into the Russia Collusion or a jump rope it is a reminder to us all how long investigations take, especially one that multiple jurisdictions and arent just about tax affairs, but are actually involving conflict, foreign transactions, and foreign powers. Two things come to mind for me and addition of the reminder, a government to take five years to investigate one count of tax evasion. So the two things are one, the duty and the power of the media, greg and dana, to your point about it and secondly, the fact that while this investigation, multiple investigations play out how crucial it is that there is a highlight on either conflicts of interest with a now President Elect joe biden where the perceived Conflict Of Interest with him in this administration. Because i think we have to know were resigned to the fact that other than scum of the Mainstream Media wont do it. Greg all right. I think the real scandal is my shirt, the caller is too big for the sweater. And i feel like a flying nun. It just doesnt feel right today and it is perfecting my performance. Coming up from andrew cuomo facing a new controversy after being hit with Sexual Harassment allegations. What he says happened next. Some hot cocoa . Mom, look are you okay . Head home this holiday with the one you love. 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Many sit and watched. This was a way for years. She also tweeted i know im not the only woman. Cuomo is denying the allegation. Dana come i think what we have here is he said she said so how do you see this being reconciled . Dana well, depends on if you are taking a left standard how to deal with it. Are we believing all women in this case, or should we, as i think, provide her a chance to see what she has to say and for him to be able to defend himself, Presumption Of Innocence. And they can deal with that. I do think it is pretty interesting only in a Democratic Party could a white male with a Pandemic Response in which you could trade the death of 10,000 people in Nursing Homes right back to him and be incredibly accused of Sexual Harassment and at the same time he considered for the Attorney General spy in a new administration. Juan all right, counsel, i was thinking about the idea she says she will not talk to reporters about this. Now, does that help or hurt the credibility of her claims . Emily i think to danos point, would only have a impactc opinion and unfortunately the media seems to shape depending on the party you belong. And it is important for viewers to understand Governor Cuomo considers himself a leader in the nation with antiSexual Harassment laws and signed into law lots of legislation that actually here would be pertinent depending on which way chooses to go. One thing that Workplace Harassment in the state of new york does not have to be severe or pervasive for it to be against the law. Secondly, there is no more mandatory arbitration clauses by employers. And lastly, the extended statue of limitations from all of which could come into play here. Juan all right, jesse. We know both the parties here are democrats, but we also know she is now running for office. Do you see any political motivation here . Jesse no, because she doesnt want to talk to reporters about it. Lucky for her, the reporters dont want to talk to her about it either. So are we ever going to find out . No, i guess we will judge them in the court of public opinion. And that is fine. It already looks like they are moving from it ignore her destroy her. Team cuomo leaked her hr file to the associated press. Apparently some Personnel Say that a bunch of women complain that she was kind of mean to them. In cuomos office and then she went to talk to cuomos top lawyer she resigned. It is already murky, they muddied the waters and that is fine. Do i think there will ever be any adjudication . No. The media killed the me too movement with tara reade. All out the door once that happened. So what would be a visceral republican and mortal wound, this is a scratch for a democr democrat. Juan greg, does this kill off cuomos chances of being an Attorney General . Greg i dont think so. I am taking a different tactic to what dana said. The left may embrace believe all women the idea Presumption Of Innocence went out the window. And we need to climb our way back to normalcy. I think everybody that has sit on the show and network have pretty much been reflective of common sense. That people should not be tried in the court of public opinion. She accused him of Sexual Harassment on twitter. I dont know, did she actually file any complaints . I dont know. Ive heard about this today. I dont know if she did but if she didnt and went on twitter and talking about this but doesnt want to talk to anybody or pursue these things were didnt want to pursue it, that she is weaponizing nonspecific, nondocumented accusations in a court of public opinion. Now, i dont have sympathy for cuomo for Different Reasons that we know, but he can handle this. Hes got money, hes got power, but when this happens to somebody else, somebody who runs a little restaurant or an accountant or whatever, that is a problem. And youve got to be consistent on this stuff. Im not a fan of trying somebody in the court of opinion whether a democrat or republican. Its not right. In the era of social media, it is getting really, really easy to destroy somebody. Juan all right. Breaking news here on the five, President Trump just tweeting that bill barr has resigned. Tweeting and here including, Deputy Attorney jeff rosen an outstanding person will become acting Attorney General, highly respected Richard Donahue taking over the Deputy Attorney general. Thank you to all. The president went on to say, just had a nice meeting with Attorney General bill barr at the white house. Our relationship has been a very good one. He has done an outstanding job. As per letter, bill will be leaving just before christmas to spend the holidays with his family. We will have more for you next on the five. Oh, let me come out we have the opportunity to stay, im sorry. Dana what do you make of this. You heard me say earlier i think bill barr was being unfairly blamed by trump for not earlier disclosing during the election what was going on with hunter biden. Do you think that is what is behind this early resignation . Dana well, we knew from about a week ago, there was an article and i believe it broke in the New York Times that said bill barr was considering whether to resign before the end of the administration to write about what i would take from the president s comments just now is that, this is even if there are a hard feelings, perhaps, they are not showing them in public. It was eight and michael to amicable breakup and he had confidence and Jeffrey Rosen who i used to work with and a Wonderful Guy ad bill barr has been a Public Servant and returning for President Trump. For a long time, President Trump thought that bill barr did a great job for him. And i think that has changed, but again, go back to what you just read to me. It sounds like President Trump taking the high road and taking the Attorney Generals letter at its word. And they had a good relationship, a good meeting, and that is the way things should be done. Any sort of Rumor Mongering about what the relationship might be i think will probably not be the truth. Because if they met facetoface and had a good meeting, that is the way to do good business. Juan greg, you know it strikes me Jeff Sessions left a little early, and now we see bill barr, obviously, he could have stayed until the president left office. It is just about a month away. So what do you think is going on . Greg i think none of this is surprising to me. Trump, the way he looks at things, he looks at things as incentives and disincentives. So every time he gets upset with somebody, he somehow viewed and again this is mindreading on my part, i could be completely wrong but that is often rare. But he believes, he believes that airing things publicly can be an incentive indicating a Problem Solved where getting a problem removed. And i have seen this happen with everybody. I think that if you get hired by trump, you know there is an expiration day. It is like, it is the way its going to be if your butt heads because he will Say Something publicly and you will go. And i think that is just the way it is to quote hornsby. Juan all right, greg, what about loyalist here . Nobody was more loyal and stood by trump through all the investigations and the like, now he is gone. A lot of people are going to say, boy, its about trump. Its never about the people who took a lot of arrows for him. Jesse are you directing that question at me, juan . Juan to you, you, jessie, yes. Jesse you said greg. I know we look so much alike. Although i would never wear such a ridiculous color sweater combo. I would say this. When it counted to come barr delivered. Bill barr came in and told mueller and his band to show cards. They had nothing after two years and he shut it down. There was never any collusion and you cant obstruct a crime you didnt commit. That was gone. With that said, he knew for years even during impeachment that hunter was up to no good. That the biden family was up to no good. And he didnt tell anybody about it. I would like to know that information, and i think millions of americans deserve to know that information. The only advantage i see to him doing that was because, it was a covert investigation. They never alerted hunter to the fact that they were investigating him. So hunter was running and gunning All Over The World for the last two years doing god knows what while the feds were building a case. Then they go from covert to overt, they have it. And its pretty fine tuned. So that is what i would say would be the advantage for not disclosing it to the public. Juan all right, emily, quickly theres been no indictment but bill barr is gone. What do you make of it . Emily i think two things about history will note is number one a resignation not aided termination and the respect issue that dana touched on the fact that the president publicly is sending him away yes an end and michael to Amicable Mannered and parting on good terms will be printed ik and white. And looking back on the surface of now former Attorney General barr, one of obedience and adherence to the doj guidelines in fact they did not take to the runup of the election of those important to me to take away. Juan thanks, emily. One more thinone more thing un the five. Whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Essential for sewing, but maybe not needles. For people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, theres a pill that may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. An unjection™. Dana it is time for one more thing. What do you god, juan . Juan dana, it is cold outside and snow was coming they tell me but that did not stop santa from a fishing trip on lake norman in north carolina. Take a look as nearly 3,000 santas got together with a Jolly Christmas record for fishing for bass. The event was sponsored by the Fishing Equipment company ugly stick and best of all, a great cause. The group raise more than 15,000 for toys for tots. By the way, the winning santa roger coomer, Scott Hamlin A Prize of 5,000 because they wheeled him 15,000 pounds of bass. One last thought before i go, guys. A lot of people i hadnt heard from in a long time reached out to me while i was sick with a coronavirus. It felt like i was living a christmas classic its a wonderful life. I want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you. The best medicine in the world is no link that despite all the politics, people really care. For me, it came home so personally. I sincerely thank you to so many folks, including my colleagues on the five. Dana we are glad you are here and feeling better, indeed. I want to go next. I want to tell people something i do every year. Christmas is right around the corner pier at the White House Historical association has this ornament, the annual ornament and this is a collection ive bn doing for years. I love it. This year is about jfk. This whole thing was founded by jackie kennedy. And the official White House Christmas ornament honors a former president each year and helps raise funds for educating the public hoping to preserve the white house and restore the white house and selling over 1 million ornaments annually. If you go to white house history. Org you can start your collection. I love mine, indeed. Okay, greg, you are next. Greg i want to read this email that i just got from larry gatlin who said you look like you are trying to find plymouth rock. [laughter] all you need is one of those pilgrim hats. We are celebrating christmas, greg, not thanksgiving. Anyway. [laughter] hysterical. Animals are great, animals are great, animals are great greg very quickly, taking your time. Pacing when you eat. Look at this little fella here. I guess it is an iguana although im not sure because i didnt read the package. Hes taking his time and that is very good because you dont end up having lots and lots of gaps. So eat your grub slowly. Look at that. Fantastic. Dana that is disgusting and i will have nightmares. Jesse. Jesse we have flamethrower news. There we go. It looked like rambo right there. Whoever made that will get an award. We had a Wasp Inpatient in a chinese town. The chinese knew how to handle it though. They strapped the Flame Thrower to a drone and took it out, the wasp nest like that. Not so great with the coronavirus, but great with wasp nest disposal. So congratulations, you guys. I could use that. Dana wow, we need to use that one murder hornets in your neck of the woods. Emily, your last and you have 30 seconds. Emily you know my favorite author, and jesse i think hes yours as well, but the cast teaming up to save his home and turn it into the stoking Literary Center appear a ton of different ways to contribute. You can be an elf, wizard, a dwarf and the like can i have a certificate and look forward to visiting the center in the future. Dana and you are amazing too, we have to go, Special Report is up next, hey, bret. Breaking right now, Attorney General bill barr says he is out. Offering his resignation to President Trump. This is following two other historical developments today, the first the Electoral College formally voting to make Joe Biden The 46th president of the united states. California bringing biden over 270 electoral votes to win peer that happened an hour ago. The normal routine event with ongoing challenges for President Trump and of course the raging coronavirus pandemic. That situation is at a

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