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Jesse devon archer, The Man Hunter Biden called a biden, just flipped on the first family. He has been an ukrainian board meetings, chinese dinner, and saying joe biden was on the phone with hunter and his Business Partners at least 20 times. Archer says it was to sell the biden brand and hunter described it as gold. Here is how it worked. Obama would assign joe biden a country to handle and when biden was assigned to a country, a dirty company with a lot of problems with higher hunter biden because they needed something from joe biden. Hunter would have dinner with crooked person and he would say lets call my dad. He would get his dad on the phone, put it on speaker and he would say hello. That was what the Business Partners who are paying for. That phone call. He could get joe biden on the phone like that. Everywhere joe went, hunter got paid. The corrupt Ukrainian Gas Company burisma only hire hunter so his father could get the prosecutor investigating them fired. Devon archer testified hunter was with the ceo when he called d. C. To demand Joe Biden Fire the prosecutor. Three days later, joe biden flew to ukraine and got the prosecutor fired and then bragged about it. This is what democrats impeached trump for probing. He also testified hunter pulled the same moves with other foreign executives. He said hunter put him on the phone with jonathan lee. Joe biden flew hunter to china on air force to where he met jonathan lee. Hunter introduced joe and jonathan. It was a 20 million handshake. The bidens made 20 million from that deal. The administrative Grease Approvals to take over american car manufacturers. Joe biden, who says he didnt talk to his son about his Business Rode A letter of recommendation on behalf of Jonathan Lees daughter. Jonathan lee is a power broker who our Vice President went to bat for, helping his daughter cut the line in Admissions Offices in Ivy League Schools because his family was getting paid. Devon archer testified joe biden personally met with a russian billionaire, back in 2014. Joe biden had dinner with her and a month later, the russian Billionaire Wired hunter biden 3. 5 million. Democrats say joe biden had no idea who he was talking to. It was part of the daily conversations hunter biden had with his father. It sounded like most of the t time, biden did not even know who the people was at dinner. He was asked to say hello and he would describe it they would ask, he described what the weather was, what is going on on your end. The democrats went to biden was having dinner with his Business Partners but all they talked about was the weather. When i eat dinner, it is about an hour. You can talk the weather for 5 minutes tops. Biden is talking to a russian billionaire about the weather the whole dinner . Whats it like in moscow . It is cold. Biden has had meetings with the russians, ukrainians, and the mexicans, even the greeks. All hunters Business Partners. You are saying joe biden talked about the weather and had no idea who he was having dinner with. If hunter puts his Business Partners on Speaker Phone with his dad and they dont talk business, you are saying one hunter talks to joe and jill doesnt say what are you doing in dubai and who were those ukrainians you put me on the phone with last night . The biden family was selling access to joe. The phone call, it was the access. Biden always delivered on the back end. The chinese and the ukrainians got what they wanted. Even the russian lady who bribed hunter, joe biden left her off the sanctions list. The O 11 Russian Billionaire happens to be the same one that paid the biden Family Millions of bucks. Democrats say what was joe biden supposed to be . Rude and not say hello . He said specifically he has never talked to them. He never said he has never spoken to anyone. He said he had nothing to do with Hunter Bidens business dealings. If he says hello to somebody he sees his son with, is he supposed to say high, i am not going to say hello to the other people at the table or the other people on the phone . It is preposterous to think i father should not say hello to people the sun is at dinner with. The new defense is bidens manners, we know hunter biden brought his Business Partners to the white house over 100 times. Joe biden never asked hunter, who are all these people . The only thing he asked was what is the weather like in buch bucharest. Joe knows more about the weather than our broker. Why did Devon Archer Flip . He is going to prison and thought, being hunters best buddy would keep him out of prison. He cannot be happy with hunter biden. Here is a text he sent to hu hunter. Why did the Administration Appointees arrest me and try to put me in jail. Some of our partners asking out here. Why would they try and ruin my family and destroy my kids and no one from your family steps in and try to help me. I dont get it. Devon archer was sentenced to a year in prison for stealing 60,000 from an indian tribe. Hunter biden was part of that deal and was the only one not to get indicted. Everybody in bidens orbit arrested in prison or they are missing. Before his testimony, his Department Of Justice sent a letter to devon archers judge telling him it is time for devon to report to prison. This comes on the heels of us learning about another House Republican that says biden has Foreign Bank Accounts that are under investigation. When we pulled up the first suspicious activity reports, we realize there were more specific service suspicious things we have to dig into and investigate. We are in the process of accumulating bank records. We are trying to collect that information. Lawyers on House Oversight are not going. They are still Subpoenaing Biden Family bank records. Devon archer wont be the first associate that is going to be interviewed. James bulger will sit down for interviews. We expect when Congress Returns to work the house will have enough evidence to begin the Impeachment Inquiry. That turbocharge his oversight powers, this will force the media to cover the evidence that we have presented for years and forced joe biden, who is supposed to be campaigning, to answer questions about why he has been lying. This could end his reelection campaign. Democrats have a decision. Are they going to get behind gavin newsom . Lets turn it over to anna. What did you take away from the interview today . Frankly, i liked or what representative bigs stated after leaving that written transition. You literally have the fbi not following up on information because of joe biden. The only way we will be able to present facts to the American People is to launch an Impeachment Inquiry. I was horrified i heard three republicans saying they didnt want to move forward for whatever reasons and this was just tit for tat. This guy is corrupt. We have seen it. If i did it, we would be in j jail. What were the senators who said that . One was senator kennedy and the other two, i will have to recall their names later. Senator kennedy doesnt want to open an Impeachment Inquiry . He seemed skeptical. I am asking them to reconsider because we have evidence we are bringing forward. We are being stonewalled. He is sending in the white house selling access to countries that dont like the United States and the democrats that accused republicans of being russia collusion sympathizers, you have the president s son working with russian oligarchs, enriching their families and we are supposed to sit here and be quiet. I am done. I have seen enough. When you have dinner with a russian billionaire, are you saying you are talking about the weather . Do you buy that . You can tell on the body language, he is dealing with Foreign Countries that have no invested interest in the United States existing as a superpower and to say they are talking about the weather or hunter biden is a criminal. More importantly, the shame of this is he has sold out one of the highest positions of authority in the country and that is the president of the United States working to enrich their families and that is wr wrong. Jesse thank you very much. We will have to invite senator 1080 on to challenge him about that. He is a friend of the show. He Kamala Harris did it again. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. Picks with joe biden swimming in scandal, with dangerously low poll numbers, they are having to groom Kamala Harris into a potential candidate. They put her in a room with linsey davis for a wide ranging interview and she did not disappoint. Kamala harris has been Bussing Hundreds of thousands of migrants, but she told abc her doorstep is off limits. People should not be the ponds in a political game. What is happening in terms of sending these migrants, most of whom have sleeved great harm, and sending them across the country for the sake of political showmanship is irresponsible. It is a tragedy we are witnessing gamesmanship and these are human beings. We should be responsible if we call ourselves leaders. The administration has led 5 Million Immigrants into the country that we know of. They have been bussing them to the doorsteps and they have been flying them on to your doorstep in the dark of night. I get it. We dont want to attract attention. We dont even know where we are going. How did she not ask a followup . You have been bussing 1 million migrants everywhere, why is your doorstep sacred . A logistic, journalistic followup. Kamala harris has been caught lying three times about the black history curriculum. First she said they werent teaching about history and then she said they are teaching that benefited from slavery. A professor said she was lying. Kamala harris continues to live. It seems ridiculous to say what i have to say. That enslaved people do not benefit from slavery. There are leaders, extremists, who are attempting to require in our nation, and unnecessary debate with the intention to try and divide us. Stop. Stop ron desantis has released an invitation for Kamala Harris to fly to tallahassee to sit down with the coauthor of the curriculum to have a conversation about the slavery scholarship. The ball is in her court. If she wants to listen and learn and communicate and enrich the curriculum, she is welcomed. If she just wants to sling hotshots and dodge a discussion, she will stay in d. C. Linsey davis never asked a followup question and that is why the people have had it with the mainstream media. Kamala harris has been traveling across the country. What has she taken away from her travels . She told the naacp Young Americans come up to her all the time and they dont talk about the economy, about crime. She hears about this. Climate anxiety. They are concerned about their future in a doomsday fear about what might be within a couple of decades of now. They are concerned whether they should have children, try to buy a home because what does the future hold for that prospect. Does anyone believe the main thing they tell her as they are worried about having children because of the weather . Young men tell Kamala Harris that. Dana, not the best interview. When is it . I am shocked she didnt say she was unburdened by what has been or didnt talk about how much she loves venn diagrams. Those are her go twos when she has nothing to say. Maybe they can explain the border to her or they can explain Florida Academic standards that dr. Alan helped to write. Maybe the other people who parroted her Talking Point on that. What does she do all day . She has been flying around on the taxpayer dime. She nor joe are running the country. Abc news asked her about the impeachment of joe biden and it didnt look like the Vice President was prepared. What is your reaction to the speaker of the house floating this idea of an Impeachment Inquiry . I dont have much to say about the cinema and the grand gestures that are political games, but lets get to work. I dont think that was well thoughtout. I i dont think she knows what is going on, that she understands what her party did when democrats were in charge of impeachment. If you have mccarthy saying lets gather the evidence we have because they have receipts instead of whispers of collusion that the fbi wouldnt verify and lets have this inquiry, let it play out and we can go through the process. That is the way to do it. I am looking forward to having the airwaves plastered with every receipt they can muster. If they want to play that game, it sounds like House Republicans will be there huckleberry. Kamala harris was asked about her Approval Ratings. They say you have the lowest Approval Rating of any Vice President. How much a role do you feel race and gender play in that. Polls also say i have great Approval Ratings. The point is there are attempts to create distractions away from the accomplishments of our administration. Do you know of any of those polls that show she has great Approval Ratings . I cannot count on any hand how many polls there are. She wasnt popular during the primary for her party when she was running against biden. She wasnt popular even as she was named as bidens vp. You were just talking about how she flew down to florida to grandstand and call everybody racist and to go after the standards she was ignorant of. She decided to do that to raise her profile. She thought she could increase her standing, make it look like she is doing something and pick a fight with the governor because he happens to be a president ial contender. That was her trying to improve her standing. You know she hears you. She hears everybody talking about her. She sees what her party thinks of her. They are doing everything they can to keep Joe Biden Healthy and in the office. If Kamala Harris hears me, send me the poll you said you were doing so well in. We would love to take a look. Any of them. It is impossible to live in democrat run cities unless you are a. Hi, im sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. On other diets, i could barely lose 1015 pounds. Thanks to golo, ive lost 27 of my body weight, and it was easy. soft music barack obama was on marthas vineyard. We learn about the death of his familys personal chef. A new report has identified a female obama staffer as the person who was on the water with him that night. He tried the woman tried to reach him after he fell in and then reached a secret Service Agent who called 911. We told you the section where cops are supposed to write the reason for the call was left blank. Law enforcement is telling us it was left empty due to a clerical error. We have a request for the 911 call and we will update you when we have more information. This appears to be a tragic accident and our heart goes out to the chefs family and the obama family. The biden brand is a mirage. For the first time in 50 years it has faded. He campaigned as a tough guy who can do pushups. Heres what he will be doing the next ten straight days. He will be at the beach under an umbrella. After his last visit to the beach where cameras cost him passed out, he staged a shirtless shot with aviators. He looks good. I am not sure sunbathing sends the right message but every president has its strengths. A new poll shows that trump is coasting to the nomination. Desantis is down to 17 and every other candidate is almost scratching. Trump is skirting with the fact he will skip the debate in august. He said let them debate so i might see who i consider for Vice President. That is a clever way to make the debate about him. Trumps brand is cemented into the minds of voters. He is a debater and a businessman. You have to deal with a dose of drama. The sweet family man blacklisted his own blood. His granddaughter wasnt acknowledged for four years. The family pretended she did not exist until biden mentioned her. They are the most important thing in your life. I have seven grandkids, every day, i text them or call them. He didnt care about the little girl until the polls said he should. You dont think hunter told joe that since they talk every day . Joe claimed he was running for president to restore respect for american institutions and use the Justice Department to put his Opponent Imprison and turn the Secret Service into his personal cleanup crew. He said he did not come from privilege but he has used his office to put his family above the law. Half the biden family broke laws that joe biden sponsor or champion but never paid a price. The biden families laws, millions of american imprisoned for breaking laws that the biden family broke. Hunter biden had with traffic. They put people away for a long time. The biden brand looks longer every day. He finally said seven grandchildren. How do you think the seventh grandchild feels about that . They were selling the family name firm millions but they were selling out the American People. While joe biden was shutting down, his family is enriching themselves in china. It is outrageous. Maries mother had the and gas leases which makes things more interesting as this looks like a black male operation. He knows what the deals are. Every time we send money to ukraine, we are shoveling money there. This is to cover up the money the bidens took. Lets talk about great dads. They dont put their drug addicted sons as the point man. All of that cash fueled his drug and problems and good granddads dont just acknowledge their grandchildren. They love them. When joe bidens first wife died in a car axis, he staged his swearing in in a Hospital Room for full effect. This is a man that nothing is sacred when it comes to his thirst for power. The mirage is over. It will be interesting to see what the Democrat Party does n now. Life is pretty bad in the cities. Unless you are a or gang banger or drug dealer. T. To reel in the fun and serve up great times. To help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic summer of smiles event. Right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and xrays. Plus, everyone can get 20 off their treatment plan. But hurry, because while these Summer Savings wont last, the memories you make together will. Aspen dental. Book today. Drugs and illegals terrorizing taxpayers. Officials in new york are letting sex workers advertise services in broad daylight and little kids are handing out business cards. Local leaders have a solution, legalize. Not all. Migrants are having a Slumber Party on the curb and a Flesh Eating Drug is spreading everywhere. New york has decided to ban plastic utensils from delivery and takeout. New york is turning into amsterdam. If you save a subway car from a maniac, you are charged with murder. Silly stopped prosecuting Drug Possession and the City Of Brotherly Love looks like the walking dead. The cops come around every day, clear it out, but they cant stop it. There are too many people. Things are so bad that mexico has issued a travel advisory. The country where Cartels Behead reporters, that country says it is too dangerous for mexicans to go to d. C. Iin the bay area, rock bottom. Oakland Defunded Police and the city wants to declare a Crime Emergency and across the bay, San Francisco has turned into a den of drugs, homelessness, and crime. San francisco is going after elon musks new sign. They are mad he put up an x at twitter headquarters. This is what failure looks like in america. Michael joins us. Is this by design or incompetence . Civilization is breaking down. The heart of civilizations are cities. The left has been saying Western Civilization is evil and wrong for decades. They have justified these policies in the sense of helping victims but they create more and more victims in the form of, we helped to bring a young woman off the street, a girl who was being traffic by gangs. We see people overdosing at Record Levels and the naacp has spoken out because the people being victimized are african americans. The people that live in the hills of the bay area can afford private security. We keep thinking we have hit bottom but they elect prosecutors that insist basic punishment is not meted out, even for violent crimes. What you are saying is right. We are seeing the fabric of Civilization Eroding and progressives are focused on censoring speech. If you label Western Civilization evil, racist and oppressive, you have to destroy Western Civilization and that will free the victims . Do they think this is working . They are in a crisis now. The District Attorney held a town hall that was bedlam. People are outraged. What is coming out of it is inspiring alliances between white and black neighborhoods. To your point, they are undermining the basic Law And Order and when chaos erupts, they blame the chaos on the system rather than their efforts to undermine the rules of the system. In order to protect people, if you care about the most vulnerable, you need laws and you need to enforce those laws. They have said that criminals are victims and that the victims of crime and the people raising the alarm about this are the oppressors. That is the official line. We have a ways to go before we hit bottom but now we see more traditional civil Rights Groups like the naacp stepping up and speaking out. It is a smart interpretation. It is scary but i like that there incompetence is bringing everybody together. Always great to see you. Good to be with you. To regular americans believe hunter is getting Special Treatment . Hunter is cutting a deal where he gets no jail time and immunity. Is that fair . 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Any truck can help you make a living. This one helps you build a life. Chevy silverado. It has been a bad couple weeks for hunter biden. Do people know what is going on . Johnny hit central park to find out. Ask what is going on with hunter . Who is hunter . Hunter . School, brand . The president s son . He is a crook. It is making me emotional. What is he charged with . Murder . Sexual assault . He probably did something embarrassing. Hunter didnt pay his taxes and had an illegal gun. Not cool. What should his punishment be . A couple days in the big house. He shouldnt have a punishment. No guns. If you wanted to get a gun, what would you go do . I would get a license. He did not get a license. Sooner or later, consequences catch up to you. Hunter is cutting a deal where he gets no jail time and immunity for life. Is that fair . It is ridiculous. That is sweet. I would not receive the same treatment. Should joe biden pardon his son . Nepotism is a bad thing. If he has the mental capability to do so. Joe biden said he doesnt know what his son does. Do you believe that . If i am in the next room and you are in the next room, i dont know what you are doing. Does your dad know what you do for a living . My dad is dead. I am sorry. Just kidding. If joe biden and his family took bribes, should he be impeached . What do you want to tell him . Congratulations on being a big star. Jesse watters, sick last n name. All right first name. Fox news. You guys are just keep it up. A big swim meet over the weekend. They qualified for the free relay. Way to go. I was soliciting advice for sleep aids. People said take this and that. Someone dropped off five bottles of wine at my house as a sleep aid. Not what i had in mind, but thanks. I went to dinner with four meteorologists in the weather never came up. That is all for tonight. I am wa watters and this is my world. Welcome to hannity. Bribery allegations against your president has taken on a new meaning as of today and tonight the evidence is overwhelming. Joe and hunter biden were in business together and joe was the centerpiece of the getrichquick scheme. Hunter admitted he was a hardcore addict. This is importan

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