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Like a villain. There is a huge strike going on that can affect a business that is near and dear to all of us which means. There is a civil war at cinnabon and it is delicious. Greg did you think i was talking about the Writers Strike do you people even care . Missing hollywood writers is up there with missing geraldo, john lemon, and ham. What do i care. And workers at the cinnabon declared a strike and filed a civil rights complaint against their employer. The owner installed a policy banning political statements in the store, including pride flags. [laughter] pride flags. It is true. Executive that oversees a bunch of cinnabons sent out a message declaring that we do not discriminate or celebrate any particular race, ethnic group, gender, religious group, any story store is displaying a pride like it is to be taken down immediately. One of the workers asked that a rainbow pin will be okay. Nonspecific pens are okay, but sports team, schools, are not. Lets stick to what cinnabon does best, making all of us grow fat. [laughter] i have no problem with this door with the fly rainbow flag, fly a flag with the Pickleball Team for all i care. Two of my favorite things, pickles, and balls. [laughter] just get my order right, that is all i ask. Why is this so hard to pour the milk flow rate directly down my pants. Mcflurry. Not turn your bakery intrepid political rally, and opening gay workers at the store so is not discriminating. Thats a howdy workers took it. They called it homophobic. The policy made it feel like she had to hide herself, i started to not feel comfortable in my own skin. It really lowered my selfesteem, and i was starting not to like myself when i looked in the mirror. So wait, is it on the band from flags because it sounds like she just ate a cinnabon. [laughter] that is exactly how i feel when i eat a cinnabon. I hate myself. I can see the pastry in the mirror making its way down to a love handle. Here is a great drift, as a human being in the art to people, present you, and how hoo morris feels about himself depend on what present day greg eats. If present greg ate a cinnabon he will feel good, but tomorrow he will hate his guts. The secret to life is getting your present self to look after tomorrows self first, and that is the only identity you should care about, not this other [bleep]. Stop it. [cheers and applause] that is so much better. Where did americans get the idea that your office space is supposed to be some form of selfactualization, you are there to do a job not to have your virtues validated. As the owner who is doing the right thing, he faces a civil rights complaint. Civil rights. The game you are be whatever you want. When fox declared there must wear pants as her office policy, i do not like it. I respected it. They are striking for the right to wear a button. You think when unions were invented it was for that . You think kids making shoes for nike in a warehouse in china are like, you go girl. Now the employee also is worried that she will be attacked for who she loves, dangerous world out there and we want to be safe. What world can be more dangerous than working at a cinnabon. Doctors called that job the widow maker. [laughter] the upside is if there is ever a Robbery Defrosting can be used to seal gunshot wounds. To equate to not wearing a pin as lifethreatening shows you how much the left has prevented the idea of safety. Everyone wants to feel safe, it is always said it before they cancel a speech. I hate to tell you that no one is that interested in you enough to do you harm. Why do you think that fake hate crimes exist. People living bored and very safe lives need to fantasize that they are not. Most people do not care who made their cinnabon, and they dont want to be scolded as bigots, they want a sugar effects, not a lecture. How different and fascinating you are. They dont care if you slept with last night or you got hit by a mack truck tomorrow, they are not interested. Schedule your 24hour celebration for later. One day you will make something of yourself, but wearing a button while you do it, nope. Tonights guest. Closed captioning guy hates her because he cannot keep up. It is emily compagno. Unlike the you New York Times the headlines he writes are intentionally funny and editor of the babylon bee is kyle mann. [cheers and applause] she is like stale pizza, icecold and found under your bed it is kat timpf, fox news contributor. Issues of double as shelters and the world heavyweight champion tyrus. Emily, you are a huge fan of cinnabon, right . You have them all of the time. You dont even have a flight. [laughs] why always miss my flight. Enjoying cinnabon. Speed it what you think about this policy wise is a civil rights case . You are a lawyer by the way, congratulations. It is not a civil rights issue. Generally speaking to what these people are arguing employers can actually adopt and enforce workplace rules that prohibit nonwork related activities, and includes purely political ones, wearing buttons, and shirts, and he liked, and the fact that these employees are reading because they said that theyre going from zero and 260, heaven forbid, a Workplace Policy that is like get to work, and says all buttons are prohibited are not saying just the ones that are greg belly buttons. Dear making a clear stand that all they want to do is have to workplace be free of all kind of political noise, and all kind of nonsense, the employees are not extrapolating their self value, their identities, and cannot look at the mirror and say, what if cinnabon does not have our back if im attacked, i dont feel safe anymore. Thats a whole different issue than them saying please dont wear a shirt that is going to distract the customer from that 900 brand fat awesome dessert. Greg with your sticks to beat people. Kyle, i dont know about you, but i want to have a cinnabon to be defrosted by somebody who is not gay. That is a good policy. Greg i dont let it infringe on others. I will ask them if they are gay. If they say no then i will go elsewhere. Number one thing i look for when i walk into establishment and i need a special flag that says i am welcome. I am welcome at this establishment, or not welcome. I need a button or some way to tell what their sexual preferences, where i feel safe about eating it. Greg try to figure that people who went to war and talk about their safety and now it is about a pen. Does not make sense. If i cannot say who i am then i am in danger, people not know who you are which means that youre safe. [laughter] more dangerous because of it is fact content than any of the policies in the workplace. Greg these people are murderers. Every cinnabon kills like 12 people, that is a fact. Have you ever had a cinnabon . Of course not. [laughter] they are useful. You know who is the most sad at the airport. Greg [laughs] as somebody who had worked Fast Food Jobs i will say that i also do not feel that when i was working at Boston Market that i was being celebrated as unique dynamic individual. I was making minimum wage. Investor clears indication of not being celebrated for uniqueness, youre making minimum wage. Not some what youre supposed to be happy, some or you can be happy, i noticed because guys would come to work on ecstasy. They were still not happy. Greg if that cannot change the way you feel that your job then nothing can. That is why i worked at a ecstasy making factory, tyrus, when i was growing up. Good for you. Greg when you had to bulk up have you thought about sitting alone with a case of cinnabon speak out we have been there. [laughter] you now. It is a wednesday. Said she will be home at eight, and it is 12 and you called work and she is not there. And the operator knows where she has but does not want to get involved. You end up in a cinnabon just eating it away. Just when youre about to give up and eat that last we look at the employee and say, coupled more. [laughter] the problem, greg, is identity. They see their facebooks and i think they are influencers and stars, not even in a union why have they not fired them, theyre at work. Take a well and make signs that i dont get to wear it something and be singled out and special, also do your point, greg, if i was a homophobe then i would be looking there is the badge, attack. They dont have that, does not make any sense. Not singling them out because i represent cinnabon and have to wear the uniform for cinnabon. Used to be those weird ass hats on top of everything else. Remember the lemonade places with the yellow, red, blue i understood, and owner was letting them know where he stands. [laughter] you do i say, you look ridiculous Making Lemonade and hot dogs and be about it. Hot dog on a stick. Something horrible. The point is that you are an employee, low level employee and you should be aspired to want to get out and above. Never got to come to work with my Summer Shorts and hat on backwards. I earned leap, and sleep. They guy who is working was, it is not your way, it is your way. And make yourself something of substance where you can decide that going to work pin and flares. It for a sports team, or a school, and a greg no sports f. It from the cinnabon. Greg and identified as a cinnabon, because that is your job. I am sweet, and sticky. And dont leave me a hot car, and dont smear me on your naked chest. Private messages. Up next. For clobbering a thief. If you would like tickets to the deceased e before join ouisr Studio Audiene l administrator. When i talk to patients you can just see from here up when youre wearing a mask. And i have noticed those lines beginning to really become not so much moderate but more severe. 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Its earned in every wash, and reearned every day. Tide. Americas 1 detergent. Greg thank you, thank you. When you stop a criminal with a stick the results are going to make you sick. The california 7eleven workers who defended themselves and restore it from a Shoplifting Suspect are being investigated by police for assault. I know. Lets get them i always wanted to do that. Lets get them, voice i dont have anybody to get. In case you missed the tapes that thoughts walk down memory lane. Police. You can do it. Hey, dont. Dont do that. [indistinct] greg that went on for four days. [laughter] now the cops are investigating the good guys. Every day in californias back and that is why gavin newsom talks out of his ass. They can face charges if the d. A. Sides with the suspect who robbed him twice. D8 stands for dumb ass and california. Shoot them if they interfered. Having a sale on cans of whoopass. The media argues for the clerk that they have to be locked up. Thrashing a guy with a big log. A Street Justice may be popular in movies or among frustrated citizens, but has no on my place in a society governed by the rule of law. A governor, society governed by the rule of law . If we had that that store owners would have to reenact gladiator behind a slurpie machine. You see all of the rule of law happening at nyc friday afternoon a 21yearold live stream or started a riot when he told followers that he was giving away free play stations at union square. And by free he probably means stolen it. Usually to start a riot in new york city all you have to do is threaten to make people and doors. Thousands of young people dissented like pigeons picking crumbs. Chaos ensued. Seven entered, 66 arrested, riot and unlawful assembly. Dispersed by giving free copies of his new book. Tyrus, you look at this, and what has gone wrong. I said this would happen because the message from the elite lawmakers is that they dont want anyone not to cooperate with how things are going to go. He was going in there and wiping out their story it was a cigarettes, they are fine with that, what you are not fine is them doing what they did, which i had no problem with what they did is sending a message to other store owners. Only way were going to protect ourselves is by protecting ourselves. Their argument is that it is not the way to go and do you think that was their choice, the choice of the story that he was queuing up that steak for weeks and waiting for the right guy to come and that was flashing a gun, at least would appear to be a gun from his back pocket. Worst was the guy who is doing the video, and he changed his tune when he was in from the camera, die here it was obsessive , and why youre watching off that you can strand the guy had anything look like youre part of it because youre helping the guy escape. Nobody is talking about him theyre going after and he is trying to defend their store. Greg brings up a interesting point is that when you look at these crime scenes they will say Law Enforcement will say that 7eleven guy had a choice and they will say that the kids in the union square it did not have a choice, when in fact we know everybody in union square has a choice to write or not riot, when you make of the situation . You have got a bigoted Talking Point that these people are very oppressed and going out for the free ps5 for less, i am offended i like the bidding for the meeting with the store, lack of the cinnabon managers had this policy for anybody who wears a greg it can be called it was. Greg d cinnanstick. We think it is sugar. As a influencer and have you ever thought about having that kind of blast mob where you give away free appliances . I am worried about the charges because i say, [bleep]. With i get charged with inciting a riot. Nobody has that reaction with me. This was crazy to watch, it was insane to watch from the comfort of my couch, and i think that when we talk about going back to the 7eleven, very rarely do we hear people mention that he was threatening to shoot at them, to me that is a very key part of the story. Greg he was moving his hand back there, and telling him that he better not do anything or im going to blow you away. And that is the point. They are trying to make people not fight back. Did you like this guy not getting beat up. It is key that may be they thought that they would not get shot if they didnt. Greg you are or any lawyer here, and has not helped in other stories. What is going out of the store clerks, what is going to happen to them, what does your brain say . You hit the nail on the head. Threatening to shoot someone, or putting them is to say in the field, it is a whopper and california and can be prosecuted as a felony. They take it seriously enough that they would put you in jail and a year, and somehow data is lost the modesto bee Editorial Board who said that Law And Order demands that they followed the rules, what rules. Sit idly by while this guide helps himself to thousands of dollars of merchandise that they have to pay for. The characterization of this as a vicious beating, is a joke. Michael tse got it weight worse than this guy, a couple, and remember him and singapore . I think that what this guy did what we all wish would happen because the problem is that it is easy for them to make an example, but what we need is an example of this being splashed across the front page as deterrence for all of the criminals, you will not see any jail time here and you are, if it was, he would have a gun, and he would have. Greg yeah. Way to ruin mine. Up next. Kamalas disapproval is blamed on a Race Trapping you in an endless craving loop. Nicorette reduces cravings until theyre gone for good. Want luxury hair repair that doesnt cost 50 . Pantenes provitamin formula repairs hair. As well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. For softness and resilience, without the price tag. If you know. You know its pantene. If you want to be here. It all starts here. At Bass Pro Shops and cabelas, we have the widest selection of the quality brands you love to get you outdoors. Whether youre a seasoned pro or just starting out. Our friendly, knowledgeable outfitters will help you find the right products for your next trip. Shop with confidence with our lowprice guarantee. Plus, Club Members Save even more on great gear with exclusive member pricing. Bass pro shops and cabelas, voted americas best outdoor retailer. Greg the doj or dodge wants to read straight weight trump and his legal team can share about his legal team after they shared a social post. Did you go after me, im coming after you. They claim he is citing revenge, but wasnt he just saying that you impeach me, i will impeach you. You cannot do it anymore. Got for bed that he would want to fight back, and the kitchen sink, charge them for murder. Been hiding for the last century because of the family and to wipe out the species. Speedy from the loch ness monster. I believe that is true. Figure it out as we go. Greg just charge them. This another attack on free speech, and should we take out the streets and riot . I am tired. No writing. I just think that i dont see that happening. People have tried to limit him from making certain comments on certain things and im kind of surprised because what if they want him to keep talking about it because he talks about it, he is not always the nicest guy when he talks about the stuff in and people get to go, i cannot believe he said that. How many years have we been doing this. Greg we keep repeating the same story over and over again, kyle, what is the deal. He will keep talking a matter what. I would take to the streets and riot if he was giving away free ps5, thats only time that i would go for the free ps5. Is the Caps Lock Key stuck because they have to help him out with that. Greg caps lock it is an art form. A speech i delete everything. When you caps lock me, i delete it, i am trapped. If you are, i am trapped in this burning place, send help. Why are you emailing me. Lowercase, i might call the ambulance. I dont even know i was asking you. Greg what you make of, i dont know, answer it what is in your head. The transparency is so exhausting and the fact that it has such a dire consequences takes all of the laughter out of it. We are seeing someone who has a reallife version of what he said earlier, lets get them, boys, the Beauty And The Beast seen where they are at all costs, all expense, they want to take this piece down. Lets take them off of twitter, but lets let the al qaeda leader be on, lets prosecute him for sneezing, lets not prosecute someone who greg it why would have that opinion . What do you mean it . Greg [laughs] i was pretending that was your opinion. And, and, also they are limiting his First Amendment speech, it is intertwined with his Campaign Candidacy and strategy, i dont know how they expect them to extricate all of these comments. The whole point is that they want this piece, they want this to happen no matter what, as such an expense, bravo to him because he will never let the takedown happened. Twittered that is called x and now. Known as twitter is now x. Greg u. S. Womens soccer team and actually have one. What, take them out. Soccer team was eliminated on the world cup after their woke star lou a penalty kick and then laughed about it. Watch. Puts it over the bar. This is like a sick joke for me personally. This is a dark comedy mr. Penalty. Greg mocked her saying, nice shot, megan maga. You know what is amazing, you have to give her credit for making womens soccer even less popular. It was almost at the bottom, but she found a new bottom. Do not say anything, emily. That was so impressive is that i did not watch a second of this game along with most people. Just looking at twitter, she made conservatives root against the usa for something. Greg true. I never thought i would say t that. And hatred of kurt was more than the patriotism of everything. Greg she was a great role model. Got the same haircut as her, and honor. She is a hero. She ended us having to care about soccer for a while. Greg i actually start caring about soccer. Now she will be replaced by a dude, isnt that fitting, emily . Guys should be able to play, she said. All right, dude would have scored. A sexist would say. It is such a joke, a weird saying. Nonathlete cake, it is just a dessert representing team usa hated vocally everything about the united states. That the afghan womens team had to be airlifted out because they are not allowed to play sports. It is a luxury for this person to play a sport, and honor to represent team usa, good luck. [applause] greg something about the taliban that i liked. [laughs] greg would say. Tyrus, last word, do this you have a career on this . Depends on who is paying. What flag is cutting her a check. We have seen that with her. Lets not, lets take everything out of it. You choked on the highest level at the worst time and eliminated, singlehandedly eliminated your team and all you can do is laugh, and it was a dark joke. You are the dark joke. You should have went to practice instead of running your mouth on tv and social media all of the time. [cheers and applause] there is a graft it is. Her and Meghan Markle are going to do a podcast. [laughter] is going to be called, we are megan, and we are sad. Greg the megans. Any megans that are good . All of the ones theyre watching theyre going to be mad that you said that. She is not bad. You have got a job, do not worry about it. Coming up. A raccoon runs amok, and a dog drives his luck. Limu emu doug what do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Let me be direct. Youre watching football wrong what do you call a guy in face paint that cant get the game . A clown sorry, what app was it again . No, no. Just give me a second. Amateurs. Ohhh sorry everybody. Directv sports central gives you access to every game. So you never have to compromise on gameday. Was that necessary . I was just illustrating a point. Oh. Get in the redzone with sports pack. 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Guests are brought to inspire videos he is so cute, and he is not like doing well. You know what i mean it. There he goes. He moves on, he moves on. We can all learn from that, if it is not working then move onto something else. Greg that is true. Might be going into some kind of i dont need you, i can be by myself and to just fine. Greg he is dizzy, very confused. A big fat toy like that if he was not being trained to hate fat people. To animals and take a look. And by two, it is a dog and a dog dressed like a spider. Look how funny this is. This is a little tiny Dust Type Dog and terrorizing a rott rottweiler. I have that Spider Caution. It shows that everyone is scared of spiders. Greg yes. That is funny. I have that Spider Caution and i play it on cheese. Greg little dogs. Off on until i get stressed out and takes one bite. I should dress like that on sixth avenue and everyone will leave me alone. I dont think that will happen. Greg kyle, where is your pet video . We talked about the womens soccer team and this is the most exciting thing that has happened at a soccer game, a raccoon fell into the press box and they are chasing it around, and they are chasing the raccoon and they are holding it up with this broom trying to fight it off, and it falls into the crowd below. Soccer is finally fun and exciting thanks to the interactive greg soccer bashing, and i want to reach out to the audience and said that we dont hate soccer, we just loathe it. It reckons very underrated animal, i believe, people dont like them because they are traveling acts, and they have beating eyes, and a steal from you. Maybe i do hate them. I hate reckons. If you own a trash can you are not a fan of reckons. Greg i do like trash cans. What about you . Ive a feeling that these are your animals . These are mine. They game a summer i bought a bag full of pacman frog which is the size, and they are the size of my hand. These giant monsters and got some crazy colors they came out, like albino pixel pacman frog. We had a video of it eating a mouse, but people got scared. That was translucent which is kind of grace because you could see his organs when he eats, they make this crazy sound that my daughter makes. They like to chew on your hands. They would love cinnabon. When they dont like you they make this highpitched sound, and my daughter thinks it is the greatest thing in the world. Stop with [bleep] frog. Greg do they smell . Are they affectionate . One comes up and say, tyrus, like a little puppy. Really big one likes to sit in your hand and stare at you. Good way to see where your head is at. Most of the time they try to eat anything, anything that they can get from their mouth, and that is why it is tough to breed them because they are not afraid to go cannibal. Greg they eat their sex partner. Who knew how carefree his life was after that because there is no back talking or nagging, the eggs hatch, and raise him with his moral code, do whatever he wants to do. It is happy and fun. Do not mock mother nature, sometimes it works, theyve been around for a lot longer than we had. Who knew that we had to do that. Greg no fight over schooling, that time. Cannot talk to mom, i ate her. You always get the end of greg yeah. Thanksgiving is around the thanksgiving is around the corner, and get those grades up. Up next, Cookie Monster willrks be jealous on t this study can tell us. [laughter] get one free for back to school. Visionworks. See the difference. This is your summer to smile. To raise your glass and reconnect. To reel in the fun and serve up great times. To help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic summer of smiles event. Right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and xrays. Plus, everyone can get 20 off their treatment plan. But hurry, because while these Summer Savings wont last, the memories you make together will. Aspen dental. Book today. Woman why did we choose safelite . Vo for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. We went to safelite. Com. Theres no one else wed trust. Their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our cars advanced safety system. They focus on our safety. So we can focus on this little guy. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. A story in five words. Greg five words, we eat 200 cookies annually, you get your hand out of your face, emily. A new poll shows that the average american eats 200 cookies per year. I dont believe this. I think that maybe theres somebody that its like to thousand cookies and somebody who eats none. I was the im referring to a panel of the view. [laughter] do you think do you eat 200 cookies . Probably. Here is what i was thinking about. That is definitely Office Culture and it reminded me for example of how who works does his mom who is amazing. Sending baked goods so we all enjoy them all the time. Yes, she is amazing. And her baked goods are amazing. Yes. Yes. So that is an example where all of us probably do eat 200 a year because we get to the benefit from cows mama. The fact that it said according to this poll that indiana apparently had the hardest time with people who lived there saying no to the Desert Package to present and alaskans have the easiest time saying no to the desert. I know i can never say no to the desert. Province in alaska, which desert . It is like a frozen as comeau. It is literally an s comeau pipe. That is right. It is probably ice cream. Greg you are heating those eating human being, tyrus. Tyrus we have talked talk about hows moms cookies or cookies . Greg cows mom has been mentioned five times on this show. Tyrus hi, cows mama. I have never been offered a cookie. Greg on jesses staff, josh. Tyrus that is racist. No, it is braces. Unfortunately, she is on the other side of town. Greg what are we talking about, cookies. Tyrus i watched judge jeanine knock off eight racks of oreo cookies, so it is not hard and that woman is like this call. Greg not kidding. Like a python swallowing a garden hose. Tyrus i think he could very easily i understand, we are never afraid over here. Right . We have been on the panel. We are never afraid. But yeah. We probably greg kyle, i believe this wwas in behalf of a cookie company. I see right through it. Those journalists. That is the type of question you have to ask. Hardhitting investigative journalism. And i think it is most people probably dont eat that much. You have lizzo. [laughter] just greg because she is black . No, because she is fat. Greg okay, thank you. [laughter] you know what i just rea realized. His name is max. [laughter] i think i said kyle. Im having a heart attack. Now i know who that is. Im having a heart attack. Called the doctor. Tyrus i would like to say thank you to cows mom, wherever you are, kyle. Greg what is your favorite cookie. Kat i dont know. Greg you did not eat food . Kat yes, i eat food. I just think that im not saying this is made up. Im saying theres literally no way we would know who that was. You could say know, actually, it is 300 cookies. What is an average of greg this is fake news. This is what made cnn. Stories about cookies. All right. Shut up. Dont go away. We will be right back. [cheers and applause] were traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. Whwho wants to talk about their heart [honking] hows the heart . Hows your heart . Hows your heart . Its good. Is it . Aah, i dont know. Its okay. Its okay yeah. Good. You sure . I think so. How do you know . It doesnt come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000day checkup, right . Let me show you something. 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Please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. Thousands of children are waiting. Greg we are out of time. And thanks to our studio audience. I love you, america [cheers and applause] trace good evening, im just kelly burke kalib trace gallagher. And this is americas late news, fox news night. Bring to the, the protesters were no match for the patriots despite threats of being canceled. Moms for liberty and hundreds of others showed up, told stories and saying god bless america. It is a Library Venue you dont wwant to miss. Prison biden is back from vacation and the biden Family Scandal was the white house to new evidence and brandne

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