Continue this fox news breaking coverage of the war that is unfolding in israel. We have seen chaos and terror throughout the course of the last 48 hours after hamas militants launched a coordinated series of attacks that took the lives of hundreds there are estimates into the thousands as well as you can well understand. It is such a chaotic, fastmoving situation as we start to see really the second tier of what is going on both on defense and offense in this war that is now emerging in the middle east. This is live look at gaza city right now as israel and hamas trade rocket fire. We have seen massive plumes of smoke after israel fired retaliatory rockets toward gaza. More than 800 is the low end estimate of this point but it is very difficult to confirm the numbers of those dead. Women and children killed in israel. At least nine americans are among those who have been killed in this war so far. This is an urgent, urgent All Hands On Deck moment as the u. S. State department tries to evaluate whats going to happen here. Welcome, everybody, to The Faulkner Focus i am Martha Maccallum in for harris was we watch these stunning scenes as people on the streets are witnessing what is happening here. This is gaza city that you are looking at. This man on the ground there sort of throwing something into the streets. Hundreds of israelis were slaughtered in their own homes and in the streets. We just saw with trey yengst the cars that were pulled over on the side of the road. Blood on the inside of the doors as people were shot trying to escape. There have been dozens of attacks against israel since saturday. Israeli authorities saying they so far can confirm 260 dead among those killed in these attacks. There was a concert. Some of the most stunning images were seeing are young people enjoying a Concert Outside on a Beautiful Day in a desert in southern israel. Then they saw rockets coming through the sky, then they were running as they were surrounded by hamas and trying to flee and get out in their cars. People were separated, taken from each other. Some of these people were killed. Some are hostages. The idf spokesman saying that israel by all of this has been changed forever. It is the darkest day in our history. Never before have so many israelis been killed by anything Enemy Activity or terrorists in one single day. And it has been said but you could say that it is a 9 11 and pearl harbor together for us. For a country the size of israel to sustain this amount of casualties, it is extremely difficult to explain. Martha fast moving situation and were covering it all for you. Live fox coverage with Lieutenant Colonel daniel davis, and Jennifer Griffin is with us this hour live from the pentagon on the u. S. Response. Trey yengst joins us from the ground in southern israel close to gaza at this point. Trey, good morning once again. Good morning. Right now were with the Israeli Military along the gaza border as they prepare for an Operation Into Gaza following that massacre this weekend that left more than 800 Israeli Soldiers and civilians dead. Im here with major who has taken us to a location that no one has been. It really shows what happened here on saturday morning. Can you show us what were looking at . Absolutely, trey. Were just now in a 4minute drive from the gaza strip. We can see in the background where the black smoke is. This is the gaza strip. Original hamas attack happened here. Hamas vehicles came through her saturday morning and ambushed a group of people driving through here. Families. We can see there is a hamas car here driven directly out of the gaza strip. They came out of this car with heavy weapons and fired bullets at all the civilians we could see. We can see the remainder of many of the items in the cars, kids school bags. We can see socks, a cooler, a family was out for a picnic over here to the side and the most stark and startling are the zip ties that are on the road used by the terrorists to bind the hands of the people they took as hostages. When i point to gaza it could be where the men, women and children are. This was a planned massacre of civilians and there are a few places that can show it better than here. I want to show you the scene here and what these civilian cars look like. When hamas fighters entered on saturday morning, they opened fire on civilians that were traveling to the southern part of israel. I want to warn you, inside this van it is quite bloody but shows you just the terror and nightmare that israeli civilians faced. We have seen the bodies of militants in this area. They are strewn throughout because israelis at the time before soldiers arrived and before Border Police got here had to fight off islamic and hamas militants on their own. It was Gut Wrenching for hours. Different communities no one had any information what was taking place. The cell reception was down. This was a coordinated attack to inflict terror on the civilian population. Hamas was able to take over Israeli Military bases and able to push forward deeper into israeli territory and even today there have been Infiltration Attempts as hamas fires thousands of rockets into southern and central israel. Martha. Martha you can see the car behind you that basically drove off the road and you just try to imagine the fear and chaos that was in these peoples hearts and minds as they are out and about with families and suddenly their lives are hanging in the balance and this enormous attack is underway. Trey, what is your sense of what comes next in terms of the israeli retaliation into gaza . We see sort of what you would expect to see in terms of aerial bombardment, which would be the first stage and what kind of indication do we have about what comes next on the ground . Israel is about to launch a massive invasion of the gaza strip. Theyll hold territory in gaza, no doubt about that. After the slaughter of so many civilians and soldiers, there is an understanding that the response will be like something that was never seen before. Just the sheer terror that was inflicted on the population warrants this response according to the countrys prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. We also heard from the countrys Defense Minister who says that he has ordered what will look like the largest israeli operation in israels history when it comes to the gaza strip. We do expect more rocket fire and israeli response throughout the day today as the soldiers prepare along the border. More than 1,000 air strikes took place overnight. 300,000 reservists have been called up in the Israeli Military and more are waiting in the wings. It is not just southern israel that is worried about rocket fire now. Earlier rockets be were fired from lebanon. It paints the picture of what the jewish state is up against right now. Multifront conflict that is expected to go on for weeks and could be very, very difficult as the israelis work their way into gaza. Remember, what hamas and Islamic Jihad entered southern israel they killed many people in these communities along the border. And at the Music Festival but also took hostages alive back into the gaza strip as Prisoners Of War. Dozens of soldiers and civilians and holding them in the tunnels beneath gaza. Martha in terms of the efforts that will be made to rescue these hostages, explain how complicated that is given the likelihood they are being held in areas that also are places to store hamas weaponry and they will be human shields, it sounds like. Yeah, absolutely. Hamas claimed today that four israeli hostages were killed in an israeli air strike against gaza. We have no way to confirm that information. But it certainly serving the Propaganda Efforts of hamas to scare the israelis away from striking gaza. No way to tell where the civilians and soldiers were taken once they were pulled back into the gaza strip. It is 25 miles long and anywhere from 3 to 7 miles wide. There are three major cities inside gaza. These hostages and Prisoners Of War could be spread out throughout the gaza strip. Some of them could be taken to the egyptian border. Gaza is a massively densely populated area. There are nearly 2 Million People that live inside gaza. There are high rise buildings, Apartment Buildings and it will be incredibly challenging for the israelis to first locate these hostages and the civilians and soldiers taken into the gaza strip and then try, if they can, to rescue them. Martha. Martha what is your sense of people trying to leave the country . We hear all these reports of people who want to get out. What is the airport like . Is it possible to get to the airport and safely leave at this point . We saw lines of people at the airport. This video released yesterday at the airport because the Flight Schedule has been delayed in many arenas and also canceled in part because of the rocket fire targeting israels only airport. They fired rockets toward central israel. Another calculation has to be made about the people traveling in or out of aircraft. A number of flights are canceled. American carriers have stopped flights to israel and people are trying to get out of the country. There is a real understanding that everyone who stays behind will play a part in the conflict. If you are not a soldier or one of thousands of people that arrived at a Military Base yesterday and the day before to prepare for Battle Against Hamas and Islamic Jihad, you may be a civilian looking to help out and deliver food to the soldier, other people have talked about how they will go to hospitals to volunteer. Everyone in israel is picking a role and they are serving in that role to try to help the country win what is quickly evolving into the most serious war at the jewish state has faced. Martha in so many ways they have prepared for this for generations. Hoping that it never happens. But it is underway. What is your sense, trey, before i let you go of these rockets that are coming in from the north from lebanon. Hezbollah rockets. Have they penetrated the iron dome and what about the ones that are also being aimed, as you mentioned, to the central part of the country . The military told me earlier that 11 out of 12 of the rockets fired from Southern Lebanon was intercepted and one landed in an open area. In addition to that there were Infiltration Attempts in northern israel. Southern lebanon saw a number of what appeared to be Palestinian Militants in lebanon cross into the country. I want to show you here, though, the jeeps with soldiers coming back. These are the soldiers engaging hamas as they tried to infiltrate this morning into israel. Remember, the gaza strip is just down this road. Were right on the border between israel and gaza. And the towns that weve been reporting from have also seen Infiltration Attempts overnight and this morning. A similar situation in the north. Not as intense. Israel must brace for the possibility that lebanese militants get involved in the fight and hezbollah starts to fire more advanced missiles toward israel. Martha thank you so much for your excellent reporting over the course of the last couple of days and were watching very closely and obviously we want you to take care and be well and well talk to you soon. Trey, thank you very much. So the president pledged americas unwavering support for israel on saturday. Watch this. President biden israel has the right to defend itself and its people full stop. There is never justification for Terrorist Attacks. My Administration Support for israels security is rock solid and unwavering. Let me say this as clearly as i can. This is not a moment for any party hostile to israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage. The world is watching. Martha a tenuous moment. A Aircraft Carrier strike group are being moved closer to israel as a show of support including the u. S. S. Gerald forward. The navys most advanced Aircraft Carrier. The newest and most advanced moved into the region. Jennifer griffin has more from the pentagon. Whats the latest from there . The pentagon has ordered and United States has begun moving the u. S. S. Gerald ford Carrier Strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean closer to israel in a loud message of deterrence to hamas and iranian backed militias and iran itself. The navies most advanced Aircraft Carrier carrying about 5,000 u. S. Sailors, a Guided Missile Cruiser as well as the guided miss ill destroyers. They are also sending air force f15, f16 and fighter squadrons to the region. The f35s were sent this summer. The iranians got the message when they arrived. The Revolutionary Guard Corps paused its attempt to seize oil tankers after they arrived. Near iran is a ready group that includes the u. S. S. Bat onassault ship and other ships and the 26 Marine Expeditionary unit. Increased concern troops will be targeted in syria and iraq. Lloyd austin visited there in march of this year. The u. S. Has trooped stationed at an air base in the uae. The naval base in qatar, Iranian Ba Banked senior u. S. Military leaders remain in close contact with israeli counterparts and the u. S. Is expected to announce more support for israel. They prepositioned 2 billion of weapons in israel. The u. S. Will likely use some of those prepositioned weapons to assist israel. They have provided 158 billion to israel since its founding in 1948. The u. S. Helped build israels iron dome which has been intercepting missiles fired from hamas and from northern israel. Right now the u. S. Is without an ambassador to israel. The president s nominee. His nomination is held up in congress. Senior add min trigs Officials Say the lack of a House Speaker could impact the ability to send more u. S. Support quickly to israel. Martha were waiting for Kevin Mccarthy, the former speaker of the house, to speak in a moment and well be taking that live for you. In terms of the language, jennifer, you have laid out the response, the u. S. Military response in terms of preparation and readiness in the area. What about the language of retaliation . Is the United States is the pentagon supporting israels retaliation that is underway now at least in the skies over gaza city . 100 . You heard the president , commanderinchief say it on saturday and u. S. Central command is in tight coordination. The u. S. Secretary of defense has spoken twice to his counterpart and this is just the first wave in terms of prepositioning of u. S. Military assets. The idea is to contain this conflict to the gaza strip and not allow it to spread and not allow iran to get any ideas of any advent youreism but you have american hostages in the gaza strip. I can tell you in the past u. S. Military and Israeli Military have trained together inside tunnels to fight inside tunnels and it is expected that those hostages, which are likely being held in those tunnels which snake under, they cover miles of territory under gaza strip as well as between the border with egypt, it is expected that those hostages are likely being held in those tunnels and i can just say that in the past the u. S. And Israeli Military have trained together on just this kind of situation, martha. Martha thank you very much. Well speak later to john kirby from the white house that coming up. Right now we want to take you to Kevin Mccarthy, former speaker of the house. Lets see what he has to say. As we all woke up saturday to the horrific scenes of innocent civilians being murdered and slaughtered by Terrorist Attack from hamas, i watched with horror of what was transpiring. As many of you know, ever since ive been in congress i would lead a delegation to israel every term. When i took over i made sure it was bipartisan and joined with then leader steny hoyer. To get a clear understanding. As speaker, my first trip internationally was to israel. I spoke in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the creation of their country. At this moment in time, i think about what i said inside their chambers. I said our values are your values. Our heritage is your heritage. Our dreams are your dreams. Americas great full for our friendship with israel. Were a better nation because of it and we must never shy away from defending it. Now is the time for action. America needs a fivepoint plan to meet this moment, to help our ally, israel, and to strengthen on our future. The very first thing we need to do is rescue the american hostages. President bidens number one priority right now finding out how Many Americans have been taken hostage and get them home. From last night to this morning, the number of american deaths have doubled from 4 to 9. This Administration Must also make clear that harming any american will result in the wrath of the United States. We cannot repeat what happened in afghanistan. It must be clear that we do not negotiate with terrorists and no american will be left behind. Bidens Policy On Appeasement Including Money for Hostage Deals must come to an end. His policy has only emboldened terrorists. And handing over 6 billion to iran only helps the cause. In explaining that to members of congress, they said they had provisions to refreeze the money if iran has done something wrong. They should freeze the money back today. Secondly, the leader of hamas is reported to be sitting in a fivestar hotel cheering watching women, children, grand parents being slaughtered and murdered in the streets. President biden should demand his extradition now. Second, we must be there for our friend, israel. And what that means, it means action now. You see, ive been down to gaza many times and sat next to the iron dome in a Bipartisan Group of members on both sides of the aisle. When we talked to those soldiers and asked them what they feared, is to be overwhelmed. See, a battery of an iron dome would go up and knock out a missile. It would first calculate where the missile was going and go next to it and knock it out. It only has 20 missiles at a time. Were watching 5,000 go. We always knew their plan was to build enough missiles to overwhelm and that first set of missiles to be dumb missiles until you took out all the ability in the iron dome to knock them down. Then you send the precision guided long range missiles. To go to the larger populations. We need to resupply israel where they have no doubt that they will ever be overwhelmed. Third, we must confront iran. Hamas is irans proxy. They brag they were helped by iran to attack israel. This is an evil axis of power of iran, russia, and china. We must confront them. By building stronger coalitions across the middle east. We must also expand the Abraham Accords to promote peace and freedom. Three years ago there was not war in europe. Or in israel. But today there is. The United States must reinstate the maximum Pressure Campaign against iran. Refreezing the 6 billion is only the start. But under the last Administration Iran was only producing 400,000 barrels of oil a day. Now its 3 million. They are making billions of dollars. If you look at the foreign currency reserves three years ago iran had 4 billion. Today its 70 billion. Theyre wealthier, richer and stronger under this Biden Administration and they are using that wealth to fund terrorism, attacking our allies and Killing Americans. And it must stop today. Sanctions should go on irans production of oil and we should replace it with american energy. Unshackle the blessings that god has given america. Let us be Energy Independent to supply our allies and it will also be better for the environment. If we replaced russian natural gas in europe for one year he would lower co key missions. We must enforce harsher sanctions cut off irans ability to export oil and refuse to enter any future nuclear deals. In ramping up american production to insure the safety and security of us here at home and our allies abroad. In the long term, we need to rebalance the Power Dynamics in the region. Which means making america the Energy Powerhouse of the world. Fourth, we must focus on our own security. This just wasnt a failure in israel on their Intelligence Community, it was ours as well. Why did we not know this was taking place . Why do we have a Secretary Of State who says he has no knowledge if iran was involved . He has less knowledge than the Wall Street Journal . Of meetings in beirut and others. Of a sophisticated plans going on for months. In a twitter notice of more than days ago hamas telling us preparing for war. In looking at our own Intelligence Failures, we have to look to our border. In 2019, it was 0 arrests of people on the f. B. I. Terrorist watch list trying to come across our border. Just in this year alone there is 151. From 160 different countries. My own state we caught two coming from yemen on the Terrorist Watch List. From china and others. Why are they coming to america . What do they have planned and who are they communicating with . President biden has said previously that he believes the number one threat to america is climate change. That is not true. The number one threat Killing Americans is terrorism. The number one threat is an open border. The number one threat is weakening our economic power by lowering our ability to produce our own energy. Our number one threat is appeasement and funding iran. Our number one threat is letting the buildup of the axis of the evil power of iran, russia and china. Rather focused on his Green New Deal he should focus on protecting the american people. We need an immediate assessment of our own areas of weakness and a glaring weakness in our own southern border. We know that individuals on the Terrorist Watch List have crossed bidens open border. Who are these people . Who are they in contact with . And what are their plans here in america . Fifth, as we look inward, we must confront antisemitism in the United States. To every single president of a college and university, do not sit back. Do not let antisemitism grow. Confront it and deny it. Condemn it. And the antisemitism here in this house, saying no comment is not leadership. Allowing elected members of this body to speak antisemitism and not condemn it is wrong. To avoid it is wrong. As speaker, i watched a member on the other side of the aisle try to reserve a building in here to celebrate antisemitism. I removed it. I removed a member from Foreign Affairs based upon antisemitism. I watched others yesterday continue those remarks. I watched the leadership on the other side say no comment. Have we not learned anything from history . Have we not understand the moment in life we are living . Do we not realize that weakening america strengthens our enemies . Allowing iran to produce more oil, appeasement, Paying Ransoms For American Hostages has only made us weaker on the world stage. These five actions must be taken now. And to the president , turn off the barbecue and speak to the american people. Be the leader the world is looking for. Otherwise the world will stay unsafe. With that i will take some questions. Can you n look, this is about a moment in time. This is about what america is going to do . Could you imagine if we were sitting here and we listened further to a gaetz and mace that we were in a shutdown . As we asked 30,000 Men And Women In The Military in the middle east to defend us without being paid . The question around the world of what was happening here today . Thats a decision by the conference. I will rely on the conference. Im a member of this body. I know what history has had and i can lead in any position it is. And right now i realize we need these five actions taken now and stop delaying. Yes. What action can the house take there is a question whether it can pass a resolution . What can the house can do nothing without a speaker unfortunately. I can be upset with eight but every democrat as well. They both made the same political decision. Instead of putting america first. And so you have to finish the speaker or i know this is new territory, it was created after 9 11. I dont understand why the Speaker Pro Tem couldnt lead as well. We should have a resolution on the floor condemning what is taking place and we should supply and make sure there is no question and no doubt that israel will never be overwhelmed when it comes to ammunition. That if they decide to send the precision guided missiles theyll be knocked down. We will not leave without them. This wont be afghanistan. We will not allow this administration to do this again. Can you tell your colleagues [inaudible]. I am going to allow the conference to do their work. The one thing i would ask my conference, you have 96 of the conference in one place and allowing 4 with the democrats playing politics that are putting doubt inside this body. Thats wrong. What do you think of iran [inaudible]. Do you see that as playing a role . I see an overwhelming Intelligence Failure. But understand what transpired from one administration to the next. From the very first day of the Biden Administration they moved towards appeasement. Iran economically their regime was in trouble. 4 billion in reserves. 70 billion today. 400,000 barrels being produced to 3 million today. Look at the price of oil as well. As this Biden Administration attacks our own ability to produce. But watch what else happened . The shift to now start paying ransom for americans so more were captured. The 6 billion. It is the production of oil as well. It is every movement they have taken. And what does it mean when you move towards iran . Our allies wondered whether they would be there. Look at the next decision what he did in afghanistan. It made our closest of allies move to china. Allowed china to enter the middle east to bring saudi arabia and iran together. Martha Kevin Mccarthy speaking about the situation that left the Speaker Position wide open in the times were living in now. On the left hand side of your screen were seeing more explosions in gaza city. It is 6 35 p. M. In israel right now. With that we want to bring in former utah congressman Jason Chaffetz for more on this. Jason, thank you very much. Good to have you with us. You listen to the former speaker making some points about the situation that the house is in right now and the fact that it is difficult for them to operate and he said Thank Goodness in his opinion we didnt shut down the government and the u. S. Military is still being paid. Your thoughts on what he had to say there. I thought he gave a very strong speech and makes a good point that after 9 11 we implemented a Speaker Pro Tem. A position not there before. Why cant the Speaker Pro Tem conduct business on the floor of the house . Why cant there be a resolution . I think they should test that. I think Patrick Mchenry filling that role should bring the resolution to the floor when Congress Reconvenes on tuesday and test the limits of that. In these extraordinary circumstances. Thought the former speaker made good points about the five things he would like to see done. Our Energy Position is just so untenable. We have to keep driving that home. Our Strategic Petroleum reserve is less than half of its capacity. But we need a president , President Biden, to take the helm, get away from the barbecue as Kevin Mccarthy said and start leading in a time of crisis. Martha we dont expect to hear no White House Briefing today because of the columbus day holiday. I will speak with john kirby later this afternoon in the 3 00 hour. So we will get some response from the white house about whats going on because its a fastmoving situation as we can see on the lefthand side of the screen here, jason. You think about the dispute in congress over funding for israel and the members of the squad who have been outspoken on this issue. Kevin mccarthy made sure every term there was a bipartisan israel visit so people would understand the situation. What is congresss role . Congress can only offer resolutions, they cant offer appropriations to replenish the supplies for the iron dome. They can support the troops but it is really the commanderinchief. The president of the United States that has to lead that. They have plenty of resources. There is no excuse. Literally a couple of days into this to say they have all the resources and viability to do what the United States of america has done. We appropriate nearly 9 Hundred Billion to have the biggest, Baddest Military on the face of the planet. Use it, mr. President. Peace through strength. But this president i cannot believe the president of the United States is not going to come out and speak to the american people, speak to the world because its columbus day . Thats a embarrassment to this country. Martha thank you very much. Good to have you with us this afternoon as we watch this unfold and we see continuing explosions. You can see the smoke toward the back of this image. Live video from gaza city now. Im joined by daniel davis, a senior fellow at Defense Priorities and hosts the daniel davis deep dive on youtube as well. Thank you very much for being here. Your thoughts on what were seeing play out here militarily and what you expect to come in the coming hours. What weve seen so far, martha, is its been beaten into the ground a little bit with the Intelligence Failures in israel and certainly it is. I heard the former Speaker Mccarthy talking about how its an american Intelligence Failure. I dont think thats an accurate statement. It is not our job to monitor the details as it is for israel. They are supposed to have on the ground human intelligence, electronic intelligence, signals intelligence. All kinds of things on the ground and all of them apparently failed. Although there is growing evidence that actually it was as much Policy Failure as it was an Intelligence Failure because there has been a lot of information coming out in recent hours even that there has been lots of warnings from their Intelligence Community to their political leaders who didnt take action. No matter how it worked out is the idf, Israeli Military was completely unprepared for this so that when the hamas launched their attack it was much bigger than anyone thought was even possible and very sophisticated and very coordinated and planned and resourced for many months before this thing happened. Now that we see the results of that on the ground tactically, but what is probably coming is a very, very heavy israeli response and ill tell you, they have be real careful how they operate because they may end up killing some of their hostages in the gaza strip but they cant go in so heavy they cause huge amounts of innocent civilians. People could turn against israel if they go in too heavy and not go further military. Martha it says war returns to the middle east. The assault on americas ally is a warning how dangerous the world is becoming. As u. S. Power and will recede, Bad Act Force filled empowered to fill the vacuum. American isolationists my wish to look away but the u. S. Cant dodge the consequences. Whats your reaction . I take a lot of exception to that. Thats implying all this happened because of what the u. S. Is doing or not doing. You have to look this has been boiling up for months because of what has been going on inside of israel and years with this. All this issue since 2007 of the people in palestinian being kept inside an effective open air prison but especially this summer. Prior to this, all during the summer 227 palestinians have been killed by Israeli Forces in the ongoing conflicts. A lot of it is predictable spillover because they cant resolve this situation in house. Im not taking a side. The Israeli Government had trouble on their own side with the judicial reform which caused an almost civil war split within the country. All of those things were going into this. I think its not accurate for the Wall Street Journal to say this is americas fault. It is not americas fault. There is no power vacuum. Our power is unquestioned in the region and in the world. I just think theyre trying to put blame where it doesnt belong unfortunately. Martha you know, we have all of these families right now who have connections to people. They want them to get out safely. United states citizens have been killed. Were waiting to hear more about whether or not there are american hostages in this situation in terms of americas response to that, your thoughts. This is just a horrible situation. You can say that there is a lot of policy issues with the palestinians and their rights and to live, etc. But when you see these hamas gunmen come out and go after civilians, there is no defense of that. Nobody is going to feel any sympathy for the palestinian cause. These people are caught in the middle. Now that israel will have to go in pretty strong. Netanyahu said it will be an unprecedented response to an unprecedented attack. No nation on the face of the planet would not have to go and defend their country when they were attacked by this. The civilians who get caught in the middle on both sides is egregious. We have to do everything we can to keep it contained to the gaza strip and keep a proportional response to what has happened. Martha we know the aim is to take israel off the map by most of the players that surround them. We hope it can be contained. Colonel davis, thank you very much. Good to have you here today, sir. Well take a quick break and well be right back with more. This is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. But the same aipowered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. Aah, its a good day to cough. Oh, no bye, bye cough. Later Chest Congestion. Hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours . hmmm, ok. Not coughing at yoga. Antiquing not coughing . Not coughing at the movies . hashtag still not coughing . aaah. Oww mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from Chest Congestion and any type of cough, day or night. Its not cough season. Its always comeback season. Martha Wall Street Journal citing top officials in hamas and hezbollah revealed iran spent months helping to plan these attacks. A huge meeting according to the Wall Street Journal in august to get behind all of the strategy and arrangements and iran gave the Green Light Last monday to go ahead during a meeting in beirut. Despite that reporting and admission that iran has essentially footed The Bill For Hamas for decades, the Biden Administration has not gone there yet in terms of pointing the finger. Here is Deputy National security advisor john finer. We can be quite clear about iran is broadly complicit in these attacks for having supported hamas going back decades and having provided Financial Support and training for having provided weapons to hamas. What we dont have is direct information that shows iranian in ordering what took place over the last few days. Charles, thank you for being here today. Listen to Kevin Mccarthy stressing American Economic independence and Energy Independence and the shift that being reliant on any of these countries, the position that puts us in. It is remarkable. It is beyond remarkable that we this president has declared war on the American Petroleum industry. The Fossil Fuel Industry which is everything. The plastics, it is not just fossil fuel to begin with. Just at the moment when we need it most. I can tell you, martha, these things he is trying to do with wind and solar from a stock market Point Of View nothing is worse, there have been no worse investments. You heard the news, you should see wind stocks are down 70 e solar stocks down 60 because there is no organic demand. Even ev stocks outside of tesla getting hammered this year these ev stocks are crushed. No organic demand. In the meantime we have the Economic Freedom and ability to make life easier for people in this country. If you want to get to a climate utopia, get there. Dont get there artificially and then obviously underscores the fact we had a Strategic Petroleum reserve and weve drawn down on it so dramatically it tells you why weve done these things. If there is a reason we do things. History tends to repeat itself. On top of that the 6 billion. To hear finer talk like that is so disingenuous. Bite the bullet. We blew it. Everyone knows iran is behind it. The 6 billion, money is its all ridiculous. Martha hold that thought for a moment and point out to everybody night has fallen the gaza city. It is 6 50 p. M. In israel right now. With regard to the money is fungible. We see the push back from antony blinken, the Secretary Of State saying not one penny has been used. That money is still in qatar. It will only be used for humanitarian aid to iran. That deal has put the white house in a very increasingly difficult spot based oh than what weve seen happen here. Explain to people if the money hasnt been touched, how it could have any impact on what were seeing . At home a lot of people have a Rainy Day Fund. You have 1,000 bucks in a Rainy Day Fund or 100 bucks under the pillow. You want to buy a purse, bag, whatever. You want to spend 2 hundred but you cant spend it. You get a call from your arching will uncle. I got lucky ill send you 2 hundred. You wont wait for it to get there. Youll spend the 2 Hundred Bucks you got because you know 2 hundred is on the way. If you put 200 in this account it all blends together. The idea that somehow knowing you have this gigantic pot of money its not going to preclude you from spending other money. It will allow you to spend it. Iran said about signing it no one can tell them what to do with this money anyway. They made the declaration. Whats a humanitarian crisis. How do you account for it . American taxpayers are fed up with all the money we spend around the world and in this particular case and hostage deal with many thought our policy was not to negotiate for hostages. Not to pay 6 billion in ransom as much as we want our americans back made us the situation a lot worse. One of the central issues with this attack was the Hostage Taking and how much theyll be used later on, especially the american hostages. What do we have to pay for them to get them home . Martha hostages came home. 6 billion unfrozen iranian money in qatar. The credit line. You know it will be there when you need it. And now potentially more hostages taken. So its very difficult to not say that that exchange led them to think yeah, we need more of these people. It gives us more leverage. I want to point out that white house has called a lid at 11 46 a. M. So we do not expect to hear from or see President Biden for the rest of the day as this Huge International situation plays out in a bloody war thats underway now in the middle east. Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham spoke about it moments ago. Were getting the tape ready. Look at gaza city. One of the most vicious, barbaric attacks of the 21st century or any other century. The hamas attackers are animals. But the real culprit here is iran. I think its now time to tell iran if there is any more escalation of this war were coming for you. Both of us, the United States and israel. Americans have died in this attack. There is blood on the hands of the ayatollah, american blood. Martha senator graham there speaking in very strong terms about what needs to happen. U. S. Alliance with israel. You look at rockets coming from hezbollah from the north as well and talk iran about strangling israel. It strikes me when you are in a president ial Election Year almost that we always know there is something that could change anything. Is this one of those moments . Absolutely. Absolutely. It is instantly so Many Americans wondering and hoping it wasnt as bad as we feared. I think its worse than we thought initially. You think about our role and immediately you start to think about the strength or the belligerence of the planet during the Biden Administration from the afghanistan withdrawal to the invasion of ukraine. Something has gone wrong. Martha it has been compared to a Terrorist Attack, compared to pearl harbor or 9 11. Those are things americans can relate to in a strong way. Thank you for being with us today. Ill be back at 3 00 this afternoon speaking with john kirby and former House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy at 3 00. Newday usa can help. Veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the Va Home Loan Benefit is a big one. By using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100 of your homes value and take out an average of 70,000. Use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially. Just between us, you know whats better than mopping . Anything ugh. Well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and its awesome. 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