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War between israel and hamas. Israeli forces getting ready for what will be a perilous Ground Invasion. The death toll is mounting too moving throughout the morning. And good morning from new york. Im bill herman, back with my partner here today,. Dana im dana perino and this is americas news room and its good to be with you on your knowledge of the region. 25 americans con if i wered dead in the attack by hamas and Israeli Death toll topping 1200 and palestinian at 1200 and the number wills ration of independence. Bill Antony Blinken was in tel aviv and introduced himself as jew and i shall talked about his jewish and talked about his grandparents in Concentration Camps in europe. Today, he condemned hamas in no uncertain terms. Babies slaughtered, bodies desecrated. Young people burned alive women raped, parents executed in frohn of their children and children in front of their parents. How are we to even understand that . The message i bring to israel is this you may be strong out of on your own to enough on your own to defend yourself but as long as america exists, you will never ever have to. We will always be there by where are side. Dana all this upping the pressure on President Biden to do something about hamas biggest sponsor iran. A push to refreeze a 6 billion payment to the regime is gaining traction even among democrats. Bill Team Fox Coverage as we get underway now. Alexis mcadams, peter doocy, Mark Meredith but start on the border between gaza and israel with mike tobin with the duties this hour. Mike, where are we now in hello. Reporter were in a position where all eyes are on the gaza strip and have that remarkable statement from sec Secretary Of State Antony Blinken saying the Israeli Force may be Strong Enough to defend itself but with the u. S. By its side, itll never have to Stapedius Muscled alone. As that happens, were getting Israeli Defense force on the record as far as some of the raids, strikes, Commando Operations taking place in the gaza trip. Lieutenant colonel richard heck saying the home of was hit and described as operative in the gaza strip and hamas. In the hit on the house he was killed and taken from the House Naval Equipment and equipment for Commando Operations underground as well as other armaments and described a number of other strikes on hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives up and down the gaza strip. And the idf as well as Israeli Government continues to note connections between hamas and isis. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said hamas should be treated the same as they should be spit out from the community of nations. No leader should meet them. No country should harbor them. And those that do should be sanctioned. We continue to armor massed on the border of the gather Vascularized Strip and troops on the move and artillery continues to fire into the gaza strip as Israeli Defense force said the next phase of this operation is ready to begin, a strong hint that the Ground Invasion is imminent. Bill. Mike, thank you. Dana. Here at home, pressure mounting for stronger action from the Biden Administration calling out iran. Paider doocy live at the white house peter doocy live at the white house. Hi, peter. Reporter President Biden in his remarks yesterday before a group of Jewish Community leaders and he said that moving these massive amounts of Military Assets into the region at least a little bit closer to where the action is all happening was a essentially a message to iran to be careful. When they dont have a direct line connecting the leaders in iran to hamas and to the planning that we now understand took place over the course of about a year or more. Thats because they just dont have it yet. There is Press Reporting supporting that. There are many comments when officials around here talk about this that iran is complicit in these kinds of things happening all around the world, but theyre not prepared to directly blame iran because they dont have evidence and know what that would do. It would require a much stronger response from the United States, and it does not appear that they are ready to say that or to respond in a more significant way to iran specifically. Dana. Dana those will continue and see you more no doubt later today. Thank you. Bill the calls to freeze the 6 billion currently held by iran in a bank in qatar. Mark meredith reaction now on capitol hill with regards to this now. Mark, good morning. Reporter bill, good morning to you. The white house as peter mentioned says its trying to determine what role, if any, iran had in the attack on israelis, but up here on capitol hill lawmakers have no problem trying to hold iran accountable now for long and continued support of hamas. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and arkansas senator tom cotton calling on congress to pass legislation that would essentially block iran from being able to access that money that was unfrozen by the Biden Administration and the senators released a statement saying the Civilized Orlando must reimpose serious Con Generalses in the regime that aids and helps murderous evil against innocent israelis and the u. S. Must lead that by example and freezing the asset is a important first step. The administration denies claims any Money Unfrozed through the iranian Hostage Exchange would have been used in the most recent attack on israelis back on saturday. However, again, theres still a lot of speculation about whats been happening behind the scenes and in addition to that, we have seen some democratic lawmakers who have had to react in realtime to whether or not this should be done or money refrozen even though iran says all this will be their money and theyre going to be able to do with it what they will. Some democrats say theyre unsure if its even possible to get that money back. Its not actually that simple because it was part of a larger deal to get american hostages back, and i think actually it may be unconstitutional because it infringes on the president s ability to conduct Foreign Affairs without interference. But whats fascinating here within the last 24 hours, theres a number of Senate Democrats joining with republicans saying they believe this money should be at least frozen temporarily until more information can be obtained and, bill, you can imagine this would really push the white house in a different direction because theyre not going to be able to say this is simply a partisan push. Bill mark, thanks. Mark meredith live on the hill. Giving you a sense of this area of gaza and important to understand the geography of which we speak and its a small area and this area marked in red, there were Tens Of Thousands of israelis that have been moved out of these towns and kibbutz that are located throughout the area from ashkelon down to the southeast and the reason why is the ziti Ragaini Ellie Military has moved in. What about gaza in youll hear an awful lot about that stretch opportunistic land in the eastern med train coast. Theres a Border Running about 24 miles along the coast. Thats been sealed off by the ziti really navy. You have a border here in the sinai we script. Theres a town there called rafa, thats located about right here and well get into that a bit later this morning. It is a critical Crossing Point for anyone that wants to go into gaza or out of gaza. The significance is coming up shortly here. The rest of it is about a 36mile stretch that boarders on israel. Population hear in gaza about 2 million. About twice the size of Washington Dc so its not large. One man who has studied this joins us now. John spencer, a veteran who served two combat tours in iraq fighting in some of the u. S. Armys most elite and storied units and now chair of the Urban Warfare Studies at modern War Institute at west point. Sir, thank you for being here. We rely on your expertise to take us through a moment like this. Thank you for being here. The israelis have not been in gaza in nine years. What has hamas done on half of the help theyve had with iran during that time with regard to munitions, drones, and antitank munitions, rockets that can now reach tel aviv, and the tunnels that some estimate could be as long as 300 miles. John, how does this go . R destructively and not in this area but recent history of other missions against isis and hamas spent nine years gathering rockets and all the munitions to turn this into a very costly operation, but i think the idea its still going to do. Hamas i teach Urban Warfare and hamas is the example of using human shields. Were in the air campaign where the idf are engaging hamas Military Targets because they too have been watching gaza for nine years. Know where every hamas Military Target is. But hamas fills those targets with civilians and airs their deaths in the attempt to make the idf stop and make the International Community make the idf stop. Theyre going to move forward and face combat in hell. Block by block, street by street with enemy popping up from Underneath Hundreds of miles of tunnels, engaging them but that rubble thats there creates even more bunkers than they already have and theyre going to its going to be costly, but the idf can do it. Dana john, dana perino here and something that struck me last night reading the wall street journal, killing civilians, the new normal. I want to emphasize these civilian deaths by hamas and russia and ukraine are not Collateral Damage from Urban Warfare, theyre part of the war plan fought out by calm men sitting around Tafanely Table in mas cow or beirut looking at maps and civilian targets. Is there a new phase of war fair in the world with this . I dont think so, dana. Thats a flat out lie. Ive been to ive been all other southern israel and spent time with the idf. They do things to limit Collateral Damage that other militaries dont do. Theyll call a building and say im getting ready to destroy this building. You have ten minutes, get out. We dont do that. They have Legal Advisers in their command post making decision on is this a valid Military Target. Dana john, let me jump in dan was agreeing with you on that point saying that hamas and the russians are purposely targeting civilians florid to try, i guess, win and also to demoralize the victims. Absolutely. I mean, russia is a great example and hamas is where they use war crimes as method of fighting and use civilian deaths to try and achieve their goals. 100 and especially as the world is more urbanized, they can do that more; right . Gaza is almost a completely urbanized area full of civilians that are trapped and not allowed to leave. Its a vile act but i agree with you, as more Urban Warfare continues around the world, that becomes a new norm. Bill john, our u. S. Marines had this experience in fallujah and iraq and bloody and deadly and lasted for weeks. Do you think, a, the israelis have made the decision to go in yet . Because there is some debate about that still. And also, what you write and talk about a lot when it comes to warfare like this is the will and the time and if you could, just tell our audience about what you mean by both of those elements. Right. All wars are the contest of will. The soldiers to fight, politicians to give them the octoberive and the will of the population objective and the will of the population to support the population. In Urban Warfare, even the u. S. Has seen this. The first Battle Of Fallujah and u. S. Contractors were killed and the president made a decision go and get the people that committed those crimes against u. S. Citizens. Within three days, the International Community urged the u. S. To stop because of the Collateral Damage. That element of time on the will to continue the operation. To answer your question, has the idf made a decision . Thats all signs that i can see, especially from what theyre mobilizing and politicians have said is that the mission is to go in and remove hamas Military Cameability from ever being able to do a vile act like this again. That requires going in. You cant bomb your way to that mission. Bill well, it appears that both sides have the will right now. When you see the acts that hamas committed on saturday morning, and now you listen to Benjamin Netanyahu today, this appears, john, itll be bloody and deadly and this will last for a very long time possibly. Absolutely. It took us nine months, 100,000 Iraqi Security forces backed by the worlds best air power, ours, nine months to wedge 5,000 or less fighters out of the mosule in to 17 and this will take weeks or months to accomplish that mission. Bill john, thank you for your time. Well call on you again. John spencer, the authority on this on Urban Warfare. Thank you, sir, for your time. Bill Breaking News now, Alexis Mcadams is live in the news room. The latest. Dana, thats right. U. S. Citizens in the gaza strip are looking for a way to get out of there, including over the border into egypt. So we know that its ab estimated 5 an estimated 500600 u. S. Citizens that live in the gather s strip including the people trying to cross over to the border into egypt. This is according to to a senior u. S. Official and bill explained the gaza is a near 25mile stretch of land pressed against the m Mediterranean Sea and theyre trying a to arrange that safe passage and difficult with the rocket fire and egypt closed the rafa Border Crossing and the egypt official saying the government is expect ago large number of Pal Tin Januaries to attempt to palestinians to attempt to cross that border soon. If itll be reextra points anded, we dont know yet and a lot of people trying to get out of the gaza strip. The uk government, dana, announcing flights to evacuate uk nationals from israel with the first flight from tel aviv today are happening and expecting all the flights to continue as we know. So many people there were not able to get on the commercial flights and now the government is stepping in as those people also wait to evacuate, dana. Dana Alexis Mcadams, thank you for the update and well have Breaking News from you throughout this hour and the day. Bill the israeli president had a bit of Tense Exchange with reporters during a Press Conference. We wanted to share this moment with you. He is considered to be mild mannered as a leader, but watch his reaction to questions about the retaliatory strikes that are happening in gaza. We seem to hold the people of gaza responsible for not trying to remove let me finish. Do you hold a missile in your kitchen, in your living room, a missile that is sent on our head . If therell be a siren, its a missile from that kitchen with all due respect, if you have a missile in your [bleep] kitchen and you want to shoot it at me, am i allowed to defend myself . Yes. Thats the situation. But the question is this ultimately you cant remove the people of gaza. Theyre going to be stuck in this naked. So we have to fight. What do you want us to do . We tell them, get out. And we fight against the launchers. We are Fighting Terror. Humanity has to decide are we accommodating terror or are we Fighting Terror . We are Fighting Terror. I agree, there are many, many innocent palestinians that dont agree to this. Unfortunately in their homes, there are missiles shooting at us, at my children, at the entire nation of israel. We have to defend ourselves. We have the full right to do so. Its about time that the world understands it. This is the tragedy of using terror and terror has theres no mercy to terror. Bill he called out Media Organizations during that moment too. He wants all Media Organizations to label hamas as a Terrorist Organization. Having spent a lot of time in that part of the world, couple things come to mind, even 20 years ago when air fat was alive and the biggest problem was the Suicide Bombings and they could not stop them or get them under control. They hit them at weddings, bus stops, all over israel. Thats when they started to build that wall that separates israel proper from the west bank and then when supra aural headphones roam pulled out of gaza in 2005, the question was what do we do now to protect ourself s . They came to the grand conclusion to about five years ago now, dana, they built this fence with a wall they thought was loaded with electronics that could protect them forever and clearly that failed. In the summer of 2006, on the northern part of israel with the border of lebanon, the israeli and hezbollah fought a war that summer that lasted 68 weeks and this was i would argue it was a crude form of warfare on behalf of hezbollah. They had rockets in their homes and now this is those rockets had no gps and could not guilty target them and essentially running out in your Driveway Shooting off a maybe it hit as house or i can boots or takes out israelis but the israelis cleared out the northern part of the country and amount of loss of life was minimal. Kansas city chiefs tuning fork supra aural headphones theres w threats on that border but the berInternational Community is watching to see in hezbollah takes action in the north. Hezbollah is so much more equipped than hamas in gaza. Keep that in mine as we cover this. Dana good perspective on that and please join the Fox Corporation supporting the israeli emergency fund. Your money will go to Services Like aid for military families, equipment for public hospitals, and Trauma Counseling for the thousands living in bam shelters. Bomb shelters. Visit the united usish appeals website or scan the qr code on the screen. Bill they could use that. Live on the ground and israel said to be ramping up efforts to storm gaza, and the president ial hopeful defending these disgusting acts as you just heard. Anybody who commits war crimes are barbaric. Im saying it exitly but are th. Are these Israeli Forces barbaric too . Because theres nen a reported Ransomware Attack on a chromebook. Now theyre focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. if youre a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, youre the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. But your familys service has earned you a big advantage. The va home loan benefit. With the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. 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As the air strikes and Coman Doe Raids Go Into Commando Raids go into the gaza strip, the idf is noted the death of Mohammad Naval Operative and underground equipment and naval equipment taken from his possession and isis paraphernalia taken from him and other operatives killed along the gaza strip and the israeli army and government continue to make a connection between hamas and isis. But we talk about the army amassing along the gaza strip. Really its the same site that we see every day. The tanks and cannons and Army Personnel carriers and infantry all massing and waiting for their orders and here in the backdrop, we see all of the efforts to resupply them. Not getting resupplied is gaza, the entire Ga Gaga S Strip and 2. 3 million population and Secretary Of Energy here in israel noted that the Blockade Of Gaza is absolute and no light switch will be flipped or hydrant turned on and no fuel truck entering the gaza strip till the hostages are released. Dana. Dana mike, well be back in touch. Thank you. Bill jay jansen, former homeland secretary under president obama. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Bill maybe 35,000foot level here with the conflict. Whats to come here . Bill, i believe its going to get worse before it gets better. Urban warfare in iraq or afghanistan or syria knows it is the type of combat that is the most fraught with danger for Collateral Damage. On the other hand i strongly suspect that israeli intense, i intelligence and hamas has been studying the gaza strip and understand every inch of that territory and know exactly where hamas has, you know, hunkered down. Where theres military outpost and i expect the idf knows what its doing and they must have thought about this for years and table topped this for years. So i do have a lot of confidence in the idf. The challenge for them as i think john pointed out is the high risk of Collateral Damage and protest from other nations such that israel at this moment could begin to lose the Widespread International support that it has right now. And hamas, im sure, is fully aware of that. And they probably dont mind the Collateral Damage with palestinians. Dana now theres confirmed 25 americans were killed and upwards of that maybe, hostages and american hostages too. Dana american hostages. Speak to that if you would. Theres an American Interest in this fight. Theres an American Interest, theres been american casualties and victims of the Terrorist Attack and we have an intense interest. Im glad to see the u. S. Navy has moved closer to the hot spot here to provide a warning to iran and others in the region that were on the case basically. There are American Interests at stake. Bill what i find fascinating is your comment about israel and acting. They act quickly because they know World Opinion will turn against them very fast, and i would imagine even some of our european allies sometime very soon may Say Something that will be disconcerted to you and Antony Blinken and even President Biden, et cetera. That we will not accept. But hamas has done, theyve been lying in the grass for the past six years. Correct. Bill and almost gave the Israeli Government the idea or the thinking that they had changed. I know what i dont know that Israeli Intelligence may know about hamas intentions. What hamas has been up to for the last six years. Its hard to say. If the suggestion is that somehow Israeli Defense forces became complacent or distracted, im just not in a position to second guess that. I suspect therell be commissions and studies for months and years to try and understand the Intelligence Failure that obviously did oc occur. Dana lets look domestically. Theres this day of rage that supporters of the Palestinian Authority say lets have this on friday across capitols across the world including probably here in new york city and other capitols in the United States. But the further we get from september 11, the closer to september 10 10. One thing that americans have a high intensity about is opening the southern border. Over the last year, theres 150 immigrants have tried to cross that weve caught that we were on they were on the terror watch list. That doesnt mean the ones we havent caught. Elliot abrams on the Mark Thiessen podcast and he wouldnt be at all surprised to know that hezbollah agents are operating here in the United States. What about our vulnerability here at home . First, youre kind of pulling me back into my old job. My first thought is this, americans, particularly in this area of new york city, theres a lot of concern and a lot of fear. We should not run and hide. New yorkers in particular are tough, resilient people. The aim of the terrorist is to terrorize and create anxiety and fear. The calling of hamas for worldwide protest created a lot of concern. I see it, i see it here in new york. My advice is lets not run and hide. Lets stay strong, always be vigilant. If you see something, Say Something. We have the benefit here in new york of being protected by the best police force in the nation. Their Counter Terrorism intelligence capabilities are as good as anything at the federal level. Now, as concerns of the southern border, when i was secretary, we began an effort to more readily identify migrants of high concern before they even got close to the southern border, before they even reached this continent, we could very often with the cooperation of our Counter Terrorism intel partners identify how risk individuals as they tried to make their way to south america. My hope is that since i left office in 2017 was the cape and the a lot of people entering the southern border and thousands and thousands and its a Hemisphere Ick move north bigger than anything ive seen and challenge for the Border Patrol and customs and dhs for the fbi is to try to keep up. Unfortunately as you know, the system is broken and its horribly backlogged and a whole lot of people entering the country we cannot identify. Bill 9 11 taught us and we did a whole Congressional Study on this i think dana is right about this. The further you get away from 9 11, the closer to 9 10. Our elmor emphasis and ebb and w shift over time. Time. Bill when Benjamin Netanyahu said hamas is isis, you know, we thought we wiped them out. Hes making the case when you behead babies, youre in the same category as that repugnant group. I would agree with that. Bill that posted these videos online for years. I would agree with that. Terrorist organizations tend to be discreet entities with their own priorities and they do merge, they do form alliances sometimes im not saying that necessarily with regard to isis and hamas, but this organization is as bad as any Terrorist Organization ive seen. The way they dragged off young women for kidnapping In Plain Sight at that Music Festival, thats as terrible as anything ive seen. Bill wipe out isis and in Eastern Syria and in the words of Benjamin Netanyahu, you have to do the same thing with hamas. Well see if that happens. The challenge for Israeli Defense forces in the face of a masked Terrorist Attack, report with the laws of conflict and the laws of war. I have no doubt the response will be very, very aggressive and sustained but the challenge is to keep the world support behind them in this effort. Dana thank you, i hope you come back. Good to have you here. Bill thank you. Dana Special Envoy For Iran In June and the subject of an fbi investigation into the handling of Classified Information. What is going on here . David spunt is live in washington. Hi, david. Hi, david, good morning. His name is rob malley and under fbi investigation since at least june and fbi source tells me that investigation still well underway. Hes someone who in the past rooted for the iran nuclear deal. Early reports indicate he possibly mishandled Classified Information and he has extensive experience when it comes to u. S. Iranian affairs and critics say he was in touch with iranian officials drawing concern from others in the Biden Administration specifically the state department. Secretary of state Antony Blinken in israel today received a letter from House Oversight chair james comer asking for more information about mr. Malley and overall investigation. The letter reads in part the committee on oversight and accountability is investigating the Biden Administrations efforts to c conceal desails about the ongoing secret Nuclear Negotiations with the islamic repuck lick of iran with congress ignoring statutory obligations from congressional oversight. We caught up with jamie raskin and asked him about this letter, watch. I havent seen what theyre talking about but i have great confidence in the Biden Administration. I have very little confidence in the republican conference unfortunately. After the story blew open back in june, mr. Malley said ive been inform that had my Security Clearance is under review. Ive not been provided any further information, but i expect the investigation to be resolved favorably and soon. In the meantime im on leave and his Security Clearance remains suspended. Mid october were told this is a Law Enforcement investigation that continues. Many questions in this investigation. We hope to find out more as soon as possible. Back to you. Dana thank you, david. You bet. Bill thanks, David Israel Retaliating for the deadliest day for jews since the holocaust. Whats happening at this moment . 4 38 in gaza as our coverage continues. Back here today, youve spoken as president of the United States so clearly in support of israel so clearly in support of jewish people, what a dramatic distance weve traveled in the United States and how we as a Jewish Community are blessed to live today in the United States. Ranted Automatic Authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. In fact, if youve had Credit Challenges and missed a payment along the way, youre more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. No one knows veterans like newday usa. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing neds plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. 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Was that necessary . I was just illustrating a point. Visit directv. Com for up to a 400 reward card. She said, mommy, Shier Shooting At Awes and theres bombs and i dont want to wait around and theres open space and you have no shelter or anything. Bill thats a mother very concerned about her own daughter. She was with dana and bret yesterday explaining The Last Time she heard from her daughter and she was at a rave, rav rs happening and piecing together through The Ball Street Journal and others is there were two Parking Areas one to the west and one to the east. The roads one goes south and one north. If i advance this map one time you can see what happened here and based on reporters on the scene the hamas fighters were coming from the south while one individual car was drives south and the others, were trying to find out why the rockets are flying and why the bullets are happening and there was an encounter right here on the road and that stopped all traffic from escaping to the south. A similar situation happened in the north as well as cars drove this way, they were cut off also. So what did the Concert Goers do . Many kidnapped and taken into gaza and fate outstanding and some ran into the field and others gunned down at the scene of the Music Festival but that mother, that you just heard from is one of so many waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones right now and at the moment, they do not have clear answers. Dana, back to you. Dana thank you, bill. Theres a heated debate on hannity and israeli violence creating havoc and allen sounding off in his defense of the hall sinequans. Hamas is the ones responsible for the killing of palestineen children. I have the same outrage when palestinian babe i didnt say are killed or jewish or israeli. I want you to have the same dig nation when theyre killed. Not when theyre killed by palestinians and cant make a moral comparison when natzi kids were killed in the bombing and i didnt have the same comparison when jewish kids were put in gas chambers in auschwitz. Dont you unsodden deliberately murdering a kid and having Collateral Damage . Youre a professor of theology. Theyre being used as human shield. Dana the parents love their children and theyre using the willing in some cases and using them in cases as propaganda and end up having Media Organizations and leftists on College Campuses saying this is horrible and israelis are extras advantage and shouldnt they back off and the answer from the israelis is going to be and saw from president herzog of israel, the answer is no. Theyre going to fight back. Bill the Israeli Military has often done before dropping a bomb on a building or house is dropping leaflets and dana or a piece of lead on the building letting them know something is coming. Bill exactly. We believe thats the case in gaza but theres no denying some of the drone video from gaza city already. Takes your breath away. The amount of damage done already to gaza. Its striking and its stunning, and unfortunately its just the beginning because this is just beginning now. Dana indeed. We want to get to nathan dia diamond, executive director of the Orthodox Center and he joins us now. Thank you for being here. I felt the reaction to the president s statement yesterday and the last two days and his meeting with you yesterday was well received and welcomed, maybe get your take on that meeting . Did you feel you got what you needed out of that particular meeting . Question, good morning. Im pleased to be you yet under terrible circumstances and the most important thing the president did yesterday in his meeting with us as american Jewish Community leaders and the day before was a clear statement of moral clarity that hamas is evil, that theres no excuse and no rationalization for what theyre doing. The president of the United States thankfully has shown more sense and more leadership than the president s of some esteemed universities around this country who dont seem to know right from wrong. And one of the things i did yesterday was point out to the president to President Biden that we were meeting, it was a group of about 20 of us jewish leaders from the United States and meeting with him in the white house almost exactly 80 years to the day when a group of several Hundred Rabbis came to washington to try and petition Franklin Roosevelt to intercede against the evil that natzi germy was perpetrated against juice at the time. They could not get a meeting with president roosevelt. They were turned away and not allowed to see him. What a contrast it is that we were invited into the white house to meet with President Biden and he to his credit made the right and clear moral statement and we appreciate his leadership. Dana right now showing on screen, Antony Blinken, Secretary Of State in tel aviv and threw there yesterday and had the immediating today with Benjamin Netanyahu in a Press Conference and hes visit ago Donation Site thats helping to get supplies and investigation. You can hear them there thanking him for being there, no doubt. Talking about solidarity and show of support mean as lot. I want to ask your help in helping us explain to others, especially maybe those on College Campuses or those hearing from their friends on social media, things that is against israel they dont quite understand. A couple of statistics here call for number one jewish people account for only 2. 4 of the u. S. Population. They face more than 50 of religiously motivated hate crimes. Thats the most of any other group. Berry wise on americas news room earlier this week trying to explain her perspective on it thats helpful. I want to get yours as well. Listen to her here. This is different. What has happened over the past 72 hours is the biggest slaughter of jews since the holocaust, in this case with hamas in 2023, they are Live Streaming their atrocities on tiktok. Theyre filming them with sophisticated drones. Theyre gleefully and proudly showing the extent of their bar brim. This is a barbarism. Dana nathan, what can we do to help tub turn around a terrible trend . I think its not only the teaching of judaism but of many faiths. You know, we send our kids to school but the childrens best teachers are their parents. And i think parents whether your child is a small child going off to kindergarten or university, parent cans play a Critical Role in talking to their children about the basics of whats right and wrong in the world. Thats every parents responsibility and weve seen in a variety of ways in recent years in which American Parents have learned to not fully outsource the education of their children to others, most parents in america have good values, have judiah christian values, and they need to engage with their children and theres lots of resources to help them engage with their children. Thats where i would start. Dana then Where Do We Go From Here . You can already see some headlines in some places suggesting that israel needs to back off. It needs to rethink, it needs to be cautious and needs to even talk about a ceasefire or a truce. That is not going to happen in this case so what is the capability of the supporters of israel to push back against that . Look, thats the reason why we were speaking to the president of the United States yesterday, couple days before there was a rally that my organization cosponsored in manhattan that the governor of new york and the mayor of the city of new york was there and other elected officials and we are fully engaged its important that cultural leaders in the United States and elsewhere, sports figures, all people of influence frankly who have a basic sense of right and wrong they cant imagine justifying or rationalizing the slaughter of innocent babies on one hand and innocent elderly people on the other hand and all people weve seen that the Bar Resistance terrorists supported and we need to stand strong and support israels going to war against this army of evil that is hamas. We need to be supportive and morally clear with them throughout. Accident in questioner nathan diament, thank you for being here. We want to get to lloyd austin, sSecretary Of Defense in brusses during a speech taking questions. Listen. No country would live with the wholesale killing and kidnapping of innocent people, including the very old and very young. Yesterday, mentioned the changes to our Force Matchup on sundayture to reinforce deterrence in the region. I want to underscore that message, nobody should try to take advantage of this vile hamas assault to cause more bloodshed or instability. Our support for israel is rock solid. Were working urgently to get israel what it needs to defend itself, including munitions and Iron Dome Intercepters and we will do so even as we continue to support the people of ukraine as they fight against russian aggression. Make no mistake, we can and will stand by israel even as we stand by ukraine. United states can walk and chew gum at the same time. Let me turn to the agenda of this Defense Ministerial. Especially in challenging times, its great to be back at nato. Let me thank Secretary General for bring us all together today and for all of his leadership. This was our first meeting of Defense Minister since the summit in july. Our leaders made historic decisions to enhance natos deterrence and defense and we also had the privilege of welcoming finland, which joined a Nato Summit For The First Time as an ally. Let me urge them all to support the immediate ascension of sweden, which is both a proud democracy and highly capable defense partner. They were awarded for natos collective deterrence and defense. Our leereds endorse natos new family of Regional Defense plans and that will significantly improve our ability to deter and defend against any threat. We also establish a new multinational and multidomain allied reaction force. This new force will provide more Response Options to threats and crisis. Dana Secretary Of Defense lloyd austin in brussels today and in israel tomorrow. Secretary of state there today and Secretary Of Defense there tomorrow and im sure the israelis feel like theyre being well supported by the american administration. Bill a lot to track on this, and i agree with that entirely. It appears that based ons international response, the u. S. Has taken the lead. I think the president s been strong for two days at the white house. We want to keep it that way and israel needs to know that i think it was blinken saying as long as youre here, well be here to paraphrase his comment from earlier today. We have Breaking News, dana, however on the death toll on the war. Alexis mcadams has more on that. Shes in the news room here in new york. Alexis. Hi, bill. The number haves come in a short time ago and reporting 1400 palestinians killed and 1200 wounded since saturday. They ebb and flow. Israel reporting 1200 killed in hamas attack since saturday after the horrible tragedy that started at the Music Festival and at least 25 americans have been killed as they stories continue to come out and pictures as their families are grieving. Videos owes in the aftermath weve been seeing all across social media and here on the network show that people were brutally murdered inside of their own homes and saw trey yingst going into some of the houses in some of the villages, bill and dana. Hamas holding as many as 150 beam hostage in the gaza strip according to israeli authorities and america working hard to dry and get the hostages out safely as families continue to call for help. Back to you. Bill thanks, alexis. Thatll be a big job and john spencer and others suggesting the israelis and the hezbollah and sorry, the hamas fighters are in gaza, maybe, maybe not. Our conversation with john spencer at the top of the hour, hes cutting there could be 300 miles of tunnels that could have been dug. Dana yesterday hi a question with somebody yesterday i had a question for somebody i worked with way back when and said why do you think theres not many pictures and videos of hostages right now in terms o f Proof Of Life and whatever. Of course theres you want to hold up the day of the neighborhood or whatever. Thats Old Fashioned and one thing they said is theres a possibility that capabilities that we have include things like no matter where that photograph was taken, youll know where they are. That also might be making thing as bit more difficult. Gibbs okay. So i hope youre right about that. Well find out in time. Move onto this coming up on the 10 00 a. M. Eastern time hour. Watch. Hamas is isis and just as isis was crushed so too will hamas. Dana declaring the baa beiges of hamas must barbarians of hamas must be crushed and thanks the u. S. For their support. A massive and prolonged survivor against the evil positive gainer its of terrorism. Welcome to a brand new hour of americas news room. Im dana perino. Welcome. Bill good morning. Dana. Im bill hemmer, israels military mobilizing Ground Forces along the border as artillery and air power poun

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