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Judge Jeanine Pirro Jessica Tarlov Jesse Watters and greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in New York City and this is the five. Fox news alert. Brandnew video showing two israeli hostages who were released by hamas receiving medical attention and egypt. That comes as the Biden Administration reportedly pressures israel to delay its Ground Invasion into gaza. Lets get to Mike Tobin Standing by with the latest in southern israel as this broke just before we came to air. Hi, mike. Hi, dana pittard red cross confirms and that we have visual confirmation. Showing these two israeli hostages being loaded into ambulances on the egyptian side of the crossing. It should be noted that israel wont confirm the release until they are back in is really hands. Yocheved lifshitz is out of captivity. There is are reporting, inferring patient to the effect that they are in bad health. Reports suggesting that there were deals cooking that would involve the release of 50 of the hostages held in the gaza strip. Sources talking with our reporter said its more like 70 to 94. The prospect of being released through negotiations, israel said they are not concerned about what passport someone holds. They are interested in seeing the release of all 222 of the prisoners. Also information released or the leak from the negotiations, suggesting that a ceasefire was part of the discussion. Israel is not interested in a ceasefire. Dana. Dana thank you so much. The release of hostages is the Biden Administration faces new questions that its been privately urging israel to delay the Ground Invasion into gaza. The administration trying to buy more time for the Hostage Negotiations but publicly the white house says its not their business to tell israel what to do. We are not dictating military terms to the Israeli Defense forces. They have a right and responsibility to go after these terrorists and they certainly are going to do it in a way that they choose that they believe is appropriate to the threat. We are not dictating terms. We agree that the top priority has got to be going after hamas. There is no daylight here. We also think its important for humanitarian assistance to flow and for hostages to get home for their families. Dana President Biden getting asked about a potential ceasefire and it seems like he messed up his words a bit. Ceasefire deal . We should have a ceasefire. Not a ceasefire. [indistinct and then we can talk. Dana can i just the Commander In Chief of the United States, if youre going to answer the question, do it at the microphone so the world can hear you. Thats important. Not when youre walking away. Not when youre trying to take questions. Thats an important question. Its an important answer. Point of personal privilege done. Greg. I turn to you. Greg its nice to see that elderly woman smiling and that shes alive. I suspect like a lot of people, hamas is using Hostage Negotiations as a way to put off their own deaths. What do i know . I am a magazine editor. I think these questions, whether america is having reportedly trying to delay Ground Invasions, you know, i dont know. Moment by moment coverage puts us in this constant speculation mode about stuff that we know zilch about. I dont know anything about Ground Forces or strategies or tunnels. Every opinion that i seem to hear is not anybodys own. They are Armchair Analysts coming up with stuff. I still think we should step back. Its like we are watching water boil right now. Israel has decided its course and that course will come. What will happen now and what will happen later is, for reasons that none of us will probably know until it happens. You could argue that this whole thing, the delay, is actually a clever front story. That maybe theres some things going on that we dont know about. I get tons of emails from viewers. They think they have struck on some kind of original solution. Flood the tunnels. Gas the tunnels. As if these ideas didnt occur already. The bottom line is you should be skeptical of what you hear. Because its what you dont hear that matters. Obsessing over Ground Invasion. Its going to keep us busy but the players involved have already moved on and are doing something else. They might be using the confusion and the waiting, as something involving creating the best environment for the most innovative response. Something we arent aware of. For People Like Us who are not there, we should be thinking past this. What comes after . I keep mentioning a coalition of arab countries with the help of israel to fix this thing after. Because you cant go back. Whats done is done. Obsessing over the past is a losers game. October 7 is the start of the story and israel is prepared to finish it. Dana judge, its interesting, you look at the new york times, the headline like that with the sourcing it has. The phrase, if you see a turtle on a fence post, it didnt get there on its own. Some of the put it there. They could tell the media what they want to say from the administration but publicly they say theyre strong. Judge jeanine right. Whats interesting about this is the fact that if this country and it appears it is, is telling israel to slow down, telling them weve got to get aid to the hostages, aid to the palestinians, release the hostages. Think about it. We had to hostages released last week, two hostages released today. There are 220 hostages. If we have two a week, we are in this for 110 weeks. Talk about a slow down. Talk about a delay. Israel wants these hostages as much if not more than anyone else. Its their neighborhood. They know what to do. They know what its like. Dana, this is a regional war. This is not just hamas and israel. Its hezbollah where israel is evacuating people from the north. On the border of lebanon. Daily fights in the west bank. Americans have been shot at in syria and iraq. Nine soldiers injured. One contractor who died of a heart attack apparently. And kirby, as indicated, that those attacks are by an iranian backed militia. We have the u. S. Intercepting longrange missiles from yemen and we have china moving warships to the middle east. So now this is more than a regional war. No one knows better than israel how to handle it, what theyre up against. I spoke to someone in the idf today and this is what he said to me. He said the white house Military Advisors are consulting. They are in israel now. He said we need ammo. We need those interceptors for the drone. He said in nine months were going to have a problem we need america. Mesoamerica can say say weve got handson. They know that in terms of what israel needs, they are going to have to listen. My final point is this. Humanitarian efforts cannot delay a justified response on the part of israel. 352 500,000 germans were killed by the Allied Forces in world war ii. Nobody said hey, weve got to stop. We cant kill any germans. They said weve got to stop hitler. Thats how it worked. Right now people are suffering at the hands of hamas. This is getting bigger and bigger. Its time for israel to say our war, we didnt wake up on october 7 and decided we were going to attack hamas. They started this. We need to finish it. Dana jessica, what are your thoughts today . Jessica my thoughts are that i agree with what greg was saying. We were talking with us on friday as well. There are people who better informed than us better pulling the strings here. Hopefully it is not 110 weeks. Maybe two a day would be nice maybe theres going to be a flood. Dana theres a 5monthold baby in there. Jessica it is excruciating the details of whats happened and what im sure continues to go on. There was a major theme that i noticed in the weekend coverage. The spokesperson for the Israeli Government held a briefing for journalists who doubt their stories and showed them all the profane footage. I was particularly struck. Trey yingst was interviewing a Rescue Worker that he said hamas gouged a mans eyes out, cut off his wifes breasts. Nothing is going to stop israel from hunting down these sadistic savages. They a they know what they are doing. The bumbling response from biden. Axios reported an hour ago saying we have an american threestar general on the ground, military officers are training idf soldiers and how we would approach this. There is a Ground Invasion being prepared and the beginnings of it already started. Some of the most complex Hostage Negotiations that we have seen. And bibi is suffering. 80 of israelis want bibi to take public responsibility. People in his government has come out dana he has run away. He doesnt meet with the families. He wears his vest and doesnt go where he supposed to go. I understand hes embarrassed about what he did with the judiciary and that idf soldiers had to be in the other side of the country because of the mess the cause. These people are dead now. They need your support. They need to just take public response building for what happened and try to mend it especially if you want some sort of political future. Greg so you agree with trump. Dana yeah, there we go. Jessica bibi is a big loser. Like trump. Jesse i dont know anything about israeli politics but i do know that joe biden is not cut out to be Commander In Chief. You have to be precise when you speak about war. The man does not have it. In the last 72 hours, he said. Oh, lets do a ceasefire. Lets not do a ceasefire. Negotiate for hostages. I dont know what the policy is. I have no idea. No, you dont. Because he doesnt pay the policy changes every single day. Is a lot of pressure on him but theres a lot of pressure throughout the region. We are advertising that we are under pressure. I see leaks every day and axios saying that the administration is panicked over world war iii. Why are we even talking to reporters about how panicked we are . About world war iii. We are admitting we are running low on weapons . We are admitting we have no idea how many hostages . This is what you say. You say the United States will do everything we possibly can to defend our allies and our interests in the region. Thats it. And then you say if Anybody Messes with us, theyll face the full force of the u. S. Military and you say nothing else. Its like everybodys just kind of speaking about how theyre feeling all of the time to the media. Its embarrassing. Looks like what happened here was that biden was caught out of posture in the mideast. When he was elected, he pulled these the antimissile Defense Systems out. Now he has to rush them back in and theyre not there yet. Hes telling bibi to slow down or dont go ground because were not ready for this to escalate. If this escalates with iranians and hezbollah before we have our defense and there, we are going to get caught and heard. The delay. The longer this delay goes on, the better it is for hamas. The better it is for hezbollah. The better it is for the iranians. Not only are they winning the socalled p. R. War with these hostage releases, you should see how these releases are being covered on al jazeera. They are making it like these people are the diplomats, that these people are the humanitarians and if we would just do a ceasefire we could settle this thing altogether like that. Also if youre bombarding Northern Hamas with artillery and youre not doing it on the ground, youre just having palestinians sees and hamas peoe with little Video Cameras and their phones. Make it look like they are indiscriminate and then blasted out to the entire world. The squad is saying its indiscriminate. U. S. Members of congress think its indiscriminate bombing that these are war crimes. Meanwhile, they are surgical strikes targeting strongholds. But theyre losing face in the region and they are letting the his radiant arm hezbollah. How many shipments are going across the desert right now that we can even track . They need to go in. Im not a military expert. But the longer this goes on, the worse it is for israel. Judge jeanine no question. Dana bill barr is ripping into what College Students for sidingbedd with hamas terrorist. The heartland of america. We rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. Experience the farm to home difference for yourself. Go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15 off your order with code fox news. Bye, bye cough. Later Chest Congestion. Hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours not coughing . Hashtag still not coughing . mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from Chest Congestion and any type of cough, day or night. Mucinex dm. Its comeback season. Jesse more prohamas insanity erupting in liberal cities and on leftwing campuses. And antiisrael. 19 were arrested. College campuses continued to be a hotbed of antisemitism, propalestinian professionals and students taking over the library at nyu while demanding a ceasefire. Kids at Columbia University or handing out palestinian had wraps and planning a walk out week. Harvard is bracing for more protests after students held a di in protest. Liberal comedian bill maher blasting the Snotty Nosed Brats for siding with terrorists. Dont go to elite college. As recent events have shown it just makes you stupid. Few if any positive stigmata will happen in israel but one is opening americas eyes to how Higher Education has become indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas. Among them the simplest of notion that the world is a binary place where everyone is either under pressure or oppressed. The same students will tell you words are violence and silence as violence. Regardless that Hamas Terrorists went on a rape and murder rampage. They knew where to point the fingers come at the murderers. Then it was off to ethics class. Jesse bill maher sounds familiar. Greg that is everything we have said for the past ten years. I welcome him to this table. Its about time. Imagine being a jewish kid on these campuses right now. You cant go there. You have to keep your mouth shut. Staging a di in after one of the most groups of gruesome massacres. The death of what i call wine Ocean Privilege. We would have these motes, they were of the offer zone. They were pierced a couple times, 9 11 pearl harbor. Homegrown islamic terror like at the pulse nightclub. We never really had to worry. We got complacent. In fact we allowed our Ocean Privilege to get chipped away and it got chipped away in three ways. Our border collapsed. Now you can get in if you really try it we might even help you. Instead of adding to Ocean Privilege we pulled the big giant hole in it. You have homegrown radicalism and you are seeing in demonstrations and colleges. Whether we knew it or not we are finding ideology on campuses that were promoting our demise are probably for the last 30, 40 years. The process is ongoing. Its a war against the west but its from within. Then you add the brainwashed from the social media. We have collapsed the barrier between ideologues and this country so now you can get that stuff right in your own room and it can spread. Basically the oppressor versus the oppressed viruses now on every campus. You have kids who know nothing but that. Why do you think some think so many people are obsessed with the roman empire . Right . Its because something once mighty got complacent. Assumed that Bread And Circuses will keep people happy. Thats carbs and ticktock. We have seen it doesnt. Who knew that if you got rid of patriotism and religion and exceptionalism and the value of The Melting Pot that it would lead to this. It has. Jesse would you rather have White Privilege or Ocean Privilege . Greg thats a tough one. Jesse white Ocean Privilege. I will answer for you. Dana whats important is transparency. Thats key. For as hard as it is to watch these videos are know exactly what happen or listen to the stories of what happened, its so important. Barry weiss at the free press is doing a great job of oral testimony to make sure that its out there. I would make everyone of these kids listen to it. I would love to give these kids a map that had no names on it and see they could tell me, where is israel . You know exactly how that would go. The other thing this weekend in india there was a protest of college kids and they were protesting. They are carrying the italian flag. Which is also red, white, green. They didnt even know they were doing. The other point i would like to make, there was a journalist from one of the new york new yorker or new York Magazine and they tweeted there had been evidence hamas had decapitated a child. Got a ton of social media push back. They did a second tweet. Not sure if the baby was beheaded or if the babys head fell off after the trauma. Imagine thinking that you actually have to say that so that the online mob wont come after you. The fact is the baby was killed and it was beheaded. Thats the evidence lets come out, as hard as it is to hear. I would make sure all of these kids had to hear it. Judge jeanine i wonder if they are evil, so evil that they think that the jews deserve it. Or maybe they are not seeing what we are seeing. Maybe they just want to deny that its existing. Thats why israel released the unintended video that trey yingst talked about. Apparently none of the Major Networks are reporting on it. They dont want to talk about how horrific it is to have these babies being beheaded or having eyes gouged out or women burned alive. All they talk about are the palestinians, the poor palestinians. There is no mention of any of the jews. If there are, they deserve to die. So you say to yourself, you know, they went from cancel culture because they didnt like what you said or they didnt like the way you were conducting yourself, to now literally denying the holocaust, erasing history. Now they deny your existence and they want to deny your right to exist. Thats why theyre tearing down these posters of people of kids who are missing who are either missing or, you know, hostages. How can you deny that humanity . There evil. They are College Students. Theyve got to know how to access this information. It almost makes you believe that they are in support of destroying the jews. Then you have to go back and say what have the jews done to you . Did the Jews On October 7th and say lets destroy hamas . They got up to try survive in this tough its called, of israel. Its jesse is this evil . Jessica seems pretty evil to me. I would like to believe actually the history of this and what happened that their social media feeds, that was a huge theme of the bill maher discussion on friday, that they are being fed a complete counter narrative to the ones that we ours and the information that we seek out and they dont have access to good information about this. We have to do our best to keep bombarding them with that kind of information. I saw aoc was interviewed over the weekend and she is calling for a ceasefire and he kept pushing her, what does that mean . Does that mean hamas is in charge . Ended up with the period for a while, thats how its got to be. That is not a viable solution. The israelis wont settle for that and they shouldnt. In the u. S. Wont settle for it and they shouldnt. I would encourage everyone to watch. Its a ten minute video, its a bit long but even just a few minutes of it. Theres a Business Professor at columbia, israeli who was speaking out the other night talking about how now the university cant protect jewish students that parents need to be aware of this. Its become a completely unsafe environment to the end. You see that this could have a real Ripple Effect on people. When you think about where youre going to send your kids, are you going to be looking at one of these universities that had a dean they cant find the guts or talk to the fundraising director, look at the donations being pulled from universities that that if you can find it within yourself to say my people have a right to exist, you dont get a new library. And im ashamed to have gone there. Thats not going to stop anytime soon. Jesse its almost as dangerous as being a conservative on college campus. Its tough. But max, is destroying the American Dream but thats not stopping joe from breaking about his economy. 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Middleclass families find themselves able to purchase half of what that code in 2020. The cost of homeownership surging by 52 compared to renting mainly due to the escalating Mortgage Rates. With headlines like that its no Surprise Dems fear that the Bidenomics Branding would backfire. You dont have to leave home or your family to get a good job. The first time in a long time we are investing in america. Investing in american people. Investing in our future. I can honestly say ive never been more optimistic. Greg that was a lot of the non sequiturs pretty dont have to leave home to get a good job at all how that has anything to. His homeownership no longer part of the American Dream . Dana increasingly becoming a huge problem. One of the reasons we are working on the debate questions you had 150 questions and narrowed it down, he kept arguing that you have to keep the Housing Question in in there because theres a Rule Of Thumb that youre only supposed to spend x amount of your income on shelter. Right now its creeping up to well over 30 or 35 . Sometimes 40 or 50 . Thats not just because of the Mortgage Rates, also rents our way out because inventory is down. Everything is skyhigh. You add the Child Care Costs on top of this, your young family trying to figure out a way to get things going. It does feel like the American Dream has stalled and i think when you look at these polls that show president trump, if he were to become the nominee, even some of the other republicans, like nikki haley polling above biden in a lot of the swing states. People might not like either candidate but they really want an economy that can work for them again. Greg jessica, biden is underwater and key swing states. Jessica i too have read that. Greg but he is a lifeguard, remember . Jessica he saved corn pop. Corn pop israel. There is understandable frustration on the part of the administration because there have been a lot of really great headlights and a lot of progress. A year to date, theres going to be a recession. Every bank is saying theres no recession. Unemployment under 4 longest streak in 50 years. Jobs, 14 million jobs. Everything back from covid. 3 million more. Inflation. Yet problems still persist. You can see spokespeople and the president himself really struggling with the idea that you cant brag about something that people are not feeling. Greg or experiencing. Jessica well, indicators was wages were up from last year. They would indicate they are experiencing it. For whatever reason you cant tell a voter that they are wrong. Thats the thing. You just have to be compassionate and understanding about it. I think that is really where theyre missing the mark on this at this point. Greg judge, it seems to me jessica is saying its more about the messaging and not the reality. I believe she is lying. Judge jeanine i wouldnt say that. What i would say is shes wrong. Look, the bottom line is this. In 2020 i believe it was, january 2021 when trump left, the Mortgage Rates had dropped 32 from when he came into office. 401 to 207. Biden shows up and they are up 157 . Thats not a feeling. Thats a fact. Car owners fall behind in payments, the highest on record in history. Baby boomers becoming homeless. Someone like me at a rate not seen since the great depression. Credit Card Companies are racking up losses at the fastest pace in 30 years. Americans need to make 114,000 a year in order to buy im median priced home. I will give you a couple more and stop. Pound of turkey up 114 . 4pound bag of sugar, 97 . Everything is more expensive. Will someone please tell me what bidenomics means . Stop telling me about the employment rate. The employment is up because the prepandemic jobs are back. Biden is taking credit for that. At least the border is secured, at least crimes under control and at least we are not at war and nobody is depressed. But im wrong about that, that was trump. G greg jesse, a lot of the examples that the judge uses, a lot of editors and riders dont drive, they dont have experience with gas prices. They dont cook for themselves. They dont know how much things cost. Meanwhile, Truck Drivers can afford gas. Jesse good points, big disconnect. Usually theres three main ways to build wealth. One is wage growth rate jessica, youre wrong when you factor in inflation, wages are down. Stock market, put your money in the stock market, 401 k , stock market is flat. And bit klein took a bath and you cannot buy a home. You cannot afford a home. Now if you graduated college, you have 200,000 college debt, youre going to live with mom and dad. This country is going to turn into italy. Everybody 40 years old living with her parents and you know that does socioeconomically question mike if youre living with your parents, youre not getting married. Not having kids and then youre really not coming on the house, you have a family, you have nothing. And youre living with mom and dad. Its killing the American Dream right now. Jessica what about Manufacturing Jobs . Jesse its great. A lot of people in parttime jobs in their double counting them. Dana Manufacturing Jobs, they still have to pay what we do for eggs. Jesse and turkey. Jessica and the bag of sugar. Greg lets move on. Democrat congressman unleashing a Profanity Laden Tirade against her staff and it was caught on tape. This isnt just freight. These arent just shipments. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. To finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. Ive been maintaining. The weight is gone and its never coming back. With golo, ive not only kept off the weight but im happier, im healthier, and i have a new lease on life. Golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. Who loses 138 pounds in nine months . I did golos a Lifestyle Change and you make the change and it stays off. soft music judge jeanine democratic congressman Sheila Jackson lee allegedly going on an explicit rant against members of her own staff. On the whole thing was all caught on tape. Fox hasnt been able to intimately verify that we have it on tape. Lets listen. Both yall [bleep]. The worst [bleep] i ever couldve had put together. [bleep]. [bleep]. Idiots. Serve no [bleep] purpose. Nobodys respecting them. Nobody gives a [bleep] about what youre doing. Judge jeanine we reached out to the congress one for a statement but didnt hear back. However, her Mayoral Campaign is calling it a low hand and political tactic meant to discredit a thriving Mayoral Campaign and distract voters ahead of the early voting period. Discussion . Dana. Dana its not news. Iif you bet on capitol hill, she has been consistently voted the worst Boss On Capitol Hill but she continues to thrive. She has the highest turnover in her office. Heres the thing. If youre going to go to work for her, its you can do a little research. This information exists. Its kind of jarring to hear it on tape, i admit that. Just know what youre getting into. If you think you can stomach it and you really want to work for her, then go for it. If not, theres lots of other places on capitol hill where you can work where you wont get treated like that. Judge Jeanine Biden in 2021 wonder, if you ever are working with me and i hear you treated a colleague with disrespect or talked down to some i promise you i will fire you on the spot. Do the same rules apply to her . Jessica if those are her rules. Judge jeanine him regarding her. Jessica she doesnt work for him. She works for her constituents. Danas right, open secret. Notice that no one is out there defending her. The Congressional Black Caucus is not touching this with a 10foot pole. Looking back at news that Amy Klobuchar ate salad offer home because a staffer didnt have a fork. Judge jeanine who has the highest Staff Turnover . Her or, harris. Jesse in congress you can sexually harass your staff, insider trade, marry your brother, thats all fine. You cant tell your staff to do their jobs. I am pro Sheila Jackson lee and im sick of the Staff Members not putting something on the calendar. Puts it on the calendar. Let me talk to mike. She shouldnt have to talk to mike. She should know its on the calendar i agree its childs work. Dana [laughs] judge jeanine she tells her staff i am the queen and i demand to be treated like a queen. Greg but trump but trump by the way, this is why i badmouth everybody in public. If you ever leak anything for me, people are going to go oh, thats nothing compared to what he said about kilmeade last night. The best armor is vice signaling, the opposite of virtue signaling. Be really bad in public but this is a lesson for all you liberals. Jessica. White males arent the only big jerks. Everyone can be a ahole and the problem with Identity Politics is somehow the lie that marginalized groups arent human. We just found out she is as guilty as the same behavior jesse is. Jesse thats not true. Judge jeanine we should bring johnny in here and question him. Up next, youll be shocked by how Many Americans are now taking fake sick days. Im hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer. Its time to use my voice, ive got a choice, more than one answer. I sat down with my doc. We had a talk. Knew just what to say. I asked for cologuard and did it my way. Cologuard is a oneofa kind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way jessica welcome back. Theres a huge rise in americans taking and faking sick days. Perfectly healthy workers are aligned to their bosses over the real reason they are calling out. Some attribute it to their frustrations are Mental Health while others put it this way saying it was a gorgeous day. I just wasnt in the mood to work. Either way theres a 45 increase in younger workers taking sick days. I feel like you hate that stuff. Dana if youre sick, you shouldnt come to work because nobody else wants to get your germs. I remember when i was a little kid, hated to miss school. If i was legit sick and i had to stay home, i was so nervous about anything that i was missing at school, not socially so much for from the homework perspective. Never wanted to be behind and i feel like back today. I dont like being away from work. I appreciate the time off when i get it. I would never take a fake sick day. I just wouldnt do it. I love working. I love being here. I dont know what i would do if someone on my team took up fake sick day. I dont know what i would do. Jessica i would be scared that someone would find out. No repercussions . Greg i will have to put out that in the green room dana asked me if there were any availability to work on my holiday shows. Im not joking. You know what i hate . You know what i hate . People who use their kids to get out of work. I dont have that in my arsenal. After come up with other lies. I might adopt a just to get off i have been going to childrens birthday parties, stopping by orphanages, jesse you better be here on fridays, gutfeld. You know what i would do, remember the Office Episode where auster called in sick and white went to his house to conduct surveillance . It turns out he wasnt sick. He was just gay. Thats what i would do. I would send someone to the house to confirmed. Jessica judge . [laughter] judge jeanine its my turn after that . The only thing i can tell you is you are entitled to sick days. The question is whether or not a Mental Health day is a sick day. To me the answer is no. Ive heard people say you know what, im going to be sick thursday and friday on tuesday. It infuriates me. When i ran an office, nobody would dare do that. This is postpandemic. You can blame, you know who you can blame . You can blame the pandemic. Jesse what if youre sick in the head . Judge jeanine then china for some reason. The truth is everybodys getting lazy or no one wants to work and i cant stand it. Im like dana. Im not interested working on a holiday. Dana all i said was. [laughter] never mind. Jessica one more thing is up next. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose new neuriva ultra. Unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including Mental Alertness from one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. The chase Ink Business Premier Card is made for people like sam, who make everyday products, designed smarter. Like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. Oh, genius for more breakthroughs like that i need a breakthrough card. Like ours with 2. 5 cash back on purchases of 5,000 or more. Plus unlimited 2 cash back on all other purchases. And with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas a brilliant reality the Ink Business Premier Card from chase for business. Make more of whats yours. Dana jessica. Jessica this adorable video. Footage shows the dolphin. Moving its mouth like real conversation. The Toddler Waves back. Made me want to go to an aquarium. Dana dolphins also say, trying to eat you. Greg great show, so many had some people adam carolla. Thats 10 00 p. M. Tonight. Thats great. Lets do this, gregs new mug news. Nearly nine years ago, october 13th, 2014. I got a mug and ive had it ever since. Mark and trisha sent me a new mug. Look at that. Beautiful. Trying to avoid my fingers. Dana nine years is a long time. But the horn was broken. Greg this has real horn. Jesse today is national tv talk show day. We get the recognition that we deserve. Everyone should keep a moment. A moment of gratitude recognize the greatness that we display. On Live Television day after d day. Another biden Family Member gets hacked. Any time someone gets hacked, we will cover it. Dana two events to announce. This friday will meet the author but also the Country Music song writer j. T. Harding at the book shot. You can get tickets at the little point bookshop. Hes amazing. He has written the songs you love and on sunday i inte interw lawrence jones. American man lawrence jones. Judge jeanine thousands of drones lit up the sky in a breathtaking insulation saturday night marking the first orchestrated drone flights. The colorful drones above the lake in three separate ten minute showings. The culmination of five years of coronation planning. Isnt that beautiful . Greg not as beautiful as american man. A dana thats it for us. Have a great night. Bret really nice being

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