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Bring the latest on the ground and middle east we bring Trace Gallagher and also to, senator ted cruz will be here tonight and ufc president dana white will join us. He has a huge announcement, a recordsetting dealmaking bud light the official beer of the usc looks like anheuserbusch i trying to send a message you anyway it appeared that the American Beer Giant is now getting back into its roots selling beer. After what was a detour into politics that didnt work out well to be first our top story tonight. Chaos, miles continues to rock the entire middle east with the conflict that some believe coul erupt into a major global conflict and war. But is a big threat to america actually coming from within . Because then every major city, every major state there are leftists who exhibit more fidelity to the people of gaza and americans were murdered and taken hostage by terrorists, by his race murdered and taken hostage. In fact, for which now we have witnessed some of these individuals make excuse after excuse, and in many cases even celebrating the barbaric acts perpetrated by the terrorist group hamas. And even speaking out in suppor of hamas. This is not a fringe group of lunatics either. We are talking about college professors. Many, many, College Students an our finest universities. Healthcare providers. Bankers, prominent celebrities. Even members of congress. They clearly hate israel, and the jewish people that lived there, supposedly they love capitalism. They detest the idea of america although they really seem to enjoy living here. But, of course, this seditious hatred and bigotry extends all the way to the east river in ne york, where the United Nations is wrought historically with antiamericanism and antisemitism. For example today listen to the un secretarygeneral and the list of excuses for the actions of the terrorist actions, of hamas. Take a look. It is important to also recognize the attacks by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. Testing and people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. Lansing their land delete evolved by sediments and plague by violence. Their economy is stifled. The people are displaced, and their homes are demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been banishing. I have said this for some time because the antiamerican the Burrowing Aneurysm is time frankly as i am concerned for the un to be evicted from america. They are an antiamerican organization. They serve no purpose they take up label real estate new york city, that it doesnt deserve, and we, the taxpayers pay the bulk of monies just for the privilege of being hated as wel as our closest ally israel. And while youre at it, lets cut all ties and funding for al global organizations. The who. They cover for the Communist Chinese and covid. The w efp. They were nothing but whereby socialism. Or the idiotic parents, records where we pay the book of money and india and china are recognized as developing nation and pay next to nothing. And, by the way, while youre a it lets get rid of every other internet can global organ organization. When was the last time one of these groups actually made anybodys life better . Probably never. So lets invite the worlds greatest finalists of important dimension let them clog the traffic of some other country. I say china. Let china have the un, and they can spend the billions annually to keep that failing to Divisio Running Daily we come to expect this kind of extremism from diplomats around the world. But it is far more shocking to see the mass in massive protest on american streets in city after city after city, People Holding signs that call for a global islamic revolution. Others praising the predilections of hamas, including the rape, murder, the torture, the family burned al alive, the kids abducted, the babies beheaded. Some even ripping down posters featuring the missing american and israeli children now being held hostage by hamas. This is evil, it is happening i real time, in our time. What can a person to the poster of a missing child . I left hatred bigotry is seemingly everywhere in the country and in numbers i dont think anybody expected, and tha is why the White House Press secretary Karine Jeanpierre wa able to condemn antisemitism yesterday. And is it only wanted to talk about his homophobia. Take a look at this. Please what is the level of concern right now about potential rise of antisemitism in light of everything thats going on in israel . So couple of things. Look, we have not seen any credible threats. Another has been always questions about pittable threat here, and so i just want to mak sure that thats out there. Muslim diffmack a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks and certainly President Biden understands tha many of our muslim arab ever makes and pacinian loved ones and neighbors are worried about the hate being directed at thei community. Nice plaintiff up there, anyway kj p leonard prepared remarks and said she was to the que question, which seemed to be a very common theme in the by demonstration these days. Joe, mr. The Question Number 2 other times this week. Hamas sympathizers in the preprocessing crowd and demande that israel did nothing. They are all calling for ceasefire after israel has had the worst Terror Attack on thei soil in history. Now, of course, it will be a onesided ceasefire. Hamas is launching dozen projects thousands of rocket daily and is breaking every ceasefire agreement it has rea to you over the years tens and tens and tens of thousands of rockets have been fired from gaza, from lebanon, hezbollah, into israel. This has to end. Israel Cannot Function without number of rockets being fired a their country every single solitary week. The free palestine crowd, they dont really want a ceasefire, they just want to give hamas more time to reload, resupply, and while there and it probably setting boobytraps when the occurs of israel occurs. Now, by the way, the same crowd does not actually want the posting people to be free, because if that was the case they will become for hamas To B Annihilated the terrorist rules of gaza, they dont allow anyon to be free. There is no freedom of speech. There is no freedom of religion. There is no freedom of the pr press. There is no free and fair elections. Look at how they treat minorities. Many are executed, anyway, but the free palestine, they dont care, there will be too truthfu to them. They dont care about freedom a all. They just for hamas To Push Israel into the sea and in the Process Killing Managers as possible, and then they would justify it all the way. That is what is in hamas charter. That is what they have vowed to do. Which is not paying attention t their own words. But the hate, hysteria, and als been on the left that even Hillary Clinton is getting heckled. Watch this. Warmongering speech, President Bidens over 100 billion of funding for israel, taiwan and ukraine, and to bust wanted to get up there we are going to Rush World War Iii and were all going to. Im sorry, this is not this is not the way to have a conversation. If you want to have a conversation, you are welcome t come talk to me afterwards. Okay, right. Yeah, yeah. Youre going torture me, right . I will work for you, and listen to and will respond to you, actually, i dont believe you. Well, just. Arrogant people what need to be heard. They are being heard. The president is not speakin for the american people. Well, thats your opinion. Well, then sit down, refer t your opinion. Well, the left loves it when Hillary Clinton lectured us about the evils of stolen elections while persuading the russia hoax, but they just can seem to tolerate her when she voiced support for israel. And meanwhile for president obama, hes not more than happy to lecture the country about both sides of the conflict in the middle east also. By the way, bs remember it was obama who was the first idiot as president said billion to iran in exchange for absolutely nothing while Irania Proxies were murdering american soldiers in iraq at the time. Obama, he was hoping to make them rich. And naturally biden picked up where barack left off. And here we are, on the precipice of yet another war. But according to Reports Biden is encouraging israel to delay Ground Invasion to negotiate th release of more hostages. Let me be clear, nobody wants every hostage release more than i do. Every one of them, including every american. But why on earth did democrats put so much faith and hope into the murdering terrorists, who just brooded on Southern Israel the ones that were killing little babies, and even beheading them, because that doesnt seem wise, didnt seem particularly hopeful to me he was the latest, hes on the ground, is boxers in our house, my friend Trace Gallagher is there. All right, the very latest on the ground. Lets talk about also the delay the push by demonstration to delay the grounding version. There have been a perfect put because theyre afraid of the blowup into a bigger regional war, maybe possibly beyond that. Is not just the ground war they worry about, it is these attack that you are seeing from Irania Proxies. You talked about earlier, and you have to remember the Secretary Of State Antony Blinking just said a few days ago that is a rainy proxies are not to be going after us forces they will be swift and decisive consequences. And yet now, in the past week, shawn, we have had 14 attacks o us forces, mostly in iraq. We have had two dozen us observers wounded, and the Secretary Of State has made no comment, no response at all about that, which is concerning to a lot of people. As for the Ground Invasion on iraq, the per mr. Benjamin netanyahu today met with Israel Forces and he told them that they are ready to go. Said quoting here that, the next day just coming. Thats all he would say. People are wondering when that next angel. But the underground war, israel had the tangible. We are talking about defending themselves in four different directions. Rock is coming from hamas over gaza. Rockets coming from hezbollah over lebanon. And then you have Syria Shootin Two rockets into israel today. And to make matters worse, the Israeli Forces actually capture and caught and killed some hama divers off the coast. They had come out of the tunnel into the water, and their plan was up early to land on a Southern Israeli beach. They were killed and their tunnel was blown up. But in the consequence of this you had israel in 24 hours goin after 400 terrorist targets. And those targetings they killed for hamas leaders. And they will continue their. I mean, 400 in 24 hours is like the early days, they one, two and three this more. We are not seeing those numbers in quite some time. But they are saying that there will be no ceasefire. The ground war right now we do not expect it to go forward at least the next 24 hours. Beyond that its unclear if you. Saudi arabia according to reports intercepted a who zero missile headed towards israel. You mentioned ebola in the no north, trace. You mentioned syria and they ar firing missiles into israel. Hamas rockets targeting tel a aviv. That doesnt seem like a rationale for a ceasefire, or to so the ground operation. That seems to me that the motor actually speeded up. Because thats the only way these architects are going to stop. Because theyre not coming from all directions. Yeah, they are. And youre exactly right. I mean, there is a recipe here for trying to slow this down, and to get a humanitarian effor and see if they can get these hostages free right now you hav all sides to talk about iranian proxies and has block in the north continues. Now, they have invited their bi rockets, but they are Content T Fire Small Arms Into Places lik kerry hashimoto, 22,000 people, now evacuated there. Is canvassing strategy they use back in 2006 when we were uncovering the war with israel and lebanon. Euphrates rockets and pieties rockets until you get a bigger response. The question is, and that bigge response comes. It doesnt come partially from the United States . Which is now talking about reinforcing israels iron dome with some iron dome batteries. Its unclear exactly the level the United States will be willing to step over the line and get more involved, shawn. But we are seeing signs of that every day, which is why there i some concern in this demonstration, the by demonstration about the scene going up into a bigger water even talk about Contingency Plans on how you evacuate the middle east. Evacuating americans from the middle east they say they hope it does not come to that. But that is kind of where a lot of people including a lot of people and by demonstration leave this war is going in that direction. Well, when you add up the yemen and syria and the iranian behind all of it to the saudi involvement, lebanons involvement, we are we reall are talking about the entire middle east being a powder keg. And i think you are right, i think we are probably at that 2 448 hour mark where israel now will, in fact, move to the next level. I would take the words of b. B. Pretty seriously. Teresa we will be watching tonight. Great report, thank you, keep u updated. A minute talking, single tear including attacks on your cell gibran, begs our own southern border. Illegal crossings have not hit an alltime high and even worse we have no idea how many people are actually getting across undetected and where theyre coming from. Remember by the end of this yea under joe bidens Aiding And Abetting illegal immigration policies we have nearly 8 million Illegal Migrants in this country but so far this year more than 160 suspected terrorists have apprehended at the border which is an alltime record and industries makes mention anything 17 syrians caught at the border. Did they get there . Who paid for them to get there . Why were they there . Biden did recently just requested billions in new borde funding but according to senato ted cruz of texas who will dres in a moment, the money will all be used for seller to processin of illegal immigration is actually enforcing the border. Anyway, to recap the United States is now facing a Prison Crisis here at home, the econom is in shambles, we see was goin on abroad. But according to John Kirby Biden has done everything perfectly. You know, he is just and everything a . Take a look. You want to give him a re report, a . I mean, his commanderinchief that never stops, and in the december possibilities are literally global. I mean, we are one nation that has truly Global Response abilities, and hes managing it all. Here now with Reaction Criti senator ted cruz. We are a little over 70, 5 million ligaments, going t to 8000000 by the end of the year, as three years, and not interpersonal people have staye there but nobody of any people biden has led in. And now we are catching syrians Communist Chinese, iranians and our borders, senator. If that doesnt scare americans i dont know what will. Look, the world has gotten much more dangerous under joe biden and the democrats. Israel is at greater jeopardy, much greater jeopardy because o joe biden and the democrats. America is at grade exempt jeopardy because of biden and the kids and your family and my family are incredibly become biden and the democrats. I would suggest simple principles the president cant seem to figure out number 1, stop giving money to terrorists who want to murder us. And, number 2, subletting to this Country Terrorists want to murder us. Hes doing both. You talked about illegal immigration. The statistics are horrifying. Lets just take the Tour Watch List to us, back to 2017. Do you know how many were apprehended on a Terror Watch List . Two. The next year 18. Six. The next year 2019, zero. The next year 2020, three. Then 2021, how many of the Tour Watch List . 15. What happened in 2021 . Joe biden. How about 2022 . 98. How about 2033 . 169. This open border we have is an invitation for terrorists to come, and i believe right now, sean, we are at a greater risk of a major Terrorist Attack in the United States and it any point since september 11th. And by demonstration keep the bring down on the policies that put us at risk. What is so stunning about this is, i mean, we know that w are catching people on the Tour Watch List but we are not mending many of the people. So the very people we have caught, im sure just a small percentage. Senator i pray to god i am wron but i dont think i am. And that is that because of the open border policies and joe biden that we have neuter sales in America Planning planning, scheming the next attack on thi country. I mean, how could you conclude anything else with the sheer number of people that he has a lot in . This has never happened before. Senator. Look, my Motion Podcast from yesterday british protectorate we do a deep dive on a memo tha customs and Border Patrol put out last week. It was a medal from the San Diego Field Office advising exist, be on lookout for hamas or hezbollah, and for Palestinian Islamic jihad, because as a greater risk of their coming in, and then struc agents that right now with the war in israel, a war that was funded by the billions that joe biden sent to iran and sent to gaza, that there is a greater risk that hamas and hezbollah and pacinian Islamic Jihad terrorists will try to conditionally cross the souther border. And the matting thing is a response to a. You put up imago haline about what i said about this 105 billion supplemental. A portion of that supplemental is called Border Security and i is the most ridiculous bait and switch you ever seen what biden is asking for is more money to accelerate illegal immigration, to process Illegal Immigrants faster. They want more people to the paperwork, and they would have more resources to put more immigrants on buses and planes to every city in america. It is madness. And they are just tempting some lunatic to commit the kind of mayhem and murder here that for tragically seeing in israel. Let me ask you this. You heard the ambassador of israel, demand un secretarygeneral resign. I concur. I look at all the coolest organizations, including the un. We pay the majority of monies. All the money we got to the who the w ef, why do we pay the bul of money for the Parish Records . Why is America Funding in the case of the un an organization historically that had been antiamerican and this matter . Why are we funding this . Why is it here in this country . Please look at the Un For A Lon Time has been a vicious pit of antiisrael, antisemitism of hatred. They have countries like cuba and libya and syria on the huma rights council. Its a mockery. Pages to do investigations seemingly every week attacking and undermining israel. I have to say it is striking. At the same time this happening joe biden has committed to be the United States ambassador to israel a man named jack lupe wh is Jack Lukosius you gcec who was the Secretary Desk treasury secretary under obama. Jetblue was integral in the United Nations passing Un Resolution 2334. What is 2234 . This past in December 2016 righ after that trump had win the election right when obama was o the way out and it was a resolution that is the most viciously antisemitic resolution the un has ever passed. It condemns much of modernday israel as a district illegal op guide territory. It condemns the Jewish Quarter of israel of jerusalem as illegal occupied territory. He claimed the western wall you know the image of barack obama grandma, and his hand on the western wall, well, was the according to Un Revolution 2234 is illegally occupied territory and you know what . The Obama Administration did with jack lieu and tuzar skippe depending . The orchestra did a you in passing that and then they sat back and let it happen. It was here last week that changed about it and he said, well, it could been much worse. I said you could have vetoed it to america has an absolute veto on the Security Council but barack obama didnt because the initiation wanted to undermine israel and we are seeing the chickens coming home to roost, the consequences sammy playing out right now. Very sadly. Senator ted cruz, as always thank you. Youre making bacca was off th squad leader, to dispute that dispute promise talking points to be called the hamas Caucus O Congress be will discuss alyssa steve miller interdiction. Dont forget to live audit show tomorrow, thursday night. Tickets are free. Seminar is a guess, appears m more nikki haki bremer, jason j fits. Again just go to hammie. Com to register. Can have fun, catching foot footballs. We promise a fun time for all. But what happens when you need Affordable Health care . 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Both israel and the us have determined that the explosion near Gaza Hospital last week wa not caused by an idf strike the other Intelligence Agencies around the world concluded as well. According to geo located video and a month of other evidence, the explosion was the result of that misfired rocket from the Islamic Jihad we have all your proving that. Now, meanwhile, we have Video Showing at the hospital was nowhere near as badly damaged a initially feared. Basically it damaged a parking lot more. And, by the way, thankfully far fewer people people died and reported 500. And yet the squad; you know what we call the new hamas caucus in washington, they can give up on the lie that israel was responsible. There still pushing the lie, th Conspiracy Theory led by w well, someone to leave who is called for a, independent litigation of the incident, to figure out the video and write your own eyes so you. By the way, we are ready know what happened, through independent investigations. And to leaps friend, aoc, hasn been any better. Heres what she told the fill activists posing as journalists of right msdn see over the weekend. Watch list do vzp so they say putting a worsened difference, award the any other country including the us would fight if they were in the same position. What is your reaction to that line of argument, change how i think one of the things is important to recognize about this situation is the asymmetry of what is going on as well as the collective punishment of what is happening to the person you people at this moment. War crimes do not constitute an are not an appropriate response for other war crimes. Is a perfect tagteam. Nest egg identified as a guy wh hates israel to begin with. It was reaction, Pushing Adviso To Pressure peter miller, podcast toast to the addiction. Tutor, your reaction. Im calling it the hamas caucus because it was all the evidence they have groups of bureaucrati time someone got the squad, out there, propagandizing on behalf of hamas. Can you explain that to me . Please, well, with aoc i think is pretty simple. She is useful idiot. Tillie be dangerous. I think for the for someone because we know where she st stands. This might is too nice of a wor for Rashida Tlaib. This is a woman who made it clear she was celebrating on october 7th she wants jews to b killed. She is celebrating the Murder O Jews and, my question is, where is the rest of the michigan delegation . Because this is a woman who was in a puff position. Shes a leader in the Michigan Democrat Party and yet i haven heard kp to condemn her, i havent heard to be Stubborn Al Condemn her, i havent heard he stevens condemn her. And when his was that she said, well, most people can make thei own decision, but i have told you where i stand. Wait a minute you or someone in your own party who was standing with terrorists . Who is standing with people who go wayne and murder people in their homes . And in an allied country you ar okay with that . You are not going to condemn your colleague . I am calling on the Michigan Democrats to come out and say, they do not accept this, they d not agree with this, they are glad they know where rashida team stands and they want to make sure that people vote against this kind of rhetoric. What is your reaction to this, stephen miller, in spite of all the evidence they are still out there spewing lies, demand investigations when there is no need for one. And meeting how do you describe these people in congress, and what should be done . Well, first of all, they are regurgitating the propaganda of the butchers and barbarians who murdered, raped, brutalized and kidnapped innocent israelis and americans. That is a moral stain on the democrat conference in the United States conference. And Rashida Tlaib should be expelled from congress. For continuing to provide sympathy and support, and ideological comfort to the hama barbarians that have establishe innocent americans. American blood is on the hands of hamas. I think is him down to the fact that you have a Strong Movement in the Democrat Party is both deeply antiemetic and deeply antiamerican and antiwest. So they are going to side with the terrorists and they are wil decide with the entities and houses support and show the terrorists, and against what is perceived as american interests american lives and American Allies speed and it is absolutely revolting. It is repellent. I guess that is not a democrati party. There are no moderate voices anymore. And then you have the other extreme as we do here. I thought we were supposed to blame victims. Unbootable. Be any regulatory dixon, stephe miller, appreciate you both. When we come back, The One And Only urc man himself, dana whit is here to talk about the usc, the newest partner, Biggest Partnership ever, bud light. Well tell you whats going on, straight ahead. Israel is under attack and israels enemies seek our destruction. The people of israel need immediate help. Rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. Our people are targets in their own homes. Many have lost everything and fear for their lives. The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. If you watch the show regularly you know that not onl i am a student of the martial arts, its a passion of mine. There is no more unique venue for Mixed Martial Arts in the world and the usepa, of course, it is iconic octagon and you must watch events. Tonight Breaking News from outside the arena where ufc president dana white Just Announced that bud light yes the bud light will become th official beer partner of the league. Now, after veering off course o which i thought was stupid, int the, you know, woke cultural wars in a country is this a strong message from annas Motion Bud Light that we heard you loud and clear and we are getting back on track. Here, with more on this brandnew partnership is you se president coceo dana white, with testing so i had you on my today but pentaradial 30 plus years, my 20th year at fox. And, you know, was interesting to me is i refuse to call for boycotts, firings, cancel cancellations, any of this st stuff. Im against all of it. Like i thought it was stupid of budweiser or bud light to ge into that controversy. Just dumb pig and i have no ide why they waited into those waters. But my fear from the beginning were not the person that made the dumb decision, or the peopl that made the dumb decision. When i saw this ticket home, i was concerned about the people that worked for bud light. Those are high paying career jobs. And i said that publicly. And im hoping, you know, Everybody Knows who you are, dana. No holds barred, kick take no prisoners. I dont give an adam schiff in anybodys face. So they purposely went with you. Tell us about it. Yeah, first of all, let me start with they were the first beer company we really do business with people they are our first big sponsor. When we were Getting Started no we are back with them. Going to the steel, and all the controversy and everything, but for myself going to a longterm deal with another sponsor i wan to be with somebody that im actually aligned with. I know people are were upset with what they did, but im looking at all the good things they do. They employ 55,000 americans. They have thousands of bets tha work for them. This man 700 million a year with us farmers using their crops to make their products. And many, many, other great things that anheuserbusch had done in this country. And those are the things that i am focused on. When i look at a luncheon sponsor, we are going to do a six year deal here. I want to be with somebody that im aligned with. All those things that i just mentioned to you are what im all about. And not to mention they have this thing called folds of ho honor. Im very big into Law Enforcement and military. Over the last i dont know how many years they have spent like 45 million taking care of the servicemen and First Responders who have died, taken care of their families. Scholarships for the kids and things like that. So i am very aligned with anheuserbusch. All right, let me be clear about a few things. There were other companies that wanted to partner with you, correct. He certainly i know you don need the money because you have more money than anyone could ever want and probably 4,000 lifetimes. So he didnt do for the money. You didnt do it, you know, you did for the reasons stated. But you also knew, and is already happening on social media, that youd be attacked, youd be accused of selling out. I want you to respond to those people. Well, lets be clear. When you do sponsorships you definitely sponsor its for money too. Money is differently a part of it. But money was not the Decision Hiking it wasnt the reason that i made the decision. All the things i just told you are why, i mean, theres more t being aligned with the sponsor, images punch like that, for as long as im going to be. There are many other things tha are important to me other than just the money. And the people that were all involved in this negotiation on every side actually positively know that my choice was not determined by money. Yeah, i know that. One of the things i would say i when you factor in what you sai about their support of military when you factor in that they support us farmers, when you factor in for me the most important things i knew it and it did happen, and you grea people that worked for budw budweiser. Was the beer sales slipped dramatically. Because it was a strong message that, what the hell are you doing . Why are you diving into these culture wars . It was stupid. Sorry, at that time your par partner, your new partner, was being stupid. They should never have gotten into the political arena like that. But if you think, and i hope this and in a christian believe in Second Chances and forgiveness. I am hoping that maybe, for the sake of the people that need their career jobs back, to pay their mortgages, car payments, rent, and needles, jobs, and ge their Health Insurance back, that many people may consider giving them another chance with a clear understanding, if they screw up again like this, they are never coming back. And you might be the guy thats able to bridge that gap, maybe to get his Company Another chance and give another look at it. And i know how much you offer from other companies. It wasnt about the money. But, yeah, everything is about the money but its not. So i hope for the workers that it works out for them. Because they were innocent victims in this, and they are good people that need those job to be ill give you the last word. Yeah, you know, thats what say too. And its about listen, like i said before, they run their business, they do their thing. They do a lot of great things. They do a lot of great things. They employ 55,000 people in this country. They take care farmers to and did you know that when theres big disasters they shut the plant down and they turn it int Water Bottling facility . And they borrowed like 100 million bottles of water that they sent out to Disaster Areas to im going to focus on the good that they do. We are very aligned in many different areas and thats why theyre going to be my partner for the next six years. I admire you. You know that you get incoming, you did it anyway you have strong reasons why you did it. I really cared about them, and care about no, the workers, and you know what all the other things that you brought up that ill support, military, Law Enforcement, all these things. Amazing. By the way, why didnt elon mus and zuckerberg get in the octagon . He said he talked to both of them. What happened . I want to see that. Yeah, yeah, a lot of people want to see it. You know, i dont know. Listen, i never say never but i dont know, we will see how this plays out. Sean to me it was all talk. Elon, get in shape, given the octagon. Looking for, get ready, again on. Everybody see, do it for cha charity, it will be a great event for everyone. All right, dana, its interesting. Good luck with the partnership and i hope those jobs, those people are rehired. Thank you. Straight ahead reporters are turning on buying and his faile policies with new polls showing copperhead in a lot of key swin states. And the republican conference i now boarding right at this hour. Who might be the next baker . Might be . I dont know, i keep saying zan rowe, locked the door, check your for new and see who wins 5 we will get updates straight ahead. Hi, im michael, ive lost 70 pounds on golo. I spent thousands on other diets that didnt work. On golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. Youre not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. 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Heres reaction Fox News Contributor can and cant mike, who knows a thing or two about poles to be how do we interpret this, michaelian . P deshaun, the the mass of sample sizes in two different sets of all polls pretty quickl the National Poll showed that don shumpert has a training lea over joe biden and we are alway told that rk junior can take motivation, but in this being reelected that year. Here is the rub. Ross perot got 90 percent of th popular vote, didnt win a single state. So he didnt want a single electoral vote. Rk jr. Need to show which state he could win. If he can win one of those seve swing states and the other set of where trump is beating biden and six of the seven swin states handily, then we are talking. Would if you going to be a spoiler the way perls gopro got 90 percent of the popular, zero delegates. Bill clinton got to see it like a percent of the biggest of the electoral vote, sean and only 4 was yet to become twoterm president ultimately. So we are keeping our eye on rk jr. An estate would pull it would pull, best number don shumpert had in his public career in the seven swing state of georgia, arizona, michigan wisconsin, north carolina, nevada and pennsylvania. This is relevant because our elections potentially are not decided by millions of boats across the country, they are decided by thousands of votes across a handful of states. And right now trump is leaving that. Also, he is leaving on all the major issues of crime, russia, ukraine and china and also leading infrastructure, libyans and housing. I guess it helps to have a builder in the race to market and by the way i think those people observed that he is not going to get a fair trial in an of the four cases coming up, bu having a president that does no what they it is is a far worse scenario. Thats right v8 killian, thank you. When we come back, outofcontrol crime in the us, simcity thinking rethinking their defined the Police Policy to be checking with leo to. 0 terrel, straight aheadimpomy be. From one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. October 7th was one of the deadliest days in jewish history since the holocaust. But make no mistake, israelis shaken, but it is not defeated. Now more than ever, the people of israel need our support. First responders and medical facilities are overwhelmed. We must boldly act without delay, both in word and deed. This is our time to show love and generosity to a nation suffering one of its darkest hours. Your gift today will directly fund israeli First Responders and hospitals as they ensure those in need receive life changing supplies and emergency medical care. Go to jhm. Org helpisrael to donate today and show your solidarity for the state of israel and the jewish people. Let it be known that israel you are not alone. Street fox news chrisman mike johnson has been elected speaker designate to the republican conference will continue to follow this Overdubbing Story and maybe one day they will have a speaker, also tonight with Skyrocketing Crime In Dc Our Nations Capitol not well are they learning pilo post like this man to please, n bailouts, just dont work . Because yesterday dc mayor Muriel Bowser introduced new legislation which reportedly targets retail theft to allow the police to declare drugfree zones, and reverses several pus reform measures that were put i place during the summer of 2020 rights, the one that they never investigated. Anyway, bowser sentencing, the act ensures we have a policy an vomit to support our Police Officers to allow them protect our community make dc safer. Mayor, a little late to the action, obviously. His reaction, leo two days. 002 rel. Ly dash lira why does not give us comfort . It is a Publicity Stunt is nothing more than a do and pony show. She had for you to do something. And why this Thing Address Righ now . Oh, his election 2024. Declare, those reforms she is suggesting, those are just thin this does address gun violence, doesnt address carjacking, doesnt address robbery you see she between a rock and a hard place. Shes in a democratic city thats being terrorized by criminals, but she cant be honest and talk about Law And Order because she will be defeated. So this is nothing more than a dog and pony show. This is not going to solve the problem. She was a leader, and a black lives matter and defund the police and every city is paying for it. A city that has a large minorit population. This is worthless. s. Speaker8 i still want to know why she in riding rejected the National Guard and the leader to generate section but thats a separate issue. To me and simple. Every single american needs Law And Order, safety and security if they want to pursue happ happiness. But guess what, many cities thats not possible because of these idiotic policies. And in this, you are right, doesnt go far enough. You are absolutely right becaus that is why trump is Leaving Th Pole because you see democrats are sick and tired of crime. And yet these politicians are tied to george soros money, tied to Progressive Left wing, and they cant do what is right. Intimate law in order to put these criminals in jail. Is nothing more than a dog and pony shows. Speaker8 unbelievable. We are, im so glad you are no longer 1. 01. 0 wasnt good. It was a distant memory. Out to see 1. 0 prosocial video of 1 to 0 right now. Ill show that next time youre on, i promise you. Thats all the time we have lef audio show tomorrow and thu thursday. Anyway we have and so your guests piers morgan, the khafra member, and the company, jason chavers. Tickets are free if you just go to hand it. Com we would love to have your puppy is a pretty rowdy crowd, we throw footballs. Dont forget to set your vcr so you never miss an episode. Meanwhile, never let your heart be troubled grega to start righ now to put a smile on your face. You have a great night. Ps uncased calgary jerusalem with a fox news update on the wasr

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