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Night. Israels Ground Operations have now expanded. We have large explosions, arti artillery, tank fire, and possible Bunker Buster Bombs heard and seen all night long as the idf has now confirmed the expansion of operations, in other words, the Ground Incursion into gaza has now officially begun. Heres a description of how things went on earlier tonight, just how this all got started from trey yingst. Clearly something is happening. We cite the israeli military, they say theyre having ground raids into gaza. Dont want to speculate or call it what it could be, we need to wait and be patient. This is unlike any other night we covered. We have been here the past 20 days as it unfolds. This is a significant development. Also to give you a sense of the phases here, this is indicative of what we expected to come next. Israel told us they would be ramping up strikes against gaza before entering on the ground, this is the next phase of the war. At this moment, i cannot confirm the Ground Operation has begun. We can tell you a new phase is under way right now as we speak. Sean coming up, live coverage on the ground all throughout israel with trace gallagher, steve her began, alex logan and oliver north, former Secretary Of State mike pompeo. His analysis needed more than ever, both their analysis. First, heres what we know. From israels ground inaggr invasion, a key objective has to be for idf to destroy the vast network of tunnels constructed by hamas under gaza city. I have been in there. They have power, ventilation, constructed under International Aid. They used International Aid money. A lot of that happened to be your tax dollars, money intended for the Palestinian People. Keep that in mind when joe biden tries to pitch you on the 100 million in humanitarian aid for the palestinians. Instead the money should have been used for infrastructure, schools, hospitals, instead used by the Terror Group Hamas for shelter, travel, coordination of attacks to capture, kill, kidnap israelis, and they used for storage of their weaponry and many other daytoday operations. Now sadly this underground network was built below residential areas. Why . Of course to use civilians above as Human Shields. Take a look at your screen. This animation shows how hamas built their Terrorist Headquarters directly underneath gazas largest hospital. Wonder if thats the same one blown to Smither Evens by the israelis, this is when the media lied to you and flat out destroyed that, butch erred that story. Most of the Media Outlets never took responsibility. By the way, that hurt israel. They had to show their intelligence gathering capability to prove they didnt do it. This is one of the reasons the idf has been pleading with residents now almost 21 Straight Days in gaza, now to move south of the city. Unfortunately the freedom loving terrorists of hamas, people that have been praised around University Campuses in our country, theyre preventing civilians from actually evacuating. According to a phone call between an idf soldier and resident of gaza, hamas is blocking roads, shooting at people as they flee. Listen for yourself. Hello. [ speaking Foreign Language ] [ speaking Foreign Language ] sean now the people of gaza will never be free living under the thumb of terrorist group hamas. This is a barbaric group of indoctrinated terrorists, thugs, that will always be terrorists, masquerading as the worlds ultimate victims, convert or die, remember . Death to israel, death to america, remember . We should maybe start listening what did the 9 11 Commission Report tell us, they were at war with us, we were not at war with them. Theyve been Firing Tens Of Thousands of missiles annually into israel, built a network of tunnels to kill israelis, theyre at war with israel. They declared war leading up to the october 7 event. Hamas is about to lose their brutal grip on the people of gaza, whatever is left of gaza. Israel vowed to take them out, now faced with reality for the first time in years, leaders of hamas are not taking it well. Watch this recent bbc interview with a spokesperson for hamas. You say this was a Military Operation but the result of it was that hundreds of civilians were killed. Because the area is very wide, there are many people there, there was clashes, and confrontation. It is not confrontation. You invaded houses. Can tell you we didnt have any intention or decision to kill the civilians. How do you justify killing people as they sleep, you know, families, how do you justify i want to stop this interview. Sean how do you justify beheading babies. Sorry, i dont want this interview. Harder to lie when you dont have a captive audience. Ultimately, israel will eliminate hamas from the earth, they will prevail as their very existence now depends on it. Theyre also prepared to eliminate hezbollah in the north in a Two Front War if necessary, probably even likely at this point. Irans proxy wars. Theyve been very, very active for years, very active this month, but theyre not just attacking israel. The United States, know this and understand it, is also in their sights. Irans proxies launched a series of attacks against american soldiers stationed in the middle east. At least 24 soldiers injured, some with traumatic brain injuries. Last night after weeks of doing nothing, biden finally authorized what turned out to be a small air strike against two warehouses owned by iranian proxies, as senator tom cotton put it, quote, retaliation against expendable proxies, especially unoccupied Proxy Warehouses validates irans strategy to use proxies to attack americans. Theyre laughing at us in tehran and iran and will target and continue to target americans until President Biden gets serious about imposing severe costs on iran. So far iran has suffered no real consequences for any of their actions, quite the opposite. They keep getting rewarded by joe biden. Oil keeps going out, billions of dollars keeps coming in. The mullah sleeps safe and sound. He invited hostility and aggression worldwide, no one has been weaker than this president. He has more fury against ultra maga republicans than the terrorists attacking our soldiers. Well have more on irans hostility coming up tonight. First, take you to the ground in northern develop israel where we expect a possible Two Front War, that would be out of lebanon with hezbollah, and with the latest, steve is near the border. Steve, what can you tell us . Sean, the incursion into gaza might be more powerful than weve seen in the past, the intensity of the strikes, theyre striking from the air, on the ground, from the sea, fighting underground. I think the fact that the internet has been cut out in gaza as well is significant. Just how that ground war does go in gaza depends on what happens here as well. You mention lebanon, it is right behind me, two miles, thats where hezbollah, a terrorist organization, funded by iran carries out their work. For the past two weeks, lobbying shells. Antitank missiles. Number of casualties on the israeli side under 10. 40 to 50 hezbollah fighters taken down, that could ramp up considerably. We have seen protests in lebanon. People want hezbollah to do more. If we see high Civilian Casualties, there will be a lot of pressure on hezbollah to join the fight. They certainly have the rockets to do so, and the goal is to destroy risrael. Irans Foreign Minister says hezbollah has its finger on the trigger. You come here to the north, israelis know it, Tens Of Thousands left their homes, know what could be happening here in the near term. When you drive up north to israel, people say take what you need, bring your own food, because really some of the villages are turning into ghost towns already. Sean, back to you. Sean well check in throughout the night. Regular and steady shelling from the hills of lebanon into israel, return fire from israel into hezbollah positions. Sometimes you can see the shelling or the red glow of a forest fire, et cetera, et cetera. Anyway, joining us on the ground is trace gallagher. Trace . Sean, this is a very scary night for israel because as you note, the 300,000 plus idf soldiers on the border of gaza ready to go in, some have already gone in. Just think about that. Three weeks ago, these people were mostly bankers, accountants, plumbers. Now theyre fighters, prepping to go to war. It is unclear how much training or retraining theyve got. The expanded Ground Operation, sean, was really meant to be at this stage prepping the battlefield, meaning you send in heavy tanks and Big Equipment to go in there and kind of lay a path for more soldiers to get in, in doing that you had idf air force teams going in all week, bombarding Northern Gaza so they, too, could kind of lay that territory flat, make it easier to get a pathway in. We expected this to be exactly that, prepping the battlefield. The times of israel is reporting there have been significant clashes between hamas and Israeli Defense forces. We do not know the extent of the clashes or if there are any casualties, and we dont even know if theyre still going on at this hour, daylight, an hour, maybe two hours away here, sean. We expect these incursions each night to get bigger as the Ground War Kind of moves in, bigger and bigger, move their way from Northern Gaza into Southern Gaza or into central gaza. The question becomes what is the impact of the ground war like Steve Harrigan was talking about. Do the incursions force hezbollah in the north and lebanon to fire into northern israel, how does It Effect Negotiations the hostages. We talked to a lot of families that were hoping they would hold off on the ground war for maybe a few more days or a few more weeks to give diplomacy time to get loved ones out. There was a lot of talk about qatar negotiating some hostage deal to get a significant number of hostages out, but as soon as this expanded Ground Operation became noteworthy, that all stopped. So here we are tonight, a lot of people concerned, sean, that this might slow down the hostage negotiation, and yet you have a top aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying they believe the best way to get the hostages out is to go in and smash hamas and take these people out themselves. Sean. Sean all right. Trace gallagher. More on that. Stand by. Trace is on after us with coverage all throughout the night and Early Morning in gaza. We continue to monitor the situation on the ground in israel and gaza, well be doing it all night. Lets turn our attention to the head of the snake, Islamic Republic known as iran. While biden sleep walks through his presidency, we have a new axis of evil between china, russia, iran, can add now north korea. Today, senior delegation from iran actually met with hamas representatives, where . In moscow, with Vladimir Putin. Joe, when will you call out Vladimir Putin for supporting terrorists . You let him shoot down our drones, didnt say a thing. When will you shutdown irans ability to fund their terrorism by you being lenient, allowing their oil sales, tens and tense of billions of dollars. Death to america is more than a catchy slogan for iran, mr. President. Seems like they mean it. I know youre on the beach in delaware somewhere, maybe you should be engaged somewhere with top diplomats and top defense officials planning in the Situation Room what our next moves are. Irans Foreign Minister is threatening our country on our soil after you generously granted him a u. S. Visa. Bad move. Take a look. Frankly to the american statesmen who are now managing the genocide in palestine that we come to expansion of the war in the region, but if the genocide in gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire. Sean joining us, former cia director and former Secretary Of State, Fox News Contributor mike pompeo. Mr. Secretary, i saw your comments earlier. You think this will be longer than people think. I think you might be right. The one thing that i am reminded of, israel begins the Ground Incursion, it will be very difficult, if it is a Two Front War, it will be more difficult. Rockets from syria makes it more difficult. Rockets from the houthis out of yemen makes it more difficult. Irans threat that they will get into this makes it more difficult. The 9 11 Commission Said they were at war with us and we were not at war with them. Israel has literally been taking in tens and Tens Of Thousands of rockets annually into their border cities. They similarly have watched International Aid money be spent on this network of tunnels. Isnt it clear enough even before october 7 that there has been a war being waged against israel and this is israels opportunity to end that war forever. You can no longer have hamas in the south, hezbollah in the north without massive consequences. Is this their opportunity to fight back and win . Sean, it is absolutely necessary for israel to do precisely what were seeing begin this evening, the destruction of the infrastructure and leadership of a terrorist organization sitting on their border. And your points tonight have been pretty clear. Theyve been at war not only with israel but theyve been Firing Missiles into the kingdom of saudi arabia, theyve been conducting Terror Attacks around the world and we should not forget that in spite of the fact that the Biden Administration denies it, it was iran that killed americans on october 7th. There were several dozen americans, Blue Passport holders killed that day, and there are american hostages still being held by them. I dont think the Biden Administration has taken on board this isnt just about some far away place and demanding a humanitarian pause is not going to solve the problem of the barbaric, evil actors that want to destroy israel, rightful home land of the jewish people and are coming for the rest of the world as well. Sean okay. I have been in these tunnels, well show video again, weve been showing it to the audience. I have to tell you, it is not just the tunnel i was in, mr. Secretary, you know all about them, i went down nearly 100 feet underground, went inside the tunnels. It is a sophisticated bit of architecture, if you will. Terror architecture, but it is what it is. Only designed using International Aid money, including our tax dollars. But the network is all throughout gaza. Even under the largest hospital in gaza. I would have to think one of the top goals is destroy the network of tunnels. Secondly, hamas ability to fire rockets whenever they want using Human Shields and schools and hospitals, that Launching Area must come to an end. How do they achieve that militarily . So sean, it wont be easy and wont be without cost. Two things have to happen. First, i think theyve done good work to prepare the battlefield, but it is an urban fighting environment. I think that will be pretty difficult for them, but they have the capability, theyve been watching this for years, they have a good piece of this map i suspect, but the second thing that has to happen, second two pieces, first, we cannot have the world demanding they stop. That political pressure on them, demanding that they pull back when we have difficult days there will put enormous stress not only on Political Leadership but military leadership as well. Second, and this is a role thats important for the United States, we have to establish deterrence from the other fronts. We have to communicate to the Islamic Republic of iran if you open another front, the cost isnt imposed on somebody in syria or knucklehead in the desert in iraq, it will be imposed on the iranian leadership. If we dont get that right, if the costs arent imposed on iranian leadership itself, youll have the west bank begin to put pressure on israel that direction from the no north, youll see it across the region. Theres nothing humanitarian about giving the iranians opportunity to continue the tro cam h to end this. We did it in 1988 with praying mantis. We can reestablish deterrents. It takes American Leadership to do it, sean. Sean let me ask you about strategy and war and then were going to have other news in a second here. And that is if you go back to iraq, we did not have the modern, sophisticated weaponry thats since been developed, the way youre able to track down soleimani, take him on the tarmac is a case of American Military genius. Pinpoint accuracy. Took him out on the tarmac. Could have taken him out of the air. Would have been Collateral Damage but you didnt do it that way, he was the target, his convoy was the target. Similarly, thats how you beat the caliphate. If israel knows the exact location of the terror Tunnel Network, why not use modern sophisticated Military Technology and bomb it out of existence rather than a long, protracted ground war using more Old Fashioned military methods. Am i wrong in thinking you could not bomb out the terror Tunnel Network . Sean, ill leave to people that know more about the capabilities than i do. I am going to guess theyll use every tool available. Were seeing one piece of that or two, air bombardment, artillery preparing the battlefield. Now seeing Armored Vehicles moving into the gaza strip. My guess is theyre not only using things we can see but tools that are clandestine, to get at the very network. Make no mistake about it, i am convinced israel does this in a way that minimizes risk to civilians in gaza, risk to hostages there, and families of the hostages, and protecting their own soldiers and sailors. I am convinced well conduct a Military Campaign that represents modern warfare. Israel has the capacity to do this, as long as we help to ensure they can do this in gaza without opening other fronts as well. It is possible to do, sean. Sean let me ask you this. Tell you what, we have to get back to you, mr. Secretary. We have a fox news alert, just breaking. Fox news confirmed the suspect in the maine Mass Shooting robert card has been found dead. Well have more on this later in the show. Before we get back to it, let me give you a few details, theyre a little sketchy. All 18 victims have been identified by authorities. The shelter in place order as everyone knows has been lifted. Among them was a married couple in their 70s, a father and his 14yearold son, four adults associated with Maine Educational Center for the deaf. A cell phone found earlier today by the police, divers, sonar equipment searched the river near where the suspects car was found abandoned wednesday night, near where apparently he had a boat and a Press Conference will be held i guess sometime early tomorrow morning and going forward. Anyway, police to their credit working through the many hundreds of tips from people around them. But let me repeat, the suspect in the maine shooting has now been confirmed as dead. Well have more details to follow throughout the night. Authorities, by the way, anyway, let me bring in former Secretary Of State mike pompeo now. I want to ask you this, mr. Secretary. I think this is important. If some of this can be used with modern Military Technology and weaponry and we have a twofront war, i think israel is capable, they plan for a twofront war every time. They handled it historically. 48 s, 67, no stranger to having hostile countries surrounding them. My next question to you is if it becomes bigger than that, if syria keeps launching missiles, the ho houthis keep Firing Missiles and iran continues to saber rattle and maybe itself gets involved, at that point i would argue all bets are off. If im right, how would you define all bets are off . Sean, i think thats right. I think that would fundamentally change the nature of whats taking place, in spite of the fact they already killed americans. Look, it would require us to do what President Biden has prepared for moving resources and assets into the theater, but we need to be prepared to use it. Sean, i remember being in the Situation Room, i remember conversations where we were trying to map out how it is you restore deterrence when iran is on the march. The fact that hamas is meeting with russian leadership makes it even more complicated. But we know how to restore deterrence. We know the tools, have plenty of resources, a capable set of intelligence collection capabilities and covert operations, all of the things america can bring to bear i am confident can convince the ayatollah and the president that it is not worth the candle, that they played their hand too strongly, need to back off. Thats the role america can play, only america can play. To the extent we end up with a very complex situation, which threatens our ally, partner, the Nation Of Israel, we need to bring all of that American Power to bear. Sean Secretary Pompeo, stay with us. We will get with you throughout the evening. Joining us, Lieutenant Colonel oliver north. Back to the same line of questioning i had with Secretary Pompeo. I understand the need for intelligence on the ground and boots on the ground for israel. However, if you know where the network of tunnels are, why not use military Sophisticated New Technology and take out as many of the tunnels as possible from the air and not risk a Ground Incursion where like our troops in iraq, we didnt have this technology, going to be stepping over ieds every other ten feet or so. Well, first of all, sean, israels attack plan is more sophisticated than coming across in the media. It is not one point of en entry, it is a 30 mile long border, zones of action, they have to clear buildings and entire city blocks and theyre going to shoot back. Thats the Rules Of Engagement theyve got, return fire. Theyre going to do everything in their power to avoid inflicting Civilian Casualties. Theyve got devices and munitions that are not widely known theyre going to use in tunnels. There are ways to make sure you arent, good lord, forgive, if all of the hostages are in one long tunnel attacked by israel, that would pay for that for decades. What we are looking at is a situation where these guys know what theyre doing. What i am more concerned about are questions you asked the fwood secretary. Im glad he is on with you, he is a good friend, i have enormous respect for him. What took place 7th Of October that took the lives could not have happened but for iran. If they turn hezbollah loose from their bases in lebanon and syria to attack israel, it should not come as surprise iranian built missiles, whether fired from iran or lebanon or god forbid gaza, soon firing at u. S. Naral assets in the mediterranean, the president should tomorrow morning announce all existing sanctions with iran will be immediately enforced, he has to lift his shutdowns on fracking and drilling, reassure the American People were not going to run out of fuel. By the way, refill the Strategic Petroleum deh reserves. If hezbollah attacks israel, the u. S. Will hold them responsible an act with devastating effect to prevent further threats to u. S. Personnel and assets. Number three, the president should also direct the u. S. Department of justice to indict the Terrorist Leaders and the hamas Head Of State for killing at least 30 american citizens since the 7th Of October. No, we dont have Extradition Agreement with qatar, interpol posting of their faces in afrptirports may keep them traveling freely to the whore houses theyre known to visit. Notify the iranians if hezbollah attacks israel, we will shutdown irans entire oil export capability. One of the things the secretary was referring to, more diplomatically than i did. That should make all those filling the ayatollahs coffers, bringing pressure to bear on tehran. Beijing may pick it up, say knock it off, we need your oil. Finally, we ought to offeral sees ee in cairo. Open a major secure refugee facility and humanitarian food, water, Support Facility at the International Airport in gaza. I have been there. I have seen this in sinai, south of gaza. That Border Crossing could become an enormous Refugee Center where we get bio metric data on every Refugee Waiting to avail themselves of food, water, medicine, shelter, the kinds of things were trying to ship across the border and hamas is stealing. Thats it. Sean colonel, you were on my shows so often post 9 11. We spent a lot of personal time, for me, getting to know you, being a best friend of yours was like a Dream Come True for me. I grew up admiring you, one of the reasons i got in this business. We spent a lot of time together. I didnt like a lot of the 9 11 Commission Report, didnt agree with it, think it was firm enough. They got one thing right, they were at war with us, we were not at war with them. We have been witnessing literally tens and Tens And Hundreds Of Thousands of rockets fired into evaluates stiisraeli cities. We have known about the tunnels quite some time. If the take away was theyre at war with us, we werent at war with them, what part of rockets fired into israeli cities and the network of tunnels built to kill and capture israelis was not any indication that they were in full fledged war against israel . Why did it take october 7th . We are still the great satan, the little satan is the israel they want to destroy first. Thats number one. Number two, we have allowed particularly since the Obama Administration announced certainly and this administration raunz to get away with all kinds of terrible things. Secretary was wise to point out, remind everybody, we took out the architect of what a lot of the Islamic Revolutionary guard corp have done around the world and make enemies of ours able to carry out attacks on americans. Thats the kind of leadership that we desperately need back in washington. Sean colonel north, stay with us. Well get back with you through the evening as well. Appreciate your time, sir. With more on the other breaking news tonight, the suspect from this weeks horrific Mass Shooting in maine has been found dead, now confirmed by fox news and by authorities. Here with the latest, former Special Agent for the fbi, nicole parker, and National Law Enforcement counterterrorism analyst aaron cone. Nicole, start with you. Obviously a result of really good policing. I know last night in leadup to the show we have, which ended up being an interview with the new speaker of the house there was hope, they thought they might have identified an area where he was, but simultaneously we now know in retrospect they were looking where his car had been found near a boat that apparently he had owned, and they spent a lot of time, able to confirm his death today. In the end i think great policing. Could anything have been done perhaps in retrospect to prevent Something Like this or when youre dealing with mentally ill people and people that are this sick, it is something that we just have to anticipate can happen occasionally, were stuck living with this. You know, sean, having responded to several Mass Shooting incidents, it is absolutely tragic and there is a pattern that they conduct the official shootings do have many times history of Mental Health issues. You want to make sure youre not saying those with Mental Health issues end up doing that, thats not the proper correlation, but theres also another important part of this. Many individuals who end up being mass shooters do have Suicidal Ideation before they go out and conduct the shooting, so the fact that this individual from what i understand has committed suicide and was found in a nearby forest area, again, do not quote me on the facts at this point, they have not been confirmed by myself, thats what i understand, i am not shocked he committed suicide. He had gone out, killed 18 individuals, and Law Enforcement are working on determining what was his motive. Was there a domestic dispute, someone he was going after in particular. Obviously he accomplished what he hoped to, which is disgusting, evil, and we now have 18 individuals who will no longer be with their loved ones, live out their lives. But i am so grateful for the efforts of Law Enforcement that they did not give up and that theyve found this individual and that i was hoping he would be found alive, i personally wanted justice to be served. But he committed suicide, he is no longer a threat to that community. Theyve been hunkering down for several days now. Now they can know theres no longer a threat to their community. Sean we can now confirm that robert card, the suspect in the shooting in lewiston, maine has been found dead. We know from abc news and multiple Law Enforcement sources have said that card died from a self inflicted Gunshot Wound to the head. Aaron, feel free to comment on this, go back to the other top story, the Ground Incursion now going on thats begun in rael gagainst hamas. Sean, first, hats off to colonel bill ross, head of the Maine State Police. I can tell you, State Troopers dont play around. They have a Great Academy throughout the country. Theyre very aggressive when it comes to policing and i think the colonel did it right here. I think he was partnered correctly with other municipalities, counties, the fbi to be able to take this hunt as quickly as possible, to be able to get this guy off the streets. As far as the response to the active shooter, it is tricky. It is always difficult responding to these. It is typically patrol and a School Resource officer like u val de, the training wasnt there, it comes down to training of the officers, the alert system which is a federal mandated Training System thats moderated through posts, the Police Officer standards and training, certain amount of training that Police Officers need a year, that alert system allows officers to go into structures, into schools, malls, buildings, in a clear, methodical way on an active shooter. It is tricky. Every second you waste, when somebody is opening fire, another innocent person is killed. I think the colonel, bill ross did it correct. He partnered up quickly. He has extensive background, he was in the Operations Portion for a good chunk of his career, and i think the fbi and everybody involved did what they could to combet to get to the guy. The country is Getting Better at active shooters. I knew it was a matter of a couple days until the guy turned up. And they were doing it right, going house to house, exercising leads quickly. Like i told you last night, they get up on structures, youve got tactical units, doing whats called slow and deliberate clears, if theres no hostages, getting through the buildings to exercise leads safely, to be able to get this guy, bring him in alive. I think it was done right, fact he showed up with self inflicted Gunshot Wound, committed suicide, certainly fits the profile of the active shooters, so im just glad the situation is over, glad maine can come out, people can, you know, get back to normal life. I think hats off to Law Enforcement agencies. They moved quickly on this. Sean it is amazing, we often talk on the program, point out the loefts harsh rhetoric against our military. Seeing the importance of our military and israels military tonight. Certainly gives you different perspective. Same with Law Enforcement that have been called harsh names by the left in this country and attacked, the defund, dismantle, no bail crowd is out there, but when something happens like in maine, when theyre out searching and protecting, we kind of understand their importance a little bit more. It brings it into a much deeper focus. Anyway, thank you both. Coming up, back to the top story. The Ground Assault has gun. And we are awaiting a Press Conference from maine and much more for this friday news night on hannity. We extend our gratitude. Beyond words. By proudly offering a legendary Salute Discount to those who protect our freedoms. Our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. Its not just a discount. 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The great disappearance by David Jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. Meet gold bond daily healing. A Powerhouse Lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. With 7 moisturizers 3 vitamins. And. New gold bond healing sensitive. Clinically shown to heal moisturize dry, sensitive skin. Gold bond. vo in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. woman bingo im moving to the lake. Gotta sell the house. vo ooh thats a lot of work. woman ooh vo dont worry. Skip the hassels and sell directly to opendoor. woman bingo. vo get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. Sean this is a fox news alert. Israels Ground Operations have expanded. No doubt, israel is headed into a very difficult situation militarily, operationally. We all know about the hamas tunnels. Take a look at the screen. Youll see video of my trip. Ive been in these tunnels. These are sophisticated, they are well built facilities, with ventilation and lighting and even Railroad Tracks so they can bring things in and out. Specifically created for acts of terror. By the way, International Aid money or as joe calls it humanitarian aid money, he wants another 100 million to go to the Palestinian People, but that past money has been spent on tunnels like this. A Massive Network of tunnels all throughout gaza into israel, even under hospitals using the hospital as a shield against israel. Now, above ground there is the fractured terrain from previous missile strikes, makes for a challenging battlefield. What can israel do to be successful, avoid Civilian Casualties . We bring in congressman Michael Waltz from florida and also from florida, brian mass. When i was there, this was during a flare up of tensions, you know, i got to go in the tunnels and see them for myself and apparently there are, you know, unknown hundreds of them, a Sophisticated Network of tunnels. Obviously tens and tens of millions of dollars spent on building them. It was almost 100 feet deep into the ground, the excavation that brought me into that. Similarly, when i was at the border town, next to you can see gaza with the naked eye, when i went there a number of years ago, by that time that city had been hit with 10,000 rockets in a period of ten years. Kids played in playgrounds that were bunkers underneath the ground because it would not be enough time with close proximity of gaza to be able to get into a real bunker. The other thing i saw, i went to the local police department. You could see the rockets that they recovered and years they recovered them, and literally you could see how much more lethal they became as years went on, showing it on the screen now. A lot of missiles fired have been stopped because of amazing Military Technology that we helped create called the iron dome. Thats behind me in that picture right there. My question is, considering this has been a threat thats now existed for decades and hamas in the south, hezbollah in the north continue their Nonstop Firing of these missiles, you know, why did israel, should we all have realized earlier that this was a real war that had already started and they just didnt want to call it a war . Well, sean, both the Biden Administration and frankly the Israeli Government got lulled into complacency with hamas pretending like they wanted to cooperate, that they wanted a better future, even the fact that i am hearing from my friends in israel that the work permits that the Israeli Government allowed for workers coming out of gaza went from a few thousand to Tens Of Thousands that we now know the militants basically used to infiltrate, to map out, to conduct reconnaissance, to create Cachets Inside Southern Israel and launch this surprise attack. I just cant emphasize enough, these tunnels are horrific. You cant communicate down there, you cant get covering fire from your squad mates, you cant use gps. I expect the israelis to use asymmetric, unconventional tactics, like flooding them, gassing them, bombing them with Bunker Busters when they can find them with radar, but they are a rats nest that i hope the idf doesnt get bogged down in. I completely couldnt agree more with what Secretary Pompeo said that we would essentially be mowing the grass in gaza, it will grow back until the administration does a 180 degree turn on its iran policy. Theyve gone from 70 billion of foreign currency reserves down to 4 billion under trump. Now theyre back up again. Oil exports back up to the tune of tens of billions of dollars, the aid that President Trump shut off to israel that we know hamas abused and their corrupt leader sent off to switzerland, President Trump shut it off, biden turns it back on, one of the first thiPresident Trump di declare the houthis a terrorist organization. Biden reverses that first days in office. Now theyre shooting missiles and drones at our ships in the red sea. We have to do a 180 and go after the head of the snake, theres a lot of ways to do it. Sean stay with us, michael. Brian, well get to you as well. The incursion into gaza has now begun. Thats the top story. Also, we have full confirmation the suspect in the Mass Shooting in maine is dead. We are expecting a Press Conference. Well bring that to you live. Pretty busy news friday night. October 7th was one of the deadliest days in jewish history since the holocaust. Make no mistake, israel may be shaken, but it is not defeated. Now more than ever, the people of israel need our support. First responders and medical facilities have been overwhelmed by these recent events. We must act now to help the apple of gods eye in their hour of need. This is our time to generously support the Nation Of Israel and those who are courageously defending her citizens. Your gift will directly fund israels First Responders and hospitals as they provide Life Saving Supplies and emergency medical care. Go to jhm. Org helpisrael to donate today and show your solidarity with the state of israel and the jewish people. For zionâ– s sake we must not keep silent, and for jerusalemâ– s sake, we cannot hold our peace. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose new neuriva ultra. Unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including Mental Alertness from one serving. To help keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Think bigger. Hi, im jason. Ive lost 228 pounds on golo. I dont ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. So im committed to golo for life. Sean this is a fox news alert. The manhunt for the suspected mass murderer, robert card, in maine, is now over. Card was found in the woods about 8 miles from lewiston, maine, with a self inflicted Gunshot Wound. That took place in his head. Earlier this week, he murdered 18 people and injured dozens more in a Bowling Alley and a bar. Again, robert card is confirmed dead. At this hour, we are awaiting a Press Conference out of maine. Well bring you that as soon as it happens. First, joining us with the latest details in maine, cb cotton. Shes with us. I am sure the people of maine are resting easier. The pain of families and victims, that will be lifelong. Yeah, sean, the grieving process is going to be days and years to come. Again, you just said it, late breaking news that the suspect and accused mass shooter robert card has been found dead in a heavily wooded area. A Law Enforcement source telling me he was found in this wooded area near a Recycling Plant where he used to work. Again with what appears to be a self inflicted Gunshot Wound. Many people will be Breathing A Sigh of relief this evening. We know the shelter in place order had been lifted. People were told to stay on high alert, use caution in days ahead as the manhunt continued. Police were using drones, aerial assets, divers to look for him. More than 500 tips came in as people were on heightened alert throughout this community, sean, as you mentioned, robert card is accused of killing 18 people and injuring more than a dosz. Among those killed, the Bowling Alley manager, youth bowling coach, a 14yearold boy, and his father. These are just some of the victims. We are hearing from survivors that escaped with moments to spare as bullets were whizzing around them. Horrific stories we are learning from this tragedy. We also know a suicide note was left behind in one of the homes where robert card lived. We know officers found a gun in one of the cars he abandoned. Again, the big take away from tonight is that this suspect who wreaked havoc in this community has now been found dead in a heavily wooded area with what appears to be a self inflicted Gunshot Wound. Sean. Sean cb cotton, great coverage on all this. We appreciate it. Just as a programming note, we have one more hour of hannity. Coming in the next hour, well bring you the police presser, bring it to you live when it happens from maine. Also, well go to our top story again, the latest from the ground war which has now begun in israel. A lot of issues to get into tonight, not the least of which is, you know, what will israels defense be and what happens if it becomes a broader war, if theyre fighting hezbollah in the north, hamas in the south, getting incoming missiles from syria, and what will iran do and what should they do back as we continue. David Jeremiah when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. The world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mindboggling, and unbelievable Video Footage that goes viral across the globe. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air. David Jeremiah when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. Billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. It will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. male announcer capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in the great disappearance. In 31 short, easytoread chapters, dr. Jeremiah answers questions about the next event on gods prophetic calendar. The great disappearance by David Jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. Alright this is a fox news alert. Were following two Breaking News Stories tonight. We will continue our live coverage of israels ground war with hamas. Were near moments away from the Police Press Conference in maine. We can confirm in fact the shooter in maine has been found dead. Stay tune another Breaking News Hour of hannity begins right here right now. Its 10 00 oclock on the east coast. 7 00 oclock in the west coast. Its 5 amg capital in gaza. Were tracking two major developing stories. In a moment we will take you live to the Press Conference in maine. We believe the police will announce the suspect in this weeks Mass Shooting has been found dead. Also tonight more breaking coverage for israel and war. This could be a broader conflict for the worlds only jewish state. The threat of a twofront war is very real and growing by the day. It would be worst than that. It could include sierra who is Firing Missiles as well. It would be out of yemmen. The iranians are threatening to get involved in the conflict. The south battling hamas and hezbollah. There would be another full scale war there. Tonight protesting Palestinian Protesters now being arrested. They actually shut down Grand Central station in new york. This is major hub of transportation. In and out of new york city coming and going every day. Thousands and thousands of people. You can see it right there. Here now with the latest. We have florida congressman, two congressmen from florida. Let me ask you both. This goes to the hart of something, brian, widespread hatred of antisemitism at a level that is beyond shocking the conscience. You see these pro palestinians. How do they support, you know a group of people that helped elect many years ago, in part, hamas. Now i understand that some of the Palestinian People themselves are victims. They tried to leave and take israels warning the ground war was coming. They were not allowed to because of the hamas terrorists. However where is the sympathy for israel . Why is there a never ending chorus of blame, israel in this case. Israel lost 1400 people. They had citizens taken hostage. Comparing the populations, brian its the equivalent of 38,000 Americans Dieing in a single day. On 911 we love 2977 as we all know. Why is there no pro israel sent. I to protect themselves, country, families and have peace in their home land. Sean, its two fold. Ignorance and antisemitism. You have the administration making a top priority making a second state, a second nation out of this Terrorist Entity that they workday and night to say the hamas and the palestinians are totally separated. All Evidence Points to the contrary. The people and the palestinians are there paying for those who kill jews. Giving them salaries and s stypens. Theyre why is there not more understanding and compassion on College Campuses around the country, around the world . For israels security concerns. Why is there a massive rise in antisemitist. You have a Pro Palestinian Protest Set to flood victim. The louder we will be. Is this not reminiscent of a human era i never thought we would see again in human history. First, sean, there is no limit on Student Visas coming in. A lot of the students are not necessarily american citizens. Theyre palestinians, egyptians and other folks coming in. Number two this is a part of the long list of institution marches. In academia, the media, wallstreet, government institutions, bureaucracies. Three, this bds movement that has taken over that so many professors and College Administrators have pushed and allowed. We have actually banned in florida on our College Campuses. We need to take that nation wide. This is, this is a lot of people and the left showing their true colors. The left likes to talk about fascism. In what country do you have to put extra security own synagogs. Shut down jewish schools . What does that sound like . Its happening here in the United States. You know the left needs to look in the mirror when it talks about fascism and antisemitism. Its institutions of higher learning, brian, across the country. How is it possible harvard can have 30 plus separate Student Groups blaming israel and israel alone for being a victim of terror and losing 1400 people and taken hostage. How is that possible . Then of course the anger, outrage, backlash against wallstreet firms that dont want to hire ignorant, bigoted people. They want to know the people who are responsible. I dont blame them. I wouldnt want bigoted people who have no sympathy for victims working for me. So, im trying to understand the logic. Why is it so widespread. Ivy league institutions, colleges coast to coast. You have Hundreds And Thousands in protests in Great Britain and france. I never thought would i hear a chant out of australia. Gas the jews. F the jews. We heard it. It has been said. Its widespread and shocks the conscience. You cant say thats not tied to what is taking place inside the classroom. We talk frequently about confuse confucius institutes. These Ivy League Schools have entire campuses. They put in contract you can only hire certain pro stpesers and they can only teach certain things. Thats one of the place this is propaganda begins. Thank you for staying with us. Thank you. This is another fox news alert. Were moments away from a Press Conference in maine. The suspect in the maine shooting, Mass Shooting, has now been found dead. Its been confirmed at fox news. Law enforcement has confirmed it. That is coming up. In the meantime we bring it Fox News Contributor, ted williams is with us. Tragic for the families. Relief for the rest of maine. P ain that will never go away for the rest of maine. There is so much criticism for the military. You see the need for a strong tough military in israel now. You see the need of america being the leader of the free world. We learned that tonight. We also learned that all of the rhetoric. Negative rhetoric against phreufrpz. You know what when Something Like what happened in maine happens you pause for a second. It comes into focus, doesnt it. You know, say it again, sean. Youre so so right. Let me say before i talking about a. Let me give a shout out to the citizens of maine. You can now reclaim your lives. And now the citizens of maine can now grieve. Eighteen dead. Dozens injured. I can grieve and mourn with them. Its unfortunate that this happened. It shouldnt of happened. It did happen. We also must take our hats off to the Law Enforcement officers, sean, that came from around the country. They had one objective in mind. That was finding robert card. Dead or alive. They worked their butts off. You can see them out there with their guns. These are the brave men and women we need to salute here tonight that have given the citizens of maine their lives back. When you look at this killer he took the Coward Leeway out. He went in and shot innocent people. People who had lives in front of them. A fourteenyearold child at a bowling ali with his father. That person, that kid was shot. A man and women in their 70s the twilight of their lives and they couldnt live because of this killer. My hat is off to Law Enforcement. I do not give a damn about this killer. He can go to hell as far as im concerned. When we look at what took place here we knew in this area of maine where they found his automobile, sean. They found a long rifle and a cellphone somewhe, nobody knew e was. Men and women in Law Enforcement had to seek him out in the night. They found him. We will learn a lot at the Press Conference. The winners in this are the citizens of maine that can now reclaim their lives, sean. All but the victims. They will never reclaim their lives as you rightly said. Lets talk about the law enforcent efforts here. Last night there was a belief they identified a home he was hiding out in. Turned out not to be the case. That was not the only area they were investigating. Turns out they were aware of where his car was parked, his boat was taken out, they were aware of the area he was. I pointed this out on day one when we talk about maine. Are you talk ing about a lot of wooded area. Area where people can hide. A manhunt like this can be extraordinarily challenging in tough terrain with wooded area. I would say in the end the multi pronged approach, looking in every location did serve them well, didnt it. It served them very well. These Law Enforcement officers from around the country. Even the immigration Law Enforcement officers that came in to help knew what they were doing. They did not know of course the location of the person or they would of brought him to justice as soon as possible. They method i cannily conducted themselves as we expect Law Enforcement officers to do so. I have to tell you this tonight should give this country an additional respect for The Men And Women who put on that uniform every day and go to work. Those men and women were not going to rest, they were not going to sleep. They had one objective in mind. That was to find this killer. As we know he was found, sean, from what i understand not too far from his automobile there in a wooded or heavily wooded area by a Recycling Plant where he once work and was terminated from his job. So, Law Enforcement did what they had to do, during this Press Conference tonight, sean, think we will learn a lot more. But again re redundently The Men And Women and children can go about their lives again. The fact is 18 people are dead and theyre not coming back. Thats the sad commentary about all of this. Alright, ted williams, we will get back to you after this Press Conference. It looks like were moments away. If youre watching a number of people have walked into the room. I imagine were minutes away. In the meantime lets go back to the other top story. The on going Ground Incursion into gaza. Just one part of what could be a long, difficult conflict for the worlds only jewish state. And now near the Lebanon Border where hezbollah is firing rockets, we go to steve there. Forces have gone into gaza once again with force this time. Bulldozers, taeufrbgz, Armored Personnel Carriers and infantry. Theyre striking from the air, ground and sea. Iseryly Officials Say theyre even fighting gaza underground. The iaf are striking underground targets and Terrorist Infrastructures in a significant way. Following the forces in the last couple of days theyre expanding Ground Activity this he can evening. Something really feels different about tonight. The number of forces increases. Intensity of strikes increased. Internet and Mobile Phone Lines cut for palestinians in gaza. Israeli officials have wash warned this urban fight cog take if not weeks it could fake months. We could see a open front open up behind me. Hezbollah is lobbing missiles. Iran said hezbollah have their finger on the trigger. If i may ask you, if this is a twofront war you would be there. Lebanon and hezbollah. Are we expecting Missile Increase from the north to distract the Southern Operation Into gaza against hamas . Definitely one of the goals right now of hezbollah the terrorist organization is to keep Israel Forces occupied. At the low level fighting now theyre tying up forces in the north. If we see Civilian Casualties in gaza the rocket rate, amount they fire and the powerful long range rockets could come into play, sean. Thank you, steve. Fox news alert. Authorities in maine beginning their Press Conference now. We have learned the suspect in the shooting is dead. You can see that theyre just beginning the Press Conference. Lets listen in. Thank you very much for coming. Thank you for coming on short notice. I stand here tonight to simply report the Maine State Police have found the body of robert car in lisbon he is dead. I have informed the president , President Biden and our representatives. Commissioner will describe the sicker stafrpbss of that discovery in some detail in a few moments. This discovery is entirely thanks to the hundreds of local, county, state, and federal Law Enforcement members from all over. People from other states as well. People who searched tirelessly to arrive at this moment. On be half of all maine people, i want to express my profound gratitude for their unwavering bravery, determination, and for taandfortitude, and the leadersf the Lewiston Police chief. Where did you go, there he is that guy, lewistons police chief st. Pierre. Like many people i breath a sigh of relief tonight knowing robert ccard is no longer a threat to anyone. I know there are some people, many people who share the sentiment. I know his death may not bring solace to many. But now is a time to heal. With this search concluded i know that Law Enforcement continues to fully investigate all of the facts so we can bring what closure we can to the victims and their families. I ask that all maine people continue to keep those families and all of the people impacted by this tragedy in their thoughts and prayers. Lewiston is a special place. This isnt us. Lewiston is a great place. Its a Close Knit Community of fine people, people with a long history. A history of hard work. Of persistence. Of faith. Of opening its big heart to people everywhere. Tonight the city of lewiston and the state of maine begin to move forward on what will be a long and difficult road to healing, but we will heal together. Thank you. Again my deepest gratitude. To all of the people in the state of maine, these wonderful law enforce members that came from all over to help us solve this crime and put closure on this investigation. Robert card is dead. Now im going to turn it over to commissioner sasha. Thank you, very much, governor. We truly appreciate your support. I think its incredibly important that the next person that speaks this evening is lewistons chief, Law Enforcement champion. That is dave st. Pierre. Dave. Thank you, mike. Thank you governor, for allowing me this opportunity. I didnt have much time to prepare a speech here. I want to say to everybody, thank you so much. Our community can now breath a sigh of relief as the governor stated. I cant echo that enough. Our work again is not done here. I was very elated tonight when i got the call from commissioner sasha advising me of the revelation what had took place and that mr. Card is deceased deceasedand longer a threat to r community or any other community. I dont want to forget the families grieving and will continue to grieve. I dont want to forget the Law Enforcement officials working tirelessly through this event to come to a good conclusion. Our men and women of Lewiston Police department and surrounding agencies. We have chief mcgee here from lisbon where mr. Card was found this. Is vitally pwoerpbt this conclusion came to light tonight. We are going, we are going to grieve for the families that lost loved ones here. We will continue to work. We will persevere. We have become better people for it. In terms of working together as teams. We have learned from mistakes. We have won a lot of accomplishments this evening. Again i was not prepared for this on a friday night at 10 30. Im very happy to be here and to say the threat is over. Thank you. Sure our officers are being notified now as we speak. Some know sooner than others. Some are home, home with families. Im quite certain at this point in time we all know about this. This is something that all of our Law Enforcement personnel, ours and any surrounding community has paid close attention to in awaiting positive news or good news this. Is by far the best news we have had in quite some time. Our reality is the search has been ex tentative, thorough and nonstop since the mint we started to speak with you and long before at that. So all of the options are on the table, as we knew. We continued to search locations. Some cases multiple times. We will have more information about exactly how this went down. We will have another briefing tomorrow morning at 10 00 oclock. I would please encourage you to think about next steps from your end, information that you would find important. I will say this wont be a long q a this evening. We wanted to make sure that we got this information out as fast as possible and response i believing as possible. What i mean by that is, the time between the notification of the Press Release and now there were not a lot of details there. There were not a lot of details there because we wanted to talk to the victims families. We wanted to let them know this was coming and heard the information close to first. We also called the family of the suspect. They lost a loved one in the scenario. There were many in the family that were very cooperative with us throughout. They deserved that phone call. We had the conversations tonight before joining you here. We also got a chance to spend sometime with the brothers and sisters of Law Enforcement and Public Safety partners that have been so incredibly helpful the last few days to say the least. One second. So, right here, sir. At 7 45 this evening mr. Card was located. I wont give you an exact address. It was near the river. In lisbon falls was the actually cation. Maam, did you have a question . When do you think he died. That remains to be known. We found the body at 745 tao eufpl there. Is a lot of work that needs to be done at the scene with the medical Examiner Office there. Is much more followup to what happened. Sir d you have a question. Any indication he had an accomplice . I wont be able to answer either question at this point. Accomplices and things of that nature. There is no indication of that since the beginning. As we have talked about before these next steps give us an opportunity to do things as fast as we can in the sense we want to provide closure and information. Also slow things down a little bit. We need to look at video evidence, the various pieces of technology in play here, in hopes that gives us some Additional Information around some of the things you will be concerned about. Yes, maam. [inaudible] yes, im happy toe take a look at that information in hopes to get that back to you tomorrow morning at 10 00 oclock. That remains to be scene. I will take a couple more questions. Its 10 00 oclock. Tonight we want to come back tomorrow for more. This afternoon you looking for remains or you know how did you make the decision. Yes, sure. Think that was an on going conversation since the minute we put that in place. We knew that was an important decision. Certainly from our perspective it made kph complete sense to pt that order in because of the violent nature of the crimes. As things progressed from wednesday to now we have had a lot of conversations with various town and city leadership, the governors office, chief st. Pierre, business owners, residents. We have to have a Balancing Act Of Pluses and minuses. We had the initial surge with the communities. Those communities made perfect sense for an order. As things tended to slow down we didnt have mediate threats. We made the decision to back off that. I want to mention this because of a fellow commissioner asked me to do this. Coy walk out commissioner comuso said the Hunting Restriction has been lifted as well. The Resident Hunting Opportunity for tomorrow is open across the state of maine. To include the four communities. We have had a lot of phone calls receiving around that. Right here, maam. [inaudible] yes, can confirm that. Its an apparent self inflicted gun shot wound. You have a question, maam. You searched the area before. [inaudible] i didnt state we searched the area before. [inaudible] okay. As we have, as we have, as we have stated in the past we try to use information we can confirm one way another. Your report canning Say Something one way or another. Thats fine. We can talk about that tomorrow morning. Were done taking questions for this evening. Thank you, very much. We will see you soon. Thank you, very much. Appreciate it. Lets go. Alright. We just heard a Press Conference. If youre just joining us. We now got full confirmation that robert card the shooter in maine, in the lewiston, maine killings. 18 shot, 18 dozens injured. 18 killed. We heard from the governor janet mills. We heard from the Main Department of Public Safety you just saw there. We heard from Law Enforcement. We heard a lot of the same Phelgs Apblgz from all of them. Praising Law Enforcement for the great work. Thoughts, prayers, grief for the families of lost loved ones. The governor talked about a time of healing in the state. Also we did learn one fact, a body was in fact found. Self inflicted gun shot wound at 7 45 this evening. Joining us now with reaction to this press information. Former fbi investigator nicole parker, aaron cohen. Nicole, it seems like in so many ways Law Enforcement in this case looked at every possible lead they had and they knew they would get to the right place eventually. They did. Yes its a time for healing for everybody else. I dont know how families ever heal when they lose loved ones like this. You know, sean, having worked with victims families at the Parkland School shooting, you never heal. Its absolutely devastating to lose a loved one, especially in a Mass Shooting. My heart goes out to them. You often hear in america im praying for you, lets pray for the community. Sean, i would like to enlist all americans now to sincerely pray. The one thing that pulls you through when you have nowhere else to turn is the power of prayer. These families are devastated. I apologize. Its awful. No need to apologize. Parkland. Its real. Their loved one will never be on this earth with them ever again. We need to show honor and respect to the victims. I think in this investigation understandably so the effort is on the manhunt. Thats understandable. The Community Needs to remain safe. There were deceased individuals at the end of the day the job is to protect those living. The manhunt was critical. Now is the time to turn our hearts to the victims families. Those witnesses these atrocities. Sean, the people that survived this incident they have to live with the images. The carrage they saw for the rest of their lives. Its important they have no shame. Get help. Speak to someone. There is no shame in getting mental h l help. You have been through a lot. Its very difficult. Its very dark. I also want to give a shout out to Law Enforcement. As someone who has responded to active shooters. Let me explain youre on an Adrenaline Rush for a period of time. The incident occurs, youre in shock, then youre in operation mode. You dont have time to think about yourself. Youre going full throttle. All hands on deck. Getting in there to do what you need to do. Then when there is a resolution the adrenaline wears off. These officers, my heart goes out to them. Now the reality is setting in, what they have been through. They are true heroes. Our Law Enforcement are heroes. Earlier in the Press Conference you heard about four people in plainclothes qualifying at a nearby shooting range. Within a minute and a half of getting the news they heard over the radio they were in there, they were at the crime scene. Although the shooter had already left. Thats what they do. They go towards the gunfire. They put their lives on the line, sean. Americans, this is your chance to say thank you. You see a Police Officer or agent, you say thank you. Its not an easy task. They are getting grilled. Over the last several years im sick and tired hearing about defund the police and this nonsense. You respect the Law Enforcement and what they go through to protect americans is a lot. First my heartfelt concern is for the victim Families First and for most always. Let me ask you, as an fbi agent. You mentioned parkland. You were called to the scene. You have witnessed this yourself. I can tell you over the course of years i have been in this business, i felt it was my job that when there were be heading videos not to turn away from it but to at least be able to describe what, what evil exists in this world. Think, think its hard for good people to wrap their minds around it. These are not images that ever leave your mind. Its imprinted there. You cant erase the images. As Law Enforcement and being in these situations of Mass Shootings, what is the long term impact . What do you remember when you first go in and see the carnage, you have seen . For me, sean, i joined the fbi because i witnessed the terrorist attack september 11, 2001. I have said that time and time again. Those images dont leave your mind. I can tell you its important. You cant turn away from it. Americans, you cant turn away from what you see out there. You need to understand there. Is a battle between good and evil in the country. You need to pick the side youre on. I hope and pray you stand with good. You see it every now. Things are off the rail. In israel. Wherever it might be. There is strife, distress and sorrow. If you stand with goodness and do what is right, will you have inner peace even in the midst of turmoil. I can assure you the power of prayer is real. The families, victims and survivors are going through a lot, Law Enforcement are going through a lot. We will make it through. We will stand united as a country. We need to show respect for those putting their lives on the line for this country. Aaron, as we look at our two top stories. Robert card is dead. Good news for the people of maine. Maybe closure. I dont know how you ever recover as a Family Members losing a loved one. Between that and our other top story out of israel and the Ground Incursion having begun and the questions how far this will spread out. A twofront war, or bigger than that. What are your thoughts. How prepared do you feel israel is on that front. Well, sean, let me quick i want to touch on some of nicoles statements. She is right. The defund the Police Movement has hurt Law Enforcement. You know when youre in Law Enforcement. I have been a reservist for 15 years, unpaid volunteer. Its one of my favorite jobs still to this day, training cops. Active shooter response and its a tough job. She is right the officers are training to go into the worst case scenario. Events like this are hard to get out of your memory. It is its own war. Hats off to chief st. Pierre. Hats off to the colonel of Maine State Police this. Was put down quietly. Its enough with the nonsense against Law Enforcement. These are good men and women. There are a ufl a couple of bad apples in all organizations. These men and women are not paid a ton of money. At the end of the day theyre running into the direction of the threat. Sometimes theyre on their own. One or two people. We dont have time to wait for swat teams. Events unfold quickly. Its responseful. Its a monster chemical dunk. You have to shoot straight. You have to shoot into crowds. Its a monster task. Its time for this to stop and embrace. Taking it to israel, i want to say this, its about time that the teeth start to come out towards irans proxies. My contention at this point now regarding gaza and the incursion. The upcoming incursion i hear about here. This incursion started over two weeks ago. We are fighting a Counter Terrorism centric war here. That means Special Operations. Israel is in no rush to put 300,000 troops into gaza. The israeli generals that are smart are attacking and destroying systematically the leadership of hamas inside of gaza. In my opinion to, disrupt the control and communications of the bottom low lying terrorists in the tunnels. When they cant communicate they get frazzled. They are disorganized and have to think on their own. I dont think they can do it as welling. There is a lot of organization and planning over the last several years that went into this october 7th massacre. Israel has a lot of catching up to for the lack of intelligence. We pulled out several Counter Terrorist units several years back to 97. The oslo accords. We disbanded and lost good units. One of the sister units of my unit that dresses up as locals to kidnap the ter r terrorists d brings them back to israel. Now israel sex acting the complete and total destruction of hamas. As you see in the images that are you playing. I wouldnt be surprised, sean f there are active operations reaching as far out in connection with the u. S. Military a response to the u. S. Soldiers. I wouldnt be surprised if theyre targeting the alepo airport. The travel ways to get equipment, arms and missiles to hezbollah. Israels strength is in the preeminent attacking ability. I will take you back to 67. The only reason israel stayed on the map is we preempted or israel preempted. According to my source there are melt will operations well without of our boarders in conjunction with u. S. Assets. Aircraft carriers off coast now patrolling for any additional supplies coming in. Israeli Special Operations neutralizing hezbollah by the dozens, sean. Israel is attacking the entire Proxy Systems of logistics and supplies. Oliver north was on. Hes brilliant. He laid out a sixpoint plan. I hope President Biden is listening. He has to a pea appease and thea larger interest. The plan is to attack the west. Israel is the tip. The palestinians are trapped. The queen needs to stop appeasing the israel world. They need to allow the palestinians trapped in gaza to move into jordan and move into egypt. Like the colonel said they need to be checked and documented. Make sure no terrorists move through there. The tunnels. I want to talk about that. You asked a smart question. Why not use advance technology to blow them up. One reason, there are over 200 hostages in the tunnels. They go deep below the ground. Our number one priority is the preservation of life. Israel is no longer listening or playing to any of the rhetoric. Like i said before with you, the gloves are. Israel is in complete preemptive attack mode in my opinion. The world needs to understand the real Terror Threat is iran. Have to have an honest conversation about taking iran on however it needs to be done. Because their focus and their revolutionary guard, and their terror pro proxies are focusedsp on the west. Israel is a small piece of this. Israel will hands will business. Hat off to Oliver Norths somewhere israel is surviving now. Theyre using aggression as a tactic with the highest degree of sh sh select to preserve lif. Were cutting off phone lines. Terrorists use phones. Electricity and power done. Its show time. Israel has the right to defend itself. She is doing so now with selection. Great analysis aaron and nicole. Thank you for being here. As we stay with our top story the Ground War On Gaza has begun this. Brings us to an important question. Whether or not israel is forced to open a twofront war. What roll will the u. S. Play. How do we protect our soldiers in the region. How to stop a break out of war in the entire region. Joining us is our Secretary Of State, mike pompao. To follow good analysis from oliver north, you and aaron who we just heard. From with the ground war beginning the net result that israel needs is neither Gaza Nowherorlebanon can be launchins for rockets into israel. The second goal is the tunnels we spoke about earlier somewhere the network of tunnels. I want to walk through this with you, front by front. The first front, first bat as well gaza. That ground war has begun. We expect hezbollah will ratchet Rocket Attacks from the north. Thats a twothreat war. Then syria. The threat of the rebels from yemen and the iranians themselves. What the strategy has to be to cut off the head of the snake. If its a onefront war i think they hand it will. I think they can handing the Two Front War. Where do you see the greatest trouble, how do you go about it . Well, sean, agree. The more fronts the more complexity. We should remember there are diplomat and i can political fronts theyre confronting. Today at the United Nations 17 countries voted against a complete cease fire of the victim there. Is a complex Information Campaign theyre fighting as well. Now theyre fighting the Biden Administration demanding a humanitarian pause. We know thats silly, right. A hundred Million Dollars going there is a hundred millions more fuel, hundred Million Dollars more Tunnel Reinforcements and Tunnel Reinforcements. Thats what hamas will use the money for. The United States can play the central roll preventing the other fronts from opening. Think you may of neglected another front. The west bank. America can have a Roll Keeping Containment in the west bank. It can certainly do good work making clear to the regime in iran there will be costs on them. Colonel north did a fine job talk ing about that. Today 4 Million Barrels was sold as they hold hostages. We can do simple things to put cost on the iranian leadership. Convincing them to restrain the proxy forces. Second, when they come after americans you cant fire back ammunitions. That basically, that validates and seconds the iranian understanding of the weakness that the iranian Leadership Saw in afghanistan. They have seen when the chinese spy balloon flew o over the country. We have to get america back on the front foot to convince iranians opening the other fronts is a detriment to them. Not their proxies but to them. If we get that right, sean, we can deter more fronts than the i sisreel can happen to insure wht happened october 7th isnt possible to happen again to them somewhere. I cant say it any better. Its sad to see the fact that awful this money. International aid money, American Tax Payer dollars is spent to help build infrastructure, schools, hospitals, that money on a network of tunnels, Terror Network for one purpose. The stated goal in Hamas Charter they limit Nation Of Israel with the help, support, the scheming, military plotting, planning of a rain. Specifically what should the worlds reaction to iran be . Let me go back as Secretary Of State during the Trump Administration you guys accomplished something i never thought would i see in my lifetime. You created an alliance between the United States and israel and egypt and jordan, and saudi arabia, and the emritz. You stood together. We had intelligence sharing at never levels before. Mostly a private relationship. I was aware when i interviewed you, you would give me a little smile letting me know i was on the right path. I was putting pieces of sources together. Your cia roots held strong. You never gave me a real clue. I know we had this. Can we talk about the alliance . Can we achieve at lines again . It was really to stand against iranian in the region and them getting a nuclear weapon. Can we get back to that . Sean, we certainly can. It takes American Leadership. You are right. Our theory of the case was this. We wanted good things for the palestinians. We knew to get that a peasing iran was not the direction of that. Also Tkphabding Israel Stand Down is not good for gaza either. We understand iran was a threat to israel and the United States but those living in saudi arabia, bahrain, and emritz. We had iran on an eye land stuck, figuring how to get back from the pressure put on them. Economic, diplomatic pressure. When they began to act out military pressure. Sean, remember too we were very clear about our support for israel. We moved the embassy to tel aviv to jerusalem. So much in the establishment of the foreign policies to create world war iii. You create risk that had regional or potentially global confrontation when youre weak and invite the iranians to do what they d unleashing hamas on 1300 civilians in southern israel. We have to understand. Both of your stories make clear to us in america, evil romes the earth. There is a responsibility to insure when that happens and evil expose its self we have to keep it from impacting those good human beings doing the right thing. We know the victim and the aggressor. America needs to step on the side of the people fighting for basic human decency. I wish you could bring that message to every college and university across the country. Taking position thats are not comprehensible to me. Thank you, mr. Secretary. We keptd you up late tonight. We appreciate your support. Thank you, sean. Here fox news bruce, i want to start with you. You just got back from a trip to israel. Very aware of their, their security challenges that they have. What did you observe . How prepared did you feel they were when you met with officials there . Well, i met with leaders of the Counter Terrorism sector sector. I met with military leaders, government officials, president herzog. I felt they had a good handle on security. Obviously hamas was planning this action for quite sometime with the help of iran. Lets narrow the focus of the debate this. Is a war against evil. Its not a war b. Again islam or about palestinian rights. Its a war against baby killers and rapists. Until hamas is destroyed and eradicated the world will be in p jeopardy concerning a peaceful coexistence. Ne need to be destroyed we need to support israel in that endeavor. Let me ask a different question of tammy and joe. The here horrific reporting ofs and corrupt news media in this country. Tammy, look at the hospital story as the great example. Every Major News Network and major news paper, worldwide news agency went along with propaganda that israel bombed the hospital. The evidence is in. They wont acknowledge a mistake or make a correction and promise to do better. They took ha hamas prop began tkafplt something that israel was not responsible for or even happened. Israel had to give up intelligence gathering capabilities. Certainly not good for them to do. It seems strange to everyone. The reality is that they believed it because they wanted to believe it. They continue to state it because they wont forgive israel for not having done it the reason hamas had to try to lay the blame on israel is because israel has been careful. They have been specific of what they are striking. As this expands yes more civilians will die. Hamas has arrange pugh that to be the case it tells you this desperation with worldwide leftist media, the legacy media of the world. Not just american universities. Its universities in the western world. Western civilization. Its not just American Media. Its media around the world. For western civilization that has been effectively where this cancer has metastasized. The argument still is theyre use to creating reality based on reporting. They will not forgive israel. Israel is following the rules. So they need to make up as though israel its living the fake hate crimes we see from people who are desperate to become the victims. If theyre not victimized and it ruins the narrative they will do it themselves. The media is compliment. The worldwide media. The worldwide academic dynamic and certainly certain governments are still struggling with what they have allowed to enter into their nations and as a result of what they have done with their own Government Agencies in the push for dei and equity. This is coming down on everyone now. Joe, this is what you study and deal with every day. Abusive and bias nice media in the country. I dont think its ever been worst. The same people that lied for three years about a russia hoax that never happened. They got pulitzer prizes. No apologies, changes, corrections. No change in policy. They continue to sell lies and conspiracy theories. That never ends. Sean, in this case the consequences are life and death consequences. I look today and still see the associated press. A news wire reporting from palestinian officials or the gaza health admin quoting the officials so called p palestinin officials this. Is hamas. Adam war on the ground and a propaganda war in the media. The American Media not all are aiaiding and supporting this saying the death hole is this because hamas says this. They dont say hamas they say palestinian officials. This in flames the middle east and expands the war to places like lebanon, syria and iran. Until there is responsibility and accountability were in a bad place right now. There is a information crisis. We have many in the media unfortunately leading the crisis, sean. Joe, tammy, bruce, thank you for being with us. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. 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