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Trey good evening, and thank you for joining us. It i am trey gowdy and this is Sunday Night In America. In the world at a precarious state by the house passed a series of aid package for ukraine, israel, taiwan. E coukraine continues to fight foi its life against russian invasion and israel was attackei by Hamas Last October and last week by taiwan and threatened by china. It ch is not just the need for help that is obvious but so too, thea anger among the republicans they had Package Product for a vote. In tthe final tally overwhelmind bipartisan and yet still deeply contentious. A majority of republicans actually voted against providing aid to ukraine. T wotwo doesnt republicans voted against providing aid to israel. Some republicans threaten to get rid of yet another speakerus e because of these aid packages brought to the floor. Joining us now is someone who served two stands in the house of representatives including chairingommi the committee on oversight and government reform, darrell issa from the Great W State of california. El welcome, mr. Chairman. A thank you for joining us. Ge more republicans voted for aid for ukraine than for it and tw dozens reported aid for israel. You have stood in congress for a long time so let me ask why, Whs Thque Boats against ukraine, and why he against israel aid . Trade, you know from your experience those meetings and conference where people tell you what they need to have anpeal ability to vote for it or why they wont vote for something even if they agree on that. N itthis was one of those cases. We all know the most importantav thing we have is an obligationow is to defend our own borders. Many republicans were angry that there wasnt more in the way of protecting our own borders, l countering an administration that willfully lealliod over 10 Million People in the country. That led to votes that would have otherwise been yes withe ac package that included Border Security. But in this case, it was a protest vote. Thersoe was no question at t ale are still the party of National Defense here and around the world. Trey i have an old chairman, darrell issa who once told me never let perfect be the enemy of good. I am sure some of our viewers arryine trying to figure this o. You laid it out. W i have been in Thosepr Conferens and you have been in more of them but socalled core of right, bob good, good, andy biggs, matt gaetz voted with Rashida Tlaib who thinks from the river to thide sea is a campfire song, Cori Bush Whoseas wants to defund all police much of mull bowman who has a thing for fire alarms. Fo so for the viewers who have in u Congress Like you have, what do Wep Make Of The World where the hills Freedom Caucuses on the same side with the squad . Unfortunately, it wasnt quite all of the Freedom Caucus but there is no question at all, we have the sort of breakdown in this assumption we arekdow a te. When you were there we were much more of a team with Division Going on in conference then unity on the floor. But again, there is that issue that unites us spirit Border Security, but also the issue n that some people dont get enou, it divides us. Thhe next election with President Trump coming back tog office, Border Security being a priority, i think we will be able to focus also on the fact there are other borders that enemies are attacking, which by the way, includes the philippines and taiwan which didnt get the Big Headlines Bu was quite bipartisan and come in fact, we know china is a threatt and that is absolutely something where i think we are doing thels right thing and we are going to do more. Trey chairman, you are from california, the home of Ronald Reagan, who was all about peace through strength, tear down this wall, fighting communism. Is something happening within the g. O. P. That there is a j growing dovish segment, or isse this just an anomaly . Emit seems to me like a Ronald Reagan peace through strength, that there is Anothert Heside within the g. O. P. Side you were closer to it. What do you make of it . The i think there is always been another side. Ry reagan unified the country byin having a message and speaking above those who might say, w well, you know, this is good, but this is imperfect. There was also the fact that disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan may defeat after 20 years of victories, People Living in oppression, a massive loss of lives of those that we went there to establish an opportunity for freedom. All of that leaves Peoplittle Le disgruntled hero to quitee candidly, trey, they are not enough people that remember the cold war and why we fought it. , they talk about reg and come they really dont understand o reagan came in at the end of a halfcentury plus of fighting an adversary that wouldnt go awaym and said, you know what, we will take them on and doublena down, even after the disaster of the vietnam war ended. That needs to happen again youre going to leave thosadeer leaders are in the wings. Im very happy with the company ithat i had in voting for ukrav in voting to push back on these dictators. Trey chairman darrell issa, the great state oa california, which by the way,ls california t mate decide who controls the house. It will not be ruby Red Districts like the one i live io but more likely to be california and new york. Thank you, mr. Chairman, for joining us on a sunday night, and i look forward to seeing you soon. Irma thank you, mr. Chairman. Trey a third republican joining fit defraud health mike johnson. Others threatening to follow suit. Johnson had to rely on democrats to even pass the Rule Allowingda debate on the foreign aidon package for israel, taiwan, ukraine and johnson allowed to vote on isa three authorization. Matt kays, bob good laid arms with the squad to get rid of onf republican speaker now they have Buyers Remorse here are the s would not democrat step in to help mccarthy, but r theyes are writing to the rescue of mike johnson. What igoins going on inside the republican conference and how does this portend fohousr the november election, utah congressman Jason Chaffetz, welcome, Marjorie Taylor greene called theus republican speakerf the house trader, which im pretty sure is aa Tr Crime For H you can be hanged. To the republican colleagues refer to her as moscow marjorie. Ri so things have changed a littleu since the you and i were therekd and politely poking fun at one another suits here this is a pretty serious fight going on within thethe g. O. P. Conferenc. Yeah, trey when they moved ts vacate the chair with just one person, i thought that was a monumental mistake. T there should be a more significant number of people to call for another vote. Cr it is interesting because democrats can do that at any point, and they havent. U i think they need to change that. One of the challenges i see him and i dont know if you see it this way, but i see it that members have forgotten one of the cores th competencies that r founders sought in a member of congress. That is the art of u persuasion. It is not good enough to go on instagram and throw some bombsnd out there and yell and screa tm and throw a tantrum. It is an art of persuasion. That is where the government set up. You have 445 members and if you are not getting your way and frustrated, then you are failin because you have yet to do whato yoo dou are supposed to do, whis persuade others to see it th toe way that you do. Trey baking of the art ofar e persuasion or antithesis of that, lets listen to the congresswoman from georgia together, and then i will ask you a question olan the other side. St my jootheb has been to Bety American and he betrayed bierican voters peered under his leadership, hede passed the bidy administrations policies and fully funded them. We are going to fight in congress to do Everything We Car to stop this kind of you in a pretty leadership. Mike johnson speaker, he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. If he doesnnot do so, he will e vacated. Trey vac you know, jc, that sounds like a democratic attack ad up here that what that sounds like to me. And yet one republican going after the speaker of the house. So look, i mean, november elections are just a few months away. The districts have determine who wins the majority are not ruby r Red Districts in utah and South Carolina. Utahe swing countries dont make districts in South Carolina in new york. How was his name fighting and namecalling when the voters in Swing Districts . The namet hear Hakeem Jeffries come out of her lips and talk about Thest Frustration that she has for the democrats. Look, the Building Camome E up i would have voted against it here are the is securing our border c over supporting all of those other worthy causes i think is paramount. And i would be frustrate. D about that. Bus ret lets remember when the majority of the majority, the socalled castor rule that you when i lived under, when you have so many people that are voting andng supporting those kinds of things and want to see those bills happen i go to the floor, then put them up for a vote. I got up in the Think Congresso should be voting more even if i dont like it. I can vote against it. About to rail against the s speaker to say it is allpe on hd he some democratic, you know, you know party person, i dont think it is productive whatsoever. She would be, i think, better off to shoot that fire that she has towards the democrats and try to get them to explain whya, they wont secure the borders but will secure everybody elses but not secure our own. Trey you know, it is almostlike like theres not two democrat u. S. Senators in georgia. I mean by that is where my ire would be directed and how my dia state elected to democrats, which gave them a Working Majority back when it happened. Lots of this, i think my jc, is about pain raising and pain. He made a lot of money matt gaetz going after mccarthy. A lott watched sue and you becae Household Name of the Oversight Committee but not because you were calling people names. You actually did it through your work, through Committee Work and legislative work. But we ever gel bet back to thes were actually working hard ialls what made you famous and instead of what you say makes you fa famous . Thank you. D and i appreciate it. I think you did the same as you made the argument. I think back to patrick monahan, the Democratic Center three plus years ago. I didnt agreeo no with much whp said, but his ability to people to go to the floor and make an argument here because all you do that and others in our conference doon that. Go tim scott is exceptionally good and marco rubio was good at this pier that is why congress and the founders have the set up. It was wil not to have the biggt following on instagram and getu people look, im frustrated with the way the country isut wgoing, but i also know my frustration is mostly fired towards a feckless joe biden in democrats wont secure ourbu border. But you have got to be able to make that argument. Barack obama was a president and i had sevelln bills passed thats because i was able to persuade people on both sides of the y isle. Spoon Jason Chaffetz proving you can be famous anouand still notr a republican speaker to be guilty of a capital offense. Thank you for joining us on Ana Sunday Night we look forward to visiting with you soon. Ab thank you. Le trey still ahead the outgoing mayor of jerusalem where israel stands and present threat from iran, that is next on Sunday Night In America. Trey welcome back toay Sunday Night In America. War r in the holy land continue. Last weekend iran attacked Thecn Jewish State Launching Hundredsl of drones and missiles. Israel responded this week with strikes of its own inside iran while the direct attacks betweel iran and israel over. Will iran revert to proxies to a do the dying and fighting for them . What about the u. S. . With russia and china citing with iran, where is the worldsa Greatest Superpower In This World Filmic War . President biden was clear of condemnation in iran but also clear of his criticism of israel. Reportedly israel wanted to a ndrespond forcefully and medial. But biden made it clear israelth would do so alone without the help of the u. S. The United Nations has been about as worthless ass you would expect, but the European Union stepped up sanctions to discourage War Iranian Aggression Pure the world is dangerous, congresses feckless, joe biden is trying to appease both sides heading intoi the november elections grudgingly siding with israel but according to young democrat voters who decidedly antiisrael. Joining us now is deputyer usmayor of jerusalem, fleur hassannahourm, welcome, iran has been at war for decades ando Hundreds Ownf Missiles and drons n rained down on israel. So first of all, tell us what done inside of Yourite Country despite robust defensesp for actual psychological damage you suffered last weekend . So, who are very right. We have been at war with iran for many, many years, but they have always but never shown their hand. It has always been a proxy war through their agents, hamas in the south of israel, has below to the north of israel, lebanon that destroyed syria. They have gone in with us before and even killed some americans servicemen and women In The Red Sea Channel here today, what we seee is is for the first time ever, iran has shown they are hand and iran attacked israel directly an unprecedented credible amount of we are grateful to the United States for helping us fend off that very and brutalck attack, which could have been really, really, really bad. Thanks to help from the United States, france, the u. K. , d even the Jordanian Air force, we managed to repelcf the attack. That could have been really devastating. Trey you are correct thater the u. S. And other friendly nations did defend israel and helped with the Iron Dome Hewarc israel responded to the iranian attacked for up to some of us, the attack was more muted than we were contemplating. In your judgment, was israel planning something more robust and discouraged from doing so in particular by the Biden Administration . Look, we are in the middle f a war with a Brutal War With Hamas In The South who Haveno Cetaken 134 innocent men, women, and babies. And if we went allout war with mean a Hugetu Regional War Everybody Wouldal have been drugged into. Ir ani actually think iran isi th nazi germany of the 1930s. I think the world will eventually have to deal with iran. Enough with this attitude of appeasing them here they will not be appeased. These are fundamentalist who want to push the wall back 500it years. Thsooner or later, they threaten the entire free world. At the moment, they start withy israel, but they make it very i srclear, israel is the little satan and americas the big satan and they talk about it clearly. A so, at the moment, maybe time for regional war because that may have escalated to that, but i think eventually we will get there. But the administration thinks we will get there or not, it is inevitable. U me trey you mentioned iran as part of this new evil access, access of evil hunting back toan world war ii. President biden seem to think iran can be negotiated with them a country fundamentally believes in depth to israel the United States is a goodgo negotiating partner. Tiatin what should the world respond to iran be either sanctions or militarily . First of all, i dont believe people when they keep telling you that they wantbe to kill yo, you should believe them. Y, for years already, what iran wants to do is change the world and start with the middle east. The middle east has got a very significant american presence e here in and iran doesnt wants america we have seen pie irae agent of the United States and the free world. So they see saudi arabia, the immigrants, lorraine and a threat to any country in the world that wants Peace Andos Prosperity for their people. Pe they want a very dark Jihadien Tifundamentalism and this is a threat to the entire world. So an american helps israel ande other countries, they are also helping themselves. But like i said, i just dont see how we can continue to live in a world where these people are doing everything they are a doing and the biggest exporters of terrorism across ofs the wor. If you get rid of the Iranian Regime and you get rid of the majority of terrorism in the world, just think about that for a second. I dont see how eventually we dont have to deal with it. The question is, who is going to be brave . Because at the moment we see a lot of chamberlains in the world. Trey speaking of chamberlains, Chuck Schumer called forecti Regime Change in israel. Diffi have not heard him hope fr Regime Change in iran. But we will save that for another conversation. The deputy mayor of jerusalem, thank you for joining us again on a sunday night. Thank you. Trey still ahead, the juryem isen seated. I Opening Statements are next in thate e state of new york versus donald j. Trump over federal prosecutor Andrew Joo Koski and fox news legal editor, on this historic trial after the break. Sleepy . Headaches . Dry skin . Youre probably dehydrated. Try liquid labs rapid hydration. Its packed with all five essential electrolytes. Taste amazing and way less sugar than Sports Drinks . Rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. Grab liquid labs in the Walmart Vitamin Aisle today. Good morning and welcome to Fox News Live Jackie Ibanez in new york and Opening Statements to begin hours from now former president historic criminal hush money tr. Testimony from the first witness could also be given pure and mr. Trump is accused of falsifying Business Records to hide an alleged affair with adult film star. Tomorrow the judge indicates and will hear arguments from prosecutors whether the former president repeatedly violated a gag order. Prosecutors allege he did so with social media post. Meanwhile israels intelligence chief is stepping down over failures to prevent hamas unprecedented october 7th attack. Is the first senior israeli figure to do so. More than 1200 people were killed that day. Roughly 250 others were taken captive sparking sevenmonth war in gaza. His resignation could set the state for top security were asked to step down. Jackie ibanez, now back to sunday night. Trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America. Jury selection is more psychology than welcome a more art than science. Can people really put asidese opinions and beliefs andinsi decisions based on solely evidence inside of a courtroom . That requires restraint aboutil fairness, humilityit and yet ito happens in courtrooms all across Ssthe Country every week. Can it happen in a case so inextricably intertwined with politics . It is true that some people want to serve highprofile, cases. More Common People will do anything to avoid serving on a jury because jury service is hard and inconvenient, thankless, but a fundamental part of our Justice System thatt the government could be toldciti no by ordinary citizens sitting in a jury box. T ar it is one of the great marbles of our republic. De if one person can defeat the whole government or a Single Person can take on a Large Corporation n and when, History Will B Thae made this week. As the first time the former president gone to trial on. Criminal charges. But history has already told usc what to do. May justice be done, though the heavens fall. Joining us now former federal prosecutor Andrew Jankowski ando fox news legal editor, carrie, politics tendsui to rent everything. Can 12 people set their personal beliefs aside even on polarizing defendant and base their verdict solely on the evidence presented inside of the courtroom . Ent are you confident that can be done . Of course, it can be done, but what my concern is more that anything else the jurors will, take their cues from the prosecutor in this case. Ng g they will take their cue from Attorney General letitia james. Bill barr used to say the doj,e the department of justice is not the department of prosecution. O i think people need to understand sometimes andnd s tho justice jackson, and the Attorney General of the first part of the 20th century, he said this, the prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in america. What ive been concerned about ast as i watch this case in newk unfold against donald trump is seethat there seems to be onlya focus on the latter of the law and not the spirit of the spirit asked what is fear and without the spirit, that is not justice but abuse and manipulation. Trey all right, andrew, i will appoint you to give Openin Statement for the defense. So, what do you say, do you do it now or wait until you present your case later . I assume you can do that in new york and i know you can dofs it in South Carolina. Whate defenses both defensible and will work in front of a jury . Do you let the jury know whatcl front whether your client will testify or not . Will commit his show time fos the defense and Donald Trumps case. I think they need to stand up give apowe powerful Opening Statement. I always do in my practice might give that Opening Statementecut right after the prosecution before the opening of the case. I think what they need to sell strong is the start of with Extortion Scheme from Stormy Daniels and that donald trump in the run up to 2016 election wanted to get rid of that nuisance instead of involving the department of justice of his enemy in politics at the time, barack obama and joe biden. Instead of dealing with the legal fallout that might come with a doj complaint, that what he did was engage in a perfectly legal, Nondisclosure Agreement with Stormy Daniels coming out e of Protectings T his runup to the election, but for purposes of protecting his owfon selfimage. P for purposes orof protecting his business, marriage, and many other valid reasons for somebody to engage in a hush money or Nondisclosure Agreement with individual whose coming forward with allegations that simplythat claims are not true. It is not just that level, but the defenst ite also has to beve raised that even if that specific intent is found in the firs t part of the elements, that there is an additional element that they must prove, and additional crime, essentially, that it was dealing with an election money cover up. So, they were so many layers here. Thneede defense needs to put thi case forward in the Opening Statement and talk a lot about the specific intent elements required here and the difficultg prosecutors are going to have. Finally, they need to have more Beyond A Reasonable Doubt standard and to never let back on that. Trey carrie, i am going to make you a jury consultant, at least fo ar the next couple of minutes you were Tberso Membersh the jury watch everything, even if a defendant does not testify, y arthey are watching how ae defendant reacts, conducts himself or herself to what advice would you give for there former president and Howsi Tonc Comport himself once the jury it in the courtroom and they areath watching him . To th e extent he can sitting at the councils table, i would suggest he appear engaged, which whihe always is, polite and tha s you know theya will like and feel comfortable with. I think it is important for him not to do anything that can beao perceived as intimidation. Anything that can be perceived as rude or abrasive. He wants to be as likable as he possibly can. Givepon how him personally i thk is unfair this whole procedures and they Gag Order Remainsor imposed against him yet, not what Michael Cohen who has a podcast who can do interviews mediinteand say anything and noe under the penalty of perjury. I think it says quite something somabout the way these proceeds arvee going. You have a judge who donated tod joe bidens campaignen for president. Small dollar donation but the fact thaneutt he did it when trp cases percolating and coming before him says something as well. It is something that trump keeps his cool to the extent he can and be as likable as possible. Trey andrew, we only have o a little bit of time but kerrymh just raise some things. My question to you, you are our Evidence Professor from now until we go towe g the break. S how much of that is going to bes admissible . The president calling it a witch hunt here with the political motivation, how much n that is a jury going to be able to hear from the defense . They are going to hear almosh none of that. I think the defense should steea away from that. We saw donald trump really try to hammer in his new york civilc trial over and over again howw n unfair it is. But this is the time to engender a good spirit with the jury, to have them seek gnomic seed donald trump as unanimous figure sometimes he can be pure to be a chickfila in atlanta and how much people loved him. He needs to walk into the courtroom and be a lovable courtroom that the jury wants to cheer for. Trey it will be fascinating. Makehistory will be made. We shalle in see if the words os john adams, justice is done though the heavens may fall. Wil thank you, both. I have a feeling this is not the last time the three of us will be together. Thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Thank you, trey. Trey up next if you blinked you missedt im it the tl of secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over before it began. The mr joni ernst after break with more. Trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America pure the border remains ope n and one of the two people responsible will not face impeachment triafl after all. Alejandro mayorkas was charged under articles of impeachmenthe but the judge with four person of the jury and leaving Senate Democrats always predictable, Nothing Pure The Border was the number one issue on thwhene mino voters but it is not the number one issue on the minds ofdr democrats. Alejandro mayorkas was not going to be convicted by majorityat controlled senate but there was not a trial. Chuc what Chuck Schumer really wanteo to avoid was public area of ther consequences oveomr open border from hamas to lakin riley and others here illegally to people of National Terrorism and watch list roaming the country to what this open border is costing in money and blood. Can republicans capitalize on the disconnect between what voters want and what democrats are offering ornt will Houseio Republicans Deflecu attention off of vulnerable Senate Democrats and back onto d themselves . Joining a Senate Armed Services Committee Member and Republican Policy Committee chair, o senator joni ernst and the great state of iowa. Welcome, senator pure therd Borders Number Oneer issue for voters and consequences of open border devastating. St and Alejandro Mayorkas will noat stand trial. You do you think the senate g. O. P. Ke will make sure voters know how vulnerable Senate Democrats voted . Absolutely, trey. Thank you so much. This is a tragedy. This was our constitutional duty to take up the articles of impeachment that were sent over from our United States house of representatives on Alejandro Mayorkas. Mo in the Senate Democrats refused to d do that. Be didnt even hear any evidences. The democrats dismissed those articles before we were able to k Attake A Look at any level of evidence. So this is the number one issue in iowa, of all places. We are not a border state. Physically touching mexico, but this might all states are Border States because of the influx of drugs, Human Trafficking and so forth. This will be on voters top ofs mind come this november. No and i do think that the Senate Democrats will be valeri vulnerable because they refused to take up this impeachment y trial. Soes yeah, trey, i think this wl weigh heavy on them in the elections, as it should. Trey as you say, i was in your beautiful state of iowa. It is not a border state, not a southern Border States to the best of my geographical recollection. Neither a South Carolina and montana, which there is ave competitive seat s. C and pennsylvania competitive seat, ohio a competitive seat s we shall see. President biden seems to be able to find power and when it comes to student loan relief, guncontrol, covid mandates, but he claims he has powerful to do anything about the border Via Executive action. What h is the truth . Can he do what he is doing without congress. . Oh, yes, trey him and you s knowen this quite well. Do nayou saw this under donald tru. He was able to secure the border with the laws that were in place here at about President Biden is exacerbated the issue by encouraging people to come to or southern border and then allow his secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to Catch And Release into the interior all of these illegael immigrants. So the president does have does have authorities to shut down the border. He refuses to exercise those edauthorities. We know we need to strengthen ou ourr own codes to make the br more secure. But that is certainly the president has great opportunity to do whae he can with it, executive actions to make sure that we are not taking these illegals and releasing them into the United States. Trey senator, you serve iner uniform so before i let you go, i have to ask you haa question about war. It looks like the time of war turning in eastern europe. The house just passed an aid package and speaker mike johnsoe changed his mind on aid to ukraine. He said based on intelligencee briefing, he doesnt think russia will stop with ukraine. That they will keep going. You are a student of this. You what do you think . Do you think russia is just going to take a little tiny bit of ukraine and back off, or do you think it is the right move for congress for thestat United States to help ukraine defend itself . I think it was absolutely the right move by speaker johnson to reassess his beliefs andppor ukraine. I am a supporter of ukraine. Im a supporter against pushing back authoritarian regimes. R i think this is important because, no, trey, we know russia is not goina isg to stoph th Ae Little Sliver of ukraine. T inthey will continue to gainntin strength. They will continue their march across ukraine. They will take what they can hear what they will controlled the southern portion of ukrained certainly they would love Tobeca Have Odesa under their control because that leads them to my dove. Nd mel dove it is not a nato member as well and it will fall quiteni easily. It does not have the means to defend itself. But yes, our natal Friends Iny Coeurope are very, very concernd about this. I think we should do well and what we can to make sure ukraine can push back against russia n because right now, Trey Commitoe is not our Sons And Daughters involved in this war. If they move further in advance on the baltics or if theics yd, advance on poland, it will be our Sons And Daughters. That is a risk im not willing to take. So lets stop russia where they are and get them out of ukraine and keep them in their place. Trey senator joni ernst from the gate dont make great,h state of iowa, thank you for your service and we will see you soon. You you bet you, god bless y, trey, god bless you. Trey what brings happiness with the nations leading expert on hows to find happiness and significance . Dr. Brooks joins us next only on Sunday Night In America. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. What is cirkul . Cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. Cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. Cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. Cirkul, available at walmart and drinkcirkul. Com. Trey welcome back tomeri Sunday Night In America. More research is out about youn people and academic of unhappiness in which seemingly c meyer. Aninformation technology,r social Media Connections arent soleading to happiness. R so what doesec . A recently, i had a chance to talk to an expert about many things including the science of happiness. Nd proliharvard professor, Socil Scientists and prolific author,y dr. Arthur brooks. Oc thank you for joinintog us, dog. What is going on . Have young people have what you and i dont have anymore with respect to both of us, which is youthtie and time, and yet, they seem toh struggle with this thing called happiness. Yeah, thatht is right. Nice to see you, trey. It is an important topic started a lot by me and many others in the new data out from Gallup Ons Hothis that shows exactly what most of usav have been seen wita Younger Generation, which Ishi Ghhigher Rates of depression, higher rates of anxiety and lower rates of happiness with adults and people in past generations. You are right, The Big Question wife in the second question, what can we do about it . Oka trey all right, like anysk mediocre lawyer, im going to ask you why and what can we dobt about it . Those are my two followup questions . I got it. The reason why is simple that we find. T there are four, big things tht bring happiness, the happiest of happy people of faith, family, friendship and work that serves people that feels like vocation pure and meaningful work is incredibly important and Peopleo Sthave struggled with that. Ore you are finding more and moe young people are getting into the zone of their work. Faith is falling away and more and more people say they dont have faith. The year i was born in the y mid60s 1 of the population said no faith and 3 said noan faith and primarily concentrated in the culture we are saying gen z, and the Millennial Spiril less likely to form families in one of the great secrets of a happy life is getting married and having kids. A that is old as the hills and needs to be reinforcedon generation after generation and fewer people have close friends. Especially young people here are those are the four Big Reasonsth and,er of course, there were the crises fear of the biggest crisis of course is mediating friendship through social media. You cant do it that way ialn yr brain wont let yoheu do it that way. The more you avenge on social media, the lonelier you get your that is not only anl problem for me but young people. And child soldiers in a Campusnp War Of Activism and manipulatin young people to hate wholl m disagree with them here that will make them miserable and indeed commit is. The loneliness of the quite sick academic and that is not healed yet. There is your list of reasons, c trey, what do you think . At trey i think you are an expert on it. I know now why you teach a clasi on it. You and i were talking about a test on your website to find out who we are and what to embrace i about it. U sa you said to them i was a mad scientist. My wife said you are half right. You got the mad part right but not the scientist. But is there something to Self A Acceptance who we are as part of happiness and how do we balance our gifts with our limitations . Part of it is actually knowing yourself and actually b gathering a little bit of Wor Knowledge and then, trying to work on yourself in a real wayse and instead ofd a poster changg the outside world. And Younger Generation have learned from keeping safe as tha possible, what has gone on way longer than past generations. My parents took no interest in what i was doing, perhaps, that was a problem in the Otherm Th Direction but young people today are told if you are feeling w anxiety or depression, somethino is wrong with you. Norm we need to treat you. It is not normal. All of that is foals. Eg life is hard andat we grow from negative emotions. They are very normal and you need t yo learn about yourself o you can mend your feeling so they do not and micu. And we have the skills to protect them by sending them to school that fire them up Andsm Activism T and tried to protect them frosingm opposing points of view. The result is wes are paying te price. Opleyoung people are suffering a lot. This is a mind generation that is responsible for that. Ag trey all right, before i will let you go, money and fame have been talked about forever. You mention finding significance in your work and how that can lead to happiness. T i will let you take the last minute and tell us, how that works, finding significance in what we do for living . Yeah, social media has been really deleterious and relationship, mediating the relationship people having their work. Why, more comparative with othe people and make them want to seek fame or admiration of other people much morehan than the p. None of those things will makees you happy, especially your workl what i telacl my students, you r need to look what is most interesting to them and do it with a singular focus with a sense of love, sense of purpose, where you earn your success, ind other words hard work and responsibility, you tried to be rewarded and the knowledge to serve other people. You see your work as an offering to other people. That is what you need, service to others here that is what will bring meaning from work and that will solve a lot ok anf our prot out. Trey dr. Arthur brooks, iyo tell you, friends, if you aret e not following him, if you are not reading come if you are not listening to him, you are doing yourself a disservice. Thank you for joining us again and we love talking to you. We will s see you soon. Thanks, trey. Art trey thank you for spending your sunday with us. Nd i hope you have a great weekend and you can find us on line carley a fox news alert, Opening Statements are set to be

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