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Welcome to hannity. After a second Assassination Attempt on President Trump Secret Service finally gave an update on the failures at the Butler Rally back in july. The site of the first Assassination Attempt. More on that coming up later but first our country is at a tipping point. This is an Inflection Point for the usa. We are now only 46 days away from the most consequential election in our lifetime. Mail in voting is already underway in several states across the country. Today early in Person Vote in began in the Commonwealth Of Virginia where Brandnew Poll by The Way released this Morning Shows the race is a statistical. Look at that. At this moment at least. Now trump is pulling far ahead of where he was at this point in the 2020 election, across several key battleground states. Take a look. In pennsylvania for example which could be the state that decides the election and early voting is happening now. Trump is pulling 3 points ahead of where he was at this point in 2020. He did not lose the state by a lot. It was constant. President trump is currently 5 and a half points ahead of where he was on this date in 2020. In michigan hes pulling over 5 points ahead of where he was in 2020. So wire his Poll Numbers better this time around . Maybe because millions of voters around the country to them Kamala Harris positions are still a mystery, and if you are knowledgeable you know they are radical. They are extreme and frankly dangerous for the country economically, and dangerous on the national security from. Look at her position on the border. Look at her position on iran and some of these other countries. Her record is so leftwing that she has to hide her real positions from All Of You. And so far with the help of the corrupt State Run Media mob shes been successful. But make no mistake Kamala Harris is the most radical candidate this country has ever had. At the top of a major party ticket, and All Of You this country deserves answers to what our Growing List of questions. We have been putting these positions forward now for 2 months. Her positions on nearly every single solitary important issue of our time has changed without explanation. Does she support the radical claimant islamist religious cult and 93 Trilliondollar Green New Deal . Why did she cosponsor the in the us centre with the Bernie Sanders, cosponsor Government Healthcare for all . And the limitation of private Health Insurance. Does she still think it is courageous not to use the term illegal alien or radical islamic terrorism and she believes that why. Does she still want to ban fracking offshore drilling, what about the radical position on illegal immigration . Look at the Position Harris and biden have put this country in. Think about this. She wants to decriminalize illegal immigration. She wants a 2 amnesty, current path to citizenship. She wants to offer free housing healthcare, education, Sex Change operations and we have allowed into this country unvented illegal immigrants from 180 countries including our top geopolitical photos anD Countries with terror ties. They have been committing dozens of murders and rapes even of young children and other violent crimes and there have been absolutely no consequences at all whatsoever for the decisions that they have made. They have allowed this to happen. And americans are getting hurt, nevermind The Cost. Never mind the fentanyl. Never mind the hard drugs that are crossing into this country. And by The Way she sat down for an interview last month with cnn fake News Dana Bash and she said quote her values have not changed. She did a whopping 16 Minute And 292nd interview. So why is she claiming her Policy Positions have changed . And shes not even making the claim she has Campaign Age saying it for her. Last night she had a chance to clear up some of all of this. She had the softball all Softball Interviews with oprah. But as usual she offer nothing more than a bunch of awkward Word Salads. And even oprah couldnt save her from herself. Take a look at some of the low lights. Lets come together with the character that we are so proud of about who we are which is we are an optimistic people. We are an optimistic people. Americans by character are people who have dreams and ambitions and aspirations. We believe and what is possible. We believe and what can be. Really would love to know what your plan is to help lower The Cost of living. You first of all thank you both for being here. Yours is a story i hear around the country as i travel. Its very important that we all speak to our friends and neighbours about misinformation and help them now see how it occurs, where it is occurring, so this is a moment where we stand knowing what we are fighting for. We are not fighting against. Its what we are fighting for. Snack thank you. Madame Vice President. Which she has said as she supports the largest Tax Increase in american and World History and the 93 Trilliondollar new greendale which would enD Capitalism as we know it, that would be marxism if you want to look at an economic philosophy behind it. It was 1 moment Last Night in particular that made headlines when the 2 were discussing guncontrol. You not believe what he said. Take a listen. Omer gagnon are. Tim walz is smack i did not know that smack a summary breaks my house they are getting shot. I hear that. Probably should not have said that. My staff will deal with that later. The giggling is not funny. Where she stand on the second Amendment And Gun ownership, because for many years shes advocated for the most restrictive Gun Laws supporting mandatory Gun Buyback and by The Way what she said in that clip sounds an awful lot like stand your ground, the same standard Ground Laws she and democrats have spent years demonizing. In case you forgot lets Take A Look at the past radical stances on gun ownership. You decide. Us weapons are already in circulation. What you do about those . Theres approximately 5 million. We have to have a Buyback Program and i support mandatory Buyback Program. How mandatory are you Gun Buyback program . Mandatory. Second amendment . Listen we have to do it the right way. Is no question about that. But we have to get the guns of the street. Smeared just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesnt mean we are not going to walk into that home anD Check to see if youre being responsible and safe The Way you conduct your affair. Mandatory Gun Buyback would be calleD Confiscation and we could enter your home and we coulD Check on your guns anytime we want. You deserve answers. Handlers are doing anything possible to hide her from the press. That was not a real interview Last Night. But finally after nearly 2 months shes now getting pushed back on strategy. Even some on the left. And by The Way Take A Look at what former Obama Advisor David axelrod had to say. Listen. I said years ago president ial races were mris for the soul and 2 of you are the people find out and they will want to know. So 1 way you reveal that is through interviews. And Town Halls. And unscripted interactions, and i think she needs to do more of that between now and the election to get people comfortable. The problem is she can do it and her team know she can do it. And its not like a debate where shes going to memorize her lines and just like a robot recite them. Meanwhile according to a new political report democrats are privately worried the teamster unions shocking announcement this week that they would not endorse or, this is the first time this union is not endorsed a democrat for president since 1996. That can be a major Warning Sign for a campaign. Remember. A poll released by The Union shows 60 of rankandfile members want Donald Trump. Only 34 want Kamala Harris. And by The Way the leadership the teamsters should have gone along with the rankandfile. They made it halfway. But first come alive was in Georgia Today so we sent our own Sara Carter to ask the people in The Great State Of Georgia the Peach State about the radical position. What did you find out . While Kamala Harris was actually at the Cobb Energy performing Arts Centre here in georgia. I was roughly 9 miles down the road in Downtown Marietta really close by. I was speaking with residents about how they felt over the last 4 years of the Joe Biden Presidency and the Kamala Harris Vice President cnd what she did at the border. I talked to them about issues such as transgender surgeries for illegal immigrant inmates or in detention, in prison, and the residents in georgia they were not afraid to speak their mind. Take a listen to this. Vice president Kamala Harris was actually put in charge of the border. And did nothing. She says a bunch of things what she can do. I dont understand why she hasnt been doing it being president. On the Healthcare Side shes been very public in the past about, you know, medicare for all and getting rid of private healthcare insurance. She now says she wont do that. Do believe her . I believe the things she says. Oh back to her District Attorney days for San Francisco and then california and in the senate shes a puppet. A lot of talk originally about she supports green, you know, green energy. But that would mean in some states cutting out fracking. Shutting down the gas pipelines. Does that concern you at all . A kind of dont because we dont know how true is that. You dont think she might. She probably wont go for it. Probably just says it just to buy votes. For the Policy Skwah harasses has talked with them past is actually not a policy that something she said shes agreed with was transgender surgeries for illegal aliens in Prison Something that came up out of the 2019 questionnaire she filled out. How do you feel about that . Nuts. Move onto next question smack its astonishing people will support Kamala Harris in any Way Georgia is a crucial Swing State and The Way folks were discussing the Issues Today they seem very wellinformed and i can tell you all eyes will be on georgia like the rest of the country. Back to you. States like georgia, North Carolina Pennsylvania wisconsin, Michigan Arizona and nevada all critical. Everyone of them. Are critical. Thank you. We appreciate it. Here with more Reaction Fox News contributor jason chaffetz. The host of tommy larens fearless. I cant imagine a Fearful Tommy but anyway also out, Founder Clay Travis is with us. Lets start with you tommy. The more the people learn about her or even if, for example, she gets the support of Taylor Swift can we get a pull out the shows Donald Trump is way more popular than Taylor Swift. Which i found interesting, the more shes hanging out with oprah, the more she get celebrity endorsements, the more that Ben Stiller Julia Roberts Chris rocks of the world, that shes hanging out with, that kinda proves to me what ive been saying is true is that the democratic party has become the party of coastal elites, hollywood dc, New York society, and that republicans anD Conservatives now the party of working men and women. And i think the teamsters kind of shows that. Am i wrong in my analysis . You are exactly right. Donald trump recognize forgotten america in 2016 and thats what he won that election and thats why youre seeing the shift in the teamsters because theyre not just thinking about The Union and what the democrats could potentially do for The Union as they have in the past but thinking about their families anD Communities, thinking about their country. Thats what you saw the rankandfile support for Donald Trump. But that Town Hall with oprah Last Night was so bad i would not be surprised if Oprah Winfrey secretly votes for Donald Trump. Thats how bad it was and i think we all can tell the kamala is so awkward when shes asked a question but if you look at her past injuries and study them as well have from 2019, 2020 or even back to 2007, shes much more come to will and in command of the issues when shes talking about her radical ideas and values. Thats where she feels come to bull. She doesnt to the awkward laugh. She doesnt talk in a Word Salad because thats what she actually believes. Everything shes doing right now is an act including her talking about owning a gun and shoot an intruder in her home. That was a coached line to make her seem so relatable and it failed. Jason i think tommy is onto something. Of the good gets very awkward for her when shes trying to remember what her advisors told her to say about any given topic. Now how do you back off the fact that youve cosponsored the Green New Deal, that you would eliminate the filibuster to pass it, how do you back off you cosponsored Government Healthcare for all and the limitation of private Health Insurance . How do you back off you wanted free housing healthcare, education and Sex Change operations and to decriminalize and offer amnesty to the 11 and a half million plus illegal immigrants she allowed in the country. Have you back away from those positions except you just dont answer the question as shes doing . She is a Deepfake Candidate in which i believe her that her principles of changed and we should believe Bernie Sanders who said shes just doing the pragmatic thing, a. K. A. Trying to buy votes with practice lines. Tommy is exactly right. Shes terribly uncomfortable in her own skin because shes in there trying thinking and speaking for Kamala Harris is not always gone well and when she tries to pull up the cd in her brain and said this is what im supposed to say it doesnt go well. Thats why you get these Word Salads because shes buying time and actually advocating for something she really believes in everybody can see through that. Anybody whos looking at this understands Donald Trump is the most authentic Streetfighting Politician who will tell you exactly what he sinking at any moment. Almost to his peril. Kamala harris is the exact opposite of that. Shes a fake candidate run by puppeteers and shes try to memorize lines and she cant do it. Sean i think, both tommy and jason are right on the money here. When the couple and well get into more detail with Senator Kennedy tonight, when the couple is asking specifically about what she will do on the economy she didnt mention the Green New Deal. She didnt mention the largest Tax Increase in history. She didnt mention what she had said previously that the high cost of energy is The Cost of democracy. She just gave a bunch of platitudes and bumper stickers that may be, you know, make people feel good but they are not specific policies. I think tommy was somewhat right when oprah is sitting across from a harris who she knows Donald Trump very well. She has 2 and the back of her mind me thinking this woman is a moron. May be i should have endorsed trump. Maybe else equally vote for him but also there was a moment in this interview that i thought was really compelling anD Cut to the essence of when call it was asked directly about what her plan was at the border. She answered for about 2 and a Half Minute saying nothing at all and then oprah had to step in and say so what exactly will you do and she said i will pass the bill that wasnt passed before. Shes not going to do anything different though. Thats a real lesson. Doug emhoff her husband sent him with Michael Strahan Nfl former player who is now on the Morning Show and he answered the Question Haywire doesnt come along to blame for people who are unhappy right now and he said shes the Vice President right now. She cant be expected to make the decisions the president makes an Lady Doctor Jill Biden sitting at the front of the table for Cabinet Meeting is actually to blame but i think what really all this sums up is kamala is the most inauthentic Candidate Weve ever seen for president. The american Voting Public is finding that out and over the next 6 weeks they are going to try to hide her because the more time people spend listening to her the less they like her. It was true in 2019. Its been true for much of her national career. She dropped out without vote being taken when democrats were involved. I think shes going to get smoked. Tomorrow is football day. Theres no way these big ten fans in Michigan Pennsylvania and wisconsin are showing up and voting for Kamala Harris over Joe Biden. How does this play out. That she make it across the Finish Line . What are her odds of winning . The Democrat Operation is so strong that the candidate matters less than the strategy they have in place with early voting which is already begun as you mentioned so this will come down to getting out the vote. People not vote for kamala but they might what against Donald Trump. We have to make sure if you republican that supports Donald Trump and supports america actually gets out anD Cast a vote. We cannot leave any stone unturned. Sean how does it end jason . I wish anybody would vote same day sing time some information with Voter Id but those arent of the road right now. And if republicans dont get out and start voting now and putting the ballots in the box getting the votes in early they will lose. But Donald Trump should prevail on the issues but its all about who shows up in votes. I think you will win. Sean clay. North carolina georgia pennsylvania, last thought nebraska make it winner take all, take away the chance come a wins Pennsylvania Michigan and wisconsin and gets in. Make that 5 electoral votes all go to the winner. Its meant to be trump. And remme come back today the acting secret Service Director saiD Communication deficiencies anD Complacency led to the trump Assassination Attempt in butler pa. Will check in with Judge Jeanine Pirro straight ahead. my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. Welcome to Fox News live Kevin Corke in washington. Is where they are strike killing a senior hezbollah Military Commander in a densely populated area in Southern Beirut today. Lebanese authorities say the strike killed at least 14 people and injured dozens more. The conflict sharply escalated with fears now rising of an allout war yet to come. It began earlier this week with massive coordinated attacks including targeting devices like pagers and walkietalkies all across lebanon. Meantime the Sixweek Spread to Election Day is officially underway, with early in person voting now open in several states. Voters in Minnesota South Dakota and Virginia Lining Up Today to cast their ballots for either the vp or former President Trump some say they decided to vote early over concerns of potential Election Day travels. Dozen more states will kick off early voting in midoctober. Im Kevin Corke. Now back to hannity. Earlier today Secret Service leaders held a press a presser on agencys internal investigation into the first Assassination Attempt of former President Trump that was in july, July 13th, to be specific in butler pennsylvania. Now acting secret Service Director Ronald Rowe laid out to the Security Failures that led to the Assassination Attempt. Take a look. Secret service did not give clear Guidance Or Direction to a local Law Enforcement partners. Their Communication Deficiencies between Law Enforcement personnel at the site. Approximately 18 10 local time Secret Service informed personal local police were addressing an issue 3 00 at the undrip router. Approximately 18 10 local time via Phone Call the secret Service Security Room because the Counter Sniper Response agent reporting an individual on the roof of the Agr Building. That vital piece of information was not related over the Secret Service radio network. Issues were encountered the day of the visit with respect to line of sight concerns but they are not escalated to supervisors. Its a responsibility of the Secret Service to make sure we provide a secure environment for a protect these. We want them to make sure that they can live their lives with some type of normalcy but they must do so with us providing the highest levels of protection which weve been doing since July 13th. And in response to the Assassination Attempts on trump today, the House Of Representatives unanimously passed a bill increasing secret Service Protections for both major president ial and Vice President ial candidates. Here with more Cohost Hit show the 5. Our friend Judge Jeanine Pirro. What bothers me is what hes describing is very similar to what happened at trump international on West Palm Beach and, you know, now we learned they knew about the vulnerability around holes 456 and 7 where you had this Tradeoff Area where paparazzi would often hide to get videos and pictures of Donald Trump Playing Golf, and they never even searched the area, nevermind preventing people from getting into that wooded area. They have 2 examples where we have people with highpowered rifles. In the case of the ak47 West Palm Beach, you know, 300 yards or so away from the president. 130 yards away from the president in butler. Thats tapping part and he claims success about last sunday, it was anything but a success. You have to laugh although this is not funny at all. Heres the bottom line. This Guy Roy Owusu only the Acting Head because cheadle was such a mess she had to go, she said Secret Service didnt put people on the roof on the Agr Building for July 13th because it was slow. We all know that was a lie. Now we are finding out from the sky the President Trump had president ial level secret Service Protection when he was Playing Golf in West Palm Beach last sunday. And how the hell did this guy get to sit outside the Golf Course within 10 feet of a major thoroughfare for 12 hours with a gun, with his Car And Nobody notices them . Thats president ial level secret Service Layout to go back to kindergarten. This guy is as far as im concerned an establishment guy. This is a guy who says look, we started to get complacent and, you know, some didnt do their job. The ones who didnt do their Job Need to be fired. Thats number 1. And number 2 you are the guys who came out and blamed the locals for July 13th having no 1 on that roof. Now we find out from you know less you had to next separate commanD Centres, 1 for the feds 1 for the locals. I was a local da. When we had an incident that involved state and federal we were together in 1 commanD Centre. That was a few decades ago where we can figure that out back then. And not only that. There is no common communication. So when you reference a fact that theres a shooter on the Agr Building Nobody Hearing about it because they are not talking to each other. This guy even The Way he presented it has to go. Its a coverup when he says weve got a new reality. No we dont have a new reality. What we have is a Secret Service thats not up to the Job Ticket so lazy anD Complacent from the top down that they are making excuses for the president who by The Way when he was president he played that Golf Course over almost every weekend so its not like the Secret Service did not know this Golf Course. Trump played it for free for years when he was president. So right now what weve got is this guy who says we dont need any more resources but weve got a lot of people leaving. I have an idea. You get rid of all of those cases they want to compete with state and local agencies. Counterfeit electronic crimes, treasury crimes. We dont need the Secret Service to do that. Stick to your mission of protecting the president and the president ial families and forget about this nonsense because you want a few more stars in your lapel. Let me see 1 more thing. The discussion by this guy of the new reality and the fact weve got a paradigm shift, what paradigm shift. Its the same as it was. Now we need is to bring in the military in this build its in congress he knows nothing about it. Because what it does is it allows the military, the guys in the military to go to the base. They load a plane with the resources and they go with the candidate. The guy doesnt even know what the bill is about. Hes lazy just like the people hes complaining about. And if i heard him say 1 more time pat themselves on the back, the rnc was fine and the D C was fine and the 2 president ial debates that had no audience, they were fine. Anam laiq do you not realize it such a failure you allowed people with highpowered rifles within literally Donald Trump came within a millimetre of dying in butler pa, and maybe within 5 minutes you would have been dead in West Palm Beach. And do you want to tell me about the success of the rnc and dnc. How about giving people with an Ak47 And Scope out of the trees where apparently this guy was laying in wait for 12 plus hours and its a known vulnerability . Snicket is because anybody with a Camera Or Newspaper magazine knows to sit in that particular area. What weve got here are the standards too low. He doesnt belong in the job and im glad theres 5 investigations. But i worry. And unless Donald Trump gets elected the same garbage is going to continue. Its scary for the country. Thank you judge jeanine. Coming up next Kamala Harris continues to be dishonest about how her economic policies would impact All Of You. We have the very latest. Well get reaction from senatort John Kennedy. Are favourite senator straight are favourite senator straight iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. Six digestive symptoms. The power of nature. Iberogast. This is carvana. And this is how you can sell us your car. Visit carvana, answer a few questions. Well give you a real offer. Then set A Time For Us to pick It Up and pay you on the spot. Sell your car the easy way with carvana. Sean during her Softball Interview with oprah Last Night kamala give us a whole lot of nothing. Glenashto she would lower The Cost of living. Thats the question on every americans Mind And Kamala delivered 1 of her classic Word Salads. Take a look. We really would love to not what your plan is to help lower The Cost of living. First of all thank you both for being here. And yours is a story i hear around the country as i travel. And in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family, and working hard and finding The American Dream is for this generation and so many recently far more elusive than its been and we need to deal with that. That answer the question . Does the average american paying somewhere around 28,000 grand more per family since she became Vice President. A new Ap Poll found voters are nearly split on whether Trump Or Harris would do a better job on the economy. Are they aware of the 93 Trilliondollar Green New Deal that would destroy capitalism . Are they aware shes proposed the largest Tax Increase in History Of The World . Trump does have a slight edge on that. More and more experts are coming out against Kamala Harris enter economic policies. Shark take Investor Kevin Oleary revealed he spoke with harris advisors to better understand her policies and heres what he had to say after that conversation. Take a listen. In the query about this idea of taxing i realizeD Capital gains which would basically destroy the economy anD Change The Way every investor would invest in Chase Capital out of the country. Ive been told that worry about it. Just be happy. Theres no Way Congress would ever pass that. She has to keep saying that to keep her base happy to bring people out to vote for her but thats not going to happen dont worry about it. These policymakers are giving me this just be happy, may be i have to get happy but right now im not happy and i really, really want some policy. I really do and i think the rest of the market does and that comment gives you some idea how much angst there is out there. According to know reported sound like The American people will have a lot to worry about. The Tax Foundation found Kamalas Tax Plan woulD Cost the us economy nearly 800,000 jobs and unemployment has been on the rise. But trump on the other hand is considering policies that will help workingclass americans. At his rally on Long Island earlier this week he suggested a temporary cap of 10 on Credit Card Interest rates to help The Americans that have been struggling because of Joe Biden harris inflation. He also said no tax on tips, no tax on Social Security and the president keeps expanding out and his Tax Rates for hardworking americans by saying no tax on overtime either. Here with Reaction Louisiana senator John Kennedy is with us. She did in her own words propose cosponsor the 93 Trillion Green New Deal. That to me would enD Capitalism as we know it. On top of the largest Tax Increase in American History including taxing unrealizeD Capital gains. Again would enD Capitalism as we know it. That basically is marxism. The way i understand it. I want to get your take on a and the fact they are saying kevin oleary, just be happy. None of that will happen. Those are her stated policies. Thats her in her own words. Gary singh dont believe what she says . Sean i have read the Vice President s plans such as it is. Basically her plan is lets do the dumbest thing possible that will work. I dont know who wrote her plan. Paid anybody but i wouldnt put that person in charge of a ham sandwich. The biggest economic problem facing America Today is high price. And those high prices were caused by the policies of President Biden and Vice President harris. Whats her plan, to lower the Prices Number 1 rice controls. Sure. Lets Follow Castro in Cuba And Venezuela and the former soviet union, all of which tried Price Controls and all of which experienced higher prices and mass hunger. The second part of her plan is raise taxes. Ms harris wants to raise the top personal income tax rate. She wants to raise capital Gains Taxes. She wants to raise inheritance taxes. She wants to raise corporate income taxes. She wants to tax unrealizeD Capital gains for the first time in American History. She even wants to tax well. She believes we are 1 Tax Increase away from prosperity. I dont know a single economist which has said it will work. The Tax Foundation did very careful careful analysis as you said. The Tax Foundation says Ms Harris plan will cost us about 800,000 jobs. It will shrink the economy about 2 . It will cut wages at least 1 point 2 . And in my judgment it will also cause prices to go even higher. This plan is like a rock, only dumber. If you raise corporate taxes correct me if im wrong. I dont think corporations pay taxes, any increase in taxes will be passed on to consumers. If you double the capital Gains Tax and you tax unrealizeD Capital gains, by The Way good luck trying to figure that out. Be it real Estate Investment or investing in stock market. I find this madness. And if you pay taxes on gains and eventually you dont realize them because the stock goes down on the Property Value goes down to get your money back. I think that will be a question we would need an answer to but then you add the Green New Deal to it. I dont see how this economy could hold up. Every time socialism, marxism, whatever you want to call it, whatever manifestation has taken on has ever been tried, it always ends the same way. Unfulfilled promises and more poverty and a loss of freedom let you give up In The Name Of security. My wrong, senator . No. If you corner President Bidens Treasury Officials even they will admit these high prices are permanent. The only way to deal with these high prices is to grow out of them. 5,000 years of Human Experience demonstrates that you cannot increase personal wealth, you cannot increase the Countrys Wealth without increasing output. Ms Harris Plan is to reduce that. She wants to tax people. She wants to tax businesses they have less money to expand and invest. When you tax something you get less of the. Sean sean yeah, senator may be will have to give her a tutorial, economics 101. Because i think it is definitely needed. Senator kennedy is always, thank you. Coming up a new study showing conservatives and liberals have different brain structures. And a chinese zoo has been forced to admit that their pandas arent really pandas. Will check in with Jimmy Failla straight ahead. my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. Sean you will love this. A new study showing that conservatives and liberals have different brain structures. With the area of the brain that helps identify react to potential threats being slightly larger in conservatives. Here with reaction, the host of Fox News saturday night, jimmy. I could only imagine what is in that brain of yours when you finally heard of that. It didnt really come as a surprise to me because just take the two states we are in. You live in florida which is a red state, i live in New York which is a blue state. We have totally different vocabularies. For instance, if you were in florida and saw you would say look at that. But in New York we cannot call someone a we have to call them the governor. So it is two different vocabularies, two different brains. Sean that is rough, dude, that is really rough. He deserves it he should stick to doing what he does best which is writing down covid deaths, he is a bag. Dont you dare defend him. Sean i would also argue the people of new York Talk funny and they talk about Coffee And Talk radio, how you doing . Whats up . Go ahead. I was going to say, one of the people of those accents was driving a taxi a few years ago listening to you on the radio. You made this mess happened, hannity i created you . My fault, my fault a Wouldbe Thief got stuck in a corvette that he was trying to steal and then begged for the Cars Owner to let him out. You cannot make It Up, Take A Look. This is not your car, this is my car. Why are you in my car . Know you cant get out. We are calling the cops. What you mean for what . This is grand theft auto. On the ground all The Way. Yes. The guy is trying to steal his car, let me out of the car and im like, know, you never should have been in the car in the first place, stay in the car so i can get you arrested, which happened. You cant make this up. No but another difference between Red States and blue states. That happened in florida, the guys going to jail. And New York the guy would just go viral and get out. He be on his way and that is what is so ridiculous. Obviously that is a hallmark stupiD Criminal moment but i feel for that guy because if i climbed into a corvette, i would get stuck anD Couldnt come out either. Look at the size of it. Im not fitting sean you need to get in the corvette and im telling you, you will get in and you will get out and it will be the right of your life. That i can promise you, its probably the best Muscle Car ever designed by unamerican automaker, for sure. I dont even know what to say. Criminals are dumb but you are right, in New York if you are on tape and beating up coughs, just get let out of jail and then you get to flip the bird to New Yorkers and then head on out to the sanctuary state of california. So that you can be safe and secure the rest of your life. Last topic. Help me out with this. Im having a hard time, maybe you can help me. Because there is a chinese zoo that has had to admit that its pandas were actually just dogs painted to look like a panda. [laughter] Sean And Zoo goers claimed that they realized the scam when one of the pandas started panting and barking. Help me out, jimmy. Can you explain that to me . I just want to give you context. We are laughing at china, we are laughing at china because they are pretending a dog is a panda. But china is laughing at us because we are pretending Biden Is president. So it is kind of like a push. But this is ridiculous i just love the story. Its like wow, that panda is sure chasing a lot of tennis balls, i dont expect that to happen. This is china in a Nutshell Everything is a fraud and a ripoff if a zoo is lets say in need of a lion, im just going to get the lien out from The Wizard Of Oz and put you in it and put you in the zoo, im sure that will pass off as a real lien any day, right . It wouldnt be the worst assignment you have given me, author on The Cost impact im fine. Sean we will be watching. Jimmy saturday night, we will see you tomorrow night, more hannity straight ahead. Sean unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening, as always thanks for being with us and thank you for making the show possible. Set your dvr so that you never ever miss an episode of hannity. Set your alarm for foxnews. Com, hannity. Com. That is news any time, every time, all the time. In the meantime, let your heart not be troubled, grade got felled will put a smile on your face this friday night, have a great weekend

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