Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20241004 :

FOXNEWS Gutfeld October 4, 2024

And yes, yes, you you should be clapping. Id be clapping if i were you. Happy wednesday, everyone. So, Tim Walz, performance at last Nights Debate has been panned by both parties. Partas so bad. Theres now talk of replacing him with a sharper, more capable candidate. In a bizarre gaffe, Wild Baz said he was friends with School Shooters. D he School Shooters have come out and denied this, saying their reputation signs are bad enough. In a post debate tweet, Anaio Navarro said to beware of j. D. Vance since hes an able shape shifter, but shes just jealous. He was able to shift shape without throughout eire debate, waltz was seen writing furiously on a notepadthrougho. What could he have been writing that . Nothing wrong with Lovingnotn Sports and and sportsmen. Speaking of waltz said, he was, quote, a knucklehead for falsely claiming he was in china during the tiananmen square massacre. I guess you should take down this picture from his website. Throughout the debate, waltz had a Deer In The Headlights expressiopicturn hise. He appeared to keep his pants, according to someone familiar to the experience, by pants. So congratulations to jimmy carter, who turns 100 years old. Miliar tthis week. And good news for democrats. Hes still eligible for a second term. Pete rose late monday at thE Age of 83. Out of respect for his playing style, hell be buried head first. Come on, we love video. Charlie. And finally, today is the official start of the Fat Weekfa Competition at Alaskas Kat may national park. Its going to be tough to pick a winnera. All right. Got a three for one there. All right. So in the Mainstream Mediainstrm that tim waltz lost, You Know, its much worse than that. Wils mu lets put it this wa. Waltz just rejoined the national guard and insisted they send to iraq. But just listen to these sads sacks of. J. D. Vance came to this debate to land a bunch of punches, and he did. Tim walz did not seem prepared for it. I was missing the magic and the organic spontaneity of Tim Walza. I think o the lack of interviews that he has done with national media, with local media, it showed he needed more resistance clearly. I think it needs to be v clearly the more debater the Slicker Speaker to use Tim Walz, his own words would mean a lot about this Debate Uncoghrdt was was weird. There were uncomfortable cringing moments. Gre so the tone of the media was one of sadness, not reporting se loss, but mourning it. Ss now, the truth is that a Vp Debate is like a colonoscopy. Its its Importantbut Th and necessary. But that doesnt mean you want to watch Itatoesntu W but even so, remember this. The vp is there in Casewith Something goes wrong with the president . Like turning into a piec tetwoo. Of driftwood. So this point is just a helpful reminder, since our current president makes jimmy Carter Look like Chuck Norris , Whenk Joe is laid out on the beat, dr. Jill as to keep the seagulls from eating him. Dt so despite the best efforts of two moderators who did Everythingof Three but ask j. D. R for a stool sampleyt, only one s candidate seemed like the kind of guy you want running your country. On seeme and its not this one, governor just to up on that. I the question was, can you explain the presidency . D wa all i said on this was as i got there that Summerersu And Misspokemmer on this. That so i will just as well have said. So i was in Hong Kong and china during the democracy protests went in. And from that, learned a loti of what needed to bewhat in governance and even a Deer In The Headlights is screaming, get the guy out of the way,r in dude. Its no wonder they dont do follow up questions with democrats. Theyre like the top layery be of Day Old Skimpy bean dip. Whats underneath . You dont want to se ath you e. At that point, even biden was home in his spiderman pajamas watching and thinking, yeah, i did better. Kamaamala and doug had to be shaking their heads. Emhoff has a Bitand Doug This Ss since the nanny started gaining weightsed. Did i hit him too hard . These as usual, with these debates. It was it a clear three againsa one. Of course, the immediate theme was Climate Change , which,o according to all of the polling of us voter concerns, ranked somewhere below Toenail Fungusew and right above the wnbahereth standings. But that didnt stop norah from declaring a global warmintg consensus. Governor, your time is up. The overwhelminga Global Consens among scientists is that the earths climate is warming at an unprecedente globa cond. So i guess that decides it, right . Norrisreg s but still, ut the implication is that theres no correlation between manmade Climate Change and extreme weather. In fact, the incidents of hurricanextremes have gone d, not up in the past century. But who cares, right . To expect Dot Norah to know the science is like expecting p. Diddy not to have Baby Oil later. Later, norah dropped this beauty, jt. Lets talk about the state of democracy, the top issue for americans after the economy and inflation. Thats the third biggest issue for americans. The statedd not the border or crime. Exactly. Whic H Poll has shown that the one you took in liz cheneys hot tub. Oh, and as usual, the fact checking only went one Wayd Abou while two lied about the border bill. The bordern statutes and jan six. But its not surprising coming from a selfconfessed knucklehead who lied about his Military Service when he saw less Comba Knucklet than captain stubing. Yeah, its funny. Odonnell and brennan never got around to asking about that whopper, and they never brought upha the horribly Violent Riotsu that took place in walters Home State that he didt up nothw about until it was too late. Yet even with the odds stacked like pancakes on jerry nadlers naked belly, Tiny Tim still couldnt pull it off. Hence the somber mood from the liberal media hacks. Can you blame them . Ot their narrative got shot to. Remember, they downplayed walters skills in order to lower expectations. They elevated downplad the e that vance was mean and he was weird. But vance came short. Presidential, smart, full of ideas. A man who could take fille the j of power if necessary, and not just talk about being unburdened by what has Bee Bout Bein bee a man actually ready to engage in a fair and open debaty toe, unlike the other three hacks out there with him . If this Wacks Outhers the time W Vance after that steady diet of media smearsas, what a shockm it must be. And yet its another example of how e the media lies to you. The debate showed you the difference between, what youre told and what is true. For his part, walter came off his that chatty Guy Youd Ste steer clear of in a Mens Room at theof a mall of americas. Weve been there. No ones buying his folksy fot because folksy is the dems call it, when they try to act like normal human beings. And really, the days of sharing personal are over. They died when kamala answered,r i born in the middle class to every question, including would you like Super Salad and do know your headphones are plugged into a Snickers Baru . But it made mgge Realiz Inte that trump almost never Doess Tt that. If you want something personal Ou Trumpnever T him, you practiy have to shoot him. Tonights guest, he hates that photo on his license Fo Kill Former Cia Operative and host of the president s daily podcast, mike baker. She records videos in her car because she likes to work from home. Oh, its a family. Savebecauss america. Emily will say for ten bucks, her baby will sign copies the ultrasound. New york times best Selling Author and spouse is a authr. Utoork time and to him, the jumbotron is just a try. Is this true . Bes New York times best Selling Author, comedian frosellinm. All right, mikey, you watched the debate. Mikeywhat did they give ito to midwesterners going at it . Oh, it was a peacmidwesteh oa debate, wasnt it . Yeah. Yeah. You know, i like it the idea that they werent yelling at each other, but Everything Elseac about, it was entirely p predictable. As you pointed out, we knew what the moderatorsointedwe going to do and the condescending sort of tone,m no particularly from nora, i thought was irritating. Yearaodonnelh, but look, i s Theres Nothing unpredictable. F the follow up response from the media the next Day Wro E kind of knew where that was going to go. I was surprised at the fact that were somewhat negative towards waltz. I didnt think theyd go there. Ne i thoui thought they would , well, its kind of a draw. Theyre off. Walz, but look, know, again, could they have gone harder . Waltz of course they could have, but the guy has got a real problem with the truth. Thd it one time. Me. Any time you see a lawyer, you may have heard i have a company that Doeata Los A of a investigations. Yes, thats true. Yeah. And so we look at a lot of fraudt and im not Callingd Bu Tim Walz a fraud, but im just saying any time you have a Patter N of disassembling, right. Of of obfuscation, thatsthats good work. It is. Then, You Know, then a grd. Gotn issue youve got to look at. We would call that a red flag. Yeah. Wouldaland so they should Probv Go after that harder. But i didnt expect to when he was talking about china, his not being in tiananmen. I square, i kept expecting him to pull out a four pack of mikes hard lemonad ead some flowers and stand behind a Kitchen Counter Anflowers D is whats his face . Whats his Name Froism a predator, of course. Hanson. Lon quite a long way for that joke. Wow. Foat j, but they think. You know, i dont want your smattering applause. Ill say. Every Fairy Wa G talkin about catching a. It should be creepy. Before you laughbe. T just to be fair. Emily, what did you make of it . Did you watch it . Catc thoughts . Yeah, we watched it with Af M Bunch of republicans at a bar, and i thought it was interesting. I thinkght it was i, i, i lit because my friends that are more left Leanin Ig and independent, they were like, we thought this was fantastic. Indeent saidand after this, the, i think vance is a star. I could see him as a Futur Ese president. And i was even one of those people that was like, genuinely, i wasnt sure. I wasnteopl if i liked him. E mi especially with how much negative media has been around him, i thought it was beennd hie were certain points where i was like, one thing about him, he comes with the receiptst and im like, youre ready. So there are certain points from like, i wish you would have went a little bit hardee pt r. The issues that matter, like immigration. Are You Kidding me. . Border like you could go so hard, but i respect him for nasty. Those Wome Respectn where he really held his composure and cool thke, You Knowmposur some, peope works with. And i thought that that was a great look for us because anything right nowas aooan theyre going to take and theyre going to run with it and it makes us look bad and people dont like that. Uspeoplebut its true and this m very serious time. So i think he did a Fantastie Sc Job and im a huge fan of him now. Im definitely sold and a lot of people are nod iw, appa You Know, back some people,me po the legendary. Some people. Yes. Many are saying manypl saying that Vance Mansplaining to the to nora when when he was telling her that she was wrong. Them what was your takeaway and whats your takeaway in general of ths youre awe deb yeah, i didnt i dont really see it that way. I that look, hes j. D. Vance is very good at talking. He did a very good, i thought really good job right off the bat. I think that Tim Walz really kne knew this is going to be harder than he though t when the conversation was about the instant instability in the vanc World And J. D. Vance did what i trump really should have done when. He debated kamala saying, listen, you guys are in charge right no gw . G it making it so you cant theyre trying to run as if theyre the oppositionyre and not in there right now. Thats in terms of debate, skil rightw. L right. In terms of me as somebodyf who likes free marketsme watching it, im like, boy, theyre really both sides really just suppormt governmenty. Thats far too big for my liking. The exactly. Sadly. Oh, no. Eobody agrees that we only lik f for oh, i feel every day like ol when we like 14 people left in the country that actually us not a small government anymore. So overall i dont think that will affect their campaign too much. But also, i mean, i think the debate didnt really affect the one word Joe Bidenjoe actually lost the nominationbido that move pauls that much. I dont know how much difference this will make. Thats Donink Thise mu a good pt You Know, taras emily said that, like vances offers kind of a juxtaposition to trump. Thats not a juxtapositiojun and, You Know, i thought wallace had probably the best now hes ever had a debate. Yeah, he look like a normal guy. He wasike of prepared, wasnt s prepared. He could say anything he wanted to. Like. Jd said that even if he doesnt win, hes going to help hinennw yeah i dont know what that interview that what debate you r you were watching but it was like two bffs were born on that and each one of them was agreeing, agreeing, heres my problem with it. Jd the guy that youre representing said to Assassination Attempts on him. How many trumped up charges, missed cases . The entires after the Assassination Attempts . Tim Tim Walz and the entire they revved up the rhetoric even more. Theyre calling him hitler. They say all these Thing S. They beat January 6 and Thereh Pit no i wasthough like wheres the fight . Wheres the Pit Bull . Wheres the, You Know what . Wher. January 6 was one day. And You Know what . Everyone involved in it is under the jail. Lets talk about the other 360 e or the last three and a half b years. Who the hell has been running this country . You know, like, where was that . Whereenning the countre was tha . And it wasnt it . I didnt see it. Th. W like, Yeah Jd yeah. Jd vance looked great. He looked like Van He hmm, im t like that. Im i understand everyone. I believe in his principles, but im a softer version. I didnt see any fight. Thversion. K politician tryingimf to make himself look good. I did not see any Figh Lt Forn whats going on, because this is not a normal Election Isne Youd like to se a normae that because the other sides not playing that way. Interesting. But i think that was decision, right . Its a calculated decision. They just told People Who were on the Fence Peopld that, oh, ts not that much difference between those guys. Wa. Had a way better Debatee Kamala and Biden Have had by far he whether you agree with or not he said things and im a knucklehead, but we were all accepte shed that. He had a strong debate because what should have happened is Jd Genius and the darling should have destroyed him. But all He Didestroyed was makem look like a regular guy. Well, i think he was looking at balance. I t, rob. Thats the same guy i think he was looking to balance. Trump is what they were. Ist thewhat they were going for right there. Well, he might have just balanced the floor. You playing kind of a good Bad D cop thing. I dont disagree with what youre saying, but i think that there was a Reasoningree Fn behind it. Yeah. Yeah. If i if if if you and i wereh on a team, which one would be the good cop . Oh, You Know what, i could be a very bad cop. Yeah. Co ive seen, ive seen your Badve Cop Uniforenm and its, its, its, its, its striking. What is wrong with wearing shorts when youre arresting somebody . Okay, we got to move on. Yeresting somebody s. Our prosecutors giddy over dirt on p diddy. Nice job if youll be in the New York area and like tickets to see gutfeld, Go To foxnews. Com Slash Gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio. What makes Mink Couture the softest, most luxurious blanket in the world. It all began with one handmade blanket crafted with love. My daughter was in the hospital seriously ill, and i wanted to give her something to represent my loved one. I couldnt be

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