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From 'Junk Man Rag' to 'Eleanor Rigby' :
From 'Junk Man Rag' to 'Eleanor Rigby' :
From 'Junk Man Rag' to 'Eleanor Rigby'
“Does anyone here play an instrument?” Leah Valenches asked, as she took a break from playing her violin.
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Pennsylvania ,
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Temple Bnai Brith ,
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Elvis Presley ,
Peter Brubaker ,
Johann Pachelbel ,
Beatle Eleanor Rigby ,
Robert Bobby Baird ,
Leah Valenches ,
Scranton Area Foundation ,
Us Navy Band ,
Bobby Baird Orchestra ,
Dixieland Jazz Band ,
East Mountain ,
Pennsylvania Philharmonic ,
Junk Man Rag ,
Templeb Naib Rith ,
Van Morrison ,
Jerome Kern ,
Gets In Your ,
John Lennon ,
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Great Thou Art ,
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