Liberia: DO THEY DESERVE YOUR VOTE? FPA Analyses the Challenges and Chances of 71 Representatives Seeking Re-elections :

Liberia: DO THEY DESERVE YOUR VOTE? FPA Analyses the Challenges and Chances of 71 Representatives Seeking Re-elections

MONROVIA--In October’s elections, there will be 800 representative aspirants that will slug it out in the 15 counties, while 100 senatorial aspirants will contest for 15 seats.  Of the 73 current representatives of the 53rd National Legislature,

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Monrovia , Montserrado , Liberia , Salayea , Lofa , Laos , Bong County , Bong , Phebe Hospital , Lofa County , Okpai , Zorzor , Botota , Salala , Nimba County , Nimba , United Kingdom , Margibi County , Margibi , Zota , British , Lao , Liberian , Tokpah Mulbah , V Doolakeh Taryor , Jewel Howard Taylor , Melvink Boima , Edward Karfiah , Kortors Kwagrue , Thomas Fallah , Dennis Garsinii , Augustine Chiewolo , Charles Wonkeryor , Wamah Kuteh , Tokpah Sanniquellie Mahn , Jeremiah Koung , Anthony Quiwonkpah Jr , Robert Womba , Andrew Tehmeh , William Thompson , Foday Fahnbulleh , James Paye , Nehker Gaye , Rufus Kermee , Richard Natee , Garmai Jackollie , Jefferson Sibley , Orando Zarwolo , Sekou Kolleh , Johnson Musa Hassan , Selma Lomax , Jackson Paye , Joseph Boakai , Corpu Barclay , Benedict Binda , Francis Maweah , Nyahn Flomo , Kollie Gargbo , Prince Johnson , People Unification Party , Coalition For Democratic Change In Nimba , Unity Party Ben Fofana , British Broadcasting Corporation , National Legislature , Toyota , Arcelor Mittal , District Health Team , Unity Party , Bong County Health Services Administrator Jonah Tokpah , Movement For Democracy , City Council Of Gompa , Coalition Of Democratic Change , Ben Fofana , District Five , District One , Monsterrado District Five , Zorzor District , District Four , Assistant Minister , Liberian Diplomat Kollie Gargbo , Diaspora Liberian Richard , Bong Legislative Caucus , Salala Administrative Hall , Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor , With Howard Taylor , Senator Prince Moye , District Six , Fuamah Districts , Fuamah District , Sanoyea District , District Three , Nenikpoma Loan , Zota District , Medical Director , Susannah Mator , Diaspora Liberian Rufus Kermee , Collaborating Political Parties , Prince Kwenah , Bong County Senator Prince Moye Hills , Diaspora Liberian , Corona Virus , Kpai Districts , City Council , Unification Party , Yah Tokpah , Sanniquellie Mahn Construction , Democratic Change , Yarmain Clan , Gehlay Geh District , Zor Clan , Deputy Public Works Minister , Kpablee Clan , Krahn District , Prince Johnson Musa Hassan , National Chairman , City Mayors , Gbannah Clan , Lao Clan , British Broadcasting ,

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