Between 165,000 and 200,000 Estonians are estimated to live outside the country right now, making around 15-20 percent of the total number of Estonians. With many communities being found worldwide, both in English-speaking countries and beyond, ERR News, in conjunction with the Integration Foundation (Integratsiooni Sihtasutus), has launched a weekly Global Estonian Report, which will give a weekly window into Estonian communities and culture from around the globe. The Estonian Worldwide Youth Network (Ülemaailmne Eesti Noortevõrgustik or ÜENV) is inviting all active Estonian youth aged 14-30 to participate at the Virtual Days 2021 event. The Virtual Days will take place via Zoom in approximately 2.5-hour sessions on two consecutive Saturdays, June 5 and 12. The main topics this year are moving and returning to Estonia and Estonian language learning in the world.