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His View: Kudos to the councilor and letter writer : vimarsa
His View: Kudos to the councilor and letter writer : vimarsa
His View: Kudos to the councilor and letter writer
A column from a Pullman City councilor and a letter from a Moscow-Pullman Daily News reader (both Oct. 7) cry out for comment, pro and con.
Related Keywords
Moscow ,
Moskva ,
Russia ,
United States ,
American ,
Deb Mcneil ,
Becky Dueben ,
Liz Siler ,
Pullman City Council ,
Washington State University ,
Sherman Grocery ,
Pullman City ,
Moscow Pullman Daily News ,
Councilor Becky Dueben ,
Grocery Store ,
Air Force ,
Councilor Dueben ,
Rescue Plan ,
Main Street ,
Grand Avenue ,
Stadium Way ,
Tri City Herald ,
Trade ,
Politics ,
He Economy ,
Oads And Traffic ,
Ob Market ,
Onstruction Industry ,
Ransportation ,
Sports ,