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How heat waves and cold snaps are reducing B.C. fruit yields
How heat waves and cold snaps are reducing B.C. fruit yields
How heat waves and cold snaps are reducing B.C. fruit yields - Bowen Island Undercurrent
In British Columbia, grapes and blueberries took the biggest hits as extreme heat and cold impacted crops.
Related Keywords
Canada ,
Saltspring Island ,
British Columbia ,
Okanagan ,
Quebec ,
Vancouver Island ,
United Kingdom ,
British ,
Glen Lucas ,
Bryan Swanson ,
Tom Davison ,
Danielle Bellefleur ,
Bc Fruit Grower Association ,
Bc River Forecast Centre ,
Ministry Of Agriculture ,
Statistics Canada ,
Laughing Apple Farm ,
Fruit Forest Farm ,
Cowichan Valley ,
Okanagan Valley ,
Davison Orchards ,
Grower Association ,
Fraser Valley ,