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and these phone images of him, show and these phone images of him, show a bearded man in knee—length shorts and a top and a bandanna and sunglasses. we were able to see the individual involved during that moment of arrest? ida. individual involved during that moment of arrest?— individual involved during that moment of arrest? no, i was not. i was farther— moment of arrest? no, i was not. i was farther back _ moment of arrest? no, i was not. i was farther back from _ moment of arrest? no, i was not. i was farther back from that - moment of arrest? no, i was not. i was farther back from that area - moment of arrest? no, i was not. i | was farther back from that area and the police had already cordoned off the police had already cordoned off the passage, the bike lane, which leads up to that area. police were fast on the scene and they were blocking access to the area. it is an active crime scene, so no, i did not see that. an active crime scene, so no, i did not see that-— an active crime scene, so no, i did not see that. talked was about the im act. not see that. talked was about the impact. obviously _ not see that. talked was about the impact. obviously this _ not see that. talked was about the impact. obviously this is _ not see that. talked was about the impact. obviously this is hugely i impact. obviously this is hugely shocking, hugely tragic, a very grave incident. what moments act like after that? we are seeing images of people running away. what were the moments after like? it was a moment of — were the moments after like? it was a moment of shock. _ were the moments after like? it was a moment of shock. it _ were the moments after like? it was a moment of shock. it was _ were the moments after like? it was a moment of shock. it was a - were the moments after like? it was| a moment of shock. it was a moment of horror. people here are on vacation. ifound out because i was getting messages from the bbc on my

Related Keywords

Individual , Man , Arrest , Shorts , Sunglasses , Bandanna , Phone Images , Show , Ida , Police , Scene , Crime Scene , Area , Passage , Access , Bike Lane , Impact , Incident , Im Act , People , Shock , Bbc News , Images , Horror , Vacation , Messages , Ifound ,

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