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all went. what was the tone of the debate like?— the debate like? it was very fiery and — the debate like? it was very fiery and very _ the debate like? it was very fiery and very combative - the debate like? it was very l fiery and very combative from the very outset of the debate both candidates came out trading barbs and insults within seconds of his opening statement ron desantis provide to nikki haley as mealymouthed. she referred to ron desantis repeatedly as a liar. she revealed a website today ron desantis .com. very aggressive and i think it is a sign that even though they were behind donald trump in the poll, the outcome today really didn't matter to them. they really want the momentum of a good debate going into the caucasus next week and for the caucuses to have dash create a good momentum going into the new hampshire primary further on. but in terms of the reaction so far. what are people saying about this? in the last ten minutes or so i have been speaking to a lot of campaign staff from both the desantis and haley campaigns and they are both kind of claiming

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Debate , Candidates , Ron Desantis , Tone , Opening Statement , Insults , Outset , Trading Barbs , Nikki Haley , Sign , Liar , Website , Mealymouthed , Om , Donald Trump , Dash , Momentum , Poll , Matter , Caucuses , Outcome , New Hampshire Primary , Caucasus , Lot , People , Kind , Reaction , Terms , Campaign Staff , Ten ,

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