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actually discovered. 50 explain in simple terms what you actually discovered.— actually discovered. so i've discovered _ actually discovered. so i've discovered a _ actually discovered. so i've discovered a really - actually discovered. so i'vej discovered a really massive structure in the universe. these are the biggest things in our universe, so it is made up of galaxies and galaxy clusters and creates this really big ring shape. haifa galaxy clusters and creates this really big ring shape.— galaxy clusters and creates this really big ring shape. how did you find that? because _ really big ring shape. how did you find that? because as _ really big ring shape. how did you find that? because as it's - really big ring shape. how did you find that? because as it's pretty l find that? because as it's pretty obvious, nobody else has stumbled across this, so how did you do it? i was using a relatively unique tool to find this large—scale structure, so the method uses these millie bright sources of light known as quasars and then when we measure the light from these quasars, it can tell us about things that are in between the equator and others. so when i measured... i use this quasar spectrum is what tells us all about these things, the system is and where these galaxies are. you can

Related Keywords

Things , Terms , Universe , Structure , Galaxies , Galaxy Clusters , 50 , Ring Shape , Clusters , Big Ring Shape , Haifa , Nobody Else , Quasars , Light , Method , Tool , Millie , Sources , Us , Others , Quasar Spectrum , The System , Equator ,

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