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Of his own party it is quite something to behold in this hall in this city this week he's proved beyond doubt that the vast majority of Labor members the new influx think he's right but there are some nice divisions in the party are much diminished but haven't completely disappeared Lauren Burk B.B.C. News and The news is read by Charles Carroll now let's find out what's going on weather wise here's Chris Faulks that's not regular Take a look back at so Wednesday's U.K. Wide records if you like for the day graves and the warmest spot twenty two degrees Celsius was about five Celsius above average for the time of year so yes it was another warm late September day it wasn't dry everywhere we had some wet weather working into county for man are picking up thirty five millimeters of rain here so just over an inch and a half and that weather is moved away pretty much from Northern Ireland now or is clearing up and it's heading across Scotland England Wales with what weather continuing overnight some heavy bursts of rain to come as well but it's a given all the cloud and rain it's going to be a mild nights temperatures are in range for eleven to fifteen degrees Celsius Now look at the weather picture for Thursday we'll start off with the forecast across southwest England Wales and northwest England where although we start off on a rather cloudy note some sunny spells will break through fairly quickly and should be a dry day sensually some bridges reaching a high of eighteen degrees Celsius sixty four in foreign Heights crescents will southern England the middle and southeast England eastern England and northeast England starting rather cloudy Thursday morning backload back clouds can be quite low so misty over hills and still without breaks of rain or drizzle fairly widely initially during the morning that rain will very slowly peter out and the cloud will then begin to break up but probably not really turning very sunny until we get to the afternoon the sunshine them bursting through the clouds and some bridges lifting quite nicely not quite as warm as it was today but still on the warm side the average is if you like for the time of year temperatures between eighteen and twenty degrees Celsius. An improving weather picture for these areas in Northern Ireland now starting with a rather cloudy they'll be some sunny spells coming through for a time but then thickening cloud late afternoon will threaten outbreaks of rain to western counties the next Atlantic weather system there knocking on the door and also turning increasingly windy through the afternoon a brisk suddenly when setting up it will still be relatively mild temperatures of sixteen degrees here and in Scotland a cloudy and damp start to the day for many areas the rain reluctant to clear away from the northern hours in fact here be rainy for much of the afternoon make me feel rather cool fifteen degrees Celsius the top temperature here but the rain for the mainland the rain will clear white will see some sunshine breaking out through the afternoon so a fine afternoon in prospect and it will be relatively mild highs of seventeen degrees right thanks Chris Christie folks there for us at the B.B.C. Weather Center. Of the week wounds focus continues the story of his family's involvement in the struggle for Irish independence at the height of the fighting brutal killings took place on both sides today the story of a district inspector in the Royal Irish Constabulary. A special correspondent of the Yorkshire Post remember District Inspector Tobias O'Sullivan. A big bluff hearty Irishman who might easily have been unsuspected of any subtlety of thought there that day the reporter dramatically changed his mind about the lack of social to O'Sullivan had taken a lift in the direction of Limerick with the journalist and his colleagues driving in a touring car along the main road leading west outside Newcastle West the car skidded and crashed into a deep ditch. It was a close thing had the car overturned the inspector and his fellow travelers might have died what transpired next puzzled the English journalist O'Sullivan looked in the car mirror and then declared that he would return to list or if I go into Limerick in this state he said the news will go round like quick fire that Inspector all Sullivan's been seen bleeding and there's been an attempt on his life it doesn't do to let the people around here realize that you're vulnerable and you can bleed O'Sullivan flagged down a passing police lorry and began his journey back to list all with the newspaperman said a laughing farewell he had arrived in the late autumn of one nine hundred twenty as the war around North Kerry was descending into a vicious cycle of ambush and reprisal around list all the women of common the man were increasingly active alone country girl like my grandmother had a partner could easily smuggler evolver through roadblocks since at the time the police didn't employ female searchers the gun that killed could be smuggled past police and army posts within an hour of the attack and also told one of her daughters how she transported communiques and other information hidden in her underwear the IRA operated without the feelers telephones of regular armies so plans lists of personnel and names of suspected informers were committed to paper and sent by courier for the British such documents captured from the IRA where a significant source of intelligence the first mention of Tobias O'Sullivan in the local Iraqi Council describes him leading a raid on Bali Longford at the end of November one thousand nine hundred twenty soon after his arrival in list of. The only witness accounts come from surviving members but they are consistent one man remembered how several lorries of our I.C.M. Black and Tans arrived and began a house to house search and valley Longford adjourning from time to time to visit public houses which they looted houses were burned a creamery saw mills and shops the local IRA had no weapons to fight back as they had been dumped outside the village a week earlier to avoid searchers while one IRA party went to recover weapons several men hid behind a wall about a quarter of a mile from the Longford footsteps approached which they took to be those of other are a man one of those waiting at the comedy called out there the lads but stepping into the road he saw a party of black and tans a comrade recalled He turned and ran but the town's opened fire shooting him in the back he managed to throw himself across a law in front of the doctor's house the town's found comedy behind the wall pulled him out on the road and shot him dead on the spot what happened in Bali Longford would have been enough to drive dangerous attention to District Inspector O'Sullivan but rumors had been mounting from the moment he arrived in North Kerry he was the or soul of them who a few months before had led to the famous defense of the Royal Irish constable or a barracks in Kilmallock against an IRA attack during the fight Liam Scully and I are a captain from Kerry was shot dead now in order had come from one of the most senior Iraqi commanders for Tobias or Sullivan to be killed volunteers were sort of NS assassination the call was heard by the men of the North Kerry IRA including my great uncle make a protocol and his friend. Eventually Canon three other men from his parish Dan O'Grady Jack Sheehan and Jack Ahern volunteered to kill the District Inspector Khan had never killed before his comrades likewise his family was devout and respectable. Except that Khan had also learned in the ranks of the volunteers that Irishman had fought British rule for centuries on the night of January nineteenth one thousand twenty one Jack Ahern state of congressman's house in Newtown sans the gunmen made their way into List all separately the following morning at about ten o'clock Brosnan by bicycle in the stall it was market day there would already have been crowds of farmers and travelling salesman on the streets Tobias O'Sullivan's wife May was at home with their three children waiting for her husband to return for lunch Vincent Carmody walked me over the ground they say locally he's a fair man to talk storytellers are valued here it's why Vincent loved my father who sponsor stories to everyone he met on Church Street when he was a boy but where my father mythologize the past and colorful tumbling sentences Vincent Carmody is list all historian of the real I came to him because of what he knew about the tan days in list of all we started at side my grandparents' home forty five char Street these days it is a solicitor's office the old wooden entrances gone and so too are the door jambs where my father used to point out a bullet hole left by the town's one night when they were firing down the street my memories of list all begin in the middle of the one nine hundred sixty S. I remember a relentless parade through my grandmother's front door of country relatives and neighbors like the publican who always brought her tips for the races and Toddy O'Connor who sold Harry bacon and cabbage with the first of their of a gold smuggler. I wondered how my people reacted to the District Inspector Tobias O'Sullivan and his young wife up and down the country are I.C. Families were frequently boycotted in the manner of the Land War of the previous century the Canes who lived a Church Street would have avoided the policeman although he was their neighbor with their future daughter in law my grandmother Hanna active in the IRA It would not have been prudent for them to be on anything other than nodding terms with the most senior police officer in the town but Tobias O'Sullivan's wife may went to the same shops as the Canes on Church Street and went to Mass in the same church she must surely have felt the hostility of Republicans towards her husband did people acknowledge her and pass the time of day when she came up and down Church Street with her three children the two little boys and the toddler girl from our old front doorstep on Church Street I looked up at the barracks on the opposite side of the road it took me less than a minute to walk there with Vincent comedy we called in at the squat three story mid-Victorian building a younger brother answered the door and politely informed us that he didn't have the keys so he couldn't admit us to the up stairs room where Tobias or Sullivan had his office let's go across here said Vincent beckoning me to follow him up the street to the place where Tobias O'Sullivan met his destiny I imagine the inspector busy with work before heading home to his lunch there would have been meetings with his sergeants army officers and auxiliary commanders the building was well protected with sandbags barbed wire and sentries. Or Sullivan would have realized by now that Republicans wanted him dead but he insisted on living at home and not being barricaded into the barracks he looked at the clock and saw it was time to set off home just a few minutes walk to the left of the gate and up Church Street towards where it becomes the road to Tarbert. A local man a former policeman down Farrel had spoken with the district and Specter and walked away down the street when he heard a succession of shots the first three shots were fired so closely together that I thought at the time there were one shot he recalled another witness heard a shot and saw a man with his hands raised to his head staggering on the footpath the image of the wounded man with his hands to his head is haunting the raised hands could not close the wound they could not ward off for other bullets the strong man staggered his last yards before tumbling into death. And remember that he and Dan O'Grady fired four shots each Jack Ahern said he fired six making sure that the execution was complete as he put it the post-mortem recorded that only four of the fourteen bullets hit their target but at that range Tobias or Sullivan had no chance of survival the killers went a few yards swerved to the right into a lane way which led towards a sports field and beyond that the immediate safety of the wards of court in ARD they ran to put as much distance as possible between themselves and any pursuers back on Church Street down feral turned around and walked back to find to bias or Sullivan lying face down in the gutter between the wheel of a donkey cart on the footpath he saw some children standing near the corpse the publican to me heard his wife cry out Oh my God there's a man shot to me and another man brought the stricken policeman into the public house the limpness of the body told him that the doctor would be too late more children were appearing at the scene it was lunchtime and there were flocking home from the two local schools. The news of the killing spread fast to gunning down a senior or I.C. Officer in such times invited swift reprisal locals retreated indoors businesses were closed some townspeople headed for the homes of relatives of the stole from my grandfather's front door the Keen's could see the furious activity around the barracks all that afternoon and through the night lorry loads of towns roared around the streets for hours but the presence of the army deterred immediate violence in the crucial hours after the killing command of list all seems to have been taken over by the military I imagine my grandmother and her brother at this point make protocol was on the move with the IRA taking part in ambushes and vanishing across bogs and mountains there was little time for him or his friend Khan Brosnan to dwell on what had happened and list all Hannah was still running messages and weapons on deterred by threats from the towns they were brutal killings all over Ireland in those days children in other places had lost their parents they had become victims themselves but these things happened elsewhere the shooting of Tobias or Sullivan happened at the front doors of the people of Church Street the pool of blood between the weight of the cart on the footpath was drying on their street how could this killing be acknowledged and understood in the houses where people heard the shots among those who walked past the blood heard the cries of the dead man's wife and children schoolchildren had seen the Gore this was the killing of an Irishman in the name of Ireland Tobias or Sullivan would be carried away from the stall in silence and into silence he would vanish for decades mediated by my own family into a ghost story. The green shape summoned by my father moving night after night across the ceiling of forty five trucks trees. The war coming to the time. For cocaine was reading from his book when switch was abridged by Anna Magnus and produced by Pip of one it was enough to production for B.B.C. Radio four.

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