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>> i mean more mansplaining going out at this debate, molly, but i heard her. i heard nikki haley. and she said that she was practical about the possibility of federal abortion ban. >> what was impressive about nikki, ali and i, agree i don't agree with anything that she believes in and i would not vote for her -- >> agreed. >> but what was impressive is that she said things that were actually true versus mike pence, 70% of americans won an abortion ban? >> that's not even close to true. it's more like the opposite. so i do think she was occupying earth, one which for this republican party is very unusual. >> yes, rick, you know who didn't show up was ron desantis. he got a real jet bush let's clap, what moment at the debate. and he didn't show up and i think that he got completely out shown by ramaswamy. so we don't have any new polling yet. but do you expect him, as desantis to drop even lower in the polls after that lackluster performance?

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Anything , Debate , Molly , Nikki Haley , Mansplaining , Nikki , Ali , Possibility , Federal Abortion Ban , Things , Mike Pence , Abortion , Americans , Versus , 70 , Republican Party , Ron Desantis , Rick Wilson , Earth , Opposite , Didn T Show Up , Jet , Bush Let , Yes , Clap , One , Ramaswamy , Polls , Performance , Polling ,

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