Idaho activists want to decriminalize marijuana bought legally across our border KTVB Staff Replay Video Many Idahoans make the drive to pot shops in border states where weed is legal. Right now, that includes every neighboring state except Wyoming. A new initiative would protect Idaho adults 21 and up while transporting up to three ounces of marijuana they purchased legally out-of-state from the store to their private property. Advocates say the goal is to not punish Idahoans who buy weed legally for private use. "Everyone knows Idahoans are driving across the border and bringing back home with them about $10 million worth of marijuana a month from legal stores. Every purchase in Oregon or Washington is a purchase not made from illegal marijuana dealers in Idaho and we should incentivize that, not penalize that," said Russ Belville, spokesman for the Idaho Citizens Coalition and Chief Petitioner of the measure.