Islamic law isAllaah’slegislated law. See: Usman v. Umaru (1992) 7 NWLR (Pt. 254) 377; (1992) 7 SCNJ (Pt.11) 388 P.400.In Nigeria today, there are some tertiary institutions offering the Islamic law/Sharia law. Many Muslims law students of today in my observation do not really understand Islam or the Islamic law. Islamic law too in my humble view, is not the same as Arabic Language, which is just a language of the Arab though the main language of the Quran as revealed by Allaah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is the view of this paper that some if not many Muslim Law Students admitted into tertiary institutions have the opportunity of studying this very important law of Allaah to assist them to understand Islam more but some if not many, have always missed this great opportunity, hence, this topic to encourage Muslim students undergoing the Islamic law/Sharia courses at the tertiary institutions and those awaiting their admission or about to choose option of course of study in the Universal Tertiary Matriculations Examinations (UTME) to consider Islamic law as a necessity.