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Tonight, the Trump Campaign has cut ties with some of its pollsters after data was leaked. George stephanopoulos asng the president about the polls, showing he is trailing joe biden in key battleground states. The president denying that claim, saying the truth is the exact opposite, thates leading everywhere. Tonight, the campaign is taking action after an apparent leak. Heres rachel scott. Reporter the president insists polls that show him behind the democrats are phony and fake. Why does that bother you so much . Im actually a very honest guy. If i thought they were correct, i wouldnt be complaining at all. Reporter but a lead poll meant for Trump Campaign eyes only painted a grim picture of a potential 2020 matchup between President Trump and joe biden. And now the campaign is cuttg ties with some of its pollsters. The march data first obtained by abc news showed the president trailing by wide margins in three key states. Biden with a doubledigit lead in pennsylvania and in wisconsin. And in florida, where the president is scheduled to officially launch his reelection campaign, he was behind seven points. Brad parscale dismissing the numbers as ancient. Saying since then, weve seen huge swings in the president s favor. The president telling george the polls hes seen are good. Even your own polls show youreo. My polls show me winning everywhere. Nobody showed you those polls, because those polls dont exist. Reporter trump was known to tout favorable poll numbers. Im winning all these polls. Seven, eight, nine of them. My poll numbers are doesnt even believe in pollsters. I was just given a meeting with my pollster, who i frankly dont even believe in. You just run a campaign and whatever it is, it is. But i just had a meeting with somebody that a pollster. And im winning everywhere. Lets get right to rachel scott at the white house. E president with plenty to say about polls there. And there is more news from the for democrats about who they nominate for president n 2020 . I think we have a very real risk of losing the presidency to donald trump if we do not have a president ial candidate that is fighting for true transformational change in the lives of working people in the united states. Rachel, ocasiocortez saying this. But theres a new poll showing biden and other democrats out ahead against the president . Reporter President Trump likely wont be happy about this latest fox news poll. The poll shows joe biden with a significant edge on the president. And hes not the only one. Bernie sanders, so ahead. Tom . Rachel, thank you. And President Trump also making news about the possibility of firing special counsel Robert Mueller, saying but for the first time saying he held back because of what he witnessed with president nixon. I would tell anybody who listened that Robert Mueller was conflicted. Robert mueller had a total conflict of interest. And has to go. I didnt say that. Look, article two, i would be allowed to fire Robert Mueller. Assuming i did all of the things, i said i want to fire him. Number one, i didnt. He wasnt fired. Okay . Number one, very importantly. But more importantly, article two allows me to do whatever i want. It would have allowed me to fire him. You know why . G to fire him. Because i watched Richard Nixon go around firing everybody, and that didnt work out too well. I hawi have much more, on the special presidt trump 30 hours coming up at 8 00 p. M. Eastern right here on abc. Also tonight, President Trump is accusing t New York Times of treason for reporting the u. S. Is waging a cyber invasion into russias power grid. The president calls the times the enemy of the people an disagrees. Heres lana zak. Reporter tonight, President Trump is accusing the New York Times of a virtual act of treason for this article describing a u. S. Strategy for attacking the russian power grid. According to this, the report cites Administration Officials that say ty do not believe presid intelligence officials described broad hesitation to go into detail with mr. Tr operations against russia, for conc the possibility that he may countermand it or discuss it with foreign officials. The president calling it not true, and calling the press the enemy of the people. The New York Times pushing back. Democrats pouncing. The Officials Saying they couldnt tell the president because he might cpromise that information. Reporter mike pompeo asked to clarify. Was the or treasonous and true . So, which is it . I never comment on intelligence matters. Reporter no comment from the Defense Department tonight. But we know from u. S. Intelligence that russia has tried to hack into key american targets. And according to the times, some in the administration nt russia to be on notice. Lana, thank you. And we move to the Severe Weather threat stretching from texas to the northeast. 40 million in the storm zone. At least 17 reported tornadoes and damaging winds in the past 24 hours. One of them destroying this church in indiana. Torrential rain and flash flooding as well. Diane macedo with the images tonight. Reporter tonight, dangerous weatr is slamming texas to the midatlantic with at least 17 reported tornadoes in the past 24 hours. Weve seen the tornado start forming, and a roof flew off one of the houses. Reporter four of the twisters confirmed in central indiana. Theres debris everywhere in the air. Reporter the storms knocked over semi trailers. As an ef1 tore through with winds up to 100 miles an hour. Drone video showing warehouses torn apart. This Group Seeking shelter in the freezer of a restaurant. We saw the trees coming down, they told us to come back. Rorter northwest of oklahoma city, you can see this massive tornado illuminated by lightning. In kansas, torrential rains flooded roads, stranding cars. Now, parts of texas are getting weve got trees coming down. Reporter with a Tornado Warning triggering sirens in dallas. And our weather team tells us dangerous storms cld hit from texas to d. C. And philly in the next few hours. Tom . Diane, thank you. Overseas to the massive protest in hong kong. An estimated 2 Million People taking to the streets, sending a the local leader step down. The historic turnout over a proposedaw that would send people to china to be prosecuted. Tonight, action on that law has been suspended. But protesters say they will not back down. Bob woodruff is in hong kong. Reporter today, hong kongers protested in record numbers. A sea of humanity. Organizers say n marching across the city to voice anger at the lea her billhat would allow suspected criminals to be extradited to mainland china. Fearing it would be used t target critics like polititicans, dissidents, and journalists. The people of ho demand the withdrawal of the bill. Reporter earlier this week, Police Coming in helmets and shields, pepper spray and rubber bullets. Todays protest, the third major demonstration in a week. Capping a period of intense soulsearching for so many here about their ability to have some type of autonomy from china. Many also galvanized by a protester yesterday who fell off a roof and died. Images and tributes to him all along the way into the night. Opposition lawmakers makg a plea to the crowds to stay calm. Now, hong kongs leader finally apologized late in a statement. But the people here want the bill to be withdrawn, and they want her to step down. Tom . Bob, thank you. And in the mide east, tensions ramping up between the u. S. And iran tonight. U. S. Military Officials Say iran attempted to shoot down an american drone that was watching the attack on one of the two tankers that were attacked. The Trump Administration says they do not want war, but they will take any action necessa to secure those vital shipping lanes. Heres julia macfarlane. Reporter tonight, as the fallout over hostilities in the gulf continues, u. S. Central command now revealing the iranians attempted to shoot down an american drone. It was monitoring one of the tankers on fire. It was allegedly targeted by a suace to air missile, missing it by less than a mile. This comes as the Trump Administration tries to build an International Consensus hind this video, which the pentagon ys shows airanian patrol removing an unexploded mine from one of the tankers hulls. Today, mike pomp was unequivocal. This was taken from an american camera. This is the real data. Weve shared it with allies already. The world needs to unite. Reporter but some allies still need to be convinced. Germanys foreign minister says this does not prove iran is responsible. The uk only announcing their own assessments. Iran continues to deny involvement, but there is more concern about access to that gulf at stake. Julia, thank you. Back home to new developments after the tense confrontatn between Phoenix Police and a young family. Officers ordering the couple and two small children out of the car over suspicion of shoplifting. Tonight, the phoenix mayor and police chief are apologizing for the officers actions. Heres zachary kiesch. Reporter tonight, Phoenix Police on the defensive. The citys may lashing out after this chilling video. Cops heard threateni to shoot a pregnant woman with two Young Children in her arms. The alleged crime that brought police to the scen their 4yearold allegedly stealing a doll from a dollar store. Appearing on knxv today, the police chief saying sorry, and that the incident is under investigation. If e day, theres more to the story. Reporter police claim that the man and woman stole other items, refused police commands, and that officers feared they were armed. But at one point, an officer is filmed kicking her. Harper accuses police of trying to grab her child. Claiming the toddlers arm was injured before she was briefly forced to give her baby to a stranger. The videos captured by witnesses who dont want to be identified. It was a scary situation, i never thought i would be in. Traumatizing for me and my daughter. Reporter the couple was not charged with any crime. The phoenix mayor slamming police, saying there is no situation in which this is ever close to acceptable. As a mother myself, seeing these children put in such a terrifying position is beyond upsetting. The couple has filed a notice of intent to sue the city of phoenix for 10 million. The officers have been assigned desk duty pending the investigation. Tom . Zachary, thank you. Still ahead on world ws tonight, the wild hit and run. A rider launched from his motorcycle. How hes doing tonight. And what police are saying. Plus, the app that combined with a moms intuition may have saved the lifef her daughter. A the major admission from boeing. What their ceo is saying about a communication mistake in the cockpit Warning System in their 737 max jets. Stay with us. Dear tech, lets talk. We have a pretty good relationship. Youve done a lot of good for the world. But i feel like you have the potential to do so much more. Can we build ai without bias . How do we bake security into everything we do . We need tech that helps people understand each other. That understands my business. Weve got some work to do. And we need your help. We need your support. Ts expect more from technology. Lets put smart to work. Ive always been im still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem so if theres a better treatment than warfarin, ill go for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Whats next . Sharing my roots. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. Ba now with the close call for a mother and daughtefrom North Carolina. The mother crediting an app with helping to save her 17yearold daughters life. Heres marci gonzalez. Reporter tonight, this teenager recovering from a horrific car crash. Please send someone. Please. Reporter crediting an iphone app with saving her life. It was a miracle. It truly is a miracle. Reporter 17yearold macy smith was driving alonin North Carolina when her car hydroplaned. Flipping and landing 25 feet down a ravine. Her arm pinned under the car for seven hours. When she missed curfew, her worried mother called and texted repeatedly. The lack of response was out of character for her. Reporter so she turned to the find my friend app, used to guide her to the crash scene. I cant explain watching the gps on my phone, my dot getting close to hers. My daughter is in a ditch, in a ravine. Reporter macy hoping her survival sto encourages other teens to use the app with their families. I know its hard for teenagers to give up your privacy, be in places you dont want your parents know about. Its not worth being trapped in your car for seven hours. Reporter tonight, macy is recovering and regaini movement in her arm. Incredible, that mother and daughter had that app ready. Marci, thank you. When we come back, is the president about to redesign air force one . Plus, the royal first on this fathers day. Do you recognize this baby . Stay with us. Are you thinking aboutyour . Well, im managing my a1c, so i should be all set. Actually, youre still at risk for a fatal heart atta or stroke. Thats where jardiance comes in. It reduces the risk of dying from a cardiovascular event for adults who have type 2 diabetes and known heart diseas. Thats why the American Diabetes association recommends the active ingredient in jardiance. And it lowers a1c . With diet and exercise. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, an. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that maye fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening, bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. 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When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you y have nicotine and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Time now for our index. And what boeing is calling a mistake. The companys ceo telling reporters in paris, communication with customers and regulators about a problematic cockpit Warning System in 737 max jets was inconsistent and unacceptable. Faulty data from a sensor may have contributed to two crashes overseas. Boeing promising transparency. And the disturbing moment caught on camera in south africa. The motorcycle waitingor a light when a pickup slams the rider, throwing him 30 feet. The 22yearold recovering tonight. Police are on the hunt for the hit and run driver. And the new plans for air force one. Gege stephanopoulos ta onboard the Historic Aircraft and into the oval office, where President Trump details his plans for a red, white, and blue redesign, as well as other improvements. There are a couple of secrets i dont think were supposed to be talking about. The air force one changes expected to arrive by 2024. And this fathers day first for prince harry. The picture of baby archie. Six weeks old toy. Happy fathers day to harry. When we come back, like father, ke son when it comes to college diplomas. And later, our abc news special report, President Trump 30 hours. Weve got it covered. Come on, lets go. On feel Like Fighting from behind. Havent even started yet. Do you find you can use the power of this setting to get your way . Several of even your republican senators were skeptical of you, and it seems like theyre 100 in line. What happened . Youre president of the united states. Yet it seems like you feel this need to push back at perceived enemies. News. So a president cant obstruct justice . A president can run the country. And thats what happened, george. When a president does it, its not illegal . Let me just tell you something. Youre not worried about ute office . I did nothing wrong, george. When this is all over, how do you want to be remembered, mr. President . President trump 30 hours. Tonight at 8 00 p. M. Only on abc. The clock is ticki on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your abilitfatal infectionstions. 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Talk to your doctor righaway if you notice pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain or rapid breathing or heart rate. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include nausea, infections, low red and white blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pa, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. Im relentless. And my doctor and i choose to treat my metastatic Breast Cancer with verzenio. Be relentless. Ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. Finally on this fathers day, pop and circumstance. The dad and son graduating together. This is the Portland State University Graduation ceremony that happened today. And thats 58yearold don sheeran graduating. What makes this a reallypecial fathers day for don . Hes getting to graduate with his 23yearold son jacob, both getting engineering degrees. Thats right, father and son went to college together. It was crazy at first. I was in middle school when he decided to do it. Reporter for 23 years, the fath working as a network technician. He decided instead of retiring, he wanted to follow his dream and head back to college. My job was physical, and i realized i wouldnt be able to do it into my 70s. I wanted to be an inventor. Reporter at 58, wanted to be an inventor, so he set out to get it done. Forming Even Stronger bonds with his son, having a class together. He actually alerted me that a final was sooner than it was. Reporter but that doesnt mean there werent any awkward moments. Jacobs friends were all wondering why he was sitting with that old guy. Reporter so, after eight years of going parttimedon learned they would be graduating sidebyside. What a wonderful fathers day present. To be able to get your degree on the same day that your son is getting his. Reporr father and son doing it together. Congratulations on graduating. Good luck with your masters. Congratulatio on finally getting out of your eight years in school. Happy fathers day. Thanks for watching. Im tom llamas in new york. Gma first thing in the morninig back here to and be sure to stay tuned for our abc news s if you compare the dna of every human being on the planet, youll learn that we are 99. 99 f ourame. Time focusing on that. 01 that separates us. Im michael koenigs, and this is more in common, a show where i travel the country looking for stories about what brings us together. Kids divided by the border wall unite across a tennis net. These two cities, even though theyre in different countries, think they feel like one place . Yeah, we feel like were a community, although we get separated. An artist whose work celebrates and captures the humanity of the homeless. The way he sees me, the way god sees me, the way he painted it. Brian gave us, the homeless, a voice. A mother who offers unconditional love to gay couples when their own family steps away. I dont have to have my blooddna mom, but i still can have a mom. It turns out this country has countless stories of unity, but to find these extraordinary friendships, we have to reach out

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