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The reaction right now to 30 hours, georges unprecedented look inside President Trumps white house. Those candid moments in the oval office. Its a fantastic Financial Statement. Lets do that over. Hes coughing in the middle of my answer. Also on the campaign trail . These people are so incredible. Look, theyre crying. Theyre so cute. And the new fallout this morning after what the president told george about the poll numbers, showing him behind joe biden in key battlegrounds, and the president on obstruction of jis justice and on president obama. Outrage over a Police Confrontation caught on camera. Officers pointing guns at this family and threatening to shoot a man in front of his children. The juice is loose on twitter this morning. O. J. Simpson lynn instantly going viral with this message. I got a little getting even to do. Kim goldman responding right here on the 25th anniversary of that infamous bronco chase. Shark attack. The new warning this morning after an 8yearold is bitten off the coast of North Carolina. The third attack there to happen just this month. And no calming down here. Get ready for the worldwide exclusive premiere of taylor swifts brandnew music video, and wait until you see who makes a surprise appearance. The big debut right here on gma. No calming down here. Were excited because david muir is here. Ah, where youve been all my life . There is great excitement for this big incredible excitement. A lot of big names. A lot of big names. Huge names in the taylor swift video, and well debut it here on gma. Also can we get a little golf clap here on a monday morning. People so excited also for the u. S. Womens National Team in that win over chile. Carli lloyd making history. Yes, she did. What we loved is not only that part of the celebration, but that little clap after someone just there it is right there. Yes, im making a statement. Just for the record. Ill show you a little more subdued one. Well begin this morning with that wicked weather from the heartland to the east coast. Abcs marcus moore, hes in ft. Worth, texas, starting us off. Good morning, marcus. Reporter michael, good morning. For the second weekend in a row, severe storms have battered this region, knocking out power and destroying homes like these behind me. Overnight, Severe Weather leaving a path of destruction from texas to pennsylvania. Wind gusts up to 70 Miles Per Hour tearing off this roof in ft. Worth, tossing this helicopter on its side at the aviation museum. That one touched down. Reporter in oklahoma twin landspouts spotted outside oklahoma city, triggering tornado warnings around the town of omega. At least 20 tornados reported in the region over the last two days. There is debris everywhere in the air. Reporter five of those tearing through central indiana. An ef2 whipping up 130mileperhour winds in ellisville, snapping trees like toothpicks. Ripping the front of this home from its foundation. Sheets of metal from these warehouses left littering the ground. More than 3,000 residents around the state left without power. And in colorado, mounds of hail burying the ground. Flash flooding swallowing up roads leaving cars stranded. And the National Weather service will be out later this morning to assess the damage and, michael, despite all of this, no injuries were reported. Thats good news right there, marcus. Thank you so much. Lets go the ginger with the latest on the storms timing and track. Good morning to you, ginger. Good morning, michael. We found out there is a search going on south of louisville, kentucky, for a man swept away in floodwaters. You go north there and floyd county, indiana, of louisville is where one of the rescues turned out well. They got him out. In wichita, kansas, it was close to a half a foot of rain that left people pushing their cars through the water, and it sounds like a lot of those issues were when people drove through barriers. Dont do that this morning. Hundreds of passengers stuck in houston overnight as they had a ground stop. You go from Southern Indiana over to new jersey, delaware and maryland, youre under flood watch so not only could we see that but damaging wind in the same area today. Robin . All right, ginger. Thank you. Now to the escalating confrontation with iran. This morning, officials there issuing a new warning as secretary of state, mike pompeo says, the u. S. Has, quote, unmistakable evidence iran is responsible for recent attacks on two oil tankers. Martha raddatz is in washington with more on all this. Good morning, martha. Reporter good morning. A very troubling announcement from tehran this morning that means this standoff with the u. S. Could get much worse. A spokesman for irans Atomic Agency saying just a short time ago that in the next ten days, iran will break the uranium stockpile limit that was set by that 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. This is a first. The Trump Administration had already withdrawn from the deal but iranyehe trump hawau. S. Et a ecta state saying, unmistakable evidence. That w he sd about tankers. Reporter exactly. We have all seen that video that the u. S. Says shows members of irans revolutionary guard corps trying to remove an unexploded mine from the haul of one of those tankers. But secretary pompeo spent much of the weekend to convince some allies the evidence was solid. Germany says they need more evidence as has japan, but pompeo is saying were considering a full range of responses to the tanker attacks with some members of Congress Calling for military strikes, robin. Full range, all right, martha, thank you. David . Robin, thanks. We turn now to new reaction to georges interview with President Trump. George embedding with the president and his team for 30 hours on the campaign trail, his limo, air force one, the oval office. What he told george about robert mueller, about his own finances and there is news this morning on those internal poll numbers that the president wasnt happy with that showed biden with a significant lead in some battleground states. What happened to those pollsters with the numbers . Lets get right to our senior White House Correspondent cecelia vega with us on a monday morning. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter hey, david. Good morning to you. Lets not forget that other bombshell, the president telling george he would indeed accept information about his opponents if offered by a Foreign Government like russia or china. This was an unprecedented look inside this white house. Over two days, abc news inside the white house with exclusive access. You and i, we know we disagree about that but we have a whole day ahead to go. Reporter from the moment the president begins his day every network, every station, breaking news, theyre reading my tweets. Reporter to the end when he walks to the private residence with the first lady. George, right there. Good morning, mr. President. Good morning. How are you . Have a good night . Very good night. We had a good day and a good night. How much sleep . Probably i average four or five hours i guess. Reporter a never before seen look inside the life of the 45th president. Inside the white house and beyond. George when did you the beast is something. These people are so incredible. Look, theyre crying. Theyre so cute. Reporter over and over again, the president bringing up the mueller report. George, the report said no collusion. Did you read the report . Yes, i did and you should read it too. I read every word. Reporter also on his mind his reelection and reports saying that internal Campaign Polls showed him trailing behind former Vice President joe biden in key battleground states. For instance on Good Morning America today they had that phony polling information. I explained to you last night that it was phony, but you didnt do anything about it. You should have. But it was late in the evening and perhaps you didnt get a chance i studied those polls and i have heard the explanations. Ultimately, it doesnt matter. But why does it bother you so much . Because its untrue. I like the truth. You know, im actually a very honest guy. If i thought they were correct, i wouldnt be complaining at all. I understand that. Its like the witch hunt that goes on. Reporter the tension building as the president discussed his personal finances. When you will see my Financial Statement at some point i assume its going to be releas released, youll be very impressed with the job ive done. Will you turn it over . No, at some point i might but at some point its a fantastic Financial Statement. Reporter that cough from his chief of staff mick mulvaney. Lets do that over. Hes coughing in the middle of my answer. I dont like that, you know . Your chief of staff. If youre going to cough, please leave the room. Ill come over here. You just cant do it. Just to change the shot. Sorry. Okay. Do you want to do that a little differently then . Reporter the last stop, the rose garden where the president defended his relationship with north koreas dictator kim jongun. I listen to you every single day, all americans do. Especially all over the last couple of days. The press are the enemy of the people, fake news, joe biden is a loser, low i. Q. No, but explain the strategy why i say nice things about you. Maybe youre in that category. You never know. There seems to be a i say a lot of nice things about people that are soft and nice and say good things about lots of people. As for his legacy, President Trump says he still has more to do. How do you want to be remembered as president . As a president who loved the people, took care of the people, made our economy tremendous, built up our military, took care of our vets, somebody that really loved the country and did a great job, whether its four years or hopefully its eight years because i still have work to do. Somebody that did a really great job for the country. Reporter yeah. It was really something. George also asked President Trump if he really believes that president obama was working to undermine his presidency and, david, there is a headline in President Trumps answer. He said this, quote, goes very high up the food chain and that, quote, i would say president obama had to know about it. Cecilia, you also heard george ask the president why do the polls bother you so much. We heard what the president said, they are untrue. He said i like the truth, but theres news this morning on the pollsters themselves behind those internal polls. Reporter yeah, david. The campaign is now cutting ties with some of these pollsters after these numbers leaked. Numbers, remember, that President Trump said did not exist. This is a shakeup thats coming just before the president kicks off his Reelection Campaign officially. That happens tomorrow in florida. All right, cecilia vega at the white house this morning. Cecilia, thanks. David, now to that to the blowback from an arrest caught on camera in phoenix. Officers pointing guns at a family after their 4yearold daughter took a doll from a store. Abcs linsey davis is here with more. Linsey, the mayor is blasting her own police department. Reporter thats right, michael. The mayor is not only apologizing but calling out the officers actions as completely inappropriate and unprofessional, and the parents involved in this say that the family wasnt just traumatized. They claim that the officers physically injured the father and their 1yearold daughter. Get out of the [ bleep ] car. Reporter this morning an arizona family is seeking 10 million from the city of phoenix raising questions about Excessive Force as this video goes viral. 22yearold dravon ames and his partner iesha harper, a pregnant mother of two were stopped by Police Responding to a shoplifting call. The couples 4yearold daughter walking out of a nearby dollar store with a doll without paying and without her parents knowledge. When i tell you to do something, you [ bleep ] do it. Reporter ames is seen being pulled from the car and kicked can and one officer aims his gun at the car, threatening harper who is inside the car holding her baby. It was just very scary situation i never thought id be in. Traumatizing for me and my daughter. Reporter in their report, the officers say they feared that she was hiding something or reaching for a weapon, writing that the couple refused commands. The videos taken by witnesses created a public outcry. The citys police chief appeared on abc affiliate knxv on sunday. Were running investigations. Were being transparent. Frankly were rolling out body one cameras much faster than we had been. Reporter the mayor of phoenix tweeting, there is no situation in which this behavior is ever close to acceptable. Adding, i am deeply sorry for what this family went through and i apologize to our community. Im scared for little girls around the world that probably picks up a toy or something and afraid of getting shot. Reporter jayz is now offering the couple legal help. His Company Roc Nation released a statement calling the video the picture of hate adding, if they need our help, we are at their disposal. Fortunately for the family it was caught on camera. Really hard to watch. Yes. As the mayor said inappropriate, unprofessional at the very least. Thank you, linsey, so much. We have the latest on boeing. The companys executives are apologizing this morning for those deadly 737 max crashes. David kerley has the latest on that. Good morning, david. Reporter good morning, robin. This is the biggest aviation gathering of the year, but its not sales. Its safety that boeing is pitching at this years paris air show. Boeing executives opening the session with apologizing. Yesterday was the ceo saying critical errors were made. Today the president of commercial airlines apologizing to both the airlines and families for the nearly 350 people who were killed in those two 737 max crashes. Now the max remains grounded. Boeing has not actually submitted its final software fix which it says will add three layers of protection to the 737 max, and part of this antistall system. David, boeing is still waiting for the faa to ask for that safety checkout flight to move the process forward. Many questions still to come. David kerley who is following this every step of the way, thank you. We turn to the remarkable images overseas. The unfolding crisis in hong ng. From hong kong and the new protest numbers this morning. Nearly 2 million of the 7 million in that city on the streets and abcs bob woodruff is right there in hong kong. Good morning, bob. Reporter good morning, david. What you are seeing right now are protesters chanting, gathering once again. This after most of them voluntarily left the streets peacefully this Morning Hours after Police Showed up at dawn asking them to open the road back up. Sunday saw the largest march in hong kongs history estimated at 2 million protesters all wearing black. A message about the violence conducted by police last wednesday. Also white ribbons and flowers in honor of one 35yearold protester who fell from this scaffolding saturday night. Hong kongs chief executive finally apologized and said she will stop pushing for a new extradition law which would enable china to get hong kong criminals transferred to the mainland courts, but this morning, the remaining protesters are surrounding her office here in downtown hong kong, calling for resignation, and promising they will not stop until she steps down. We will see. Guys . 2 million taking to the street like that. Bob, thank you. To the u. S. Women celebrating another big world cup win. They beat chile, 30 sunday and Team Captain Carli Lloyd scored her way into the record books. Will reeve has that. Good morning, will. Reporter good morning, robin. Yesterdays win proving yet again just how great the u. S. Womens National Team is and it brought them one step closer to defending their world cup title. Blasted, what a goal for the u. S. Reporter the u. S. Women kept dominating and making history. Goal. Reporter shutting out chile 30 in their second world cup match as tens of thousands travel from around the globe to see them in action. The score, likely more lopsided if not for the heroics of chiles goalkeeper. Batting down shot after shot, but it wasnt enough. What a save by endler. Reporter carli lloyd team u. S. A. s captain becoming the first player ever to score in six consecutive world cup appearances. Shes also the oldest at 36 to score multiple goals in a world cup match. I just want to win a world cup, and another world cup, and help the team in any way possible. Reporter the womens team already coming under fire for what many saw as overzealous celebrations during their 130 victory over thailand. Lloyd seeming to poke fun at critics with ae c shaking off that criticism to espn. I did my celebration and then went over to the bench and they all just kind of did the little clap which was fun but those Team Celebrations are fun and thats what theyre all about. Reporter for this match against chile u. S. Coach jill ellis benched six of the starters from that 130 win, and they still dominated showing off their depth, their skill. Next match is thursday against sweden and on to the knockout stage. It is. Thanks. If they can win with the best off the bench, then youre good to go. We got a lot were following including the latest on that 8yearold boy, a third case attacked by a shark off the coast. But first right back over to ginger following severe storms. Straight to the select cities brought to you by las vegas convention. Hi there. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. The summer spread is coming back to our neighborhoods. Cooling sea breeze will return thursday and drop our temperatures back closer to average. And then well hold on to that through the weekend. So we see some 80s, even 90s in ale eleys. 70s around the bay until richmond and San Francisco, 60s and mid60s along the coast. Temperatures comfortable toninininininininininininininini its finally feeling like summer but we have that one friend holding on to winter like zola. Hang on. Thank you, ginger. Thanks for starting a new week with us. Well be right back. Well be right back. With us. Well be right back. All about trust and speed. I need it to guide this analyst to customize Flood Coverage for this house. So that this team, can inform this couple, that their payment will arrive faster than this guy. Hey. So whether im processing claims due to this fine gentleman. car engine starting or suggesting premiums for this young lady. Ai can help change everything at this company. Expect more from ai. Ibm watson. My copd medicine. Thats why ive got the power of 1 2 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123. Trelegy 123 trelegy. With trelegy and the power of 1 2 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. Open airways,. Keep them open. 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Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. Hi, its real milk, just00 farmwithout the lactose, id. So you can enjoy it even if youre sensitive. Delicious. Now, ive heard people say lactaid isnt real milk. Ok, well, if it isnt real then, i guess those things over there cant actually be cows. Must be some kind of really big dogs, then. Sit bad dog. cause theres nothing like this feeling, baby now that ive found you now that ive found you starts with looking buiat something old,nk and saying, really . So we built capital one cafes, with savings and checking accounts you can open from here in 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Now from abc 7, live breaking news. Im reggie aqui. Its 7 23. We have some breaking news. Gloria vanderbilt has died. Cnn just made the announcement moments ago. Her son, anchor Anderson Cooper, that is her son, i should say. And he says she was diagnosed with cancer in her stomach earlier this month. She died this morning at her home surrounded by family and friends. Gloria vanderbilt was 95 years old. One of two men blamed for oaklands deadly ghost ship warehouse fire could get his chance to speak today. Max harris expected to testify in his own defense. He faces 36 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter for the fire that happened in 2016. How is monday morning traffic . Weve been really quiet. A couple new problems to talk about southbound 680 through walnut creek. A disabled vehicle justrt. That is around the same area. And they just issued a sig alert for this crash in the Fairfield Area before air base parkway. Four to five vehicles involved. Two lanes are blocked. Traffic is weaving by it in the two other lanes it. And chp and a tow truck trying to make their way to the scene. When it comes to reducing the evsugar in your familys diet,m. Coke, dr pepper and pepsi hear you. Were working together to do just that. Bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. Smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels and reminders to think balance. Because we know mom wants whats best. More beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. Balanceus. Org now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. Most of us waking up cloudy like over the weekend in mid to upper 50s. 60s around concord and oakland. Clearlake, 71 already. But youre on the way to about 100 while the rest of us will be in the 70s and 80s. Just a little drizzle near the coast. My accuweather sevenday forecast, a little warmer today, tomorrow and wednesday. Coming up, backlash against o. J. Simpson after he joins twitter saying he has some getting even to do. This morning, kim goldman so, i started with the stats regarding my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Like how humira has been prescribed to over 300,000 patients. And how many patients saw clear or almost clear skin in just 4 months the kind of clearance that can last. Humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. Numbers are great. And seeing clearer skin is pretty awesome, too. Thats what i call a body of proof. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your dermatologist about humira. This is my body of proof. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. Exactly. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty shake it off shake it off shake it off shake it off ah, ah shake it off that is none other than taylor swift surprising fans at the historic Stonewall Inn in new york city over the weekend celebrating pride month. Shes there with modern familys jessie tyler ferguson. Coming up, we have the World Exclusive premiere of her brandnew music video. Its called you need to calm down. Its featuring everyone from Ellen Degeneres to ryan reynolds, billy porter, and a surprise guest youll see coming up. That is a closely guarded secret she would show up there this weekend. A lot of people were happy about that. Were going to take a look at the headlines were following. Right now the severe storm threat is spreading through the heartland to the east coast this morning. 26 million in the path of tornadoes and flash flooding. Tensions escalating with iran. Officials saying in the next ten days now, iran will break the uranium stockpile limit set by that 2015 nuclear deal. Of course, the u. S. Had already pulled out of that deal. This comes as secretary of state mike pompeo says there is unmistakable evidence iran attacked those oil tankers in the gulf of oman. Take a look at this. A terrifying moment caught on camera. A motorcycle driver caught in south africa hit by a pickup truck. Hes okay, right . There 22yearold thankfully, yes, surviving. Otherwise we would not have shown that. Speaking from his hospital bed saying hes grateful to be alive. He told reporters, im all right, its just that my jaw is a little bit sore. This guy is a good sport. He is okay but incredible picture. Could you warn us before we see that . It surprised me. It threw both of us off. Surprised me. Okay. Wow, im glad hes okay. Now to the new shark attack in North Carolina. Its the third just this month and this time an 8yearold boy has been bitten on the leg and he is now recovering. Abcs o beniteha od morning, gio. Reporter hey, michael. Good morning to you. Were told that 8yearold boy is going to make a full recovery. He has puncture wounds on his leg, and youll remember it was just two weeks ago when we saw yet another shark attack right there in North Carolina. This morning, another reported shark bite off the coast of North Carolina. Shark bite. I have an 8yearold male. Reporter an 8yearold boy rushed from this small island accessible only by ferry, after being attacked. Now recovering from nonlife threatening bites to the leg. This is the third reported shark bite off the coast of North Carolina just this month. Have report of a possible shark bite. A 19yearold male conscious and breathes at this time. Reporter a 19yearold surfer austin reed bitten at Ocean Isle Beach only a week ago. I felt something, like, grab onto my leg and i was, like, oh. Shes in bad shape. Her leg is almost gone. Reporter the teen losing a leg above the knee, and some of her fingers, speaking from her hospital bed over the weekend. When i was in that water, i was, like, praying. Im, like, im 17. I got so much to do. Reporter but winter, keeping her head up. Its not, like, oh, how tragic. 17yearold lost a leg. No. 17yearold lost a leg and were popping. Reporter a good spirit right there. Wildlife experts are actually warning that shark sightings are up. In fact, we normally see about 19 shark attacks here every year in the u. S. But guys, in 2018, that number nearly doubled. Already. And paige winter, the young lady that lost her leg, how great spirit and energy she had about it. Right attitude. Well have that interview tomorrow. Yes. Looking forward to that. Thanks so much, gio. Really hard to believe this next story. O. J. Simpson, 25 years ago today, the bronco chase, really incredible to put it this way after nicole brown and ron goldman were murdered and now simpson this is the development this morning. Hes joining twitter saying he has some, quote, getting even to do. Amy is here with much more. Ron goldmans sister kim is speaking out. Reporter thats correct. Good morning, david. Simpson has generally kept a low profilk in 2y apng. Well, now in just a few days he already has more than 600,000 followers on twitter and what he is saying is raising some eyebrows. Hey, twitter world. This is yours truly. Im coming soon to twitter, and youll get to read all my thoughts and opinions on just about everything. Reporter he is back. This weekend o. J. Simpson making his digital debut joining twitter instantly going viral with this cryptic message. It should be a lot of fun. I got a little getting even to do. Reporter the 71yearold hall of famer posting two videos already viewed millions of times giving followers a hint of what they can expect. You know, for years people have been able to say whatever they want to say about me with no accountability, but now i get to challenge a lot of that [ bleep ] and set the record straight. Reporter sunday night posting a third video slapping down rumors he was romantically involved with his lawyer Rob Kardashians wife kris. All of these stories are just bogus, bad, you know, tasteless. Khloe like all the girls im very proud of just like i know bob would be if he was here, but the simple fact of the matter is shes not mine. Reporter simpson says hell be tweeting about everything from sports to politics. Mr. Mr. Simpson is the most positive person i have ever met. Hes also very wellinformed on current events. He will not be negative, nor will he comment on the l. A. Thing. I feel anxious again, and its just hard. Its just you know, hes living a very large life. Hes revered in las vegas and now to see the response that hes getting on twitter, its hard. Reporter last week marked the 25th anniversary of the brutal los angeles killings of simpsons exwife, nicole brown, and her friend, ron goldman. Simpson was tried in what became known as the trial of the century. If it doesnt fit, you must acquit. Reporter and found not guilty. We the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant Orenthal Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. Reporter ron goldmans sister, kim, trying to take it one day at a time. I try to figure out a place to put it in my life so it doesnt suffocate me. While others can turn off the television or turn the magazine over, it leaves a mark. Reporter in 2007 simpson was convicted on unrelated robbery and kidnapping charges in las vegas and spent nine years behind bars at a nevada prison. Since his release in 2017 hes lived a relatively private life in a gated community in nevada spending most of his time golfing telling the a. P. Of last weeks anniversary, we dont need to go back and relive the worst day of our lives. My family and i have moved on to what we call the no negative zone, and we focus on the positives. Now, simpson was found responsible for the wrongful deaths of nicole brown and ron goldman in a civil suit but appears to be attempting to put the past behind him telling the a. A. P. Last week as well that the subject of the moment is the subject i will never revisit again. Now, as for who he is following online right now hes following just eight account, mostly sports related, and his lawyer, david. All right. Amy robach. Always great to be with you in the morning. Lets turn to our chief legal analyst. Cnns chief analyst i just hired you. I used to work here. Great to have you. We all know the book you wrote, run of his life, the people versus o. J. Simpson, jeffrey, good to have you. Why do this now . Whats the point . I think o. J. Simpson loved being a celebrity far more than any other celebrity i ever encountered. He would spend his days at the brentwood county Shopping Mall in los angeles where he would greet his public. He just loved being in the public eye and greeting people and hes trying to recapture that, notwithstanding the fact that most people including me think he killed ron goldman and nicole brown. You make the point he craves attention. Does he think he can change minds here . I dont think so. Hes 73 years old. I think he recognizes people what most people think about him. A lot of people are interested in him. When he goes out in public a lot of people want to take selfies. I dont know all of them are doing it out of affection. Some of them might be doing it out of bizarre curiosity. But hes a celebrity in many peoples eyes. Hes a freed man. Paid his debt to society and entitled to be on twitter like everybody else and a lot are entitled to block him. A lot of people were intrigued by what he said, i got a little getting even to do. But he also said im not going to talk about this l. A. Thing. He likes to troll people about his, you know, history. He knows that so many people think hes guilty and he says things to provoke, which is, i think understanding that he will never change most peoples minds about his case and about him. I know there was a big racial divide at the time that you reported on way back then, 25 years ago. Has that shifted at all . You know, when i the reason i think the o. J. Case has survived as an important cultural artifact, is that it illuminated so many racial differences, particularly about the relationship between African Americans and the police. Even though people that o. J. Was regarded as a symbol of, you know, what we later learned, you know, in ferguson when the black lives Matter Movement that that contentious relationship between the africanamericans and the police is something that has not gone away. Thats why the case endures. I think thats more important than o. J. All right, jeffrey toobin, abc news veteran. You want to know a fun fact . Yes. I was on the very first show broadcast from this studio when we moved from 67th street and r w. A n, always great to see you. Good to see you. Just for that alone. Come back tomorrow. Give my best to your family. Coming up, we have the app that saved a teens life. What a mom used to find her daughter after her car crashed. Come on back. Mom used to find her daughter after her car crashed. Come on back. Daughter after a car crash. Come on back. Thinking youve done everything for his well being. But meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. 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Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. Brilinta is taken with a lowdose aspirin. No more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. Brilinta reduced the chance of having another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor, since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding new or unexpected shortness of breath any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor if brilinta is right for you. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. We are back with a cell phone app that helped save a teens life. A North Carolina mom using it to find her daughter, discovering she was trapped in a terrible car crash. Paula faris is here with that story for us. Good morning, paula. Good morning, robin. So her daughter wasnt responding to her calls or Text Messages and knew something was wrong. Thats when she searched for her using the find my friends app. My daughter is in a ditch in a ravine. Reporter youre listening to a mothers frantic pleas desperate to get help for her daughter who had driven off a road and was trapped under her car. Please send someone, please. Reporter North Carolina mother, Catrina Alexander says her 17yearold daughter, macy, had missed curfew. When she couldnt get in touch with her, she tracked her down using the app find my friends. Nded 2fe dn a acys car had tes ravine. Finding the teenager pinned under her car. I dont even know how i survived. Reporter macy says she was trapped for nearly seven hours. I was so relieved. Then when they came down to my car and held my hand, i cried tears of joy. Reporter macys mom turned to that popular app, which allows you to share your gps location with select individuals. Catrina noticed her daughters car was not moving on the app. So she raced to the scene calling 911 when she found her daughter. I cant explain watching the gps on my phone, my dot getting close to hers and then suddenly seeing the tire tracks and thats all i could see. Reporter macy says she regularly uses find my friends with her mom and now wants other teens to do the same. I know its hard for teenagers to give up your privacy, but you, like, you know, sneaking out and being places that you dont want your parents to know about, is not worth being trapped under a car for seven hours. Reporter macy says that 28 cars passed by before her family came. She has a fractured neck. Her left arm which was pinned under her car, has significant nerve damage. That left arm pinned. She could move her right arm, robin, but she said the only thing she could touch was her bible. She feels god allowed her to live so she could encourage others to use one of these lifesaving apps. A lot of kids dont like their parents following them but she made that great point, this saved my life. Reporter it did. Parents will say its not about privacy. Its about safety at the end of the day. Big difference there. Thank you so much, paula. Coming up, i want you guys to meet the hitch hawker. Its our play of the day. Up, i want you guys to meet the hitch hawker. Its play of the day. Experience the delicious intensity of lindt excellence the finest dark chocolate, crafted to perfection by the lindt master chocolatier excellence from lindt. Used almost everywhereema, eon almost everybody. 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Just become an aarp member get health tips, learn about the latest tech, have nights out at local restaurants and more. Get your aarp membership today. Now buy your family three blue diamond almond breeze products and receive a free toy story 4 movie ticket thanks mom. Sfx slurping see disneypixars toy story 4 in theaters june 21st rated g blue diamond almond breeze inyou eat right. Mostly. D g you make time. When you can. But sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just wont go away. Coolsculpting takes you further. A nonsurgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. Discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. Some common sideeffects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. Dont imagine results, see them. Coolsculpting, take yourself further. Slow ride we are back now slow ride we are back now with our play of the day and one very unexpected slow ride. Yeah, take a look at this. Thats a hawk hitching a ride taking it easy, thats right. Staring into the souls of the passengers. Oh, that is crazy. Staci and her friend rebecca were driving to l. A. When they got the ultimate birdseye view is what were going to call it. Staci said it stayed on the car for 15, 20 minutes. Minutes . Yeah. They needed to go to the valley i guess. They said they drove slowly until they could pull over and they are hoping people hashtag ubk tve videos and we think they definitely got a fivestar rating a ang into t. That was kind of creepy. We have the World Exclusive premiere of taylor swifts new music video coming up in our next half hour. Xclusive premiere of taylor swifts new music video coming up in our next half hour. Ohhhh man. Took my hat off. [ to love somebody by bee gees playing ] thats crazy [ crowd cheering ] [ screaming ] lets go mets [ cheering ] i swibecause they let metual, customize my insurance. 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I do need to be able to work everywhere. 16 hour days are pretty common, so i need a long battery life. It feels weird to be on this side of the camera for sure. Coming up, baby archie celebrating fathers day and what were learning about his christening. This segment sponsored by expedia. Com. Have fast internet a littland now the besthat you mobile network too . Yeah and get them together and save hundreds on your wireless bill. Wow, thats great. Oh, and this looks great. Are these words for sale . No. Go, go, go, go. Now you can get fast, reliable internet and save hundreds on your wireless bill. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Taxi should i have stopped her . Get started with a limited time offer on xfinity internet for 19. 99 a month for 12 months, plus ask how to get twohundredfifty back when you switch to xfinity mobile. Good morning america is sponsored by microsoft surface. Ce. Good morning, south bay. Lets get up and get going. This is abc 7 mornings. Good morning. 7 56. Im reggie aqui. Meteorologist mike nicco has a look at our day. Well start with the winds at the golden gate. The marine layer doesnt have quite as much moisture in it. Well see more sunshine and slightly warmer weather today but an actually lighter breeze during the afternoon hours. Temperatures will respond at least away from the coast. 60s there. 70s and 80s for most neighborhoods. Inland east bay will hit the 90s and well continue that through wednesday. Al alexi alexis . We had a cig alert before you get to air base parkway. Four to five vehicles involved. They just pushed that off the roadway. Youre jammed. Its a little beyond the reach of this camera but westbound 80 near gilman into emeryville, a crash involving a motorcycle thats blocking the left lane and thats backing up quickly. Coming up on gma, the world debut of taylor swifts starstudded brandnew music video. Who isnt in that video . Another abc 7 news update in about 30 good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Wicked weather on the move. At least 20 reported tornadoes in eight states. Now severe thunderstorms and flash flooding dangers. 26 million in the storm zone from texas to new jersey. A stormy and wet week ahead. Ginger is tracking the latest. Also this morning, the everyday cosmetics youre using that could send your children to the e. R. With poisoning or burns and the one product you need to keep locked up. Over the castle on the hill harrys first fathers day. The prince and meghan debuted this photo of baby archie with new detail this is morning emerging about the royal couples trip to africa. Are you ready for taylor swift . Were Just Moments Away from the world debut of her brandnew music video. Wait till you see all the starse we all need to calm down. Game of thrones deepfake. The brandnew doctored video racking up millions of views on youtube. It looks like character jon snow was saying sorry for the final season but its not real. The Artificial Intelligence being used to try to fool you. Our expert reveals how you could spot this. Man i feel like a woman and only on gma this morning, shania twain is here live. Shes still the one and shes saying good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] love me some shania twain. Good morning, great to start the week with her. I saw her in concert a few times and one time she pulled me up on stage. She did . Yes. We sang a Little Something something. Do we have that video . No, we do not. We do have a video of you and Patti Labelle the other day. That was fun with lara. That was great. Did you know your mics were open . No, we didnt. Oh, yeah, they were. Good t. Karaoke, robin roberts. Can we say how much fun it was to be in philadelphia . Philadelphia was fantastic. It was raining. Carried us through if show. So thank you to philadelphia. We do say thank you. You guys know june is one of the most popular months to get married. Were kicking off a brandnew series this morning, the i dos and i donts. Things you need to know before tying the knot and this morning its all about love and money. Youll hear from the couple in our cash confessional. You can do this at home. Well see how you answer the questions we ask. Dont say calm down. Only taylor swift can get away with that. Anyway, other news were following this monday morning. A lot to get to starting with the millions, of course, bracing for new severe storms in the plains and northeast. This is 20 reported tornadoes spotted over the weekend and of courngeraslway trking it for us. Hey, ginger. Watching these, david and starting you out here with ellettsville, indiana. This is obviously something you dont want to mess with. The type of damage it did was not just take off roofs but some walls and this was one of five reported tornadoes just in indiana alone. Today i think the damaging wind is more the primary threat but damaging wind can do just as much as a tornado. Look at all of delaware, all of maryland, there in virginia, washington, d. C. Included, far eastern West Virginia and new jersey, if youre in Atlantic City or say youre in wilmington or baltimore today, just be on the lookout for that. We have to show you along with the storms comes the potential for really bad flooding. 4 to 6 inches of rain fell near louisville, kentucky. High water rescues. One person this morning is missing, swept away in those waters. Wichi wichita, kansas saw close to half a foot. Robin . Okay, thank you ginger. A new warning about popular cosmetics found in many homes, and how they could affect young children. Theres a new study that shows nearly 65,000 children under the age of 5 were treated in Emergency Rooms for cosmeticrelated injuries from 2002 to 2016. That includes injuries such as poisonings or chemical burns. Now, the most common product sending kids to the hospital, nail polish remover, followed by hair care, skin care and fragrance products. Things you dont think about, but you need to. We have breaking news. Lets get robin, we have breakis for our viewers in the west. Glor Gloria Vanderbilt has passed away. The mother of broadcast journalist Anderson Cooper was the great, great grand daughter of cornelius vanderbilt. She was at the center of an infamous custody battle in the 1930s. Masters many talents life magazine called her a feminine version of the renaissance man. She was privately battling stomach cancer. She died at home. Anderson saying his mother was an extraordinary woman who loved life and lived on her own terms. Extraordinary she was. Robin . Coming up we have that worldwide exclusive with taylor swift. Cant wait. Brandnew music video and her message for fans youll only see right here on gma. What you got upstairs, lara . Hello, robin. Im here with tony hale, also known as fky forky from toy story 4. We talk to him all about that, and we have a great audience as you just heard. Ert yes, please. [ cheers and applause ] yes, please. Walgreens save your skin today now at walgreens Skin Care Products are buy two, get the third free discover delicious Dunkin Donuts Cold Brew Coffee packs. Premium craft coffee as easy as 1 2 3. Available where you buy groceries. Available where you buy groceries. Well you can always i thibring it backy it. Within seven days for a full refund for any reason. Like, if i become allergic to yellow . Sure. Or my turtle hates it . Okay. That is good to know because reggie is very opinionated. Im sure he is. Depend® fitflex underwear for all day fun. Features maximum absorbency, ultra soft fabric and new beautiful designs for your best comfort and protection guaranteed. Lifes better when youre in it. Be there with depend®. Do you battery sound. Want a charge . Yeah battery charging. 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Its made with fresh cream, sugar and milk. Breyers the good vanilla. We proudly partner with American Farmers for grade a milk and cream. We proudly partner with American Farmers mmm somebody burned down my she shed. Nobody burned down your she shed, cheryl. Well my she sheds on fire. Your she shed was struck by lightning. Zachary, is my she shed covered by state farm . Your she sheds covered, cheryl. You hear that victor . Im getting a new she shier she shed. She shier . Mhhm. Thats wonderful news. Home insurance trusted by more people than any other. State farm. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back. One foot in front of the other wonderful way to start this week with this wonderful audience. [ cheers and applause ] were excited to talk to tony hale. He is always a lot of fun, and well talk to him about toy story 4, and then tomorrow his costar, keeganmichael key will be here live. Right now, oh, go, cowboys. You have a cowboy you know michael and you have a cowboys jersey on right there. That doesnt bother me. I just happened to see it. We always won anyways. Oh did not just say that. Im sorry. I just wait. You said i didnt have to say that . She didnt have to wear that either, lara. Look at the other end, it says love you. [ applause ] how about some pop news. Absolutely. Yes, good morning to you guys and to you all. We begin with great news for james bond fans. Daniel craig back on set with a new accessory. Forget the sleek suit and martini. For now its an ankle boot. There it is, following the surgery he had to have after a fall on set last month. The bond team posting this showing 007 hitting the gym at Pinewood Studios in london prepping to be back in action they say next week. The producers making clear that 007 is on the mend and that bond 25 remains on track to be released in april 2020. [ cheers and applause ] and a childhood dream come true for adele. She went to the last show of the spice girls reunion tour and, boy, did she have fun. She shared her day with fans starting with a lipsync video. There she is getting ready on the way to Wembley Stadium in london. So pumped up. Adele writing on instagram, quote, last time i saw the spice girls at wembley it was 21 years ago. Tonight with my nearest and dearest i cried, laughed, screamed, danced, reminisced and fell back in love with my 10yearold self and here it is. Take a look. Thats adele, 10 years old, a huge spice girls fan even then. She thanked the girl group writing, i couldnt have gotten here without you five british legends. I love you and the spice girls returning the sentiment posting this photo from backstage writing, thank you, adele, for coming to celebrate with us last night. We love you. Thats awesome. A lot of love in the air. Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] a golden retriever with a golden howl. This is blue youre about to meet who sings the blues every time she hears wind chimes. Yeah, at first her owner thought maybe she doesnt like them, but then she found out she skips the wind and makes them chime herself, so she can do it. Take a look. Shell really get into it. Its like she is really into it. Her owner writes this is my baby blue. She plays the wind chimes and sings to me every single day. Aww. Watch out, john legend. Blue is on the way. [ applause ] thats pop news, but we are popping now with a huge gma exclusive, a worldwide exclusive. It is the de swifm broke the record for the most watched youtube single for the day by a single artist. Now featuring a galaxy of stars plus a personal message from taylor herself. Everyone, this is you need to calm down. Gd morning, america. Its taylor swift and heres the brandnew video for you need to calm down. You are somebody that i dont know but youre taking shots at me like its patron and im just like, damn, its 7 00 a. M. Say it in the street thats a knockout but you say it in a tweet thats a copout and im just like hey are you okay and i aint tryna mess with your selfexpression but ive learned a lesson that stressin and obsessin about somebody else is no fun and snakes and stones n so oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh you need to calm down youre being too loud and im just like oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh you need to just stop like can you just not step on my gown you need to calm down you are somebody that we dont know but youre coming at my friends like a missile why are you mad when you could be glaad, you could be glaad sunshine on the street at the parade but you would rather be in the dark ages taken all night you just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace and control your urges to scream about all the people you anybody less gay so oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and im just like oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you need to just stop like can you just not step on his gown you need to calm down and we see you over there on the internet comparing all the girls who are killing it but we figured you out we all know now we all got crowns you need to calm down oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh doeed to calm down youre being too loud youre being too loud and im just like oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ouop stop you need to just stop can you stop like can you just not step on our gowns you need to calm down [ cheers and applause ] i know. Katy perry. We have some glaad ambassadors here in the front row with us. I know you enjoyed watching that video. [ cheers and applause ] we will not calm down. We have a new warning about socalled deepfake videos. Theyre viral videos that appear to be authentic but they are actually complete fabrications. The latest one appears to show the actor who plays jon snow on game of thrones apologizing for the final season. Zachary kiesch has more on that. Reporter its the apology that no one saw coming. Im sorry we wrote this in like six days or something. Now, let us burn the script of season 8. Reporter over the weekend a doctored game of thrones clip getting more than a million youtube views. The video shows character jon snow issuing an onscreen mea culpa for that controversial final season. I have more lines in this video than i had in the last season. Reporter this altered video is just the most recent of what are being called deepfakes, viral videos that look and feel real but arent. A deepfake is an a. I. Generated piece of video content that presents itself as if its a real video of a real person speaking. Reporter bill posters is an artist and researcher who creates deepfakes like this one of mark zuckerberg, not to fool people but to show how easy it is and to educate folks on the dangers. The spread of doctored videos are prompting louder conversations about whether the face altering technology could be dangerous if misused. Some point to this clip of nancy pelosi. Its been slowed down to make it appear as though shes slurring her words. We want to give this president the opportunity to do something historic. Reporter the real video is a different story. We want to give this president the opportunity to do something historic. The majority of deepfake videos dont simulate or dont recreate the whole of the video content. I mean, 80 or 90 of the video is actually genuine, a copy of the original source video. What they tend to change is the areas around the mouth, the cheeks and their chin, so its really good to just Pay Attention to looking at those areas of the video to see if you can see any of the frames out of sync. Posters suggested if you find a video that seems sensational or too good to be true, do your homework and search for other variations. Ive seen this time and time again. Alert folks or let facebook know or whenever you see it. Got to think critically and doublecheck on some of this stuff. Thank you. Thanks, zachary. A special fathers day hope you had a great one. All the dads there. This is a first for prince harry and amy is back this morning with more on this. Hey, amy. Reporter thats right. Good morning, guys. Harry and meghan celebrated with a brand new photo of baby archie and now were learning more about the upcoming christening. Prince harry celebrating his first fathers day as a dad posting a picture of baby archie. His little face peering over as his tiny hand grips onto dads finger. The first time weve seen his face properly. We could see his eyes open. Reporter new details also emerging about the young royals christening due sometime next month. It is widely expected that archie wear the replica of the traditional royal christening gown in the royal family since Queen Victoria commissioned it in 1841. Since 2004, however, it was decided that the original gown has had its fair share of wear and tear, and so since then, royal babies have worn a replica. Reporter the duke of sussex taking part in a discussion on clearing land mines in africa, a cause which was important to his mother, the late princess diana, who famously walked through a minefield in angola. The couple planning to visit in the fall and angola expected to be on the itinerary. After the christening we should finally find out who harry and meghan chose as god parents. Some think it could still be georgendmaclneothers are saying Serena Williams or david and amy. Priyanka chopra i think youre a long shot, but still on the list. Only if youre there too. Im happy to do that. I love how theyre doing it their way. We get little glimpses which is fun. The baby looks adorable from what ive seen. I miss you on friday nights 20 20, but hi there. Im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. The summer spread is coming back to our neighborhoods. Cooling sea breeze will return thursday and drop our temperatures back closer to average. And then well hold on to that through the weekend. So we see some 80s, even 90s in the east bay valleys. 70s around the bay until richmond and San Francisco, 60s and mid60s along the coast. Temperatures comfortable toninininininininininininininini now nininininininininininini now to our new series for wedding season. Were breaking down the tough questions you need to ask before you say i do so you dont end up saying i dont later on. First were talking money. Our becky worley brings us one couple thats ready to tie the knot but are they ready to combine their finances . Reporter this couple have been dating for six years, got engaged on her birthday and the wedding is set for next summer. Before they say i do, its time to bare all. Its our cash gone confessional. Remember mtvs real word. This is just like that. Well find out what happens when this couple stops being financially discreet and starts getting real. First confession, spender or saver . Im more like a saver. I think other people woul probably say im more a spender and less saver. Uhoh. Shes a shopper. Reporter next, family history. Aunyea growing up in the states but gene living in haiti till he was 15 years old. My mom is really responsible when it comes to savings and spending, versus my dad who is extremely irresponsible, and so i think i have a little bit of both of them in me. I did exactly what my dad did. I had a pete of paper. I wrote all my bills and the amount and day theyre due. This is a guy with a serious financial system. Reporter how about debt . We both have Student Loans and we both have credit cards that are not paid off fully. Reporter while they figure out a payoff schedule, they have a big question. What do you suggest couples interested in getting a joint bank account, what do you suggest they use that specific account for . Lets say me and aunyea have a joint account, how will that affect me as a person . Reporter so they have been together for six years, but they dont yet have a joint checking account. Thats probably something they want to get after pretty soon. So as these confessionals bring their financial differences to light, lets hope our expert advice can unite them in love and money. For Good Morning America, becky worley, abc news, oakland, california. All right, thank you to becky for that. We bring in personal finance expert number one the New York Times bestselling author, rachel cruze. Rachel, thank you so much for joining us. But metis couple, they get cold feet when it comes to talking about money. So how do you approach that tough topic with your spouse . Its a really stressful topic. 86 of people are actually bringing debt into their marriage, those who have been married in the last five years. So were seeing this is a stressful topic. So when you Start Talking about money talk about how you grew up. A lot of your background of how you grew up is how you relate to money today. Talk about your Financial Fears and talk about your dreams and goals. This is the fun part of so learn where do we want to go as a couple. How do you take on debt as a team . Totally different when youre marrying someone it becomes a team. How do you handle that . After you get married do a budget together number one. Sit down and say this is where every dollar is going because when you agree on your money youre agreeing on more than just money. Youre agreeing on your goals, dreams, fears. So the budget is a tool and then start paying off debt using the debt snowball. This is where you list all your debts, smallest to largest, regardless of the interest rate, pay minimum payments on everything, and attack that smallest debt first. Were finding couples who do this are getting out of debt in 18 to 24 months. Wow. Yes. Lastly, embrace differences. Youll be opposite. Some will be savers and some spenders. Its going to happen, so embrace those differences. Listen to your wife. Most of the time shes right anyway. Keeping a budget is very important. But like gene and aunyea, many have misconceptions about this. They do, exactly right. Im curious what the audience how many do you think you should combine your finances after you get married . How many would say that . [ applause ] wow, okay. Thats my suggestion after you say i do combine those checking accounts and do a budget together and pay off debt. You become one after you get married. Become one after you get married. And well be right back. Get married . Married and well be right back. Good morning, north bay. Lets get up and get going. This is abc 7 mornings. Good morning. Im alexis smith. New this morning, paramedics rushed one man to the hospital after a shooting in san jose. It happened at a strip mall on clemens and story roads just before midnight. Witnesses say they heard one or two shots and then at least ten more backtoback. A truck at the scene had bullet holes. Police are still trying to determine what led to the gunfire. Switching to traffic. Want to take a look at our traffic maps and take you into a problem in the east bay. Westbound 80 before gilman street a crash involving a motorcycle. Sounds like some serious injuries. You are backed up into the richmond area. And oakland trying to bounce back. We had an earlier crash westbound 580 at park boulevard thats cleared. Long residual delays there. That highway 13 and 880. Meteorologist mike now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. Check out these temperatures today. They look warmer than over the weekend especially away from the coast where well hang out with a quick look at your commute planner. See theres just a little drizzle near the coast. Otherwise its quiet. Much calmer today on the bay. In my sevenday forecast, warmest today through wednesday but nothing obnoxious like last week. Well have another abc 7 news update in about 30 minutes an i can make your hands clap i can make your hands clap welcome back to gma. As can you hear we have a great audience this morning. [ applause ] whenever you have a great audience you have to give them a great guest. Hes one of our favorites. He is a two time emmy award actor who you know from veep and arrested development now joining the toy story franchise as the voice of forky and toy story 4. Please welcome tony hale. I can make hi. How are you doing, man. Hey, brother. Good to have you back. Hello. Oh, i love that color. Forky. Thank you so much. Its monday. You have a nice color how was fathers day . Its good. I was traveling doing press so well celebrate when i get back. Yesterday i just stared in the mirror and im like, youre a good dad. Sometimes you got to do ha. You got to take care of the kids. Theyll understand. You know, your daughter, she hasnt seen veep, im sure. Has she even has she seen toy story 4 . She did. We saw a screening last tuesday and it was nice to share something with her because she cant see most of my work. What does daddy do . Because she would come on set when she was little and she couldnt even wear the headphones because the language was so bad. Does daddy work . [ laughter ] and you play forky, a new character. Yes. Created from trash. I know, bless his heart. [ laughter ] so he theres a message there. Theres actually a beautiful message so he did not want to be a toy. He was made from bonnie the little girl and called him forky so hes walking around, a, im a spork and im not a toy. Im meant to help people eat chili then the trash. Woody says, no, you have a greater purpose. You have more value. I love the message. Cue the tears. Cue the clip. Lets take a look. Oh, yeah. These are your friends. Hi. Hellhello. No, no, its okay. I have a question. Well, actually not just one, i have all of them. I have all the questions. Why does he want to go to the trash. Because he was made from trash. Look, i know this is a little strange but you got to trust me on this. Forky is the most important toy to bonnie right now. [ applause ] did you have a favorite toy growing up . Di have a favorite toy. Do you remember scooter from the muppet show . Yeah, i liked him because he had glasses like me. He was a nerd like me. Im still a nerd and i was convinced he had asthma like me so i would put my inhaler in my hand and be like, youre my guy. [ laughter ] can you believe its been 24 years since the first toy story . Its so do you remember it. I actually moved to new york to be an actor in 1995 and that was the first toy story and i remember being shocked by how beautiful it was and never thought i would one day be associated with it. And look at you. What i actually love about the franchise is you see these group of characters who are very different and you see them working together. Yeah. And like living life together and woody is always like, come on, guys. Thats what we need to do more of. The reviews have been amazing for this toy story 4 saying it really has a message in our time right now that people are hungry for. Also the thing is the voice actors, were a very small piece of this pie. Most of the pie is the artistry that they put into the movie. It is so visually stunning. [ applause ] i remember the very first one. [ applause ] got to ask you about your other the other crew you love so much from veep. Theyd kill me if i didnt ask about it. How are you doing now that the finale is done. Its been hard. The thing is our characters are so abusive to each other on the show that i think we like each other so much off the set just to balance it and as we do we miss each other so well go Grocery Shopping together just to be together but we just really like each other a little too much. Oh, never too much. We love you too. [ applause ] before we go, Keegan Michael key is here so anything we can ask him. Any insight. I always like to be asked what is his favorite ice cream flavor . Thats what id like to ow. L th. Tony hale, ladies and gentlemen. Toy story 4 is in theaters on friday. Superstar women, shania twain and eva longoria. [ cheers and applause ] compare comcast business to your current provider. My Current Service provider does not provide half of what you provide. And to know that i could save money . Id be thrilled. This sounds like a whole business package, which would be incredible. So what are you guys waiting for . Lets do it. laughs comcast business gives you a full suite of products with great performance and value. Get fast, reliable internet on the nations largest gigspeed network for less than at t. Thats 120 dollars less a year. Better, faster. I mean sign me up. Comcast business. Beyond fast. The best thing about being a woman is the prerogative we are back with a guest that you could say impresses me much. A five im time grammy winner. One of the bestselling Music Artists of all time and called the queen of country pop. Please welcome back shania twain. [ cheers and applause ] woo so good. So good to lay my eyes on you, hey, i know youre a proud canadian. Canada is on a roll. The raptor, congratulations to the raptors. Fantastic. How about that canadian u. S. Soccer team womens soccm. Did u sigh theid they poed the way to their match. Have a little fun oh oh oh totally crazy [ applause ] a new generation exposed to your music. So touching. Yeah, i mean these are young women who are starting their careers who probably would have come to my shows when they were 3 or 5 or Something Like that so its really its moving to be still inspiring them, you know, on their feet out there. So girl power. So you fire them up. What fires you up before you go on stage . Oh, i mean i know the fans are waiting out there. I hear them. I look forward to getting out there and basically being all together in this great party. [ applause ] so and that is a perfect segue to what you want to let everybody know and that is h party in las vegas. Im going to have a new residency for two years so [ applause ] when do you get going . . We get going december 6th will be the first show. The tickets go on friday sale. Well be at zappos theater, Planet Hollywood casino and this show is going to be a party like ive never had before. Is that going to be different because wait a minute. That is saying something because i have seen this woman. Ive seen you in las vegas. In fact you, you pulled me up on stage thats right, thats right. I was never so nervous shaking and singing with you so whats going to be different this time . Oh, well, this show, first its called lets go so this is like a punctuated show title. And the other show a few years ago that i had was more romantic, there were horses in the show, and this is a whole other complete theme altogether. This is about let your hair down, shake it out. Party together. Celebrate and all these fans over the years reuniting with these like girls in the video who have maybe not seen me since they were 5, you know, the first time they saw me in concert or whatever so and its just a celebration type theme to the song. Well do a lot of dances and interaction. Im building a stage im building a dance stage, dance floor in my saloon on the stage so you can imagine what will happen on that floor. See, i know, always you can never imagine whats going to happen when you see you in concert like that. Let me also say this, you have a lot to celebrate. Youve been open about lyme disease and how youve had to face that and how it almost robbed you of your voice so how are you doing . Im doing so much better. Im in a much more positive spirit. You know, the first residency really was the busineig test. Would i be able to would i be able to do it, period . I had made that commitment without even realizing that i would actually get on that stage that first time. So, you know, after being able to do that i felt like i could do anything so i went on tour and i made a new album and, of course, now im back invited back to las vegas for another re residency and honored and grateful i can sing again. It was a big challenge because there was a long time i never thought i would again. [ applause ] and how about your son, hes, been bitten by the musical gene. Hes crazy about music production. So thats what he does and i keep trying to get in there and, you know, say, well could you try this for me . Hes busy with his own thing. Its not it doesnt have a lot of time for my music right now. Ah. But i will spoken like a true mom . You just called out your son. I know. I know. Well hopefully do something together but hes definitely doing his own thing and its just his passion. Were passionate about you and were so happy for you. Cannot wait to see you back in las vegas. Shania, thank you so much. And tickets for shanias residency go on sale this friday. [ applause ] wow. All right. Now to bachelor in paradise and right now we have the exclusive first reveal of seven cast members for the new season. Who is pumped . The lucky seven are viviana, blake, cam, which we all just saw, clay, demi who i love, John Paul Jones and tayshia. More will be revealed during grand hotel stagging our next gu good morning im abc 7 news meteorologist mike nicco. More summerlike temperatures with 70s and 80s around our bay and inland neighborhoods. Well keep it that waycloser to. Michael, i know youre with miss longoria right now. One of my favorite people on this planet, ginger and critics are calling abcs grand hotel the new desperate housewives and makes perfect sense because eva longoria is in the drivers seat. She executive produce, directs and acts and now she is here live. Thank you for joining us. Youre here live. Its so great to see you have this show and see you being in a position of ep and all those ear things and 9 of the 11 actors are people of color. Yeah. Half are people of color or women of the writers so how important is it and directors. To have diversity on the show. It was organic to the process. Our show is based in prime so you cant show miami without seeing latinos. And so we were just authentic to the world in our casting and then once we started to hire directors, i knew i wanted female directors so we gave all the slots to women first, which is never [ applause ] never think of doing that, you know. And then people of color and its great because, you know, we want the lens in which the show is shot to be from different storytellers and different perspectives so it was important to me. We have a female ep alison kelly which is rare and it trickles down when you operate from a conscious bias where most people operate from an unconscious bias, i hired tom and dick and harry and people dont even think of women. Speaking of directing, you do so much on the show, ep, actor, director and on top of it youre a mom. I was a new mom. A new mom. 5 months. When no, when i was t when he was in my belly so i was like eight months pregnant shooting then that was me directing and he was he was 2 months, 3 months old there. Little baby yes, santi. His first birthday is on it is. If you say it, it will come true. Hes already been on the red carpet for the grand hotel premiere. Do you have plans for the Big Birthday Party for him. Were doing the baptism at the same time. I swore i wouldnt be the mom that does the Big Birthday Party for his first birthday. 150 people and, yeah. 150 people. Its bigger than our wedding like but its because my husband keeps saying its his baptism not the birthday so were doing it together. As long as he feels loved. Thats all that matters. We all love you from desperate housewives. Of course, you called the shows premiere a master class in how to create and launch a tv show. Thats what you said about desperate housewives. Did you take any of the inspiration from that in launching this show. No, i was on set for ten years desperate housewives was a decade of my life so used it as my film school. The cameras went and talked to every director and loved being on the set so i learned a lot in how to make television from desperate housewives. I march to be on a show for ten years if youre not paying attention then youre not learning. That is the truth. Were not done with you because just ahead youll come back with more grand hotel. Yeah. With Roselyn Sanchez. Roselyn sanchez. One of the stars of the show. Well come back. We have a big surprise in store. Master p and romeo will chat with us and makeup by mario. He will spill some of the kardashian glam secrets and we are surfing in times square. Check it out this afternoon and well be right back. More eva longoria. Were not going to make it. Oh, were going to make it. Woo. Eva longoria is back with us now. Her new show grand hotel serving up steamy suer its star Roselyn Sanchez is with us right now. [ applause ] im sure im not the first to tell you you look alike. Everybody says that. We did a photo shoot like 15 years ago together. We look exactly alike. I think its a compliment. Its a great thing. Yeah. You can call me eva any time. I would almost call you to see if you were going to wear your hair down. Friends for a very, very long time. Very long time. What was your First Impression of rosalynn. Shes fabulous in puerto rican so shes like, let me tell you something. But everything i know about this industry i learned from her. I love you. She was doing everything before anybody was doing it. She was one of the first latina actresses to break out as a big star and i just remember looking up at her going, one day i just want to be half as good as her and we were on a show together drag net. We knew och o socially. That was the first time collaborating. She was a series regular. Shes awesome. I know you guys used to compete for roles at one time. She got desperate housewives. [ laughter ] i get that a lot. Roselyn was doing movies. I was schlepping it in tv. Rush hour. How is it to have your friend directing you. Amazing. Amazing. It went from im so honored to work with you, you told me that when we did dragnet. I was so touched and now its im so honored to now its reverse. Shes a great director and producer and writer and does it all. Lets see a little bit of it. [ applause ] roselyn, take a look. Youre up to something here. Sky, you have something that doesnt belong to you and im giving you the opportunity to return it. I dont know what youre talking about. I havent called you in the middle of a hurricane to play games. You give it back or what . Youll fire me . You cant touch me. Unless, of course, you want the entire world to know what your husband did. [ applause ] roselyn, do you want the entire world to know what your husband did. I dont want anybody to know what my husband did. Thats the problem. Eric, behave. Behave or youll get gigi mendoza. You did a cast bonding party on your yacht. On a boat. Was it yours . Yes, its a boat. Its a boat. It sounds like it was a fun party. It was. What a great way to get everyone together . We were all friends, you know, i did a movie with damion, you know, ros knew charlene. We all knew giancarlo. I did a show with giancarlo. We have new up and coming actors. So excited. This is the guilty pleasure of the summer. [ applause ] it is steamy and you guys, your chemistry together if this is any indication we play best friends on the show so that was a lot of fun to do as well. Everybody, grand hotel premiering tonight at 10 0 Good Morning America is sponsored by state farm. Talk to an agent today at 800statefarm. Hey, guys, before we go we want to give a shoutout. Congrats to this racing team. They won the new jersey state championships. Our art director Mike Moscowitz is a coach. Congrats, mike, you killed it. Have a great day. Have a good day. 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Unlike last week we still have the sea breeze going to keep the free air conditioning at the coast and most of the bay. Watch out for that if youll be out and about. Just lighter breezes. Mid to upper 60s into half moon bay, San Francisco, richmond. 80s inland. Now a few neighborhoods will touch 90 the next couple of days, but thats it. Were looking at a pretty empty bay bridge toll plaza. The metering lights are still on but weve had a couple of crashes on a couple of the routes into the maze here. Weve got someresidual delays starting to recover. And southbound 101 San Francisco to sfo also in the yellow at 15 minutes. Time for live with kelly and ryan. Announcer its live with kelly and ryan today, from the new film ophelia, naomi watts. If an actor and playwright john leguizamo. Plus, riverdales Mark Consuelos takes the seat at the cohost desk. All next on live and now, here are kelly ripa and Mark Consuelos. [cheers and applause]

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