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Was an exciting event for all of us here at jeopardy he was up and down more often than a yoyo. Lets see what happens today as he defends for the first time against tiffany and jackie. Welcome aboard. Good luck. Here we go. And here come the categories for you. First off, we get to deal with. Oh, dear. Followed by. Words like hostage and postage, things like that. And finally. Ben, you start us. Bills, bills, bills for 200, please. Ben. Who are the gates . Yes. Bill and melinda. Bills for 400. Jackie. Who is bill nye . Yes. Bills, 600. This veteran british actor has appeared in the harry potter and pirates franchises. Tiffany. Who is bill nighy . Yes. Tv in 2020 for 600. Jackie. Who is batgirl . No. Tiffany or ben . [ beep ] who is batwoman . Not batgirl. Tiffany, back to you. Tv for 800. Jackie. What is cheerleading . Thats right. Bills, 800. Ben. Who is bill oreilly . Hes the one. Bills, 1,000. Ben. What is calvin and hobbes . Yes. Cool beans, 200. Ben. What is a kidney bean . You got it. Beans, 400. Ben. What is a lima bean . Yes. 600beans. Tiffany. What is a northern bean . No. [ beep ] what is a navy bean . Back to you, ben. Beans, 800. Jackie. What are soy beans . Thats it. Tv, 400. Ben. What is austin . You got it. Tv, 200. Jackie. What is lego . Lego. Yes. Still standing in europe, 600. Answer all right. [ applause ] 1,600. All right. What is prague . Prague is right. [ applause ] europe, 400. Tiffany. What is a thorn . The crown of thorns. Thank you very much. And with that, youre on the board at 400, and youve taken us into our first commercial break. Back in a moment. So youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, flourishing, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Time to think, plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with powerful connectivity. Serious and reliable internet that lets you go bigger and better, with more sharing, more making. Whoa. More that. More talking. The entire time, you got this okay, less talking and more doing. All driven by the largest gig Speed Network in america. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. But what if no ones in the office . Bring the office to them. But is it secure . Sure its secure. Okay, sounds great. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Promotional consideration provided by. Jackie wong is a figure skating analyst from new york who has been called the most trusted name in figure skating news. That happened when . During the 2018 olympics . Olympics. Lies. All lies. All lies . Now, i take it, looking at you, that you were once a competitive figure skater. I was. I wasnt that good. But i think im better at typing and podcasting. So there you go. Uhhuh. All righty. Tiffany vicars is a consulting pharmacist from kentucky. Mmhmm. And a shareholder in a National Football league team. Yes. I am a shareholder of the Green Bay Packers, the only publicly owned professional sports team. And i used to follow a university of kentucky player, randall cobb. I still follow him. But thats how i get interested in the Green Bay Packers and also playing fantasy football with all the guys at work. Well, youve enjoyed a lot of success with that team. Ben scripps is our champion. Would love to go to london to see the last night of the proms. Whats that all about . It is a series of Classical Music concerts they do every year. And the last night they always have the same Program Every year, and its just a big festive atmosphere. Its almost like a big party, and everybody brings flags and waves them and has fun. And where do they do it . They do it at the royal albert hall. Royal albert. Yeah. Its a beautiful venue, and ive always wanted to go see that. Well, youve earned enough money to do it. But right now tiffany has command of the board. Ill do tv for 1,000. Ben. What is the unicorn . Correct. Words that should rhyme, 200. Tiffany. What is beard and heard . Correct. Words for 400. [ beep ] what are meat and threat . Tiffany. Still standing for 200. Ben. What is the colosseum . No. Jackie. What is the parthenon . Parthenon. Yes. Europe, 800. Tiffany. What is the grand canal . Thats it. Writers creation, 200. Ben. Who is Arthur Conan Doyle . Correct. Writers, 400. Ben. Who is stephen king . Hes the one. Writers, 600. Tiffany. Who is Thomas Harris . Yes. Writers creation for 800. Ben. Mm. I. Dont know. oh, darn. Jackie. What is lord of the flies . No. [ beep ] were going for the author. And William Golding is the author. Less than a minute now. Tiffany. Still standing in europe, 1,000. Once europes tallest office tower, the witte huis, or white house, survived the 1940 bombing of this dutch city and major port. [ beep ] and that would be rotterdam. Tiffany, back to you. Writers, 1,000. Ben. Who is john grisham . Hes the one. Words, 600. Ben. What is cheese and geese . Yes. 800words. Ben. What are baffle and waffle . Right. Words, 1,000. [ beep ] what are trough and furlough . And now [ beep beep beep ] well, we wont get to that last clue. And, ben, you have the lead, and tiffanys on the board with 2,000. She picks next in double jeopardy dear jack box, bring back the spicy chicken strips, still waiting for the spicy chicken strips, so many about spicy chicken strips. Wow, i hear you. So im bringing back my juicy 100 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99 you can adjust youriggest sacomfort on both sides. Eep your sleep number setting. Allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Only for a limited time. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. Un fwa tdos. By making internet speeds fast and reliable. So you can keep up with your customers. By ensuring those speeds have wireless internet backup. So if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. And by covering all your connected devices with serious security. So we can handle this. And this. While you get on with this. And this. Be fast, be secure. Bounce forward. With comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Call or go online today. Is it the juicy 100 allwhite meat . Or because you can spice them up or cool them down . Or because a little birdie told me you wanted them back really bad. Get my spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99. Get my spicy chicken strips combo closed captioning sponsored in part by. Tiffany is very interested, and so am i. So what are the categories in store for us in double jeopardy . Wait a minute. Didnt we do this . Followed by. Then. And in the last category, the letter a will come before e in each correct response. Tiffany, off you go. Historic homes for 400. Ben. Who is Jefferson Davis . Right. Homes, 800. You might recognize the eldon, iowa house seen here from this famous 1930 painting of a farm couple posing in front of it. Ben. What is American Gothic . Right. Homes, 1,200. Ben. Who is clara barton . Correct. Homes, 1,600. Tiffany. Who is winchester . Correct. Homes for 2,000. Tiffany. What is the breakers . Yes. Biblically, 400. Jackie. Who is adam . Adam is right. A before e 400. Ben. What is tae kwon do . Thats it. A before e 800. In 2001, they walked this way as new inductees into the rock and roll hall of fame. Tiffany. Who is aerosmith . Correct. A before e 1,200. Ben. What is gaelic . Yes. A before e 1,600. Ben. What is the aeneid . Good. A before e 2,000. Tiffany. Whats an arboretum . No. Ben. What is arborvitae . Yes. Thats it. The lord, 800. Jackie. Who is moses . Moses. Right. Dinotopia, 400. Tiffany. What is a triceratops . Thats it. Dino, 800. Jurassic park fans will surely know of this small, fast dinosaur with a huge claw on each foot. Ben. What is a velociraptor . Yes. Dinotopia, 1,200. Jackie. What is a stegosaurus . Yes. Dino, 1,600. Ben. What is apatosaurus . Yes. Dino, 2,000. [ beep ] a type of sauropod. Sauropod. Three categories still left there, ben. Bills, bills, bills, 400. Jackie. What is three strikes . Yes. 800bills. Ben. What is nato . Right. Bills, 1,200. Jackie. What is crimea . Good. Bills, 1,600. Ben. Who is bob dole . Hes the one. Bills, 2,000. [ beep ] through sanctions. Ben, go again. Great american, 400. Jackie. What is cheek to cheek . Yes. Songbook, 800. Ben. Who is bob hope . Yeah. Great american, 1,200. Answer all righty. And you have a commanding lead 19,200. Um, 2,200, please. All right. What is at last . Thats the song. [ applause ] lord deals with thee for 1,200. Answer there, the other. [ applause ] im just going for 1,000 on this one. All right. Who is abraham . No. Who is noah . Noah. Noah. Go again. All right. Great american, 1,600. [ beep ] lets fall in love. Ben, three clues left. American, 2,000. [ beep ] its only a paper moon. Now two clues left. Biblically, 1,600. That would be cain. And now theres only one clue left. And the correct response who is joshua . [ beep ] all right. Ben, 20,400. Tiffany and jackie playing for second place. Here comes final jeopardy for youadventure novels. Think about it. Make your wagers. Clue in a moment. Come out of the dryer wrinkled . Next time try bounce wrinkle guard dryer sheets. The worlds first mega sheet with 3x more wrinkle relaxers. Look at the difference of these two shirts. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. An army family who is always at the ready. So when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. After shopping around for insurance, they called usaa who helped find the right coverage for them and even some muchneeded savings. That was the easy part. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it that was the easy part. Final today sounds like were going back in time. Adventure novels. Players, heres your clue. 30 seconds. Good luck to you. If you dont come up with that 1719 novel, youre gonna struggle with this final today. Tiffany, over to you first. You had 4,800. What did you come up with . Gullivers travels. Not a bad guess but incorrect. Itll cost you 1,500 only, dropping you to 3,300. Over to your left now to jackie wong. Had 7,000. Wrote down what is 20,000 leagues under the sea . Incorrect. Itll cost you 2,601. Youre gonna finish in second place unless our champion, ben, did something really silly. He had 20,400. And he was unable to come up with swiss family robinson. Ben robinson. The reference, of course, to robinson crusoe. And itll cost you something 1,042. Not much. 19,358 added to your previous total gives you a 2day total now of 38,158. And you get to play again. Right here. Well see you. Captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. So youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, flourishing, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Time to think, plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with powerful connectivity. Serious and reliable internet that lets you go bigger and better, with more sharing, more making. Whoa. More that. More talking. The entire time, you got this okay, less talking and more doing. All driven by the largest gig Speed Network in america. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. But what if no ones in the office . Bring the office to them. But is it secure . Sure its secure. Okay, sounds great. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Why teamers, parents can keep up with the dates. Nancy pelosi getting heat for getting her hair done illegally at a San Francisco salon. South bay leaders and researchers are looking to find bett ways to plan and prepare. Ill have the latest forecast coming up. Abc 7 news at 11 00 starts right now. Announcer building a better bay area for a safe and secure future. This is abc 7 news. And House Speaker nancy pelosi was able to get her hair done at e salon on union street monday in San Francisco. She says the business told her they were accepting customers legally one at a time. Just today the city began allowing salons to operate outdoors only. Indoors wont be until later this month. Well have a lively report with reaction coming up. Meanwhile, president trump. During a visit to a kenosha, wisconsin, he met with law enforce and enforcement and Business Owners but not the family of david blake, the man shot by Police Office officers seven times. Reporter in spite of state and local leaders askino post pone the visit, fearing tensions were still too high. He toured a building. We have to condemn the dangerous antipolice rhetoric. Its getting more and more. Its very unfair. You have some bad apples. We all know that and those will be taken care of through the system. And nobodys going to be easy on them either. Reporter repeating his suggestion that the Police Officer that shot blake seven times in the back, choked, comparing him to a golfer missing a putt. Just blocks away, jacob blakes family hosted a day of Community Services at the site of his shooting. All i ask is he keep his disrespect as far away from my family. Reporter hosting a barbecue and Voter Registration drive, calling on the community to remain peaceful, despite the president was visit. And the 17yearold, accused of killing demonstrators remains in custody. I guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would have been killed. Reporter the president condemned the Fatal Shooting in portland of a man wearing a Blue Lives Matter flag wearing a red hat, and when pressed, he painted most protesters as agitators. Do you believe systemic racism is a problem in this country . You just keep getting back at the subject we should talk about the kind of violence weve seen in portland and here and other places. Its tremendous violence. Reporter the blake family have spoken at length with joe biden and say they would make themselves available if he travels to kenosha. Abc news, washington. The sports world has been intertwined with the political world and it doesnt appear that will change anytime soon. Larry beale spoke with warriors coach, steve kerr. Kerr is one of the most vocal and politically active coaches in america. Warriors not in the nba bubble, so they were not part of the boycott and subsequent conversations in orlando. Kerr was watching from afar, wishing there was some way he could help. Theres a big part of me that wishes i was there, not only for the basketball part but to lend a helping hand on the social justice front. It really is a big battle and the nba, i think, has been fantastic. The League Office has been supportive of players and coaches. I think last week, understandably, the players were just frustrated and how could they not be . How could we all not be . You peacefully protest, as our players have done, you want change. But when change doesnt happen and another black man gets shot, sometimes in the back, by a policeman, its infuriating. Especially if youre a black man or woman and youre raising children and youre scared in your own country. So, these are all things that we think about for our brethren within the league and for ourselves. And we we understand that we have to do everything possible. I think for the players, they realize people werent maybe paying attention to the peaceful protests, so they took it a step further. And it became an economic protest of sorts and it was very successful. I call you a renaissance man and all that. But had an awakening of sorts and reading about the black experience in america. What have you learned that you didnt know before that you thought i hangout with all these guys, i know what theyre going through, when in reality, maybe we dont . What i think ive learned thats most important is the de definition of racism. I think we all think of racism as an act. We think of some person using a bad racial epitaph to refer to somebody or a guy in a hood burning a cross. Racism is really a system that we are all a part of and while we may not be directly responsible for this system, were complicit with our existence within the system, if that makes sense. And its really easy for somebody like me to make a statement, maybe donate to a charity, and then go back to my really nice house and my nice neighborhood and dont think anymore of it. But you have to think of it as a system and how it effects the entire black community and also how it effects us as white people in our country. Is this the country we want to live in . With this moral stain that we cherish . Most importantly, what are we doing Going Forward to try to reverse this . What are we doing to help educate young black kids . Are we improving schools . Are we improving nutrition . All of these things are part of racism. But in our minds, were not responsible and i think thats what ive learned. We are responsible. Steve is so thoughtful. Its always great to get a chance to talk to him. The warriors are working on a number of initiatives and hoping to use chase center as a voting location in november. Theyre working out those details and by the way, dan, that was an excerpt from our web page and steve did not hold back at all. So, check it out, if you want more steve kerr. Profound comments. Thank you. Well, well move on now. There is not a vaccine yet for the coronavirus. Theyre working feverishly. Many are trying. But we are getting an idea who will get it first. Ia dont want it made available widely until its proven to be safe and effective. Frurbs sa safe and effective. Reporter a committee set up at the request of the National Institutes of health is focusing on who is at risk of getting infected. The public will be able to comment on this report. Meanwhile, theyve issued a federal moratorium. Couple whose make under 198,000 would be eligible for protections. But they must prove they cant pay their rent or would if they get kicked out. California reported more than 3700 more diagnosed cases today. Thats below the sevenday average. 85 deaths, which is also below the weekly average and more than 13,000 people have died in california from covid19. The sevenday positivity rate, at 4. 9 . And San Francisco, a new timeline has been established for reopening businesses and schools as barber shops and salons were able to reopen for business today. Unfor the ownerf joe mafactes barber shop in San Francisco, who took his business outside, after being closed for six mungss. Very well spaced, lots of air flow. So, its great. A nice, safe place for a haircut. Yay. Reporter besides barber shops, hair and Massage Centers were allow to reopen outside today. Everyone must wear a mask and go through a screening process. 97. 4. All right. I did it this morning. 97. 5. For now, this is a step that matters a lot to the folks thank work here, like joe, and people getting their haircut. Reporter malls and out Door Services are now accessible to the public. By midseptember, indoor zoos and aquariums will be added to the list. Then the phased plan for reopening comes with a stern warning from mayor london breeze. All plans are subject to change, just like they were before. The last thing i want to do is tell you that were going to be opening and then need to make changes and to start closing businesses once again. Its the last thing i want to do. Reporter the Health Department is concerned about the upcoming labor day weekend. The rate of new cases of covid19 remains high. We are seeing about 75 new cases every day right now. And are still in the red zone. Abc 7 news. Education is one of the five key issues were focussed on to build a better bay area and today the mayor laid out a new timeline foropening San Francisco schools for inperson learning. Theres no firm dpraet high be going back the classroom very soon now. Kate larsson has the story. Im extremely concerned about urchildren with covid. Reporter with that, she laid out a new timeline. K through 6, applying for a waver, can go back midseptember. Through 8th grade, without a waver, may reopen midoctober. We know it is not my decision, butted of the school district, to move this forward. Reporter in a statement, they say theyre preparing for a gradual return to a hybrid instructional model, focusing on the youngest student and those with disabilities. They need training and protocols in place, three months supply of ppe and labor agreements. President of the teachers union. Im not sure that a couple of weeks from now will really work. Reporter she says negotiations with the stis district have not begun regarding the new timeline. Many more supplies and equipment for r needed. So, this is not a matter of willingness, we need to know the resources are there. Im absolutely wanting to get back in the classroom and the students are feeling the same way. Reporter shes a teacher at Daniel Webster elementary. There would need to be a lot of changes to our School Buildings to have that happen. Reliable ventilation, hot water in the sinks. Reporter as for parents, Mary Pendleton has two kids. There are 39 with one teacher. Reporter she doesnt see how sociallydistanced cohorts of 14 students would be possible anytime soon. People are pretty enraged about it. Reporter as for private and charter, they could be open for inperson sooner. Abc 7 news. Lets take a live look outside right now from our kgo roof camera. Today marked a record 15th straight sparetheair alert. Sandia. Unfortunately, not enough to where people will notice it. So, the 16th spare the air alert will go up tomorrow. Its in the green to yellow, which is good for green, yellow for moderate. The air quality has improved slightly but its not going to last. And another one for thursday. Youre looking at moderate to poor air quality. Today we were just dealing with all the smoke and hatz and its still with uz tonight. Its j ill be back with a look at dan and alma. Thank you. Millions of californians on the brink of eviction as we continue here, the lastminute bill sign bide Governor Newsom. One bay hey, my twitter is blowing up dear jack box, bring back the spicy chicken strips, still waiting for the spicy chicken strips, so many about spicy chicken strips. Wow, i hear you. So im bringing back my juicy 100 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo where you can find games, news and highlights. All in one place, right on your tv. 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Owners are concerned they wont be able to pay the mortgage. They should have figured out to get more funds to support tenants with their payments see we can continue to pay our bills, mortgage, taxes, handyman, utilities and everything else. They said sorry, 25 of that is best we can do. The Trump Administration issued a national mortorium for fu four months. Hundreds of families could get Cash Payments no strings attached. He tells abc 7 news, ideal and explained the reasoning behind the proposal and how it would be funded. San franciscons have about onethird the Household Income of whites San Franciscons. All over the country they have these income pileds. Most are privately funded. We have a lot of folks in tech interested in this. There are more than 25 cities that have gotten behind the guaranteed income plan. He points to stockton as an example and how it can improve lives. More to come. A Daring Rescue caught on camera. Hear from the hero firefighter who pulled a woman to safety. California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones. phone ringing big button, and volumeenhanced phones. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. You can adjust youriggest sacomfort on both sides. Eep your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Only for a limited time. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. vo my name is cynthia hawkins, the owner of Hawkins House of burgers. My grandparents came here in 1939 and weve been serving this community for over 80 years. My dad always said, take care of your community and they will always take care of you. And they have done so. Through the ups and through the downs. My name may be on this building, but this place belongs to all of us. My only job is to take great care of my patients. . Im empowered to do whats right for you. Our digital records mean your medical history is in one place, so i can give you great care. Your primary care doctor, your specialists. Its great we all Work Together as one team. Our integrated approach to health care helps my patients live longer, healthier lives. I dont just practice here, im a patient, too. I wouldnt trust my familys health care to anyone else. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state Program Visit right now or call during business hours. Now we want to share with you a Daring Rescue in new york silty today. Firefighters responding to a highrise fire, found a frantic woman hanging from a 16story window. Heres lucy yang with the story. Reporter this is the stuff of superhero movies but this was a reallife fire rescue. 1 30 this afternoon, flames broke out in harlem by west 133rd street. By the time crews arrived there was heavy smoke but most troubling there, was a woman hanging outside her window, hanging on to the sill, trying avoid heat and flames. They had a nano second to figure out how to arrest her. They opted for a technique not used very often. Difficult, daring but proved successful. They executed whats called a roof, rope rescue, where they lowered a firefighter to the woman to secure her to safety. He had only one mission in mind too, make sure the woman didnt fall or jump in her panic. I was right behind her, so if she did decide to let go, i was holding her to the glass. I was holding on to the wall and what was going through my mind, i didnt want to see anybody fall. Thats all i cared about. I just wanted to get her inside. Reporter this is why they practice, practice, practice so, when such emergencies arise, they can execute without mistake. Reporter she was pretty shaken while outside her window but was taken back inside safely and quickly. This is really a heroic rescue and really shows the talent and the bravery of the members of the new York City Fire department. They exericized their skills quickly, assessed the situation quickly and did what had to be done. Now, although the rope rescue is seldom performed, were told they routinely train for it, just in case. In fact, they were practicing the drill just two hourz bfore they needed it in this reskie. Thats incredible. Its the end of an era for crown vic. It was the car of choice since 1984. It appeared in numerous Television Shows and motion pictures. They tweeted this is the last crown vic on the lot. In 2016, they started buying dodge chargers, which cost much less to maintain. Big change. Well, more to come. There may be a new requirement next time you get in an uber. Why they may ask you for a selfie. Plus, election day is just around the so youre a small bor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can save for an emergency from here. Or pay bills from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. Visit chase. Com mobile. Uber will soon require some riders to take selfies. Passengers wont have to take a selfie on the next ride. Theyve required them to take selfies to show theyre wearing a facing covering. A San Franciscobased company, old navy says they want to help with the National Poll workers shortage. They have more than 1,000 Stores Nationwide with roughly 50,000 employees. If they choose to work at polls, theyll get employee pay, as well as from their county election commission. Today was National Poll worker recruitment day. This San Francisco hair salon is where nancy pelosi recently got her hair done illegally. Some are outraged. The south bay sits between two raging complex fires. Coming up, how leaders and experts are using technology and an army family who is always at the ready. So when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. After shopping around for insurance, they called usaa who helped find the right coverage for them and even some muchneeded savings. That was the easy part. Usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it easy. So youre a small made the way bor a big one. Eed it you were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. What nancy pelosi did yesterday was a crime. People are being prosecuted in california for similar offenses. Tonight House Speaker nancy pelosi is under fire for getting a shampoo and blow dry at a San Francisco hair salon. The problem, salons arent open for indoor business in San Francisco. Abc 7 reporter j. R. Stone is live from union street where Speaker Pelosi had that appointment. Reporter yeah, this is obviously Nancy Pelosis district, but a number of people i talked with in this neighborhood say that doesnt matter to them. They want to know why if nancy pelosi can get an appointment here at this salon, why cant they . It feels almost like a slap in the face. Reporter salon owner priscilla is referring to nancy pelosi getting her hair done inside this salon at a time that is illegal in San Francisco. I feel like if she thought it was safe to be indoors getting her hair done with her mask down maybe it is actually safe, maybe we should be allowed to reopen. You certainly think that if a politician on a National Level goes into a salon and gets her hair done that it would be safe for everybody else to go in. Thats what it made me think. Reporter a pelosi Spokesman Says the business offered for the speaker to come enon monday, told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business. California republicans who have been fighting the closures are outraged. To her defense that she doesnt know the law i think thats

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