Transcripts For KNTV Late Night With Seth Meyers 20240714 :

KNTV Late Night With Seth Meyers July 14, 2024

Accused him of changing his name to sound more hispanic even crazier, he said the same thing about el paso. [ laughter ] when i was a kid, it was called the pass. [ laughter ] according to reports, the owner of soulcycle is planning to host a fundraiser for President Trump, and there is no way trump knows what soulcycle is [ laughter ] soulcycle, wow, is that show still on . [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause according according to financial disclosures, more billionaires have donated to mayor Pete Buttigieg than any other democratic candidate well, he does have all the qualities theyre looking for in a candidate. Hes white [ laughter ] according to a new report [ applause ] nearly 10 of the unverified accounts President Trump has retweeted since he took office have been suspended from twitter. While the other 90 have been offered a cabinet position [ laughter and applause producers have announced that the next season of the fx Series American Crime story will chronicle the sex scandal between former president bill clinton and monica lewinsky. While the sex scandal between trump and Stormy Daniels will be the next season of American Horror story. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause today was National Beach party day. Its only one day now . Said brett kavanaugh. [ laughter and applause a socalled hotel for plants has opened in the uk that allows owners to leave their plants to be cared for while they go on vacation, though i think some customers are abusing the system [ laughter and applause mcdonalds has lost its trademark on the phrase, mc in the European Union this is a tough break, said Company Spokesman ronald donald. [ laughter ] a woman in Washington State was hospitalized on friday after being bitten by an octopus she put on her face for a picture. In the octopus defense, it was just trying to suction out the stupid [ laughter ] and finally, the Princeton Review recently named Syracuse University americas Number One Party school said people at syracuse, this is a school . [ laughter and applause ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight [ cheers and applause shes fabulous actress who starring in the new film the art of racing in the rain, Amanda Seyfried is here. So happy shes back. [ cheers and applause shes a legendary comedian who you can see in pose now in its Second Season on fx. Sandra bernhard, everybody [ cheers and applause and you know her from a wrinkle in time and hbos euphoria, and her new movie dont let go is in theaters later this month. Storm reid is here, you guys [ cheers and applause so its a great show im glad youre here before we get to all that, President Trump picked political fights and refused to take responsibility for his rhetoric as we visited dayton and el paso today. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth after four years of spewing racist and antiimmigrant vitriol, trump managed to tepidly read a script from a teleprompter on monday condemning bigotry of course, we all know by now that when trump reads something from a teleprompter, he doesnt actually mean it more often than not, its the first time hes even seeing it 10,000 known or suspested gang members controlled by large derners. He has worked in both houses of congress advising lawmarkers seth yes [ laughter ] lawmarkers as in congress should pass gun control now when they do, they can write it down with lawmarkers [ laughter ] i have a feeling trump doesnt even read these speeches first you can tell, because he does this thing where he reads a line and then he reacts to it in real time [ laughter ] you know that our nation was founded by farmers our independence was won by farmers. Our continent was tamed by farmers. So true. Seth i mean, its like [ laughter ] its like your mom reading her Fortune Cookie at dinner [ laughter ] a faithful friend is a strong defense. So true. [ laughter and applause and yet [ cheers and applause and yet, trumps aides and even some in the media are actually trying to pretend that this is a speech we were supposed to take seriously. And that trump actually meant what he said, despite everything we know about him from his campaign, his presidency and most of his adult life the accusation is that the culture he foments at his rallies leads to this kind of violence how do you respond to that that is absolutely ridiculous would it help if everyone were more careful with their language well, i think its pretty clear that the president came forth on monday and was very deliberate in what he wanted to say. Seth no, he wasnt trumps not deliberate in anything he does he doesnt even stand deliberately [ laughter ] i mean, look at him. He looks like hes on the deck of a ship about to tilt over [ laughter ] he stands like wile e. Coyote on those rocket skates. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause he looks like hes posing with jack on the bow of the titanic [ laughter ] not only was he not deliberate about what he said, he didnt even get the name of one of the cities right, when he, of course, said toledo even though the teleprompter said texas and ohio and now today, trump visited el paso and dayton where he was greeted by protesters and earlier this week ahead of his visit, the mayor of dayton offered this response to trumps mistake. We said sometime this week. I mean, ive heard that hes coming wednesday, but ive not gotten a call. And, you know, he might be going to toledo. I dont know seth and honestly [ laughter and applause maybe thats our best hope here. Trump accidentally goes to toledo, gets lost and spends the rest of his life as the announcer for the mud hens [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause anderson comes into the game batting. 250 so true. [ laughter ] in fact, trump was once again back to insulting other people on twitter again today going after el paso native beto orourke for calling trump a White Nationalist and blaming him for inciting racism, which he obviously has if you accused a normal person of being a white supremacist, they might be shocked and appalled and theyd definitely want to know why you think that. Instead, trump has responded by tweeting nasty insults trump wrote this. Beto phony name to indicate hispanic heritage orourke, who is embarrassed by my last visit to the great state of texas, where i trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at 1 in the democrat primary, should respect the victims Law Enforcement be quiet seth okay. First of all, you dont get to follow an insane screed mocking his name and his standing in the polls with respect the victims and be quiet. [ light laughter ] thats like if a librarian got up and screamed, everyone keep your [ bleep ] voices down [ cheers and applause second, he he should be quiet . Hes from el paso, consoling mourners, standing up for his community. You, meanwhile, never shut the hell up. For example, heres trump attacking joe biden later in the morning for comparing him to segregationist George Wallace. Joe biden says you have more in common with George Wallace than George Washington well, you know, joe is a pretty incompetent guy ive watched his interviews. Ive watched what he said and how he said it and i wouldnt have rated him very high in the first place, but joe biden has truly lost his fastball that i can tell you. Seth hes lost his fastball . Im sorry, you dont get to criticize someone elses fastball when immediately after that question you wander off [ laughter ] forget that your wife is standing off camera and then just stand there awkwardly in front of the cameras while you wait for her [ laughter and applause first of all, i love how he points to the puddle, and she just walks around it like, i [ bleep ] know theres a puddle. [ laughter ] second, why is his move when he gets lost to just stand completely still in front of the cameras . [ laughter ] does he not know we can still see him . [ laughter ] maybe i can change color to match the background [ laughter ] be green. [ light laughter ] in that same q a, trump also refused to take any responsibility whatsoever for is racist, antiimmigrant rhetoric and was asked about the rise of White Supremacy. Now, just last month trumps own fbi director said the fbi had recorded about 100 domestic terrorism arrests and that many investigations involve White Supremacy. But when he was asked about it, trump made this vague comment where he lumped together what he generally called any group of hate mr. President , how concerned are you about the rise of White Supremacy and what are you going to do about it i am concerned about the rise of any group of hate i dont like it. Any group of hate, i am whether its White Supremacy, whether its any other kind of supremacy. Seth what other kind of supremacy . [ laughter ] like, the bourne supremacy [ laughter ] trump still refused to take responsibility for the fact that he spent his campaign and presidency constantly repeating vile, racist, dehumanizing language about immigrants, and riling up his crowds with paranoid fantasies of invading caravans this is an invasion i was badly criticized for using the word, invasion. Its an invasion people hate the word, invasion, but thats what it is its an invasion of drugs and criminals and people mexico should step up and stop this onslaught, this invasion into our country the democrats want to invite caravan after caravan of illegal aliens into our country. [ booing ] a large group of people, they call it a caravan [ booing ] do you know how the caravan started . Does everybody know what this means . I think the democrats had something to do with it. Seth what is that move [ laughter ] he looks like one of those guys handing out free cds in times square check out my album. [ laughter ] now thats what i call racism. [ cheers and applause anyone anyone whos been paying any attention at all can see what trump is doing. Hes been inciting and promoting racism by using dehumanizing language about desperate migrants seeking asylum, whipping his crowds into a racist paranoid frenzy, and yet his allies on fox news continue to insist that the language trump uses, language echoed by White Supremacists is not racist heres fox friends host Brian Kilmeade trying to make that argument yesterday. When you have over 110,000 people coming a month, over a million last year, and then well over a million this year, if you use the term, its an invasion, thats not antihispanic, its a fact if the russians were coming through alaska, through canada, the president would be using the same language. Seth first of all, yes, it is racist. Second, no, trump would not use the same language if it was russians hed probably be out there to greet them like a limo driver at the airport. [ laughter and applause also, let me just say, in your hypothetical scenario, if there were refugees from russia or anywhere else fleeing poverty and violence and seeking asylum, they should be treated humanely with compassion just like anyone else using a different country doesnt help your argument it just makes you sound like even more of an ass [ bleep ]. Its like if your uncle called you a dick at thanksgiving and then said, so what, i said the same thing about your dad. [ laughter ] and then kilmeade kept going, also trying to defend the president s use of the word, infestation, another racist trope, but couldnt seem to get the words out of his mouth people want to look at the words, efenced efested inves invested or and look at what the president is saying. Seth whoa never a good sign when youre less eloquent than teleprompter trump. [ laughter ] so the president and his allies dont think he has any responsibility at all for the racist language hes used against immigrants who are now the targets of white supremacist violence then what about guns are republicans at least any more willing to tackle the gun violence epidemic in this country . Well, yesterday on fox, pennsylvania senator pat toomey said hes against regulating militarystyle assault weapons because they are, and this is his actually reason, popular you know, guns that are described as assault weapons are almost invariably no more powerful than ordinary hunting rifles they look different. You know, theyre painted black and theyve got features that an ordinary hunting rifle doesnt have but theyre no more lethal and what about magazine size . And theyre extremely popular, and so to ban an extremely popular firearm, im not going to support that. Seth you wont ban them, because theyre popular . You know what else is popular . Drugs. Like, all the drugs. [ laughter ] theyre all pop are you in favor of making all drugs legal, too, because if you are, i would like whatever Brian Kilmeade is smoking. [ laughter ] efenced efested inves invested [ laughter ] seth hey, you guys, you know whats a you know whats a funny word [ cheers and applause [ indiscernible so if we cant ban popular guns, what can we do to stop this epidemic of Mass Shootings that no other developed country on earth has to deal with Foxs Sean Hannity had an idea during a segment with a fox pundit, who is former secret service agent, turn every public space into a military installation id like to see the perimeter of every school in america surrounded, secured by retired police, which you are, retired secret service, which you are, military and i want guys to donate 15 hours i think that we could cover every school, every hour, every day, add a metal detector and i think were going to have safer schools. Have one armed guard on every floor of every school. All over every mall. The perimeter and inside every hall of every mall seth thats insane these lunatics want us to live in a police state where were surrounded by armed guards and metal detectors, because they wont give up their stupid assault weapons or hunting rifles or whatever the hell davy crock of [ bleep ] over here calls them. [ laughter ] the bottom line here is that the president refuses to take responsibility for the racist antiimmigrant vitriol he and his favorite rightwing Media Outlets use all the time and on top of that, theyre blocking common sense gun Safety Measures we know work in other developed countries. These are simple facts or as the president would say, theyre so true seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with Amanda Seyfried, everybody [ cheers and applause announcer for more of seths closer looks be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. New magnum ice cream. Double sea salt caramel. Carefully made to be broken. Magnum ice cream. vo vfundraising. Giving back. Subaru and our retailers have given over one hundred and sixtyfive Million Dollars to charity. We call it our love promise. And its why you dont even have to own a subaru to love a subaru retailer. Love. Its what makes subaru, subaru [ cheers and applause seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause joining us again tonight, hes the drummer for band of skulls who begin a u. S. Tour next month in support of their wonderful new album, love is all you love. And theyll be playing right here in new york city on september 16th at webster hall you can keep up with the tour and more on his Instagram Page julian dorio is here, everybody. Give it up for julian. [ cheers and applause thanks. Thanks for having me seth our first guest tonight is a talented actress you know from such films as mamma mia , les miserables, and mean girls. She stars in the art of racing in the rain which opens in theaters friday. Lets take a look. Enzo, this is eve hi, enzo. What are you doing my First Impression of eve was as complicated as the scents in the air im not really much of a dog person a melange of produce, shampoo, and pheromones. Well, hes more person than dog. Denny was clearly taken with her grooming she probably bathed every day for all i knew does he always stare at people like this if he likes them. Seth please welcome back to the show, Amanda Seyfried, everybody. [ cheers and applause seth wow here i am seth is that your [ cheers and applause very happy youre here why are they doing that thats so nice seth so nice is that your first time working with Kevin Costner because thats Kevin Costner is the voice of the dog. Yeah. Boy. Um, yeah seth yeah. You know, robin hood was a was a very powerful movie for me in my childhood and its such a bummer that this is how i work with Kevin Costner. [ light laughter ] seth yeah, right like a true bummer. I met him the other night on the carpet seth yeah, the first time. That was your costar milo was here, he was saying the same thing. You, obviously, when you work with somebody who does a voiceover of the dog in the movie, you dont actually have them on set. Yeah, i mean, he was silent throughout the filming process seth right so weird. Seth you had to work with a dumb dog who couldnt do any of their lines. [ light laughter ] yeah, and then all of a sudden, big words are spewing out, like, at every angle. Its pretty great. Its also really cool, cause you dont know what to expect when you do a movie like that. Seth because of working with theres a whole element thats missing, which is the narration. Seth yeah. So, it must be strange, cause over the course of the movie youre, obviously, just taking long pauses in your dialogue it was basically, like, 70 of the point of the scene was just to make sure we got the dogs reaction ljlj milo and i were like weve got to be really prepared, because weve got to make sure the dog knows what hes doing. It was all about the dog it was, like, the big long fork and the chicken in the face.

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