Sorry, coach. Were so bummed we cant learn how to bump, set and spike [ laughter ] the only thing we spike is heroin, coach [ laughter ] im sorry i yelled at you, coach. Basically, what we know about iowa is that Bernie Sanders won the popular vote Pete Buttigieg slightly edged him out in the delegates, thanks to obscure rules and Elizabeth Warren came in third. And the Iowa Democratic party is having trouble keeping things together in some cases, together literally. The chair of the iowa party held a press conference on monday to update the media on the results and this happened. The seats are assigned not only by the precinct chair and the precinct secretary [ crash [ laughter ] uh seth oh man, did you did you use an app for your podium, as well . [ laughter ] was the app called metaphor . [ laughter and applause and you can tell [ cheers and applause you can tell that we have moved on from iowa to New Hampshire, because it seemed like virtually every candidate showed up to greet their supporters with the local delicacy, boxes of Dunkin Donuts and that includes senator Amy Klobuchar who repeatedly bragged about how many dunkin locations shed been to. What are you going to do to solidify your place in the top three . Well, joy, were doing it right now. I go everywhere. Ive been in Dunkin Donuts. Ive gone to Dunkin Donuts. And it feels like, for me, that its a fresh start here. I got to go to every dunkin donut i could find [ laughter ] seth and thats no small feat im from New Hampshire and as i recall, every third building is legally required to contain a Dunkin Donuts [ laughter ] although, i have to say, when your big highlight about visiting New Hampshire is that you got to go to every dunkin donut, you definitely sound like an outoftowner thats like going to new york and saying, we really got to experience the culture we went to all of the duane reades. [ laughter ] but hey [ applause ] the strategy clearly worked for klobuchar, because she finished in a strong third, with 20 of the vote and while andrew yang dropping out means the remaining democratic field is allwhite, its Pretty Amazing that the top three finishers in New Hampshire were a Jewish Democratic socialist, a gay veteran and a woman from minnesota, whose next coffee is probably free. [ laughter ] but the big takeaway [ applause ] the big takeaway, of course, was that Bernie Sanders is now the clear frontrunner for the democratic nomination with his win in New Hampshire and his current lead in Many National polls and you can tell that he senses his place as a frontrunner, because in New Hampshire, he started aiming his fire squarely at donald trump. We are going to defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of america, donald trump the american people, no matter what their political views may be, are sick and tired of a president who is a pathological liar [ cheers and applause who is running a corrupt administration [ cheers and applause who is a bully and a vindictive person [ cheers and applause who is a racist. [ cheers and applause a sexist [ cheers and applause a xenophobe, a homophobe and a religious bigot. [ cheers and applause and those are his nice qualities. [ laughter ] seth damn i mean i got to say [ cheers and applause i was always a fan of gruff bernie, but i like insult comic bernie even more [ laughter ] you can catch that and more on his new netflix special, ya burnt. [ laughter and applause and trumps actions this week have shown that the stakes of the democratic race could not be higher now that republicans, with the exception of mitt romney, have acquitted trump in the impeachment trial, the 2020 election is really the last chance we have to stop our system from fully sliding into a corrupt banana republic. Republicans have given trump the green light to subvert our democracy and the rule of law without consequences and now, hes pushing full steam ahead. Hes literally bullying the Justice Department via tweet to dole out lenient sentences to the cronies who committed crimes on his behalf. Every time i think trump has done the worst thing he could possibly do, he finds a way to oneup himself hes like the exact opposite of simone biles like, every time you think she cant stun you with a new routine, she posts a video of herself doing Something Like this yeah. Seth i mean, its fun to imagine trump attempting even one part of that routine i [ laughter ] you know, i imagine it would look like this witch hunt. [ explosion [ laughter and applause [ cheers and applause seth we had like 15 people working all day on that. [ laughter ] 100 first time ive seen it [ laughter ] republican senators tried to tell us that impeachment would be a teachable moment for trump but trump made it clear, that wasnt the case. He was basically an inmate at a parole hearing and when they asked him, so, what are your plans when you get out . He said, uh, id like to kill again. [ light laughter ] last night, we saw how little trump has changed with the case of one of his longtime confidants and convicted criminal, roger stone seen here in his very real outfit from the inauguration i mean, look at him. Is he attending the inauguration or mr. Peanuts funeral . [ laughter ] he is dressed like Punxsutawney Phils coke dealer good news, phil baby. Six more weeks of winter, and its the good snow, baby. [ laughter and applause stone [ applause ] stone was convicted of lying to congress and witness tampering, both actions intended to help trump during Robert Muellers russia investigation you might remember that stone even tried to intimidate one witness by threatening to steal that witness therapy dog. Stone wrote in an email, you are a rat, a stoolie, you backstabbed your friends, run your mouth my lawyers are dying to rip you to shreds. Stone also said, he would take that dog away from you. Thats right, he threatened to take someones therapy dog Even Spirit Airlines doesnt do that [ laughter ] and they dont even have cushions [ light laughter ] so, on monday, prosecutors recommended up to nine years in jail for stone and then, in the middle of the night, trump lashed out at that sentence on twitter, writing, this is a horrible and very unfair situation the real crimes were on the other side if nothing happens to them, cannot allow this miscarriage of justice. He lied to congress, tampered with witnesses and threatened to steal someones dog. Dog napping alone should get you jail time, and you should have to serve those years in a dog pound. [ laughter ] and then out of nowhere, in a shocking move, the Justice Department, led by trumps coconspirator and attorney general bill barr, announced on tuesday, they were changing the sentencing recommendation after trumps tweet prompting all four prosecutors working on the case to withdraw in protest barr is turning the Justice Department into a political weapon for trump and when trump was asked about the move yesterday, he insisted both that he hadnt directed the Justice Department to go easy on stone and also, that he had the absolute right to do it if he had wanted to. We see from your tweets today that you were upset about the roger stone sentencing yeah. I thought it was ridiculous that did you ask that of that no, i didnt speak to the Justice Department id be able to do it if i wanted i have the absolute right to do it i stay out of things to a degree that people wouldnt believe seth no. We wouldnt. [ laughter ] we wouldnt believe it you dont stay out of anything you couldnt even stay out of Robert Pattinsons and Kristen Stewarts relationship [ laughter ] youre like the guy at a party who walks up to a couple that are clearly fighting and says, so, who cheated on who . [ laughter ] karen, i didnt know you had it in you. [ laughter ] also, this is not the first time trump has insisted he has the absolute right to direct the Justice Department to do his political bidding or the absolute right to do a bunch of other obviously unconstitutional stuff. He tweeted, as the president of the united states, i have an absolute right, perhaps even a duty, to investigate or have investigated corruption. And that would include asking or suggesting other countries to help us out. Quote, i never offered pardons to Homeland Security officials. Never ordered anyone to close the southern border. Although i have the absolute right to do so. The president tweeting that sharing intelligence with russia is something he has the absolute right to do. He told the New York Times tonight, i have the absolute right to do what i want to do with the Justice Department. Seth no, you dont you dont have the absolute right to do any of that stuff. Also, anytime you use the phrase, i have the absolute right, youre not the good guy in that situation. Trump sounds like an angry customer yelling at a dunkins, because they wouldnt let him use the bathroom i have the absolute right to use the bathroom. Youve got to buy something or get out. Besides, Amy Klobuchar is still in there canvassing for votes. [ laughter ] somebodys in here. Somebody undecided . [ laughter ] so, in the last 24 hours, weve learned that Bernie Sanders is now the frontrunner for the democratic nomination, promising to fundamentally transform the corrupt system that created trump and from which trump benefits meanwhile, trump is stoking a constitutional crisis at the Justice Department by interfering in criminal cases, protecting his cronies, retaliating against his enemies, using the government as a political weapon, talking like a thug and a dictator and those are his nice qualities. [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with edie falco, everybody. Announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. At jimmy johns, we know how much you care about freshness, quality and value. We want your sandwiches to arrive freaky fast®, so theyre freaky fresh®. Thats why we only deliver within 5 minutes of our stores and not. And not farther. Hes new. 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Go finding. dad vo i saw them out of the corner of my eye. Just a blur when they jumped the median. There was nothing i could do. daughter daddy dad vo shes safe because of our first outback. And our new ones even safer. Thats why well always drive a subaru. avo welcome to the allnew 2020 subaru outback. The safest outback ever. Go where love takes you. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause joining us once again is the drummer for Country Music legend, shania twain, whose lets go residency in Los Angeles Las vegas, excuse me, has dates scheduled throughout the year. For more information be sure to follow their instagram elijahwoodmusic elijah wood is here everybody. Thank you so much for being here [ cheers and applause thank you seth our first guest tonight is an emmy and golden globe awardwinning actress who you know from the sopranos and nurse jackie. She currently stars as the lapd chief of police in tommy, which airs thursday nights on cbs. Lets take a look. I am from new york, where i served in the Police Department like my father before me but being a cop today is not the same as it was when my dad did it times are changing, and we have to change with them. [ applause ] you cut the passage about neighborhood policing. Good job, boss. You did okay up there. You made us proud. I mean, sure. You were great did you not like the passage about neighborhood policing . Channel 15 wants an interview. Whatd you think of the speech, blake . Uh, it was good okay, im drowning in praise here seth please welcome back to the show, edie falco, everyone [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. Why thank you seth you, being a new yorker, weve been very lucky to have you on the show over the years, quite a few times. And the first year you were on the show, your kids were five and nine so that theyre teenagers. Wow so that was ten years ago. Seth yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh was maybe i got it wrong then. Five and nine seth yeah. Oh, then that cant be. No, no seth yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that was i did a math. Seth okay, good. Phew, cause i was like i have not been doing this show that long [ laughter ] i was like, oh my god. You know, i thought it was you. Seth you must have been with jimmy fallon at the time how dare you im so sorry. Seth how are the teenage years treating you you know, exactly as they should seth yeah. You know, i guess it means i did a good job but its awful. You know theyre just [ laughter ] seth theyre their own people theyre not nice. Seth no, theyre just not. Theyre just not nice anymore and i have to people say, they come back. You know, im like, at this point they can stay away [ laughter ] seth do you remember, like what was the age that they both left you cause you have one boy and one girl yes . One boy my boy is 15 and he left me a year ago. Seth okay. Gotcha it, like, happened at 14. Seth gotcha. He had this huge growth spurt and then he stopped talking. Seth alright i dont know how that worked. Seth and then the daughter, she left even sooner than. Shes been in prepuberty since around 3yearsold i guess. Seth okay, gotcha. [ laughter ] so, shes going to be 12 in gosh gosh almighty, very soon. I got to get her a present seth yeah. Yeah. Seth or not, based on her behavior [ laughter ] maybe no, i keep getting them presents thats the problem seth thats the problem. Yeah. Seth you your daughter and you watch a show together, which is very nice, a show that i did not even know existed. Yeah. Seth will you please explain the show im talking of . Well, the weirdest thing is my therapist told me about it. Seth really . Yeah, its called dr. Pimple popper. Anybody . [ cheers and applause it defies explanation. There are the people who can watch it and the people that absolutely cannot. Seth yeah, i barely could have it described to me. But it is [ laughter ] i mean, it is what the title says it is they tell me yeah, theres no subtext there seth yeah. But it is a little bit like a car accident you really you cant turn away, in some weird way. Seth yeah. And i dont understand it seth you know, its interesting. Was there subtext in your therapist telling you to watch it like, that just how cathartic it is to watch a pimple i dont know. It was like 45 minutes of my 48minute session that im owed money for, i think [ laughter ] seth exactly well, she had found it on youtube. It wasnt quite a show yet seth okay, gotcha. Yeah, yeah and theres something about this woman not being horrified by these horrifying things seth yeah. And there you go and then you just watch it together and thats a tv show. Seth there you go. Thats a tv show there you go. Seth another you know, obviously, im very lucky. I get to see people all the time, like you, that i was first introduced to on television. And its very exciting but your the big celebrities for you are cnn anchors. Yes seth thats who, if you saw in the street, that would make you just drop your jaw its like yeah i dont know what thats about i mean, i watch them every day seth yeah. Im aware of their clothing like, thats a good color for her. [ laughter ] seth yeah. Theyre very, very, very smart. Seth yeah. They have to know all kinds of stuff they can theres very little that you can catch them on seth i do enjoy because, you know, even when were working, we have it on in the background so, its thats how i know an hour has passed. Yeah. Seth you know . When a different ones on. Thats right. Seth im like, oh, its 3 00. Poppy harlows on it must be 3 00. Seth yeah, exactly oh, i stayed late. [ laughter ] this is you have pulled off i dont think people quite appreciate the coup that youve pulled off with this show, tommy. Because it is about an l. A. Police chief. And yet, it is filmed in new york city. Yeah. Seth which is insane yeah. Seth because usually like, sometimes they will shoot vancouver and try to make that look like new york, because its cheaper in vancouver nothing is more expensive than new york city. And yet, here they are pretending to make it look like los angeles. [ laughter ] you know, i think for it to be a coup, i had to have some sort of volition, i think. Right . Seth yeah. Thats true. Yeah cause i didnt with this. I read it. And i thought, this is so good but its in l. A. Oh, well seth yeah. And that was the end of it. And then my agent came back and said, well, what if they shot it in new york . I thought he was, like, making a joke seth yeah. [ light laughter ] but apparently