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It would help the homeless and fund affordable housing. This one needs a majority to win and right now the yeses habitat 51 . Measure b would establish elections by district. The candidate must live in that district the majority approval is needed right now the yeses have at 62 and lets take another look at the democratic primary right now. It looks like Bernie Sanders has taken california with 28 followed by Michael Bloomberg with 19 and joe biden with 20 . We are live at mayonnaise in San Francisco with local reaction there to the incoming results. That he, what is the mood right now . I can tell you that the mood is that everybody is very engaged here in the mission. People are paying attention to all of the screens in the back event space as the results roll jonath from San Francisco, you are among the warren supporters but you say you were a war and support her. The math does not work out for us. But, what is most important is to support, literally anybody up to and including half an onion in competition against the incumbent president. Reporter as the results rolled in, i saw a lot of voters thinking about who is the next candidate they should throw their support behind. You talked about an onion. Where does your support go next . Practically speaking . I feel an obligation to my party into the country to support whomever we nominate. Tonight, it is certainly looking like joe biden. And i will be honest, he was not my first choice but he represents the party that brought us obamacare and he represents an alternative to a party that is not believe in science. Reporter looking around the room, nobody looks grieved although you did not get the supports you were hoping for. Why is it important for you to be here tonight on super tuesday . This place open on Election Night in 2018. This is a place to be and sort of a virtual chat room in real life. These are people who have in common that they want to talk about what is happening in Current Events and i dont think anybody is that unhappy because whomever we nominate is going to be running against the most unpopular president in our lifetimes and we have an ligaon to make sure that whoever that is gets elected. Reporter thank you for sharing your thoughts with us tonight. A lot of people here tonight in this room are currently re strategizing as the results come in, figuring out who is the next best candidate to beat donald trump. We will be here all night bringing you more reaction. For now, kpix 5. What about bloomberg supporters . Initially you were there to speak with bloomberg supporters. Are they still rallying behind him were restrategizing . Reporter you know, i thought i would find some lindbergh supporters, but i did not come across a single bloomberg supporter at matties tonight, reflective of those disappointing results we saw early today. All right, we appreciate it, thank you. We have more election coverage still ahead as we go to break, look at some key bay area ballot measures. Getting you back to some watch parties now. Many people gathered at the cadillac bar and grill in San Francisco. Kpix 5 joins us from short time yor a lland Mike Bloomberg in this primary race for president. We spoke with her a short time ago about what she plans to do if mayor bloomberg drops out or if he is not the nominee in this case. I want a democrat to be elected, so regardless of what happens on super tuesday, we all need to be united in supporting whoever the nominee is for the Democratic Party, because the whole goal is to make sure that we elect a democrat president. Mayor breed says she is looking for unity within the Democratic Party at this point she would like to see someone to step forward and bring the party together. She does not want to see divisive politics. We asked her who she plans to endorse if in fact mayor bloomberg drops out. He is quote reassessing his Campaign Position sometime ing cisiont right now. Live in San Francisco, we have scott weiner popping his head out of his own party. Back to you guys. Lets see if he turns around for a second. Andrea, we know that mayor breed had endorsed bloomberg as a candidate. This is scott wieners watch party. Who is he endorsing tonight . Reporter i have not had a chance to speak with senator weiner yet at this point. He is outside speaking to a reporter from the examiner. I will pull him over here to see if we cannot get him on camera to talk about how tonight has gone on this super tuesday. I appreciate it. Here are some of the ballot measures in San Francisco tonight. San franciscos measure d finds Property Owners who leave retail storefronts empty and it requires a two thirds majority to pass. It looks like the yess lead. San francisco is looking to improve fire, earthquake and other disaster responses with measure b. Two thirds of the vote is needed to pass on this one. The yess have it with 77 . And measure letter a would pump tens of millions of dollars of cash into city college campuses. This bond measure needs 55 approval to go through. Right now the yess lead with 65 . One voting block celebrating tonight is the supporters of Bernie Sanders. He won big in california tonight. Joe vasquez was with his younger fans. Joe . Reporter i met the watch party of the campus of uc berkeley and this is the igs library. Students and faculty have an inside watching the election returns and meanwhile there have been of voters outside. This is it all at one of the residence halls. Much of the enthusiasm here is clearly directed towards Bernie Sanders. Everyone is so energized, at least on campus and everyone is looking forward to seeing hopefully sanders get the nomination. A lot of sanders voters here . Yes, the majority. A lot of wins for biden tonight. Of course, most people i have spoken to said they would still support any democratic nominee, even if it is not sanders. What goes through your mind seeing those long lines . It gets me excited especially for the president ial election. And hopefully all the young people come out to vote even if it is biden, or whoever it is. Reporter joe vasquez, kpix 5. Michael bloomberg is not doing as well in key super tuesday states where he has been heavily staffing and advertising. We learned he might be dropping out. Someone close to the campaign announcing he is reassessing whether he will stay in the race. After disappointing primary results, no official word yet from bloomberg, but he vowed to press ahead at a rally in florida tonight. I mean big important things, like stopping gun violence. And fighting climate change. And finally achieving Affordable Health coverage for all americans. This is a campaign for change. A campaign for sanity, for honesty. A campaign for inclusion, compassion, competence, and a campaign for human decency. Bloomberg had the most expensive selffunded campaign in history, spending more than 500 million in ads. And it has been a disappointing night for Elizabeth Warren. Alan martin, on her message to supporters as she pushes forward. Disappointing is right. Warren has not carried any super tuesday states so far. In fact, the massachusetts senator is running third in massachusetts. Now, she is looking ahead. Michigan holds its nominating contest one week from tonight at a rally in detroit today, warren reminded supporters what she is fighting for. When i was a kid a fulltime minimum wage job in america would support a family of three. It would cover a mortgage, it would pay the utilities commanded would put food on the table. Today, a fulltime minimum wage job in america will not keep a mom and baby out of poverty. That is wrong and that is why i am in this fight. She has yet to place higher than third in any of todays nominating contests. In some cases she finished fourth behind Michael Bloomberg. Thank you. President trump weighing in on the super tuesday. He took shots at Michael Bloomberg saying in part, the biggest loser tonight by far is Mike Bloomberg. His Political Consultants to come for a ride. 700 million wash down the drain. He then blasted Elizabeth Warren and tweeted elizabeth, pocahontas were in. Other than many mike, was the loser of the night. She did not even come close to winning her home state of massachusetts. We also have our political reporter. We know that the mayor endorsed him and we know that bloomberg has been pumping money into San Francisco and in some smaller races you would not think that he would be that interested in. He also has a business headquarters here. So, he is no stranger to San Francisco. It is no surprise that the mayor actually endorsed him. She attended the Leadership Academy that he holds at harvard as did a number of other Public Officials who also endorsed him. He has given money to School Board Races and has really been strategic over the years, trying to build a bit of a coalition maybe for a president ial run or just to get items on the agenda past. But, he is no stranger to bay area politics or local politics across the nation. A big supporter of the soda tax, a lot of things that are really very local to hear. That is right. And, he spent millions and millions of dollars ony out of nowhere. Lets talk about the strategy, because he really was late to the game. And, we are kind of seeing that tonight. Right . We see the outcome of that tonight. It seems like remember, joe biden was making a lot of gaffes and there were issues of me too issues and then it seemed like people were sort of souring on him and maybe checking out other candidates and bloomberg sensed an in the moderate lane that biden had been occupying so he throws his hat into the ring and then people look at him for a bit and see what he is about and then go back to joe biden. It seems like that has been the sort of trajectory. He has not been able to capitalize on the opening. We find voters going back going it is not sanders, so lets figure out who we can vote for that we can feel good about. Went back to warren and sanders, you know, i think the different candidates are almost hoping that bloomberg, especially Bernie Sanders, hoping that he does well in certain states because that eleth warrvotes away from joe biden hong or insome states. So, the tides are shifting a little bit now that we are getting results in. That is true. And, you had or and and bloomberg seeming to be these oilers or the two more well known candidates but there will be a tremendous amount of pressure after today for warren to get out of this race and bloomberg we already know is reassessing the calls for that to happen are going to get louder as it seems neither have a chosen path to victory. All they are doing by staying in the race is really muddying the waters for those other two candidates. So, you will see donors and Party Leaders sort of whispering it is time to go, we gave you a shot and you did not make it. Super tuesday is gone. We need you to stay out of the budget, i lead the charge. And for this multitasking number cruncher, time is money. So, no more chasing sales. Because at floor and decor, i get rockbottom prices on topquality products. And with free instore design services, i score expert advice and project planning. Not like free with purchase either, like freefree. Mission accomplished. Now thats time well spent. Explore floor and decor in person or online at flooranddecor. Com lets get you back out to san jose. Were joined now from the south a labor counsel. Hello, glenn. Reporter good evening. You know, there was a massive get out the Vote Campaign here at the south day labor counsel in san jose. They were working up until 8 when the polls closed and after that this Party Started up here at the labor counsel as well and they do have a lot to celebrate. Many of the labor backed candidates and incumbents up for reelection on the city council are doing quite well in the early going and again, one of the big stories that may be coming out of the selection in at least san joses case is that there could be a set up for a progressive majority for the first time in decades in san jose. Many times there was the mayor going with the business backed issues and labor had to take a backseat. This now may flip that and it may cause a majority or a 65 if you will on the council. So, this could be something significant. We will have to watch it. It is early going in santa clara county. Many of the candidates, although they were glad that they were ahead, are still saying maybe a week or so before we get all the results. We appreciate it. Thank you. We are keeping an eye on the key measures in the south bay. Measure e in san jose is a property transfer tax that would generate 70 million for the general fund. It needs a majority to win and we do know that it is ahead. In sunnyvale measure b would establish City Council Elections by district. The candidate must live in the district. Majority approval is needed and we are waiting for the results. A check in with wilson walker. He has reaction to super tuesday outcomes from undecided voters. Wilson . Round 2 of the undecided voters here. I think this one will give us a slightly different perspective. Different than the first undecided voters. We will start with regina. We are going to do the flashback with you from the conversation about two or three weeks ago now in the early part of the process when you are trying to figure out who to vote for and this is what you said your priorities were. Im leaning towards bernie and oren because they are the more progressive candidates and they have laid out more comprehensive plans in terms of womens representation, housing, and environmental justice. Already, where did you land . I landed on bernie. I just thought that we needed somebody with just really focusing in and emphasizing on the problems and the most progressive candidate, someone who really laid out but it was not climate change, but a climate crisis. Who had really comprehensive housing plans and just really routine in income inequality and unpacking that. All the things that had come with Ernie Sanders for the last four years for a lot of people pretty much. Alert, now, for the perfect juxtaposition. Here is a snippet of our conversation we had a couple weeks ago. Reporter if you took the 10 of the far right who are the Trump Supporters in the 10 of the far left, the bernie type people, the very progressives, the 80 in the middle would get along in the 80 in the middle i think are really looking for a strong candidate red okay. Before we go on, should tell everyone, you are leaning towards Pete Buttigieg. You want to give us a quick what sunday was like for you . I was disappointed, but i was really proud of the overall process. You know, five years ago gay people could not marry and now we have a gay, we had a gay married man running for president. So, i think it has been an important election for the Lgbt Community so yes, it was just 19. But, it was also historic. You want to tell us how you cope that afternoon . I shared with you, i baked a chocolate pecan pie and ate half of it. So, you deal with it however you need to. Reporter that left you with a decision . I went joe biden. I thought you might have. Like i said in the clip, i think the election is going to be one over who can appeal to the moderates or to the middle part of the country. And i think that joe biden the candidate that can appeal to that. You mentioned that you thought that the 80 as you described it were looking for the strong candidate. It seems like the weekend suggested a lot of people were exactly where you thought they might be, kind of waiting to make the decision. The numbers i have seen is about half the electorate deciding in the last couple of days who they will vote for. I guess that maybe describes where you were . I did not vote until a few hours ago and a lot of my friends did the mail in ballots for pete or other candidates and i think that they are regretting doing that already. Regina, i think that the Election Results that we will see in california will sort of enterahow do you feel about your vote and sort of where you have seen things unfold over the last couple of days as people passed by . I feel really strongly that people should rally behind a more progressive candidate. I mean, people should vote for who they want, but we need more reform rather than the same of what we have been having for decades. It does not work for anyone really and we do not see any t for women because she proved to be viable and like for womens representation that is really important but i also think that we need to have been uplifting women and i think that bernie is a candidate that does this. There are two more of our panelists and we have two more coming up for you in about 30 minutes. So, more to come. Thank you, wilson. We have more election coverage ahead. In the meantime, here is a look at the results from alameda county. From kpix 5 news, this is campaign 2020. The california primary. Good evening and welcome back to the special election coverage streaming on cbs bay area. The polls closed about 90 minutes ago and we are getting your results as they are coming in. That is right. We are monitoring a number of races this evening. Lets look at the primary race right now where Bernie Sanders is projected to be the winner with 29 of the vote. Elizabeth warren, not very good tonight, and Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropping out. As for the republican president ial race, no surprise here, President Trump leading with 93 of the vote. Like i was just saying, the ap is projecting that Bernie Sanders will sees a victory tonight in super tuesdays biggest prize, california. He is also projected to win vermont, colorado, and utah. Joe biden is projected to win massachusetts, minnesota, arkansas, tennessee, oklahoma, alabama, north carolina, and virginia. Melissa caen joins us now. It has been an interesting race so far. Really great nights for biden and sanders. That was not a huge surprise. But, bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren, not great nights for them. There are rumors that bloomberg may wait until the end of the night to determine whether or not he goes forward. And Elizabeth Warren, a disappointing day for her, but maybe not the end. Is she a potential running mate if she drops out after this . I think amongst her supporters it would be a dream ticket, right . There is a lot of overlap and she and sanders agree on most very progressive and they share a lot of the same audience and i think if she drops out her votes will probably go more toward sanders than any other candidate. Having said that, if you are just being cynical and strategic about it, conventional wisdom says the candidate is supposed to get you a vote he did not already have. It seems like there is so much crossover and they are both coastal elites as it were. You would want to maybe look for somebody either southern or from the midwest to really expand his sort of cl voters. Someone like stacy abrams might be a good choice or a member of the squad, the progressive members of congress that have been asked many of his rallies and really endorsed him back when Elizabeth Warren was really surging. Those ladies were there for him. So, maybe those are folks that he would repay the favor with by giving them a spot on the vp ticket. Now, for joe biden you maybe want to look at somebody like Pete Buttigieg who is going to get you the middle of the country potential vote. She is a woman obviously very smart and a lot of people support her. So, that might be something that folks are looking for on joe bidens ticket as well. What about Michelle Obama . I think her name has been on social media as a potential running mate with that ever happen . No. She is ar too smart to do that. Thank you. Well, joe biden is in los angeles tonight waiting to learn his share of the 400 delegates. Randy pages live where biden spoke with supporters two hours ago. Randy . Reporter you know, when you see joe biden you can usually see his teeth from about a mile away. There is bright and white as they come and i n tell you that they were smiling today. He has a lot to smile about take a look at joe biden as he walked into the area here. This Recreation Center in west los angeles. He knew at the time that he was doing extremely well in many states, not all of them. But, he knew that the tide was turning for him on this big super tuesday. Then, he had a lot to say. We need to bring everybody along, everybody. We want a nominee that will be donald trump red but, also keep nancy pelosi the speaker of the house. Went back the United States senate, and if that is what you want, join us. And if you want a nominee that o and california, the big prices on the super tuesday and the problem with california is the early numbers we are getting were most likely cast during the early voting before the shifts in the selection and race in the South Carolina primary. We are not putting a lot of weight in that yet. Joe bidens people expect Bernie Sanders will end up on top. The question is by how much. It is looking like as the night goes on, that the biden folks here are more and more hopeful that they can get close to Bernie Sanders with what is clearly a pivotal night in his campaign. Randy page live in los angeles. Thank you. The polls closed more than an hour and a half ago but there is still a big crowd at san jose state. That is pretty amazing. That is where we find julia goodrich. Julia . Reporter yes. I was just looking at my own clock here. Were talking close to 9 45. An hour and 45 minutes after the polls closed and we still have students here at San Jose State University casting their votes as we speak. There is a handful left right now. We are inside the library here at San Jose State University and for the students here who are lined up up to 8. They were still allowed to continue on, to be able to come inside and cast their vote. They have been here all day long. I can tell you the lines were stretching clear outside. That is not the case anymore. But, four hours students waited and were very dedicated to make sure that they cast their vote this time around. This is the first time there has been a Voting Center here at San Jose State University. So, a lot of students said it was convenient but they would have gone no matter where that polling site was. So, as you can see, we had just a handful. I think the student you see right there, she was the last one in line. So, they may be wrapping things up as we speak. We are not getting too close obviously to where they are voting, just to give them their space. You can see scooters here and skateboards and yes, we are on campus and yes, the students are exercising their right to vote. So, i will send it back to you because im sure we will get kicked out soon because a lot of these workers are pretty tired. They have put in their time today. Back to you. It has definitely been a long night and i wanted to ask you, because we know you spoke with students earlier. A lot of them mentioned they were voting for Bernie Sanders. Did they say why you mark reporter a lot of them were delicate in their answers, some saying they just wanted a change in the administration for one. And then, when they were talking about Bernie Sanders and a different administration, a lot of them were talking about Student Loans and no debt, so that was very appealing to a lot of students and certainly Bernie Sanders agenda, when he was talking to students as well. I have a College Student and she exercised her right to vote and she explained to me that there were reasons pertaining to why she did and it had a lot to do with college and student death debt. We appreciate it. Thank you. A lot of people gathering tonight to watch those results as they come in. Betty is live at a watch party in San Francisco for us. Betty . Reporter the crowd here at mannys is very energized at this hour. Some are happier than others depending on which candidate they are behind. People have been watching those results on several screens in the back room and also in the front. I can tell you that warren and bloomberg supporters are having a disappointing night. With me is joe from oakland. You are a worn supporter, how are you feeling at this point in the night . That is right. I am feeling disappointed of course. Iai have to be honest, im not surprised, but i was hoping that warren would have a better showing across the primaries tonight. Reporter a lot of people in this room right now are asking themselves, do i go with a centrist or a progressive . Where are your thoughts on that front . I 100 would put my boat behind bernie. I work in Higher Education and with undergraduate students and i see every day how they are burdened by student data and how they are burdened by lack of access to healthcare and for my students i have to back a candidate who supports medicare for all, who supports limited student debt and stands behind striking workers. All right, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us tonight. So, a lot of people here throughout tonight. The owner said they will be open until 2 am. So, get comfortable a lot of people here are very excited about those Bernie Sanders results. And others are shifting their support and restrategizing. We will continue to bring you more reaction throughout the night. Live in San Francisco, kpix 5. Lets look at the Bernie Sanders Campaign Party in the mission district. Their celebrating tonight. A big night for the campaign and his supporters here in california. We have more election coverage still ahead, but first, a look at the people showing off their i voted stickers today. Welcome back. Results coming in from marin county. Lets go to measure d pitted hinges around a plan for the golf course that would kickstart economic and environmental reports. It needs a majority to win. Right now the yess lead with 25 . Measure c from the wildlife Prevention Authority would create a early fire detection morning. Two thirds warning and two thirds say yes. The yess have it. Measure i covers the smart train in Sonoma County and expands the tracks and could create for stops, two thirds needed to go through and right now the yess lead with 53 . California of course is super tuesdays biggest prize. But, joe biden was the only candidate to spend the day here. And, about 90 minutes ago, maybe two hours now, he wrapped up a roaring Campaign Rally with some workers in los angeles. So far he has 18 super tuesday states although he is trailing Bernie Sanders in california. We still have more ahead. But, first a look at more Election Results. [ cell phone rings ] yeah, im watching it too. I see them every day. The curtains, theyre always drawn in this place. I know. That guy, it seems like hes in charge of them. I dont know, i dont feel very good about this. We tpo this. Yes, absolutely. Welcome back. We want to look at some north day races. Measure g in Sonoma County centers around Wildlife Protection and would install alert systems. Two thirds needed to pass this one and right now 55 are saying yes. Onto measure h in the city of ellsberg it creates affordable housing, 50 units of income restricted housing would have to be offered. This needs a majority and right now the yess lead with 56 . Napa county measure k is known as the water, parks, and open space restoration and preservation measure. It is a quarter cent sales tax that needs to thirds to pass. Right now, 59 say yes. Melissa caen joins us now. It has been an interesting race so far. It has been fun to see who is winding up with more votes and Bernie Sanders and joe biden both had great nights tonight. It is not necessarily mean he has one the most delegates because that account is really kind of difficult to figure out. It is complicated. It goes to anyone who got more than 15 of the vote statewide. So, you can lose and still get a lot of delegates even though you are in second or third place and then there are many primaries that are happening in each Congressional District so you could lose or not even place statewide but if you get more than 50 of the vote in one of the districts you can actually get some delegates. So, it is hard to say or to know until we get the final votes counted and the Democratic Party can do the math and allocate the delegates who will know what the numbers are. And california has the most amount of delegates. In 2016 we are comparing how Bernie Sanders in 2016 compared to now. You know, california did not happen until june. Now, it is in march. Is almost like it is almost always playing a huge role because of the amount of delegates but now it is more in play. That is true. And, with so many candidates, because we are so early on, things are not shaken up like 2016 and in 2016 Bernie Sanders got 46 of the boat. And, that was in the president ial primary and now he is looking at 28 or around 25 . You think he is underperforming . s reporter so far. We have to get the final numbers but if it continues the way it has, he can win and have better votes. Lets get to wilson walker. Lets see what you have found out. Reporter okay, our last set of voters tonight, thanks for taking the time, and thanks to everybody who has helped us out. We talked to you coming out of the lastsout carolina. Little did we know how much the race would materialize sort of within those couple of days. Of all the folks we talked to, you are the one who i really had the hardest time kind of figuring out where you might stand. I have two ask, where did you land . As i said in the last debate, warren is my choice, because i really do believe that in my lifetime, i want to see a female president. And, she from the getgo has said that girls, women, can be president of the United States and with Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar putting their support behind biden, i saw this as an opportunity that i knew that this is probably going to be my last chance to vote for a woman. Where did you land . Surprisingly, exactly where she landed. Elizabeth warren. There you go. That is it from the panel. Back to you guys. Super tuesday, reshaping the ra for the from kpix 5 news, this is campaign 2020. The california primary. Now at 10 00, voters in california have made their choice, and its shaping up to be a Biden Sanders showdown for the democratic president ial nomination. We are very much alive this campaign, i will send donald trump packing. Tonight, i tell you with absolute confidence, we are going to win the democratic nomination. Tonight, up to the minute Election Results, and a complete breakdown of where we go from here. Bay area voters also deciding on some important issues. The latest numbers, and the potential impact. It hasnt exactly been smooth sailing at some

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