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Carlile. Featuring jon batiste and stay homin. And now, live on tape from a safe distance, its Stephen Colbert stephen hey, everybody, welcome to a late show. Im your host, Stephen Colbert. How are you guys doing tonight . I cant hear you because im alone. So alone. Im alone, right, pete . Oh, you are so alone. Stephen thank you. Pblazer, im all dressed up fora cocktail party. But, evidently, the network thinks we should do a show. Whats up . Lets see, whats up . Okay, heres big news. In the democratic primary, theres big news, because there is no democratic primary. Because today, senator Bernie Sanders announced he was dropping out of the 2020 democratic race. I guess during a pandemic, crazy ideas like medicare for all just dont resonate. Bernie addressed his supporters this afternoon in a live stream. I want to thank the many hundreds of thousands of americans who attended our rallies, town meetings, and house parties from new york to california. Some of these events had over 25,000 people. Some had a few hundred, and some had a dozen. Stephen you know, listening to Bernie Sanders makes me nostalgic for a time in america when anything seemed possible, like having a dozen people in a room. Bernie was grateful for everyone who contributed to his grassroots movement. I want to thank the two million americans who have contributed financially to our campaign. Thank you for your ten million contributions averaging 18. 50. Stephen as bernie 18. 50, which i am told these days is enough to get you half a clorox wipe. Im going to miss that. Sanders made sure his supporters knew that the fight for Economic Justice is far from over. Nelson mandela, one of the great Freedom Fighters in modern world history, famously said, and i quote. Replied to whi biden as biden hey, my old buddy nelson andela you know, i got arrested with him once in wakanda then bernie broke the hard news as gently as he could. I wish i could give you better news, but i think you know the truth, and that is that we are now some 300 delegates behind Vice President biden, and the path toward victory is virtually impossible. Stephen Bernie Sanders is saying Bernie Sanders cant win . Man, he is going to catch hell from Bernie Sanders supporters. Now, ill be speaking with senator sanders later tonight, his first interview following the announcement. This will be the 17th time ive i will thank him for his campaign, and present him with his colbert loyalty card, diamond class membership. Bad news, bernie, only 1 of my guests get that now, it turns out, bernies last primary was yesterday in wisconsin, and it was odd. I would call so far as to call it a clusterodd. See, theres this pandemic maybe youve heard of it . But despite that, the wisconsin g. O. P. Forced the state to hold the election yesterday. Making people stand in line for hours on end in the middle of a pandemic is clearly voter endangerment. Thats wrong remember lincolns immortal words . Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. As long as you dont vote in a pandemic. Stay someplace safe, like a theater. N wisconsin because poll workers naturally didnt feel safe. But Republican Assembly speaker robin vos calmed fears by telling voters, you are incredibly safe to go out. Wow, that is reassuring. Oh, and im being told we actually have that statement on video. Jim, lets watch him make that reassuring statement. You are incredibly safe to go out. Stephen yes, pay no attention to his face mask, gloves, and full surgical outfit. You are incredibly safe. And the wisconsin fire marshall issued this followup announcement the fire is under control everybody back in the barn stephen speaking of flaming idiots. Donald trump. The president has caught a lot of blame for his late response to the coronavirus, but at yesterdays daily shoutfest, he addressed that criticism head on by saying, look over there the w. H. O. Thats the World Health Organization. Well, they have been wrong about a lot of things. And they had a lot of information early. They called it wrong. They called it wrong. They really they missed the call. They could have called it months earlier. They would have known. And they shouldve known. And they probably did know. Stephen i think hes projecting. as trump the w. H. O. Totally shanked it on coronavirus. And the way they treated their first wife . Total disgrace. By the way, theres no way youre 239 pounds, w. H. O. Not fooling anybody. Its sad. Its. Its sad. Trump promised he would make the w. H. O. Pay for the things he claims they did or did not do. Were going to put a hold on money spent to the w. H. O. Were going to put a very powerful hold on it. Stephen yes, he is going to cut off americas contribution to the World Health Organization during a pandemic. Help im being robbed. Quick, fire the police its a controversial move, but the president stuck to his guns. For 16 minutes. And then he said this . Is the time to freeze funding to the w. H. O. During a pandemic . No, maybe not. I mean, im not saying im going to do it, but were going to look at it. We give a tremend you did say no, i didnt. Stephen yes, you did hes rewriting history in the same press conference where he just made it. This is like j. F. K. Saying this we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because wait, who said were going to the moon . No, were not. Stanley kubricks going to fake it. Stephen now, the w. H. O. Did not ignore early warnings about covid19. Donald trump did. But yesterday, trump explained why he didnt act on the warnings. You have to understand, im a cheerleader for this country. I dont want to create havoc and shock and everything else. I think a president has to be a cheerleader for their country. Stephen first of all, sir, please dont force my Graphics Department to Photoshop Donald trump wearing a cheerleading okay oh, my god jimmy, please, take it down thank you. Second, the president is not a cheerleader. The president is a quarterback. Tom brady doesnt pull everybody into the huddle and say, okay, bring it in, guys. All right. Ive got a theory, that in a couple of months when it gets warmer, the other teams just going to go away like a miracle. Ready . On three. Do nothing was that loud . Was that loud . Hey, there was a major white house staff departure yesterday. White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham not seen here, because thats not he this is Stephanie Grisham. But you didnt know that, because in her nine months on the job, grisham never held a daily press briefing. In nine nths, baby. And maybe she did, because she never had a press briefing. How would we know . But you know what they say. Choose a job you dont have to do, and youll never work a day in your life. So whos taking grishams place . Well, trumps fourth press secretary will be Trump Campaign spokesperson and discount ivanka halloween costume, kayleigh mcenany. Mcenany has just started on the job, but she proved six weeks ago that shes ready t siorm the American People on day one. This president will always put america first. He will always protect american citizens. We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here. Stephen well, that did not age well. But she was half right. When it comes to the pandemic, trump has definitely put america first. But there is some promising news when it comes to treating covid19, because a new study shows that coronavirus patients can benefit from a blood transfusion from someone who has recovered from the disease. Amazing. Please dont take this the wrong way, but. Tom hanks . We are coming for your blood. The new treatment involves harvesting diseaseresistant 19 and in the case of one he recved an infusion ofred, socalled convalescent plasma, and the following day, his blood tested negative for infection. Okay, blood is the cure. So its time to issue a long overdue formal apology to vampires. Vampires, im sorry. Please forgive us, you insatiable princes of darkness. All this time, we called you monsters for abducting young people and sucking them dry like capri suns, when all this time, you were just practicing selfcare. Sorry about the stakes through the heart. My bad. Now, last week, to stop the transmission of coronavirus, the c. D. C. Issued new guidelines saying that if youre going to leave your house, you should wear a m but if you wear one to the bank, be sure to also wear a tshirt that says, not a robber. But, of course, theres a shortage of masks for healthcare workers, so the new c. D. C. Guidelines explicitly tell people to make them at home from common materials. So, just make the masks out of the stuff you hoarded, like empty toilet paper rolls. Well, to get the word out there that we all need to be covering our faces, a group of concerned celebrities who have always been promask has just released this new p. S. A. this is a Public Service announcement from the society of super villains regarding covid19. Remember to wear a mask at all times when in contact with strangers, no matter how delicious they look. If your mask has a respirator, like mine, best to give that to medical professionals. If you dont have a sewing machine, do what i did layer a tshirt under a hockey mask. But what about my mask . Does this work . No, its got to cover your mouth. No one comes to the opera anyway, so im safe. So, remember, wear a mask, save a life. Because the more people who get sick, the fewer people we can terrorize, and thats not a world any of us want to destroy. Stephen weve got a show for you tonight. When we return, i will have the first interview with sde since g announcement. Stick around. Please. Hey, can i. Safe drivers save 40 guys guys safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Safe well, darlin, im just tryin to tell ya that theres always been a rainbow hangin over your head hmmmhmmm life is too far you cant do it on your own but time will show and dont you know how bad we need each other . You know what im saying . Hmmm. Mmm. Mmmm. Mmmm anywhere near your white couch. But we did it. And you know what happened . Nothing. Glad bag with leakguard. Helps prevent leaks and drama. Stephen my guest tonight has spent decades working towards political revolution, and just today, suspended his president ial campaign. Please welcome to a late show, senator Bernie Sanders. Senator, thanks so much for being here. Its an honor to have you here after your announcement today. Its great to be with you and thank you for inviting me, stephen. Stephen obviously, there is one question i have to ask you. Why is tonight different from all other nights . laughs well, obviously, for us, its the end of our effort to become president of the United States. And i just want to take this opportunity to thank the many hundreds of thousands of grassroots activists, people who have been knocking on doors, people who contributed 18 a contribution for making the campaign possible. It has been an absolute joy and a privilege to represent those folks. Stephen senator, why is now the right time, in your opinion, to end your campaign . You say youre still interested in getting delegates and massing more delegates and taking them to the convention. Why stop the campaign now . Well, i think for a ce ofreo. I think the mathematics is pretty clear that i cant win. And while you can make the argument that you should run a campaign, fight for your ideas, bring people together, even if you cant win, i think the pandemic that we are experiencing right now makes even that virtually impossible. We dont hold rallies. People cant knock on doors. And i think by ending the campaign now, by focusing on my job as a United States senator to help deal with this pandemic, deal with the economic collapse that were experiencing, i think its a better use of my time. And i think that makes the most sense to me right now. Stephen in 2015, when you launched your First Campaign for president , you said that, today we begin a political revolution. You may not reach the promised land, but youve been to the mountaintop. Youve seen that youve changed the political landscape, especially for the democratic party. What do you think the greatest influence of your campaign will be ultimately . Well, i think what we have managed to do, stephen and not me alone. I mean, weve done it with fantastic surrogates, with great people all over the country we have asked the American People a simple question, and that is why . Why do we have so much income and wealth inequality . Why do we have three people owning more wealth than the bottom half of america and a half a Million People sleeping out on the streets tonight . Why are we the only major country on earth not to guarantee healthcare to all people as a human right . Im talking to you 50 miles away from the canadian border. For decades, they have managed to provide quality care to all of their people at 50 of the cost that we spend. Why are so many of our kids leaving college deeply in debt and so many others not even able to afford to go to college . Why arent we more aggressive in dealing with Climate Change . Why do we have more people in jail than any other country . So, i think raising those questions and saying to people that, you know what . That doesnt have to be the case. That if we are prepared to come together and have the courage to take on the greed of a corporate elite, many of whom could care less about ordinary people, all they need is more they want is more and more money. Do we really need to have families in america worth more than 100 billion, when half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck . When were looking today at doctors and nurses who cant acquire the masks they need, are putting their lives on the line, and yet we are the wealthiest country in the history of the world. How does all of that happen . So i think maybe our major contribution is to ask the simple question why . Why are we where we are today . And then where do we have to go . Do we have to be living in a society where there is so much greed on top . Cant we all come together and create a decent live for all of us . Joe bidethe pres, um, your nort have you spoketo the vice id decision . Yes, i have, actually, and ive spoken to him, you know, in the last couple of weeks. You know, its no great secret that, you know, joe bidens politics are different from mine. But i have known joe since i came to the senate in 2006, worked with him when he was Vice President in the obama administration. And what i would say to people is that joe is a very decent human being. I know his wife, jill, as well, as a wonderful person. And that i hope to be able to work with joe to move him in a more progressive direction. And i think joe is a good politician. And he understands that in order to defeat the president , that in order to defeat trump, hes going to have to bring new people into his political world, and that hes going to have to listen to their needs young people, working people and maybe start moving in a different direction to some degree than he has in the past. Your announcement today online. Was i know that you, you said the same thing about Vice President biden, essentially, today. Is that an endorsement . Is that a fullthroated endorsement of joe biden . Well, that were going to be talking to joe, and we are. Were talking to his team of advisers. But what i have said i can tell you this, stephen. What i said from the first day that i announced my intention to run for president , i will do everything that i can to make sure that donald trump is not reelected. Because i believe trump has been the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country, and were seeing his narcissism, his ignorance playing out in terms of the pandemic were experiencing right now. So i will do everything i can. But i will say that we are, you know, talking to joe and were talking to his team about how we can work together. Stephen so youll have those conversations, and then decide just how full your throat will be when you endorse him . Right. Thwering on right now rwarther. Stephen what could he adopt . What is the thing that joe biden could say that you think would best invite your followers into his camp . Because there are still hard feelings from some of hillarys people, that feeling that your endorsement was not full throated enough in 2016. What could joe do i dont want to go i would just say that in terms of 2016, i worked as hard as i could to see that trump was not elected. Stephen okay. But, you know stephen what could biden say to invite your followers . Look, its no secret, i mean, the facts are pretty clear, that during this campaign we did very, very well with younger people. And by that i mean not just people 20 years of age, people 50 years of age or younger. And joe did very, very well with older people. And i think what joe has to do and i think he will do is look at what are those issues that young people and working class people who supported me, what are they concerned about . And to the degree that hes prepared and i think he is, in many respects to raise the minimum wage to a living wage of at least 15 bucks an hour. To be bold on the issue of Climate Change, which is a huge issue for young people all across this country. To and i just read a statement that he made today, and i think he is moving in that direction to make public colleges and universities tuitionfree. I think he is prepared to move in that direction, which would be a big deal for the young people in this country, to be very bold. And i think hes prepared to do that. On immigration reform, right now, today in america, because of trump, youve got millions and millions of wonderful people who have been in this country for decades who are working hard. Theyre working right now, today, in dangerous jobs. But they are scared to death that they may be deported because of trump. I think joe biden understands how wrong that is, and is prepared to make changes. On criminal justice, an issue that young people and people of color feel very strongly about. I think joe understands that it is wrong that we have more people in jail than any other country. So many lives have been wasted. And what we can do about mass incarceration. So i think if he is prepared hes not going to come to where i am. His views are different. He campaigned differently. But if he can indicate, i think, to the American People, to our supporters, that he is listening, that he is prepared to move forward, that he is prepared to make it clear that as president , he will take on very, very powerful special interests, you know, on wall street, in the insurance industry, in the p i will tell you, stephen, having been all over this country, that the pharmaceutical industry is properly detested by the American People because the average american knows theyre getting rich while so many of our people cant afford the medicine that they need. I think joe hes not going to adopt my platform. I got that. But if he can move in that direction i think people will say, you know what, i think this is a guy we will support and should support. Stephen well, we have to take a little bit of a break, but when we come back, i will ask the senator about the legacy of his campaign and how the Progressive Agenda moves on from here. Stick around. Youre not using too much are you, hon . Charmin ultra soft is so soft youll have to remind your family they can use less. Charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. The last thing you should have to worry about right now is having enough toilet paper. Please know were working around the clock to get you more charmin. Stay safe. Dont bring that mess around here, evan whoo dont do it. Dont you dare. Its okay, big fella. Were gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. Raaah when you bundle home and Auto Insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. Im gonna need you to leave. You get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ] yofor over 80 years,rotection. Nissan has been with you through thick and thin, and now is no different. Were offering Payment Options for current owners. Our Service Departments are here to help. And now were offering more help. Stephen hey, everybody. Were back with senator Bernie Sanders in his first interview owending caaignafternoon. Senator, let me ask you this do you think the coronavirus pandemic might be moving a lot more people toward your platform when it comes to universal healthcare . Because it clearly shows we need a National Response to health emergencies. That right now what were doing is were reaping a foul harvest of the political complacency of the last 40 or 50 years . Look, we have been told over and over again how effective and how wonderful the employerbased Health Insurance program is. Well, you know what . I think many millions of people in the last few weeks have begun to doubt that, because when they lose their jobs not only are they losing their income. They are losing their healthcare. So the real debate is, a, should we do what every other major country on earth does guarantee healthcare to all people . And b, whether healthcare should simply be an employer benefit. You have a good employer. You have good Health Insurance. Your employer is not providing good Health Insurance, youre screwed. Should that be the process or should we say, you know what . You are a human being . And because youre a human being, you are entitled to healthcare, youre entitled to affordable prescription drugs. You are entitled to live in a country with a Strong Public Health system, so that god forbid, the next pandemic, doctors will not have to be searching around to find masks so they dont have to put their lives on the line. So you have strong primary care around the country. You go to a doctor when you need. I think what this pandemic has done, certainly in terms of healthcare, is make people understand that healthcare is not a privilege. Its not an employee benefit. It is a human right. And, by the way, when we move, in my view, to medicare for all, were going to save substantial sums of money for the average person because were not working to provide huge profits for the Drug Companies and insurance companies. Stephen i would go you one further and say that healthcare is not just a human right, but its actually go t general welfare, because the people of means who do have Health Insurance and can sta who can do the right thing that we all know to do, which is to stay home. But if you dont have healthcare, if you cant stay home, you will spread the disease. This is about the entire society being benefited by every Single Person in it having what they need. Absolutely right. And, again, its not only that we are i should say that not only are you right on that point. Were the only major country on earth, embarrassingly, and we have to deal with it, that doesnt provide paid family and medical leave. So your point is and lets underline this a dozen times when we talk about essential people now, were not talking about hedge fund operators. Were not talking about, necessarily, the c. E. O. S of large corporations. Were talking about doctors, and were talking about nurses, and were talking about Grocery Store workers and people who work in pharmacies and people who are driving buses, people who stephen and garbage men. And garbage men, absolutely. People who are keeping our society going and putting their lives on the line as a result of that. And your point, of course, is well taken. If people who are sick, who, god forbid, have the virus, and theyre going out in the world, theyre going to be spreading it, and they may be spreading it to people who are very rich as well. So i think in healthcare, there is an understanding that if you et sick, i get sick. That if you if youve got the virus, i get the virus if youre in contact with me. And maybe we should create a nation where were never put in that position. And, by the way, a nation where we put a lot more emphasis on keeping people healthy, not just treating people when they are sick. Stephen well, i think that if any good n comeut of thisuate americans that they are essential, and that the elites and richest among us, do not actually have to go out and do their jobs right now. I think thats a very profound and important point. Stephen we have to take one more break, but stick around. When we come back, ill talk to senator sanders about how we can ensure a smooth election come this november. Well be right back. Lets find the food that you like. At petsmart were here for you. With easy ways to shop online for everything your pet needs. Delivered directly to your door. Or save 10 when you buy online and pick up in store. Now with curbside pickup. Shop petsmart. Com or download our mobile app today. These are the most important meals. Weve ever served. Through may 5th, well be feeding First Responders and healthcare workers thank you meals, for free. Its our honor to serve you. For free. Step up. Prep up. Up. Prep up. To help keep you free from the risk of hiv. From the makers of truvada, theres another prep option descovy for prep. A oncedaily prescription medicine that helps lower the chances of getting hiv through sex. Its not for everyone. Descovy for prep has not been studied in people assigned female at birth. 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Heres my next question given the unprecedented crisis that were in right now, what do you think, as a senator as you said, youre not going away what do you think you and your colleagues in congress should do next . What is the next bit of legislation . All right, this is what i think. I think from the healthcare perspective, we need to force the president to use the defense production act to produce everything that our doctors, our nurses, our medical personnel need. Stephen can he use that to actually stop price gouging . Yes. Stephen because right now the states are competing against each other for ventilators, and then fema sweeps in and they try to ra they raise the price by bidding and then other countries bid. Can there be a set, fair price . Absolutely. Absolutely they can. And this is an emergency. This is what happened during world war ii, you know, ford and General Motors stopped making cars and they started making tanks. Right now, what we need is to make the masks, to make the ventilators, to make the gowns, to make all of the equipment and products that our medical people need. That is number one. Number two, i happen to believe that in the economic crisis, where were seeing just in the last two weeks, officially, ten Million People applied for unemployment, but the number of people who lost their jobs i believe is a lot higher than that, that the easiest approach, the most costeffective approach, if you like, is simply to do what many European Countries are doing and saying, you know what . We are going to continue the paycheck that you got before you were laid off. Now, we did that within the Airline Industry. In that last bill, we told two million workers in the Airline Industry and that industry, obviously, has been decimated by this crisis we told two million workers, you will continue to get your paycheck for six months if the crisis lasts that long. I think we should do that for every worker in america. And i think that is, frankly, the easiest, lessbureaucratic way to get money out to people to ease the stress that so many people are feeling right now. There are people millions of families in america today, stephen, that are worried about how theyre going to feed their kids tomorrow, how theyre going to pay their rent, how theyre going to pay their mortgage, how theyre going to keep their car. And i think if we can say to those people, youre going to continue to get your paycheck, that will be the right thing to do economically, and certainly make millions of americans breathe a sigh of relief. Stephen now, yesterday was the primary in wisconsin, which was a complete mess. Given what we saw yesterday, how it was impossible to keep the polling stations open without endangering the poll workers, how do we make sure that we have a smooth election in november . Well, what i saw yesterday in wisconsin was unbelievable. It was probably the ugliest thing that i have ever seen from a political perspective in my life. Because what the wonderful people of wisconsin were forced to do is to literally put their lives on the line, to wait on line in order to cast a ballot. And i am you know, what the republicans did, the governor there tried to do the right thing, tried to delay the election, republicans, for their own i guess their own perceived political gains forced that election to go forward. And they got a Rightwing Supreme Court there that okayed what they did. So i think you know, i dont know what the world is going to look like in november. Nobody does. But i will tell you that i and many of my colleagues are working as hard as we can to come up with the money and the law to make sure that in november, if it is necessary, that the American People can vote by paper ballot. And i will tell you and it doesnt give me any pleasure to tell you this. You would think well, thats kind of a nobrainer. Yeah, of course you dont want people to put their lives on the line to have to go out and vote in person. But i will tell you that there is republicans. And you know why that resistance is coming . They understand that through paper ballots, there will be a large voter turnout, and they dont like large voter turnout. They want a smaller voter turnout, because they believe that their people are more likely to vote than lower income people or young people who might take advantage of the paper ballot. And i think thats pretty pathetic, to tell you the truth. I would hope that no matter what your political view is you do everything you can to make sure that as many people as possible participate in our democracy. Stephen well, senator, last question before i let you go, before you made this announcement, did anyone notify larry david . Tttht hes going to lose his fyear stephen i dont know. Uh, no. Actually, to be honest with you, i just told jane and i just told our kids this morning. So. Stephen okay. Well, larry, this is your notice. Senator, thank you so much for being here. Good luck with your work in the senate, in keeping the torch alive and holding it high. And thank you so much for giving us the honor of the first interview after your announcement. Stay safe. Thank you, stephen. Thank you very much. You keep up the great work as well. Stephen thank you, sir. Senator Bernie Sanders, everybody. Well be right back. Thanks for sharing your diy haircuts. Thanks for sharing your savage moves, and especially your awkward ones. Thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your adorable pets. Now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. So thanks again. Say hi. A pandemic has the possibility of bringing us together in ways none of us would have been able to expect. Im so small said the mole. Yes said the boy, but you make a huge difference. Step by step, were going to figure this out. Were gonna find a way through this. Were working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses, our techs, all the docs. Its about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. Were gonna go through an awful lot of these. All across puget sound, people have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. We stay at work. For you. You stay at home for us. Just know were all with you. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you doctors nurses. More than ever, your home is your sanctuary. Thats why lincoln offers you the ability to purchase a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers. An effortless transaction all without leaving the comfort and safety of your home. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, receive 0 apr financing and defer your first payment up to 120 days on the purchase of a new lincoln. These are the most important meals. Weve ever served. Through may 5th, well be feeding First Responders and healthcare workers thank you meals, for free. Its our honor to serve you. For free. Life is too far you cant do it on your own but time will show and dont you know how bad we need each other . You know what im saying . Hmmm. Mmm. Mmmm. Mmmm whaso lets do the rightver chanthing, today. Ow. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance lets look after ourselves, pleaseas well as others. T least. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Stephen hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. Well, last night, john prine died. And. Theres too much to say. sighs i. I first really got to know john prines music when my thengirlfriend now my wifet started with paradise by john prine. I loved that song, and i loved her for showing it to me. I learned it on the guitar so i could play it over the phone to her, because we were living in different cities. I started studying at the Old Town School of folk music, where i was happy to learn that john had been. I learned to play how lucky, and learned from him in that song how to be grateful for the things i dont remember about childhood. And, talk about lucky. I learned to know john prine. I got to meet him. I interviewed him. I sang a song for him with john dickerson. I sang a song with him, which i think some of yall have seen. And i got to know a lot of people who also loved john. Guests on the show david matthews, sturgil simpson, Brandi Carlisle. And, actually, in 2018, sturgil and brandi came on the show with john prine, to sing with him, and tonight, im glad to say that Brandi Carlisle is back, to sing one of johns songs for you, and tell you a little about what he meant to her. Hey, everybody. Brandi carlisle here, at home. I have been asked to record one of john prines songs for tonight. And its a great honor for me. Ive been thinking long and hard about it, because theres so many amazing and powerful messages that john prine has left the world. And for the people that werent familiar with his music, theyre about to get a whole lot of truth dropped on them, which i am really happy about, at least. But i think that this is a song that john would like me to sing, because this song refers to the people that were all staying home to protect. And it reminds us that older people arent expendable, that they. They made us who we are, and theyve given us every single thing that weve had. So, even though john never got to get old, and we all would have liked for him to. At the age of 24, when he wrote this song, he understood this. This is called hello in there. We had an apartment in the city me and loretta liked living there its been years since the kids had grown a life of their own left us alone john and linda live in omaha and joe is somewhere on the road we lost davy in the korean war i still dont know what for dont matter anymore you know that old trees just grow stronger old rivers grow wilder evry day old people just grow lonesome waiting for someone to say hello in there hello me and loretta we dont talk much more she sits and stares at the back door screen and all the news it just repeats itself like some forgotten dream that weve all seen someday ill go and call up rudy we worked together at the factory but whatll i do if he asks whats new . Nothing hey, whats with you . Not much to do you know old trees just grow stronger old rivers grow wilder evry day well, old people just grow lonesome waiting for someone to say hello in there hello so if youre walking down the street sometime and you spot some hollow ancient eyes please dont just pass em by and stare as if you didnt care say hello in there h i hello stephen good night. Wash your hands but first, enjoy some music from our own jon batiste. Jon . Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fu feel the love tonight dont you worry where it is you come from itll be all right itll be all right itll its the late late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from inside a polling station near you, give

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