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School for the bay area. What parents need to know and how one San Francisco barber is cutting hair to keep kids looking fresh and feeling their best offer free. Good morning. This monday morning we have started doing news for Government Employees in the city. But we need to start with the grim discovery at Golden Gate Park where outside lands had its concert this weekend. Police say the body of a woman was discovered at fulton and 22nd avenue near Golden Gate Park last night. Shawn chitnis is live at the scene and this is shocking. What do we know . Reporter amanda, police have their work as a try to figure out what happened as people are coming in and out of the park. Perhaps they can learn more from those who were here or around the area last night. We have a few details of what exactly happened so far. Police say they arrived here around 7 30 last night and they had officers dispatched from the richmond station because once they got on scene they were told by a witness that there was a woman and the witness found her unresponsive and they decided to call 911. This is near the intersection of fulton and 22nd. That is a decent distance away from the entrance where everyone was heading into outside lands earlier in the day but not far from where everything was happening. We can see officers were bringing a canopy and closing out the area. Outside lands was just wrapping up at that time on its third and final night at golden date park. You could even hear performers onstage, while officers were working to preserve the scene. The music went past 9 00 yesterday. On the second day where police can start to work and figure out how this happened and investigate this on the side, they are asking for the publics help. Anyone with information that can assist them should either call or text the police tip line. The week is off to a devastating star for the family of a missing south bay teenager found dead in a ravine. It is been a long month for the family of 17yeard therine schneider of saratoga. She left 5th and she has not been seen since. Fast forward to saturday when her family got grim news. A body found on skyline boulevard near Castle Rock State Park close to a wrecked car. Yesterday the girls mother confirms that body belongs to katherine schneider. However, the Santa Clara County coroner has yet to confirm this to our news team. In san jose one person is dead after a car crash early this morning on story road. Police say the driver hit a parked car and died at the scene. That crash is the 30th fatal collision of the year. Workers at San Franciscos Federal Building are being told to stay home according to an internal memo obtained by the chronicle. Federal health and Human Services officials cited poor conditions in and around the building. Building employees to maximize the use of telework. This comes as the white house is calling for more federal workers to return to the office. San francisco 49ers lost their first preseason game against the las vegas raiders. The score, 347. We have a recap of the game coming up. The team is headed back to the bay. The niners play the Denver Broncos on saturday. Back home at levis stadium. Daytime highs today are sitting above average and there is a little chance of showers in the forecast for us as an area of low pressure offshore is ringing out the last of its energy over most of california. Have a light drizzle. You see these little tiny pop up storms they are so light and mostly into the east inland areas and in the sacramento valley. We are getting light drizzle and we will see that trend in the Early Morning hours along the coast. The coast is above average, upper 60s in the forecast. This is a beautiful way to kick off the week. A lot of kids are headed back to school and we are expecting 80s this afternoon and the Santa Clara Valley. 90s and triple digits in a east bay today. Keep that in mind, parents, as you pack a lunch box for the kiddos. Bring in extra water bottle, if possible. 70s today in the heart of San Francisco for the kids heading back to school today. Here is your bus stop forecast. This morning we had upper 50s near pacifica and upper 60s later this afternoon. All the way to san rafael and partly cloudy today to kick off the morning and we will see clouds into this afternoon. It is monday, august 14th and a new week for all of us and a big week for bay area schools. Today some are headed back. The first day of school is a big deal for young students. Max there are reports a barbershop in San Francisco is making a big difference. By helping students look and feel their best. Too tight . Its good. Reporter the start of a new school year could mean big business for Anthony Cordero a barber in the excelsior district, but he would rather trim profits in the hopes of giving kids a confidence boost as they head back to school. I want you to look nice and fresh and clean for the first day of school. Reporter over the course of two days, he and his students at the Academy Barber college gave around 70 haircuts to kids for free. Where are businesses i feel that this community is very underserved and we want to make sure the kids get haircuts before they get back to school. Not a lot of parents can afford it. Reporter he is starting eighth grade and it is a big year. Graduation year. He says a fresh haircut will help him start on the right foot. More selfconfidence. You are looking good. Reporter he was grateful to sit in the chair for free. Growing up in the bayview he has learned the importance of saving money wherever you can. Saving money, you can do lots of stuff. You could get a little food or something. Help out your family. I have family that lives in mexico. Even a bit of money could help a lot. Reporter aside from giving them a free, clean cut, he hopes to teach the kids who spent 30 minutes in his chair about the importance of giving back. Always pay it forward. You always need to help somebody. Reporter even when it is hard to do. He is no stranger to tough times. The pandemic caused him to close his barbershop for most of 2020 and then in 2022 he had to close again , this time for five months the cause of the fire. No matter what you go through, if you dont help other people, it will not come back to you. That is why i love to give back. I love helping other people. The way i have always been is i will give you the tshirt off my back even though i dont have anything. That is what even though we could make a huge amount of money doing this, it does not that is not what drives me. Reporter Building Confidence and spreading kindness near the corner of geneva and mission, one haircut at a time. Leaving with a smile on their face , that is everything for me. Better. Better. They look good. Live to the states capital. In about an hour and a half, the state superintendent and public instruction will host a teacher recruitment summit at the California Department of education. Like most states, california is experiencing a teacher shortage. In recent months there was a onestop recruitment portal that allows teachers, and candidates to get information in one place. We are talking about how to pursue a teaching credential. How to find vacancies at districts and ways to access resources to support their education and credentialing. Today at the state capital, lawmakers could put more money into vets hands. California is the only state in the union to tax a veterans pensions. More than 500,000 military veterans have left the state since 2020, many say they are doing so to avoid taxes. In an effort to stop the exodus, lawmakers in the democratcontrolled legislature are backing new legislation that would repeal the tax for the next decade. Coming up in our 9 30 stream we hear from a that his pension will be taxed, for now, as she debates whether to leave or to stay in california. In maui, local cruise canvas neighborhoods in lahaina after devastating wildfires swept through the region. Right now the death toll has reached 96 people. It is expected to rise with hundreds missing. Officials are urging residents to take a dna test which they say could help them identify the missing. There are people that are suffering and we continue to work to find them. I will do my best to find a way to stay in the town i am from with a place i love. Officials estimate the recovery will cost more than 5 billion but that does not account for the emotional toll of what is being called the largest Natural Disaster in the states history. This is one way you can help victims through the Recovery Process and also help with an easy dinner this week, you can pick up a pizza at free will Pizza Company in clayton. The owner has family in hawaii and share so many memories. Like so many in the bay area. In an effort to help maui recover, free will pizza has a specialty piece of this week called the Pineapple Express that has canadian bacon, spicy sauce and mexican scallions. 50 of those sales will go to the American Red Cross efforts in hawaii. Living in Northern California we understand how devastating these wildfires can be. We just wanted to say hello hard to maui and the Hawaiian Islands during these difficult times. Three will pizza is in the Shopping Center of Ygnacio Valley road. It starts tomorrow and runs through this sunday. You can order online. There is a button on the website to donate directly if you want to save on the carbs. We have been compiling information on how you could help victims of the wildfires. It is under top stories on kpix. Com. Is Mark Zuckerberg accusing elon musk of using his twitter fingers . There is something new coming to prime time. A new way to start your night. Anyway to make sense of your day. Anyway to experience the news. The prime time edition, two hours of news on an all new channel. Iim orlandoo and iim living w with hiv. I donnt have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto everyoththermonth c cab. For r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come longactining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. Itits two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. Now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenent on my m. Dont rereceive e cabenuva ifif youre alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if youre t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. Serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions, postiinjection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. Ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. Tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. Someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioionsite rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. If y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. It feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. Wiwith everyoothermonthh cacabenuva, iim good to o. Ask yourur doctor abouout cabebenuva todayay. In money watch report, last week u. S. Stocks had a mixed closing. This morning stock futures hinge down as wall street look to shake off a rough start to august. In an attempt to curb rising prices, the fed has raised Interest Rates 11 times in the past year and a half. But t now with inflation down t about 3 , Financial Markets reportedly believe there is a strong chance the central bank will hold Interest Rates steady in september. At the same time, wages are starting to outpace inflation across the u. S. The u. S. The fight between Mark Zuckerberg and elon musk may stay only on social media. Zuckerberg says elon musk is not serious about the socalled cage fight and says he is moving on. The 39yearold zuckerberg is a practitioner of brazilian inches its you and in june the tech billionaires seemingly agreed to face off, but the 52yearold elon musk never confirmed it and zuckerberg is now calling it off. The response elon posted on social media, he is a chicken and that is a check of your money watch headlines. How professional. Daytime highs today are sitting well above average into our inland areas with 90s and triple digits in sight today. It is back to school for many kiddos so parents prepare for that and it will be hot for the recess hour. Make sure they have extra Water Bottles to go. Along the coast we are above average in the upper 60s as High Pressure moves in. We have a tiny storm system to the south of us that is ringing out moisture throughout Southern California and central california. It is making its way up to us and we are seeing light sweeping showers today in the north of day as it brings out a little bit of moisture closer to areas like santa rosa , napa and into fairfield. If anything we will see about 1 100 of an inch. Not a lot going on. Tomorrow morning we will see coastal drizzle, mostly San Francisco north into bodgea bay with the thick marine layer we see. But lets take it a step back daytime highs in the 60s along our coastline. 80s into the Santa Clara Valley and for the kids heading back to school near danville, Pleasant Hill and up into concord, we expect upper 90s. Take it slow today kiddos. We have a cool down around the corner. 70s in San Francisco. Here is the temperature anomaly map and we are above average as is most of the pacific northwest. A heatwave will move across the states and we will be replaced with cooler weather. With that in mind, lets look at numbers. Daytime highs today and tomorrow sitting in the upper 90s and triple digits as we kick off this week in the inland east bay but we cool down fast into the 80s by this weekend. All the way into the heart of San Francisco, 70s this afternoon. We dont see much of a change. Low 70s all week long with upper 70s across the bay bridge in oakland. Partly cloudy skies to kick off the week. We will see sunshine in the north bay. 83 today. Upper 80s from tuesday into wednesday and we cool down fast into the 70s by friday. Next, a tough start to the preseason for the niners. We whatat makes a m medicare supplelement insururance pla, lilike an aarprp medicacare supplemement insurae plan frorom unitedhehealthcae a good chohoice for pepeople on medicarare . Itits smart f for you to have nonow. Iim 65. And lalater on, for the e future youou. Iim 70ish. Itss really smsmart. Hehey, lookingng good. You made a great t choice foror us. Withth this typepe of plan, see e any doctor or visit any hospitital that acaccepts medicarere patients. S. Therere are no n networks. Yourur healthcarare future will h have more f freedom. I kekept our dococtor. Anand when i n needed a specialilist. No r referrals n needed, rigi . Bibingo. In f fact, see a any doctorr anywhehere in the e u. S. Reallyly smart to o have when you t travel. Whwhen i visitit this lilittle cutieie in arizonoa mymy plan goeses with me. Ahahhh. Grandndkids. I cant wawait. Dont worrrry about susurprie medical l bills, eitither. Youll knonow up frontnt about how much y your care w will co. Anand knowing g your expenens makes s planning your fininancial fututure easi. Im gladad my husbanand and d i can use e our savings to do the e things we want toto do. Im gladad i dont h have to sp for r a new planan every yeae. Thats rigight. Oncece you enrololl, yoyour coveragage is guararand for r as long as you k keep this p plan. Haveve questionsns . Call u unitedhealtlthcare now to t talk with a lilicensed insurancnce agent oror produc. They k know a lot t about what makakes these p plans smsmart now anand rereally smartrt later. Or just t ask for this f free guide. E. Benenefits and r rates in one plalace soso its easysy to c compare optptions. Yearar to year, 94 of memes renew theieir plan. And medicacare supplemement plans withth the aarp p name are the e only medicare s supplement t plans endorseded by aarp. Meetining the highgh standars of serervice and q quality. So give e unitedhealalthcare a call t today. And seset yourselflf and d your futurure self upp with an n aarp medicare s supplement t plan from unitetedhealthcarare. [d[dogs bark]] winnie lolook at you u thanksks again fofor looking g out for mem. Hey, w were in ththis togeth. An a aarp medicare s supplement t plan from unitedhealthcare. Smart now, really smart later. The 49ers are winless this preseason after things did not go their way and vegas against the raiders. There was a mixed mood across the bay and fans agree the team has work to do to clean things up but others say it is just fine. It is just preseason. Preseason. It is enough to get us excited. It is not the real deal yet but i cannot wait until the real season starts. On saturday the 49ers are back at home against the broncos and you can watch the game right here on kpix. It was nice to see the 49ers in action , even if it was preseason. It was to see the mayor faces. Matt lively has the recap in this mornings red gold report. This is a volkswagen red gold report. The 49ers fell flat in the first preseason game in vegas but the good news, it will not hurt the record , dont worry. All eyes were on trey lance as he battles sam darnold for brock purdys backup job and he felt the pressure all afternoon getting sacked four different times as the raiders owned the trenches. Lance through a miracle touchdown. The football gods helping him out. The ball goes in and out of duke shelleys hands and somehow he comes down with it. Vern glenn caught up with lance after the game. Reporter your assessment on today . I have to get the ball out. We can improve as a team. Offense and defense and special teams. Reporter hard to get the ball out when as soon as you raise your hand, there is somebody in your face. I have to be better. It is not on those guys. Lets go to baseball. The redhot Texas Rangers are at oracle park and it was the pitchers dual yesterday. Logan webb almost went the mile with nine innings, striking out six rangers. The only run he allowed was in the ninth and that took the game into extra innings. The rangers scored by the closer. What do the giants do . The catcher hits a to run, no daughter. The giants walk off the rangers 32 tonight at 6 45. The competition is on to build the next warriors dance team. So many talented dancers to part in the auditions today outside of chase center. They performed in groups and showcased individual solo routines along with other training drills. The Team Director to this years contestants were quite special. Coming alive when they are on stage was honestly, chills, i dont know how we will select these dancers to be part of the 2023 dance team. Our own betty yu was a judge at yesterdays competition. The dancers will know their fate soon and the Team Announcement is expected tomorrow morning right here on kpix. Outside lands 15th anniversary is a success. We have a look back at San Franciscos Biggest Summer Party and why you could get even bigger. Coming up at 930, San Francisco wants to move the popular former market away from which hotel . Ah did somebody say which hotel . iim great atat this. Dance to y your favess inin the spallike bathroroom or enjoy l local craftft beers, withth breathtakaking viewss atat the cambrbria. Direrectv sportsts central gives s you access t to every gagame. But teterry doesnnt have direcectv. Come on. Workrk for dad here. Now, y you can finind the game e easy. My barbebecue is savaved geget in the r redzone wiwith sports s pack. Call 18800directvtv my barbecucue is ruinened. San franciscos Biggest Party of the year has come and gone. The 15th year of outside lands was a huge success. Hundreds of thousands of people came to the city. And the crowds provided a big economic boost for our local restaurants, hotels and other businesses. Festival organizers are hoping to extend and expand it next year. At 9 30, you will hear from local vendors at the festival about how big of an impact this had. That is it for the news at 9 00. Next is the Drew Barrymore show. For more headlines join us on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. Going to happen to day. You know what . Day. Nobody knows except for Theresa Caputo because she knows everything. She knows all these things that we dont know. And i cannot wait to find out what she knows and i dont. [theme music]

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