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Iran is not a place we should be doing business with. Goirp and even to the issue of transgender individuals in the military. The military is not a social experiment. Gwen as each sought to break out of the pack. Im going to have to earn this. Maybe the bar is even higher for me. Thats fine. Gwen a debate driban by policy and personality. We sort throh its impact one day later with dan balz chief correspondent for Washington Post Washington Post, john dickerson, host of cbs newss face the nation, and Jeanne Cummings Political Editor for the wall street journal. Awardwinning reporting and analysis covering history has it happens. Live from our nations capital, this is Washington Week with gwen ifill. Corporate funding for Washington Week is provided by how much money do you have in your pocket right now . 40. 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well, if you start putting that money towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time for 20, 30 years that retirement challenge might not seem to big after all. Additional funding is provided by newmans own foundation. Donating all profits from newmans own Food Products to charity and nourishing the common good. The corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your public station from viewers like you. Thank you. Once again live from washington, moderator gwen ifill. Gwen good evening. As you can see, were back home in our regular studio around the round table and its good to be back in time to tackle the fallout from last nights first republican debate. Heres what happened since last night. Donald trump could fox moderator meghann kelly a bimbo. Chris christie said he will not be lectured by rand paul. A recordbreaking 24 Million People watched the debate. More than voted over the course of the 2012 primaries. Also, Hillary Clinton took a selfie with kim kardashian. I dont know what to say about that. First, a few of last nights tough tactic highlights. You call women you dont like fat pigs . Dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. Your twitter account donald only Rosie Odonnell. Our politicians are stupid and the Mexican Government is much smarter, much sharper, much more countrying and they send the bad ones over because they dont want to pay for them. News flash, the republican participant has been fighting against a singlepayer system forpa a decade so i think youre on the wrong side. Donald i dont think you heard me. Donald trump is hitting a nerve in this country. He is. People are frustrated, fed up. They dont think the government is working for them and for people that want to just tune him out, theyre making a mistake. Gwen and carly fiorina, despite being on a separate debate, took her shot too. I didnt get a phone call from bill clinton before i jumped in the race. Any have you have . I didnt. Maybe d. C. Its because i didnt donate to his wifes senate campaign. Gwen do we have any evidence tonight that any of that hurt him . Dan no evidence yet. The lastdeime a lot of people, including some of us, i suspect around the table, thought he might take a tumble, which was right after he criticized senator john mccain, he continued to rised in polls. Theres a little bit of sense that he defies political gravity or has up till now. To what extent did last night contain or slow the moment up . Gwen both of you were in cleveland. Donald trump said in advance im not goinggoo prep, just be who i am. Actually, ben carson said the same thing and in both cases i think thats exactly what happened. John donald trump, people werent even in their seats by the time he was behaving fully like donald trump. Some people going up to it say he might play against type, come out and be a choir boy. So everybody who had heard how he was a bully would think oh, look, hes a fine gentleman on the stage but from the getgo it was a back and forth and even when he wasnt talking, he was a presence on the stage and it was not a calm presence. It was a presence like something was about to break break out. It was an extraordinary experience. Gwen i wonder if hoping for the choir boy wasnt Wishful Thinking on the hopes of candidates who couldnt figure out how to prepare for him. John kasich said well, hes a reasonable guy or at least his people are and we should listen to them. We saw a lot of people including jeb bush, back away from the hot spot. Jeanne i think we were hearing that from professional political strategists. We interviewed the wrong people. He didnt listen to them. We were told that in prep for this he did a lot of reading. So i had my reporter check. Were talking policy reading or how to debate read something what was policy read something judging from the debate it wasnt. It was some other book because he didnt bother with any serious dive on policy. In terms of the impact, clearly dans right, nothing immediate but i have a reporter down at the red state gathering which is a group of conservatives that are meeting in atlanta today. And these are ground troops. Little activists. The very people hes talking about. Not powerful people in washington or insiders and they were furious about the exchange over the thirdparty run, that he would threaten to divide the party and help hillary in he may have gone a step too far with that. Gwen he was the only one to raise his hand and say i wouldnt pledge to support the nominee. So, who does that turn off and who does that i mean, there were a lot of people watching this debate last night who kind of liked the fact he sounded independent here. John sure, a lot of people do and thats been part of his attractiveness and the style in when which he speaks. Plunlt blunt and outspoken. But jeannes right, i heard the same thing in the aftermath of the debate. Some of the people who had come to cleveland for this if you look at his poll numbers, in one sense theyre quite impressive. Hes got a fifth to a quarter of the field in the National Polls in a field of 17 candidates. On the other hand thats 3 4 of the party not with him at this point and this is a party that badly wants to win the white house that has some very attractive candidates who might be quite capable of giving Hillary Clinton or whoever the democratic nominee is a very tough fight and heres a man, a not saying hes prepare told support the nominee unless hes the nominee and will not rule out a thirdparty run which republicans believe in their soul would kill their chances of winning the general election. Dan the challenge for trump has always been can he go the distance . And can people imagine him there and see him there . He has a high number of people, republican who will not vote for him at all. Test had the at the top of that list. And doesnt do well against the democrats in head to head polls. So in the general election contest, a lot of republicans and democrats and independents dont think he would win. Thats the ceiling on top of him and this debate where candidates because its more formal, are skeen more like a president. Can they inhabit the offers . This debate we may lookack on and say this is where we saw him bump against the ceiling. Gwen except we thought we would have seen the ceiling by now. Obviously the republicans are persuaded theyll be running against Hillary Clinton, whether thats true or no. This is the predicate of what carlys response is, i can go at her in ways the guys cant. Also after going after megan kelly last night and basically saying he was joking about the things he said about women. I wonder if he was losing anybody he was going to get anyway. Jeanne i think the polls showed he has female support. And not necessarily because of what he said about Rosie Odonnell but going after megan kelly that might have changed. She is a very popular republican leaning journalist and they respect her. Shes a good journalist so hes targeting one of their gwen but dont those same women also say i dont believe in Political Correctness. Isnt that a sweet spot that appeals to a lot of Republican Voters . That wasnt the answer to the question about the mean things hed said about women. Thats the two sides of donald trump. Some thing i agree with his views on Political Correctness and also those who say any man who uses those words againstag a woman, thats not my kind of guy. John this is why we need carly on the stage. She would have responded to that. Dan whatever people may feel about Political Correctness, they have rules on boorish orover the line in the way you treat another human being. In that part of it he could have hurt himself. Gwen the distinction between personal attack, which he is incredibly deft at. A dig at iran rand paul standing next to him but also how blunt on immigration and issues like his business record. When asked about things about him and his policy stance, he seems to be just as blunt and probably just as effective. Jim that love that too. Hes also i think what people are drawn to him we interviewed a bunch of people at an iowa event why are you here . And they said he just says what we want to say and thats barking and shouting at washington and calling them stupid. They sometimes sit on their couches and say that. Donald trump now is saying it for them in a form in which the people have to hear it. And the same on the policies. Build the wall. Its a simple solution. He doesnt fuzz it up with and then well negotiate this and that and change the visa numbers to this. To them its a very clear message. Gwen but it takes carly in another debate to talk about his change of position on amnesty, health care and abortion. The moderators tried to get to that but the other candidates did not. Except for rand paul. John rand paul tried it that opening moment when donald trump said he wouldnt prohibit in the opening dunn gun rand paul went after gun rand paul went after him. The jeb bush theory was im going to stand next to him and be the adult in the room. That the contrast will be obvious to anyone watching. The 24 million was a whole new all of a sudden and i think one of the things that happened to jeb bush was he faded away in the moment. He did have his opportunity when asked about why he had made the remarks he had about donald trump and the tone of the party. He did get a little animated. He said i dont like that tone because i want to win. Gwen lets dip into some of the other flash points. Heres what marco rubio came to say. Its important to be qualified but if this is a resume competition Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president 6. Heres what this election better be about the future, not the past. Gwen and heres what governor bush came to say. Jeb i want to win. I want to one want one of these people here or the ones at 5 00 to be the nextresident of the united states. Were not going to win by doing what barack obama and Hillary Clinton do each and every day, dividing the country. Were going to win when we unit people with a hopeful, optimistic message. Gwen so who accomplished what he came to do . Whats your name . Dan. Dan whoever. I think marco rubio did. He has a very distinctive message, which we saw just right there. He is the future of the party, that he would present a contrast with Hillary Clinton unlike almost anybody else in the field and that he understands the world in which were in, that she doesnt and that some of his rivals, namely without saying it, jeb bush are from a different generation. That hes the future generation. I think he helped himself. I think governor kasich, that who was the last person in this the last person invite told this he presented himself as the compassionate conservative. I think he is not well known to people zpithe being the governor of a very big state and i think he probably helped himself. Gwen who do you think helped himself or came what he came to do . Jeanne by that standard, i think jeb bush achieved his goal which was not to lose any standing. Maybe not go up but not go down. I agree, i think rubio and kasich did the most good for their campaigns. The one that surprised me was walker because i thought walker would end up in the same category as rubio. But i thought he avoided every question he was asked. He gave short remarks that were scripted out of his speeches. So what i felt was impressive about rubios performance the most is that he got thrown a couple of curves. And so right there on the spot, national audience, hot lights, he did it gracefully. He showed some of the talent we always have heard about so i think thats another reason rubio did well and one reason that i thought walker kind of faded a little bit amongst the crowd. John and Chris Christie had three different back and forths. One which weve seen on the question of surveillance and the use of surveillance to track terrorists. He was forceful but not excessively bullying in that back and forth. I think he and senator paul got what they both needed. Senator pauls crowd loved what they heard. Although that group is not probably going to leave. But christie, who maid faded from his grate heights in 2012, made an impassioned plea and then went toe to toe with Mike Huckabee on entitlements, showing all those speeches that christie has given have paid off. And talking about the number of submarines and troops that he wanted to deploy. I think christie came given how far he has dropped that he probably did well for himself as well. Gwen governor huckabee has become the an gel evangelical straight talker. A little bit of donald trump and gravy. He seemed to recapture that. Did he do it . John i thought the latter part of the debate was good for him. Hes had trouble up to now getting his campaign legs back. He was a very effective candidate in 2008 and hes been out of it for a while. Its been showing that he had to take some time. But he was strong. He knows his target all of a sudden. The same target audience of ted cruz and some of the others. Ehave been gel cal, social conservative 6. But he was very strong and forceful and i think registered with at least that part of the party. Gwen well talk about the debate of seven other candidates on our webcast. I want to talk about the democrats. Five of them winning run for president. Hillary clinton is buying a lot of ad time in new hampshire, for instance. What is she doing . Dan she did ads trying to reintroduce herself again in a way. Gain control over her own biography. The story being told is largely being told through this trouble she had with the private email server system. So she wants to retell the story of her life. But i thought in terms to have campaign cut and thrust, when she justified on some remarks that jeb bush made over the controversy of the planned parenthood videos. Jeb bush was trying to talk about defunding planned parent hood and said i dont see why he need this money for Womens Health issues. He said he misspoke, he meant planned parenthood but in the interim hilly Hillary Clinton jumped in there and told democrats whod been nervous about her, hey, look this is what i will do in the general election. Ill attack quickly on these issues that are important to you women voters. So that was a moment for her to try to grab the campaign conversation. Gwen we have other democrats waiting for the spotlight. Governor mallory of maryland said there werent enough debate for democrats. Six announced. Also saw some things about joe biden. Whether anyone thinks theres something to that. John theres something to the buzz and i think the issue is very tough for him. Hes wanted to be president for as long as everybody around this table has covered him. Its hard to say no to that if youd had that aspiration. Hes hearing from some people he ought to do it. Some democrats see Hillary Clinton appearing more vulnerable today. I think its a very hard choice nor him. I think that a lot of people who are generally in his group doubt that it will happen butobody knows for sure. Gwen i said we were going to talk about the undercard in the webcast but jeanne, when you think of those seven folks, who is likely or in a position to rise into the next top 10 for the next round of debates in october . September . John september. Jeanne i think Carly Fiorino did very well for herself. She was polished, practiced. Messages she wanted to deliver but and unlike all the other guys on the stage, she attacked people and to get from the happy hour debate to the primetime debate, you have to take somebody out. Theyre not going to leave on their own. She went over trump and jeb. And nobody else will go after trump. She did. I think she did some good for herself. Dan after happy hour there are lots of people swinging. The thing about carly for her to rise into the top 10, which i think is the criteria for the cnn detective in september. Somebody has to fall out. Jeanne shes got to take somebody out. Dan i think there was a fallout in the debate. Gwen cruz spent all the time saying who they are. Well see what happens next. It will be fun to figure it out. Thank you guys for coming to play. I know some of you have been operating on very little sleep so i appreciate it. It is good to be back home. If more analysis of last nights debate and what happens next, check out of Washington Week webcast extra, at pbs. Org Washington Week. Where youll find the best of what all our panels are writing on news and policy. Well see you here next week on Washington Week. Good night. Corporate funding for Washington Week is provided by prudential. Additional funding is provided by newmans own foundation, donating all profits from newmans own Food Products to charity and nourishing the common good. The corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Good evening. Welcome to kqed newsroom. 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