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Outside the Golden Gate Bridge is beautiful Crystal Clear thats the way tomorrow is going to be as well lets like this afternoon will be temperatures right now are in the 50s for most of us which is a nice mild way to start the morning. Air does have a brisk feel to it though because we are on the breezier side this morning much like we were this weekend winds do continue this morning with wind advisories for much of the bay until 09 00am are mountainous areas will hold on to those wind advisories through tomorrow so a breezy afternoon albeit our strongest of winds this morning. Temperatures later today, well up into the 70s with bayside and inland areas being some of our warmest. Rob all right. Thank you john were heading over to the bay bridge who want to check in on 81 of our busiest registering the morning drive and its very quiet. But its also very slow. So you are backed up here. It does spill through the bottom of the maze and its been like this for a couple of hours now very quiet but pretty crowded here looking good on the suspension, its the oakland side thats really slow and crowded from the maze could pick a traffic tracker the east shore freeway as i said recovering from the hot spot in san pablo so 32 minutes now much better from crockett to the maze 87 at 11 minutes for the trip out of san jose and a quick mention of 80 heading to the sierra it was closed in both directions because the wind and snow. Now its only one side, the eastbound side is closed. But they have reopened the westbound lanes between one 74 in truckee so a little bit of good news for you there james darya thanks a lot rob and to our top story the corona virus is spreading across the bay area and other parts of the country. Yeah and this morning we have Team Coverage of the big story Sarah Stinson standing by as is will tran covering the latest cases. Here in the bay area and whitney wild is in washington dc with the latest on the cases that have popped up across the country over the weekend were going to check in with all of them in just a moment, but first we want to provide with the very latest headlines. This morning, 2 people have now died from the coronavirus in Washington State. The latest was a man in his 70s and officials are investigating a possible outbreak at the nursing home where he lived meantime here in the bay area 5 new cases were confirmed over the weekend. 2 hospital workers one from Alameda County the other from salon a county they both tested positive after coming in contact with a known patient. Both Health Care Health care workers are employed by north bay vaca Valley Hospital. They were in there they are now in selfisolation in their homes in Santa Clara County 3 more people have tested positive for coronavirus being there to 7 people infected and there are 16 patients in total across the state who have coronavirus lets begin our Team Coverage right now with kron 4 Sarah Stinson shes standing by live in Santa Clara County with the very latest on the new cases there sarah. The m live here at the Santa Clara County Health Department they just released these new numbers 3 new patients to that have now have the coronavirus that brings the total to 7 and as you said that brings it to a little bit less than half the amount of patients in california take a look at your screen we broke down the numbers and kind of laid out the facts for you can see the trio was announced by Health Officials one of the newest cases includes a woman with Chronic Health conditions who is being hospitalized the investigation of her case is really just become big and so more information is to come hopefully that comes to us this morning for the 2 other new cases involves a married couple who recently traveled to egypt the men and women are being hospitalized right now the man the husband has a Chronic Health conditions due to privacy laws and not much more information will be released about them for now the county is working closely with the cdc to protect the public Health Officials say on their website and increase of cases is not expected in the county theyre working to identify anyone who came into contact with those patients. Were just waiting for the latest information from the Health Department here and they do say that the best thing you can do for now is just to protect yourself and that means washing your hands and avoid touching your face that is how people most commonly get the flu, a common cold and in this case, the coronavirus im live in san jose Sarah Stinson kron 4 news all right, thanks. A lot sarah. Now the more on those 2 hospital workers who were found infected over the weekend both worked as we mentioned at north bays back in Valley Hospital one is from Alameda County the other from Solano County testing positive after coming into contact with a known patient element Alameda County Health Officials have declared a Public Health emergency as a result. Cutting concerned that we want people to know and that the county are taking this situation am we are taking all measures you. I that anxiety is to begin planning. The 2 hospital workers are in isolation at their homes and anyone who came in close contact with them are also under selfquarantine. Some bay area schools are taking action that because theyre afraid about the spread of the coronavirus cleaning crews have been busy there now disinfecting classrooms and palo alto throughout the entire School District is a matter of fact all of this after 2 students may have been exposed to the virus kron fours will tran is live there in palo alto with the latest well. Im in front of one of the schools jail Stanford Middle School which should start in about an hour or so from now the School District. Didnt even wait for the Santa Clara County Health Department to tell them to clean the rooms instead they did it over the weekend and we have video to show you the deep cleaning crews came in they will wiped down the chairs the light fixtures anything that the kids and the students and the teachers could possibly touch today in the weeks ahead because of fear of coronavirus in this particular case, the 2 students was actually their parents. They may have come into contact with somebody with coronavirus and therefore may have given it to that students at jail, stanford and the other one at Palo Alto High School which is why those 2 students were told to go home on friday, so they could be checked out by Health Officials in the meantime over the weekend actually everybody in the School District knew about it, including a couple of students so we tracked down. So the flu is a disease thats been around for a long time and kills about 12,000 people year in the us alone and coronavirus has killed 271800 of them being in china. So im not too concerned about it i think a lot of people are because its a new virus and its spreading really quickly havent washed my hands for ensuring the safe clean as much possible i might think step down washing hands and james story as far as those 2 students are not saying their names of course for privacy laws as well as if even come from the same family but we do know they are not allowed to return to schools and so they have been checked out by medical officials and cleared just want to be Crystal Clear nobody has coronavirus as far as positive results, they just want to make sure and you Better Believe ive done the stories before in the past that the teachers will remind the students to certainly wash their hands thoroughly and when they go to the bathroom and on a side note you only can you zoom in on this so many people are washing their hands now i think societys got unclear and look at this i wash my hands so much that i have the ashes cracked hands in the world but anything to prevent coronavirus right back to the same same well i owe my hands of just been washington nonstop news in the this effect is second all that stuff has as its spreading 1200 testing kits are on their way to california. The cdc for set a batch of 200 to the stay but those are already almost gone. What i find she she director west h korea is just get james aus and people a day and theres no reason state shouldnt be able to produce a large number just and get them distributed across the country. We still dont know exactly when theyre going to arrive in california, but there are some things that you can be on the lookout for in diagnosing of whether or not you think it could be coronavirus or is just the flow because its different whether its upper or lower respiratory if youre coughing. And you have a shortness of breath. Those are signs its lower respiratory. And that would signal more corona the flow is an upper respiratory illness. And our coverage continues on kron 4 dot com dont forget. We have a link there to an interactive map where you can actually watch the spread of the coronavirus as reports come in, and then a special report that we recorded on how to stay safe from the outbreak thats available for you along with the timeline of events from the initial report of the coronavirus up until today, you can find all of that again under our special section dedicated to the coronavirus thats on our website at kron 4 dot com. Well take a break 79 the time coming up here on the kron 4 morning news, a look ahead of super tuesday and the candidates. That voters will consider at the polls. How is wall street reacting as a new week began and some stores are running out of supplies because of the coronavirus im jane have those stories coming up. And its been a comfortable morning. So far but a brisk one because its so windy. That makes those temperatures in the 50s feel a little chilly. Ive got your forecast ahead. And as we head back to work this monday morning prepare for a backup at the bay bridge toll plaza, its packed here with 80 vo in life, there are talkers and there are doers. Mike bloomberg has spent his life getting things done. Started a company from scratch, creating 20,000 good paying jobs. Thats getting it done. As mayor, he rebuilt a shaken city after 9 11, created over 450,000 jobs. Expanded healthcare to 700,000 and raised teacher pay. Elected for three terms because he got things done. Mike beat the nra, strengthening gun laws. He beat big coal, closing over 300 dirty coal fired plants. Mike is still getting things done. So ask yourself. For president , do you want a debater or a doer . Someone with workable, common sense plans to fix healthcare and create jobs, whos done both. Mike has the record and resources to beat trump. And it will take both. But mike will get it done. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Z3s7oz z1ncz y3s7oy y1ncy and 13 and were looking at the weather and know well were hoping were going to get some rain yesterday didnt materialize, but it is on the way shes going to take a while yeah, yeah its a slow transition out of what was a historically dry february. Yeah, our driest february since the civil war crazy is that it was until the first of march actually that we saw that snow in the sierra exactly yeah that sierra snow to help barry as you mentioned though daria right. And we still havent seen that we will get their marches looking favorable for some rainfall especially next week looking like the end of the week, especially is going to work its what were going to work our way back into what should be normal conditions for this time of year which is seeing healthy rainfall. You look outside this morning shows just the opposite not a cloud in the sky from some known or really anywhere across the bay, what you got to know this morning though is that it is windy out there so skies are beautiful and clear temperatures arent all that bad, but it is very breezy. So as are driving into work youre going to notice those winds pushing your car around just a bit especially up into the north bay east bay hills and right along the coast, some of our most when proand areas into the afternoon winds calm down a bit and then into tomorrow its going to be an even lighter day as far as winds go lots of sunshine across the bay today and were going to keep the sunshine around tomorrow to wednesday a few clouds out there on the horizon, but no rainfall just yet. A couple sprinkles are possible thursday and friday its not going to amount to much though really holding off on a rainfall until the end of next week. Snow will be back up into the sierra towards friday and saturday if youre heading that direction for the weekend. Good news for skiers and snowboarders not the best news for drivers into early next week skies dry out before that rainfall. Im talking about eyes. The bay area finally after what has been a dry spell for the bay since the end of january 60s and 70s for your high temperatures with hayward at 70 oakland conquered age of 71 San Francisco freeman san jose upper 60s while temperatures tomorrow will be even warmer wednesday, even warmer yet were really cool down into friday saturday and sunday highs fall even below seasonal averages in some cases back into the low 60s with just slightest a chance of showers friday and saturday. Robin all right, thank you john im taking a peek at the richmond sandra fell bridge. I think theres something new going on that has not been reported yet because. Check out the drive time 45 minutes that is not normal to get from the pay gates off to one o one im checking the wires nothing coming across just yet. But it looks like theres something 5. 80 west near mid span thats causing this big backup all of a sudden 46 minutes, so ill keep my eyes on that for you the traffic heading into San Francisco, 80 west definitely looks normal spilling back through the maze all of your connectors are solid, you know the normal monday morning commute to work no problems here under 15 minutes to make it and heres what i wanted to San Francisco. Both north and south just a little heavy right after the 2. 80 split. But thats good and then 2. 80 wide open from daly city to downtown San Francisco. So thats not going to be a problem 5. 80 west, a great option for you its only 15 minutes from to 38 to downtown oakland. If youre opting for the nimitz its going to take longer a 21 minutes to downtown oakland and the no problems on north to 80 san jose to cupertino thank you very much rob and 7 60 is the time tomorrow is super tuesday. And there are still a lot of undecided voters, especially now that people to judge and tom stier dropped out over the weekend where will their voters go. We want to take a moment and let you know where each of the major Democratic Candidates that are still in the race stand on some of the big issues to give you the information you need as you head to the ballot box. The latest poll numbers at a california puts Bernie Sanders of 4 in the league you can see 37. 8 of the vote going to him right now in the latest poll. Joe biden 21 followed by senator Elizabeth Warren at 60. 1 and Michael Bloomberg rounding out the top 4 with 10. 8 of the latest poll. So lets take a look at how they differ on some of the issues last hour we look at look at their stances on the economy and this hour we want to look at their approach to improving immigration. For example all the candidates want to reverse the president S Immigration policies as well as create a path to citizenship or at least how they go about doing that that sets them apart, senator Bernie Sanders for instance would like to institute a moratorium on deportations until a thorough audit of past practices and policies is completed. He would also reinstate and expand dhaka develop a what he says is a more humane policy for those seeking asylum and senator sanders also wants to completely reshape and reform our Immigration Enforcement system in fact, hes looking to break up ice and cbp and redistribute their functions to other agencies as for Vice President joe biden he would like to reverse all of trumps policies for things like to travel bans and the asylum rules and the separation policy and the new public charge rule. He would like to also create a road map to citizenship for the nearly 11 Million People that are living here without documentation, but have contributed positively to our communities and he also wants to focus on federal resources and pointed them towards supporting Community Efforts to welcome immigrants actually would like to reestablish the task force for new americans again those are just some of the policy differences between the 2 front runners. Coming up later this hour were going to look at their plans of the plans from senator Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg so stay tune for that daryn. Thanks a lot chances, 7. 19 and jc penney is taking a page walmarts playbook as it rolls out Curbside Pickup and wall street will watch for any news of the coronavirus effect jane king is live at nasdaq with those stories and more hygiene. Heidari a good morning. We are positive today, but a while since weve seen some green on the screen now the dow is up a 120 points at the moment of course the last 4,000 or so last week so we got some ground to make up. But the cheddar about maybe like a global coordinated Interest Rate cuts among central bankers may be of that would be something that would support the stock markets course we have super tuesday tomorrow as youre well aware, so markets very cautious today as well to those results are coming in for a night though some parts of the country are seeing empty shelves. So shoppers stock up on items due to the coronavirus fox Business Report some groceries in california and oregon are seeing shortages of toilet paper and pasta and clorox and clorox wipes are also selling out walmart and her eyes that are in discussions to out that the Retailer Stores with antennas and other equipment to create 5 G Wireless Service at the store so this is a test of the next generation network. The plan would initially bring 5 g service to power walmarts Digital Health services and then it would be offered a shoppers and employees and even the community. The surrounding the store jc penney taking a cue from the strategies of walmart target and whole foods by expanding its Curbside Pickup service, jc penney style on the go will be rolled out to 50 Stores Nationwide this week after a Pilot Program tested well, so shoppers order the items online and then pick them up curbside outside the store at a designated time live from the nasdaq, im jane king bacteria all right, thanks lodging. Now its 7. 21 coming up on the kron 4 morning news, it was one of the most horrific crimes in San Francisco, a convicted murderer is now up for parole, the victims family pleading with prom for viewers to help them keep him locked up this is something tips coming up every year for them. Theres a live look outside we have our bay bridge were following the latest with robin was in the Traffic Center she keeps an eye on your monday morning commute will see if there are any slow spots for you this morning, you need to be aware of and of course john trade well talk more about that sunshine that you see there in the camera view weve got a really nice forecast on tap for today, it looks like maybe former temperature still for the week ahead, but there is some rain on the horizon help break down mckissack and mckissack is the nations oldest blackowned design and construction firm. Before mike, we were desperate. There were not a lot of opportunities for blackowned businesses to compete. Mike saw that and he leveled the Playing Field for blackowned businesses. Over the years, we have heard a lot of talk. But mike came in, and he actually did something about it. And thats how mike will get it done as president. Im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. There are rising reports of a zombie outbreak across the area. The National Guard sometimes you just want to stay in. Enjoy the great taste of dunkin at home. To give his money to charity, want giving pledge when this californian walked away from his billion Dollar Company for good. He drives a chevy volt, flies commercial, and spends his days building grassroots campaigns for social and environmental justice. Why . Tom steyer believes every child deserves the same opportunities as his. A healthy planet. Good schools. Quality healthcare, living wage jobs, and life without fear of discrimination. Tom im tom steyer and i approve this message. The convicted killer in one of San Franciscos most horrific crimes could soon be up for parole again now the victims brothers asking for the publics help to keep him behind bars. Franck carlson was brutally murdered back in 19 74 in his home on kansas street in the hill district. The convicted killer angelo have a go received the Death Penalty but now more than 40 years later he may soon be up for parole. The victims brother is asking for help to keep him behind bars. Stand with us. And help us. They get the message across to the parole board. This is a really bad idea and were doing everything we can. Are the memory of my brother. To protect the life of my sisterinlaw who still. This in fear of this individual. The carlton family is pleading for the public to write to the parole board and ask them to deny the killers parole. Those letters will have to be submitted by march 15th. So there is a deadline. If youd like you can find more information on our website at kron 4 dot com. In San Francisco, firefighters put out a big fire in the bayview it started in a warehouse connected to a bar on tolland street and evans avenue one building collapsed because of the fire but nobody was hurt. 7. 26 and coming up to americans die of the coronavirus over the weekend we have the latest on the cases all across the country and here in california. Working with Mike Bloomberg was one of the most empowering experiences that ive had. Its important to talk to the people who know him personally. I worked for him for 8 years in city hall. Ive been working for bloomberg for 27 years. 25 years. Almost 30 years. Theres nobody that i respect more, and felt more respected by. Mike believes excellence is not defined by gender. Mike builds a culture that advances women. I was the first woman ever appointed to be council to the mayor. He expects excellence out of everyone, but he also provides the kind of support that allows you to be that person. Mike called to tell me, you should be proud of what youve done and your name should be on that project. He has faith in you, he believes in you. It was about always showing up and doing your best. I always knew that he had my back. He was raised by an extraordinary woman, she supported him all along the way and thats very much a part of who he is. Mike supports women, he promotes women, and he respects women. Dramatic choir music dramatic choir music dramatic choir music its the rush of relaxation. Introducing the allnew lincoln corsair. Extra life. Extra power. Extra life. Extra power. Extra life. Power. Extra life. No need to argue. Vs. Coppertop,. Duracell optimum delivers extra life in some devices or extra power in others. Male voice grrr, feed me. Come on she wont mind she wont mind at a. Woman richard . Hey, sheila. Silence your growl. Just one bowl of frosted mini wheats and youre good till lunch. And were looking at weather and traffic on a monday morning starting fairly quiet quiet slow Richmond Center fell its really slow and i cant figure out why he has been reported, but its about 40 minutes to make it across the span. Thats not good ok pretty much describes me every well mother nature, not right and slow this morning. She has some pretty speedy winds. A little gusty out there you look outside you go, look at all that sunshine looks great. Then you step out there and you feel that breeze and those Cool Temperatures along with that breeze makes it a brisk feel this morning. So id say just go ahead get those jackets on i know that temperatures look great. I mean most of us are in the 50s right now but winds definitely result in a wind chill now this morning our breezy us time a whole day later on today winds will gradually subside its still going to be breezy afternoon but not as windy as this morning has been and winds will continue to drop into tomorrow too that just makes for a nicer and forecast to head into tuesday and wednesday todays daytime highs back to the 70s for many areas so comfortable sunny and a touch of a breezy one. Robin all right back to a very crowded Richmond Center fell bridge i just went ahead and made it a hot spot because the drive time is so high, but we still have no crashes no stalls nothing reported. We see all the traffic barely moving here at the pay gates. The backup goes all the way out to Marina Marina through the tolls to mid span is the slow down so looks like there may be something going on mid span that just hasnt come through the wires just yet were just under 30 minutes here so you need to get out there early to make it to the north bay or youre going to be late here at the golden gate, its just the complete opposite of beautiful shot traffic looks good in both directions, smooth with no problems and then the bay bridge the usual crawl from the oakland maze what it does loosen up on the suspension daria. Thanks ally. It is 7. 31 and to our top story 2 people have now died of the coronavirus in the United States, both of them. In Washington State and over the weekend 5 new cases were confirmed here in the bay area. 2 hospital workers one from Alameda County and the other from Solano County tested positive after coming into contact with a known patient. Both healthcare workers are employed by north bay vaca Valley Hospital and right now they are in isolation in their homes. In Santa Clara County 3 more people have tested positive for the coronavirus bringing the total number infected there to 7. And there are 16 patients across the state who are infected now nationwide. There are 89 confirmed cases and the Trump Administration is taking new steps to try to keep the virus from spreading whitney wild is in washington dc with the latest. Global cases of the Novel Coronavirus have reached around 89,000 here in the us officials are concerned that we could see more cases on american soil because there are indications we have now entered a phase that includes whats known as community spread. We could have more sad news but what the American People should know the risk for the average american remains low. The coronavirus has now turned deadly in the United States claiming the lives of 2 men in Washington State. The number of confirmed us cases of the virus jumped by 2 dozen over the weekend. We discovered what we believe is the first case of coronavirus here in the state of rhode island and thousands more are being monitored tested or are under some type of corn teen across the country, everyone we identify as positive. We have to go through the exercise of identifying them and that exposure to. Lawmakers on capitol hill are negotiating a multibillion dollar spending package to deal with the virus. Sources say it could be as much as 7 billion far above the 2 and a half billion the white house requested but lower than the 8 and a half billion Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer proposed democrats have blasted President Trump for his handling of the virus at times contradicting the centers for Disease Control and other medical experts on the severity best way to deal with Something Like this is let the public came full knowledge and all hands on deck. President trump plans to meet with officials from the National Institutes of health just up the road in bethesda suburb of washington d c. As well as with officials at the cdc and atlanta in washington, im whitney wild. And you can go to our website at kron 4 dot com for everything that you need to know about the coronavirus we have a link with an interactive map. A special report on how to stay safe and the timeline of events from the initial report of coronavirus all the way up to today. You can find all of that and our special section dedicated to the coronavirus on kron 4 dot com. Turning to the election now were spending some time this morning breaking down the policy positions of the 4 top democratic president ial candidates ahead of super tuesday, which dont forget as tomorrow. Now the latest poll numbers for voters here in california put senator Bernie Sanders out in front. He has 37. 8 of the vote followed by joe biden with 21 . Then senator Elizabeth Warren follows with 16. 1 and Michael Bloomberg rounds out the top 4 with 10. 8 again, those of the latest votes in the poll that was released just last night and weve already looked at how senator Bernie Sanders and joe biden would address the issue of immigration so now lets focus on the other top 2 candidates here in California First off senator Elizabeth Warren she would like to decriminalize migration and refocus enforcement on serious criminal activity. She also wants to reject exclusionary policies based on race religion and nationality and then she wants to grow Legal Immigration and establish a fair and achievable path to citizenship. Those are the points from her policy proposals as for Michael Bloomberg, he says his policies would restore fairness and transparency and accountability to the immigration system by protecting dreamers and tps holders and create an earned pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants. He also wants to encourage eligible immigrants. To become us citizens by streamlining the naturalization process make it more affordable and invest in Community Based efforts that promote citizenship, including english and civics courses and then he also wants to rescind President Trumps travel ban and family separation policies at the border, he also wants to establish rigorous safeguards for children and he says he wants to promote alternatives to the detentions of individuals and families who pose no threat to public safety. Again as the polls close tomorrow for super tuesday make sure you tune in to kron 4 we will have full election coverage beginning at 8 oclock in the evening were going to be the poor results as they come in and provide you full analysis from both aga coverage begins at 8 oclock tomorrow night. Right here on kron 4. 7 36 is the time. And still ahead in the 8 oclock hour, a truck of men pull up and attack a tree trimmer why investigators are now saying it was a hate crime. And a bay area man arrested for lewd acts with a minor will have the details next and plenty of sunshine today, warm temperatures but were going to keep the winds around your forecast ahead. And were checking the drive into San Francisco pretty heavy at the bay bridge toll plaza youre still backed up through the maze so you need to get out there early if yo get to the ross spring dress event, where the prices make all the dresses yeses. Yeah save 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices on our best selection of spring dresses. The ross spring dress event, on now we choose to go to the and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. President kennedy knew settling for halfmeasures wasnt good enough. So when candidates say we cant guarantee health care for all, make College Affordable for all, combat climate change, or create a world at peace, remember that america is best when we strive to do big things, even when its hard. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Grand now we have to deal withed us this. Rs. Climate change is an emergency. Thats why i wrote the nations most progressive climate law. And thats why im endorsing tom steyer. Because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. Same with the keystone pipeline. When tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. At the right prices start with lowes. Shop our bath Savings Event and get up to. 40 off select bath essentials. And finish it off with dualscrub stain resistant. Valspar ultra interior paint plus primer starting at 24. 98 a gallon. Do it right for less. Start with lowes. What . Oooh. Ahhh. No. Yeah . Yes oh yeah si. Yes. Thats the sound of saving 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. 7 40 is the time another man has been arrested for the attack of an elderly asian man in San Francisco. Here are pictures of the victim he was robbed and attacked in the bayview neighborhood last month as he was collecting recycling, 56 yearold Jonathan Amerson surrendered himself to police yesterday, hes been book now at robbery an elder abuse charges. Last week you may remember Police Arrested the first suspect in the case this man here 20 yearold Wayne Grayson hes also charged with a hate crime. Of an insular 4 people were hospitalized after a hit and run crash and Police Believe it was intentional. It happened over the weekend in the air of howard avenue and clarendon road in berlin game. 4 people were hit 2 of them suffered major injuries and were taken to stanford hospital. Police arrested an 18 yearold driver from san mateo he was booked on felony hit run an attempted homicide charges. San mateo Police Arrested a man for trying to pay a minor for favors christopher per oddo they say talk to the 17 yearold victim on social media. Several weeks ago and then made plans to meet her at a local hotel, but when he got there police were waiting investigators believe there may be more victims. Coming up on the buzz the warriors break their losing streak but not for long. And what march madness be no fans were a lot of the games, japan is already holding ghost town games because of the coronavirus and vo in life, there are talkers and there are doers. Mike bloomberg has spent his life getting things done. Started a company from scratch, creating 20,000 good paying jobs. Thats getting it done. As mayor, he rebuilt a shaken city after 9 11, created over 450,000 jobs. Expanded healthcare to 700,000 and raised teacher pay. Elected for three terms because he got things done. Mike beat the nra, strengthening gun laws. He beat big coal, closing over 300 dirty coal fired plants. Mike is still getting things done. So ask yourself. For president , do you want a debater or a doer . Someone with workable, common sense plans to fix healthcare and create jobs, whos done both. Mike has the record and resources to beat trump. And it will take both. But mike will get it done. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. A Vegan Foundation formulated without formaldehydes, phthalates, parabens, sulfates, and talc giving me a healthy natural look that says. This is me. Clean fresh skin milk from easy breezy beautiful covergirl welcome back 7. 45 on this monday morning back to work today with plenty of sunshine overhead looks great at Sales Force Tower and the rest of financial district. Now what doesnt look so great is when you step outside you feel how windy it is out there that is the one catch to what otherwise is a beautiful day. Now most of our wind advisories do expire at 09 00am this morning. But a few will remain through tomorrow morning for upper elevations in the east bay as well as the north bay as we do see a breezy afternoon ahead of us, although winds generally do temper into the afternoon and into tomorrow for super tuesday really do calm down so a great day tomorrow to get out get out the vote and enjoy all that sunshine that were going to hold around today and keep tomorrow as well now wednesday, just a couple more clouds in your forecast but we stay dry friday and saturday a couple sprinkles could be seen to be a lot like what we saw this past time around on sunday which generally amount to anything for the bay. But snow in the sierra can be expected and thats also what we saw this past weekend some helpful snow for the sierra youre going to get some more of that later this week. Now next week starts dry. But by the end of the week it does look like the bay area finally get some much needed dose of rain as for today, daytime highs, 60s and 70s oakland conquered the nevado and mill valley. All in 71 today a little warmer than yesterday and feeling really good. Tomorrow feels great mid 70s for your highs tuesday and wednesday little cooler on thursday and then a lot cooler come friday saturday and sunday with a slight chance of showers friday and saturday. Robin thank you john were heading back to the richmond sandra fell where now things look much more like normal at one point it was not looking good because we had a 40 minute drive time. From the pay gates off to one oh one and nothing was ever reported so whatever it was was brief its out of the way were down to 13 minutes which is much better than 40 off to one oh one here at the bay bridge. The traffic is only going get heavier as we continue through the morning so know that youre backed up through the maze busy on the upper deck, but thats the norm for monday morning highway for just under 40 minutes antioch to concord or maybe youre commuting out of the south bay ramos at 50 minutes for north 85, san jose to mountain view. And the buzz worriers fans might have whiplash this morning. Golden state finally manages to win a game saturday and phoenix and then boom. They turn around and go right back to lose in at home. The wizards beat the warriors won 24 to one 10 on sunday curry to spice things up wont be long staff is going to practice with the g league today. And then well see coach kerr has promised to put him in as soon as possible not that staff can save the season but win or lose he is always fun to watch. But how much fun would it be to play basketball with nobody watching talk about march madness the National College Players Association wants the nc double a to consider holding the tournament with out in audience to protect against coronavirus if you have the games without the fans does that eliminate the madness. Big games draw big crowds and big stars look who is at the final home game for his sarah hughes Jimmy Fallon Tom brady and Julian Edelman they got the orangemen hyped up even though they got beaten by u n c. If there was nobody cheering in the players just you know hurt sweet sweet will be quite the same when it theyre already playing ghost town games in japan. Professional baseball has decided to play the entire rest of the season. The pre season theyre in right now behind closed doors rather than risk. The coronavirus spreading as the the players and supporters say the silence in the sea of empty seats is eerie. Its bizarre and almost unnatural to be at a professional baseball game in japan. Inside a stadium that seats 55,000 people and nobodys so quiet. Its almost uncomfortable to make a sound just listen to this. Which is to be expected. I guess i think the players were realizes how much the fans really. Part of the game i was it is look why are the ball jump off the bat a little bit more you can smacked the ball, the bat neat little bit more. But its still a game so we got to go out and do you think. It does put a damper on the game right. But the league figures its worth it if it puts a damper on the disease and protects people after all whats more important protecting people are putting on a big show an instagram influencer in moscow, one did her Birthday Party to look cool. So they put dry ice in the Swimming Pool, which would create a dramatic fog. The problem is those fumes can kill you. Guest started choking several lost consciousness and 3 people died that is frozen Carbon Dioxide youre not even supposed to touch it when you put it into an ice chest in a cooler will burn your hands. Remember all gary read that used to tell me how he was too old to do anything anymore. Well if youre tired of sitting on the couch watching the kids have all the fun. Now is your chance for romance. The bachelor is looking for single seniors, heres a casting call. And they say golden girls and grumpy old men aged 65 plus are encouraged to apply. No word yet on how theyre going to form at these dates for the seniors, i mean we know how they do it with the young ends. You know, everybodys hot and they could basically. Might not want to be prancing around the Swimming Pool are necking thats always a college neck and neck, maybe they could meet in bulk up for the Early Bird Special thats what im open thats i think to look at kids and i know you dont want to look this up but all people we still like romance. Things do at 4 oclock really building. Yeah, but i dont know how exciting is going to see to see like us go to the movies like hold on i got my a r p right and other every other haha thats why we all get along so well we dont hear anything any other stay tuned for that thats the buzz. Vo Mike Bloomberg supported stop and frisk as the republican mayor of new york city. Bloomberg they are male, minorities, 16 to 25, you can just take the description xerox it and pass it out to all the cops, throw them against the wall and frisk them. Vo and he blamed the end of discriminatory mortgage practices for the financial crisis. Bloomberg redlining if you remember was the term and dont go into those areas and then congress got involved and local elections were as well and Congress Said it was not fair, people should be allowed to get credit. Vo those policies were racist, and Mike Bloomberg was wrong to support them. But, thankfully, there is a better way tom steyer will be a president for all of america. Tom will use his experience starting a Nonprofit Bank for underserved communities and fighting for clean air and water in black and brown communities across the country to put social, economic, and Climate Justice at the heart of his presidency. Thats how we make real change. Steyer im tom steyer and i approve this message. There are rising reports of a zombie outbreak across the area. The National Guard sometimes you just want to stay in. Enjoy the great taste of dunkin at home. Sometimes you just want to stay in. Officially hitting the us. Virus man the markets are plunging for a second straight day. Vo Health Experts warn the us is underprepared. Managing a crisis is what Mike Bloomberg does. In the aftermath of 911, he steadied and rebuilt americas largest city. Oversaw Emergency Response to natural disasters. Upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. And hes funding Cutting Edge Research to contain epidemics. Tested. Ready. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Office report brought to you by the new luxury lounges at century San Francisco center. Well a new take on the invisible man speeds past sonic the hedgehog to take over theaters this weekend we have david daniel of breaking down at this weekends top 5. Bad boys for life recorded the 7th straight weekend in the top 5 4. 3 million gave the threequel a domestic total of 197 million the japanese animated venture my hero academia heroes rising debuted in 4th place earning million in fewer than 1300 theaters. The call of the wild dropped to a 3rd place finish on ticket sales of million. And sonic the hedgehog lost the top spot, but 60 million gave the adventure second place and a domestic total of 128 million. Plenty of people saw the invisible man which opened at number one earning million in hollywood. Im david daniel on this. Coming up in the next hour more cases of the coronavirus bring the total to 7 in the south bay. Were live with the very latest. From the field and also bears schools taking precautionary measures to to make sure it keeps students safe from the coronavirus we have 2 students of possibly exposed explain more of that in detail. Heres a quick live look outside we have the san mateo bridge where traffic this morning is moving along there were some problems earlier and well chat with Robin Winston in the Traffic Center about what the situation is like right now as youre about to head out here as we enter the 8 oclock hour, skies though clear we have a lot of sunshine but it is a little breezy you can see the flag there in the right hand side standing at attention this morning, john trouble in the Weather Center with more on our forecast for this monday and the week ahead. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. President kennedy knew settling for halfmeasures wasnt good enough. So when candidates say we cant guarantee health care for all, make College Affordable for all, combat climate change, or create a world at peace, remember that america is best when we strive to do big things, even when its hard. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Wild thing, you make my heart sing. You make everything. Groovy. Done yet . Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. You sure . Hmm. Mmm. Come on, come on, wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. New colgate optic white renewal, with the most Hydrogen Peroxide in a whitening toothpaste, removes ten years of yellow stains from your teeth. Thats like all the way back to 2010. What . Sick boots yolo, right . Do the dougie remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. Vo iand there are doers. Lkers Mike Bloomberg has spent his life getting things done. Started a company from scratch, creating 20,000 good paying jobs. Thats getting it done. As mayor, he rebuilt a shaken city after 9 11, created over 450,000 jobs. Expanded healthcare to 700,000 and raised teacher pay. Elected for three terms because he got things done. Mike beat the nra, strengthening gun laws. He beat big coal, closing over 300 dirty coal fired plants. Mike is still getting things done. So ask yourself. For president , do you want a debater or a doer . Someone with workable, common sense plans to fix healthcare and create jobs, whos done both. Mike has the record and resources to beat trump. And it will take both. But mike will get it done. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Happy monday to you im darya folsom and im James Fletcher it is a really nice pretty monday out there so far with the uh the weather will children when they more on that in a minute how are the roads any problem spots, no not now better we have some hot spots they backed up traffic for a while but the drive times have gone down so thats good. Its ok i feel a little be made. But were definitely going to have another nice week yet looking at a this week at 70. No 80s this time around but that was a little too warm anyways looking at the Golden Gate Bridge. It is Crystal Clear which you can see if you look really closely is the camera to swing a little bit. Thats due to those winds which we also mention which is really the only hiccup to what would otherwise be a really perfect forecast for the day 50s for your current temperatures oakland, the warm feel to them due to the strong winds which do come somewhat into the afternoon but we are still going to be seeing some breezy conditions at times even into the evening tonight, not quite as windy as this morning though temperatures later today in

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