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Are now seeing new cases rise. On a week to week basis and heres the map that we like to show you the gives you a snapshot of where the situation is right now in america, we have 8 states highlighted in red including california these are states where we seen new cases rise, 50 or more. There are 25 states that now have a 10 to 50 increase week over week and those are the areas that weve highlighted here in orange. In total, we have 3. 3 million infections and growing with more than a 135,000 deaths reported across the country gets a little floridas the worst of the worst of the outbreak there has now surpassed. New york ap as the covid hot spot for america in the bay area. More counties are going on the states watch list, new restrictions are in place in Sonoma County because they were added to the watch list because of a spike in infections infections. So starting today. There will be no more Indoor Dining at restaurants. And you cannot go inside bars there. This is for at least another 3 weeks, theyll still Outdoor Dining and take out there in sonoma counties Alameda County is also on the watch list because theyve seen an increase in cases, but businesses are not going to see a change. Thats because currently the Health Orders already do not allow for Indoor Dining yet or things like movie theaters to reopen. Theyve had an increase they think theyre because of what weve seen throughout the nation where there are problems which is not enough people wearing face coverings and observing social distancing. There is one very happy though that is opening up more today starting today gyms hair salons and hotels can reopen in Santa Clara County kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live in Mountain View. The big question i have is youre in for that jim is even if the gyms open will people go. Thats a good question. But one thing that may make them feel a bit safer daria is here at the little gym, a gym for kids it has a green check mark that says covid prepared and all the businesses in Santa Clara County that are reopening they have to have that green check mark to reopen next to this gym here is a nail salon another business that can now reopen the nail bar also has that green check mark that says covid prepared take a look at this video was shot, its kind of interesting you can first see that they have the green check mark they have a sign that says mass are required and then later on youll see inside they have partitions at each nail each nail stations. So when goaded your nails is a little slot for you to put your hands through and you have plastic partition between you and the person doing her nails so thats pretty awesome to see i mean youre not going to have any face to face contact, shell be safe there plus. It will be wearing mask other businesses allowed to reopen this morning as weve already said gyms hair salons tattoo shops Hotels Motels outdoor pools summer camps, including here at the little gym. They can now have their summer camps, theyre also doing virtual classes and outdoor gatherings well Indoor Dining bars, movie theaters must stay closed for now. Health officials discourage any gatherings at all, but they have decided to ban indoor gatherings and allow outdoor gatherings of up to 60 people outside as long as everyone is wearing mask each Business Reopening has to submit applications with information on how they will social distance customers and employees that is the protocol that allows them to get the green check mark gyms must have people schedule workouts to ensure their spacing and nail salons they also can only have a certain amount of people inside at a time this one here the nail bar only allowed to have 9 clients inside at the time with contactless payment mass required staff will be Wearing Masks and wearing gloves so i wonder if that green check mark will make people feel a little bit safer. Im not sure if other counties are doing this as well but i think its a great idea to see that green check mark and to know that that business has been checked on by the county. Knowing that they are following the social distance protocols and others to keep people safe as we try and head back into that normal life for now im live in Mountain View Sarah Stinson kron 4 news yeah, i know sarah in marion county, you know they did a quick aboutface they said oh were going up and gyms they get a heads up. And then they changed their mind and its funny because i was like you know i thing on a wait a little longer and then they ended up, not opening any way its up to everybody to decide if they want to take part or not. Yeah well have to check in with people daryn this morning see how they feel i mean its really up to each person, everyone has their own Comfort Level exactly alright, thanks a lot sir. Also in the south bay, we have 3 new coronavirus testing sites. It will be opening up this week. Weve got a graphic here that show you where they are in the times that theyll be available to you. You can see that weve got 1, 2, of them actually, but one in san jose at Independence High School and then the other at Santa Clara Service Center Auditorium and then a 3rd site also opening up in gilroy thats going to be the south county annex they are walkup test sites you dont need an appointment and they are free. A new health order is now affecting are in effect in Contra Costa County which bans people from gathering indoors for religious purposes or for dining. But outdoor gatherings are Still Available and protests are also still allowed as long as people wear masks and follow social distancing rules. Officials say more than 8 of its coronavirus tests are now coming back positive over the previous 7 days and they say thats a sign that the virus is now spreading rapidly in Contra Costa County. Heres a look at the actual numbers and in the bay area you can see we have more than 32,000 cases confirmed so far with 636 deaths statewide of course the numbers are much larger 324,000 cases and growing across the golden state with more than 7,000 people dying from covid19. The secretary of education is echoing president trumps push to get kids back in schools in person. Despite the coronavirus the white house recently pushed for the cdc to revise its opening guidelines. But the director said theyre not going to do that education secretary betsy devos however said the guidelines are flexible and theres nothing to indicate the children would be in danger. The cdc guidelines are just that meant to be flexible and meant to applied as appropriate for the situation. There is no nothing in the data that would suggest that kids being back in school is dangerous to about kids need to be in school they need to be learning they need to be moving ahead, and we cant we cannot be paralyzed and not allow that or not it be intent on that happening you have to listen to exactly what she said to know that its correct because she said theres nothing in the data to show then it would be dangerous to them to the kids, however, Health Experts point out the great danger is that the kids would then spread covid unknowingly to their parents to their teachers who it actually could the quite dangerous for. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed the Trump Administration for their approach to reopening school. She says the president is messing with the lives of children. I think what we heard from the secretary was malfeasance and and and dereliction of duty. This is appalling the message. The messing. The president and business traicion are messing but the health of our children. It is we all want our children to go back to School Teachers do parents do and children do. But they must go back safely. And when you hear what the administration is saying we know that they have no appreciation for the failure. That has brought us to this point. And apparently the administration doesnt what some of the own administration experts are saying the president attacked the cdc saying that their School Guidelines were too tough to expensive and impractical. That said the south in our teachers in san jose are pushing back against plans from the district to have students back in the classroom as early as august 12th and now the School District is beginning to rethink its own back to school plans offer is tailored to sack it takes a closer look. This is clearly not what anybody wants right Teachers Want to be in the classroom. They want to be face to face with their kids are a lot of teachers work extraordinarily conflicted about this because they understand the tremendous burden that this places on kids and their families. But but we dont think this will safe before we can be really before we can be open to public School Teachers in san jose are responding to plans from the san jose unified School District. To reopen School Classrooms august only the message from them was they were they were scared of they are returning to full class sizes, you know full days with with relatively prevention measures. Left them most alleging side of a they begin to consider a individual actions not come back. Were beginning for retirement thing, leaving the profession and that using their 60 days and president of the San Jose Teachers Association Patrick Bernhardt represents 1500 teachers. Roughly half of the School District staffers served 30,000 students in 41 different schools from k through 12. He says most teachers are on willing to return given that cases are rising and theres a lack of testing to detect asymptomatic carriers. Teachers like jodi to are disappointed by the districts plans i was already going to say thats not safe for and its not safe for my child i wasnt planning on sending her back. If this gets ugly and we get really pressed to then you know im going to im staying with my union because my union stance with me on friday bernard sent a letter to the superintendent reflecting their concerns. After learning that most of its teachers are unwilling to return to in person teaching at this time the School District wants to serve a on his website for staff and parents to gauge their willingness on classroom reopenings the survey is open through tuesday july 14th, im Taylor Bisacky reporting kron 4 news. 6. 11 and the breaking news is word from washingtons Football Team that theyre not going to be called the redskins anymore dropping that controversial name effective immediately. But theyre not going to reveal the new name because they say theyre in a trademark fight over it. They do say that their new name will honor native americans and the military. Their decision to change the name comes after years of pressure on the owner, but the owner resisting until finally fedex which owns the naming rights to the stadium said they wanted the name changed and nike amazon. Walmart all said they were going to take the Team Merchandise out of their online stores. So even though they are changing the name and officially saying that that we dont know what it will be quite yet what the wait and see well take a break still ahead on the kron 4 morning news actress Kelly Preston if you havent heard. Lost her battle with breast cancer. Well see what her husband John Travolta sang about love life this morning. Also ahead for clique could soon become the first city in the country to remove Police Officers from enforcing traffic laws will tell you what they plan on doing instead and after the break the San Francisco zoo planning to reopen today new guidelines in place of course well tell you what will be changing if you visit the zoo and were still going to have plenty of sunshine across the bay area today temperatures still warm but not as warm as they were over the weekend. 80s and 90 enter the golden state. Psychedelic music [ growl ] enter the golden state with real california dairy. 6. 15 and just in time for good weather and just in time for surviving the covid financial crisis, the San Francisco zoo is reopening today. They are opening to members with reservations, first and then the general public is allowed on wednesday. Theyve been able to do this because they got the zoo declared an outdoor museum. So that means they can open. With safety, you know restrictions in place and there are some attractions that will stay closed those and those are the indoor exhibits the playgrounds and the rides but the giraffes can roam free and they have plenty of social distance. Thats right so hopefully we can see the same thing happened over the oakland zoo because i know a lot of families are looking for things to do to help entertain their kids in the zoo would be a. Fantastic a option. If it were available, so well see yeah and the weathers great for it and were finally cooling off from the weekend. Yeah, a little bit cooler than this weekend which is very welcome guys because it was hot this weekend for most of the bay area record breaking heat further south in california. This morning, a little sunshine works its way down to sfo but you can obviously see theres plenty of cloud cover out in the distance to which is pushed into the bay itself and then is hovering right along the coastline, coastal areas will stay cloudy even into the afternoon while the rest of us in the bay have a good dose of sunshine to expect that ridge of High Pressure which is bringing us the hottest of weather this weekend has moved a bit further to the east now the Desert Southwest sees the hottest of temperatures, Southern California still holds on to toast the temps well were backing off a bit here in the bay area still going to be warm inland, but not as warm as yesterday was 60s and 50s for San Francisco, another coastal spots for daytime highs today. Well 70s and 80s on the peninsula for most areas like millbrae and burlingame it will be much more comfortable than yesterday in the 70s, Mountain View in the low 80s and south bay goodbye 90s for a day and some low 80s to mid 80s for your warmest highs, san jose 84. Such a union city and hayward 70 for your highs today. Well, livermore 87 concord 86 oakland and san leandro in the low 70s, north bay temperatures 70s 80s to just a few 90s holding on in the north bay, vacaville pittsburgh, an antioch are those spots while santa rosa cooler than yesterday down to 85 today. Tomorrow and wednesday temperatures just a touch, warmer than 2 days after that we really level out for the rest of your forecast. Not a whole lot of change our inland highs will remain hot in the 80s to low 90s while bayside areas in the 70s and coastal areas, mostly in the 60s. James, all right, lets get a quick check of some of the roads for you this morning will begin with the bay bridge toll plaza camera as expected it is beginning to back up. Were predicting some time. Closer to the 6. 30 mark we start to see the traffic slow up at the toll plaza and that sure enough what were seeing play out here so give yourself here normal wait time as youre heading from oakland in the San Francisco, nothing beyond the usual however, were also seeing volume picking up on the san mateo bridge as well you can certainly see the right hand side which is your commute direction. The traffic beginning to stack up just a bit as you make your way from hayward out towards foster city. Thats kind of what were seeing across most of the roadways as a lot of people now beginning to head into work the volume is certainly picking up. The city of berkeley might become the first in the country to remove Police Officers from Traffic Enforcement duties. So who would do it well the city wants to create a new department that would take over Council Member ben bartlett thinks that this new department would be better suited then the police to handle broken taillights fender benders in parking tickets. But some residents are worried about how it might work. Im perhaps someone whos not armed might make a traffic stop encounter some of the gun might encounter someone who is drunk or on drugs he acts of violently what were trying to do is prevent an escalation of minor Traffic Violation in 2. That meeting number being killed by police. Council member bartlett thanks that the plan is going to be socially and fiscally smart. Hundreds of people gathered for a black lives matter protest in martinez this march after a series of hate crimes in the city kron fours dan thorn was there. Hundreds of people make their way down court street waving signs and chanting for racial equality, the demonstration taking place where a man and woman recently defaced a black lives matter mural thats the disgraced that were out here fighting against this White Supremacy and White Supremacy in a to white people and this is unfortunate that this is where we still are in america, but we have to do what we have to do them. Protesters some even on horseback wanted to be known that racism anywhere including martinez is not welcome this is our home town and we just dont want to see. Islands against color and people of color just not ok while some streets were closed off Business Owners boarded up their shops and restaurants in fear of damage or looting. The citys Police Department was also bracing for educators and counterprotesters to clash with the peaceful there were a few brief moments of tension these men saying they deserve their voices to be heard as just because i say all lives matter. Pdoesnt mean im a racist or. A white supremacist prison not. Protesters want the attention to be focused away from people who are against their message for them ignoring hate is a solution everybody is welcome to help support us. This is not a moment. This is a movement. We will not stop until we get equal justice across the board across our country reporting in martinez, thorn kron 4 news. And a quick reminder we are going to be hosting a special this coming wednesday july 15th is the bear inside very politics. The past forward and what you can see here is were going to local police chiefs. Joining us for this going to be talking more about what theyve been doing in the call nation on national why call for Police Reforms are going to have those folks in to talk more about that your questions can be posed if youd like just go to our website kron 4 dot com their instructions there on how to do it and then tune in wednesday to see what those answers are again at 09 00pm right here on kron 4. Still ahead Governor Newsom plans to release inmates to help some help stop the spread of coronavirus through the prison system but hes getting a little pushback from families of victims across the state took a closer look at stories and heres a live look again at the bay bridge toll plaza where traffic is beginning to build this folks make their way into work on were back at 6. 24 and some sad news from hollywood actress Kelly Preston has died after her 2 year battle with breast cancer. She was 57 years old and is survived by her husband actor John Travolta and their 2 children. Travolta post a statement saying he will be taking some time could be with his children. During this period. He says his wifes love of life will always be remembered. Preston appeared in numerous films, including twins and jerry maguire. And a 1000 inmates across california may be released as part of a plan to limit the spread of covid but there is a push back from families of the victims Jessica Mensch has more. I want to check it, i was told by when it could suspend things. I want to tell him everythings going to be ok. She won to scotts taser now consumed with worry after her 35 yearold son carrington roussel tested positive for covid19 hes one of roughly 1400 inmates serving time at san quentin who have the virus theyre not safe yet. Not be in that property. Not social distancing they can not so she was relieved to hear governor Gavin Newsoms order friday to speed up the release of as many as 8,000 inmate freeing some by the end of august. Inmates with 180 days or less on their sentence will be eligible first only those who have committed nonViolent Crimes as defined by the state qualify anyone required to register as a offender or found guilty of Domestic Violence is not eligible. But nina salerno best woman with the Advocacy Group crime victims united worries. These early releases will put the safety of the general public at risk youre going to be creating a crime and a lot of innocent people are going to be for she believes the states definition of Violent Crimes is too narrow and that dangerous offenders may still be let out elder abuse, certain offenses always really horrible crimes us are no longer serious and violent and thats with that definition is being released. She says if the state wants to prevent outbreaks. They should instead focus on making prisons more senate hearings. Scott saunders not qualify for early release, but shes hoping reducing the jail population will help protect those still behind bars when given the opportunity to pay for the crime should not be a in sacramento, Jessica Mensch. 6. 27 is the time coming up next 18 sailors injured as crews battle a fire aboard a naval ship in san diego were going to talk to a bay area man who served on that ship well be right back. Tara, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies . Wow. Ok thats 15 on top of what geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for . Idina menzel to sing your own theme song . Tara, tara, look at her go with a fresh cup of joe. Gettin down to work early following her dreams into taxidermy oh, its. Tax attorney. I read that wrong, oh yeeaaaah geico. Save an extra 15 percent when you switch by october 7th. Give it up for tara when you switch by october 7th. Back markets set to open here momentarily were waiting for the ringing of the opening bell. Futures trading actually has been pretty strongly positive with that looks like maybe a 200 point jump. Out of the opening gate this morning. Stocks extending their gains we had news for pfizer and a German Biotech Firm that both been granted Fast Track Designation by the fda for 2 of the 4. A coronavirus drugs that theyve been working on to help combat the coronavirus and so investors taking some a real positive vibes from that hoping that maybe there be some sort of medical treatment sooner rather than later, so well see that in a that looks like were off to a positive start on wall street this morning. And it looks like its going to be a pretty nice day to none of those crazy numbers from the weekend help john yeah, like that temperatures definitely cooler today. Then what we saw over the weekend we broke records in Southern California yesterday. And although was an historically warm weekend for the bay area was not enough. This morning you can see some cloud cover has moved in a sign of a cool marine influence thats going to help to keep coastal areas in bayside areas much cooler today, even inland areas, although still hot are going to be cooler than they were yesterday abundant sunshine can be expected later on today thats going to help to results and temperatures climbing pretty quickly once this cloud cover burns off late morning. Right now were in the 50s and 60s good chance to open up the window, let some cool air in and then we do see some warmer temperatures inland later today, 6. 88 degrees for your average inland daytime high later on coastal in bayside areas in the 60s to 70s. James, all right john thank you very much 6. 31 is that im having right now firefighters are trying to save the u. S. S. Bottom or shard in san diego, the ship caught fire yesterday after an explosion on board at least 18 sailors and 4 civilians were injured kron fours Jonathan Mccall talk to the bay area man who served on that ship about the challenges of fighting the fire. An all out fire fight is under way to stop a massive blaze burning on board the uss bonhomme are shards just before 9 oclock sunday morning a fire was reported on the 840 foot long naval ship stationed at naval station san diego, 17 sailors and 4 civilians were hurt in the fire which also triggered an explosion. 160 sailors were on board the ship at the time and have since been evacuated their first thing is everybody safe and then try to minimize damage. Because it is well likely to be next year stream lea costly cole smith once served on the bond homer shard and says crew members did everything they could to try to limit the spread of the fire in the way ships are built is the main tool for that is compartmentalize asian so the whole ship compartmentalize so even if you there is major damage you can hope minimize the location of that damage late sunday evening Navy Officials said the fire is in an area near the ships. Well dec its part of the ship that allows water vehicles on and off its called the for that class. The ship. And this huge open area where you store a lot of Marine Equipment everything else. Smith says if thats the case it could be tough for crews to try to get to it all know the world its large and you can. They can potentially access. Others tons of spaces surrounding come smaller compartment set for engineering ballast tanks. The ship was currently undergoing scheduled maintenance at the naval station when the fire broke out. Smith says the fire is a blow to the naval fleet. The ship is a flagship to transport marines and other personnel to war zones. He says the fire could cause earlier and even longer deployments for sailors having to fill the gap is a. In very important to teach you guys set for you know marines and navy on the west coast kron 4 tours, the uss bonhomme are shards when the ship visit San Francisco during fleet week in 2018. Smith says hes now thinking of his fellow shipmates. As the investigation into what started the fire on charge is going to do the right thing and theyre going to handle it to the best of their ability Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news. In the bay area officials are investigating the cause of fire that happened in San Franciscos Presidio Heights neighborhood it broke out yesterday in a 3 story home on sacramento street and one person died in the fire. Another person was injured and taken to the hospital. Now to the latest on the coronavirus pandemic and the numbers show we have more than 2 dozen states now new case rise in the week to week analysis right now there are about 3. 3 million infections with more than a 135,000 deaths reported. We have picked a black well now the very latest on the search. At least 26 states are pausing a rolling back their reopening plans in an effort to get the virus spread under control. But florida georgia, South Carolina and texas all reported record or near record high numbers of confirmed covid19 infections in a single day on saturday numbers are going up and it is precarious and were on the edge are icy user getting more were looking at. Horizons that scare but were also now begin to get calls from other parts of the state that are that are harder even then we are asking if we can take folks. Its its a its a scary time. Florida Governor Ron Desantis says hes working to secure tests with faster results after a Hospital System president stressed the need for more resources of course our really focuses on protecting the vulnerable we from the very beginning wanted to expand testing. We are definitely doing that. Disney world in florida reopened its gates on saturday to the Magic Kingdom and animal kingdom. Epcot and Hollywood Studios are scheduled to reopen wednesday. Im not is worried about people that are the disney enterprise. But what happens when they leave. And what happens when they travel to get thats the disney has millions of dollars to spend it tells you how difficult its going to be to open schools if we dont have billions of dollars educators across the country are trying to find a way to get students back in class room safely. Atlanta Public Schools will not bring students back into the classrooms when the new School Year Starts because in georgia, one of the earliest states to reopen there are now more than 114,000 confirmed cases and almost 3,000 deaths. We had to make a serious decision relative to the safety and the wellness of our staff and students for reopening. Initially our first day of school would have been august 10th. The recommendation is for us to move that to occur on this 24th and then most importantly to do that in a virtual capacity and the cdc now estimates 40 of people infected with covid19. Have no symptoms. There is some good news. The state of vermont has a sevenday positivity average of 0. 5 . Thats the lowest in the country. That was Victor Blackwell reporting. Meanwhile, theres growing tension in the white house this morning as some in the administration are launching a campaign to discredit doctor. Anthony fauci doctor fauci is the nations leading expert on Infectious Diseases and the lead medical expert on the Coronavirus Task force the move to undercut him by some in the white house comes as doctor fauci has recently contradicted the president over the Health Guidelines necessary to fight the pandemic a member of the administration issued a statement pointing to times they say doctor fauci was wrong about something. California represented doctor dot adam shift is slamming the attacks on doctor fauci is credibility. Doctor fauci is the most respected voice in the country on how we got to be dealing with this pandemic and to be trying to sideline him were diminish him or discredit him. Is just atrocious. Happening today, stanford will be hosting doctor fauci for a virtual chat about the pandemic its an online discussion that will begin at 1030 this morning in fact were going to cover it on our kron on news apps if you havent already good download that app and you can watch it as it happens. In the north bay least 5 people now have died at a sandra fell Skilled Nursing facility of coronavirus and dozens of residents and staff have tested positive com forcefully juggle has the latest. 5 patients that were imposed acute in sandra fell have died from covid19 its unclear when the first patient or staff member at the facility first tested positive for the virus but access to the Skilled Nursing site has been restricted since march because of the pandemic my heart goes out to them is it just to the Community Marine postacute sits in a residential neighborhood, one neighbor who lives next door says its too early to place blame for the spread of the virus, its presumptuous of anybody in the community to make a judgment on how they are running things across the way when people are so very ill. And im the spokesperson for the Skilled Nursing facility confirms 46 inhouse patients have tested positive for covid19 has had 13 Staff Members who are off sight isolating at their homes or in county Public Health says it believes the peak of the outbreak has already passed adding that the administration at marine postacute has been fully transparent and cooperative with the Health Department is very real. This goes out thats a nationally in terms of them. A rough time for us all as for all the Staff Members and residents that have not tested positive for the virus. The facility spokesperson says theyre being tested. On a weekly basis in diego and for news. In national news, there are new protests in allentown pennsylvania after an arrest that was caught on video that shows officers restraining a man by placing a knee on the victims neck, Howard Monroe has more. A lot is up next on his neck, a man arrested in allentown the officer appearing to hold his knee to the mans neck. The arrests happened saturday evening outside of saint lukes Sacred Heart Hospital for a thinking that people think that it cant couldnt happen here and has been in past and begin yesterday so its its its enough is enough the video is only 24 seconds long however, justin parker, the leader of black lives matter to Lehigh Valley says its reminiscent of the George Floyd Killing in minneapolis. In it you see Allentown Police holding the man down with his face to the pavement and then one of the officers places their money on the mans neck. The arrests prompted a protest in allentown saturday night both allentown mayor ray oconnell and police chief Glenn Granitz showed up to ease tensions are secret from the video was that battleground might not matter to balance, im pleased to partner to the city earlier this month, the Police Department released its use of force policy in it is specifically banned chokehold as well as neck restraints the policy is available on the departments website. It was released at the request of the city council. It says in part that only necessary and reasonable force can be used to control a situation or overcome resistance to arrest and also says officers can determine the degree of force necessary based on the amount of resistance used by the suspect. Its not clear what happened before the camera started rolling, its really its scary and socks because now that the policy was finally made a public. Theres still not a buy into it so i think within what are we doing here what was the point of releasing it not been and hears or black lives matter to Lehigh Valley are planning more protests later this week. That was Howard Monroe, reporting police say the man was treated at the hospital and then released. Its 6. 41. Still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news. People not and the distance and not Wearing Masks as you can see at a park in San Francisco has neighbors worried. And were cooling off some today from yesterday and this weekend and generals very warm conditions. Todays daytime highs in the upper 70s for much of the east hi. Were glad you came in. Whats on your mind . Can you help keep these guys protected online . Easy. Connect to the xfi gateway. What about wireless data options for the family . You can customize and save. What about internet speeds that can keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. And now with our stores reopening, were putting Healthy Practices in place. Come visit a store today. Stop in or book an appointment online at a time that works for you. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover at your local xfinity store today. In general jerome adams is doubling down asking everybody to wear a mask to prevent the spread of coronavirus he sees these cases going up but he believes theres still time to turn things around. If we can get a Critical Mass of people wearing face coverings practicing at least 6 feet official distancing doing the things that we know are effective enough important to the American People to understand were talking about the fall. We have the ability to turn that around. And just to prove that he family. Stands by the masks, the kids are actually the ones you said is that dead, lets put this video for a Public Service announcement so they did a little mass dance. I dont think the moves have anything to do with putting on like they should have you know face thing and then but yeah, but cute hopefully the message will get out it was. A little different in San Francisco. We have some video here from over the weekend where the Surgeon Generals warning. It wasnt quite at here too by everybody who is out there at dolores park over the weekend. You kind of seeing some of the video that people werent wearing their masks and although some are practicing social distancing others werent so its kind of a mixed. Result neighbors are worried that the spread of the virus is going to increase of people really dont adhere to these guidelines. I think you have no sense of mortality him. I hope works out i cant stop and more people should be aware and i wish they were. San francisco has seen 50 deaths so far with more than 4400 recorded cases of coronavirus. That is nice out there and thats what sending so many people just wear a mask when you go out the stamps arent lee and then john with more on the weather out like a john le exactly still enjoy it just do it safely and maybe this afternoon, a good chance to get outside and enjoy just what will be a few degrees cooler of afternoon highs. This morning we do have cloud cover thats pushing over the golden gate and into the bay view looking great over the golden gate itself though as theres no fog, its just low cloud cover thats sitting right above us so visibility is fine for your drive into work this morning, what we are going to be seeing into the afternoon as all that khloe cloud cover burning off from the bay and a lot more sunshine to be expected and all those still warm the bulk of that he has actually moved to the east into the Desert Southwest along with the High Pressure ridge that brought us that heat this weekend that means didnt todays daytime highs little bit more comfortable 50s and 60s for coastal areas, little fog year at the coast than what we saw yesterday Millbrae Burlingame in the low 70s 60s from san bruno up to brisbane 70s from foster city through redwood city woodside in palo alto while Mountain View south into the south bay only low to mid 80s. The speeds, yesterdays low 90s for a few of these cities. Definitely a change for the better union city and hayward at 74 pleasant today, 85 well conquered walnut creek in danville in the mideighties oakland and san leandro youll be comfortably in the low 70s, pittsburgh antioch in vacaville are only spots remaining in the low 90s of little way less 90s then what we saw yesterday. Tomorrow and wednesday well see a few more 90s on the map than what well see this afternoon. After tomorrow temperatures really level out for the rest of the forecast inland areas remain warm upper 80s to low 90s while bayside areas in the 70s and 60s remaining at the coast. James. All right. Thank you very much john. Heres a quick look at the Richmond Sandra fell bridge toll plaza where traffic is also slowing here bit. As more and more people hit the roads still nothing out of the ordinary. So youre looking at a normal commute duration from one end of the span of the other so just give yourself that amount of time nothing extra thats going to slow you down this morning and thats what were seeing at the bay bridge toll plaza as well as you can see traffic working its way slowly but surely through the toll gates and across the span more weather traffic checks in just a bit now lets get back to the news this month is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and despite advances in care the pandemic is having a big impact. Minorities that are trying to get Mental Health treatment kron 4 Sanaz Tahernia spoke with an expert about Mental Health wellness and racial disparities. Minority Mental Health awareness. Month. Its been around for about 15 years now, but if you like some people may not necessarily know. May not have heard about it or may not know you know know much about it talk to us about how it started and where we are now with it. Well it started because people want to remove the berries that is associated with Mental Illness and theres a lot is stigma associated with Mental Illness, especially in the Minority Community in the black and brown communities, i people are shane that they dont want to go get help when they have a mental help health issue and we want to stop ow. The state might say its ok, its actually a sign of strength when you go seek help for your mental onus. Now why is it important that we you know minority Mental Health. Everyones Mental Health is very much important. But why is it important to kind of separate this month out specifically for minority groups. Its specifically important because as a state minorities in the Minority Community is usually a sign of weakness when someone says that you have ptsd bipolar depression anxiety, but actually especially now that were going through this pandemic covid19 were going to see a lot more cases of people who have Mental Health disorders the the organization before is stated that one in 4 individuals had a Mental Health disorder, but im quite sure those numbers are going to go up dramatically each after. We finish seen this pandemic outcome of this pandemic so the reason why they single out this month is so that we can focus one the around sisters, an africanamerican sisters say hey its okay to check your Mental Health state and get a handle on it because its just like any other physical you will go to get but youre checking in on your Mental Health state, its important. Absolutely absolutely and as a minority myself i do know, im very familiar with the stigma. Thats attached to Mental Health issues a lot of times. Where im from the middle east, they dont even think depression is a thing when obviously you know its its very Much Research undocumented and you know so many millions of people have been diagnosed with it so i understand the stigma thats attached to it as a minority now looking at some that you sent over it said in 2017. 3. 5 million young adults between the ages of 18 to 25 had serious thoughts of suicide. 8. 3 of which were nonhispanic blacks and 9. 2 to 20 . A 9. 2 for hispanic now you think to yourself 8. 3 not that big of a number but when you actually do the math thats anywhere from 290,000 500 nonhispanic blacks to 322,000. Hispanics i mean those are substantial numbers for someone to be thinking about taking their own life. Yes, the numbers are staggering and one of the reasons why do the work that i do because im passionate about it and because i have the lived experiences. I am not ashamed to say i myself have constantly to suicide before. I actually have the semi colon on my wrist was fees i thought about ending but i continued online. That interview first aired on our 24 hour news streaming site our kron on app and you can hear interviews like that by downloading the app its free. Heres a quick check of the big board this morning and lets see if market trading is positive sure enough is as expected where more than 200 points, the good side now 26,002 89. Again the big news this morning pfizer is able to get fda approval to fast tracked 2 of its 4 coronavirus medications and that has the mood on wall street, positive as are the numbers this morning. As we head to break a quick live look outside we have our camera in walnut creek giving us the view here you can see some sunshine hitting. Portions of 6. 80 there so little fog or at the coast. So its sort of a mixed bag depending on where you are kind of whether youre seeing. John triple well have a complete breakdown for us welcome back 6. 55 on this monday morning back to work with a few clouds pushing on over the bay area this morning, San Francisco on the greater side to kick off this day. Into the afternoon most of us have a good dose of sunshine while at the coast cloud cover will remain temperatures in the mid 50s for San Francisco in half moon bay, currently well antioch in vallejo in the upper 60s livermore concord and san jose in the low 60s winds will pick up this afternoon not near as breezy as some of our windiest days of been but youll notice a steady breeze mostly from the west pushing in across the bay area. Its actually going to be a nice break from the heat this afternoon helping to cool us off again this evening. James. All right. Thank you very much john coming up in the next hour despite a spike in cases across the bay area. Santa clara county is moving forward with allowing nail and hair salons and gyms to reopen well have a live report with all the details you need to know in just a minute. Plus teachers in the south bay are pushing back against plans to reopen schools in the fall, they say the health and safety of students and teachers asked to be a top priority. For the sweaty faces, and the hidden smiles. The foggy glasses, and the muffled laughs. A simple piece of fabric makes a big statement i care. Wear a mask. Lets all do our part to slow the spread. More businesses like nail salons hair salons all going to be reopening in Santa Clara County and live with the details and protocols they have to follow. And despite president trumps push to get schools to reopen this fall some bay area teachers say the health and safety of teachers and students has to be the First Priority were going to hear from them coming up. Plus 18 sailors are injured in a fire on a San Diego Naval ship. And it could burn for days were live in san diego with the latest. Youre watching kron 00 04am morning news at 7. Morning and thanks for joining us. Im darya folsom and im James Fletcher we want to get things started this morning with a check of the weather and for that will hand it over to john trouble in the Weather Center hey john hey guys we are seeing cooler temperatures for your daytime highs today, a nice break from the scorcher. That was this past weekend. Low clouds pushing in over berkeley and many of our coastal areas making for a gray and cool start to the state. This low gray is eventually going to burn off inbhir bayside areas abundant sunshine can be expected by the time we reach early afternoon, 50s and 60s for your current temperatures with alameda at 57 berkeley right now 56, oakland and concord sharing 60 degrees for your current temperatures. Later on today, well be looking at daytime highs mostly in the 70s for bayside areas and er

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