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Get with especially some difference is noticeable in marine county where first sign of yellow is now showing up indicating moderate air quality the further inland you get and eventually closer to the sierra you go. Well thats the worst of it we still do have multiple fires burning in the Sierra Nevada certainly putting up a lot of smoke out that direction. 50s and 60s for our current temperatures, a cool start get outside with that light jacket ready to go and then maybe not spend too much time out there despite our increases in sunshine and less hayes we still do have poor air. So definitely stay inside more so the knot on this tuesday. 70s and 80s for todays daytime highs more in your forecast is still ahead. Robin. Thank you john were checking in on the bay bridge commute which actually looks a little bit better was never a bad drive into San Francisco. We just have a crowd at the toll plaza and its been off and on its still slow that be on west grand but thinning out a little bit as you get closer to the pay gates, but this is all completely normal. We dont have any the trouble spots that you have to worry about so 11 minutes into San Francisco, were looking at some drive times because we had earlier crashes one on the nimitz in union city one in san jose on northbound one on one, so you will see some residual slowing under 30 minutes for the nimitz from san leandro to milpitas one oh one that drive time is growing 34 minutes heading north from san jose to menlo park and pretty quiet on the 12 minutes from highway 4 out of danville darya james thanks a lot lets get to the big story now more businesses are going to be allowed to start doing business outdoors in Contra Costa County yet. Despite the fact the air quality is not the best but lets hope for the best crawfords will trend live in walnut creek with details on this and a lot of businesses and looking forward to will. They just cant catch a break though yes theyve been looking forward to tomorrow. Thats when the businesses will be allowed to reopen, but unfortunately they have to be outside. And lets face it. This is that the greatest time to do some deep inhaling because of the air quality. Well talk about that in just a few moments, but let me show you some of the businesses that will be allowed to reopen tomorrow, so draw your attention to the screen. Were talking businesses that can touch your face right, thats very personal, but they can reopen. Tomorrow so long as its outside were not talking about piercings tattoos electrolysis thats still not available. Card rooms you can move your car games outside we saw that happen in san jose at the casinos you can do that outside. Sports activities professional sports, not sure how many professional activities or in Contra Costa County. But if you happen to be say a subsidiary of the Golden State Warriors or Something Like that or the giants you can move your activities outside Music Television production as well, lets talk about the air quality everybodys talking about that they wake up they checked their cellphones they watch heres what you can expect. You dont see purple purple was what we saw on friday which is the worst breathing that we can possibly have the lots of red which means unhealthy to very unhealthy air quality. The good news is for the first time in a long time. We are seeing orange. Orange means that its Getting Better walking backwards just a little bit in terms of that as far as the air quality though this morning. Not as hazy as we saw over the past couple of days, were in downtown walnut creek. So were not high up what we can see the air layer that we showed you yesterday but we do get interviews being down here, heres stephen. You are walking. Pretty feverish lee you dont have your mask on youre youre a tough guy. Your thoughts on the air quality is it the feel it better or worse today. Its better you know the last few days have been fine i walk every morning about this time. I mean i was walking when it was bad, but. Its a its a lot better. Any point where breathing was a little bit tougher, i noticed i i like to work i was. I think the oxygen level of anything else was not us. Much as its been over the past couple of days. That may be the case i mean im not doing strenuous. I are running, i mean, im i walked briskly. And the model 70 years old side. I know my pace i really havent noticed whole is far as affecting my breathing well, good luck with that know some people they dont feel that others can definitely feel it thank you so much get back to your workout you can see people walking their dogs. Right there as well the bottom line is it is considered unhealthy. Obviously is your personal choice. Weather. You want to be likes to run or if you want to stay indoors. He even said he would like to go to the gyms but the gyms are not available. And ill leave you with this. This is incredible i dont smoke i like to stay healthy. But according to doctors, the air quality james and area that weve seen over the past couple of days. Its the equivalent to smoking half a pack of cigarettes every day. Hopefully that will motivate people to stay inside. Thank you very much well, yeah and happening today, berkeley leaders are voting on whether or not to find people who refuse to wear a mask kron 4 Sarah Stinson in berkeley for us this morning with more on that story good morning sara. James darya today a lot of us are wearing a mask not only for protection against the coronavirus in to protect others, but also protection against this poor air quality that were seeing and its become second nature, but for those who had hasnt in they refused to wear a mask. Well the Berkeley City Council they are putting their foot down saying they may decide to vote for a fine and be a 100 for those who decide that theyre not going to wear a mask is it is required here in berkeley. Just like it is across the state and in all the counties and cities of the bay area. But the Berkeley City Council they are putting their foot down as i said theyre saying if you refuse to wear a mask well maybe we will issue a citation 100 per day for the first violation with penalties that would increase for repeat violators, many other counties have already approved such measures to enforce mask wearing and prevent the spread of coronavirus wearing a face mask is already required in berkeley when stepping into a store waiting in line for Public Transportation going inside any workplace really while outside dining, especially when youre up to your table thats when you need to wear it as well as when youre walking running and biking outdoors and someone is within 30 feet of you its very similar to the language of San Franciscos rules and regulations. But now the city of berkeley wants to vote on whether they should find people are not that meeting is tonight at 6 oclock the hope this morning is to chat with people see how they feel because we are a little late in the game, its going to be interesting to see if people feel like its necessary at this point or if theres like sure slap a fine on people who still refuse to wear a mask so stay tuned, well check in with people here in berkeley now that the suns coming up people are finally waking up. But weve been away for a little bit longer james darya well send it back to you in the newsroom. Very good. Thank you sarah. Also in the east bay more vehicle based gatherings are now allowed in Alameda County they are updating on the health order so that Outdoor Church services and the like can actually i have more people attend in cars unit takes a look at how itll work. In the name of jesus. And the people of the Alameda County Public Health department updated covid19 order for vehicle based gatherings now permits live performances, including entertainment events like musicals theatrical an artistic performances, lectures presentations will be showings as well as religious and cultural ceremonies. The updated order also allows for events to have doubled the amount of vehicles and opened it from 200 to 400 cars in the parking lot i think it would be great. Although the Previous Health order allowed outdoor vehicle base Church Services lifting the 200 vehicle limit restriction is more than welcome news as Bishop Bob Jackson and thats will Gospel Church in oakland weve been on the parking lot weve been having Holy Communion services on for sunday. And it works out pretty well according to the health order occupants of the vehicle must be from the same household and must remain in the vehicle during the event they stay in the cause and for the most part they have the windows down they have to have their masks on. Bishop jackson views, religious service as essential in times like these he believes more should be done to allow opportunities for churches that do not have the space for Vehicle Service if we could get some kind of way to allow the church to be able to set up on vacant parking lot and we have plenty of them in oakland Alameda County all of them. The city on them theyre not being utilized or anything. Why cant we park those 400 cars on those large loss and have our services to hours later recon and. Everybodys list. Has it made you kron 4 news. Now to our wildfire coverage, thousands of firefighters continuing to fight dozens of fires that are burning all up and down the west coast at least 35 people have died and in california alone weve seen more than 3 million acres go up in smoke with more than 4200 structures burned to the ground smoke from these fires of course partly responsible for poor air quality all over the states the major wildfires burning in california right now include the august complex fire burning up in mendocino and humboldt counties the north complex fire burning in butte county the creek fire in Fresno County in the eldorado fire burning in Riverside County and all of them are under at this 0. 44 containment. Better news though for the local fires that weve been battling here around the bay area the lnu complex fires in the north bay now 97 contained the scu complex fires in the east and south bays 98 contained full containment on this complex of fires is expected by tomorrow so good news on that front the czu complex fires in san Mateo Santa Cruz counties, 91 contained and the woodward fire out of the Point Reyes National seashore in marin county. Now 95 contained. And still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, some members of congress are calling for the removal of the postmaster general. What conflicts of interest they say are impacting his ability to do his job. Is slightly brighter and slightly warmer day as well 70s and 80s for todays daytime highs. Ive got your tuesday forecast ahead. And your morning commute is already thinning out at the bay bridge toll plaza is actually improving on 80 into San Francisco look about not so bad right well check live look right now at walnut creek i thought thats it looks a promising in the it seems a little clearer but now it definitely does not do anything compared to this time i can only say even looks grey or you think so now 7. 14 it was yeah, yeah, i mean if you look theyre calling a map of the seats still says it were and poured unhealthy range is yeah i i. Its at least better than it was at the end of last week when everything was purple on the map so this is true or some were orange wednesday. Orange wednesday, yeah, good morning john as we know looks can be deceiving guys because orange wednesday we actually have moderate air quality and it only got worse from there. We do see improvements in some spots but the further inland you get generally the worse the air quality does become today. I mean theres some brightness making its way down to sfo look at that and for the first time in a while and actually see the top of San Bruno Mountain this also displays how air quality is worse lower you get as we look at smoke at the surface we had some stronger winds aloft yesterday that really cleaned up the air above us and thats why we saw some blue as youre looking up yesterday afternoon our best air quality is in portions of marine county and then right along the coastline. While the worse it gets the further inland you get especially over towards the sierra foothills where we still have active fires burning and that air quality over there is being affected by smoke settling into the eastern end of the Central Valley. Skies for the bay area little less foggy than they were yesterday that marine layer is not as deep as it was yesterday and we also saw some of those strong winds pushing in from the southwest really helping to clean up that air aloft so we made progress in air quality for upper elevations, obviously its still pour though so do avoid too much outdoor exposure. So we make our way through the rest of the week we will see a continued sweeping of some of this unhealthy air especially into thursday and friday. Winds to come this morning to see Much Movement at the surface you have to head up higher up and then you start to see those winds picking up and thats why the air quality is cleaner up there. 60s and 70s for coastal areas for daytime highs today as we move inland, daytime highs will rise into the 70s and 80s little warmer than they were yesterday woodside and saying carlos each in the low 80s today back to the low 80s in san Jose Campbell in saratoga just to name a few spots while the east bay also a similar range of 70s 80s for daytime highs. Just a few degrees warmer than yesterdays work. Oakland, brighter skies for you with a high at 74 today 70s 80s for the north bay with vacaville. Our closest spot to 90. Santa rosa through center fell all working our way back into the low 80s after yesterdays 70s. Not must much changes in temperatures wednesday and thursday from today. Im expecting thursday and friday to have your cleanest air thats because well have some sweeping winds pushing in from the southwest really cleaning up our air quality now saturday and sunday we get if you again winds, relax we still have wildfires burning in the sierra and theyre going to start putting smoke back down into the Central Valley that is eventually likely to defuse back our direction. You have to look at a whole lot of factors here when predicting what air quality is going to look like and with those winds relaxing we could actually work our way back a little bit as far as quality conditions go towards the latter half of the weekend. Robin. Thank you john lets head over to the Richmond Sandra fell because i just got word of a new crash, its leading up to the pay gates, so its sort of Holding Traffic back a little bit so lets take a look at the bridge itself west bound 5. 80 you see all it appears to be delay free will to crashes before you reach the pay gates only blocking one lane so its a little slow. Its just west of castro. And then you pass the crash you get up here to the pay gates, its going to be wide open so 11 minutes off to want to watch here at the bay bridge 80 west traffic continues to improve into San Francisco, not bad at all this is a huge improvement compared to what was out there just an hour ago so 13 minutes here winding down into San Francisco and off the highway for for those of you leaving bay point a little slow passing the pittsburg bay point bart station up and over the hill leaving bay point into conquered, it should clear up for you on west for right around will pass road chase. All right, thank you very much rob and a House Committee is considering calls for removing postmaster general louis dejoy from his office now the joys been accused of several conflicts of interest while running the post office. We washington dc correspondent Morgan Wright with a closer look. We have a crony at the helm of our nations postal service, virginia congressman Gerry Connolly says hes concerned about the leadership of postmaster general louis dejoy we know postal workers can handle the bottom of that election mill. The question is whether those at the helm are taking steps to hinder that capacity, new york congresswoman Carolyn Maloney says allegations dejoy reimburse former employees for political contributions, he urged them to make are serious problem if true these allegations are not only incredibly an ethical. They are illegal maryland congressman jamie raskin question why dejoy was even appointed to the job in the first place how did this happen. This was not a president ial appointment, so it didnt go through the office of government ethics and i think theres anyway the office of government ethics would have signed off on an agency had who has large amounts of stock in a company this contracting with the Agency Republicans on the committee defended enjoying called the hearing a waste of time were supposed to be having a postal update, not a single one of the witnesses even work for the usps georgia congressman jody hice called the hearing an attempt at political assassination. This is in my opinion its close to a Kangaroo Court is anything ive seen. Lawmakers say they plan to continue their investigation into the joys qualifications to lead the agency reporting in washington, im Morgan Wright. Its 7. 20 and for your money this morning walmart debuts its new subscription a Shopping Service today and the Great Grocery boom is coming to an end jane king is live in new york, those stories and more. They missed the boom whats the well remember we were all of the grocery store, the lines in march and april i couldnt find anything you know that hes a little bit. Yeah lets you looking for clorox wipes in the neck and just look at but the height of the boom is certainly waiting up for the grocery stores, no sales of groceries were up 11 in august first august a year that compares with a 32 job which is what we saw in march and april of this year these are nielsen numbers now sales growth of most grocery items has slowed prepared meals meet cookies all posted the big drops from earlier in the pandemic well apple has today, its expected that it will unveil a new watch and however, new iphones are not expected to make their debut today, those are likely coming october apple has said they be delayed a few weeks because of supply chain issues that with the pandemic and walmart Membership Program which costs 98 per year 1295 per month set to offer unlimited free delivery on more than a 160,000 items will be discounts on electronics and gas as well many of these items will be able to be delivered same day walmart says other retailer offering a free 15 day trial for the walmart plus membership and talk about a viewing his own custom wine. It is cold jalapeno and ward is to pair with the toasted cheesy chalupa available just for a limited time in canada we can still buy it here in the u. S. , but we did together to talk about canada website plus 19 bucks live from new york, im jane king what with the wind is cheesy. No its a jalapeno spicy wine base goes with the toasted cheesy so thats what you pair it with so much a yeah, its you know i had a lot of jalapeno margarita is this summer took the covid thing or what you have got maybe a try to help you are well i am i never heard of i dont know if i want to drink anything that is best paired with a chalupa. Thank thanks. Give it a shot. Well take a break 7. 22 on the clock still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news, San Jose City leaders coming together to fight the problem of Illegal Dumping well tell you what theyre looking to do to help clean up the mess. And of course we continue to monitor the bad air quality across the bay area. It is still another day of smoke and haze, albeit a little bit better than its been the last couple. It looks like better conditions still yet on the it was just a get together with friends. No big deal. Everybody felt fine. But now im super sick. Everyone is sick. I just wish we had been more careful. It would have been easier than this. So wear a mask. Do what you can outside. Stay six feet apart. Because some things you just cant take back. Do your part to lower the risk. And we are back time now 7. 25 in the south bay. We have the problem of Illegal Dumping in san jose, its taking a major toll on the citys budget fact city leaders say its going to cost the city an extra 3 Million Dollars than whats currently budgeted to clean up the mess that they see right now and all that money would help pay for more dumpsters and cleanup crews outreach enforcement of the no dumping laws all of that. A lot of the Illegal Dumping were told comes from homeless camps across san jose but people are also turns out throwing out more items as they clean their homes because of the pandemic. If people are buying these sofas and appliances. Theyre looking for ways to get rid of them and thats kind of been the challenge to people dont disposed of appropriately enough on the street or in and or in an encampment unfortunately. Yeah and crews right now are picking up about 45 tons of trash each and every week if this extra money is approved. Well it will going to help emphasize cleaning up illegal dump sites. And doing it as soon as theyre discovered. All right coming up next a new plan to help out students in San Francisco struggling with distance learning, were tails on that just ahead. And lets get a look at the golden gate bridge. We are actually seeing some sunshine making its way through the haze right there above the golden gate something we saw a little bit of a yester ms. Williams weve been working hard. Ms. Robinson . To make learning fun again. Ms. Duncan and making sure our students can succeed. Ms. Zamora were with you every step of the way. Ms. Robinson i know its a challenging time. Ms. Zamora no one wants to be back in the classroom more than teachers. Ms. Williams we have missed you so much. Mr. Hardesty but we all have to be safe. Ms. Robinson because were all in this together. Narrator making our School Buildings safer. Ms. Robinson working together, we can make it a great year. Narrator because the California Teachers Association knows quality Public Schools make a better california for all of us. 7. 29 and thanks for tuning in on a Tuesday Morning, theres a quad box shot showing you. The skies around the bay which are gray again another spare the air day another day. Of poor air lets start that first and foremost here and visit john in the Weather Center find out what kind of conditions were expecting for today john well a little better than yesterday for a lot of areas which is a nice change. I mean look at Half Moon Bay, this morning guys says the best weve seen in a while youve actually got almost a sunrise, the looking thing in the distance as we look at just a little less hayes especially near the coastline. Now once you head inland that begins to change a little bit youre definitely noticing more hayes out to our interior valleys of the bay, if you head out towards the Sierra Nevada air quality is just as bad as it has been but those sweeping winds from the southwest really helped our coastal areas out yesterday and so thats our coastal spots have seen some improvements, especially marine county this morning. Right now were in the 50s and 60s a cool mild morning little bit more brightness than what we have had well chalk that up as a win for sure after what we have seen the past week. Daytime highs later on today will be a little bit warmer under these brighter skies, we still do have unhealthy air quality though, so dont take it as an invitation to get out there and do a strenuous workout id save that for around thursday friday, when air quality will be a little bit better yet. All right thank you john over to the Richmond Sandra fell bridge looks like theyve cleared the crash that was slowing down the traffic leading up to the pay gates actually spotted over in the parking lot you see that activity the folks standing there chp that was the crash that was blocking westbound 80 right after castro street so its out of your way and you see how the traffic all of a sudden got heavier thats because the crash was holding folks back now that its out of the way the heavy traffic is filling up through the pay gates still not a bad commute, but busier 12 minutes here from the tolls off to one oh one at the bay bridge. We actually have traffic fanning out looking good this morning into San Francisco. Its still slow off and on from west grand. But thats it 10 minutes to make it into fremont street daria. Time now 7. 32 and students in San Francisco who need extra support during distancelearning are getting some help now the city opened up a dozen sites called community hub, yeah, its all part of the citys latest phase of reopening and kron fours maureen kelly. Tells us more about it. Im here at them or said heights playground and the rec center you see behind me has turned into one of the citys 45 Community Hubs this is where kids with the highest needs are able to get chromebooks and wi fi Technical Support and supervision as they do their distance learning. The kids who are getting the priority here children living in Public Housing that had. Not stable wi fi connections who are Homeless Children who live in singleroom occupancy hotels. The foster care kids these are all children who without support from the city will continue to. Disproportionately suffer in addition to getting help with their school work so that they dont fall behind during this pandemic there also. Getting to be around each other and playing in the playground, so theyre able to get socialization the social aspect. Leads to the mental aspect get to socialize a little see someone in person and not actually did computer screen like it it is making to your kid you tyrion school like i did last time you play in this didnt fit plus together they are. Service scene 800 students right now from k to 6th grade over the coming months bill beginning to add more middle schoolers and then high schoolers. At the end they expect to have 100 sites operating throughout the city and serving 3,000 students. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Well Elementary School in Santa Clara County is back open for in person classes yesterday was the first day back for about a 193 students said action day primary pluses private Elementary School now the School Started the new school year back in august with distance learning. It recently got a waiver approved to hold in person classes. The schools principal Michelle Ohara will join us live on kron on today to talk about resuming in person classes and you can watch that live interview starting at noon so make sure you check in and kron fours also airing a special that will focus on Virtual Learning that will air tonight were going to talk to educators from across the bay area about how families and teachers are dealing with the pandemic as schools continue to close since last spring back to school coping during pandemic airs tonight at 9. 30. Now lets go to the south they were Small Business owners and faith leaders say that Santa Clara County officials are holding them back from reopening indoors. Right now the county is more restrictive than what the state guidelines recommend local Business Owners in long the verge of. Closing are urging county leaders to create a better pathway to further reopen the economy. Once and as a Council Member agrees and says its time for the county to act. I want to start by saying government cant be all about saying no one ever asked the county to clarify situation services can reopen in a statement here i always receive we dont now has the answer. We have not been classified and it here. This is unacceptable. Local business is asking the county to consider a new plan towards reopening thats their hope their plan includes more transparency on the reopening discussions, a county meetings and then pushing for more money to and grants to help those businesses that are struggling. Overall california seeing a downward trend in the number of patients who are in the hospital with coronavirus this is after the first time that the state has seen this few hospitalizations since the start of this pandemic the California Department of Public Health is reporting that as of this weekend there are now about 2800 Covid Patients being treated at hospitals. There were twice as many patients back in late july and early august. A doctor with ucsf is warning that although we are doing much better right now things can always change as we go forward so we cant let our guard down. Just a cautionary tale of what can go wrong and now we havent really had high schools back in session at least around here. But in places that have had there been outbreaks of high schools, large large numbers of kids quarantine so i think we have to be really careful about the about the schools be really careful about adolescence we have to be really Careful Congress People Living in residential. For college. You know i think thats where the i think that as much as any work anything is where the new cases are going to come from keep that if we can minimize staff. We will avoid a certain way. Well the remain on that downward trend. Doctors are urging people to continue wearing their masks and keep social distancing. Its working. Were tracking our local coronavirus cases and so far the state has recorded more than 765,000 cases again this is since the pandemic began 14,000 plus deaths reported here across the state and across the bay area weve seen more than 90,000 confirmed cases with more than 1200 people dying from covid19. Lets go to the east bay where a pittsburgh bar owners now charged for violating Contra Costa Countys covid19 orders, 52 yearold Kimberly Dixon is the owner of scores sparks a sports bar on railroad avenue. And prosecutors say that shes kept her bar open with patrons inside since june. Shes also served alcohol to customers with a suspended alcohol license and a bartender is also charged with the unlicensed sale of alcohol. Well take a break at 7. 37 still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news ac transit is taking new steps to protect riders from coronavirus well have details on the free items are handing out. Plus a closer look at the damage from the fires here in the north bay as homeowners return to clean up the mess that was left behind and air quality is gradually impoving and were going to see brighter skies today continued brighter skies on into thursday and friday, especially im tracking it all your forecasts air quality improving so its the tropic your morning commute is Getting Better as well were checking in on the bay bridge toll plaza where its standing out a little bit of a wait here, but its not so bad 11 minutes into San Francisco. Well 41 right now an ac transit is going to start giving out free face coverings and hand sanitizers when you get on the masks and sanitizer dispensers are going to be there. At the at least at the rear door of most of the buses dont on starting today or maybe until october 16th that could take a while they are trying to woo a commuters back in. Let you know that you can be safe give you what you need to be safe and that includes distance, theyre limiting the capacity on the buses, so riders can maintain a 6 feet distance. Homeowners in the north bay are cleaning up the damage from the lnu complex fires and as you can see theres not much left for some people is on the outskirts of vacaville you can see people have lost everything. And when asked about Climate Change impacting the fires, one homeowner agrees to some extent. Have tradition of 20 funder vision would ends when its hot. He had about a 20 may have placed on it. Homeowners are sorting through what is left and many say they hope someday to rebuild. All right as we head to break we continue to monitor the bad air quality across the bay area this morning, some slight improvements though as you can see by looking at the air quality map, not near as much purple anymore, and it looks like conditions will get a little better in the next couple of days, weve got john trouble in so youre a Small Business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. An extra 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies . Thats great thats 15 on top of what geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for . John stamos to knit you a scarf . All finished, jean. Enjoy thank you. I give. The stitch work is impeccable. Its just a double fleck pattern with a reverse garter stitch. No big deal. Is your hair this soft . Softer. Geico. Save an extra 15 when you switch by october 7th. Geico. We know these are challenging times. Rest assured, you are not alone. Weve all had to adapt. And with summer here, your energy bills might go up with rising temperatures. Together, we can save energy and money. Try closing your shades during the day. Setting your ac to 78 or higher. Or cooling off with a fan when you can. United we are always stronger. Stay well, california, and keep it golden. Some 45 right now want to check out the weather on a tuesday and see if its any better, lets find out john what he got a little better for a lot of areas but not necessarily for everyone this morning which weve been seeing in our web cams some of us still very hazy other bus actually getting a good dose of sunshine as youre somewhere in the middle of that there is some sunshine reaching the tarmac and a little bit of a view of San Bruno Mountain in the distance beyond San Bruno Mountain still some of our worst of air quality hanging out in San Francisco towards our inland areas look at some of our coastal spots, especially in the north bay nevado up 3 point raise Stinson Beach down into the are in headlines at least in portions of marine headlines. All looking at big improvements, some yellow at the coast in Half Moon Bay, too. All indicating moderate air quality and guess what thats the first time weve seen moderate conditions days now so we have made progress but you also have to know that still most of the bay at this point is puerto very pour so i want to talk about the good news. In perspective here were still not ideal and were still breaking records as far as. Prolonged spare the air alerts co tomorrow, its going to be 30 days of spare the air alerts and that means not good weather to be heading outside still today and tomorrow. Now skies are little clearer than yesterday because of less hayes aloft as well as less fog moving into the bay area one of the reasons that you are Getting Better conditions at the coast as well as a little bit more sunshine all across the bay as we had strong winds pushing across the region yesterday above the bay you didnt notice about the surface, but you head up to 1000 feet and those winds were breezy that really swept out the smoke that was hanging out above us and thats as you look up you see the blue skies but as you look at the horizon. You notice the haze still hanging out at the surface so were not all improved just yet winds out the surface remain calm this morning. So the haze has sunk in and is staying with us especially for inland valleys which have our worst air quality right now temperatures later on today will be in the 60s and 70s for coastal spots, similar areas that will have our better air quality the further inland, you get the warmer temperatures will become and the worse your air quality generally will be 70s and 80s for todays daytime highs in the south bay with san jose right at 80 degrees santa clara at 78 similar range of numbers for the east bay, too with those 70s and 80s Holding Strong from oakland at 74 to concord at 87 today, north bay as at 77 vacaville are hot spot at 88 degrees still no 90s in your 4 zone forecast today, were saving those for next week as for today and tomorrow, moderate air quality towards the coast very pour especially inland limit Outdoor Activity as much as possible thursday and friday, im expecting to be your best air quality days now why not this weekend. Well thursday and friday we do have those winds that are going to help our air quality in the bay area whole lot. Thing is once those winds stop we still have wildfires burning in the sierra that are still actively putting smoke up that settling into the Central Valley and will likely eventually drift back out to the bay, especially towards sunday. So well keep a close eye on the air quality on into the weekend. Robin. Thank you john lets head over to the Richmond Center fell bridge. We got rid of one crash leading up to the pay gates and now we have another one. This one is after the pay problem after problem here at the Richmond Sandra fell bridge. Thats why all of a sudden it is crawling so im showing you on the right where the crash is west of the toll plaza and then on the left im also showing you the backup behind the pay gates. Heres what its looking like as we take it full 14 minutes here for the tolls off to one o one once again that new crashes coming in after the toll plaza blocking the far left lane. So thats why its so bad all of a sudden not so bad here on 92 this is the san mateo bridge, your drive time still under 15 minutes to the peninsula. The bay bridge to be 80 west thats looking pretty good. No problems here just a minor way to fremont street and checking in on one of your approaches to the bay bridge thats the east shore, some pockets of slow traffic westbound from san pablo down toward berkeley, not bad at all 90 minutes total from crockett to the maze states. All right robin, thank you at 7. 49. Lets get you updated on the wildfires the north complex fire burning in butte in plumas counties has destroyed now more than 700 structures. A number of those are homes one firefighter from yuba county lost everything and continues to work on the front lines Jessica Mensch has the story. Thats or structure ends and right there in his 28 years as a volunteer firefighter chief free drink and has battled more than his fair share of flames. Weve seen a a paradise burn up and that was always in the back of our mind that if we get wind event up here. And theres a fire around here and be in trouble his Worst Nightmare king knocking tuesday as the north complex fire closed in on berry creek. He went door to door racing to evacuate its neighbors and we told you in your car go now you have no time he didnt even consider the fate of his own house until the next morning. I found out my home or down. Everything you ever had collected all your photo album serving or retired united says writer and the house is gone. And hes not alone. 6 of the 7 volunteer firefighters in the town lost their homes too. His business making water wells also destroyed along with their fire station1and equipment. Disasters far. But rather than call it quits. I dont want to take any time off right now because i dont want saddam thing were lost because ever owns gone so, im just going to stay here and help my community so every day he continues to fight the flames patrolling for hot spots to prevent any further damage for sure after all he plans to come back to his hometown. And make it feel like home once again. Were just come pick up her pieces and were gonna stay strong and were going to try to rebuild the best we can and Jessica Mensch fox 40 news. All right now lets turn our attention to bury baseball. The as were up in seattle for a double header against the mariners and it is so hot in the first game they blew a fiverun lead, so they lost that one, but they did make up for that in game 2 getting another huge lead and not giving it up that time. Split the doubleheader shutting out the mariners in game 2 final score and that one was 9 to nothing the as will travel now to colorado will take on the rockies this afternoon. Meantime, the giants are actually making the trip up to seattle to play the mariners themselves that will be tonight. Businesses are having to get extra creative to make up for all the sales theyve lost in this pandemic one San Francisco spot called oasis has decided how to bring their cabaret to your doorstep with some food. Its called meals on heels and they drag performer delivers the food the drinks and then gives you a little song and dance. Twice a week, the Business Owner says its been a great way for the performers to have something to do a little work and the audience to have some entertainment which they missed. Mostly across the board as a Community Building experience for both performers getting to dust off the wigs and heels and were former some people again make some money lot of fun and you know its a big part of their income people are at home who have been really isolated may get a little bit of connection they get to see an actual live performance. So if youre interested look up the oasis or look up. Now i would keep want to say meals on wheels is heels meals on heels meals, im hell give you a meal and they wear heels. Very cute as a lot of fun but those who have done it have enjoyed yeah recreated here during this pandemic all right 7. 53 is the time, heres a quick live look outside our camera at San Francisco international airport. The hills in the background are a little hazy but at least we can make out the airport which is already a big improvement over the last couple 7. 56 on this Tuesday Morning we are seeing improvements in air quality for parts of the bay. Look at that stuff or San Francisco right now pretty nice actually a bit of blue between the clouds and the obvious haze that is still hanging out with us as far as air quality goes its the worst the further inland you get specially on to the Central Valley. Well better conditions right along the coastline. And then into portions of marine and even contra costa counties making our way through the rest of the week air quality will continue to improve especially on into thursday and friday. Todays daytime highs 60s 70s at the coast. Well 70s and 80s near the bay and inland. James, all right john thank you. Lets look ahead of whats up for the kron 4 morning news at 8 weve got the poor air quality of course still impacting the bay area, especially as businesses in the east bay were hoping to open. Outdoors this week well have details on that coming up in a live report and leaders of the city of berkeley are voting today on whether to Issue Citations to people who are refusing to wear their masks more on that from 4 Sarah Stinson and were also going to bring you the latest on the deadly and destructive wildfires. They continue to blanket much of look, this isnt my first rodeo. 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Like we saw last week so it is incrementally getting a little bit better so lets at least enjoy that okay so youre saying it could be worse it could get also also could be better. Lets find out about when that could happen i think it would be john yeah they were stuck somewhere in the middle we double about looks like after this past weekend friday and saturday were worst days. Sunday monday yesterday all with the little better. And today looking even better yet especially for the coast. I mean this is just a refreshing view to look at Half Moon Bay right here you can also see all the way down on out in the distance and just looking very very nice as far as air quality goes inland. Still suffering very poor and pour conditions for the south bay, the east bay and then even some of our coastal areas there are pockets of the coast through moraine county now on the even over to Contra Costa County that are either looking modera

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