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Set of problems as we go forward in the forecast period. Most ratings off of the east bay in the 50s and 60s got 40s up to the north bay 57 san jose, 56 going on for San Francisco, but most of the district is little cooler today. We were this time from yesterday in some cases almost half a dozen degrees behind the breakdown today but says that 6611, lots of sunshine going on 77 at 2 and a fairly cool day with all the sunshine we got going on however a quick warmup is expected for the weekend. Well take a look at that coming up in a bit marty all rights. Justifys death for a Traffic Violation Something Like that to happen. In our own backyard is on acceptable. Well in the north bay people want answers after a napa county deputies shot and killed an armed unarmed man during a traffic stop the mans family now asking how a traffic stop ended with their loved one dead. 47 yearold one Adrian Garcia was shot last monday a day and he died a day after hit from his injuries. Well now the garcia family and members of the community are hoping that this latest shooting can spark institutional change in the north bay kron fours dan thorn has more. A small Group Gathers in napa Holding Signs and calling for justice for one Adrian Garcia, just days ago the 47 yearold father of 3 was shot and killed by a deputy during a traffic stop nothing justifies. For a Traffic Violation, especially if youre an armed fernandez is the founder of the peoples collective for change. Her group is calling for more transparency from the Napa County Sheriffs Department over garcias death, i know this person you do the very wellspoken person is very very easygoing not could kangaroos it was Something Like that happen. In our own backyard is on acceptable. The department has shared their condolences with garcias family via facebook calling the situation extremely difficult but also gave their explanation for shooting garcia because he ignored commands would not show his hands and aggressively approached the deputy why garcia was pulled over monday night has not been revealed i think that they need to release the video footage. I think that if theyre going to use language like that the paint the picture. There needs to be video to accompany it so that people can see one of garcias sons spoke briefly at saturdays event in downtown napa saying his family deserves justice. Some residents say garcias killing is creating a bitter racial divide within their community. Not is a wonderful place. But its also really really divided place and this is only further divide enough, reporting in napa dan thorn kron 4 news. Also in the north bay, the city of the whale is asking for a change of venue in the case of Sean Monterrosa the city announced saturday that it had filed 3 motions in the case and that includes a gag order to prevent anyone from talking to the case of 2 about the case to reporters and also asking to dismiss certain charges in the federal lawsuit monterrosa was shot and killed by Vallejo Police officer jarrett tonn back on june 2nd. Montrose at the time was on his knees with his hands raised as police were investigating a call at A Walgreens Khan fired 5 shots of monterrosa from the back seat of his patrol car killing him. The city of atlanta wants to move the trial to fresno. And in marine county, a man is in jail this morning for shooting an 18 yearold pregnant woman with a paint ball gun 30 times. It happened on friday on drake avenue near donahue street in marine city. The woman had injuries on her back her arms stomach in phase. Police identify 19 yearold Tyrell Atkinson as the shooter officers found the paint ball gun believed to be responsible in the attack in the back of his car atkinson is already on probation for assault with a deadly weapon. Now to the east bay this morning where Police Arrested a man on hate crime charges after tying a noose to a tree in berkeley on thursday, a city worker says they saw a man tying a noose some rope in the marina near south cove. When the worker approached the man about the noose and fastened it to the tree and then ran away officers found him a short time later. In the south bay, San Jose Police say a drunk driver hit and killed a pedestrian investigators say the victim was crossing south of jackson avenue just before 9 oclock friday night when he was hit by someone who was driving a 2004 saturn. The man later died at the hospital, the driver now being held at the Santa Clara County jail on dui charges. And coming up this morning just 10 days ago it was a ghost town but now crews are making great progress on the glass fire well find out how life in calistoga is getting back to normal. And then President Trump says hes no longer contagious and can return to the campaign trail but he hasnt released any proof of that well have the latest for you on that. But first a denver and the latest on a deadly shooting at a demonstration in denver well find out how a local tv news station advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer can take away so much. But today theres a combination of two immunotherapies you can take first. One that could mean. A chance to live longer. Opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with nonsmall cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pdl1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. Its the first and only approved chemofree combination of two immunotherapies that works together in different ways to harness the power of the immune system. Opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more days. More nights. More beautiful weekends. More ugly sweaters. More big hugs. More small outings. Opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. This may happen during or after treatment has ended and can become serious and lead to death. Some of these problems may happen more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. See your doctor right away if you have a new or worse cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; diarrhea; severe stomach pain; nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; extreme tiredness; weight changes; constipation; excessive thirst; changes in urine or eyesight; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; fever; or tingling in hands and feet. These are not all the possible side effects. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if youve had an organ transplant or lung, breathing, or liver problems. Heres to a chance for more together time. A chance to live longer. Ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. Thank you to all involved in our Clinical Trials. Ask your doctor about opdivo when was the last time your property tawhat . L went down . Never. Are you kidding me . For years, the residential burden has gone up. While the corporate burden has gone down. Prop 15 reverses that. It closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. And when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. Thats right. A savings of a hundred twentyone dollars a year for the average home. Give homeowners a break. Vote yes on 15. Good morning welcome back a man is in jail this morning charged with shooting and killing someone at a protest in downtown denver. The man was working as a Security Guard for a local tv news station at the time. Evan kruegel has the latest now. Were learning that suspect a private Security Guard for another television station here in town 9 news saying a private Security Guard hired by the station is the suspect being detained by Denver Police we were here when this happened just after 3. 30 on the other end of Civic Center Park when we heard one loud side. Denver Police Rushed into this courtyard between Civic Center Park in the art museum to find one person down on the ground he was taken to the hospital. Were unfortunately he died Denver Police telling us 2 people were detained, you can see one man being detained in this video 9 news saying a producer and a Security Guard were both arrested the producer has since been released according to the station at Denver Police would not comment on the specifics only saying that the Security Guard has no affiliation to antifa again the victim in this was taken to the hospital where we learned he later died. This all happens near the end of 2 conflicting protests and civic center one in support of black lives matter the other event called a patriot muster. Denver police set up in between the 2 groups with fences to create a buffer and they were largely successful in keeping those 2 groups apart Denver Police asking people to stop sharing this information until they can release more de escalate anything that is rising right now that right now its. Our primary focus is to to we cant have any further violence in conjunction what happened today. We just do not want were going to turn what happened in here through the investigation our primary focus is to de escalate and at 9 news saying this suspected detained by Denver Police is a private Security Guard hired by their station. We have reached out to their newsroom well post that response when we get one on our website reporting in denver ap in kruegel. Cool start with temperatures into the 50s live shot you see the background of sfo 66 going on by 11 and by 2 were talking 77 looks forecast 7. 13 good morning, welcome back everybody weve been enjoying some beautiful fall weather but dave says thats an going to change is going to warm up and it will get a little flavor some are coming back to the drivers seat yet again and i know its time for trick or treating kind of thing whats going on area. A big good morning. Marty good morning, everybody Golden Gate Bridge as we start things off not much of a breeze thats probably a good thing because now the winds were looking at and watching out for are going to be those offshore winds live shot coming in from. Half moon bay. Were still negotiating through some coastal fog their 50s cover much of the east bay with some lower 60s as well up to the north bay 50s and 40s mixture 57 for san jose and 56 for San Francisco what a bounce just real quickly just check out the winds to give you a general perspective, the idea is were not looking at a lot in the way of winds in the next about 48 hours or so thats a plus although there is a temporary shift that does occur a little bit on shore. Its going to be more of an offshore again mental note here not heavy on the winds over the next 48 hours thats a good thing because looking at this moisture levels do fall. This afternoon already were feeling it into the 30s in the 20s in terms of the east bay in little bit up there in the north bay too. The socalled recovery tonight. Hardly theyre a showing these graphic scene from yesterday were seeing all that green covering the bay which is somewhat typical not going to happen it looks like for tonight and by tomorrow afternoon again dropping off again the only plus side is that we see the next 48 hours is not a lot of the way of wind so well be dry. But there wont be a whole lot the way of winds which we like mostly sunny going on weve mild to warm depending on your things 70s cover good portion of the bay some 80s going on in london this week. Were talking 90s by tuesday inland. And then looks like the mid to upper 70s even covering out towards the coast by the weeks end its going to back the middle 90s for a lot of those east bay locations or those well inland areas are going to really start feeling it by the weekend looks like more of the same continue. Well call warm hot really and 90s will still be happening in many spots inland with 70 around the coast out today, 72, San Francisco, 77 for open 79 going on san jose. Its a little warmer today than yesterday very unbalanced a pretty decent day this afternoon, nice fall feel still with us got some of those 80s off to the east a little bit here youll notice. And theyre kind of sprinkled up here in the north bay to but a lots of 70s to enjoy this afternoon. And thats the key issue enjoyed because it will be changing and have that extended forecast coming up for you in a bit well take a look at the 4 zone a little as well to marty a high table look forward to that thank you. Want to turn now to our wildfire coverage cal fire says it now expects the glass fire to be fully contained by october 20th 9 days from now the morning kid this morning containment is now at 86 so far the fire has burned more than 67,000 acres in napa and sonoma counties and has destroyed more than 800 homes. All told more than 2000 structures remain threatened. As firefighters are making more progress in the glass fire more evacuation orders and warnings were lifted in napa valley kron fours gayle ong has more on that from calistoga. As the glass fire continues to burn or the napa valley people here in calistoga or just trying to get back to normal life. It was business as usual in downtown calistoga shops opened friday after being closed for almost 2 weeks since the glass fire ignited. Thus the city did not sustain any damage. All of our utilities are functioning and operational and you know were just you know, were just happy to be here. The city of calistoga has been spared by wildfires but businesses were hit hard with mandatory evacuations and covid city manager mike kern is confident the economy will bounce back quickly our businesses are able to you know spread their customers out and. And provide them with that that physical distancing thats necessary to to provide a safe environment or businesses are very resilient. Theyre ready and willing and able to come back. Full throttle as of saturday, the glass fire is close to reaching full containment allowing residents to return home he come to check for us and nato i come i can for my boy and my girl Sylvia Guzman left calistoga when the fire was burning close pie, she stayed at a hotel a nap before week and is grateful to see her home Still Standing from feel good now with her apartments is fast 50 and. As you make your way back to the napa valley, firefighters and utility workers are still working to restore the fire damaged areas. That could take days to make those areas safe for the public in Calistoga Gayle ong kron 4 news. And officials in Sonoma County are urging Property Owners in areas that were impacted by the recent wildfires to now prepare for rain. They say that Many Properties with an and downstream of the burn areas are at higher risk for flash floods. Rockfalls debris and mud flows. Officials say that its up to the Property Owners to prevent sediment from clogging storm drains creeks and rivers and they recommend put on sand and gravel bags. Other news this morning, the Bay Area Armenian Community marched across Golden Gate Bridge saturday in support of the victims of the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. Take a look at this video. Its of the march on the bridge the citizen app marches are asking for peace between the 2 sides. Hundreds of people have died over the past 2 weeks after a re escalation of the decades old conflict. That march was in reaction to a ceasefire agreed to by both armenia and azerbaijan. But shortly after the agreement both sides then accused each other of derailing the peace and launched new attacks the truce was intended to end the worst outbreak of a steely hostilities in that region in more than a quarter century. The Foreign Ministry deputy of the rim disputed region of nagornokarabakh put that ruse in perspective for those of us living in the west. I mean i cant imagine that the sports me some empty for some People Living in the west because they wake up in the morning and they take of a scene from granting the morning cup coffee put show onex incur but its not like that its not as boring. You have to struggle for thats very right to wake up in a shiny stuff and i care. That is not being celts are able to to have your Morning Coffee and lively matters culture of this will stop that these people love think its not that wake up every morning wanting to go to war. Well theres no word just yet on if or when both sides will return to the negotiating table. And still ahead this morning weight loss surgeries on the rise across the country will find out why packing on the pounds in the age of covid. Hey, my twitter is blowing up dear jack box, bring back the spicy chicken strips, still waiting for the spicy chicken strips, so many about spicy chicken strips. Wow, i hear you. So im bringing back my juicy 100 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo when you take a it all begins to unravel. Ann ravels no reformer, shes backed by big corporations whove poured hundreds of thousands into her campaign. And she opposes ballot measures to make the economy more fair for working people. Only dave cortese is endorsed by the California Democratic party. Hes helping us battle the pandemic with a sciencebased approach. And expanding Health Services and child care to those in need. For state senate, Democrat Dave cortese. Floors for toddlers. Letfloors for toys. Ors. Floors for stories. Floors for screams. Book now and have yours installed by the holidays. Is it the juicy 100 allwhite meat . Or because you can spice them up or cool them down . Or because a little birdie told me you wanted them back really bad. Get my spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99. Get my spicy chicken strips combo wed love some help with laundry. Heres how you do it. Spray and scrub anything with a stain. Soak your nasty jersey. It stinks wash the really dirty clothes separately. Remember hard work builds character tide pods with upgraded 4in1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step. Aww, you did the laundry but you didnt fold it. Oh, that wasnt in the note. Should have sent a text. 1 stain and odor fighter, 1 trusted. Its got to be tide. For your health this morning doctors say obesity could affect how covid19 patient response of the virus. And doctors across the country been seen a surge in weight loss surgery patients. Kerry obrien is focusing virginia womans weight loss journey. Ive been walk and walk and walk and walk in. Tuesday sanders has a lot more pep in her step since she shrunk her stomach i feel an amazing the henrico resident had gastric bypass surgery in june since then shes dropped 50 pounds. It wasnt painful at all once weighing 282 pounds. Sanders wasnt feeling so great. I probably was taken about. 7 or 8 pills a day from cholesterol to. High Blood Pressure and diabetes 45 at the time you i got a lot of medication someone my age to be taking and when became clear obesity underlying conditions like diabetes can increase the risk of severe illness with covid19. She knew she needed to get the weight off it definitely way heavy when it came to this year. Shes not the only one weve seen an increase in our people both seeking to start the process. And then people in the process motivated to move forward doctor Matthew Bregman director of bariatric surgery at pair of Doctors Hospital has seen a surge in patients seeking weight loss surgery around the nation United Healthcare and cigna report and increased demand of 20 to 40 compared to last year. Was recognized very early on that obesity really predicts a pour out com than the general population. If a patient does contract covid virus. Those patients are going to be more likely to be admitted to the hospital. Theyre more likely to be required ventilation about 50 more likely to actually die from the disease. Sanders counts the decision as one of our best after Everything Else she tried didnt work a lot of people. May think that something easily out but let me inform you that its not easy you still have to work i still have to watch what i eat that still have to lift weights. I still have to do cardio. Well that was kerry obrien reporting now today, sanders 8 pills a day are down to 3 and shes a good candidate or we should tell you a good candidate for bariatric surgery is someone who is between 70 to 100 pounds overweight and also has weight related conditions like Heart Disease. Sleep apnea and diabetes. Well coming up this morning. You should receive your mail in ballot by now, but some voters say theyve received 2. Well find out why Officials Say this is a very common mixup and what you should do with that second ballot. And alas a nurses and First Responders plan to strike here in Alameda Health system in doing good morning welcome back to kron 4 morning news, 7. 28 sunday morning were taking a live look outside from sutro can things are clearing up quite nicely dave its always nice to see the sunshine in the war on the waterfront in San Francisco because it doesnt happen a whole but the october of course considered one of the best months for the bay area and the shot is proving that out and were delivering marty yeah, im sure were delivering about that action yet looking good on that front as you talk about and whats nice is you know we get all the sunshine. Without the sultry afternoon its going to be nice pleasant falllike day not even much the way of winds little bit of breeze cooking here were going to Half Moon Bay hearing on the issue it appears like this imagery is better than about a half hour ago looks like some of this fog is starting to left but so that lingers around just a bit. Big temperature change though coming this week right away, nice shot also the Golden Gate Bridge up close and personal here clearview the we have pretty much gone all the way through dust Storm Tracker 4 miles of formality we call it that not much to see upstream either now weve been talking about this High Pressure so it does mean some offshore winds were going to see some of those working here the next 48 hours but the real deal as we get to watch out for is later on during the week. Current numbers were in the 50s in the 60s and the east bay. For santa rosa 44. 50s up here in the north bay 57 meanwhile for san jose. And all of the district is behind where we were from yesterday happen doesnt degrees was close to a dozen. Were going to catch up on that front because today a lot more sun but instead of going crazy with these temperatures and so forth would be very no feeling is what weve got going on the breakdown for 66 at 11 by 2 were talking 77 dont get too comfortable because things will be changing for this week well be covering that in your 4 zone forecast in just a bit marty. All right dave thanks a lot. Well happening today nurses in the east bay are set to end their fiveday strike. They walked out over a lack of personal protective equipment from the Alameda Health system. Kron fours reyna harvey live in oakland this morning. Shes at Highland Hospital and she has the latest for us marty good morning and youll notice a completely different scene to my right into my left. You see no nurses out here and thats because they suspended the picket line portion all of their strike today, however, they are still striking. Theyre not going to work today. They tell me theyre using this time to meet online virtually and ill be talking about many of the things they need theyve been out here all week since wednesday, they started out here Highland Hospital they were in san leandro hospital like you mentioned theyre asking for more protective equipment theyre also asking for more support and compassion when it comes to their homeless patients, especially now when they have up tick in covid19 cases. Theyre asking for more support because they want to feel safe as they are seen many of the people coming in and out of the hospital. Now we talked to nurses we talked to doctors we talked to frontline workers who have been out here all week. Heres what they had say. Weve been fighting for a fair contract for about 10 months. One of the one of the things that weve been fighting for the bargaining table is something that i have to deal with that work very often and thats we have homeless patients interim patients who have all their clothing cut off by us so we can check them out to make sure the not injured. And also assault patients whose clothing gets taken for evidence we often have to send them out into the cold wearing only socks, no shoes on and paper scraps. And thats because the Hospital System year hs has failed to just a plan or budget at all to provide those things theres a state law that says they need to provide that kind of weather appropriate clothing to homeless people. Theyre just not doing it weve been fighting about things just like that for years and they cant seem to figure it out and so were out here because they can do their job in there to keep our patients safe and keep us safe. Now were also hearing from Alameda Health system. They just gave us a new Statement Today were going to read to you. When they say we taken steps necessary to meet the needs of our patients. Were eager to get back to the bargaining table to reach an agreement that supports our ability to serve that community. Now tomorrow. The union has told me they plan to meet with Alameda Health systems. They plan lay out everything that theyve been asking for and hopefully they can come to sort of resolution so well have that story. We bring it to you tomorrow now reporting here in Oakland Reyna harvey kron 4 news. All right reena thanks a lot for that live report from the east bay were now 23 days from the november election kron 4 of course your local election headquarters and by law Election Officials and officers are required to mail ballots to you but in some cases some people are receiving 2 ballots. Kron fours phillipe djegal explains why this happens and what you should do if it happens to you. Heidi loop lives in San Mateo County and this week she received 2 ballots for the general election. She says nothing has changed since the midterms her name and address are still the same the only thing i did do is i went on track my ballots. Track your ballots and its sad that i didnt have a registration. So i typed in my name and it said i would be registered so maybe that kicked a second registration in to process that appears to be the case and the issue is more common than you might think up north in Placer County, the registrar of voters says up to 6,000 voters are expected to get 2 ballots in the mail every time that somebody touches that record it triggers a second ballot to be generated for that boat or if you receive 2 ballots and in the second one and void the first either by destroying it or turning it into your local Elections Office. Regardless if you turn one in it will be flagged in the event someone attempts to vote twice you want to make sure that 2 ballots are not counted for one voter and so thats why the process is set up like it is to avoid that first ballot when the second ballot is generally heidi loop was already concerned about fraud potentially tainting this election. She does not want the results corrupted by people voting multiple times i hope that through the audit process. The official ballots would be thrown out, but im not sure that thats the case. And graver concerns that i had before understandable but a process is in place to prevent one person from getting 2 votes. I believe all kron 4 news. And we are at kron 4 committed to helping make sure that your vote counts so if you have a problem cast your ballot. Let us know about it and well investigated you can email us at voting problems at kron 4 dot com. So i just want to thank you all for being on the white house lawn this beautiful great loss. President trump made his first public appearance since returning to the white house after being treated for coronavirus last weekend. The president s doctor says hes no longer contagious. Saturday afternoon, hundreds of supporters gathered at the south lawn of the white house despite warnings from Public Health officials. Many people wore masks, but there was little social distancing. President trump is also preparing to head to flowida for a rally tomorrow. New this morning, the New York Times first reported and then several other News Agencies of since corroborated reports that the president discussed a very bizarre show that he wanted to put on when he left. Walter reed hospital, the report says the president talked with his aides and advisers about the idea of leaving the hospital pretending to be ill and weakened from covid19 then he said he would rip open his button down shirt to reveal a superman tshirt underneath. Well obviously they ultimately decided against that plan. But its not clear who made that final decision. Well coming up this morning the president is crediting regeneron with helping him recover quickly from covid19 experts are now weighing in on how woman 1 get your votebymail ballot . Woman 2 you can stay healthy and fill it out from the safety of home. Surfer or you can fill it out anywhere. Man 1 its easy to mail it back. You dont even need a stamp. Man 2 or you can use an official drop box. Woman 3 you can even drop it off at the polls. Man 3 then, track it to confirm your county got it. See . They got it woman 4 mail ballots are the simple, safe, and secure way to ensure that your vote is counted. To wear a mask out in public around other people. Sure itll keep you healthy. But more importantly, i wont have to see your happy smiling face. Ugh. And if you dont want to wear a mask, ive just got one thing to tell you. Scram, go away. Ugh. Caring for each other because we are all in this together. So wear a mask and have a rotten day, will ya . Ugh. Good morning welcome back only a few 100 patients across the country have had access to regeneron thats the experimental antibody cocktail that President Trump but credits for his recovery from covid19. But its not just the president is praising the drug which is still in testing. A man from Tampa Florida says it saved his life just a checker has his story. Whatever was at radio show host Christopher Denson is in the tampa keeping it real and around studio with this covid19 survivor paying for people to get sick like that i wouldnt that on dance and says he also had pneumonia in both lungs back in july when he checked into Tampa General Hospital the symptoms is what the coming down just this one. Down down down down to where my breathing to 46 with will be a 100. Denson says he felt like he had no choice but to try the regeneron antibody cocktail when doctors approached him about enrolling in the clinical trial. I was already feeling on my way out. So really nothing could you know you cant you cant dock twice. The positive effect on his recovery. He says were almost immediate before the bag even was empty. I was out to be. So couldnt do for 3 days. Before President Trump tried the promising experimental treatment. Doctor kami kim says tampa general had trouble signing up covid19 patients for the trial this week weve got no problems recruiting patients. Pretty much everybody we ask said, yes, even if the fda grants emergency use authorization doctor kim says she hopes the scientific studies continue to really get the data to know definitively whether this drug really works and who works best and who will benefit the most. Back in jensens radio studio and putting politics aside, i know how lot of people feel that my but. I i was hoping that he took it. So he can he can get back in the in the release. And so doctor kim says the regeneron drug is both safe and promising should like 2 or more of it should be given to every covid19 patients are just those who become more reporting in tampa, im justin schecker. Lots of sunshine going on today a lot more than yesterday but without the heat guilt or Something Like that you know 70s and 80s we expect for highs today in a check the 4 zone forecast and who is usaa made for . Its made for this guy a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. We also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. Become a member today. Get an insurance quote at usaa. Com quote usaa. What youre made of were made for every sunday to you everybody 7. 44 and a time to check in with dave spahr to get a look at the forecast. I did a good morning. Marty good morning everybody, a live shot coming in from the other still some fog to be had in spots really Half Moon Bay here. This is sometimes a fog trapped at any rate. But as you can see still like reading some more brightening of the skies a bit off to the corner here so give a little time work its magic sfo, no delays happening. Sometimes the fog trap as well temperatures will but sluggish this morning hey thats good thats ok, 50s and 60s scotts a 45 chilly degrees up to santa rosa. 57 going on for san jose 55 meanwhile for San Francisco. The cloud sector whats going on here because of the change in the pattern we see little fronts dropping like this but nothing real substantive with us this is High Pressure playing keep away. But sneaking underneath all of that is some moisture from the south thats kind of interesting and it makes it up to the bay area looks like by next weeknd. Well see what that materializes as but right now the general game plan is turning hot. Were already dry were going to get drier all week. Good thing is we dont see a lot of surface winds yet. But that may be something that may be entered into the forecast later Central Valley looking good today to 83 fresno 79 bakersfield 72 again for San Francisco and down south in the upper 70s like san diego at 7973 for l a x checking in your 4 zone forecast San Francisco at 72 to the coast. Were in the middle to upper 60s so on the bay side 74 millbrae 74 south San Francisco, san bruno 72. And palo alto sneaks an 80 in here but 78 going on for redwood city 76 for Mountain View and the numbers are getting close to 80 for the Santa Clara Valley mostly 79 the popular region here 80 going on from morgan hill 79 most condos east bay shoreline to the south. Its now being mid to upper 70s, a warmer than yesterday lower 80s going on try valley enjoy the 80s. Theyre here for just about a day or 2. 83 for walnut creek 84 for concord 72 berkeley, 75 up there to richmond Solano County checkin also with the lower 80s out there to fairfield and vacaville 79 delay ho in benicia 84 pittsburgh. Some 81 meanwhile also see 6181 for napa 83 for sonoma and also santa rosa around upper 70s lower 80s heading down south again everybody is going to graduate upwards for the week ahead, well probably pop off to close to 90 in some spots as early as tuesday. But keep us in the lower 90s it looks like just about all week long here with this and again watching out for any surface offshore winds because that would be a fire concern with the dry conditions marty all right dave thanks a lot. Well a recent increase in coronavirus cases has some experts worried that the second wave of the pandemic could soon be upon us. According to Johns Hopkins university, 57,000 new cases of covid19 were reported across the country on friday and that makes it the most in a single day since august 14th. Now there are different covid19 tests that are available but which one should you get some tests look for the dna of the virus while others are looking to see if your body is fighting the virus in prison proved producing antigens one test takes a little bit of time while the other has rapid results. Our medical reporter dina bair has more on the reliability accuracy and speed. So we do have a need for easily administered test in this country as we try to you know go about our daily business. There is value in a rapid test for large events or medical procedures when there is a need to know immediately. But speed sacrifices accuracy, the rapid tests in general tend to be less sensitive and so as is the case with any type of covid testing its important be cautious wear masks continue to social distance its its possible to get a false negative result were seeing in this country abbott insists its antigen screen identifies positive test results, 95 of the time. And renders a negative result in 97. 9 of samples. But doctors in the heart of covid units treating patients say in their experience the rapid 30 minute test made by multiple manufacturers are only 70 of sensitive in accurately identifying sars covid 2 the virus that causes covid19 and when patients are tested too early when viral levels are low. It may give a false negative. Its important to recognize that a test is really a snapshot in time of that patient and we have certainly have patients who tested negative. For symptomatic and were be tested and you know some days later and became we just had caught them too early on the sampling of Walking Around with a false sense of security may lead some to unknowingly spread covid19. And it is important to seek out testing if exposed to this coronavirus multiple testing options make that easier some places are doing what seemed to be more comfortable testing as opposed to the deep nasal approach, but the risks may outweigh the benefits the Gold Standard test is still going to be a deep nasal swab the news of 4 inches fog. Followed up by pcr testing that is the sensitivity and specificity that we can offer anywhere in the world. However, its difficult to administer those swabs is less comfortable for patients so many locations are now doing less dfour anterior neri swabs the sensitivity is a little bit last because were not collecting as much virus on those types of samples as you would get from these of 4 inches 5 throat swabs are also now available similarly theres been a lot in the news lately saliva testing and again saliva is a sample that we can then use by whatever analytical means hes in the laboratory, a little less sensitive most likely but obviously easier collect and it doesnt necessarily need. Well Trained Medical professional incomplete personal protective equipment, so there are some advantages to to that but again understand that of the tradeoff is perhaps a little bit of sensitivity in detecting the virus at Northshore University healthsystem doctor karen call leads a team that runs about 2000 test today. She knows the importance of accuracy in the hospital setting the last thing we wanted was someone coming in with an expected covid that could spread it around the hospital so weve been very cautious in a hospital setting to use the most sensitive test possible in a bear. One hour following the latest coronavirus cases the u. S. Confirming more than 7. 7 million cases of the virus. More than 214,000 people in this country have died. The state of california continues to lead the country with the number of cases at 837,000 here in the bay area there are more than 103,000 cases and 16 people have died from the virus. Theres a new study from penn state that suggest preexisting conditions increase the risk of dying from covid19 researchers looked at more than 60,000 Covid Patients from around the world and they found that cardiovascular disease doubles the risk of death from the virus. Diabetes stroke and cancer increases the risk up to 3 times. Researchers say their findings may help Public Health officials improve patient care and develop techniques that can target these highrisk populations. When it comes to vaccination know says a vaccination and have some united station. They did these groups that weve identified to be at increased risk of perhaps shouldnt receive the highest priority to any case because we dont have enough breaks in. Researchers say additional studies need to be done on the effects of race and ethnicity and covid19 survival rates. Lets going take you outside for a live look at conditions from the embarcadero camera beautiful shot from there plenty of sunshine blue skies should be a Beautiful Day around the bay. This youre strong. You power through chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month,. Each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. So, if you havent tried botox® for your chronic migraine,. Check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection. Causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,. Speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness. Can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions. Neck and injection site pain. Fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions. And medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. 95 of patients may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. So, text to see how you can save. Botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for 10 years. So, ask your doctor about botox® today. Welcome back to kron 4 morning news, good morning everybody and live shot coming in from the bay bridge toll plaza soaking up the sunshine, nice blue skies going on here too and were going to have mild temperatures to couple with that as well Half Moon Bay, were working on here still some leftover fog some try to make an appearance here to start the action to clear that out temperatures on the board weve got about 60 ish already along the east bay shoreline. Some 50s inland. 45 santa rosa, 58 for san jose but away we go with highs today were at 66 by 11 by 2 77 we do have 80s on the board but a little cooler than we had other we will have later on during the week but with sunshine. We have this goaround marty all right dave thanks a lot. Well happening later today 49 ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo will be back under center for the niners as they take on the dolphins at levis stadium. This of course will be jimmy gs first game back after 2 weeks and 2 weeks after suffering that high ankle sprain against the jets. Kickoff at levis at one 05 this afternoon. We want safe staffing. We want a fair contract. And still ahead on the kron 4 morning news nurses in the east bay set to end their strike today after 5 days on the picket line. Theyre demanding more ppe to help keep them safe on the front lines. Plus you should receive your mail invalid by now but for some people theyve received to why Officials Say this is a common mixup an youre watching morning news at the. Good morning. Everybody thank you so much for joining us on the kron 4 morning news. It is sunday october 11th, im Marty Gonzalez were going to kick things off by getting a look at the forecast with dave spahr a day a good morning. Marty good morning everybody off to a good start. We are live shot coming in from the bay bridge toll plaza enjoying the blue skies off to the distance swinging things around with the sunshine on our shoulders, u c berkeley shot, theres the east bay shoreline and often the distance just a little bit of haze going on, unlike yesterday its going to be in mild day temperature wise were to soak up a lot of sun though to aloft the flow pattern is still kind of on shore a bit but we are concerned with little bit of a surface offshore flow with dry conditions already prevailing in other words even though we had come this rain event occur from yesterday last night in spots. Its going to get really dry this afternoon which will be showing you a bit we dont have a lot in the way of winds though so thats good 50s and 60s off to the east bay for right now up to the north they got those 40s 54 about oh 58 for san jose most of the district is trailing this morning, half a dozen or more degrees behind yesterday. We expect the breakdown 74 a lot of my 12 excuse me 3 oclock at 79. Well see some 80s out there. But it looks like the 90s are coming back in this long range forecast which will check into marty. Justifys death for a Traffic Violation Something Like that to happen. In our own backyard is on acceptable. People in the north bay want answers after a napa county deputies shot and killed an unarmed man during a traffic stop. Now the mans family is asking how a traffic stop could have ended with their loved one dead. 47 yearold won Adrian Garcia was shot last last monday rather he died a day later from his injuries and now the garcia family and members of the community hoping that this latest shooting can spark change in the north bay kron fours dan thorn has more. A small Group Gathers in napa Holding Signs and calling for justice for one Adrian Garcia, just days ago the 47 yearold father of 3 was shot and killed by a deputy during a traffic stop nothing justifies. For a Traffic Violation, especially if youre an armed fernandez is the founder of the peoples collective for change. Her group is calling for more transparency from the Napa County Sheriffs Department over garcias death. I know this person is do the very wellspoken person is very very easygoing not could kangaroos because Something Like that happen. In our own backyard is on acceptable. The department has shared their condolences with garcias family via facebook calling the situation extremely difficult but also gave their explanation for shooting garcia because he ignored commands would not show his hands and aggressively approached the deputy why garcia was pulled over monday night has not been revealed i think that they need to release the video footage. I think that if theyre going to use language like that the paint the picture. There needs to be video to accompany it so that people can see one of garcias sons spoke briefly at saturdays event in downtown napa saying his family deserves justice. Some residents say garcias killing is creating a bitter racial divide within their community, not as a as a wonderful place. But its also really really divided place and this is only further divide enough reporting in napa dan thorn kron 4 news. And also in the north made the city of the lei was asking for a change of venue in the case of Sean Monterrosa the city announcing yesterday that it had filed 3 motions in the case which includes a gag order in order to prevent anyone from talking about the case to reporters and also asking to dismiss certain charges in the federal lawsuit monterrosa was shot and killed by Vallejo Police officer jarrett tonn back on june 2nd. He was on his knees at the time with his hands raised as police were investigating a call at A Walgreens Khan fired 5 shots of monterrosa from the back seat of a patrol car and killed him. The city of the wants to move the trial to fresno. And in marine county, a man is in jail this morning for shooting an 18 yearold pregnant woman with a paint been in pain gun, a ball or rather paint ball gun shot or 30 times. It happened friday on drake avenue near donahue street in marine city. The woman had injuries to her back or arms stomach and face. Police identify 19 yearold Tyrell Atkinson as the shooter officers found the paint ball gun believed to be responsible for the attack in the back of his car and consent is already on probation for assault with a deadly weapon. Now we go to the east bay where Police Arrested a man on hate crime charges after tying a noose to a tree in berkeley on thursday, a city worker says that they saw a man tying that news with some rope and the marina near the south cove. When the worker approached the man about the news, the man fastened it to the tree and then ran away. Officers found him a short time later. In the south bay, San Jose Police say a drunk driver hit and killed a pedestrian. Investigators say the victim was crossing South Jackson avenue just before 9 oclock friday night. When he was hit by someone driving a 2004 saturn. The man later died at the hospital, the driver is being held at the Santa Clara County jail on dui charges. And coming up this morning just 10 days ago was a ghost town and now as crews are making great progress on the glass fire. Well take a look at how life in calistoga is getting back to normal. And President Trump says he knows hes no longer contagious and he can return to the campaign trail. But he hasnt released any proof of that well have the very latest on that coming up. But first a bloodied crime scene is being investigated in the Central Valley, what were learning about a fatal when was the last time your property tax bill went down . What . Never. Are you kidding me . For years, the residential burden has gone up. While the corporate burden has gone down. Prop 15 reverses that. It closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. And when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. Thats right. A savings of a hundred twentyone dollars a year for the average home. Give homeowners a break. Vote yes on 15. Good morning, welcome back authorities in denver say at least one person has died. Another is in jail after a shooting at competing demonstrations. One of them supporting police the other against police. Denver pd says the suspect is a private Security Guard with no links to any known organizations. Its not clear this morning if the shooting is directly related to the protest. Now to the Central Valley in the city of lodi has shaken this morning after a popular restaurant turned into a crime scene overnight. Kristi gross has the latest on the investigation. Yellow crime scene tape is all thats left behind outside of lowrise black bear diner after dinner at the diner took a deadly turn friday night Harbor Patrol officers responded to a call. Of a stabbing that was occurring at the black bear diner. When they arrived on scene they found the victim who are suffering most. Stab wounds lodi Police Sergeant Ricardo Garcia says a Good Samaritan customer intervene and wrestled the knife away from the suspect cutting his hand in the process. The stabbing victim was rushed to the hospital but later died. Police arrested 34 yearold robert injury, no of carmichael and he was booked into the county jail for murder. It appears that they were here together and they know each other there was some type of altercation. That ultimately led the suspect stabbing the victim the once popular diner remain closed saturday customers like Debbie Fleming showed up throughout the day only to find the diners doors locked your life. I mean you dont think that things like that happening here fleming says she comes to the diner often but was thankful. She wasnt here last night you know its really scary to go anywhere with your family or whoever nowadays black bear had just reopen for indoor meeting last week but is now closed indefinitely after last nights crime scene. Think he did not downgrade despite what happened inside she says shell be back if and when they reopen very said. Know it will stop me from coming here by no means you know find good food you know easy. So when you find a good place for me im going to keep coming back in lodi kristi gross. Im looking at your sunday quite a difference from saturday well have lots of sunshine without the seat belts one of the lakes 70 at noon and 3 oclock were talking 79, but it will be taking california for a ride. Companies like uber, lyft, doordash. Breaking state employment laws for years. Now these multibilliondollar companies wrote deceptive prop 22 to buy themselves a new law. To deny drivers the rights they deserve. No sick leave. No workers comp. No unemployment benefits. Vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. One ride california doesnt want to take. If sttry new align digestivetive issuedestress. It combines aligns probiotic with ashwagandha to help soothe occasional digestive upsets, plus stress that can make them worse. Align digestive destress. From the pros in digestive health. Smells more amazing than ever. Flings now so their laundry isnt that the dogs towel . Hey, me towel su towel. More gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze in every gain fling. Its a 13 good morning, everybody welcome back people in louisiana once again trudging through kneedeep water in some spots to reach their stormdamaged homes. But as always many of them pledging to rebuild after hurricane delta blew through their state delta made landfall friday with winds topping 100 miles an hour. Daniel johnson shows us deltas aftermath in louisiana. Downed power lines trees split in half and metal covering ripped to pieces this is what hurricane delta left behind in dollar million parish now residents will spend days laboring to recover million pairs weather this storm for the second time just weeks after hurricane lauras landfall. Towns prone to flooding replace under mandatory evacuation and city officials advise residents to get out while they can chris has fond of dell come says every year during hurricane season. He stays behind to inform his community on what happens. This time was like no other a lot of debris. A lot of tree branches are. He says hurricane delta strong winds made huge impact on the small town and not in a way he expected he says certain parts of dell complex easily in the town was very fortunate to not receive more rain. However he says hurricane delta caused a lot of wind damage it was caught on very last night like i said the trip was often on it was it was different compared to the he hopes this time will be different and residents have more luck then just move everything out and that there is some more. Well that was Daniel Johnson reporting for by the way hurricane delta now weakened to a posttropical cyclone and were going to turn to dave spahr to talk about that dave what is a post tropical cyclone. That means its lost a lot of tropical characteristics aloft then when these up you can see kind of the curvature this is whats left of it now here just heavy rains the ohio valley. Yesterday a buddy mine who works at our next our station down in columbus georgia, he was dealing with tornadoes going on now thats not unheard of with the landfalling hurricane because when its over water, its very stable, but it goes over land becomes unstable in the air mass starts to go in different directions. Thats when you get spin, you get very weak tornadoes typically with that which is what they had yesterday but that carries with it locally Severe Weather in its wake now the big issue is flooding with this. I checked on watches and warnings and all that sort of thing were not seeing that were just seeing rain going up the Midatlantic States theyre back on the home front what a contrast get a lot of those nice shot here the Golden Gate Bridge, a very clear and the wake of kind of all the fog that we had from yesterday and lingering a little bit coming in early during the evening yesterday, heres a shot from timber on as we can see off in the distance the golden gate clear view as well so we like all of that. So with the sunshine is i mean the heat is on that so much today well get a breather from that going to feel kind of fall like for you 50s 60s off to the east bay up to the north bay, the 40s 54 in 58 for san jose. Checking in your future cast winds little bit of an onshore wind at work but were getting a little offshore to the good news is in this one reason showing at the surface here were not getting a whole lot of winds for projected period of time which is good because we have a lot of dry air which to negotiate through look at this now we have a lot of service moisture to start off the day very typical falls off a cliff, though for the afternoon, good news is were not a lot of winds. The recovery for tomorrow morning. I know its not even there. I mean so much drier tomorrow morning or seeing today and continuing into tomorrow afternoon again the good news is winds not part of the picture here so mostly sunny mild to warm got kind like a fall like day today 70s and 80s going on this week popping into the 90s by tuesday for the remainder of the week. Mid to upper 70s also at the coast and by this weekend may be peeling back a little bit we got 90s going on still inland in 70s at the not bad on that front, but it wont be quite as oppressive as it looks like another hot heat spike coming our way per ticket for those inland valleys by the middle to latter portion of the week 72 today for San Francisco, 77 open 79 for san jose and across the wider bear the heavier yellows here and then some oranges off to the far east bay with some 80s hang on just a bit well checking that extended forecast for you in a bit like those 90s and also the 4 zone forecast to party. It sounds good dave see a couple minutes. Thank you. Well turning now to our wildfire coverage cal fire says it now expects the glass fire to be fully contained in about 9 days on october 20th. This morning containment is 90 and so far the fire has burned more than 67,000 acres in napa and sonoma counties destroying more than 800 homes and theres still more than 1000 structures that have been destroyed. As firefighters are making more progress in the glass fire there are more evacuation orders and warnings that have been lifted in napa valley kron fours gayle ong has the latest now from calistoga. As the glass fire continues to burn or the napa valley people here in calistoga or just trying to get back to normal life. It was business as usual in downtown calistoga shops opened friday after being closed for almost 2 weeks since the glass fire ignited. Thats the city did not sustain any damage. All of our utilities are functioning and operational and you know were just you know, were just happy to be here. The city of calistoga has been spared by wildfires but businesses were hit hard with mandatory evacuations and covid city manager mike kern is confident the economy will bounce back quickly our businesses are able to spread their customers out and. And provide them with that that physical distancing thats necessary to to provide a safe environment or businesses are very resilient. Theyre ready and willing and able to come back. Full throttle as of saturday, the glass fire is close to reaching full containment allowing residents to return home he come to check for us and nato i come i call for my boy and my girl Sylvia Guzman left calistoga when the fire was burning close pie, she stayed at a hotel a nap before week and is grateful to see her home Still Standing from feel good now with her apartments is fast 50 and. As you make your way back to the napa valley, firefighters and utility workers are still working to restore the fire damaged areas. That could take days to make those areas safe for the public in Calistoga Gayle ong kron 4 news. And officials in Sonoma County are urging Property Owners in areas impacted by the recent wildfires to now prepare for rain. They said that Many Properties with an and downstream of the burn areas are now at higher risk for flash floods rockfalls debris and mud flows. Officials say that its up to Property Owners to prevent settlement from clogging storm drains creeks and rivers. So theyre recommending that put out sand and gravel bags. And coming up this morning were going to introduce you to a Fashion Designer whos found a home behind his sewing machine for more than half a century. As we continue our celebration of lets talk about floors. Floors for toddlers. Floors for toys. Floors for stories. Floors for screams. Book now and have yours installed by the holidays. The unfair money bail system. He, accused of rape. While he, accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. Because the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. Vote yes on prop 25 proposition 16 takes some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. Good morning, welcome back ron for celebrating hispanic heritage month and this month in morning we want to introduce you to fast Fashion Designer Manuel Cuevas he says it was luck love and a calling that led him to designing clothes for the most people famous people in the world from some of the biggest names in music to hollywood legends, Stephanie Langston reports that at the age of 87 manuel is still stitching his way way at his boutique in nashville, tennessee. For more than half a century man wells found his home behind a sewing machine i went inside the funding issue. And i was to sit there born in mexico that quote cullman me truck on one of 12 children he started making his own closed, but the time he was 7. And prom dresses at the age of 12 i think the first sickly you was 125 and from there on one oh 305 hungry. His success paid well and then 19 he graduated from the university of mexico. His journey soon leading him to california. We started working with side of war. Taylor to the rat pack perfecting fits for names like Frank Sinatra and while flourished in america, finding himself working alongside new t known for his rhinestone covered suits and while shined gaining respect for his unique designs by the cowboys from the mask of the lone ranger to james deans jeans man well worked on more than 90 movies in hollywood. He open man wellcut tour where he dressed artists like elvis, johnny cash marty stuart and george jones, his clientele only taking off from there. The role in song. Beatles and michael jackson. Friends. But they its only fitting that today, the National Treasure makes his home in music city from bolero jackets blazers and doctors each piece that man wells is custom made one of a kind. The passion is what takes and then the sordid world. But style is where i live. Thats what i mean think and next time so it sounds like you dont plan to stop anytime soon. On they was his mind and. Reporting from nashville and stephanie links how going strong in 87. Well our hispanic heritage special runs next saturday october 17th and im happy to tell you im going to be hosting that its a 30 minute special begins at 00 30pm in the evening. You can also find more of these stories online at kron 4 dot com. All you have to do is look under the Community Tab for hispanic heritage month. And still ahead this morning you should have received your mail in ballot fine now, but some voters say they actually received 2. Well find out why Officials Say this is a common mixup and what you should do with that second ballot. And today is day 5 in the final day of the most is strike one things will look taking california for a ride. Companies like uber, lyft, doordash. Breaking state employment laws for years. Now these multibilliondollar companies wrote deceptive prop 22 to buy themselves a new law. To deny drivers the rights they deserve. No sick leave. No workers comp. No unemployment benefits. Vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. One ride california doesnt want to take. Doordash prop 22. Its rising. The pain is coming. Good morning welcome back 8. 29 this sunday morning taking a live look outside this is from sutro cam this morning and were seeing some hazy skies in the background, but overall really nice start to the day in San Francisco. Hope youre enjoying your early sunday morning as well lets go ahead and get the Weather Forecast from days far heidi a good morning marty good morning, everybody were getting all the sunshine a lot of times we see shots like that we go oh here we go. Another heat spike yes, but delayed were getting the falllike feel today with the sunshine that we didnt get so much from yesterday, heres a live shot coming in from timber on right now off to the distance, theres the golden gate up close and personal. Nice and clear as well lot of times fog lights to hide out there a bit not a problem this morning and on Storm Tracker 4 nothing interfering. We do have kind of a general off flow pattern thats pretty much west to east. But looking pretty good to start your day got about 64, hey were now at this hour 58 oakland inland. Were seeing still 50s and 60s chilly 40s up here to the north bay and 58 san jose. So were actually trailing this morning compared to where we were but some appreciative numbers here almost a dozen agrees behind up here in the north bay, half a dozen across most of the midday breaks down like this 70 by high noon to 3 oclock at 79. Plenty of 80s going on in land. The 90s are common and were going to have that in the extended forecast. Well also take a look at your 4 zone forecast see what your sunday is looking like marty alright, dave thanks a lot. Well happening today nurses in the east bay are set to end their fiveday strike. They want doubt over a lack of personal protective equipment from the Alameda Health system kron fours reyna harvey has been following the story. Shes now live in san leandro with the latest in not a whole lot of activity behind you. Marty youre absolutely right nolans miami today and thats because theyre taking this data still strike so theyre not showing up to work. But what they are doing is theyre Holding Virtual meetings throughout the day to talk about what they want. Now we have been here since they started on wednesday, they told me theyre asking for more protective equipment, especially during the coronavirus we see a lot of patients and they said they dont always feel safe. Nor do they feel like they have the ability to keep a lot of the patients safe. Theyre also asking compassion when it comes to the Homeless Community that they serve do these different hospitals and also asking just for more support over all. Now like i mentioned since wednesday theyve been out here across the bay area now im a county of several hospitals we just left local highland. Now mentally this is where they were as well. Lets take a listen to some of their needs straight from them. One of the one of the examples of the way that it does is failing to provide appropriate equipment is that when we were isolation gowns to protect ourselves from blood and bodily fluids. And also from covid the ones just issuing us now say not for medical use on them and are stopping here was a problem before the pandemic and it persists during the pandemic and the way looks is that so for a nurse like myself that means that very often way too often we have to make the choice between leaving our patients so that they dont have a nurse there are going to just to go eat or use the or going without on a 12 hour shift, which means that we may not be getting safe care. If we are unable to get or to beat right so we are also hearing from the Alameda Health system this is a new statement from them. Theyre saying weve taken steps to necessary to meet the needs of our patients were eager to get back to the bargaining table to reach an agreement that supports our ability to serve the community so tomorrow. They are also posting needs over a lot of the things that these workers are asking for in their conference so it will. He interesting to see they come to some sort of agreement the Health Care Workers say this is long overdue now reporting here in philly reyna harvey kron 4 news. So if they dont agree tomorrow have you heard anything about the possibility of yet another walkout. You know i was able to talk to the union and the workers. Very tight lipped at the moment on that because theyre optimistic about that conversation tomorrow. So tomorrow well find out if they come to an agreement and lot before going to back out on the picket lines. Laura, you know one day at a time. Thank you reena for that live report from san leandro. Well we are now just 23 days from the november election kron 4 is your local election headquarters and by law lunch and the officers or officers are required to send ballots out by mail but there are some cases where people actually receive 2 ballots in Placer County the register voters says up to 6,000 voters are expected to get 2 ballots in the mail in the bay area. Why the loop lives in San Mateo County and last week she received 2 ballots for the general election. She says nothing has changed in her life since the midterm elections, her name and address are still the same. So now shes worried on why she received to balance. The only thing i did do is i went on track my ballots. Track your ballots and its sad that i didnt have a registration. So i typed in my name and it said i would be registered so maybe that kicked a second registration in to process 3 times many touches that record it triggers a second ballot to be generated for that voter. So Elections Officials are saying if you do receive 2 ballot you should send in the second one and void the first one either by destroying it or turning it into your local Elections Office regardless if you turn one in it will be flagged in the event that someone attempts to vote twice. Kron fours committed to helping make sure that your vote counts so if youre having a problem casting your ballot be sure to let us know when well look into it you can email us at voting problems at kron 4 dot com. Confirmation hearings begin tomorrow for President Trumps Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. If confirmed the 48 yearold Appeals Court judge would fill the seat of liberal Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg who died last month. Ginsburgs replacement by a bear and a conservative within shift the balance of the court significantly to the right from 5, 4 in favor of conservatives 2, 6, 3, the hearings are expected to last on capitol hill for 4 days. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are rejecting President Trumps roughly one 0. 8 trillion dollars stimulus proposal that makes it all but certain that there will be no real know nia covid19 relief before election day. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the president s offer is quote one step forward 2 steps back while Senate Republicans dismissed the plan is too expensive claiming that would not play well with their conservative base. The proposal is a big reversal for the president who said at first he was interested in a large scale stimulus deal and then abruptly called off stimulus talks entirely last week. Well still ahead this morning after being in a coma for more than 80 days one south a man is sharing his battle against covid19. Well hear the right now, aarps work is more important than ever. Access to healthcare, affordable prescription drugs, opportunities to save for the future. Thats what aarp fights for because thats what everyone deserves. Good morning welcome back a san jose man is sharing his journey and recovery from covid19 tom butts was a World Class Athlete yet when the virus hit him he ended up in a coma for nearly 3 months. Kron fours terisa saw ceo has more now on his return to good health and his message for anyone who still has their doubts about the potentially deadly virus. How are you feeling time. Im feeling really very well. Its been 13 rate since i got out of the hospital. Meet tom butts. This is what he looks like now. And what he looked like 13 weeks ago in a coma from covid before got sick, the south. The attorney can peta din the iron man triathlon one of the most challenging races, swimming miles biking steep inclines and running long distances. Now he says hes working on dont walk without walker. I walked about. A little over a mile yesterday without the walker. Thats about as far as can go right now. Tom says that he is still stunned on how the virus snuck up on him and i was in coma for 84 days. So. No i dont understand that. As one the things. It irritates me about. President trumps statements. Im out there and us. I didnt have the same outcome. Theres a lot of people had a worse outcome than i. Tom credits his wife and family for their support in keeping him alive thankful that i have such a strong wife. And she would give up. And hows your mattress rise you can appreciate just were gonna get through this. Yeah my wife and my family and friends. But especially my wife. She had. She said he shared with me that he does have a long way to go my job requires reading a lot. And. Really medical records. And i find that when i start read the thing said. I was like focus. It was my concentration any and said he hopes a vaccine arrives for everyones sake. I want my family and friends to go through this. This is an absolute. Theres no better way to put it. Teresa is stasio kron 4 news. And were looking to better sunday than we had from saturday here at least our temperatures will be a little warmer, well get lots of sunshine going on for 2 not and that extended me im going to be climbing a lot more so than other heats by coming our way that oscar the grouch here to tell you, yeah, you, to wear a mask out in public around other people. Sure itll keep you healthy. But more importantly, i wont have to see your happy smiling face. Ugh. And if you dont want to wear a mask, ive just got one thing to tell you. Scram, go away. Ugh. Caring for each other because we are all in this together. So wear a mask and have a rotten day, will ya . Ugh. When was the last time your property tawhat . L went down . Never. Are you kidding me . For years, the residential burden has gone up. While the corporate burden has gone down. Prop 15 reverses that. It closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. And when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. Thats right. A savings of a hundred twentyone dollars a year for the average home. Give homeowners a break. Vote yes on 15. We look outside things looking pretty good but in some spots, the bay area were dealing with yet another spare the air day and thats going to continue through tuesday days far has that in the forecast for us. Yeah, good morning marty good morning, were kind of done with any real precipitation going on here and winds arent really doing much which and one way is a good thing because they dont want a lot of the winds which will be offshore. However it doesnt help clean our air mass we could have used a little bit more shower activity from that last system that moved through we did get some cooler air. Thats with us today in the wake of all of that this is whats left will take it sure theyre off to the distance the Golden Gate Bridge you can see sfo no delays going on this morning a little in the way of some fog off to the distance you can see up there in the hills got 50s and 60s off to the east bay to the north bay, some chilly 40s even at this hour. 58 san jose 61 for San Francisco. Now the longer range forecast models really nothing theres some weak little systems by midweek the brush on by im going to do anything or even for a temperatures moisture bubbling up from the south interesting enough as High Pressure is pretty much controlling things the timing of that little way by the way friday saturday will soon little closer theres anything really to that. But the basic game plan is High Pressure aloft. So the middle to latter portion of the week temperatures will be racing ahead well in the middle 90s it looks like 80 going on today look at this its delightful 80 going on for bakersfield today, 83 fresno sacramento, 8272, San Francisco. We got all the 70s down south and socal 62 for big bear sold the home front of the 4 zone forecast 72, San Francisco looks like to the coast middle 60s these will be looking at 70s, it looks like by midweek 74 millbrae 75 burning game. Excuse me we do have one 80 out here palo alto at least 78 for redwood city and 76 for mountain dew looks down the Santa Clara Valley getting close but still one more day of those upper 70s, 84. Morgan hill, east bay shoreline to the south mid 70s, 83 livermore and pleasanton 80 personal 82 for dublin. Lets keep it going here 83 for walnut creek, san ramon about 81. Those are going to be translated to 90s in a couple of days 78 for san leandro 72 for berkeley Solano County also looking at lower 80s today, inland. We have 79 going on from laos 79 benicia 81 for napa in 83 for santa rosa with 84 petaluma beaches look okay to 60s the chilly maybe today but warming up there as well 7 day forecast. Away we go 90s are back again here as we finish off the week here but we are watching out for some offshore winds potentially because with dry conditions are conditions getting drier and you add a little bit of an offshore wind there might start to have some problems later on marty ok, thanks a lot dave. Well a recent increase in coronavirus cases has some experts worry that the second wave of the pandemic could soon be upon us. According to Johns Hopkins university 57,000 new cases of covid19 were reported across the country on friday that made it the most in a single day since august 14th. And theres a new study that finds a Staggering Number of coronavirus patients are suffering with longterm health problems. Doctors in chicago say that they found the majority of hospitalized patients had had to deal with neurological issues like brain fog dizziness and muscle pain. Our medical reporter dina bair has more. The number is shocking 82 of covid19 patients experienced neurologic symptoms during the course of their illness. Doctors at northwestern medicine conducted their study with more than 500 hospitalized patients. Muscle pain headaches and settle up at the dizziness and disorder of taste and smell were the most frequently noted neurologic symptoms among study participants. But in several up at the was the most concerning its defined as altered consciousness ranging from mild to comatose of those who experienced the complication up to 22 had a fatal outcome. Thats compared to a mortality rate of 3 among patients who did not have an cephalopod fee in addition they will weve also had patients with stroke seizure. Woman is order perform nerve problem and these people are doing so for a long holders who have lingering manifestation of covid19 which is. Likely opposed covid syndrome that hes not missing any money to buy virus itself but probably issue triggered by the virus to put the study figures in perspective similar investigations in china found 36 of covid19 patients had lingering neurologic symptoms. In spain, 57 difference may have to do with if he secures the basin because the virus once used in a receptor called the east a receptor in order to ensure cell and 2 their damage. And so this percent for me express differently in different population, you think are european i every town for quick asians the brain fog. I thats when things that has force us to drought all of us that more symptoms checked all the boxes, including gastrointestinal and cardiac issues like surges in her Blood Pressure and all of this near team im watching sensation also electricity in that still have were tingling numbness actually right now on my just another strange symptom, the 43 yearold mother at attorneys has lived with since may. Weeks after she and her entire family recovered from covid19. Now doctors are trying to understand the risk factors that led to the lingering problems patients like beth want answers as thats troubling and serious knee that isnt all for a fire in a bear. One hour following the latest coronavirus cases the u. S. Has confirmed more than 7. 7 million cases in the country. More than 214,000 people have died. California continues to lead the country with a number of cases with 837,000 and here in the bay area there are more than 103,000 cases, 16 people, 1600 people in the bay area have died from the virus. One of the countrys key coronavirus models is projecting the u. S. Could see nearly 400,000 covid deaths by february 1st that models from the university of washington, it says the deaths would peak in mid january with as many as 20 2300 people dying from the virus every day. But researchers say if 95 of the country would wear a mask as many as 80,000 lives could be saved the Research Also projects that if restrictions on social distancing are lifted as many as half a Million People could die by february. Lets take you outside for a live look at the embarcadero from our embarcadero camera this morning just a lovely start to the day they swore ha we made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. Tide pods childguard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. To close, twist until it clicks. Tide pods childguard packaging. Vicks vapopatch. Easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. Trusted soothing vapors, from vicks well happening today 49 ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo will be back on the field in under center for the niners sees me as they take on the dolphins at levis stadium later today. This will be jimmy gs first game back in 2 weeks after he suffered that high ankle sprain against the jets kickoff at levis this afternoon for the niners games at one 05. Yeah that will get your attention right a big surprise for a family in lake tahoe, a bear somehow opened the trucks front door and climbed inside. And of course close the door. Theres one problem though the baird couldnt figure out how to open the door from the inside to get out so the owner bravely and quickly open the door and then ran away and the bear as you saw there eventually made its way out of the truck and back into the water look at that scene you open the door. Well from bears to venomous caterpillars now take a look at this. The Virginia Department of forestry is as telling people stay away from the certain type of caterpillar its crawling its way through some parts of the state. Its fluffy it almost looks harmless but it definitely is and its known as the push scallop hill caterpillar. The hairs are venomous spines and they cause painful reaction anyone who might touch it. This is what one woman had to say about her experience with this caterpillar. Cooler i smashed the caterpillar against my wrist and he sang me and that happened right here it was like nothing ive ever experienced it was excruciating. It did not let up at all so the whole time i was in the emergency room it felt like i was still being stung both of mold will have exactly the same reaction they have these hollow i spines that are filled with an acid like material. It protects them from birds. Thats thats thats thats a benefit to the to the cattle call. 5th. Well puss caterpillars leaves but theyve been found in parks or near buildings, but theyre mostly found in the eastern and southern parts of the country so in california or youre not likely to come across one, especially here in the bay area but. We want safe staffing. We want a fair still to come on the kron 4 morning news nurses in the east bay set to end their strike today after 5 days on the picket line. Theyre demanding more ppe has to keep them safe on the front lines. We have a live report standing by plus calls for change and accountability after north a sheriffs deputy shot and killed an unarm jackie, im looking at your mri. Your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. Well, dr. Farrell, it feels really good. Thats good. And. Im sorry. Baby, dont touch that. I dont want you to play with that. singing twinkle, twinkle little star. How i wonder what you are. still singing up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Im so glad that your shoulder is feeling better. But, how are you doing . Im hanging in there. Schedule a video visit with your doctor. And get quality care with no copay. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. Come out of the dryer wrinkled . With no copay. Next time try bounce wrinkle guard dryer sheets. The worlds first mega sheet with 3x more wrinkle relaxers. Look at the difference of these two shirts. The wrinkle guard shirt has less wrinkles and static, and more softness and freshnes a to tame wrinkles on the go use bounce 3in1 rapid touch up spray bounce out wrinkles with bounce wrinkle guard dryer sheets and touch up spray both, with a money back guarantee. Because when i get home, we like to play crocodile on the floor ocedar easywring removes over 99 of bacteria, even with just water. Easy and truly clean floors ocedar. It feels great to feel at home youre watching kron 4 morning news at 9. Good morning, everybody, thanks so much for starting your weekend with the kron 4 morning news its sunday october 11th, im ready gonzalez and im noelle bellow its time to get a check of your forecast with dave spahr dave are we seeing some blue sky today i think so right we are we can see that shot coming in from the Golden Gate Bridge, good morning guys good morning, everybody and this is the place where karl likes to kind of hang out a little bit were not seeing that situation going on for today. Also at the bay bridge toll plaza was kind of overcast looking yesterday morning. Not the case today so were getting a lot of sunshine in nothing really irritating us upstream here these actually some false echoes here. But the flow pattern is still the same pretty much west to east is we have a lot but we are a little concerned about an offshore micro wind event starting to happen conditions are drying in the inland areas for today, 50s and 60s cover most of the east bay weve warmed up considerably up in the north bay in the upper 50s now we were in the 40s yesterday 61 san jose and for comparison. Were still trailing yesterday going to be a mild day today but warming up it looks like in our 7 day forecast, heres how it shakes down today, 74 by 1 oclock at 4. Were talking 79. And temperatures controlling themselves, it looks like for today, but a warm up is expected this week and well have more of that also in your 4 zone forecast later. Nothing justifies death for a Traffic Violation Something Like that to happen. In our own backyard is on acceptable. In the north bay people want answers after an api kidnap a county deputy shot and killed an unarmed man during a traffic stop the mans family is now asking how a traffic stop ended with their loved one is dead 47 yearold won. Adrian garcia was shot last monday and died a day later from his injuries now the garcia family and members of the community are hoping this latest shooting can spark change in the north bay kron fours dan thorn has more. A small Group Gathers in napa Holding Signs and calling for justice for one Adrian Garcia, just days ago the 47 yearold father of 3 was shot and killed by a deputy during a traffic stop nothing justifies. For a Traffic Violation, especially if youre an armed fernandez is the founder of the peoples collective for change. Her group is calling for more transparency from the Napa County Sheriffs Department over garcias death, i know this person you do the very wellspoken person is very very easygoing not could kangaroos it was Something Like that happen. In our own backyard is on acceptable. The department has shared their condolences with garcias family via facebook calling the situation extremely difficult but also gave their explanation for shooting garcia because he ignored commands would not show his hands and aggressively approached the deputy why garcia was pulled over monday night has not been revealed i think that they need to release the video footage. I think that if theyre going to use language like that the paint the picture. There needs to be video to accompany it so that people can see one of garcias sons spoke briefly at saturdays event in downtown napa saying his family deserves justice. Some residents say garcias killing is creating a bitter racial divide within their community, not as a as a wonderful place. But its also really really divided place and this is only further divide enough, reporting in napa dan thorn kron 4 news. Also in the north bay, the city of a lay how is asking for a change of venue in the case of Sean Monterrosa the city announced saturday, its filed 3 motions in the case. Those motions include a gag order to prevent anyone from talking about the case to reporters and also asking to dismiss certain charges in the federal lawsuit. Montrezl was shot and killed by Vallejo Police officer jarrett tonn on june 2nd. Matt russell was on his knees when he with his hands raised as police were investigating a call at a walgreens officer tom then fired 5 shots at monterrosa from the back seat of a patrol car killing him. The city of the late late show wants to move the trial to fresh snow. And in marine county, a man is in jail this morning for shooting an 18 yearold pregnant woman with a paintball gun 30 times. It happened friday on drake avenue near donahue street in marine city. The woman was injured on her back arms stomach and face Police Identify 19 yearold Tyrell Atkinson as the shooter officers found the paint ball gun believed to be responsible for the attack in the back of his car and consent is already on probation for assault with a deadly weapon. Now to the east bay where Police Arrested a man on hate crime charges after tying a noose to a tree in berkeley on thursday, a city worker says they saw a man tying a noose with some rope in the marina near the south cove. When the worker approached the man about that news, the man fastened it to a tree and then ran away. Officers found him a short time later. And the south bay, San Jose Police say a drunk driver hit and killed a pedestrian. Investigators say the victim was crossing South Jackson avenue just before 9 oclock friday night when he was hit by someone driving a 2004 saturn. The man later died at the hospital. The driver of that vehicle is now being held at the Santa Clara County jail on dui charges. The kron 00 04am morning news just 10 days ago it was a ghost town and now as crews make great progress on the glass fire. Were seeing how life and callisto guys getting back to normal plus President Donald Trump says he is no longer contagious and can return to the campaign trail he still hasnt released any proof of that we have the very latest on that, but first the latest on a deadly shooting at a demonstration in denver, how local tv news station is involved in that investigation welcome back a man is in jail this morning charged with shooting and killing someone at a protest in downtown denver, you know that man was working as a Security Guard for local tv news station at the time. Evan kruegel has more. Were learning that suspect a private Security Guard for another television station here in town 9 news saying a private Security Guard hired by the station is the suspect being detained by Denver Police we were here when this happened just after 3. 30 on the other end of Civic Center Park when we heard one loud soft. Denver Police Rushed into this courtyard between Civic Center Park in the art museum to find one person down on the ground he was taken to the hospital. Were unfortunately he died Denver Police telling us 2 people were detained, you can see one man being detained in this video 9 news saying a producer and a Security Guard were both arrested the producer has since been released according to the station that Denver Police would not comment on the specifics only saying that the Security Guard has no affiliation to antifa again the victim in this was taken to the hospital where we learned he later died. This all happens near the end of 2 conflicting protests and civic center one in support of black lives matter the other event called a patriot muster. Denver police set up in between the 2 groups defense is to create a buffer and they were largely successful in keeping those 2 groups apart Denver Police asking people to stop sharing this information until they can release more de escalate anything that is rising right now that right now its. Im very focused to we cant have any further violence in conjunction what happened today. We just not want were going to turn what happened in here through the investigation our primary focus is to de escalate and at 9 news saying this suspected detained by Denver Police is a private Security Guard hired by their station. We have reached out to their newsroom well post that response when we get one on our website reporting in denver ap in kruegel. And heres a look at the breakdown we got going on for today under mostly sunny skies 74 by 1 oclock by 4 were talking 79 some inland temperatures into the 80s today. Although a big warm up is expected for the week ahead, stephen here the kron 4 it is 9. 13 the sunday morning and welcome back. Yeah, thanks for joining us here on the kron 4 morning news, dave spahr standing by in the Weather Center dave im really wanting fall and i feel like youre going to tell me that its going to get hot again next week. Yeah on the longrange forecast thats true. But enjoy today at least it is a fall like feels lots of sunshine. Good morning guys, good morning, everybody. Live shot coming in from the Golden Gate Bridge, a pretty clear picture we have there we dont have the intrusion of the fog we had just from yesterday and far away from timber on here is the view again the golden gate off towards the distance so we have 60s covering most of the east bay 59 still run livermore but up in the north bay, a big jump here by some 8 degrees or because theyre in the upper 40s just last hour you may recall 59 going on 61 San Francisco also 61 for san jose want to jump to the winds even though we dont have a lot of them but they do pop out in spots here a little bit of an onshore flow, it looks like in spots and at times and then offshore and other times but not a whole lot going on thats the good news from everything in the general flow pattern a lot is pretty much been will stay today kind on shore going on. But again at the surface it may vary a little bit. Heres what happens. The response of the environment to all of this we dry out looks like a fair amount to gain those inland areas course we have drier air aloft. Thats working as the sun heats the ground we get that mixing there that helps take care of the fog huge in the morning hours. We go for tonight and we usually see a recovery which we dont see this go around this is the High Pressure starting to build. So we dont get the nice recovery in humidity levels and you see quite how dry they are the far east bay and up to the north bay as well so with the blue skies here mostly sunny. Well do it mild to warm kind of a fall like day with 70s and 80s pretty much in control. But this week in starting pretty much on tuesday inland. Well start popping and to around 90 or so in some of those inland valleys, upper 70s cover the coast by the way by the end of the week. Then for next weekend continued warm. Were going to back off a little bit on temperatures but were probably still have some 90s out there to be had 70s covering the coast today. Weve got 72 for San Francisco, 77 for open 79 going on for san jose we using different colors on this map here funding getting some oranges to return, the reds are not far behind just taking a day off 80s in the far east bay, some 80s also up to the north bay but a lot of 70s covered the east bay shoreline and the peninsula as well, no of course, well have more in your 4 zone forecast and check into that extended too well. Thanks dave. Turning to wildfire coverage cal fire says it now expects the glass fire to be fully contained by october 20th this morning containment is that 90 so far that fire has burned more than 67,000 acres in napa and sonoma counties destroying more than 800 homes. More than 1000 structures have been destroyed. Now as those containment numbers continue to grow with the glass fire more evacuation orders and warnings are being lifted in napa valley kron fours gayle ong has more for us from calistoga. And the glass fire continues to burn or the napa valley people here in calistoga or just trying to get back to normal life. It was business as usual in downtown calistoga shops open friday after being closed for almost 2 weeks since the glass fire ignited. Thus the city did not sustain any damage. All of our utilities are functioning and operational and you know were just you know, were just happy to be here the city of calistoga has been spared by wildfires but businesses were hit hard with mandatory evacuations and covid. City manager mike kern is confident the economy will bounce back quickly our businesses are able to you know spread their customers out and. And provide them with that that physical distancing thats necessary to to provide a safe environment or businesses are very resilient. Theyre ready and willing and able to come back. Full throttle as of saturday, the glass fire is close to reaching full containment allowing residents to return home he come to check for us and nato i come michael for my boy and my girl still be a guzman left calistoga when the fire was burning close pie, she stayed at a hotel a nap before week and is grateful to see her home Still Standing from feel good now with her apartments is fast 50 and. As you make your way back to the napa valley, firefighters and utility workers are still working to restore the fire damaged areas. That could take days to make those areas safe for the public in Calistoga Gayle ong kron 4 news. And officials in Sonoma County are urging Property Owners in the areas that were impacted by the recent wildfires to now prepare for rain. They say that Many Properties within and downstream of the burn areas are now at higher risk for flash flooding rockfalls debris and mud flows. Officials say its up to Property Owners to prevent settlement from clogging the storm drains creeks and rivers. So theyre recommending that people in those areas put out sand and gravel bags. Switching gears now the Bay Area Armenian Community marched across the Golden Gate Bridge saturday in support of the victims of the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. Take a look at this video. Its of the margins courtesy of the citizen app marches are asking for peace between the 2 sides hundreds of people have died over the past 2 weeks. After a re escalation of the decades old conflict. March was in reaction to a ceasefire that had been agreed upon by both armenia and azerbaijan but shortly after the agreement both sides accuse each other of derailing the peace and launching new attacks the truce was intended to end the worst outbreak in hostilities in that region in more than a quarter century. The Foreign Ministry deputy of the disputed region of nagornokarabakh put the truce in perspective for those of us living in the west. I mean i cant imagine that he supports the some empty for some People Living in the west because they wake up in the morning and they take of a scene from wanting their morning cup coffee put show onex incur but its not like that its not as boring. You have to struggle for thats very right to wake up in a shiny stuff and i care that is not being south are able to to have your Morning Coffee and lively matters culture of this will stop that these people think its not that wake up every morning wanting to go to war. No word yet on if or when both sides will return to the negotiating table. And still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news weight loss surgery is on the rise around the country will find out why packing on the pounds in the age of covid could have a serious outcome. We made usaa insurance for this season. And the veterans that never quit on their team. When being a fan gets tough, and stretching your budget gets even tougher. Our agents put in the time and legwork for you,. So saving on Auto Insurance is easy. Because saving a little extra goes a long way. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Proposition 16 takes some women make as little as 42 of what a man makes. Voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. Its supported by leaders like Kamala Harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. We either fall from grace or we rise. Together. Proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the Playing Field for all of us. Vote yes on prop 16. For your health this morning, doctors say obesity could affect how a covid19 patient would respond to the virus and doctors across the country have seen a surge in weight loss surgery patients, kerry obrien, focuses on a virginia womans weight loss journey. Ive been walk and walk and walk and walk in. Tuesday sanders has a lot more pep in her step since she shrunk her stomach i feel an amazing the henrico resident had gastric bypass surgery in june since then shes dropped 50 pounds. It wasnt painful at all once weighing 282 pounds. Sanders wasnt feeling so great. I probably was taken about. 7 or 8 pills a day from cholesterol to. High Blood Pressure and diabetes 45 at the time you know im like thats a lot of medication for someone my age to be taking. And when became clear obesity underlying conditions like diabetes can increase the risk of severe illness with covid19. She knew she needed to get the weight off it definitely way heavy when it came to this year. Shes not the only one weve seen an increase in our people both seeking to start the process. And then people in the process motivated to move forward doctor Matthew Bregman director of bariatric surgery at pair of Doctors Hospital has seen a surge in patients seeking weight loss surgery around the nation United Healthcare and cigna report and increased demand of 20 to 40 . Compared to last year. Was recognized very early on that obesity really predicts a pour out com. The general population if a patient does contract covid virus. Those patients are going to be more likely to be admitted to the hospital. Theyre more likely to be required ventilation about 50 more likely to actually die from the disease. Sanders counts the decision as one of our best after Everything Else she tried didnt work a lot of people. May think that something easily out but let me inform you that its not easy you still have to work i still have to watch what i eat that still have to lift weights. I still have to do cardio. That was kerry obrien reporting for us today, sanders 8 pills a day are down to 3 a good candidate for bariatric surgery is someone who is 75 to 100 pounds overweight. And has weight related conditions like Heart Disease sleep apnea and diabetes markets. Well, still ahead this morning on the kron 4 morning news, you should receive your mail in ballot by now, but some voters say theyve actually received 2 well find out why Officials Say this is a common mixup and what you should do with that second ballot. And they 5 of the nurses strike. But things look different on the picket line today and that full story coming up next. Thanks rain and were taking this beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge from sutro cam this days for will be along with the forecast when we come back. In just a few months, weve learned a lot more about the covid19 virus. Its real. And its dangerous. So, on behalf of all of us working on the front lines, please take it seriously. And while we dont yet have a cure or a vaccine, we do know how to keep you and your loved ones safe. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay six feet apart. Do your best to stay out of crowded spaces. And get a flu shot, its even more important this year. We can do this. If we do it together. When you take a. It all begins to unravel. Ann ravels no reformer, shes backed by big corporations whove poured hundreds of thousands into her campaign. And she opposes ballot measures to make the economy more fair for working people. Only dave cortese is endorsed by the California Democratic party. Hes helping us battle the pandemic with a sciencebased approach. And expanding Health Services and child care to those in need. For state senate, Democrat Dave cortese. Good morning, welcome back. It is 9. 29 this sunday morning were taking a live look outside from sutro camera yet again we turn the camera over and looking at the city this time around what a beautiful view noel, yeah, absolutely gorgeous not really a cloud in sight out there weve got dave spahr standing by in the Weather Center to. Give us a look what were going to be seeing today a beautiful you know that and without the heat that were going to get later during the week good morning. Well, good morning, everybody and a live shot coming in from timber on off to the distance the Golden Gate Bridge which can make out a little bit here theres some haze thats off towards the distance, no major deal. Look at that we even have a little bit of a breeze help out the flag a bit but deep blue skies going on no fog intrusion here good view of the Golden Gate Bridge but we do have a flow pattern aloft thats a little bit on shore this kind of left over whats more important however is a bit of an offshore flow happening at the surface just a touch. The real concern is we do a very dry air developing today and its going to stay with us through much of the week so as this High Pressure starts to build if we run into the surface, wind issues we could potentially have a problem there as conditions protect these start to heat up this week ahead, lot of 60s off to the east bay 59 for livermore 61 for concord up to the north bay 50s and 60s 61 meanwhile for san jose still trailing little bit this morning around the immediate they will take care of that in a couple of hours as will probably be warmer than yesterday 73 by 1 oclock by 4 were talking 79 coming up in a bit. Well check into that 4 zone forecast marty all thanks a lot will happening today nurses in the east bay are set to end their fiveday strike and that they walked out over a lack of personal protective equipment. From the Alameda Health system kron fours reyna harvey is live in san leandro for us this morning with the very latest here noella marty good morning. Its why theyre not out here today. But they are still striking like you mentioned personal equipment is what they need protective years since coronavirus they feel like they just dont have the support so weve been out here since wednesday. Thats when initially started and theyve been out on the picket lines outside of several hospitals, including highland here in san leandro and several clinics across the bay area. Theyre also asking for more support when it comes to catering to the Homeless Population out here in the community from the Alameda Health system. Now again weve been talking to the nurses been talking to clinicians to the frontline workers who are out here. Heres what they had to say about what theyre asking what they would like to see due to the strike take a listen. We want the public to know that were out here because we want our patients to have the care that they deserve nhs is failing to provide the resources and the staffing and training and everything that he did for us to provide that care, nobody likes to go to work and feel like they cant do their job right or they can take good care of people are patients and the public in Alameda County deserve good care were out here fighting for so the Alameda Health system issue this new statement they say weve taken steps necessary to meet the needs of our patients were eager to get back to the bargaining table to reach an agreement that supports our ability to serve the community so as i mentioned still striking today, you wont see many of the nurses on or inside of the office is working today as the strike continues are supposed to end this tomorrow today. They tell me theyre having Virtual Meetings to talk amongst each other about what theyre asking for within this contract. So tomorrow is supposed to be even Halloween Health systems hopefully. Theyll be able to come to some sort of agreement for now reporting here in san leandro reyna harvey kron 4 news. Yeah, lets hope thanks a lot reyna. Well we are now just 23 days from the november election kron 4 is your local election headquarters. And by law election offices are required to mail ballots but in some cases people have complained about receiving 2 ballots concourse legion hall explains why this is happening and what to do if it happens to you. Heidi loop lives in San Mateo County and this week she received 2 ballots for the general election. She says nothing has changed since the midterms her name and address are still the same the only thing i did do is i went on track my ballots. Track your ballot and it said that i didnt have a registration. So i typed in my name and it said i would be registered so maybe that kicked a second registration in to process that appears to be the case and the issue is more common than you might think up north in Placer County, the registrar of voters says up to 6,000 voters are expected to get 2 ballots in the mail every time that somebody touches that record it triggers a second ballot to be generated for that boat or if you receive 2 ballots and in the second one and void the first either by destroying it or turning it into your local Elections Office. Regardless if you turn one in it will be flagged in the event someone attempts to vote twice you want to make sure that 2 ballots are not counted for one boater and so thats why the process is set up like it is to avoid that first ballot when the second ballot is generally heidi loop was already concerned about fraud potentially tainting this election. She does not want the results corrupted by people voting multiple times i hope that through the audit process. The official ballots would be thrown out, but im not sure that thats the case. And graver concerns that i had before understandable, but process is in place to prevent one person from getting 2 votes. I believe all kron 4 news. We here at kron 4 are committed to helping make sure your vote counts if you experience a problem casting your ballot. Let us were going to investigate you can email us at voting problems at kron 4 dot com. So i just want to thank you all for being on the white house lawn this beautiful great loss. Well President Trump made his first public appearance since returning from white house after being treated for coronavirus last count all of the president s doctors says he is no longer contagious saturday afternoon, hundreds of supporters gathered on the south lawn of the white house despite warnings from Public Health officials. Many did wear masks, but there was little to no social distancing there. He used the event to attack joe biden. Were going to make this bigger than even 4 years ago, its more important is the most important election weve ever had. This is more important than even 4 years ago used to say the most important and it was true at the time. This is the single most important election in the history of our country. Get out and vote and i love you thank you, thanks. President trump is also preparing to head to florida for a rally on monday. Meanwhile democratic nominee joe biden held a Campaign Event in his home state of pennsylvania saturday afternoon. The president was told a little while ago when he was told a 100,000 people a day were die. You already said. He says it is what it is the Trump Presidency will be the first presidency sense sense hoover. That is going to end up leaving office with fewer jobs than when he came into office. A town hallstyle debate was scheduled for thursday but was officially canceled after the president refused to participate in a virtual format biden will instead take part in a town hall on thursday where is expected to answer questions from voters. President trump also planning a town hall for that same night. New this morning a bizarre story from the New York Times first reported and then several other News Agencies have cooperated reports that the president discussed a strain show that he wanted to put on when he left Walter Reed Hospital line the report says the president discussed with his aides and advisers the idea of leaving the hospital pretending to be ill and weak from covid19 mister trump then said he pwould rip open his button dow shirt to reveal a superman tshirt underneath. Well, obviously they ultimately decided against that plan, but its not clear who made that decision. A confirmation hearings begin tomorrow for President Trumps Supreme Court nominee. Judge Amy Coney Barrett if confirmed the 48 yearold Appeals Court judge would fill the seat of liberal Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg who died last month. Ginsburgs replacement by barrett, a conservative would shift the balance on the court significantly to the right from 5 to 4 in favor of conservatives to 6 to 3. The hearings are expected to last at least 4 days. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are rejecting President Trumps roughly one 0. 8 trillion dollar stimulus proposal that makes it all but certain there will be no a covid19 relief before election day house Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the president s offer is quote one step forward 2 steps back while Senate Republicans dismissed it as too expensive claiming it would not play well with their conservative base. The proposal is a big reversal for the president who said hes interested in a large scale stimulus debt deal after abruptly calling off stimulus talks entirely last week. A recent increase in coronavirus cases as experts worry that the second wave of the pandemic could soon be upon us, according to Johns Hopkins university, 57,000 new cases of covid19 were reported across the country on friday and that made it the most in a single day since august 14th. One of the countrys key coronavirus models projecting the u. S. Could see nearly 400,000 covid deaths by february 1st that research from the university of washington says the deaths would peak in mid january as with many is that with as many as 2300 deaths per day. But researchers do say if 95 of the country wore a mask as many as 80,000 lives would be saved. The model also projects that if restrictions on social distancing are lifted. As many as half a Million People could die by february. Its not just happening here in the u. S. Europe appears to be entering its second wave of covid19 france recently set a new record of more than 26,000 new coronavirus cases in one day and Covid Patients now occupy more than a quarter of the countrys icu beds many cities, including paris have already closed their bars to try and slow the spread of the virus there over in italy theyre also struggling with the resurgence of covid19 after initially gaining control of the virus with a very strict a 10 week lockdown Health Officials are now reporting more than 5,000 new cases in the past 24 hours and dozens of new deaths, hundreds of people gathered in rome saturday to protest the new restrictions meant to slow the spread of covid19 including a new nationwide mask mandate. Theres a new study from penn state that suggest preexisting conditions increase the risk of dying from covid19. Researchers were looking at more than 60,000 Covid Patients from around the world and they found that cardiovascular disease doubles the risk of death. Diabetes stroke and cancer increases the risk by up to 3 times. Researchers say their findings may help Public Health officials improve patient care and develop techniques that can target these highrisk populations. When it comes to vaccination know says a vaccination and have some united station. They did these groups that weve identified to be at increased shouldnt receive the highest priority to any case because we dont have enough breaks in. Well researchers say additional studies need to be done on the effects of race and ethnicity on covid19 survival survival rates. Heres a look at the high temperatures are projecting going on here for today some inland highs into the 80s but look out as we get into next week were going to see some 90s return and check out your 4 zone forecast coming up in a bit. Welcome back 9. 44 here on this saturday morning yeah, lets go ahead and get the forecast from days far who says things are going to be a change in. Yeah, they are for this week ahead, good morning guys, good morning, everybody live shot from timber on with the blue skies and the clear picture of the golden gate off towards the distance sfo. No delays happening this morning weve been seeing the traffic working. So its good news on that front as well and our temperatures they start to move speaking which up in the 50s already 64 dovato appear in the north bay there in the 40s just last hour got all these 60s off to the east bay 63 San Francisco and down south. San jose is checking in to 61. Now the models upstream weak little front up to our north passing over without incident and thats we get a real kick in the forecast highs its after midweek that that will happen. Its little plume of moisture coming in from the south but the bigger issue is going to be that dome of High Pressure and that usually means other heat spike and sure enough looks like some snow way off to the mountains off to the distance different type of weather going on. But we also want to watch out as or surface winds becoming offshore now we do have some dry air thats already in place that happens pretty much this afternoon. Its going to be with us all week long as we start to get some surface offshore winds that could be a problem so stay tuned on that front. The temperatures today, a central alleys in the lower 80s 72, San Francisco got 70s down to Southern California 62, going on for big bear. So far 4 zone forecast for your sunday with the sunshine. The sun temperatures fall like somebody to San Francisco with 60s covering much of the coast as you can see along the peninsula. Bayside we got the 70s at work and down south were scrounging up at 84 palo alto but everybody else pretty much check into the 7078 redwood city, san carlos 79 76 Mountain View and out of the Santa Clara Valley, just shy of 84 today, 80 going on for morgan hill has got us about 79 along with san jose and cupertino 78 milpitas in the east bay shoreline to the south mid 70s that were care tri valley at almost a decade here we have the lower 80s going on dublin 80 to 84 snow moving up north. We got 83 walnut creek 84 danville enjoy this fall like day because summer is coming back this week 78 san leandro 72 for berkeley and jumping up to the north bay there we have some lower 80s at work. Inland and Solano County 79 81 for a nap and 83 santa rosa with about 80 ish or cover much more in their 63 for stenson beach. So we graduate out of the 80s pretty tuesdays probably the big day were start to see some 90s poke it in there by midweek there we go off to the races potentially even middle 90s is a possibility and again watching out for offshore dry winds for this week ahead back to you. Well kron 4 is celebrating hispanic heritage month and we want to introduce you to Fashion Designer manuel quo us yeah he says it was luck love and a calling that led to him designing clothes for the most famous people in the world from some of musics biggest names to hollywood legend Stephanie Langston reports that at the age of 7. 87 well as still stitching away as boutique in nashville, tennessee. For more than half a century man wells found his home behind a sewing machine i went inside the funding issue. And i was to sit there born in mexico that quote cullman me truck on one of 12 children he started making his own close. But the time he was 7. And prom dresses at the age of 12 i think the first sickly you was 125 and from there on one oh his success paid well and then 19 he graduated from the university of mexico. His journey soon leading him to california. We started working with side of war. Taylor to the rat pack perfecting fits for names like Frank Sinatra and while flourished in america, finding himself working alongside new t known for his rhinestone covered suits and while shined gaining respect for his unique the cowboys from the mask of the lone ranger to james deans jeans man well worked on more than 90 movies in hollywood. He open man wellcut tour where he dressed artists like elvis, johnny cash marty stuart and george jones, his clientele only taking off from there. The role in song. Beatles and michael jackson. Friends. They its only fitting that today, the National Treasure makes his home in music city from bolero jackets blazers and doctors each piece of man wells is custom made one of a kind. Passes for case and then the story in the world. But style is where i live. Thats what i mean think and next time so it sounds like you dont plan to stop anytime soon. On. I i was his mind and. Reporting from nashville and stephanie links to know where you keep calm and well well or hispanic heritage special runs. This saturday october 17th and im a proud to be hosting that for you the 30 minute special begins at 9 30 at night also you can find more stories online at kron 4 dot com. All you have to do is look under the Community Town for hispanic heritage month. All we know vents across the country as everything is adapting to the pandemic in las vegas, a drivethru halloween experience called trapped promises, lots of thrills and scares as social often is reports the drivethru tells the story. Of a postapocalyptic world where the government has crumbled and chaos reigns. Get ready for a good scare from the comfort of your own car halloween may look a little different this year. But one Central Valley hans is still creeping it real well, this is so wildly outside the box is not even funny welcome to attract one of southern nevadas only drivethru spooktacular experiences, we worked with the Sea Las Vegas to come with covid plan. That was super solid super safe to stay in your car, the entire time, its totally contactless you just sign in and pull through to your own pond. For about 15 minutes of Family Friendly flights. And trapped isnt just bringing joy to its customers. The venue is also giving the Entertainment Industry a chance to safely bounced back to. Give the opportunity for these actors and these audio visual tax where they can work an event like this its its really its good to get back to an so if youre still looking for a way to find some wicked fun. Take a chance on this new age creation. Thats all in the spirit. Health and safety so its something completely different so people dont really know what to expect. Its always fun to see just how creative people can be especially at time like this when were dealing with covid19 that by the way was sasha loft and reporting for us thats going take you outside you cant beat Mother Nature when it comes to creativity beautiful start to the day here and the bay area, plenty of sunshine, warm temperatures today will be along with the forecast after the break. Its rising. The pain is coming. Our newscast is almost over but our coverage continues on kron on this morning we have the latest details on nurses in the east bay who have been on strike for 5 days theyre demanding more pp e plus the calls for change and accountability after north bay sheriffs deputy shot and killed an unarmed man during a traffic stop and you should have received your mail in ballot by now. But some people say theyve received 2 hear why Officials Say this is a common mixup and what you should do with that second ballot make sure you download our kron on app for free in your app store and tune in all day long mardi sounds good noel and happening today, the 49 ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo will be back. On the field and under center for the niners as they take on the dolphins at levis stadium later today. This is you know will be his first game back in 2 weeks after he had that on a high ankle sprain against the jets. Kickoff at levis one 05 this afternoon. Big surprise for a family in lake tahoe a bear opened their trucks front door climbed inside and then just shut the door there was a problem though the bear couldnt figure out how to open the door from the inside. So the owner had to quickly open the door and then run off the bear then eventually kind of scattered its way back to the wild, but definitely not something youd expect to see just the sparrow is to highlight their own of the door like a person that is incredible that were going to move from bears to venomous caterpillars now take a look at this yeah, the Virginia Department of forestry. Is asking people to stay away from a certain kind of caterpillar its crawling its way through some parts of virginia its fluffy and almost looks harmless. But it definitely is and its known as the puss caterpillar and the hairs are actually venomous spines that cause a painful reaction to anyone that touches them mostly found in the eastern and southern us, so you wont likely come across one here in the bay area which is a very very good thing it looks like cousin it it really does just kind of scooting across the floor there one last time lets go ahead and give us the 7 day forecast for the bay area because were expecting some changes around the bay, a later today and into tomorrow you see its going to heat up quite significantly. And maybe into the 90s by the time we get to the middle of the week so some big changes in store no. Well, yes, i guess we got to enjoy the nice fall weather that were getting today because i know weve got blue skies for today, thats it for the crown from weekend morning news for this saturday, im noelle Marty Gonzales thanks for joining us, well look for you again next saturday and sunday bright and early at 07 00am have yourself a good day and as always be welcome. Everyone remembers the moment they heard. You have cancer. How their world stopped and when they found a way to face it. For some, this is where their keytruda story begins. Keytruda a breakthrough immunotherapy that may treat certain cancers. One of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous, nonsmall cell lung cancer where keytruda is approved to be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you do not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. Keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. This can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. See your doctor right away if you have new or worse cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, increased hunger or thirst, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in urine or eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, confusion or memory problems, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. These are not all the possible side effects. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if youve had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant, or have lung, breathing, or liver problems. Today, keytruda is fdaapproved to treat 16 types of advanced cancer. And is being studied in hundreds of Clinical Trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. Its tru. Keytruda from merck. See the different types of cancer keytruda is approved to treat at keytruda. Com, and ask your doctor if keytruda can be part of your story. The unfair money bail system. He, accused of rape. While he, accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. Because the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. Anncr the following is a paid program from joel osteen ministries

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