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Usually do if you join us at this hour looking outside at your center tower cam skies are Crystal Clear. We dont really have any fog out there this morning. Yet again so another clear smooth sailing day as you drive on into work this Early Morning as for wind speeds this morning also nice and calm were keeping that good stuff around we saw calm winds on wednesday and thursday now were going to keep that around for friday, too so looking at our future cast a wind gust pretty calm all across the bay area from the north bay right along the bay side well into the afternoon today so not much to worry about in that regard. Current temperatures are back to some chilly conditions nevado are for spot on the map down in the upper 30s as weve been the past few mornings to soar north bay and inland areas have been noticeably cooler lately as we work our way into that time of year that brings the longer cooler evenings. Hayward san jose and San Francisco are huge in the low 50s this morning wakeup planner shows you that after this cool morning. We will be back to some nice comfortable 70s this afternoon, not quite as warm as we have been the past couple of days, not really talking a whole lot of 80s on the map today all beginning to the details in your 4 zone forecast on what exactly to expect both today and tomorrow for halloween as well. Both still to come robin. Thanks for the update. John what theyre now 4 days left until the november 3rd election. Keep in mind if you place your ballot in a drop box enrichment. You may want to check the status online yeah Contra Costa County Elections Office says that dozens of ballots are missing. And this is now raising some concern about mail in voting. Kron fours dan thorn reports. Election Officials Say theyre trying their best to find these ballots but have so far come up empty handed. Theyre also trying to figure out how this happened and what they can do to keep it from happening again from this election dropbox in richmond, dozens of ballots have gone missing, voters using the drop box on october 12th, some ballots were received while others were not now its unclear what happened to those missing ballots stuff always happens and this is a thing that we dont know exactly what happened yet. Scott caught a pass sick. The assistant registrar of voters in Contra Costa County says they were made aware of the missing ballots through complaints on social media. The office worked quickly to correct the problem but do not believe the box nor the ballots were tampered with weve eliminated a few possibilities to include a malicious act activity and theres no of that happening at all couldnt pass 6 as for 2 person teams collect the ballots from the countys 37 dropboxs twice a day. He understands that in todays Political Climate there have been attempts to undermine the credibility of mail in voting, but assures voters theres no reason for concern. The city of richmond echoed those thoughts in a statement reading in part quote the county Elections Division is aware of the information regarding ballot theft reported on social media and have no reason to believe it is true, however they take these reports seriously ways on how to keep the boxes and ballots safe are right now being considered but caught a pass 6 says of the 150,000 plus ballots received so far. This was the first time there was trouble. I really think this is a Success Story and do our part to the fact that the voters voted early and theyre very contentious attract about all the way through. So. Those voters that have had their balance misplaced have been given new ballots and the option to vote again. Cota past 6 as the 2 votes from one person will not be accepted by the system. Reporting enrichment dan thorn kron 4 news. Well to the south bay now early voting is seeing a Record Number of ballots being returned in Santa Clara County almost half of the 1 million ballots that were mailed to registered voters have been returned thats good news this is more than 2 times as many returned ballots in the county compared to the same time 4 years ago. Election Officials Say that people are invested in this election like never before tells us that people are listening to the message that we have been putting out and actually they think the whole nation has been putting out about. Voting early. And you know weve been talking to a lot of voters about if youre even worried about the post after skip the post office drop it off in there. Dropbox or to vote center. Well the register and Santa Clara County has 30 days to complete the counting and certify the results of the election. Secretary of state alex padilla as calling election safety a priority for him and his staff nearly 9 million californians have already turned in their ballots. But says that so far in early voting there have been no incidents of voter harassment or intimidation at the polls. But still he stresses the stresses the law on poll watchers. Folks there to observe can not in any way interfere with the administration of elections. It certainly cant cross the line try to harass or intimidate somebody was trying to exercise their right to vote. Election supervisors are trained to make sure that the election goes smoothly. Having been trained on how to de escalate maybe some tense situation that there are questions. A says that ballots are kept in high security areas with multiple locks last month his office sent out president a memo to county Elections Officials rehashing the voter intimidation laws and consequences. Postal service must boost service to ensure ballots arrive in time for the election. Well new data shows on time mail delivery continues to drop in some parts of the country. The Postal Service told voters in august that the agency could not guarantee on time delivery for any ballots mailed later than the tuesday before election day. Well delays have plagued the Postal Service during the pandemic worsen under a series of policies implemented by the new postmaster general louis dejoy who took over the agency in june. Well the u. S. Is about to mark yet another grim milestone in the covid19 pandemic the numbers are nearing 9 million cases and this is a live tracker right here on your screen put together by Johns Hopkins university. And it actually shows the death toll at nearly 230,000 now keep in mind that thats the highest number of deaths and any country in the world. The race for a covid19 vaccine continues but Health Experts say dont expect to get one any time soon after initially suggesting that one could be ready by election day. The president is now telling his followers. Its right around the corner. Well doctor fauci says he wont know until december at the earliest if theres a safe and effective vaccine. While a handful of companies are working on vaccines. 2 of them. How to put a pause on trials to investigate safety issues thats why Infectious Disease specialist at ucsf believe that that timeline is overly optimistic. They maybe did a string that this effort to see in a vaccine by the end of this calendar year. But in terms of someone sticking their arm out to get the vaccine probably not until spring of 2021. What doctor chan hong says that spring is a more realistic timeline for highrisk populations Health Care Workers and seniors because of the trial delays reviews and the complications involved in distribution but as for the rest of the u. S. Experts at ucsf say that we likely wont have access to one until summer or fall. To the north bay now Solano County has confirmed its first case of both the flu. And covid19 co infection. So because of medical privacy we only know that the person is under the age of 65. But health Officials Say that this should be a warning for all of us kron fours terisa stasio explains medical experts say that this case is someone having covid19. And the seasonal flu at the very same time re emphasizes the importance of getting a flu shot or potentially facing some very serious medical consequences and the risk is that youll have a worse today, they have a worse disease because youre suffering from 2 at the same time its harder to your bodys immune system to fight off both cyrus is simultaneously doctor balan ma cash is the Solano County health officer. He says this first case diagnosed in the county of a person having both covid and the seasonal flu at once has been a concern statewide and nationally ever since covid swept into the country unfortunately that they co occurrence of these 2 diseases and make some unity. Increases the risk of some Severe Health outcome. Now that it is here he says it is vital to ramp up safety precautions. This re emphasizes the importance of getting the flu vaccine, correct does and it really emphasizes the importance of maintaining social distancing all the time. And heres the irony in our county most of our cases are occuring theyre being exposed when they get together with family and friends and they let their guard down theyre not being exposed at work and not being exposed out there and then in the general Public Sector in the community when they go to the store at center. They have the incorrect assumption that family and friends are saints. The doctor says wearing a mask is important but he also has this to add about what type and you might find it educational. Should be we be wearing a mask that surgical masks that we can buy these for the hospitals where do you weigh in on that. You know its an interesting question because it actually misses the important point. People are using those masks only in the public sphere, not in the personal sphere, but the personal spears re getting exposed. So if you are nothing more than a bandanna and the personal sphere, most of this disease ago. So you know rather than amplifying protection in the in that rare possibility of incidental exposure at the Grocery Store you should be focusing on a much more likely exposure in your own family, your friends and your family when you get together with the doctor also adds that if you start having flu like symptoms you should isolate. Get tested and stay isolated until you get the results. He says that you may not ever get very sick, what you could infect someone else even to the point of a hospitalization or dash and you want to have that on your shoulders. Terry says stasio kron 4 news. Coming up next on the kron 4 morning news Violent Crimes is on the rise in Alameda County by police say the pandemic could be to blame plus more than 500 Homeless People in San Francisco will soon have to find a new place to stay by next week and well also have an update on the 2 wildfires burning in Southern California thats all coming up after the break. Humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Welcome back everyone firefighters in Orange County are gaining ground and 2 big wildfires that are burning there the silverado fire is now 51 contained. It burned in the hills just east of irvine scorching more than 13,000 acres, some 90,000 residents had to evacuate the evacuation orders have since been lifted no homes were lost. Thank goodness, but 2 firefighters remain in the hospital the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Well the blue ridge fire thats a burning in the mountains between yorba linda and the chino hills is 39 contains so they are advancing it is for more than 14,000 acres and destroyed one structure and damage 7 others while full containment is not expected for a couple of weeks how these things take time. Well back here in the bay area south San Francisco remember this fire popular hiking trails are closed after a grass fire broke out on a on signed hill nearly 2 weeks ago keep in mind that it burned part of the famous south San Francisco Industrial City sign a fire only caused minor damage. But the city says the trails need repairs. Well theres no estimate as to when that work will actually be finished 2 teenagers confessed to starting that fire. Lets get a check of the forecast with josh raible will see if we have severe fire conditions that thats no longer worry or whats in store for the weekend, hey there john hows it shaping up. Yeah, rob and unfortunately we are still in the midst of dry conditions which does mean that fire danger does remain of concern but at least we do have those calmer conditions today as weve enjoyed the past couple of days now looking outside your berkeley cam right here you notice that theres a bit of a hazy look to the way the horizon is look the past couple of days now what is the reason behind this well as you ventured outside you may have notice that its not just hazy but almost a little bit of a smoky appearance to that we still have some smoke from the central Sierra Nevada at the creek fire gradually settling down into the Central Valley and eventually pushing its way up into the bay area thats why weve had a moderate impact as far as air quality goes over the past couple of days and will continue to see those moderate conditions into the day today so looking at the horizon line, not quite as Crystal Clear as i know we had been seeing it. But as we do still see some smoke across the region that does have the chance to settle back into the bay as our winds calm down allowing it to you can see that winds are calm all across the region right now thats the way were going to stay on into the afternoon really no big changes as far as wind speed go in the days ahead of us so no wind events no chance of rainfall which is the bad thing, but at least no big heat waves either were in this Holding Pattern of High Pressure built up across the west coast. This is keeping things pretty mild for us, although today we do see a weak system having pushed overhead just enough to keep temperatures down a few degrees as compared to the last few days this is going to take a lot of our inland areas out of the 80s and back down into the 70s today for coastal spots it will mostly be 60s with our bayside areas mostly in the 70s millbrae and burlingame south San Francisco. Each in the low to mid 70s today, well looking at a range of 70s as well on the peninsula further south and into the south bay Cupertino Saratoga each at 76, while campbell at a nice cool 77 today, east bay daytime highs in the low to upper 70s for your highs today. Well 60s in Berkeley Richmond in oakland will each be at 70 degrees. Danville walnut creek and concord 80 well in the north bay, no 80s appear Vacaville Fairfield each getting close at 79. Well 70s from santa rosa down through nevado each at 76 degrees so the next few days quite a busy weekend ahead, you may be do is a Little Something with the kids for halloween this year i know it will be a little bit different than your normal festivities. But as you do get outside with the kids for something it will be a comfortable weekend to do so with low 80s in the inland spots tomorrow 70s by the bay and 60s up the coast dont forget sunday morning you get that extra hour of sleep, see you want to adjust your clocks back an hour on saturday night next week not a whole lot of changes going on it will be low for inland spots all through the week and mostly 70s right along the bay. Thats a great forecast. Thank you john all right, lets check in on the traffic how great is the commute this sometimes it can be rough. But if you can manage to get on out there early you dont have to worry about any major issues, especially here on 80 80 west in San Francisco now hold on here were going to stay on the bay bridge. I just want to mention an accident wrapping up at the cesar chavez on ramp to south one oh one in San Francisco crews are still wrapping up a crash so the rent may still be partially blocked, but its not impacting traffic on one on one so 80s looking good one no one is looking good. No problems for 2. 80 once you make it into San Francisco all right, lets head over to our next bridge. We have 92, heres a live look at the san mateo bridge. No big problems into and out of hayward but we already have a little bit of a crowd. So yes, its busy. No its not bad no, but major issues into foster city or send the tale. 500 Homeless People in San Francisco will soon have to find a new place to stay so starting monday. The city will move them out of the hotel so theyve been staying in during the pandemic 7 hotels are anticipated to close in the first phase of rehousing the homeless kron 4 Taylor Bisacky reports. In its first phase or relocating the homeless. San francisco will start moving more than 500 people out of hotel rooms on monday. The department of homelessness and Supportive Housing says this is part of the first phase where they will close 7 hotels in transition people into other housing options. However, advocacy groups like the coalition on homelessness have concerns after seeing no clear cut plan on where people are going next concerns and troubled nations around the ability of the city to transition that many folks into permanent Supportive Housing. Are fully supportive of that we would love to see that come to fruition but like i said i think were very apprehensive because we havent really there seen that plan the plan hasnt been made transparent to us or the board of supervisors who have tried to hold a hearing on this topic for some time about 2400 of the citys most vulnerable Homeless Population are currently sheltering in place in those hotels supervisor matt haney represents neighborhoods like the tenderloin and soma where many of those homeless once were and some still are he fears that some people may end up back on the streets as hotels close. Theres still far too many large encampments in south of market in parts of San Francisco. Where when i tell the department of homeless says were still in in in a crisis here youve got to get these people inside. They tell me that they dont have enough. Placements enough places for these people to go. So im a little confused as to why they think its a good idea to close down these hotels and awe we still need the hotels as placements and we need to make sure that people were in those hotels dont end up right back on the street. The department says. People will be rehoused through programs like rapid rehousing permanent Supportive Housing and homeward bound which provides bus tickets back to family and friends. However, no more details were given because the program is temporary and has high costs. The department is slowly closing at least 25 sites by the end of june in San Francisco taylor bus aqi kron 4 news. Coming up next on the kron 4 morning news, the bay area opens up its first school named after former First Lady Michelle Obama will take a little peek inside coming up after the break. Welcome back everyone a new school named after the former first lady is now open in the east bay, the Michelle Obama Elementary School in richmond is the first area school to be named in honor of mrs. Obama crimes force has it been news reports. Are you these Elementary School protests a painting in a virtual Ribbon Cutting ceremony for the grand opening of the Michelle Obama School Enrichment the site was formerly the location of the Woodrow Wilson Elementary School buildings were unsafe and falling apart. The new school is c for the fear and little over 6 years ago the innovative rebuild project began march 21st Century School design features a multitude indoor and outdoor spaces, the School Principal cloudy of the lead as explains how it works like civil design the School Environment allows grade levels to share in earnings. Were all adults and students Learn Together the teachers can close up. All the doors and being very traditional spaces with their 30 students they can open it up they can teach a 100 kids at the time that can move and overhear 90 over there once the review was underway. We realize. Part of taking ownership in this new school was having the opportunity to name are we wanted to choose a name that resonates with who we were as a community when the search for david did the west Contra Costa Unified School district chills, Michelle Obama for multiple reasons, including her growing up on the south side of chicago in the community similar to richmond from there she would go on to graduate from princeton university, shes also a graduate of Harvard Law School later she joined the Chicago Law Firm Sidley Austin where she would ultimately meet her husband did the rest is history meaningful support to keep students and teachers safety Michelle Obama school has 2 floors a multipurpose room a Community Room a spacious playground and a green garden. Has it made you kron 4 news looks like a very nice cool to be nice and kids can get back in there and enjoy it right. All right still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a strong message from San Francisco city leaders for this upcoming halloween urging people not to undo the progress made during the pandemic theyre warning coming up next. Humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Welcome back times for 29 good morning to you if youre just waking up are just tuning in a t g i f by the way the weekend is here when you go into this weekend. I think im gonna go hiking, maybe have lunch with a friend outside lets check in with john first before you start planning, we need to know how the weather is going to shape up how its going to shape up john your weekends of way more fun than mine have to come along looking out there today we are going to be seeing conditions, nice and clear good for getting outside maybe for a hike or some lunch with the french for sure. And were going to be seeing more of that into halloween and sunday as you get that extra hours sleep to looking out there suture tower cam skies are Crystal Clear. No fog pushing into San Francisco this morning yet another clear one. From that view from right up above as fourwinds nice and calm across the region we are going to be looking at much change in that regard to the weekend either so unlike with where we were to start the weekend with the very very breezy conditions. Were closing things out on a nice and calm know temperatures right now are pretty chilly nevado you have risen to 41, you are actually in the upper 30s just moments ago the and napa each at 45 degrees right now will San Francisco Hayward Fremont and Half Moon Bay all hang

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