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President ial race. Thanks for being with us at 9 oclock everybody im grant lotus and im Vicki Liviakis boy tight is son under lets go and get. Right to it the results in georgia the state of North Carolina pennsylvania and nevada will determine whether Democrat Joe Biden or President Donald Trump wins the waiting game will be over soon grant is at the big wall to break it all down for us, heres where things stand right now the 2 states have you had to pick 2 that everybodys focus on right now over on the east coast pennsylvania, and georgia. Both states have poll workers diligently counting votes as we speak well start with georgia click in their zoom in here and slide over 16 electoral votes are at stake and donald trump right now is clinging to a lead that is now fewer than 2000 votes. You see the numbers right here, 99 of the vote has been counted so his trend hes been chipping away chipping away at trumps lead there that if he wins georgia. That ends it. He gets it to 71st eclipse is 2. 70 georgia is one state that would do it the other state that is really trending in bidens favor. Again the trump is still leading in see the light read right here. This is the dark red the light red is pennsylvania. Click on pennsylvania take a closer look there because pennsylvania still has a lot of votes that have not been counted and Donald Trumps lead there is getting smaller and smaller and smaller right now about 24,000 votes separate the 2 and that is with 94 of the vote thats been counted. So were really watching pennsylvania and georgia. As donald trump is trying to hang on to his lead in both of those states people who are tracking the way these numbers are breaking say that biden could eclipse could trump in pennsylvania. Early this morning east coast time which would be late tonight so dont go anywhere we could have a the Associated Press our broadcast partners have been working with us to call these states the dark red obviously for trump the dark blue for biden and on Election Night. The a p along with fox news who is very reputable full when it comes to calling states along with politico they called arizona for biden however interesting things are happening in arizona sort of the reversal of what were seeing in georgia and pennsylvania, here joe biden is trying to hang on to a lead. And that led right here is about 46,000 trump is trying to claw back and trump has in doing so hes been chipping away at bidens lead in arizona now. Obviously you figure biden holds on if the 80 and fox news called it for him but the trump team is very hopeful that they can overtake biden in arizona and that would reset the balance of power here so to 64 for biden hes trying to get to 2 71st jump with 2. 14 hes trying to get to 2 71st trump needs pennsylvania. And georgia. If hes going to win this thing so hes very hopeful that he can reverse the trend that weve been seeing however, nevada is one other state that is still hanging in the balance for whatever reason i mean they count things for a living in vegas, but they are not counting the votes quickly in nevada. And right now with the 6 electoral votes that nevada has here we go 6 that alone would put biden at 2. 70 and right now joe biden hes increased his lead was 8,000. Yesterday, it is up to about 12,000. Right now in nevada, so. 4 key states that were watching the biden camp does not really figure that they have a shot in North Carolina biden feels very good about georgia, the way things are changing their buying feels very good about pennsylvania, the way things are trending their use of more than a 100,000 outstanding votes that havent been counted all these absentee ballots because of covid in pennsylvania and again. The vote is getting narrower and narrower trump still leads but biden is inching towards him. Yes sure we want an answer you know take your time to care right. Yeah, both candidates yet again have starkly different messages for america. This President Trump doubling down on his unfounded claims of voter fraud. Our kron fours Ella Sogomonian live for us in the studio with what each of them had to say today. A key the incumbent is convinced election is rigged against him President Trump is not accepting the mail in ballot counts believing many of them in favor of his rival arrives pastor deadline. After bunkering down in the white house all day wednesday resorting to tweeting his disappointment and skepticism. President donald trump stepped into the public eye thursday afternoon with an unwavering an unfounded message do not trust the ballot counts. I usually win. If you count the illegal votes. They can try to steal. Election from us if you count the votes that came in late. Were looking at them very strongly that a lot of votes came in late. The incumbent vying for another chance of the highest seed in office is trailing behind his challenger former Vice President joe biden an electoral votes as the remaining absentee ballots are being processed other his allegations have not been supported by concrete evidence. President Trump Supporters have heard him loud and clear talking to several sites and chanting stop the count. Meanwhile biden is insisting every vote must be counted. He appeared on stage once again calm and collected. Democracy sometimes messy. And sometimes requires a little patience as well. But that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years. The system of government governance and thats been the envy of the world, the procedure is not a new one once a ballot is received postmarked by election day. It must be counted. But again the president wants that to stop as hes seen many of them coming in are choosing biden to replace his seat. And you might remember grant and vicki the president discourage his supporters from the vote by mail option live in the studio Ella Sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank u so for some analysis on what the candidates had to say were going to welcome in Sonoma State University Political Science professor. David mckeown. Hi havent seen you since Election Night it so many great hours of analysis for us then hard to believe its 48 hours later, and we still dont have a president or president elect, but i guess if you follow the trends with all the absentee ballots to the pandemic you knew this was a distinct possibility, what is your analysis now as you see the trends in not only georgia and pennsylvania. But on the flip side in arizona. All right first lets kind of set the scene right of voters are anxious. Theyre exhausted theyre worried and eat it either person who moves forward. Is going to face a divided country. However, you have voting that has slowed in philly voting thats loaded pennsylvania writ large. But lay this out when that county in georgia Clayton County in georgia. The home of john lewis who just this past year. Those 2 counties, Gwinnett County and john lewis is county of clayton, georgia Clayton County georgia. Theyre going to deliver the presidency, the job i did and whats going to happen tomorrow is that will happen late tonight early tomorrow. The biden team then waits for pennsylvania, his birthplace. They then move forward with an announcement after this a few networks of called as youre kind of laid out and they will stand there about pennsylvania, his birthplace with the ghost of john lewis and regardless of what happens in arizona the ghost john mccain and hell become the president elect thats whats going to happen tomorrow. All right were taking notes on you david. Those of us on the west coast. You know art is somewhat of a disadvantage were going to be heading to bed tonight for those who can sleep. These decisions maybe made it may be coming in in the wee hours of the morning in say pennsylvania. Can we sleep or should we have one eye open for for these massive changes in announcements coming down the pike well. Well like that this is this is what happens late tonight Early Morning in georgia the new shift in pennsylvania and the count is there but the president and his team are set up for legal fight and theyre going to continue to push forward, they dont have a lot of legal avenues and really they have a lot of political avenues. So what that looks like moving forward in terms of challenges recounts those types of things that will be critical after the press conference today. The president shed more republican support. So theres a difficult kind of slow march air that has happened since election day democrats clearly didnt do well enough as they as they thought they were going to do and the polling clearly was a mess. However, joe biden and his team knew it would be slow and come down to a few states. The poetry of this is going to be john lewiss county john mccains ghost those places are going to deliver along with pennsylvania, joe bidens birthplace thats pretty good poetry to start even in a divided country i think thats what you watch tomorrow as we move forward sleeping tonight with one eye open. But david could that foam have a a tragic ending if president with these unsubstantiated claims i mean you know what russia thinks what china thinks what iran thinks when they hear him go in front of the world basically and say this direction is league is rigged theyre stealing it from us. I mean. How i hate to you know prognosticator has some is about how ugly could get if if biden does get georgia pennsylvania, he has 300 electoral votes. It looks like a very you know secure victory but then you know the president continues with that rhetoric. Yeah, the keep going on with that the president is print as planning a transition. There are not a transition a second term theyre already staffing up for what that looks like the transition to the for their reelection, so that theres theres a fight ahead that clearly is what is going to happen but youre going to have networks are going to republicans youre going to have over 300 electoral votes. Given what i just laid out probably 3 06, 3, 07 somewhere in there. Nevada hasnt been called the president can win in arizona that could that could easily happen in North Carolina man be out there for a little while we have a count goes into next week and some of these states by law we still have more military ballots 8,000 military ballots that have to come in and overseas ballots into georgia that probably doesnt affect the outcome will the president go gently into that for night, no way there isnt there isnt anyone who believes that that will happen but the numbers and the data and really kind of the momentum has slowly been moving towards joe biden that will continue even into tomorrow. You know both candidates in each of them has a vastly different the tone. You know the words that the take away for the rest of the country whats your reaction to to to their messaging leading forward in terms of their their leadership and what people should look forward to. Well theres a theres a lot of ironies here for what i just laid out for what happens with what joe biden tomorrow, but also one of the most powerful tools of the president is from San Francisco, the coast and city he and thats the power of twitter so if hes not the president he can still use the power of twitter and social media to sell his message and to stay relevant so he doesnt go into that place, however, the the attention will quickly shift it will shift to georgia and those senate races and what happens in early january that make Stacey Abrams and Mitch Mcconnell, hugely influential all a sudden so so the drama will shift the spotlight will come off in that transition, the president will try to stay relevant and i think thats where we have to watch because he has had a tendency to go into hyperbole and rhetoric. Thats and even this is a problem we saw that when he was when he had covid doesnt go off the rails like that and what happens to those around him what happens if you will and that lame duck period we see a new donald trump we keep talking about that but we havent seen it and so how and to what degree the he and those around him who are closest michaels family, what they do and that period for the rest of the member into december thatll be something to watch youre asking the question but thats what we want to know is he going to listen to so i dont think he does i think he uses the power of twitter i think he uses the power to keep his relevance as much as you can, but what im saying here is that the focus changes away from him quite quickly that he wont be able to stand and i think that that being relevant because you know hes got relevance for 4 years or by february hes the frontrunner right for the Republican Party, he is in some ways of the frontrunner but Mitch Mcconnell will be the leader of the party Kevin Mccarthy will be moving to become speaker in 2022 the focus and the stage changes quite rapidly you can stop the march of time and what has happened is the march of time since tuesday has been away from donald trump that he can stand he has lashed out, but it doesnt have a lot of legal and political avenues when youre no longer president does have the Power Twitter well even if President Trump were to be ushered out of the white house it doesnt necessarily mean that trumpism goes away does it. Now i think thats a key question what was going to happen after this election democrats didnt do so well, one of the what is the Democratic Party look like after this election. What is the Republican Party look like after trump and trump is not reelected. He doesnt go gentle into that fair when and what is the extent of trumpism down ballot. What does that look like in states all across the country where they got all the rural vote or much of the rural vote and how does that move march forward and what the republican politicians to do the trump. Presidency, the trump name its brand owns the Republican Party does that begin to change as theres a slow walk to 2022 2020 for what it says were elements look like he will try to be relevant. But there will be many in the Republican Party who want to exercise x or size that the human and move farther away. There will be folks looking forward to that and to create the inroads that and maintain the inroads that they had with latinos and latinas slight next population to grow it happened in southern florida to grow that across the country not just in rural areas all across the nation. All right we want to get ahead of time we appreciate really rich. Timely and expert as David Mckeown he is the chair of the snow state university, Political Science department and he is a crown for political analysts friend of the program. Thank you again david. Thank you thank you very questioning. Protesters in las vegas held a rally tonight over the continued vote fight this comes as we continue to wait to hear which candidate will win the state. Trump supporters counts as say that counts that showed a Democrat Joe Biden leading are getting ground are wrong. As of tonight protests have not been violent there. These may manage stirring up strong emotions from neighbors tonight after hanging a joe biden effigy from his home. Brentwood Police Responded to the house on craig court bill earlier after angry social media post started circulating the man has since taken the effigy down but that is not kept the protesters from gathering outside of his house tonight kron fours dan thorn is live in brentwood tonight, he joins us. With more on this controversy. Dan what do you know. Grant neighbors tell us that this is just the type of attention that this man likes to attract. He had a mannequin outside of his home with a sign around its neck saying sleepy joe cheater and thats in reference to the election and thats been drawn out over the past couple of days, this man has been involved in controversy before and neighbors tell us the hang of this mannequin was just the latest races thing that hes done and theyve had enough. People gather along garan parkway in brentwood angered by an effigy hung in a neighbors yard. Theyre protesting this mannequin found with a sign around its neck saying sleepy joe parentheses cheater the action is not only being called outrageous but racist we bring the whole its really disappointing the mans neighbors on craig court have known him as a trump supporter who likes to draw attention. Some are fine with him showing his support for the president , but the mannequin went too far anytime that you put a noose next american blacks. And that just brings up way too much divisiveness you got to be smarter than brentwood. Police convinced the man to take down the effigy thursday after people expressed disgust with it on social media to redneck thing the homeowner identified as eric harvey has created this type of controversy once before. In 2017, he flew a Confederate Flag outside of his home harvey telling kron 4 news at the time it was patriotic but neighbors say it shows a history of racist behavior and he doesnt know the implications of that symbol. And he said to get himself its racist and we dont stand for that umbrella and everybody is entitled to free speech. But it gets to point when youre hanging what looks like a black man on racism is racism. Police were forced to block some streets near harveys home to keep the neighborhood from being taken over with protesters, but it didnt keep people from letting harvey know that what he did is not welcome in this community, he does this for attention as if hes loving this right now im well harvey is right now not facing any charges. The Contra Costa County da says that although. This mannequin was offensive. He is protected by the first amendment. Meanwhile, the u. S. Secret service has been made aware of brentwood pg es investigation, reporting live in brentwood. Dan thorn kron 4 news all right and also in the east bay berkeley Public Schools are getting ready to reopen gradually as a covid19 cases remain low kron fours gayle life in berkeley tonight with which schools are reopening gayle. And move forward here we have an opportunity to checkin weather in here yeah on the forecast Beautiful Day right felt like summer out there a record high of 80 degrees at sfo today but. If you like cool, if you like the fall, well, get ready rebecca strong here to tell us what the weather looks like for tomorrow. Yeah grant vicki, the cool the fall weather is here now were going to start seeing overnight lows. Get a little bit chilly and this is all ahead of a storm system that were tracking thats gointo touch down across the bay area as we get into tomorrow outside right now mostly Clear Conditions is our San Francisco. A camera just south of market area. Were not seeing a whole lot of fog in your way as of yet, but we could see it as we get closer to the overnight hours and yes things are going to cool down as we get into it tonight and early tomorrow morning. Lows. Were expecting to be in the 40s and the 50s so much different than what weve been seeing over the last couple of low 47 in santa rosa thats going to be one of our cooler temperatures 52 in concord overnight 53 in hayward and if youre going to be in san jose. Low of 50 degrees. Now this is all ahead of a storm system that were tracking developing out of the gulf of alaska thats whats going to keep so cold this cold front continues to push through the bay areas we get into tomorrow and future cast for showing us said the we could start to see some shower activity as we get into tomorrow afternoon and during the evening hours. And then even snow expecting in the sierra over the next couple of days into the weekend. Now your saturday looks to be mostly dry. But then sunday there is another chance of rain in the forecast for some of the bay area again its going to be scattered showers so just grab the umbrellas just in case and definitely dress in layers because were going to see temperatures drop anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees versus what weve been seeing over the last couple of weeks highs tomorrow, not very high right 50s and low 60s. Thats were going to top out at 58 in San Francisco expecting tomorrow 59 in hayward and in san jose youre at a high of. 61 degrees for tomorrow so guys its really going to start to feel like fall weather finally so got the jackets out get the layers and get those umbrellas and you know we heard possible, sprinkles will take it everything so dry out there, its ok thanks for backup. Well we are getting closer to the final result of the president ial election right now democratic candidate joe biden has a secure 264 electoral votes. President trump has to 14 the race. Theyre really still too close to call. At this hour anyway. Well take a look a closer look at the electoral map in which key battleground states could determine the next a resident of the united states. In the east bay berkeley Public Schools are getting ready to reopen gradually is covid19 cases are low theyre trending in the right direction. Kron fours gayle ong is live in berkeley now shes going to talk about which schools are reopening next week either gayle. Hello grant and vicki 3 Elementary Schools in berkeley will be reopening on monday and this will be a hybrid learning program half will be doing Distance Learning at home. The other half on campus and these will be the first schools in the district to reopen in person since the pandemic. Rosa parks, malcolm x and jefferson Elementary Schools in berkeley will welcome students back in small groups were talking probably 1824 students thats up to 24 students on each campus phase, one of reopening Elementary Schools, for in Person Learning Berkeley Unified School district superintendent Bret Stephens says the remaining 8 schools from grades pre k to 5 that remains closed. Will reopen on january 13th the students will be split into 2 groups that alternate between Distance Learning and on campus learning steven says there were mixed reviews some families are declining the even though weve served selected their family because we thought they could use the oncampus were still a great deal of anxiety and worry among families the district completed a safety plan that includes modifications to facilities and Face Covering requirements for having our employees covid were reaching out to families and offering them information about how to stay safe when theyre on campuses the district is working closely with berkeleys Public Health department for families with children returning to school. It is advised to consider limiting other public activities to lower exposure. As more activities open up the pressure is more put on the individual to take on these individual actions. To prevent to lower their own rest Public Health spokesperson, matai says Elementary Students our top priority to get back in the classroom safely that younger kids for struggling much more with Online Learning and Distance Learning. So making that possible a older kids skin. Yeah, better to the technology as for the older kids last week Alameda County gave School Districts permission to reopen campuses on november 9th, the city of berkeley that has its own Health Department is in the orange tier of the states covid status indicating the community has a moderate spread of the virus upperlevel campuses will reduced to 50 . But the district does not yet have a model to accomplish that for larger facilities. At this time there is no target set date for when middle and High School Students will return to school in person that plan could take weeks or months. Reporting live in berkeley gayle ong kron 4 news all right gail thank you for welcome back everybody if youre just joining us tonight, were continuing to follow the very tight race to the white house yeah, heres where things stand as we speak and they are getting tighter and tighter as the night goes on as the week goes on joe biden is cutting into Donald Trumps lead in both georgia. And pennsylvania at joe biden has a lead still in arizona, but President Trump is cutting into bidens lead in arizona, but the big state is pennsylvania. If joe biden can win pennsylvania and its 20 Electoral College votes. He will effectively be president elect states here are red and blue based on the Associated Press, our broadcast partners and well keep you posted on where things stand but in georgia. The vote difference is fewer than 2000 as we speak there still county. Tight indeed all right well, its not just the battleground states the county of balance continues long after most of the. Contests have been decided in Santa Clara County as kron fours rob fladeboe reports for us tonight, voter turnout is headed for record territory. Ballots are still pouring into the Santa Clara County Registrars Office in san jose just under a 1 million 20 thousand ballots were mailed out to voters roughly 786,000 were received on Election Night. Since then however, thousands more ballots have arrived from last minute absentee unconditional voters are definitely counting its we had over 786,000 ballots that have already come to our office. And theres a process to check the signatures to separated by precinct to open in flattened. We have a lot of people here today helping us with that process voters on tuesday broke the record for the number of ballots cast in 2016 president ial election. When 724,596 people voted but as the opening folding flattening in defending getting of the still arriving ballots continues. The next record almost sure to fall is overall voter turnout the Current Record for that is 86 set in 2008 and the record voter turnout is the number of ballots that we receive counted. Divided by the registration. That was received by the close of registration which was on october 19th that was a 1 million 19 thousand voters though a 1 million 19 thousand divided by however many ballots we get in here that determines or turn out right now were at about 78 fortunately there are no key races hanging in the balance, but every late arriving ballot, including those lacking a signature or proper postmark or other flaws must be evaluated and either rejected or counted. The register has 17 days to finish the count and certify the record setting election. I think a lot of people just want to involved in the process or lot of new voters. There are a lot of Different Things at different factors people could they register they can register to vote centers. The Registrars Office says that with all the ballots are in and counted voter turnout is Santa Clara County this year could be as high as 90 . In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news and of course kron 4 is your local election headquarters were still going with this thing we have the latest on the president ial race. As well as all the local and state measures just head to our website to check it out kron 4 dot com. You know sadly many students across the bay area are falling behind with the Distance Learning during the pandemic has the first round of Progress Report to being sent out districts are reporting spikes and falling grades. I can tell you it is not easy to to it. Kron fours Taylor Bisacky spoke to School District representatives today who so nearly 50 increases in failing grades for their students. As students remain at home stuck on these computer screens and out of their classrooms grades are falling at alarming rates many bay area School Districts are hearing from their students and an overwhelming majority say that distractions at home are getting in the way. Meanwhile students in the north bay say theyre feeling anxious about their future the area School Districts are reporting large increases in failing grades. As students continue Distance Learning. So clearly union high School District in redwood city is one of them, alan server who is a trustee of the School District says students with more than one failing grade jumped from under 20 last year to 29 this year theres a reason why schools exist in the that they are and. The old world of brick and mortar. Has a lot of value to it and weve weve invested a lot over the years and making that work is effect effectively as possible mount diablo Unified School District in Contra Costa County also saw a similar spike. Over in sonoma county. School officials held a special meeting on thursday in october after reporting 37 of students across its 10 districts with high schools and at least one feeling great. Thats compared to 27 over the same time period last really concerned for kids i think what we see in that data from the eu to survey is that theres legitimate Mental Health issues, theres kids with real anxiety and about their futures. And a lot of ways weve kind of had to build this plane in the air when it comes to Distance Learning. And so we have a system thats clearly not perfect its not working and yet we have to hold kids accountable, and it somehow. And some of that accountability is just as unfair for kids and its their futures ultimately well be hijacked superintendent of healdsburg Unified School District chris van den heuvel says. The number of High School Students in his district with a d or f nearly doubled to 39 this year addition to the challenges of learning at home, he says students there were hit especially hard with simultaneous wildfires. This year. Now he and others are brainstorming new ways to grade students. What are other people doing wear some bright spots that people have there is one school one high school that just did 3, 3, periods a day or 3 periods a semester. So they do you know basically a year worth semester for 3 classes and then another years worth of the second semester and they havent experienced the great drop you cater say a large part of the problem is also zoom fatigue in getting their students to focus on the screens of all at home. Bay area School Districts say theyre working to solve this problem. Also implement new great system changes in the coming weeks and deliver sackey reporting kron 4 news. A big blow to the commercial fishing season here in the bay area why there wont be any local dungeness crab available this thanksgiving. And im tracking colder temperatures as we get into tomorrow storm system on the way to the bay area could be bringing us some showers all have all those details coming up. And what happens with a lot of your best players are hurt and then you have a covid outbreak. Well its not good niners played tonight if you didnt see the game is that much jason dumas us says that and more coming up. A hundredyear comet. Did i miss it . But you cant sleep through my breakfast. Because its served all day, every day thanks, jack. Try my 4. 99 french toast sticks jumbo breakfast platter. Part of my all day, everyday breakfast. Tv this is the greatest play ive ever seen whatd i miss . But you cant sleep through my breakfast. Because its served all day, every day thanks, jack. Try my 4. 99 french toast sticks jumbo breakfast platter. Part of my all day, everyday breakfast. For sports. All right guys we knew coming into tonights game that the niners were severely undermanned but. I didnt think it would get this bad against the packers. There is Aaron Rodgers, the north county native. That is not Aaron Rodgers, the north county native, but Aaron Rodgers was playing today and he returned home to the team that he wanted to draft him. First drive of the game. Roger goes deep right here. We are we all get back into it. Aaron rodgers erry goes to north county native first play of the game first drive of the game rodgers goes deep to another north county native Davante Adams he just might be the best wide receiver in the nfl if this is the first player with at least 600 receiving yards and receiving touchdowns in his first 6 games in a season since randy moss in 2007 so yeah, hes pretty good 2nd quarter now nick mullins. Hes going to get drilled as he throws and its intercepted here we still see and monte adams. What a catch all right nicholas. He gets drilled as he throws and its intercepted by Raven Greene Mullen was 22 of 35 for 291 yards and a touchdown. A solid effort but really empty numbers that turnover led to this rogers 5 Mercedes Lewis for the touchdown is 14 3 packers. 2 minutes left in the half roger. He was just getting warmed up he finds marquez valdesscantling thats a 52 yard back breaker packers go up 21 to 3 at the half. 305 yards and 4 touchdown passes for rodgers 2nd half it was a rough game for justin school. He would be to numerous times including this set by the daria Smith Mullins was pummeled all night long he fumbles green bay recovers. All Kyle Shanahan could do was watch. The packers handle the niners 34 to 17. We are joined by kyle and mills kron 4 Sports Reporter she is live at levi stadium soak island final score 34 to 17. But it didnt feel that close what was the vibe like on the sidelines with niners team that came out the flayed or did they fight to the end. Well jason honestly, the fortyniners looked defeated from the first kick of this game. The packers just 6 place in 3 minutes and 18 seconds got into the fortyniners end zone. So as far as or execution goes fortyniners didnt have that and then the hustle the heart the energy it just didnt look like they quite came out with that tonight either so really a tough loss for the fortyniners in this one and it didnt seem like they had a chance from the beginning and we knew this was going to be a difficult task with the 49 ers playing such a High Caliber Team missing so many guys first we got the news earlier this week that George Kittle Jimmy Garoppolo would be added to the long list of guys on our and that officially took place today than you think it cant get any worse. But it does kendrick foreign tested positive for covid yesterday friend and Trent Williams had to miss tonight as well because they were in close contact with him so definitely an uphill battle for the 49 ers head coach Kyle Shanahan had to look deep into his bench into the practice squad in particular, heres what he had to say about tonights game. We know is a new challenge new law. You know the start of the week is going to be challenge and then losing those 3 yesterday was obviously a bigger challenge, but. And i so that we could have a game and the so that we can play better than we did tonight you know being down like that and not being at our best and going against good team like that usually thats usually what happens but i know we could have done better. Now the one bright spot tonight was the play of richie james he had a career night with 9 receptions for 184 yards and a touchdown, but the 49 ers are really in a tough spot moving forward now 4, 5 with new orleans up next week and then the bye week we also have to keep a close eye on the teams covid19 testing in the coming days, hopefully no additional tests come back positive for now were live at levi stadium kylan mills kron 4 sports. Thanks kyle and shes making everybody at levis keep the lights on for her so kylan get home safe, thank you a lot and that is your look at sports. Theres very families they looking forward to hanging on to some kind of tradition this Holiday Season have it local dungeness crab there they are on thanksgiving dinner. Well. If thats your jam you could have one less thing to be thankful for this year yeah, but its for a good reason to me thats because for a second year in a row that commercial crab season is being delayed by the. California department of fish and wildlife. Theres the reason is they go mam a single man was shot Maureen Kelly talked to those who were impacted though at Fishermans Wharf. Because of this delay. These crab pots that you see stacked behind me on pier 45 will not be going into the water on november 15th, but instead will be staying here high and dry until at least december first this is all over concerns about the possibility of migrating whales getting tangled up. In the ropes attached to the fishing gear for those who sell live. Dungeness crab like the fish company here on Fishermans Wharf the start of the local commercial crab season is a huge deal. So its a tough blow. Now that has been pushed back to at least december 1st, both of the wholesaler and those customers who are hoping to maintain at least some holiday traditions during this pandemic has into a delay is devastation more challenges than weve already been facing in 2020. People want their thanksgiving crafts, whether theyre able to celebrate with all their family or not its it still a part of the comfort zone. And so. On one hand you want make sure the consumer can get their product on the other hand you worried about the fisherman youve worked with for all these decades and how are they going to pay off their personal loans that theyve taken out loans that she says were taken out to replace gear burned up during the massive pier, 45 fire back in may but the president of the San Francisco crab Owners Association who himself last year and that fire says well it might mean fishermen get paid later. And possibly get a lower price for their whole they support the decision to delay just want to be portrayed it as you know being really upset that we cant go fishing because we dont care about whales and that is not the case. We are all part of the process in deciding whether or not we should go in a group of fishermen who were on task force to decide voted to recommend to the fish and wildlife that we delay the season because of the amount of whales that were present. So we are part of the process. Its possible that the commercial crab season could be delayed again it did not kick off until december 15th last year for this exact same reason. Now recreational crab fishing is set to begin this saturday. So if you want to have crab on your table for thanksgiving dinner. Youre going to have to catch yourself Maureen Kelly kron 4 news. They have thanksgiving is i guess right around the corner doesnt feel like its november but. Try to finish up an election and here we are moving on and it is getting cooler rebecca strong here to tell us all about the change in the weather. Grant vicki its going to start feeling more like november as we get into tomorrow thats because its going to start to feel more like fall outside right now a pretty Clear Conditions. This is our bay bridge toll plaza. Camera pro chair and were going to start to see the temperatures drop during the overnight hours so make sure that you stay, nice and warm bundle up because were going to see temperatures mainly in the 40s and some 50s on the board and its going to get even cooler as the week goes on some 30s are going to on the board as well so just to keep that in mind. This temperature change all things to the storm system that were tracking coming out of the gulf of alaska. And in fact futurecast for showing us is that it continues to approach during the overnight hours into tomorrow morning. Its going to bring that cold front and the possibility of some rainfall this year also expecting to get some snowfall as well much me this snowfall and rain here for mainly scattered showers thats what were thinking so just grab your umbrella tomorrow just in case and its going to happen right around the afternoon into tomorrow night again temperatures are going to be a very cool as we get into the afternoon tomorrow, not very high not as high as what weve seen over the last couple weeks weve seen 80s and even 90s in some spots tomorrow look at this only topping out to the low 60s 61 degrees expected for concord 59 in hayward 60 in redwood city, a high of 61 in san jose right here in San Francisco. Were going to top out to 58 degrees. Your sevenday around the bay forecast to really evenly spread temperatures as a matter of fact were going to mostly be in the 50s and the 60s for inland spots around the bay and at the coast and like i said those overnight lows going get really chilly guys because we could be seeing some 30s 40s coming to us. Put a blanket on the plane. Its like thanks for that. Attention all walmart shopper i quit. So thats that coming up a former walmart employee goes viral on the internet after quitting her job why she thought it was important too leave with a bang. A former employee of a walmart in texas recently went viral on tik tok for the way she quit her job reporter grace morris spoke to her to find out about what made her decide to quit the way she did. Attention all walmart shoppers after almost 2 years of working at walmart ragland decided that she had had enough. Quit. Loved it. At first, i truly didnt i wanted to keep that job for. A long time ragland worked as a cap to an employee that unloads trailers in organizes stock but she claims that her managers and coworkers created a toxic environment for her and other employees they set a standard and expected us to follow another one. So it was it was pretty bad all around even making sexist comments to her or being racist towards other employees they would say some pretty. A nasty things to me. A very young age youre all perverts and i hope you dont talk your daughters, the way you talk to me week ago when raglan decide to quit she got on the loudspeaker and called out her managers workers by name in posting the video to take time i just want to come on here and say. Is a racist stinky. Is racist alum manager i said those things because there are young girls. And that work there. And i knew for a fact if i reported those states they would have gone unnoticed the video now has over 24 million dpviews rylan saying she doesn regret quitting the way that she did and hoping that her message is heard by more than just those who were shopping at walmart only time society or. Managers ever listen to anybody is when youre upset youre at your last straw, you do something. Okay well that was grace morris reporting for us tonight, a walmart spokesperson said in a statement about the incident that walmart is committed to a diverse Inclusive Work place and we take every allegation very seriously. That wraps up kron 4 news at 9, however you and ill be back at the top of hour right. Yeah were not quitting know like were continuing to track the election results. Theyre trickling in from georgia. And pennsylvania where President Trump still leads. But his leads in those states are shrinking rapidly plus schools in berkeley are going to be opening on monday for the First Time Since the pandemic will explain what Safety Measures are going to be in place for students and teachers. Those stories and more

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