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Heal the soul of this country so that we can effectively address this crisis as one country. Were hardworking americans have each others backs. And now to our top story at 3 and may be months before president elect Joe Biden Takes Office but hes already getting the ball rolling with a new Coronavirus Task force on the heels of pfizer announcing early data its covid19 vaccine is 90 effective. President elect joe biden says a lot of work still remains which is why Biden Announces New covid19 Task Force Washington correspondent alexandra le mon has the details. I will spare no effort to turn this pandemic around president elect joe biden says a lot of work remains to be done to battle the coronavirus pandemic nearly 240,000 deaths so far. Protecting the projections still it okay we can lose. 200,000 more lives in the coming months thats what biden announced his new covid19 task force which includes a former Surgeon General former food and Drug Administration or and a yale professor biden said the new task force will advise his Transition Team and ensure theres a new National Strategy ready to be rolled out when hes sworn in as president making Rapid Testing widely available. More widely available which more widely available in building a core contact tracers who were tracking curb this disease biden also urged americans to do their part we know the single most effective thing we can do to stop the spread of covid. Wear a mask president elect biden is recognizing the need for science professor you nearby young of the new England Complex Systems Institute says the pandemic will likely get worse over the next couple of months and it is really important to task force well be blunt and direct with the president and should not be afraid to advocate even for unpopular positions by young says we cant wait for new president to be sworn in and swift action must be taken now to stop the spread of covid19 in washington. Alexandra le known might. At least 3 of the doctors added to that task force have big ties to the bay area specifically with ucsf. Kron fours noelle bellow joins us now for more on who those doctors are well. Thats right. It is 3 ucsf doctors that are joining that 13 person Advisory Board one of them has even been named a cochair, doctor David Kessler is one of 3 cochairs on the task force not only is he the former dean of the school of medicine at ucsf he also served as commissioner for the food and Drug Administration under president George Hw Bush and bill clinton so a wealth of experience is coming from him also on the team doctor Robert Rodriguez whos not only a professor of emergency medicine at ucsf he has also led National Research teams. Examining different topics like the impact of the pandemic on the mental health, the front line workers and finally doctor eric goosby a professor of medicine at ucsf who implemented the emergency plan for aids relief during the Obama Administration fellow ucsf doctor bob wachter says creating this team is essential in shaping the biden administrations approach to managing and eventually defeating coronavirus. These 3 people provide very very different perspectives. The pandemic and i these are 3 out of 13 members of the this Important Committee that come from ucsf so were all very proud and this task force is really set up with a broad group of people very diverse in every dimension, including Patient Advocates policy experts act practicing clinicians epidemiologist for allah just to the president elect the best possible advice about how to go forward. And you know for those of us have been watching the last 10 months and seeing the relative lack of expertise and the devaluing of expertise and the fact that the president has not chosen to listen to experts this is incredibly reassuring. Ill be diving a little bit more into their history and all of the different work that theyve done throughout their careers thats going to be coming up on kron 4 news at 5 as well as on our streaming service kronon thats where you can also find that interview in full for now back to you new today, the u. S. Has confirmed more than 10 million coronavirus cases this as infections continue to rise in nearly every state, new daily confirmed cases are up more than 60 over the past 2 weeks, the average daily cases are on the rise in 48 states, including right here in california, the virus has now killed more than 237,000 americans and pfizer says its Coronavirus Vaccine maybe 90 effective at preventing covid19 todays announcement doesnt mean a vaccine is imminent. But rather puts the company on track to apply for emergency use approval later on this month from the fda. The company says but out of 44,000 people enrolled in the study in only saw 94 infections doctor Robert Wachter with ucsf says the news is incredibly hopeful, but recognizes there are several steps still to come. We need to be a 100 sure that its safe its going to take another several weeks the fda has to approve it few more weeks. Then the vaccine has to be manufactured rolled out of frozen because its a tricky vaccine to handle. There are not a nowhere near enough doses to go around by the end of this year so were probably talking about spring and summer of 2021 when you start having enough people vaccinated to make a material difference in in the course of covid in. Now the good news is doctor wachter says this is an unusually effective vaccine for reference the flu vaccine is usually between 4060 effective. To the south bay where officials are sounding the alarm about a concerning surge in covid19 cases kron fours rob fladeboe has more on the story now and joins us live from san jose rob. Hospitalizations are up to sanaas theyre up 10 . County with an urgent plea today to people to redouble our efforts to help stop prevent the spread of the covid19 virus ahead of the holidays, Colder Weather that will force them indoors increasing the risk. Heres more. But whats happened in the last week. It is no longer a draft. Our cases are surging up Santa Clara County Public Health officer doctor sara cody and other officials calling on the community to stay on guard against the coronavirus. After seeing a sharp uptick in covid19 cases the 358 new covid19 cases reported sunday is the most is a record 385 cases reported back on july 15th, a sharp increase in hospitalizations to more than a 100 is another troubling sign the virus is spreading faster than earlier outbreaks. The newest infections are mostly in people between 1834 years old exactly why the surge is happening now is not clear says doctor cody. Its possible that we are about a week plus out from halloween. Its possible that we are all experiencing pandemic fatigue as weve been this for a very long time and theres a few other things that have been happening around us. In the world. But the key take home message that i really want to get across is that what each of us do every day really matters and an increase in cases is both a risk for the health of our community as well as for the health of our economy. The way. Now officials said that enforcement of the Health Orders also being stepped up so businesses have been warned about a possible violations and the county says it has received another 1000 complaints from people about possible violations. If these numbers dont get any better doctor cody says the county risks of being a push from the less orange tier back into the more restrictive read here live in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. Thank you that report rahm. State leaders are already gearing up to work with the president elect and Vice President elect joe biden and Kamala Harris, our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala joins us live in sacramento with details ashley. Yes, and as californias relationship with the federal government is expected to get a lot less tense with joe biden and Kamala Harris in Office Governor newsom says the state is not waiting to get to work with these 2. Yeah, i mean it goes from headwinds detail and other donald trump has yet to concede in the president ial race governor Gavin Newsome and they said the state is not waiting to prepare for the new Bidenharris Administration this is an exciting and lightning. Time and opportunity for the state of california and were going to were going to do everything we can do to maximize it and to do so very efficiently and effectively and we are not waiting. President trump to make an announcement saying hes walking work its way through the court system we are working very collaboratively now and engaging. All of our Department Heads working with the federal government he says will likely be completely different mending the relationship will start with working to californias 100 lawsuits against the Trump Administration which newsom says the state is already looking into. Adjudicate a figurative lee not literally. The process and protocols of round which lawsuits, maybe drop which losses can be addressed by executive order crosses could be agency the governor says he has yet to speak with president elect joe biden become verse asians have already started with his friend colleague and Vice President elect Kamala Harris. The governor praised their first move formulating the Pandemic Task force which includes 3 bay area doctors so would be shocked if you do not hear more announcements over the coming weeks and months. Of other highprofile californians getting picked to their advice or pick for formal roles. In the new administration. Another piece of planning for the Biden Harris Administration involves filling harriss Vacant Senate seat. Governor newsom says a timeline on this has not been established. But the process of selection is beginning reporting live in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. Thank you, ashley and a welcome sight and this past weekend, the first snow of the season. These are pictures from heavenly kirkwood and northstar ski resorts, 7 inches of snow fell over the weekend and more snow is in the forecast. Opening day at several resorts is november 20th right ahead of the thanksgiving holiday most are requiring ski lift reservations in an effort to prevent crowding on the mountains. And closer to home now take a live look outside at our dan downtown, San Francisco camera thankfully in my case, theres no snow. Im not a fan of the snow but it was very cold for bay area residents this weekend after months long of warm weather. Kron fours dave spahr standing by with a look at our forecast hey davis freezing, i know we turn the page into winter and thats how its going to feel like for the week good evening, everybody or afternoon. Live shot coming from a half moon bay. You know some scattered clouds are kind of just drop across the bay right now this last hour or so as we spoke so we probably already came across our high temperatures are close theyre of mostly upper 50s to midfifties across the region. And take it because things will be a changing as we go forward in the forecast period. One of just look at stormtracker youll see that the cloud cover that school removing its way right across the bay area right now behind all of it will be clear skies thats an Important Note because thats going to plan to the forecast freeze warning going on tonight covering a lot of those a north bay valleys the time period is basically from 03 00am to 09 00am technically on tuesday, we could see some 20s at work there want to watch the Indoor Plants bring him on in there too and also any exposed plumbing. They have a problem if he died at 4 oclock at 7 4641 by 10 oclock coming up a little bit later on well be showing you are walking you through that chilly forecast in the chilly week ahead so knots day thank you for that. Coming up some schools in the east bay welcome students back to campus today. But how long will it be before the scene happens here in San Francisco. And Bay Area Health officials providing tips for safe for holidays and travel amid the coronavirus pandemic how you can and now to the east bay, 3 Elementary Schools in berkeley, welcome students back in small groups today for in Person Learning its groups of about 18 to 24 students per school at rosa parks, not the maxx and jefferson Elementary Schools, face masks are required and there are others covid safety guidelines in place. Staff before theyre coming to school each day will be filling out an online after asking for covid symptoms and if theyve been in contact with anyone has been positive and then as a secondary stuff were checking students and. And they also can hit this Health Screening table where we again can ask about symptoms and we take their temperature. So were so happy to have our students back were following all the protocols relative to safety around covid19 3, 2, 1, Berkeley Unified School district superintendent bretts brunt. Stevens says the other 8 Elementary Schools will reopen on january 13th and a hybrid learning model with alternating in person and online classes is targeted to start than. And with the some schools in the east bay bringing students back to the classroom. The question remains when will San Francisco schools reopen for in Person Learning kron fours Charles Clifford is live in San Francisco with the answer hey charles. Hey there. Yeah well here in San Francisco, some private schools have already reopened classrooms allowing kids to come back, but the San Francisco unified School District. The largest educator here in the city is not those kids are still using Distance Learning at this point its unclear when theyll be able to come back to the classroom. Across San Francisco, the School District has a bed in the middle of a major project to go to each individual school assess. The schools facilities also talk to staff there and come up with a plan for getting kids back into the classrooms, one of the big challenges right now is working on air circulation ventilation at the schools and making sure it complies with Health Requirements in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus at this point its unclear when school but there is some thinking that special needs kids and Young Children will be allowed to return to the classrooms first probably in some sort of hybrid model exactly what that is we do not know yet and while many parents are eager for their kids to return to school this could also have an impact on daycare workers i talked to one man today in San Francisco says that when kids go back to school it will have a big impact on his employment more of the uncertainty and stuff just comes from. Not knowing where like. Our role is child care workers and so the bigger uncertainties in school comes back what is that look like for the child care workers who maybe werent. Directly part of the the Actual School faculty and were may be part of a separate system of care. Now there is a School Board Meeting on tuesday and we know that at least one board member is going to submit a proposed plan for getting kids back into school. We dont know if that plan comes without a timeline it seems likely that students will not return to the classrooms at least for this calendar year. All right back live now and again we dont know when school or class might theres also been some conversations about possibly resuming classes in a limited capacity, maybe after the first of the year. But for now in San Francisco Charles Clifford kron 4 news. About shot switching gears now to talk about the weather. This is a live look at highwiy 24 in walnut creek at this hour. We are tracking chilly temperatures around the bay area so lets turn things over to dave spahr was a look at our of us and as we have a deck of some cloud cover just coming across the bay right now and hopefully is actually move on out of thin out just a little bit. Give us some decent sun sets across the bay, but this is what it looks like right now you can see the golden gate off towards the distance that shot from timber on. But you can see where this a source of cloud cover came from an moving pretty quickly at this hour again hope that will clear a lot of areas by 4. Looking at most of the temperatures there mid to upper 50s now at this hour but were looking for a chilly night ahead with all of that basically should be shifting back over to mostly sunny for tomorrow and again expected temperatures in the 60s cold tonight, particularly in tomorrow night too with lows in the 30s but tonight, particularly freeze warning up there in the north bay valleys with temperatures in the 2530 Miles Per Hour 30 mile. The 25 to 30 degree range is what we expect again looking at the time period between 03 09am, later in the week things get interesting as we usher in a chance of some showers going to the models. This first hit comes by Tuesday Morning as you see, and there might be enough cloud cover in its wake to the middle of the week to kind of prevent temperatures from falling that much more so but the end of the week unsettled opportunities for showers thursday friday overnight into saturday, but hopefully the weekend open up nicely will course have that extended forecast for you coming up that says thank dave. You are a couple has been charged with Human Trafficking after they allegedly locked a man inside their store and made him or 15 hours a day the investigation started. After an alcoholic Beverage Control inspection agent noticed there was a thin mattress in the storage room of eminem liquors on westwood drive. The Santa Clara County district attorneys says the suspects arm amarjeet and ball winner man stolen indian mans passport and had him working 15 hour shifts 7 days a week with threats of deportation if you spoke to police 3 other men were also identified as potential victims of the couple. And still ahead here on kron 4 news at 3 stocks soar today following pfizer vaccine. Announcements well be speaking with a Financial Advisor on what to watch in the final month of 2020. And after the break is an ad on social media looks too good to be true it probably is how a family fell victim to a facebook scam and the bay area homeowners, learn how you can eliminate monthly mortgage payments and improve your cashflow. Look, this isnt my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Bay area homeowners, learn how your neighbors are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse Mortgage Loan from the bay areas number one reverse Mortgage Lender other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave use a reverse Mortgage Loan to renovate and update your home, pay off large bills, and Cover Health Care costs. Or just have the money on hand when you need it call now for your free information kit. Youve probably been investing in your home for years. Making monthly mortgage payments. Doing the right thing. And its become your familys heart and soul. Well, that investment can give you taxfree cash just when you need it. Call for your free reverse Mortgage Loan guide look, reverse mortgages arent for everyone but i think ive been round long enough to know whats what. Im proud to be part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. Call now so you can. Retire better online scams are known to be common around the holidays and with the pandemic its only getting worse again. Many of those scams are online weve got reporter madeline beer sir. She tells us about a florida family that fell victim to social media scam. Christina lose his grandmother responded to a facebook ad and purchased a toy for her grandson thinking it would come to their house lifesize and what was supposed to be the 4 foot tall dinosaur toy can actually fit in just both of their hands she purchased the toy for about 200 after receiving it she requested a refund and real complaints to both the toy company and facebook. Facebook said that there was nothing they could do about it that they have any control over. Ads that are placed this could lead to bigger fraud issues, especially this time of year with christmas less than 2 months away. Its dangerous because now that company and we dont know about that company and they could have her credit card information for chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis says a lot of scammers use technology to target buyers to make facebook has got to be held accountable in some way shape or form because their platform is giving an avenue to create fraud at your household is a company is based in florida petronas says it is easier to go after them that theyre outside of the of the country that has taken lot of them are theres very little that can be done other than like said partner with our media and trying to keep people sharp end of those threats attorneys says if it looks too good to be true it probably is in bay county not mere stir. Coming up next on kron 4 news at 3 recommendations from Bay Area Health officials for safer holidays and travel. Amid the ongoing covid19 pandemic and the Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments tomorrow in a case that would repeal the Affordable Care act. Well have reaction from lawmakers and breaking news that were following were learning of a coronavirus outbreak within the im susan and im 52 and i live in San Francisco, california. I have been a sales and Sales Management professional my whole career. Typical day during a work week is im working but first always going for a run or going to the gym. I love reading. I love cooking healthy. Its super important to me. I was noticing that i was just having some memory loss. It was really bothering me. So i tried prevagen and it started to work for me. I wish i had taken prevagen five or ten years ago. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. And back to our breaking news. Were learning of a coronavirus outbreak within the Oakland Police department oakland according to the Oakland Police Officers Association there are 30 positive covid cases within the department. We talked interim police chief Susan Manheimer about the cases which includes a patrol officer. So today in terms of covid exposures we sit and 29 luckily, many were asymptomatic but we are on top of our protocol. We have very very high level of Rapid Response testing and protocols that we put into place as we did this weekend and today we are really pleased that weve had a relatively know low number of exposure cases at opd were one of the first 2 got Rapid Testing for any exposure and so weve been very lucky to keep that number low compared to other agencies but we have seen a spike in this last several weeks thats troubling for us here at opd and and you know across the bay area. Again there are now 30 confirmed cases of covid19 in the Oakland Police department 2 of the cases were reported just today. We have a reporter on this story tonight and well bring you more on the kron 4 news at 8. And as a National News secretary of housing and urban development doctor ben carson has tested positive for the coronavirus carson was tested at Walter Reed Medical Center this morning after experiencing symptoms. He was at the white house last week for an election Election Night party in chief of staff mark meadows, he was also there he tested positive for covid as well last week. And President Trump fired secretary of defense mark esper today, trump made the announcement on his twitter account and in a tweet he thanked esper for his service announced Christopher Miller as his replacement. Miller was the director of the National Counterterrorism center but his position as acting secretary of defense is effective immediately. President trump in the meantime still refusing to concede to president election to the president ial election to joe biden and theres been a mixed bag of reaction from fellow republicans. Catherine heenan host of inside bay area politics talked to a bay area republican official and has catherine most republican legal efforts sanaas to challenge the election. Theyve been smallscale theyve been thrown out by judges the president is getting flak from some fellow republicans including. Former new jersey governor chris christie, but among those insisting the president has a right to challenge the race, the chair of the San Francisco republican party. You know talking to decant into this to some of the lawyers are on the ground people who i know and respect and trust and say no dont file cases that are winnable so theyre in the middle of doing that. But secondly i wonder what the rush. The russians here you know be second the secretaries of state of the. The various states were talking about havent certify the elections yet. And in the contested race of 2000. Al gore was was challenging. We let that process play out no one asked anyone to concede no one asked anyone to step aside. Lets let the president have to stay in court, lets let the lawyers have their day in court and lets see what happens and let me just say this. You know did that cities across the country were boarding up in case cases of by case of a biden victory. They were boarding in case of a trump victory. So i will tell you about everything you need to know about biden folks that trump people i think the president does in fact not prevail i think if im the being to be a gracious. Majority leader senator mitch mcconnell, he weighed in today, his first Public Comments since a joe biden was declared the winner. He is arguing for the president is within his rights to challenge the outcome. So thanks catherine. The future of the Affordable Care act is in the hands of the Supreme Court on tuesday, the 9 justices will hear oral arguments in california view texas. A case to repeal the a republicans argue the legislation is unconstitutional in its current form, but as our washington dc correspondent anna werner explains democrats say removing the program right now during a pandemic would be a disaster. Texas democratic congressman Lloyd Doggett says the stakes will be higher than ever when the Supreme Court takes up the Affordable Care act on tuesday during this time of awful time of covid19 of a pandemic is about the worst time possible to be without access to a Family Physician Health insurance, the high court will hear oral arguments in california, the texas a case to repeal the a c a republicans argue the legislation is unconstitutional. But doggett says taking away Health Coverage during a Health Crisis would be devastating for the millions of americans who rely on it those people whove been hospitalized where sadly too many of them in our community. They come out of the hospital often with some really big bills. This is the 3rd time the sec has been challenged in the high court. But this time it will be heard before the most conservative panel of justices the court has seen in decades, im not hostile to the ac a last month Senate Democrats grilled now Justice Amy Coney barrett during her confirmation hearings about how she would rule. And if pressure from the president a critic of the e would impact her decision i had no conversations with anyone in the white house about that case to the extent there is a suggestion that i have an agenda that i want to strike down Peoples Protection for preexisting conditions thats just not true once oral arguments are over a decision is expected by the end of june. In washington, im anna warren, a key. Now lets switch gears for a moment and talk about our forecast as we take a live look outside at the Golden Gate Bridge we are monitoring a freeze warning for parts of the bay area thats crazy day. But it was so hot just weeks ago. Yeah, it seems like memories to so its its winter knocking on our doorstep purity of the senate early flavor before even thanksgiving getting some of these cold temperatures here. Now you saw the shot there from the golden gate, this deck of cloud cover seems to have already cleared. Right across the golden gate now is dropping into the south bay in the east bay for right now behind it basically mostly clear skies with all about a look ahead shows just that 55 next hour 7 oclock 4640 at 10 oclock the key issue is in terms of geography is if youre in a valley or if youre an area thats when shielded are shielded from the wind and clear skies thats going to be a recipe for this freeze warning which we have in place you can see up here in the north bay for all of those valleys and so forth. Winds again in children areas. Thats where see temperatures fall middle 20s, perhaps in some of the outlining areas and also on a watch about some of those Indoor Plants, jeff sitting outsource outside soaking up all that sun bring one in and watch the exposed plumbing as well forecast slow start were going 45 San Francisco, 40 to oakland, 39 san jose which is chilly compared to the low as weve seen from before. However, where a pocket of the coldest air will be probably appear in the north bay for most of the valleys again some outlining areas may drop into the upper 20s to east bay youre not technically in that, but you see plenty of 30s and you to me see some spots the drop below freezing looking ahead of our forecast period here weve got kind of unsettled weather for thursday and into friday and temperatures remain cool through the period sides. They thank you for that. And with the holidays a fast approaching Public Health officials from 9 counties around the bay area have issued a list of guidelines for those. Thinking of traveling or having family and friends over kron fours morning. Kelly joins us. Shes in San Francisco with the latest morning. Thats right because im here on union street in San Francisco in music starting to see a few of the shops here putting up holiday displays in their windows. Its that time of people are usually starting to think about thanksgiving hanukkah christmas. People wanted to get together with friends and family. And a lot of people for that that means packing their bags and flying off somewhere getting on a bus or driving long distances. So today, the big area, many of the bay area Public Health officers got together. A list of rules but they really say theyd rather you just stay home this year. This is at a time of year where people are making travel maybe intending to travel outside of the region to visit family and friends. And just want to make that message really clear that this is not the time to do were to mobile right now to increases in cases and most bases across the United States right now are seeing much more transmission of the virus that were seeing here. Its really important to work to protect those games weve achieved, but for those who do decide to take the risk and take off for the holidays bring countys Public Health officer is one of many around the bay area that are strongly recommending that you self quarantine for 14 days after you come home, if what you do while youre way put you at higher risk for catching coronavirus such as spending time within 6 feet with people outside of those you normally live with well you or Anyone Around you was not wearing a face mask, especially. Indoors or as an alternative. Obtain testing a few days after that we turn 5 to 7 days after the return and if that test is negative and we could be more confident they havent been infected. Or if you travel on planes buses trains Public Transportation or other shared vehicles, if face masks were not worn at all times by both you and the other person in the vehicle. And if youre planning to get together with others during the holidays, there are also recommending that you keep those gatherings safe by holding him outdoors. Keep them small with no more than 3 households. He gathering short meaning no more than 2 hours and keep them stable by not participating in multiple gatherings with many different but its important we dont move from one group like that to another to another over the course of the holidays, were having multiple invitations so taking that group and sticking the backrooms important because it leads to fewer net interactions and less risk of transmission. So basically they want you to pick a holiday pod as it were and stick with them throughout the Holiday Season rather than being a social butterfly this year. Thats the latest here in San Francisco, im morning kelly. Kron 4 and coming up the u. S. Postal Service Warning about a new scam targeting veterans. You need to watch out for. And the world famous a full house house no time now to check in with the news nation on wgn america to see what theyre working on tonight, joe donlon joins us live from chicago with a preview h o. I seen as good to see you. Tonight on news nation lot of developments with the pandemic president elect joe biden appoints a covid Advisory Board were also going hear from pfizer today. One of the Companies Working on a vaccine. How effective will that vaccine be and well hear from some of the volunteers involved in the drug trials as well. Also tonight, the pandemic has been devastating to the Restaurant Industry we have a report on a new lifeline the social network, helping women Restaurant Owners survive the pandemic plus notre dame beat number one clemson over the weekend and the students went not storming the field and yet this could be a problem the school as a result has announced strict new covid protocols. 4 students and a rare cuckoo bird sighting in rhode island. Well see what that more tonight on news nation to not do you know what the cuckoo bird sounds like. I actually dont i didnt really know i didnt know that was the thing they were real, i thought it was just like a character you would read about in books but i guess its a real do you know what it does and if you can you can you make the noise for that was brilliant i have to tell you that was brilliant. Because no one is turned it around on me and many of the other anchors across the country have talked with actually did it so good for thank siya thanks joe. News nation airs on wgn america at 08 00pm our time you can find it on the channels listed on your screen more details available on our website kron 4 dot com. Still ahead soaring numbers on wall street today following covid19 vaccine results and now weve got some good news, stocks surged today catapulting wall street back to record heights this after the encouraging announcement. A potential Coronavirus Vaccine. As the battle for the white house lowly comes to an end markets around the world are also seeing a climb for more as the country moves forward were joined by Morgan Stanley Financial Adviser george nocioni george always a pleasure this is news weve only you know weve all been waiting for especially after seeing the market. Roller coaster over the course of the last few months. Do you think that with the elections now over and this promising news on the vaccine front that the market will stabilize for a bit. Well covid19 is a real story in the market was euphoric this morning is it is hungry for news how were going to stop this virus. Weve been escalating the number of people that have con contracted covid19 the been more deaths. Theres actually fear of closing down parts of the economy things have not gotten better. So this morning when when pfizer came out with their report saying theyre almost a month or tests and its been positive for a lot of people in next week. It goes to the fda if they can start getting some of the vaccines out that would be great, but you know theres only 50,000 or 50 million vaccines. Available and its not just for United States is really for the Global Economy and who negotiates the most and of course theres other companies to that working on the vaccine and so eventually theyll be all a lot of the vaccines out there, but for right now its going to be rather slow and thats why the markets started to trend down towards the end of the trading day. But trending down but high in comparison to what weve been saying right. Yeah, exactly why me that dow finished up about 3 thats good in anybodys book. The s and p was up 1. 7 thats nice. But nasdaq was down 1. 6 and that was interesting because investors evaluated this whole thing and having a vaccine means were not going to be as inclined to be shelter in place and tech has really benefited by sheltering in place buying online we have been going out my more our computer screens. Tech has really benefited by that so that was kind of a correction in the market. Were tech has been overvalued and having a vaccine could actually be a threat for tech Going Forward and being as overvalued as they have been said to check was down nasdaq. But down about 1. 6 but still its on its 52 week high, its still up over 40 . So thats thats pretty darned good after rescuers elections are over biden one were still fighting the pandemic unemployment numbers are still high. President elect joe biden is going to be taking on a lot when he takes office in january. How do you think thats going to kind of pan out for the market. Its a very good the president elect has a lot of headlines ahead of them, i mean fdr did during the depression. In Ronald Reagans term. He handed the Democratic Administration of recession. This happened once in the bush push number one it happened one time bush number 2 it happened twice. And yet bill clinton came in during the recession and brought a specter of cover e obama did the same. This year weve been in a recession and now the by administration is going to its challenges. Its a big headline that they have to try to correct covid19 is number one number 2 is all the unemployment, the real Unemployment Rate is really about 26 Million People thats significant for the economy and then youve got this huge federal deficit we racked up about 3 trillion this year try to keep the economy afloat so thatll be another head when with the deficit and then of course it could be some conflict between the president elect and they and the current president who may be going out. In june january all those things are going to create headwinds for this administration and solving them is not going to be easy. But again Democratic Administrations of those come in during a recession. Positively handle them. So were were cautiously optimistic about all those headwinds being taken care of and that will certainly help the stock market and economy because you know we invested dollar we want to get 1. 10. And if these things are going to be corrected if we think theyre going to be cracking see plans and efforts Going Forward that we would expect the stock market to be able Morgan Stanley we we think were still in a bull run. Bull market and we think last at least for another 8 to 12 months. And well have to see how these problems are being handled. All right well joe we will hold on that good news with the death grand for now. Jordan jt thanks so much joining us and thanks for your insight. Well thank you. And coming up next to the u. S. Postal Service Warning of scams ta bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh, its real. Believe me. I mean this is upexpected. You would say. Remarkable . Absolutly. A remarkable deal. Thanks. I get that all the time. Wait. What . grocrey outlet jingle theres no bad time to start at amazon. I like the flexibility. It also allows for picking up shifts. Safety comes first, speed comes second. Safety. Safety. Safety. Were making sure that somebody is getting their very important items. It makes me very happy. The u. S. Postal service is warning veterans about scams that specifically target them they include offers of supposedly secret Government Programs that offer them money pension poaching in which mets are told theyll get Lump Sum Payments in exchange for signing their monthly benefits over or a job scam in which fake openings are posted in order to get personal info for free. Officials say dont fall for any of these postal inspector says a veterans should go to their website usps dot gov for a list of all types of scams targeting them and if you think you are a victim of such a plot contact your local police or the a r p. And in other news, the famous victooian home in the shows full house and fuller house is no longer on the market this threestory fourbedroom home was sold for 5. 3 million dollars. Full house creator and executive producer, Jeff Franklin had owned it since 2016 and put it on the market last summer. He had intended to make it look exactly like it did on tv but neighbors opposed renovations due to a potential increase in tourists in the end. The Building Permits got pulled and he was forced to sell while the opening credits make it seem like a steiner street painted lady. The home is actually located about a mile north on broderick street and before we go one more check on our bay area forecast with dave spahr dave are going to be you see any rain. Later on in the forecast period but on the short term period because we want to precipitation with this freeze warning in place here. Yeah watch the wind children areas, temperatures up there in the north bay in some pockets can dropped out of the middle 20s, heres a soul snapshot. We got going on. Lets get your longerrange forecast, heres the rain sanaas was referencing thursday friday wake up for lets hope we get a temperatures hold in the 60s through the chilly period back to you did did you know what color and sound bite we now know looked it up and we now have the voice kron 4 news at 3 our coverage continues at the top of the hour on our kron on app. Im Sanaz Tahernia thanks so much for joining us. Bay area homeowners, learn how you can eliminate monthly mortgage payments and improve your cashflow. 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