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62,000 patients admitted with serious cases of covid19 that breaks the record of 60,000 patients that was set back in april. The u. S. Recorded an 8th straight day of more than 100,000 new cases and texas became the first state to top 1 million coronavirus cases surpassing all of italy. Governors across the country are urging people to stay home and limits, socializing. California could surpass 1 million confirmed cases by tomorrow. There were 7400 new cases today and 69 people died. While here in the bay area there were 300 new cases and one new death. Contra costa and santa cruz counties were forced to roll back their reopening plans due to a rise in covid cases and San Francisco has also halted reopening plants other bay area counties are on track to do the same. If they are unable to slow the spread. How about this if everybody wore a mask, the lockdowns might go away sooner and the pandemics impact on the economy might not be as bad yeah well thats the upshot of revised recommendations on maskwearing its from the cdc. Kron fours rob fladeboe is live in san jose with some reaction from Infectious Disease expert ron. Thats right vicki and some people may still need some convincing about all this but obviously not everybody businesses here. In san jose and elsewhere complying with the health order already on board with this but the upshot is that the government Infectious Disease experts are now finally coming around to the idea that masks like this one not only protect you. But those around you as well, lets take a closer look. The center for Disease Control and prevention now says masks benefit the wearer the announcement is in line with the data that has been available all along so Stanford University Infectious Disease expert doctor Robert Siegel and basically you know maskwearing makes sense from a logical standpoint it makes sense from you know in terms studies on you know physical transmission particles and it also makes in terms of some of the epidemiological data. The cdc previously declared that the use of masks would simply offer protection for people around the mask where are the new policy cites evidence confirming the benefits of universal maskwearing the cdc states that quote individual benefit increases with increasing Community Mask use doctor siegel id so if theres fewer particles that are being yes are transmitted then the probability of the mask for king as much higher tapping into the economic argument. The cdc maintains that if maskwearing were to be increased by just 15 . Strict lockdowns might be avoided, cutting losses by a trillion dollars nationwide for 5 of gdp. Experts however caution that while its clear more masks mean more protection. They are not perfect one thing that hasnt been emphasized by in that is the fact that you need to that theres differences between how people wear masks, so if you wear mask properly it obviously works and theres differences between the types of mass, a certain mass are more effective at stopping particles and others and its hoped a clearer messaging on masks will make a difference. Think of mask wearing in terms of Public Health not politics as doctor siegel if everybody wears a mask then then it becomes serve more proper for other people to wear a mask, so its universal that its less controversial its like there used to be some controversy over wearing a seatbelt and now everybody works a seat belt thats law and you just know you have to do it so so. Now the cdc said a couple of different studies in la and they said that masked hairstylist that were experiencing symptoms. Later contacted more than 60 different clients also Wearing Masks and there was absolutely no transmission of the virus. Another study, real call us Aircraft Carrier theodore roosevelt, there was a huge infection that last spring after master introduced. The infection was reduced by some 70 live in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. All right. Thank you rob. Meanwhile, a new study has found that just a handful of places. Responsible for the vast majority of coronavirus cases. Researchers from stanford and northwestern universities found that restaurants gyms hotels and places of worship account for about 80 of covid infections in the u. S. Scientists say that limiting capacity in these places but even 20 would have huge benefits and could cut viral transmission by some 80 . Then a separate study of covid19 had discovered a new hidden gene in the virus in a study published in the journal ilife scientists call it an overlapping gene essentially a gene within a gene, and it could explain why the coronavirus evolved to replicate so efficiently and why it became so infectious. Researchers say the discovery could also reveal new ways to control covid19 the meantime the debate over another Coronavirus Relief bill, its still ongoing on Capitol Hill Senate democrats theyre pushing for a comprehensive package worth trillions of dollars to match the rising number of covid cases all across the country. But Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell is holding firm calling for less expensive more targeted relief. So pressure is on republicans to deliver. Leader mcconnell and all of my republican colleagues will have an opportunity to show the American People. That theyre ready to get to work so i think should be holly targeted. Very similar to what put on the floor both in october september. Mcconnell insist a multitrilliondollar covid relief package will not make it through the senate so the back and forth continues. As the u. S. Sees another day of record covid19 infections. Today is veterans day and President Trump commemorated the holiday by making his first public appearance since last week saluting veterans at Arlington National cemetery. President in a brief veterans day appearance with his wife jill at the Korean War Memorial in philadelphia today, where they laid a wreath honoring veterans bidens son beau who died in 2015 of brain cancer was a major in the Delaware Army National Guard. President trump continues to claim the election was rigged. Both Administration Officials and the Trump Campaign say they will continue to fight the Election Results. But as kron fours washington correspondent alexandra le mon reports senators from both parties are confident the process is working as intended. The president has been fired by the American People after joe bidens win in the popular vote and the electoral vote democrats are dismissing claims by trump Administration Officials like secretary of state mike pompeo that the outcome could still turn in President Trumps favor there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump Administration from pale was playing both to trump and he was playing to the Republican Base he has election prospects in his future. Hes thought about. Whether one for the presidency 4 years out meanwhile President Trump fired the secretary of defense and other top military officials replacing them with people he considers more loyal there will be more heads to roll. The president will vent his frustration by taking out additional people all the Trump Campaign promises more lawsuits and Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says all candidates have the right to explore their options until the Election Results are certified thats not unusual. Should not be alarming utah republican senator mitt romney agrees but says theres no evidence of widespread fraud and says claiming the election was rigged is wrong that would in my view one not accurate and destructive to the cause of freedom in washington, alexandra le mon. There will be a hand recount of ballots in the state of georgia. Currently president elect joe biden leads President Trump by approximately 14,000 votes which state Election Officials say its still too close to call. The deadline to certify the states Election Results is november 20th 9 days from now this comes as georgia is also in the midst of an intensifying battle for 2 u. S. Senate seats whichever party wins those seats will also take control of the senate. All right weather time as we get a check now on 4 zone forecast by force chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow joins us now with what we can expect another chilly start to the day today of course a lot of clouds moving in and out of the bay area, no rain now but rain is what were looking at as we may get a few showers coming our way as early as friday out there looking toward sfo quiet night, some need skies out there to couple of clouds moving overhead but changes are in the works is were going to see another storm system approach the bay area in fact its kind of active out there in the pacific a series of storms one kind of spiraling off the coastline right now one up in the gulf of alaska that will be a bigger factor nor weather as we get into friday right now the raindrops not that far away you can see doppler picking up on some of those raindrops right now just not enough energy to push that on shore but some that moisture may come together with that next front coming out the gulf and here comes you watch the clouds begin to gather tomorrow, partly cloudy day you start to see some showers up to the north and then here we go as we get into friday afternoon those rain begins to pick up first in the morning in the north bay, the showers spreading across the rest the bay area throughout the afternoon. And more snow flakes up in the Sierra Nevada doesnt look like a huge amount of rain will talk about totals the rest your forecast coming up in a few minutes, thanks lawrence and this just in to crowd for president elect joe biden has chosen his longtime adviser. Ron klain to be his chief of staff klain first served as chief of staff for biden during president obamas first term. He was also chief of staff to Vice President al gore in the mid 90s and claim was the Ebola Response coordinator during the 2014 outbreak. The chief of staff is typically a gatekeeper for the president crafts political and legislative strategy and often serves as a liaison to capitol hill during legislative negotiations. Coming up tonight on kron 4 news at 5 the cooler temperatures mean outdoor heaters are in demand but also in short supply would businesses say you need to do if youre still looking for one. Plus at 5. 30 an east bay teenager threat for organizing a black lives matter rally. Why the man behind the threats now says he regrets his decision. And an emotional plane ride for a pair of world war 2 veterans after the break well take you to the north bay where they took to the skies for the first time in years. To the north bay now and take a look at this to world war 2 veterans, were given a chance to return to the skies today in this vintage aircraft 100 yearold delta men and 105 yearold al mcgee knee flu similar planes in world war 2. But neither of them had flown in years so before taking off this morning from santa rosa. They took a moment to reflect on veterans day and what it means to both of them. I think guys a new quite well. It didnt make if you live in this country ought to be the happiest person theres place like it. The 2 men were given separate rides on the plane to maintain social distancing of course for each flight the dc 3 plane flew south to make a pass over the Golden Gate Bridge and then return back home to santa rosa. Californias attorney general is demanding answers from the federal government about a program it promised to use to give Student Debt Relief to combat veterans as kron fours Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala explains now theres some concern that the program is not being used as it should be. Trust but verify. When it comes to this part of education this administration. I just say there are 5 California Attorney general have yet set a sent a letter to the u. S. Department of education and secretary of defense urging them to follow up on a promise made to veterans last year last november, the federal administration said it would set up the data matching program to provide automatic Student Debt Relief to combat veterans, they said wednesday, its unclear how or even if this is being used we want to go details about the program. Just whether beach it provides relief to all eligible veterans. We want to know about information on the number of student borrowers who have received these under the program as well as the about the release they may have received if i dont want information on the number of student borrowers who are entitled to have not yet received relief under the program. The attorney general says hes not accusing the administration of anything but says so much about the program is unclear he noted since 2015 combat veterans have unnecessarily paid more than 100 Million Dollars in interest on their Student Loans back in june but said a suit betsy devos in the department of education for failing to implement another promised program meant to provide debt relief to veterans working in Public Service in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. Well if youre a veteran you will never have to pay to enter a National Park again. The federal government announcing that veterans and gold star families are getting free lifetime passes to National Parks, Wildlife Habitats and other federal lands. This covers nearly 2000 different public locations. It applies to anyone who served in the armed forces, including the National Guard and reserves right thats a beautiful thing it is now time for another beautiful singer for his home forecast and chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow is here we have some beautiful National Parks, not too far lawrence, good weather to get out there and enjoy a youve got to bring the change was you at this time of year if youre going to head out to some of those thats for sure is were seeing a big change now in the weather pattern looks like things are going to start to get a little more stormy as we head in the next couple of days out there right now a quiet evening beautiful shot looking over alcatraz towards San Francisco. Weve got some partly cloudy skies remaining dry right now, but boy theres a system off the coastline, not far away and you see some of that moisture little swirl in the skies of the raindrops. It looks like theyre getting close but right now theyre not going to get here overnight, but that will change i think as we get to friday, some that moisture going to get picked up by another front thats coming up of the gulf of alaska temperatures around the bay area right now cole 54 in San Francisco 58 in oakland 57 degrees in san jose 53 a little more 56 degrees in concord and also in the santa rosa. Overnight tonight, well see partly cloudy skies still going to be on the chilly side, especially in the north bay tomorrow, partly cloudy a little bit warmer and still some unsettled weather ahead and ill show you where this long range forecast molly see that swirl off the coastline that silo that brings some rain drops just off the coast. Then youve got a more importance on the drops in from the gulf alaska, its going to pick up on some of that moisture and here comes your chance of rain as we get into friday, more snow up in the Sierra Nevada looks like that will move out to your weekend looks like its going to stay dry but after that weve got another storm system possibly developing as we head toward the middle of next week that one could be a little more substantial that one still weigh on the forecast. But certainly looks very interesting far as rainfall totals are concerned not a huge a storm system that is going to be rolling on through so yeah were going to see a few raindrops maybe as much as a quarter of an inch in some of the weather parts of the bay area but this the way we want it, you know we have those burn areas weve had the fires we dont want a ton of rain to wash all that debris down the hill. So thats the way we want to start things out yeah give the land a chance to absorb yet just a little bit of time. Yeah, thanks for that he wants well as more businesses are relying on the Outdoor Dining to. Try to make it by these days, the dramatic drop in temperatures of his colder out there certainly created an increase when it comes to the demand for patio heaters yeah, those patio heaters are in short supply because everybody kron fours phillipe djegal spoke with a local retailer says. If you want to find when youre going to think outside the box. Unlike in years past for restaurants and other businesses patio heaters are not only essential. They could be the difference between an establishment surviving the pandemic were having to shut down as more are forced to operate outdoors jim wieder owns Hayward Hardware and says 4 seasons courtyard is the most popular brand patio heater on the market normally we would have at least 4 or 5 of these in stock and the warehouse we have at least a 100. But its not just that patio heater its all the patio heaters. Theyre all out theyre all either. 0 or negative quantity leaders story is going out of business at the end of the year so he has already stopped putting in orders. But he says he could not place an order right now even if he wanted to he suspects businesses have been stocking up on the items and having them shipped since the summer there are negative 26 of the one unit 0 the other unit. 0 of the other there are no units to order leader says your best bet is conducting your search on the east coast right now check suppliers and businesses in say miami where its warm right now there are plenty of patio heaters. In non cold areas right south florida anywhere in south america, central america, obviously australia, new zealand and so forth and so on his suppliers warehouses in woodland and says they likely wont have outdoor heaters until january but warehouses in warm areas are keeping their retailers supplied. So if you have a Family Member nearby who can make the purchase and ship it to you thats one way to go. In hayward phillipe djegal all kron 4 news. Still ahead a new medical study investigates the flu shot and the coronavirus well explain how getting the flu shot could actually benefit you if you test positive for covid and the 2020 election was filled with historic first for l. G b t q candidates. Closer look at some of those milestone victories and what makes him so significant next. Martin jenkins made history this week by becoming the first openly man to serve on the california supreme court. Jenkins born and raised in the bay area received his law degree from the university of San Francisco law school back in 1980 and practice here in the bay area and many different capacities. He identifies the greatest challenge of his life as being year for lgbtq candidates who made historic first across all levels of government indeed there are more incoming lgbtq elected officials who will represent communities across america. Than in any other time in history kron fours Ella Sogomonian has a closer look. Out bringing pride to the polls in 2020, 308 lgbtq candidates were on the ballot across the United States this election year. And so far 200 of them have won their race according to the victory fund a nonprofit that creates pathways to Public Service one of the several who was reelected to their position was San Franciscos bevan dufty whose political career spans 40 years, the voters have decided that he will serve on the bart board of directors once again i think its a great time i am so honored to be elected to my term and bart i think that the experiences that we all have lgbt informs how we lead. And we have an understanding of the issues. I think that we understand what it feels like to have doors closed or to have people question your capability or your rights to be a parent. You know, im a dad san franciscans have long embraced and helped pave the way for the lgbtq community. To represent their own in the political sphere since the days of harvey milk, many hurdles have been overcome. And this year cities which are traditionally less progressive have elected newcomers like torry harris, the first openly black man who will become a state representative in tennessee plus the first openly trans elected officials look stephanie byers, a former High School Music teacher who will serve on the state legislature in kansas. Taylor small who will become state senator in vermont, and former journalist evelyn ria stafford in arkansas who will serve as a county judge thats a feat for a group of continues to face adversity in everyday life. I think is tremendously important proper honors and patients in our elected officials and i think. You know levels discrimination and bias and inequities that transgender people days particularly transgender people of color is just phenomenal we see Something Like you know 6 times and the Unemployment Rate for transgender women of color than the general population. It was seen levels of violence and lack of access to health care and discrimination in employment education housing. So the barriers are really a mess and i think have folks who are really able you know i address those barriers to really be successful really being willing to step into these very challenging leadership calls is critically and were back in the bay area there are some first as well like. James coleman who will be the youngest and first openly lgbt member on the south San Francisco city council. And alex lee in the south bay who will be the first openly bisexual member of the California State Legislature and for those who may not be as supportive deaf the explains were like everyone else basically want the same things in life were just. Just as you know americans and just individuals who are living our lives and hoping not to have government work against us for kron 4 news, im Ella Sogomonian. Next at 5 a dramatic car chase in the south bay after a man tries to escape from officers in a stolen car before crashing into a tree. Plus the latest details from the north bay after of the new ship police officer. Its in kills a pedestrian followed duty, what police are saying about that investigation tonight and High School Student in the east bay says he was targeted by a well known gun dealer. The teen was to try to organize a black lives matter rally. Why the man behind the threat is saying he takes it all back. Th

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