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Napa sonoma and solano counties, those are the areas that are in the purple most restrictive tier where there is widespread covid19 moran, San Francisco and San Mateo County are in the red substantial tier. Were not sure yet though if all the bay area counties are going to join together and insist enforce this curfew what we know about the curfew is that it will be in effect from 10 00pm until 05 00am and it will start this saturday and then end on december 21st. This is for all nonessential businesses and gatherings and all the effort to stop the spread of covid19 this is a limited stay at home order. Were expected to hear new information about this any minute now from the states Top Health Official. Its very similar in some ways to the stay at home order that was listed in march, but this will only be applying to nonessential businesses and gatherings between the hours of 10 00pm and 05 00am and only in the purple tier counties that are seeing the highest rates of positive cases of hospitalizations from covid19 the state is saying that the virus is spreading at a pace that they have not seen since the start of the pandemic and for the next several days and weeks are saying that its going to be critical to enforce this however they plan to do that in order to stop the surge. So the governor has now said that the state is quote sounding the alarm and theyre saying its critical that theyre doing this in order to decrease transmission and slow hospitalizations before the death count surges he says we have done it before. And we must do it again. The whole point of this is trying to reduce non essential the activities and also theyre saying that thats most related to social activities and gatherings that have a higher li elihood of leading to people are just not paying attention to the rules whether that staying 6 feet apart wearing a mask, staying home and thats why theyre putting in this issue happening right now in the spring the state was able to flatten the curve and thats what theyre trying to do again right now again this state home order were expected to hear it be officially announced any moment now from the states Top Health Official were waiting for that live stream to kick in. This is coming at a time when hospitalizations and infections are at a high risk rate here in the state and the stay at home order all to slow the spread of covid19 will start this saturday november 21st from 10 00pm until 05 00am there saying that this is an unprecedented move because of the rapid rise in covid19 cases across the state. So the governor and the California Department of health are announcing today this limited stay at home order that requires not essential work and movement and gatherings to stop between the hours of 10 00pm and 05 00am in the counties that are in the purple tier in just to go over again the counties that are in that area. The bay area this includes alameda contra costa santa clara napa sonoma and solano counties. So soon as this press conference starts it was supposed to begin at 3 oclock. We will take you right there, but in other news that were watching right now ahead of the holidays. The cdc has now issued new guidelines for americans traveling for thanksgiving and theyre begging people not to travel next week in an effort to keep covid cases and hospitalizations down still air travel is will be picking up ahead of the holiday weekend. Lets go now live to kron fours phillipe djegal he is at Oakland International airport for us were airport officials are saying theyre expecting this to be a very busy travel period. Felipe whats the latest. Thats right justine just looking out october passengers. The number of them are traveling here. I open international was down about 67 compared to the same period last year. But if you look at whats happening now from september to october there was a 14 jump. Sorry we have to cut felipe off their doctor mark galli is now announcing the new stay at home order for the state of california lets listen you have been as the governor. I would be using my zoom this week to update you. On our tier system our blueprint and then also to really dig into the science and the data about whats happening across california. How we got here and really what path forward has to make sure that we keep our public house in mind we support one another and we come together as we have before. I was always just won a big gain in give you a bit of the national sadly we day over day broken new milestones whether its in cases hospitalizations or south the across the nation, the midwest in particular has been heavily here but really no region of california. I mean of the nation has been spared. That the wave of cases said have been happening over weeks have turned into record high hospitalizations and intensive care unit. Stay that a number of states are making difficult decisions about how to i would take care and even though we are the hope a vaccine and the discussions about what lies ahead on that front. We are off to take care of the urgency of the day and in california. As weve enjoyed lower rates of transmission lower numbers of cases we too are seen this surge growing faster and faster and we must address it immediately. So todays although not our highest number ever frankly on this sort of surge that weve been dealing with this is our highest number today. 11,478 covid cases reported widespread across the state moving our 7 day average to 9,665. This is from the face frankly, what is a lower recent numbers of tests reported we had been reporting words of 200,000 tests across the state. This is on the face for its built by the states. We talk to you about our partnership with perkin elmer but really so many Different Health system so many different Laboratory Partners have really stepped up in california to well testing in covid testing so we can be informed about most is tracked the disease and put our Contact Tracing and efforts around support in isolation when necessary in quarantine at other times so that we can stem the tide. We talked to governor focuses on test positivity accurately so we have seen this number come up from what had below 3 just weeks ago to now a 14 day positivity a 5 in the sevenday positivity concerning up to 5. 6 . We have a cold to keep this as low as possible to continue to test our communities to find cases to wrap around those cases avoid one case becoming many. But this number one of caution and warm bed. Intensifies our resolve to get it back under control you take a closer look at the sevenday positive 14 day of tampa tea. We knew just a couple weeks ago we were at 3. 3 we were talking to you that about how its priming minutes rising, and it certainly has nearly 52 increase just over the past 2 weeks i know the numbers it feels its just a small difference between 3. 3 to 5 but its a very significant difference in the percentage increase which is when we focus on not just increases in rates, but this notion of rate of rising 2 weeks tab, a 52 increase is quite concerning to us across the state. Hospitals we talk to you about hospitals all the time that we know bad 12 of todays cases, well be hospitalized and 2 to 3 weeks but these numbers in context weve seen a 63. 6 increase in hospitalizations free covid19 over the past 14 days. Just days ago, reporting that we were just climbing over 3,000 cases in the hospital across the state today. Over 4500 our icu capacity, one of our most precious resources that signifies not just the bad in a specialized unit but specialized staff trained to use the equipment and take care of very sick individuals and ventilators and all the medications and tools that help us support ones respiratory those bags have seen an increase of 40. 5 over the last 14 days and have climbed to just over 1100 individuals in those just a reminder that if we look a day over day. We cover a week weve seen a climb not a number of individuals who are hospitalized. But really and the number of new admissions coming through the front doors of Emergency Rooms hospitals across the state something that is concerning so even though that slowly rises on hospitals much faster or the number of new admissions because what i said earlier rider roughly 12 of those individuals, those cases today that test positive we expect will be in our hospitals and 2 to 3 weeks. So we talked about not just the rise, but the steep rise that rate of rise, you look at what we experienced during that first significant surge earlier on a sort of the middle of the summer in june and july we peak rate of increase of about 39. 2 over a sevenday period. Again here were over 50 in the same 7 day period. This necessarily tell us where will and some states across the nation have seen double in just a we know that we are still increasing rate we are sure where the peak will be. So that is why we certainly need to be laserfocused on all things we can do collectively across the state. Just take a look at a couple of important counties. You know we have 58 in california, we chose Los Angeles County were often talking Los Angeles County. Really does drive transmission across the state we see them a very important pop of popular. Well populous county excuse just at the beginning of the reporting 1500 cases a day. A few days well over a week before that they were about a 1,1100 today, a 147 increase since then at 3,742 cases and certainly all signs point to continue garage, him at number and potentially even higher numbers than this report today. But derrick county shar smaller county versus geographically separated. But still 6 cases on november one today reporting 34 cases you may say well thats still a small number but that rate of increase 460 over a small to announce week period. It is an Important Message to all of us that this can go very quickly. The support from a derek hahn is important all counties getting the support that they need so that we can curb this transmission and ensure that our hospitals are prepared for those who need it the most. So what has caused the rise to go so high and so fast and im often asked this question ive been on zoom zoom press conferences before. Well you say it is theirs but where is going to say its that we do have plenty of data and evidence around certain sectors but overall i will say that there is no single culprit. Its a combination of factors certainly the colder well there are more mixed seem which comes with more opening not just of. Places indoors places where you can ask places are indoors dont have an easy time asking the all time. And of course greater travel weve some of over the last many weeks in my home county of los angeles dodgers. Lakers. We had halloween we just exited veterans were looking forward to future of and some activities as we go into the winter weve had. Some things just celebrate some things to protest coming together in ways that we dont usually. Always do all of those things create. Opportunities for the virus to spread opportunities where we put our guard down it certainly does spread and we know that those are factors driving this high transmission. So what what does it mean when levels are this high across the state. Really means that activities that you normally do. Are higher risk today than they were a month ago. Weve seen reports of people saying well i havent changed my behavior i was doing the same thing a month ago. Well today because the background transmission where rate the level of covid in our communities as high or even our everyday activities become higher risk and we must be resolved to put up our protective cards even more than we usually and so todays collective actions said ill be discussing in just a minute target activities that are particularly high risk while minimizing the disruptions on the social connections we all need and desire. So our ability to be more targeted on is an important part of our overall message and approach. So a reminder of used this slide many times before about what some of those highrisk activities we said and talked about the need a mask and not just mask for part of the time but the whole time we know that when youre eating and drinking the mask comes off. We ask you to keep it office. Short a time as possible to put it back when youre done eating when youre drinking. Even if you know getting getting together 6 feet apart both friends and others you havent seen back keeping that mask on is an strategy to reduce stress. Activities when youre seeing people that you havent seen in quite some time people outside of your house, so this includes close family members friends who havent with you in some time just because you know them well on a personal level doesnt necessarily mean that day in any way wouldnt be able to transmit the virus to you or you to them. Activities where its difficult to keep your distance think about playing board games and card games chance on the carpet in our living room or employees in a break ground weve heard about outbreaks at hospitals not enough. Patients room about the icu or emergency room certainly that happens to but often when his staff take their guard down they think its a moment of rest and yes we all need it, especially under these difficult conditions but that isnt it time to take off your enjoy your meal, its time to keep it up and make sure we do what we can to prevent the spread. Activities that are longer duration. We know that the longer your potential exposure is the more likely you are. To the infected or spread the infection to someone else and activities that dont allow plenty fresh air to circulate weve learned a lot in the past couple months probably one of the most important areas of development with covid is our understanding of the criticality of ventilation getting fresh air in the is really having that air circulates frequently over the course of time hour many years circulations are as many as we can achieve really do reduce the risk and those settings where thats not possible or indeed high risk for all of us. I was trying to explain this taught my own mother here in california i was saw thinking simple way and almost an equation to understand how we can calculate your risk for covid in really came up some of that discussion that your chance of being infected. Its sort of a simple equation on that all likelihood of an exposure as that goes up. Because theres more. Baseline background virus in our community is that youre in a situation the duration of exposure going up that sort of complementing additive as that goes up our chance of getting infected certainly goes up. But its always divided by are produced by the level of protection that we have our ability to keep our mask on our own personal discipline to keep that mask on not just when youre with those who not familiar with sometimes especially those when youre with those who youre familiar with we know more and more the role of household transmission. What i mean by that is and when youre gathering with people in your house to actually when you may be returned from work or school and you and mixing with folks where you might have infected that being able to protect especially those people in your home by wearing your mask, an important and of course keep the mets operation that physical distance of at least 6 feet help to reduce its overall risk. So something that was affected with affective with my own mom wanted to share with you today as you think about how we are in the situation that were in in california. Certainly that increased exposure risky. Our urging you to limit your exposure helps reduce that overall risk but then really ramping up in elevating our level of protection to the protective factors and interventions weve been talking about both the governor and local Public Health national Public Health leaders for many many months. So told there announcement today of what well be doing in the state of california. We are going to just as we did back in march, we started with full stay at home order it was very effect of californians came together. We were able to stay ahead of our curve and keep transmission low. Today in a more focused way based on many things that weve learned over the past 20 go over those things in just a moment. We are putting forward a limited stay at home order. One that is more targeted one is more focused in the following ways it impacts counties the purple tier. Youll remember on monday, we announced 41 counties across california are in the purple tier. Today were not announcing additional counties in the purple tier in fact over the past 48 hours if we look at the data know county across california has moved to a more restrictive tier and certainly no one has moved to a less restrictive tier. Were asking that as part of this targeted limited stay at home order that people are home by 10 in stay home until 05 00am this means that many essential business says. Weve in the past called non essential businesses theres a list of whats included and included in that in category that we ask that they close operations by 10 00pm people can get home by man and that they stay home and lows. Businesses dont resume operations tell at least 05 00am throughout all of the purple counties. Theres saw order this Public Health order that will be modified at the state level well be effective november 24 so that saturday night at 10 00pm and will go until december 21st. So what does this practically im sure many are what this means i just wanted to highlight a few things the top i know, ill get many questions on essence what forward to answering those. But what does it mean that you can still do so i think about my own life need with 4 young kids way Grocery Store run to make sure were stopped for breakfast in the morning or a meal and yes, it does and it does mean that i could still go to the Grocery Store at 11 effect Grocery Stores still open to pick up milk or eggs or whatever, i mean. My colleague doesnt walk very well hard to get around the block. But yes i can walk my dog at 11 00pm. If thats your tradition and routine and for restaurants close their front door at doesnt mean that the back door do takeout and delivery is closed and so we urge in a limited way to to use restaurants in that way and for all your Restaurant Operators and owners, but certainly an opportunity to some amount of business going. And why are we doing this and what are we hoping to gain its really to avoid further restrictions we know and weve seen in the past covid goes from 0 to 60 Miles Per Hour very quickly. Were in a place today, but that can rapidly change maybe not statewide maybe just handful of counties but further restrictions of what we hope to avoid but all tools are on the table we have sort of that top shelf of that robots we continue to use those tools but on that bottom shelf of necessary. We will explore further restrictions but we hope todays actions our collective coming together resold you know keep our behaviors off will stem the tide and bring surging numbers down very very slim. Again some of us. Weve been listening live to doctor mark galli the states Top Health Official. Now announcing a new stay at home order for nonessential businesses and personal gatherings in counties that are in the purple tier which will last between 10 00pm and 05 00am it starts saturday. November 21st will last until december 21st so a good month long. All of this is to avoid further restrictions and to stop the spread of covid19 which he said is going from 0 to 60 Miles Per Hour traveling very quickly in our community much more for sports. A quick update on another big story that were watching this afternoon the warriors found out the fate of Klay Thompsons devastating injury. Its just as bad as the team imagines kron 4 sports director jason dumas joins us now live. He has the very latest jason you talked about this yesterday at 3 just as this was breaking and this injury is just really bad for clay and the team. Yeah just team thats right weve got the worst news we could have fought weve confirmed today that warriors guard Klay Thompson has torn his achilles tendon he will miss the entire upcoming season. This is a brutal loss not only from a basketball standpoint but from an emotional standpoint clay is a leader in the locker room and a fan favorite amongst this community. He suffered the injury yesterday morning when he was working out with other nba players in downtown los angeles. It was his right leg not a cla from the nba finals. He cannot put any weight on that leg. Bob myers talked about it today and well hear from him later but the warriors have already begun trying to replace clay, we know there is no actual replacing him, but the dubs have reportedly traded for kelly oubre a junior uber a play for the sun last year but was recently traded to Oklahoma City who the warriors just acquired him from he averaged almost 19 points per game last season. Well have more on that at 5, but again devastating loss for the warriors for looking to ma theres no bad time to start at amazon. I like the flexibility. It also allows for picking up shifts. Safety comes first, speed comes second. Safety. Safety. Safety. Were making sure that somebody is getting their very important items. It makes me very happy. Some local news to talk about right now in the east bay Oakland Police are looking for a suspect attacked a woman with a golf club this morning, this attack happened on webster street near 6th street around 06 00am police say the woman went to the hospital for treatment, but they have not released her current condition, the investigation into this attack is on going and next at 3. 30 as we inch closer to a covid19 vaccine. The question is becoming how. To handle the distributions and we will hear from local Health Officers on this plus there is a New California Highway Patrol commissioner and she is a woman so we will and array and find out her Grocery Outlet jingle do you have cheese . Of course. More cheese for less chedar do you have kale . Absolutly. More kale for less cabbage in our produce section. How about pizza . yep. More pizza for less dough in the freezer section. Now youre getting the hang of it. Grocrey outlet jingle the state of california has just issued a limited stay at home order we carry this breaking news for you at the top of the hour. I just want to recap the new information that weve learned this curfew will be in effect from 10 00pm until 05 00am it starts this saturday november 21st. It then ends on december 21st so for a good chunk there. Now this is all for non essential businesses and gatherings that includes personal gatherings there now prohibited between 10 00pm and 05 00am starting this saturday, but its only 4 counties that are in the states purple tier thats the most restrictive and here in the bay area counties that are impacted include alameda contra costa santa clara. Napa Sonoma Solano but again the starts on saturday and its all to stop the spread of covid19 no word right now in what will be happening for San Francisco moran and san mateo. As our fighting back against mayor Breed Administration saying that plans to shut down hotels that are housing the homeless is short sighted and they will introduce legislation in order to stop it. Kron fours dan kerman is on the story for us tonight is live for us at city hall with all the details good afternoon. Dan. Well justin you know since april the city has been housing thousands of people who live in the street, those in overcrowded shelters in 29 hotels throughout the city. Last few weeks the Citys Department of homeless this is indicated they want to shut down 7 of those hotels and move 500 of those people 2 more permanent housing that supervisors say theres no guarantee there is any place to move those people and now since that time the department of homelessness in the Breed Administration has hold off on that idea of closing these 7 hotels by the Christmas Holiday still supervisors say they want to guarantee that these places remain open so today during an online News Conference they introduced legislation that will be proposed in december which will guarantee these hotel rooms stay open. There is no reason to dismantle this critical Public Health intervention in the middle of a surge. In the cold and rainy season. Without a clear plan for the safety of the thousands of Vulnerable People who are in the hotels now and a commitment to bring inside the many thousands who are still living on the streets. Its outrageous. Its irresponsible. And basically tells hope that people experiencing homelessness that youre not a priority for the city. It tells all of the house neighbors who had begging for some relief. You know made people sleeping in tents in their neighborhoods. You are not a priority for us. Now since this initial proposal again the Breed Administration has backed off their plans to shut down the 7 hotels by the Christmas Holiday still supervisors will push forward with theres legislation they believe that these hotels should remain open even if these folks can find more permanent housing we say there are plenty of other people that could still use these hotels and especially well covid19 is still amongst us they need to keep these hotel rooms open for the next several months or even longer. Live at city hall dan kerman kron 4 news. Thank you so much dan now it has been a week of continued good news on the progress of covid19 vaccines both from pfizer and moderna but people want to know down the road when theyre actually be able to get that vaccine. Catherine heenan the host of inside very politics is here with more information after talking with a Bay Area Health experts good afternoon catherine high just the general probably cannot expect widespread access to a vaccine until springtime of next talk to doctor matt willis hes marin countys chief medical officer. To get the latest on what we know this is based on current information. This as bay area counties are among those scrambling to get ready for distribution. If you know first of the first phase is going to be essential workers so if hospital workers are emergency room doctors, others youre really on the front lines and most at risk of being exposed and are so necessary for our response has got to be the First Response thats phase. One a and then youre going to have. The Water Community by people who are at higher risk themselves of becoming infected old or older residents people chronic diseases, et cetera and then in that 3rd face were really talking about more the general population as a whole so were from essential workers to atrisk Community Members and then the community as a whole this probably going to be about a 4 month time frame before we get to all those who thinking about you know missing in january for that first phase of maybe 4 more in march for the second and then march april for the 3rd we need very clear criteria for who fits into which category is because we know especially as as as the trust of the vaccine increases and we see as africa c that there might be rush for pete 4 demand for the vaccine. We want to be very clear up front in terms of who qualifies and different time frames for receiving the vaccine, you know we often talk about the political implications of things but well us agrees this cannot become a political football and thats why he says there will have to be very clear cut communication. And a standardized response on distrib talking with doctor Anthony Fauci tonight on news nation and ask him about operation warp speed. Also a timeline for when a vaccine will be widely available nationwide. I know you guys were just discussing this as well and the outlook for the months ahead, plus giving back during the pandemic how one covid patient is using the power of music to express his thanks really really cool story here and ill be talking with a doctor from the American Academy of pediatrics about the impact the virus is having on our kids Emotional Health and education and walk through when a vaccine for children could become available. Finally our Hometown Hero tonight is a 6 yearold girl from florida. She also has autism and she is being honored for her bravery after she helped save her mom who had fallen off a ladder. Well see for all of that on news nation tonight on wgn america, she did a great job i promise you done as well. Thanks so much morning forward to it. A new nation airs on wgn america at 8 oclock our time you can find it on the channels listed hear more details are on our website kron 4 dot com and traveling for thanksgiving what you need to know before you fly us airports, including San Franciscos International Airport will be looking a lot different during the pa hi, im pat and im 75 years old. We live in the mountains so i like to walk. Im really busy in my life; im always doing something. Im not a person thats going to sit too long. In the morning, i wake up and the first thing i do is go to my art studio. A couple came up and handed me a brochure on prevagen. Ive been taking prevagen for about four years. I feel a little bit brighter and my mind just feels sharper. I would recommend it to anyone. It absolutely works. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Get their dishes as clean as possible. Olks ask me how to i tell them, try cascade Platinum Plus the power of oxi. It breaks down food soils to clean up to 99 of visible and invisible food residue for a hygienic clean you can see and feel. Cascade the power of oxi. So when you do, make it count with crest prohealth. It protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. The 1 toothpaste brand in america. Crest. Weve been told. Am traveling for the holidays which im not but i know people are. Give me some advice of what people can be doing when they go to the airport because maybe people havent flown in a long time and there are some protocols in place now before people fly. Absolutely for people that havent been at sfo for a long time find an airport that has truly transformed to adapt to the new reality of traveling during the pandemic up first and foremost face masking is a requirement at all sfo facilities at all times dont worry if you dont have your own we actually passed them out for free in each of our terminals we passed out about 300 per day. And then also youll find that the airport has been totally transformed to help physical distancing weve installed about 15,000 physical distancing markers throughout our airport ticket counter security checkpoints even baggage claim you can also expect to see clear plastic barriers in areas where you still might have a face to face interaction like an information or ticket counter. And plenty of ways to maintain hundreds of hand sanitizers and also the tsa now lets you take up to 12 ounces in your carry on so thats a good option think about but like you said first and foremost check out the local Health Orders to see whether or not your type of travel really meet the definition of essential travel. So im thinking of places where people usually are pretty tightly squeezed together at airports like the check in counter and going through security and then waiting to get on the plane. So all those spots are places where people have to stay 6 feet apart. Exactly any that you think about a place like a security checkpoint line where normally youre kind of back to back. Weve actually spread it out spread out the queue so that at any point in time even if there is a line every person is separated by a minimum of 6 feet. You know the other thing to consider here is or volumes remain very far below what they were prepandemic right enger activities only about 25 of which what it should normally be at this time of year so there are less passengers out. s more space to spread the parking garages open and im thinking also about the shuttle that takes passengers from the parking garage then too. The actual airport is all thats still all of those facilities are open and we monitor both. The amount of folks on a bus or on our air train. And we ensure that social distancing is up chief there on those vehicles as well. Were about to launch a new program that allows for contactless parking at sfo where you can actually prepay your parking at sfo online before you call this is a great way to reduce the number of touch points during your travel and see the touch to get the well take it that comes out. Airport and i go through security or restaurant open within the airport of the different terminals can i get food if im a hungry for a snack before my flight or after absolutely yes, so right now about 2 thirds of all our shops and restaurants are open at sfo. Its mainly some of the Specialty Retail stores that remain close. Food and beverages available in all of our terminals keep in mind its all going to be in packaging. So youll have to eat it out of the terminal. Go from San Franciscos International Airport, thank you for joining us here help people travel safely over bay area homeowners, learn how you can eliminate monthly mortgage payments and improve your cashflow. Look, this isnt my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Bay area homeowners, learn how your neighbors are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse Mortgage Loan from the bay areas number one reverse Mortgage Lender other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave use a reverse Mortgage Loan to renovate and update your home, pay off large bills, and Cover Health Care costs. Or just have the money on hand when you need it call now for your free information kit. Youve probably been investing in your home for years. Making monthly mortgage payments. Doing the right thing. And its become your familys heart and soul. Well, that investment can give you taxfree cash just when you need it. Call for your free reverse Mortgage Loan guide look, reverse mortgages arent for everyone but i think ive been round long enough to know whats what. Im proud to be part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. Call now so you can. Retire better the california Highway Patrol has a brand new leader amanda ray is the first woman and the second africanamerican to be the agencys commissioner Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala introduces us to her. I am honored if i can be a role model. To anyone amanda ray is making history in california. Shes the first woman and second africanamerican commissioner to hold the position in the Largest Law Enforcement Agency in the country she was sworn in this week so no i dont feel pressure right really. I feel a sense of pride and really just be able to go out there continue to move our department for more than for new thing but for the oakland native, a career in Law Enforcement was not her original dream are going to be doing graduated college i came want to see a to earn money for grad school and plan to stay for approximately like 2, 3, years, but she ended up staying on for 30 years so far she served at every level of Law Enforcement commanding recent highprofile incidents, including the departments response to covid19 wildfires and civil unrest following a tumultuous year across the country for Law Enforcement. But with just days into the job gray says she is not ready to share her vision just yet for the chp she did say opening up lines of communication with the community is also be able to improve public trust in public release you know to look that our policies procedures anywhere we can look and see if theres anything that we can do to improve ourselves. The gusts will be able to approve relationships in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. Lets talk about our Weather Forecast now as we take a quick live look outside here at the Golden Gate Bridge kron 4 meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is here with our chilly weather for the weekend time. Ariza hey theyre just cnn were noticing mostly sunny skies. Some few high thin cirrus clouds also known as our fair weather maker cloud so its going to make for beautiful sunset out there for those of you the east bay over berkeley temperatures out there right now a little bit cooler along the coast mid 50s for Half Moon Bay in downtown San Francisco, everyone else. Currently in the low to mid 60s but overnight lows tonight chillier than last night in fact near freezing for those of you in sienna rose at 33 degrees napa not that far behind at 39 degrees for your overnight temperatures so bundle up there but everyone else in the bay area in the low to mid 40s. So were all going to notice the cooler weather tonight, but daytime highs tomorrow very similar to today impact near average for st of our inland areas warming up into the mid 60s with widespread mid 60s for santa rosa oakland, even in the tri valleys in san jose, but a few degrees below average for those of you along the coast 62 degrees for downtown San Francisco 58 degrees and taking a look ahead at your sevenday forecast staying dry even through thanksgiving day just seen. Thank you so much of greece and that wraps up kron 4 news at 3 what a busy hour. We just had much more news ahead on the kron on app and then well see tonight at 5, 6, 7 oclock online and then 08 09 10pm, in prime time, im Justine Waldman have a good one. Bay area homeowners, learn how you can eliminate monthly mortgage payments and improve your cashflow. Look, this isnt my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Bay area homeowners, learn how your neighbors are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse Mortgage Loan from the bay areas number one reverse Mortgage Lender other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave use a reverse Mortgage Loan to renovate and update your home, pay off large bills, and Cover Health Care costs. Or just have the money on hand when you need it call now for your free information kit. Youve probably been investing in your home for years. Making monthly mortgage payments. Doing the right thing. And its become your familys heart and soul. Well, that investment can give you taxfree cash just when you need it. Call for your free reverse Mortgage Loan guide look, reverse mortgages arent for everyone but i think ive been round long enough to know whats what. Im proud to be part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. Call now so you can. Retire better today, on an all new dr. Phil. The plot thickens as more women come forward about the man anna thought she was in love with. She says you brought her into your family, you got her to give you money, and she knows at least five other women you got to give her money. Is that true . No, no, no. Shes says youre lying. I dont know any lady. I hope you hear me. Youre an evil scammer. I cannot hear you. She says you are an evil scammer. Ive never known this lady before. Lets do it. Have a good show, everybody. Here we go. This is a safe place to talk about hard things. Standby, ill count you down. Todays going to be a changing day in your life. Five, four

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