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Francisco. We do have some fog south of the city, some low lying cloud cover is pushed in right on the peninsula as well as into point rays and up into portions of Northern Marine and sonoma counties so do watch out for these patches of low lying cloud cover and fog a little closer to the coast as well as out towards the central valley, otherwise it will be another clear morning for the vast majority of us san jose right now youre at 43 livermore dublin conquered each in the mid to upper 30s. Well, berkeley or loan spot holding on to 50 degrees. Napa youre at 39 while santa rosa cool 36 fairfield at 34 degrees to kick off this morning. So yeah back to the 30s we go it is another chilly start to this day. But i am talking some warmer weather come this afternoon still ahead your forecast we have in for traffic in its a little early for anything out there what are we ads on of the most part right now its pretty quiet out there. This is a look at the Richmond Bridge you can see. An eightminute drive here from the toll plaza to the one o one so if youre heading out early. You dont really have to leave the house too early for that. Now take a look at the san mateo bridge here. The 92 you can see here the traffic making its way along everything is going really smoothly for right now the 8 aid to the one o one, just 13 minutes for your drive time and look at the Golden Gate Bridge its pretty quiet. You know typically gets really foggy in this area on certain days, but right now its nice and clear so you have enough time to make it to where you need to go to 37 to the tolls 20 minute drive, everythings looking green right here the bay bridge the maze to fremont street you can see nothing in your way its going to be a beautiful thursday morning robin back to you all right, thank you for the update marina. Breaking overnight u. S. Sets a record for the most covid related deaths in a single day more than 3100 people died from the virus on wednesday and now for the First Time Ever more than a 100,000 people are hospitalized for coronavirus and nearly 20,000 of those patients are in the icu now here in california are also setting records for the number of coronavirus cases just yesterday the state saw more than 20,000 new cases, a 113 people died bringing the states total to over 19,000 deaths, californias test Positivity Rate has also increased over the past 2 weeks its now at 6. 9 . Hospitalizations are also rising to their highest level since the pandemic began. Well to the east bay now 8 people from one danville classroom have contracted covid19 this happened last month when they welcome back students and staff for phase 2 of its reopening process jet jimenez an autism paraprofessional with San Ramon Valley Unified School District says that on that first day back. She recorded fevers on 2 students informed her superiors but carried on as normal and then by saturday jimenez started filling a fever and over the next couple of days she along with her fellow Staff Members in that classroom and 3 other students tested positive for covid19 superintendent john malloy says that the district had instructed staff to escort students with any symptoms to the Nurses Office immediately and that was not done. We knew some of the students want to be mask they could not tolerate it. We know we would have to be within 6 feet of these students so we were given a plastic rubber gloves very flimsy face shield. And just told well we have to do the best that set i take responsibility is the superintendent for all kids being safe. All staff being safe and we need to keep working on that. However our protocols are meant also to keep people safe and in this circumstance. The protocols werent followed. Superintendent malloy also added that they are working to create clearer communication with staff about the protocols and will also supply staff with n 95 mask on top of their other ppe and then is however still concerned that the enhanced measures still wont be enough. Well despite the outbreak at an east bay school theres a renewed push to reopening schools all across the bay area and beyond doctor jean noble whos the director of Covid Response at ucsf Police Schools can still reopen at this time now a bay area delegation is sending letters to is the San Francisco Unified School Districts and the tail and the San Mateo County office of education and more urging for plans to be made. We should schools down back in march and we didnt have the knowledge that we do now of covid we assume that it was going to be similar to influence a similar to the flu and the children would be the main drivers of transmission. Over the last many months weve learned that that isnt the case in jax kids are underrepresented as covid cases. All San Francisco Unified School District is working on plans at the moment. Assembly members are saying that he wants to keep the fire under control in these School Districts adding that with more rollback students in school should be prioritized when it comes to opening and staying open. Well that seems may be coming to Santa Clara County in the next few days county officials. Announced that they have a plan in place for distribution but they could not say which vaccine might arrive first or how much will actually be available. Officials said that it could take many months before the county has sufficient quantities of vaccines for everyone. Well since the majority of covid deaths are occurring at Nursing Homes and assisted living facilities the federal government has determined that people there will be in the first group to be offered the vaccine but theres a challenge of actually getting the vaccine into those facilities. Krista Barnett Nelson executive director of Senior Advocacy services of Sonoma County says the logistics including making sure that those at the care facilities are safe. Get not just one but 2 shots thats a complex situation. It is taking experts in their field. This is you have to have it. First one thats coming up from pfizer has to be frozen asked to be kept to an optimum temperature there has to be a certain number of people for each mile air. There is a lot better wiring expertise and they again have all hands on deck trying to make sure that this is done in the best way possible. Keep in mind that 40 of people who die from covid19 have been at Nursing Homes and assisted living facilities. Well distributing the covid19 vaccine nationwide would be tough and is likely to take several more months. Thats the warning from the director of operation warp speed a federal operation in charge of developing and manufacturing and distributing kobe vaccines. Joe khaleel has more. Things happen and when they happen. It would be ready to do with just spent about its doctor Moncef Slaoui chief scientific adviser for operation warp speed says developing covid vaccines in under a year. Was a Monumental Task now he says distributing those vaccines may be just as difficult we are working the streaming hot to avoid. The inevitable challenges and you we learning since come as we start to execute sku doctors allawi says its hard to anticipate what those inevitable hurdles will be he tells news nation. The White House Coronavirus task force has run rehearsals with states to try to prepare different states are in Different Levels of preparedness as we speak states will be ultimately the deciders about who fits into those different categories and how to prioritize and actually get vaccine to individuals copter josh, the show with the Kaiser Family foundation says rural states with fewer hospitals and care centers. May have a tougher time getting the vaccines to vulnerable populations and medical workers both of whom are First Priority some states will be. Much more ready to get the vaccine out there in the quick efficient way another challenge me showed says making sure those who received their first dose come back for a second both moderna and pfizers vaccines require 2 shots that is a significant logistical challenge to track all these individuals will be meeting might be moving around the congressman and physician doctor raul ruiz says while much of this will be left to the states the federal government has a role to play the ideal would be a massive coordination partnership, driven by the federal government collaborating states. He says that means helping states identify those most vulnerable who need the vaccine first we also need to put money towards back seat and ministration. To make sure counties have the equipment they need in order to store the next team to administer the vaccine. Doctor slaoui says even as a vaccine begins to go out its important to stay vigilant, were still going to be a long way from being out of the woods even has its end distribution so the answer is yes because we are. Not a overnights to immunize the guys here or position in the u. S. It is very important we are patient and resilient and get to the very end of the tenant. But doctors always says that there is light at the end of that total in the form of this vaccine and he says that by the summer time. He hopes the vaccine will be successful. It will be distributed to the general public and he says next summer hopefully will not look anything like this previous one dead. In washington joe khaleel. The department of defense released the first images of a covid19 vaccine record core our record card and vaccination kids so everyone will be issued a red card you can actually putting your wallet. It will tell what they need to know what they had when their next doses do as well the cdc says of the vaccine will be administered in 2 doses separated by 21 to 28 days and thats because different covid19 vaccines can not be interchangeable people must get the second dose by the same manufacturer thats extremely important. The vaccine kit includes a card a needle syringe alcohol wipes and a mask. Coming up next on the kron 4 morning news remain in your home, the city of los angeles announced a new emergency order as covid19 cases and hospitalizations get out of control. Stockton mother is hopeful that justice will be served after the captain of a dive boat that caught fire and killed 34 people was indicted well have her reaction to those charges coming up after the break stay with us. Welcome back everyone, the time is for 14 good morning to you and thank you for staying with us. You know, im always thinking about the weekend 2 days thursday, but i feel like its really friday friday is right around the corner were already making plans right. Im going to my birthday is sunday and im heading up to even though i know were not getting any snow. And im looking forward to that maybe i could some hiking john. Maybe not any you know so for me, but im going to be outside walking in some hiking how that weather shaping up robin youre definitely going to be getting the blue skies which is going to be really nice. There is not going to be any new snow. But there is some thats lingering up there on the slopes us are going to that wintery feel so it will be a lovely weekend up in tahoe going to be a pretty solid weekend here in the bay to weve got clear skies across the region this morning you cant see any fog in this view from sausalito looking down at San Francisco. Today, a solid start to your thursday tomorrow going to be a solid start to your weekend to now as we work our way through this forecast are not going to see a whole lot of changes in here. We are clearing out some of the cloud cover that was passing across our skies yesterday you notice that as you looked up it wasnt quite as Crystal Clear blue still plenty bright though today those clouds departing us were going to be looking at sunshine returning. Ample blue to the skies for your thursday ahead of us and as we work our way into tomorrow more that 2 to kick off the weekend this highpressure ridge, no big surprise its still hanging out with us we do have this area of low pressure and a cold front that is trying to its way into this highpressure ridge is not going to be so successful in doing so so we do remain dry and we do remain mild as we work our way through the finish of this week, 50s and 60s for your highs yet again in San Francisco elsewhere right along the coastline as for temperatures elsewhere in the bay area its back to the 60s we go millbrae at 64 redwood city right there with you also at 64 degrees. Well temperatures across the south bay, mostly back into the upper 60s. Temperatures a little warmer than yesterday in areas like san jose where youll be back up to 67. Pleasanton dublin snow at 66 for your highs well, Oakland Berkeley and richmond. All right at 64 for todays daytime highs temperatures in the north bay mid 60s for you with nap at 65 petaluma also right at 65 for your high today. Heres a look ahead at your next 7 days temperatures into early next week could rise into the low 70s for a couple of days little bit of a bump in temperatures skies just as clear and just as dry. Evening lows are made in the 30s inland with 40s for your bayside and coastal cities that your check of weather right now we have reyna harvey standing by with your Early Morning look at traffic here in a good morning. John you know what the weather matches the commute this morning which is really nice. You can see here on the bay bridge traffic is actually starting to pick up we didnt see. Too many cars during the last few minutes but now people are starting to drive in the air. No major accidents on the roadway this morning to let you know about your commute from the maze into the city about 8 minutes. So thats looking good. San mateo bridge. You can see traffic here on the westbound side starting to pick up a little bit were starting to see some brake lights. There as people start their Early Morning commute. But still the commutes really nice you have about 13 minutes there from the 8. 80. All right the Richmond Bridge you can see very quiet here. This is probably the slowest bridge from the tolls the one o one about 8 minutes and then the Golden Gate Bridge. Even more quiet but a 20 minute drive here, ill send it back to you over there robin. Thank you right now were off to a fantastic start. Well stockton mother says that she feels justice has finally close for children more than a year since their death her 3 children and her ex husband. Were on the conception diving boat last year you remember the story when a fire broke out and killed 34 people. No one had been charged in that case until this week when a federal grand jury indicted the boats captain kay recede has reaction. Trapped on board 34 people died on the conception boat in 2019 when a fire broke out. More than a year later a federal jury has indicted the boats captain captain jerry boylan now faces 34 counts of manslaughter weve have been anxiously awaiting. For someone to be held accountable for the loss of 34 people to sign a solano rosas and her husband chris tell us over zoom. This is a step in the right direction feels like maybe just s s. Its happening. Suzanne 3 daughters evan nicole and angela her ex husband michael quit us all and his wife forney says he saw on were all on board celebrating michaels birthday when the tragedy unfolded. The ntsb has been unable to pinpoint the exact cause and ended up being. Horrible tragedy thats our lives forever. Federal jury was able to hone in on certain issues for instance, not having a rolling night patrol failure to conduct fire drills and failure to sufficiently train. The staff the family would like to see these changes made if theyre not responsible and who who will be on the next watch. What would happen to another double the roses say they will continue to fight for safer passenger boats and the memory of their loving family changes be made. So that no other family have to. Go on but some with a loss like ours. That was kay recede reporting many of the People Killed were from right here in the bay area. Is warning of drastic staff cuts if it does not receive federal relief funding. The agency says its currently on pace for 6 to 8 Million Dollar deficit by the end of the current fiscal year with revenue down nearly 13 . It says it has exhausted many of its onetime tools to save money such as implementing a hiring freeze reducing over time using federal funding but without more federal help the agency would need to lay off more than 1000 fulltime employees which is equivalent to nearly a quarter of its staff. Its smoking is now banned inside of San Francisco apartments, this makes San Francisco, the largest city in the country to do so the original proposal sought to ban marijuana smoking in apartments, the supervisors later voted to exclude marijuana after cannabis activists said that the law would take away their only legal place to smoke. Now its currently illegal under state law to smoke cannabis in public places. San francisco administrator naomi kelly is taking a voluntary leave. This comes after kellys husband was recently charged with wire fraud in connection with the scandal involving former public works director Mohammed Nuru well kelly release a Statement Today saying in part in light of recent events ive decided to take a voluntary leave leave to focus on my family and especially on my 2 children. I will leave my work in the hands of my excellent staff during this critical period as much as it breaks my heart to not continue helping our community navigate. The pandemic. Well kelly went on to say that she has spent her career fighting corruption and that she plans to fight the allegations against her family. Mayor london breed lisa statement on kellys voluntary leave that reads in part. While naomi has not been charged with any crimes, managing our Covid Response while still delivering basic City Services requires the full focus of all of our departments, including the City Administrators Office which has been central to many of our efforts to mitigate the spread of this disease. Well deputy city administrator can do use koski i will now serve as acting city administrator. Well in National News President Trump is expected to make a lot of pardons before leaving office thats according to a source very close to the white house that source told cnn the president s advisers believe that it will be fine for trump to go ahead and pardons family members and other Associates Even though they have not been charged with any crimes. This comes just one day after the Justice Department said that it was investigating a secret scheme to lobby white house officials for pardons in exchange for hefty political contributions. Coming up next on the kron 00 00am morning east Bay Elementary School students will be pretty happy to see a brand new playground when they return back to school. Well talk about how steph and ayesha curry help make that happen that story coming up after the break stay with us. Welcome back everyone to the east bay now franklin Elementary School is about to undergo a major make over and Golden State Warriors point guard, you know him steph curry right and its wi fi asia are lending their star power to help fuel this project. Franklin elementary has the biggest playground in the district and its been neglected for over 30 years so its been a long time coming. Are you Learn Play Foundation is teaming up with Carmax Foundation oakland Unified School District and frankly around entry to ensure that when youre back in school. If you have an amazing new playground in the schoolyard to return wow how awesome is that School Officials estimate the new playground will be complete during the 2021. School years always nice to see folks coming together to help the Community Love that kids are going to love it too. All right still ahead on the kron 4 morning news a pacific a Business Owner is taking matters into her own hands and saying enough is enough why she says leaders need to be held accountable. Welcome back everyone the times for 29 good morning to you and thank you for waking up with us before you head outside lets get an update on the forecast a little chilly outside your door, but hopefully well get some sunshine later this afternoon, lets check in with john hes the expert hey there a robin yet definitely cold again to start this morning and much like weve seen so much lately. The sunshines coming back for us this morning, it is Crystal Clear out there the bay bridge looking good as you are attempting to make that crossing you are doing so all across the bay area with skies that look like this nice clear in crisp again for San Francisco now theres just a couple of spots, im going to talk about to have some low lying cloud cover havent resulted in too many visibility issues though that includes the southern into San Francisco down through daly city as well as san mateo and then up into the north bay a couple of spots a low lying cloud cover and fog around nevado as well as in portions of are in counties so couple of those coastal bubbles to know where we are seeing some fog that has pushed its way in from the coastline has intruded all that much though help temperatures right now are in the 30s and 40s for most of us berkeley and San Francisco each right at 50 degrees while livermore doubled in concord in the mid to upper 30s, santa rosa youre at 36 while fairfield at a cool 35 right now so you get the picture but up this thursday much as we have so lar this week and get ready for what will be a nice sunny day later on weve got in for a look at traffic this morning how our bridges you know when everythinglo

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