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See mostly to partly sunny skies. Its going to shape up to a nice day today. Yesterday got warm in one location. But not too bad. Your extended forecast, though, its going to cool down. Right now in concord. 61 degrees in walnut creek. 56 degrees in oakland. San jose at 59 degrees and San Francisco is at 56 degrees. Just a little bit of a breeze outside. 12mileperhour sustained wind speeds. But 9 Miles Per Hour in concord. 3 miles at oakland. Sfo clocking at 8 Miles Per Hour. Our temperatures will dip down just a bit today. Not too noticeable in some spots. Today, the high expected is 81 degrees. Concord got a little warm yesterday, 90s. 92 was the high yesterday. 88 is the high expected today. Oakland expecting to get to 71 degrees, and san jose, expecting to get to 83 degrees. So we will continue to cool down tomorrow. And youll see that in my extended forecast. Right now, 4 01. Sal, lets get a check on the roads. Good morning, sara. You can see traffic here at 580 at 205. Looking very good. No issues, driving over to tracy so far. Pleasanton, livermore, all wait to castro valley. And traffic both directions here on interstate 880 is looking good. And no problems at the bay bridge toll plaz a. At 4 02. Lets go back to the desk. All right, sal. At 4 02 today, President Trumps acting defense secretary, mark esperwill meet with nato allies, trying to get them to join the u. S. And impose sanctions on iran President Trump imposed sanctions for actions and shooting down a drone. Instead, the president approved top new economic sanctions on iran, that bans irans Supreme Leader and eight top officials. We will continue to increase pressure on iran, until iran abandons its dangerous activities. Irans Foreign Ministry says the new sanctions signal a permanent closure of diplomacy. In response, activists here in the bay area plan to rally to protest what theyre calling aggressive action. A nowar on iran rally is scheduled for tonight at 6 00. Protestors plan to gather at the b. A. R. T. Plaza. To call for an end. Tension for many iranian americans with family in iran. Tara grew up in the u. S. But her family grew up in tehran. So this has torn at their hearts. Rizavi said her uncle and aunt  in iran who run a pistachio farm are suffering from the sanctions. And her uncle, who has parkinsons, cant get medical care. They are either expired so they dont use it. Or they dont have the medications they need to that given day. It was really scary. It was really emotional for all of us. Rizavi and her family tend plan to attend tonight. Agents found the bodies of a woman and two babies. Authorities say the four people most likely died of dehydration and heat exposure. The Border Patrol released a statement saying its an incredibly heartbreaking situation, which seems to happen far too often. Meanwhile, lawmakers are up against a deadline to come up with a deal on immigration. President trump is threatening a nationwide deportation roundup in two weeks, if democrats dont agree to changes in the nations asylum law. Democrats are working on a 4. 5 billion bill, providing humanitarian aid to that border. But the president insists on changing the current immigration law. Not just adding more funding. In the two week period the president mentioned is up, will remove all doubt that you cannot be breaking up families. You cannot be ignoring the rights of immigrants. Why arent they going to go all the way . They know that these laws are broken. Theyve government got to come to the table and do a full job. Not just a half job. Now, theres not much time left to work out an agreement. Congress is due to leave for its fourth of july recess on thursday. We are learning more about what they are calling the deadliest crimes in their history. A gunman fatally shot four people, before killing himself at a home on habits court in South Central san jose. Police are now investigating the shooting as a domestic dispute. Now, it took all days for police to collect evidence at the home and interviewnacious. Theyre not releasing the names of the people involved. But they say there is no history of Domestic Violence among them. Theyre still trying to figure out how the shooting started. But a neighbor who asked not to be identified, told us he heard a loud argument, then heard gunfire and made sure his family was safe. The wife jumped the fence and ran into my house. And then she locked the door in my kids room, while we were in the master bedroom. Then i ran outside. And then i closed all the door. And then and i saw him asking looking for his wife. Two other people who had been shot managed to escape but died later at the hospital. And two women and the suspected gunman other than found dead inside the home. Police tell us they have spoken to the gunmans wife, daughter and niece, who all escaped. Time is now 4 06. The issue of oakland will debate the issue of facial Recognition Software today, just a month after San Francisco became the first in the country to ban city agencies from using that technology. Tonight oaklands Public Safety committee will debate a similar ban. The Police Department said facial Recognition Software helps catch criminals. But critics say this same technology has led to misidentification and abuse, often involving people of color. The Berkeley City Council will consider a similar ban next month. The San Francisco board of supervisors will consider a final ban to promote. This includes ship to a San Francisco address. The ban could be lifted, pending the fda assessment of vaping. They have criticized the proposal, saying it would leave regular cigarettes as the only option for adult smokers. Late tonight, the city Council Voted unanimously to ban all Tobacco Products and vaping. City ordinance says it will prevent young people from vaping. Ecigarette use in high school rose. Im 32 years old. So i ask, why must everybody be punished . Why must i suffer, due to negligence of parents, due to rebellious children . Now, the ordinance also requires that all Tobacco Sales be at least 1,000 feet from schools and youth organizations. Our time is now 4 08. Our task force will try to fix the troubled muni system. We will see who was on that team trying to recommend problems and improvements. We were hearing from constituents who were having horrible experiences on muni. He will try to help develop the road map to make muni more reliable, something that has eluded the agency. Why have we over that entire 20year period, not been able to deliver the kind of transit that San Francisco expects. And roger renco criticized them in the past for not doing enough to safeguard those safeguard workers who are exposed to and witness crimes. The chief operating officer of los angeles mass transits will be part of it as well. As well as the former head of transit in atlanta and boston. The group is expected to have their assessment and provide their report in january of 2020. Im andre senior, ktvu. Hundreds of rider his to evacuate one of the new b. A. R. T. Trains. Basically, what is happening is, theres going to be people directing you to the next station. We were going to walk to the next station. I apologize for that. Passenger his to walk through a dark tunnel. The train was bound for richmond when it broke down. When b. A. R. T. Couldnt  immediately fix the problem, after an hour, it decided to take the unusual step of having all 421 passengers walk to the next station. B. A. R. T. Towed the disabled train off the line. The train is part of b. A. R. T. s fleet of the future, which has had Software Problems on the track. The trains have been very popular. Our riders have been telling us how much they like riding in them. It took less than five minutes to complete the walk to the next b. A. R. T. Station. And b. A. R. T. Says everyone made it safely. Can you imagine that . Luckily, most of us have phones with flashlights that can help you walk. A College Student has been missing for more than a week in utah. Up next, the mysteries around where she went, after getting out of a rideshare car. And the spacex launch did not end as planned. Were going to show you what happened overnight. Good morning. You can see traffic is off to a nice start. If you are driving on the nimitz freeway, 880, traffic continues to look good into downtown oakland. And our cooling trend continues. Low clouds and slightly cooler temperatures expected for today. How you can plan for your day coming up. The nature of a virus is to change. Move. Mutate. Today, lifechanging technology from abbott is helping hunt them down at their source. Because the faster we can identify new viruses, the faster we can get to stopping them. The most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. Life. To the fullest. Welcome back to mornings on 2. Our time is now 4 14. And happening today. San Francisco School board, due to vote on the future of a controversial mural. The art work in washington high was created in 1936. Its controversial because it has images of white men stepping over a dead native american. And it shows it the first president with slaves. Some people want that mural destroyed. Others say the art work should be preserved. Today, the board will consider options for covering up that mural. Meantime, about 100 schools around the country are dealing with the controversy of their names. The Washington Post says many of the schools named after confederate general robert e. Lee are considering ways to rebrand themes. The papers said many of the schools are choosing other people to honor, who happen to have the last name of lee. Some of the modern choices so far have been stan lee, the creator of marvel complices, and director spike lee. Others are dropping the first name. And the initial, theyre using lee as a shorthand for legacy of educational excellence. Dmv offices statewide will be closed for several hours next month, so that workers can learn how to expedite applications. All dmv field offices, commercial drive centers and Industry Centers will be closed until 1 00 p. M. On july 24th. Officials said the train suggest needed because the real id applications are more complex and take more time to process. Transit Center Getting ready to reopen next week. By testing its public address system. Last night, that test involved several flashing lights. It wont on for 10 minutes. The Transit Center closed 8 months ago, after crews found cracks in the buildings. Steel beams just six weeks after it opened to the public. That reopening on july 1st, will include the rooftop park. But not the buses. Officials say bus services are going to be phased in, during are the coming weeks. Stanford university is offering a multibillion Dollar Benefit package as part of its proposed expansion. The school is hoping to secure permits for more than 3 million academicfields. And more than 10,000 new people to its campus. Stanfords office includes 3. 4 billion in Housing Development costs. More than a billion in transportation improvements. And 138 million for the palo alto district. The next hearing is scheduled for thursday. Space exsays its most difficult launch ever was mostly a big success. Three, two, one. Ignition. There it is. Early this morning, the falcon heavy rocket lifted off from Kennedy Space center in florida. Its the Falcon Heavys first launch at night. The third launch overall. And this is the first time the Defense Department had cargo on that private space service. The rocket successfully took 24 Research Satellites into orbit. Now, the biggest flaw in the launch, it came with the return of those three rocket boosters, the bright light right here. Comes with a new core booster. It was trying to land on a platform in the ocean. It came close, but it missed the platform, which was not totally unexpected. Both of these side boosters did land safely back at Cape Canaveral as planned. Thats amazing that theyre able to do that. To land perfect and smooth. Amazing. 4 18 is the time. Lets check in with sal for a look at traffic. You got my hero sal here. Didnt you miss this guy . Pardon me. Didnt you miss this guy . Of course i did. I always miss you, sal. Thats right. Well, you know, when the whole gang is together. Right. Yes. I like that. Did you get your coffee . Im just about to. Let me get through this traffic hit. And then well see what happens there. Northbound 101. Were going to start at gilroy and traffic is moving along okay from gilroy to san jose. Continues to look up all the way into san jose area, with no major issues. Traffic continues to look good all the way through the valley. We dont see a lot of slow traffic here. Interstate 880 north and south is moving along pretty well. And there have been no major issues, approaching the bay bridge toll plaza. Its 4 19. Lets bring in sara. Good morning, sal. Were bringing in more clouds, not as widespread at yesterday, but youre definitely going to notice that. Well warm up. Temperatures will get to around 80. A little cooler between the 60s and 70s. Our temperatures will just be a little lower than what we saw yesterday. Our major cooling day is tomorrow. So we are waiting for that, to really cool us down all over. But for now, 56 degrees to get your morning started in oakland and in San Francisco. 62 degrees in mountain view. San jose sitting at 59 degrees this morning. 63 degrees in concord. And 58 degrees this morning in novato. Were going to warm up just a bit today. You can see we have the upper 80s, 88 in concord. 89 in antioch. Brentwood could get to about 91 degrees today. But it could be cooler. Oakland will get to around 71 degrees. Vallejo, 78 degrees. Just a little cooler than the temperatures that we saw yesterday. Mountain view. Youll hit it about 80 degrees today with your high. San jose at 83 degrees. Liv more at 85 degrees. And san mateo, 73 degrees. Heres a look at your extended forecast. You can kind of see where it drops off tomorrow. Just plan for warmer temperatures inland if youre around the bay, youll see temperatures around 70s. And on the coast, 60s. Tomorrow as our trough deepens, which is what this cooling trend is about. Thats when well see the biggest drops in temperatures. And youre really going to feel it mostly inland, more than anywhere else. Well see temperatures about 10 to 15 degrees lower than what we saw over the weekend, when we were hitting those 90degree temperatures. And once we get further into the week, that trough starts moving out of the way. A ridge of High Pressure does begin to build. And by the time we get to the weekend, it will be a little cooler than what were normally used to seeing this time of year. But shaping up to be warmer than what were experiencing today and tomorrow. All right, sara. Thank you. Well, our time is 4 21. Still ahead be a very important warning from health officials. Coming up, well show you what is now being identified as the leading cause of opioid overdose death negligence San Francisco. And a new report says everyday Beauty Cosmetics are sending many children to the hospital. Up next, we speak with dr. Mike about the findings and what you can do to prevent a trip to the emergency room. Welcome back to mornings on 2 on our health check this morning. New Research Suggests that Drinking Coffee could help you lose weight. A study from the uk found coffee can stimulate what is called brown fat. What . Thats a type of fat, yes, that burns calories to generate body heat. The researchers are not sure if the caffeine or another component that helps stimulate that brown fat. I have that brown fat. You see the rose of Beauty Products on store shelves. With the colorful packaging. It can be very enticing to kids. Theres a new study showing injuries from cosmetics are sending thousands of children to Emergency Rooms every year. Products like nail polish remover, shampoos, perfume and makeup can be very dangerous in a childs hand. Good morning, dr. Mike. I think the surprising part of that study is were used to keeping cleaning products out of the reach of kids. But nail polish remover is usually lying around. And i would not think makeup or shampoos could be dangerous. How are they dangerous . The bottom line is that its a wakeup call. 12 children end up in the emergency room every single day because of exposure to some cosmetic product. And as you just stated, pam, the bottom line is, we dont think of these as dangerous, like drano and things that are used for cleaning around the house. These have nice little flowers on them. Theyre prettycolored. They have things like colors and all kinds of things that entice young children. The problem is, is that many of them contain things like acetone, sodium hidroxide, and if ingested, can cause serious, serious problems. So what parents need to know. 1, they need to keep them out of the reach of young children. You need to keep a poison control number around wherever you are. And very, very important. Never put these products in a different container than the original. Because that will make kids even more confused, especially if theyre very young. Boy. And doctor, i know its tricky. Because many of these products are on lowenough shelfs that a kid can reach it. Well, if you think about normal households. Im thinking about mine. When you go into your bathroom. Theres all kinds of stuff all over the place. I do use makeup for tv. But i dont admit it. But i mean, theres stuff all over the place. And although my kids are now 11 and 7, when they were very young, as a physician, it made me very, very nervous to have any kind of products because all it takes is one incident. And although the study looked at over a number of years, there were seven deaths. All it takes is one, pam and dave. All it takes is one tragedy to ruin a life. And so what you need to do is simple things. Keep them away from children. Because they dont know the difference between something they can eat and something that is not meant to eat. All right, dr. Mike. Thank you so much for that important lesson and reminder. Thank you. Thank you so much, pam and dave. Always good to see you. Congress trying to come up with an immigration deal. But they keep running into problems. Up next, the latest on the obstacles that lawmakers are facing, ahead of a big deadline. And it has been 10 years since Michael Jackson passed away. Up next, we have a look at the controversy plaguing the artist legacy. And how some fans are planning to honor the king of pop today. Start the car start the car the ikea summer sale. Wooooooo save up to 50 off select items in store only june 26th to july 7th. Ikea. Good morning to you. Welcome back to mornings on 2. Its tuesday morning, june 25th. Im dave clark. Good morning. Im pam cook. Thank you for joining us this morning. On pink tuesday for us. For us, yeah, right. Sara is here for steve again this morning. And its probably a little bit of something for everyone, i guess, depending where you go. Exactly. Exactly. Inland, its going to be pretty warm. Of course, San Francisco,

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