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You will have to remember your drivers ed course training and come up to a big intersection and give it a fourway stop. The lights may not be flashing. It is one of those days that reminds me of being in the News Business when there is big news going on and people will be tuning in for updates on a lot of things. There is also a lot of debate going on right now on whether what pg e is doing on these power shutoffs is really the right thing to do. Some people say yes based on what we have experienced over the last couple of years in the bay area. And some people say no its not worth it. 95 of most wildfires start because of a human, throwing out a cigarette or whatever it is. That debate will continue. Right now we do know that 186,000 pg e customers have no power in the bay area. Just after midnight the utility started shutting off power to customers as part of its Public Safety power shut off program during red flag warnings. The first took place near the oregon border as well as in marin county , sonoma and napa counties. More arc expected around noontime today. There showing the impacted areas across the bay area and they will roll south and east across the bay area as the day progresses. Pg es phase 2 will start around noon today. San francisco is the only bay county were no outages are expected. Around noon pg e will shut off power in alameda and contra costa counties. It will have a big impact on 29 pumping stations that use power. They are wanting customers to do their part as well. What we are going to be doing , is asking people to conserve water, minimize their water use, shut off their outdoor irrigations. East bay requires power to move water throughout the system so we can operate it and get water to the people we serve. East bay mud says its main concern is making sure they have water if there is a fire and fire crews need to connect a hydrant. We have Team Coverage of the shut off across the bay area and whats to come. Lets start in Sonoma County, but first or meteorologist updating the windy and dry conditions pumping these outages not everyone is seeing yet. Not yet, but it is picking up a teeny bit for some. This is more likely later, not sooner. Later this afternoon and early thursday. North of santa rosa, Miles Per Hour, call last hour, napa airport is gone. After that there is not much. Higher elevations, atlas peak north at 12. Right above the cold cut northwest at six. It is 53 degrees, 47 humidity, but officer Black Diamond above clayton at 1600 feet, thats northeast and north above the oaklands. So the trend is to take it a little more northerly here. Its not that strong yet, but i like it to pick up later on. Thats why there has been a wind advisory issue that started at 6 am and it goes until 3 pm tomorrow. It doesnt mean its happening all at once. It will probably pick up later on. Some of the forecast models again really start to crank things up around seven or 8 oclock tonight. Red flag is just about everybody. This is the forecast map, this is just one, it doesnt mean its exactly what is going to be, but watch as it picks things up by later tonight. Maybe racine 3841 Miles Per Hour. Fairfield, napa, 34 concord, 35 pleasant San Francisco. This may be an evening event overnight enter early come early thursday. 43 at napa, 36 38 San Francisco. While we dont have that gust now come in tomorrow morning at this time i think it will be a whole different story. Even the Climate Prediction Center has issued an extreme fire for us today and thats very rare to get that for the north bay and parts of Northern California. By thursday afternoon and should start to decrease. The good news is temps should not be hot. Its wind and low humidity and also the soils are so dry. We havent d any rain and a loti. Phase 1 of the shut off is underway, power is offer thousands in the north bay. We are in santa rosa with that part of the story. Reporter pg es Community Resource center in santa rosa is open. It opened at 8 oclock this morning and will close at about 6 oclock tonight. We have been here since it opened and we have seen a handful of people come in here and check it out so far. Now this is a place where you have the ability to come and get information. There are representatives to answer questions. Their offering water, a place to charge devices and r conditioning. The north bay was part of the first phase of pg es Public Safety should power shut off. They have been hit hard, more than 66,000 pg e customers are in the dark. Pg e has Resource Centers set up all across affected areas to help out. The one in santa rosa is it too busy yet, but we did catch up with a dad and his fouryear old son who say they lost power at about 2 am. I got so many alerts, but they were late at the end of the day and im already at work and i cant leave work. For the time i got home my local Grocery Store, all the water and simple Food Supplies were sold out. There was nothing left for me or well so i said dont worry we will figure it out. Reporter the Community Resource center is in the parking lot of the santa rosa Veterans Memorial building, 1351 maple avenue in santa rosa. Like i said, this is a place you can come. There are 22 are presented is here. If you have questions, they will do their best to answer them. And there are Water Bottles, he came and grabbed a couple Water Bottles for him and his son so they have something to last them for the next few hours. San jose city officials are closely watching pg es Public Safety power shut off. They are confirming the power in fact will be shut off i noon. We are in san jose with a look at the people in the south bay and how they are preparing. Reporter city officials in san jose are warning residents the power will go off at noon today. I got that information from pg e confirmed. Its unclear what parts of the city will go dark first, but we know People Living in the eastern foothills and those in south san jose could be affected here. Just be prepared for your power to go off at noon and be courteous and aware of your neighbors as well. Take the time, as you prepare yourself, to reach out across the street to that elderly neighbor next door and check in on her and see how she is doing and if she understands. And if she needs assistance, help her reach out to her family. Reporter across the bay area, not just here in san jose, people are packing Grocery Store trying to buy lastminute items. Many portable battery charges and anything else that can charge electronics are selling fast. A lot of stores have been inundated with requests for generators, mostly sold out of those. Dont be surprised if businesses shut their doors of the power is out in the area. Pick keep in mind some places that may stay open in the dark may only take cash. The city really frustrated with this. We want people to make investments in their infrastructure to make it safe and reliable so they dont have to shut down any weather event. We are talking with them and making that available. That is known to them at every level. Reporter san jose opened three Community Resource centers this morning at macer, camden and southside. People can also go to a via stadium. People can get information, water, air conditioning and access to charging stations. The Alameda School district says classes are canceled today and tomorrow. San jose unified will stay open, even if some schools lose power. And if you are driving, remember that traffic signals, or traffic lights can be out in certain parts of the city. If you come to one of those intersections where the lights are out, treated as a fourway stop so everyone can stay safe. This will roughly affect 38,000 customers in the south bay. Pg e says even after the winds died down it could take days to fully restore power. Crews have to inspect all the lines for damage and repair any damage before the lines can be reenergized. This is video from last month when power was shut down in price of the sierra foothills and then northbay. Pg e says it will be a time consuming process for crews on the ground and in the air because they have to inspect such a large area. There is damage. Identify the location of the damage, what that is, bringing qualified personnel to be able to safely do the repairs, and then continue with the restoration process. Pg e says because the utilities have to turn off entire distribution and transmission lines the outages may affect customs who are not in fire prone areas. Coming up next as we continue to monitor the power shut off across the bay area, some helpful tips for those of you who may be trying to get throughout the day without power. What not to do in the event of an outage. Too fat. Too skinny. Too hard. Too soft. Too old. Too much. Too unexpected. Too limited. And to them we say too bad. Because at kaiser permanente, we believe that everyone deserves the right to thrive. Ilong before i had moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Ive always been the ringleader. Had a zest for life. Flash forward then ra kept me from the important things. And what my doctor said surprised me. She said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. And enbrel helps relieve joint pain and helps stop that joint damage. Ask about enbrel, so you can get back to being your true self. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. 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Even though pg e is shutting off power that does not eliminate the risk of a wildfire. Cal fire says 95 of fire are caused by people. That includes sparks from vehicles or someone tossing a cigarette to the ground. With wendy, dry weather cal fire says they are increasing staffing, bringing in more equipment and repositioning firefighters in the high fire risk areas. Cal fire says everyone is to be prepared. That includes opening your garage door, making sure you have a vehicle you can get out, parking backwards, having a full tank of gas. Have your pets and papers to take with you. All units across the state are located in areas impacted by the red flag warning. This morning we are speaking with the American Red Cross about disaster preparedness, specifically what not to do in the event of a power outage at your home. Joining us right now cynthia shaw from the American Red Cross. Good morning. In the wintertime we have experienced a number of outages and there are times where i have caught myself with one or two flashlights. We did like candles, i thought that was okay, but reading up on it you say no do not like candles. Do not like candles if at all possible. The likelihood of someone accidentally knocking the candle and starting a house fire with the wind, the fire gets picked up to other houses, its not worth the risk. We do encourage people to use flashlights and get lots of extra batteries. You can play games, read, do whatever you need to to keep yourself entertained. Smacked three bullet points i want to emphasize to our viewers. One of them, keep the refrigerator closed at all times, as well as your freezer. Unplugged all unnecessary Electrical Equipment and never use a generator or propane inside the house. But keeping the fridge door and freezer close, thats important, right . Thats critically important, because your perishables are only safe to eat if they keep the temperature of 40 degrees or less. So you want to first use what you have in your refrigerator, keep the freezer closed and then you want to go through what you have in your freezer as quickly as possible before it gets too warm. Once it gets above 40 degrees its no longer safe to eat. Actually lost power in our neighborhood last week for about 14 hours, it had nothing to do with the weather. We pulled out the ice chest, put in our milk, but as we did i noticed we didnt have any bottled water in the house and i noticed some of our reporting yesterday said so many people are going to the stores to get bottled water. How much water should you have when we are talking about the possibility of 23 days with no power . You want three gallons per person per day and then you want a gallon permit side pet every two days. So yeah, this is just focusing on drinking water, not washing or any of the other items. This is what you need for just drinking. Thats drinking water, what about when it comes to actual meals . Do we need to have readytoeat meals . Correct, once the refrigerator and freezer have reached, become too warm, you need to have nonperishable meat and food that require little or no water, little or no heat to cook to meet the needs of your household. Again, we are asking everybody to prepare for seven days. For seven days. One more for you cynthia, what do you think is really the biggest mistake people make at times like this when they do not have power . Really just be planning, not planning. Knowing you could be out of power for several days, dont use all your food, water and extra batteries for your phone and the first day. Really think about conserving what you have the you can go several days. Have you had any calls so far today or this morning from different counties in the bay area requesting your assistance because of the Power Outages going on . We have been in touch with all of our counties. We are in touch with them, in their Emergency Operation centers. We are able to provide assistance if needed. Red cross is always there, we appreciate your time this morning cynthia shaw with the red cross. Have a great rest of the day here. Thank you. We do have more information about how you can prepare for the shut off on our website, ktvu. Com. Also, when or if your home will be affected. Phase 1 right now, phase 2 coming up in a few hours. I think we will be hit by phase 2, my husband is getting ice, we cleaned out the fridge, i bought the expensive gas to make sure my tank was full. My cell phone is being charged as we speak. Doing what i can come get advice from the red cross. Formal impeachment inquiry was made. Whether white house is now using to cooperate in the House Democrats impeachment inquiry. Hundreds of long injuries related to vape related his illnesses. The new study that points to what ecigarettes could be to blame. Where treatment keeping an eye on the traffic conditions this morning at caldecott, you do see some slowing there. But if the tunnel does indeed shut down later and caltrans says they plan not to shut it down, caltrans is bringing in generators to keep the power and ventilation system open inside the tunnel. The problem is, it does not have generators on site, they had to bring them in. Im sure after this they may consider having them on site all the time. If the Power Outages roll through the area before those generators get up, the tunnel may indeed close, but what im seeing as they will get those generators up as soon as possible on highway 24. Also by the way, the tom lantos tunnel south of pacifica will stay open as well. Caltrans is saying they are working hard to get those generators in place. The fda approved a new medication called the over, an injection for the treatment of Macular Degeneration and eye disease, the leading cause of blindness in the u. S. The medication is made by a Swiss Pharmaceutical Company and Current Treatment is injections once a month, patients with this only have to get it 2 to 3 months. More than 1000 people have been second by a fitbit related illness nationwide and 23 people have died as a result of the illness. Research into the causes vape related illnesses as in the early stages. The mayo clinic published a study into what may be causing these long injuries. We welcome doctor Karen Swanson from the mayo clinic. Thanks for being with us. Thank you for allowing me to be here to represent what our study and go over what we found. Our study was the opportunity to have lung biopsies from 17 patients with Vaping Associated lung injury. Really what we found, looking at the lung tissue, as this is an airway centered chemical pneumonitis, which means inflammation, and inflammatory process in their lives and lung tissue itself directly caused by inhaling toxic substances. This is not being caused by inhaling water vape, but rather toxic substances. Lets talk about what people are vaping. A recent cdc study found 87 of people with vaping related illnesses said they vape thc. Whats the difference between vaping nicotine compared to thc . Thats a really good question. More than 80 of juul associated lung injury have been related to vaping thc. Although, not all. There for about 20 related to nicotine. What we think part of the problem is the liquid, the solution that is actually made that then becomes inhaled into the lungs. With thc you have the actual marijuana, then that has to be converted to a solution. So you need a vehicle to do that in the vehicles used are typically Something Like Vegetable Glycerin or propylene glycol, things that are commonly used in the development of cosmetics and pills and flavorings that are okay to swallow, but not okay to inhale. And then what happens is the batterypowered coil is heated up to bring that liquid, which is very complex, into an aerosol and that Chemical Reaction actually then causes more toxic substances that are inhaled. And then finally, just the heating of the coil can actually release metals, things like manganese and zinc better than inhaled into the lungs. So its not something so simple that they are just vaping thc , for example. Do you want to see a panel on vaping and Vape Products . Pardon me . You support a complete ban on vaping and Vape Products . Or do you think things to be more surgical than that . I think this is going to be a huge problem no matter what. There are several states that have already banned vaping products. My concern with that as these are going to go underground into the black market. This is really out of the barn and its really become a Public Health crisis. Its going be very important to getits going to be important to get our teams primarily, so that we can make sure they get understanding and the dangers of vaping and i get started in the first place. Doctor swanson of the mayo clinic, thank you for joining us this morning. A 17yearold boy from the bronx is not the first teenager to die every vaping related illness. Coming up, launching a military offense. How turkey is responding after President Trump announced american troops would step aside in syria. All over Northern California, problems with the pg e shut off persist. We will explain how people in the foothills are reacting. California phones offers free specialized phones. Like cordless phones, phone ringing big button, and volumeenhanced phones. Or visit get details on this state program. Call im about to capture proof of the ivory billed woodpecker. What . . . No, no no no no. Battery power runs out. Lifetime Retirement Income from tiaa doesnt. Guaranteed monthly income for life. Nooooo guaranteed monthly and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state program call or visit this is loma linda. A place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. And you see so many people Walking Around here in their 100s. So how do you stay financially well for all those extra years . Well, you have to start planning as early as possible. We all need to plan for 18 years or more of retirement. I dont have a whole lot saved up. But im working on it now. Plan now for Retirement Income that lasts. Thats financial wellness. Talk to a Financial Advisor or get Income Solutions at prudential. Lets get back to our breaking News Coverage of the pg e Public Safety power shut off. This is our first look right here at the generators caltrans is trying to hook up to the caldecott tunnel on 24. This has been one of the big question marks since last night, will be tunnel remain open . We have been working on it so get the generators hooked up before pg es next round of shutoffs set to take place in about 2 1 2 hours noontime today. Caltrans did tell ktvu if these generators arent up and running before noon, the caldecott tunnel may have to close. We hope to get another update from caltrans about the progress they are making. We will get the and and our. We can go to weather, thats fine. You can go ahead and ask me. Is just going to say the evening commute you basically have two options, right . You basically have to go south and east off 580 which will be nuts. Or you can go up rth and use the San Pablo Dam road which will connect to camino pablo, also nuts. This is obviously a big deal and we will be updating on it. There it is. Right now it looks good. We are looking for the morning commute and hopefully we will be lucky for the afternoon commute. Lets hope they get them charged up and going. Wind is picking up a little bit, this will be for later this afternoon and early thursday. I know you havent had many gusts at your house, but it wi pick up as the system digs in and lower pressure is driving toward southern nevada, salt lake city, utah and higher pressure building and oregon and northwest nevada. Thats going to set the stage for more of a northerly wind, even though its not that strong now, santa rosa north at 12, nevada is in the. Above the caldecott it is only six. Black diamond 1600 feet above clayton, that is northeast now at 14, 60 degrees, 29 percent humidity, mallery ridge has also gone northeast. Mount diablo is a last northeast at 43 Miles Per Hour and the oakland zoo is north, so the wind is turning northerly and picking up a little bit gusts 45 to 65 possible at 1000 or 2000 feet in the northeast foothills. Eventually it will get to the santa cruz mountains, but it may not be until late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Red flag warning is out now, this is not the temperature. They wont be hot, this will be very low humidity may be Single Digits or teens and a strong gusty wind. We havent had any rain over there so everything is really dry. Temperatures will be in the 70s or near 80, down a good 10 degrees from yesterday thats about it. 50s and the temps, a few 60s, but not much as a high build and behind that system generating the breeze. One thing that started is the typhoon on the western pacific. This is a real powerhouse system. If it was a hurricane it would be a cat five at one time. It might impact japan, go up into the gulf of alaska, merge into another system and turn extratropical. Some of the forecast models bring some remains of that to us in about a week. There could be a lot going on, so we will see. 67, if you near 80, temperatures are not the problem. The wind in the very dry conditions will take us through thursday and after that its cooler into the weekend. Right back to the top store, there are 186,000 pg e customers without power right now and about 234,000 bay area customers of pg e could lose power in the coming hours. One customer could be a business or a home. On average here one customer means three people. Where showing you the latest figures from pg e, Sonoma County still affected with 67,000 pg e affected. More than 30,000 are also without power in solano, napa and lake counties. Lets go to trenton for marin county where people are wondering when things will be back to normal. Reporter we just talked to another Restaurant Owner out here on johnson and caledonia and she said she has gas so she will be able to cook food and they are just going to use the fresh fruit they have until they run out. Other restaurants like this one right here will be closed for the day. This Restaurant Owner says she is tying up a generator to her fridge to make sure the food doesnt go bad. This is a barbershop over here and the owner says you can see they have big windows and they can probably cut peoples hair, but they cant use clippers or hairdryers. So businesses here are adapting. A lot of the people we talked to today are confused about how the power outage is impacting the city, because some blocks like this one are without power. But if you go up bridgeway a couple blocks away we have the video of that driving along the water past the yacht harbor, we saw a lot of the businesses there with power and it was business as usual for them. We spoke with the mayor of sausalito early this morning who said he was also confused about this and its one of the things he wants to ask pg e about. Im curious to find out more about how our tier grids work, because they didnt realize you could have such spotted outages. And our little tiny town, as you can see, some areas are on and some areas are off. It doesnt really make any sense at all. Reporter sausalitos maeder says maybe this is something pg e doesnt have an answer to. Why is the spotting haphazard . It is going to take some time to get some answers to those questions. But if you are one of the unlucky businesses in sausalito and southern marin county county without power its a struggle this morning. We much in the Restaurant Owner who had to hook up a generator to try to save hundreds of dollars worth of food, produce and product in her refrigerators. She will be closed today. We also took a drive through the Robin Williams tunnel, formally the waldo tunnel, and lights are out there. A kind of made the sunrise beautiful. When we came to the Golden Gate Bridge it made the tunnel all that more impactful. If you live in the town of sausalito in marin county , fairfax, salinas, alema, stinson beach, all of those areas are covered by this pg e Public Safety power shut off. Bart trains are running despite the outages. Officials said they dont expect service to be interrupted because they can get power from other parts of the system to keep trains running. All bart stations have emergency lighting system that runon backup power and portable generators outside east bay stations. If you are leaving town today, the planned Power Outages should not affect operations at the bay area major airports. In san jose, officials at San Jose International airport say crews are busy making sure fuel is stocked up and generators are ready. Airport officials expect us to run as usual, but you should plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to check in. Governor gavin newsom is defending pg es decision to shut off power, but also my criticism. None of us are happy about it, but this was all part of something that we knew would likely occur. Many months ago when pg e finally woke up to the responsibility to keep people safe and for them not to do this , in some respects, i think potentially could put peoples lives at risk. The governor was in oakland yesterday and said the state is working with all affected counties to ensure they have the support they need to keep people safe. Pg e also shutting off power in the sierra photos to prevent a major wildfire there. While many say losing power would not be ideal, they understand while it is necessary. It is an inconvenience. I understand because of the camp fire. We did lose a home there. Understand the precautions. Pg e says this is the largest Public Safety power shut off thus far, but its a decision the utility does not take lightly. They say they recently installed 600 weather stations across the 70,000 square mile coverage area. We are using that all to determine whats best for the safety of our customers. We are certainly looking at this as an opportunity to reduce the risk of wildfire across the service area and keep customers and community safe. Pg e says her most customers in the foothills power will likely not be back on until late tomorrow, but they are asking customers to be prepared for no power all the way into saturday. Pg es website is back up and running after it crashed several times yesterday as people try to check in to see if there area would be affected. When it was finally backup, many people still complained it was loading too slowly or not at all. Now to washington where the white house is calling the impeachment inquiry against the president illegitimate and its refusing to cooperate. As Griff Jenkins reports, this may hedge a long legal battle. Reporter President Trump firing off a new blast of tweets criticizing democrats, the ukraine whistleblower in the whistleblowers attorney as partisan con artists. The president also doubling down on his claim that the impeachment inquiry is a scam, adding the total focus is 2020, nothing more and nothing less. His remarks come one day after the white house blocked subpoenaed ambassador from testifying. This is a highly partisan and unconstitutional effort threatens graven lasting damage to our Democratic Institutions come to our system of free elections and to the American People. The house could care less about fairness. Schiff is not looking for the truth. Reporter House Speaker nancy pelosi firing back saying the white house should be warned. The continued efforts to hide the truth of the president s abuse of power from the American People will be regarded as further evidence of obstruction. My hope is as facts continue to come out that my republican colleagues will understand that their duty to this country is the most important duty that they have and i would hope that would be the central focus as we continue to go down this path. Reporter this friday the u. S. Ambassador is scheduled to testify it, but marie yvonne of which is working for the state Department Meeting the white house would be within its rights not to appear. No word yet on whether the administration will try and block her testimony. Overseas to a developing story in syria where turkey has launched its military offensive to clear the area of pg e back to british forces. The military insult is happening days after President Trump abruptly announced american troops would step aside in the region. Military personnel at turkey southern border now making their way across to invade syria. The move comes after the trumpet administration announced it was pulling u. S. Troops from the region, sparks from both sides of the aisle. We want to bring our soldiers back home. Its always a firm decision. We cant abandon the kurds now and turned over to turkey. To think that will work is delusional in dangerous. Reporter the decision to pavel pull the troops from syria is a fulfillment of a campaign promise. I dont think President Trump is looking to abandon the kurds for the fact of abandoning the kurds, but it is important to him to keep Campaign Promises and he will go that extra length most politicians would not go. Reporter Democratic Forces said they are fully prepared to furiously respond on any attacks on syrian soil. Threats paid by turkey to attack. Is not nothing new. They have constantly done it for years. Reporter some citizens expressing concern that war would leave people vulnerable and displaced. Where should we go . You can ask anyone. They say they are not leaving our area. Eventually we will be displaced anyway. Reporter President Trump has threatened to destroy and obliterate turkeys economy if there potion to syria goes too far. Meanwhile the turks say they will not bow to the u. S. Threat. New this morning, the nba postpone todays scheduled media session in shanghai for the Los Angeles Lakers and Brooklyn Mets and it remains unclear if the teams will play in china this week as scheduled. The teams are practicing in shanghai earlier today in advance of the start of the china games. The events were called off as part of the ongoing rift that started after Houston Rockets general manager tweeted support for antigovernment protesters in hong kong. Coming up and a moment, Something Special digging into Solano Countys records. Find out how two people turned an old Ferry Building in the north bay into a taproom. You know when youre at ross and your new fall look just keeps Getting Better . Check this out thats yes for less. 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Yes, the island is going through a big change and leaving the charge, to winemakers turned brewmaster pick what was once a threeman operation is now 40 call the mayor Ireland Island Brewing Company and its taking Northern California by storm. There is Something Special brewing in vallejo involving the right over a bridge, and one by Four Mile Island and a brewery sinking deep its Solano County routes. We enjoy a great beer and love history. The cofounders of the maryland Brewing Company, to napa winemakers he found out it takes a lot of great beer to make good wine. Back in 2014 they delve in headfirst, turning vallejos old Ferry Building into the mayor ireland taproom. With beer, you can just make another batch into an after three weeks. With wine you have to wait another year to get your customers happy again. Their customers are happy. They had their fiveyear numbers in just six months, business is booming. So much so they took over the coal shed number 151 on mayer island and 8000 squarefoot Historic Building that 100 years ago was full of coal for the over 500 ships built in vallejo. Bear 15 tanks produce over 2000 barrels of beer a year. The set also doubles as a corporate taproom with a waterfront view. Its bridging the path with the future generation and hopefully telling a story. If you like your beer with a side of history, then the mayor ireland Brewing Company is your place because every beer comes with a taste of the past. Saginaw was the first ship built here. General 99 was an order the navy put in for no beer or spirits put in. So we rescinded that order on their island when we made the beer. Thats a liquid lunch, all the workers would come across and have a couple beers for lunch and said they had a hydraulic sandwich just for lunch. Beer island brewery has some company, godfather winery opened a tasting room inside a former officers house and renowned winemaker david prison he has been distilling bourbon, whiskey and tequila on the island under the names savage and cook for a year. He showed up on fox 2 news last spring. Or other businesses on their. For the most part they go back to the navy. So yeah, we are trailblazing a little bit. We hope would they start to call marilyns wet mile where you can find beer, whiskey and wine in a day. Its a winwin for vallejo, the city filed for bankruptcy in 2008 and is now climbing back, thanks to the resurgence of the island. Are just so many things that it triggers. The new park that is going to happen down here, with the new parking lot back there there will be other kinds of development along the waterfront. Just a catalyst for activity. It has brought a lot of people to the waterfront and has done a very good job helping bring back vallejo. And to think, it all started with a glass of beer. Even if im not the most interesting person in the world, people want to talk to me because we make great beer. That they do. Its true they cannot barely keep up with demand. We have 16 local accounts and distribute. People apparently want more and the city of vallejo is loving it. By the way, the beer tastes really good to pick i bet it does [ laughter ]. I like that, the vision they have for this compared to the Ferry Building. They sang a lot of people with their hands on glassware and t shirts because of the history. It dates back to the civil war and they built over 500 ships and they make these great tshirts. They have glassware and all that and its going out the doors like crazy, online, that kind of thing. Maybe her grandfather was on a ship there. Not that long ago. Coming up, a neighborhood in San Francisco has been through a dramic shift in recent years. Will take you to a San Francisco neighborhood that is been through a lot of changes as we honor hispanic heritage month. Hmm. Exactly. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty governor gavin newsom signed legislation providing new safeguards against large rent increases in california. The signing ceremony took place in oakland. The rent is too high. Reporter California State Assembly member who spearheaded the rent bill rallied a crowd that gathered tuesday. They said it wouldnt be done , while folks we got it done. Reporter he sat next to the governor who signed the bill that starting january 1 caps rent increases at 5 plus the rate of inflation for about 8 million renters, of which more than half are considered burdened with rent because they are spending more than 30 of their income on housing. Our poverty rate is still the highest in the nation for one reason, costofliving. Reporter the bill also bans landlords from evicting tenants for no reason, meaning they cannot kick people out just to raise the rent. Within a month my rent was increased over 1000. In one fell swoop over 100 increase. I cant think of anything better than to make sure people have a roof over their head. Reporter the bill does not cover duplexes where the owner lives in one of the units and it does not apply to Single Family homes except those owned by corporations a Real Estate Investment trusts and will not apply to housing built within the last 15 years. Advocates hope that will encourage developers to build more in a state that desperately needs it. The california rental House Association said it will add even more stress to small mom andpop rental Property Owners to keep their businesses local, discourage further investment and encourage annual rent increase. Even those who support the measure say the state housing issue is a multilayered problem that will need more action to solve. Was aborted from day one. What it does is it helps protect hunters from the housing shortage, but it doesnt solve the shortage itself. Signing a bill doesnt always solve every problem that we have. As been stated, theres a lot more work to be done. Reporter the new bill takes effect january 2020, california becomes the second state in the entire nation to enact a tap on rent control. Oregon was the last place to do that, they rent at seven percent we are in hispanic heritage month and people are marking the month with celebrations of culture, including food, music and art. One of those neighborhoods is the Mission District in San Francisco, but some say the area is actually changing. And you talked with a longtime resident on was happening there in the mission. Cultural experts in the mission say the way to keep the Mission Districts rich Cultural Heritage has to be a multipronged approach. They come from mexico and they to her. Imac latino organizer showing me the murals in San Franciscos Mission District. There are different murals, different people. Reporter use of the colorful works of art in this neighborhood as a whole are a vital part of San Francisco. I believe the mission is really the lungs of the city and a sense. Reporter he also says the city has changed. San francisco is famous for culture, music and food and we are losing it. Reporter the Mission District has historically been a neighborhood where latino immigrants came seeking less expensive rent and a place open to the culture, feud and music. St i cto the bay area nity acti from chile in the 60s. He started noticing changes in the 1990s at a artist, restaurants and Small Businesses left the area due to rapidly rising red. Change iinevitable, but the kind of change we are experiencing is more pushed by economic changes that have pushed a lot of people out of the mission. Reporter over the years district theaters, small food markets, restaurants and other Small Businesses have closed and given away the rooftop bars and trendy eateries. Now we are in the process today of paying for maybe ideas that put the economy separated from culture, when they should be a marriage. Should be a collaboration. Reporter he is now a theater professor at San Francisco State University and a playwright in local theater. He says it will take a multipronged approach to keep the culture here from finishing. I think the main solution has to be somebody was telling the news kind of approach. We in the mission, we in chinatown, we in the Southern Market who do art have to connect with each other. You know, its not the fact that i do theater, the most important art expression, i am theater but i am aware of the music, i am aware of whats going on in the Mission Cultural center, murals, etc. Reporter another solution he says is to continue creating all the things the neighborhood is known for. So murals are being painted right now. Summer being brought up, not just because the owners want them there, but because the committee recognizes them as important, as valuable. So we need to increase our efforts. You can hear more of my interview with Carlos Perrone on our bay area people podcast, just look for bay area people whenever you get your podcast. Tonight on fox 2 news fox 2 the guessing game continues on the allnew episode of the mass singer. Three celebrities have already done it. Undefeated boxing Champ Laila Ali was the panda and the latest secret start ago home. So far professional gamer tyler ninja and olympic figure skater johnny weir have been eliminated. But ali says the shortlived experience was well worth it. It was definitely nerve racking, super challenging and thats part of the reason why i did it. I like to push myself. People are on my page, ordering my stuff. I was like hey tonight another celebrity will be unmasked on the show and you can watch the new episode of mast singer right here at 8 oclock. Thats it for us, stay with us. Wendy is next. At 10 30 caltrans will say whether or not the caldecott tunnel will stay open. Announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. Now, heres wendy [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] wendy thank you to thank you for watching our show. Say hello to my cohosts, my

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