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Kinds of beams. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Thank you for joining us tonight. Merchants in Santa Clara County had the green light to reopen tomorrow with curbside sales at nonessential stores. All of the other bay area counties have already started phase 2. The southbay was hit hard by the coronavirus and is just beginning. New tonight, we spoke with Business Owners and some welcome the baby step forward. Others are frustrated. Small Business Owners hope Curbside Service will boost sales but theyre not counting on it. Others are finding new ways to test the system and reopen. The Small Business owner is displaying new merchandise. Hoping to attract customers. I am super happy that were finally getting to this point. Santa clara county will commit curbside pickup. A move they have already taken. Napa can now offer dining. It is frustrating to watch other counties open. Hard to watch when businesses are hurting. We are chomping at the bit to get to that next point. The chamber of commerce argues the town can move faster in the states reopening plan. I wish the county could purse out the different municipalities like the state does with the counties. We have not been a hotspot. Health officials amended the health order. Starting friday, certain retailers can start curbside cells. Face coverings are required at any business. Carburetor also allowed. Restrictions east since the number of new coronavirus cases is going down. The number of hospitalizations is also declining. I have clarks wipes. Who has those. I have lots of different kinds of beans. I have top ramen. The owner does not agree with the new owner. He is converting his comic book store into a convenience store. 20 percent of his floorspace filled with essential items. He place to have shoppers come inside on friday. The important thing is the business they say. It is not important so much what they sell. It is are you safe. We have always been safe. We will always continue to be safe. With cells done 90 percent, the owner tells me he has already been cited for being open. He will only do curbside tomorrow if police tell him to closes doors. He would then buy more food items until it is good enough to stay open. Restaurants are now allowed to reopen for dine in service. Today, eateries welcome customers to dine inside for the First Time Since the start of the pandemic. Salama received permission last night to ease restrictions and into deeper into phase 2. In addition to restaurants, that means Retail Businesses can also reopen with modifications. We spoke with jacks restaurant. The general manager says outdoor seating will be a priority. Our focus is to utilize the beautiful weather and move people outside. Indoors, we have five tables upstairs and five downstairs. The manager says each outdoor table will be on a six by nine rug to make sure customers are social distancing. The parks and Recreation Department is trying a new approach to keep people at a safe difference. There putting chalk circles on the grass six feet apart to show people where they can say. Live coverage now. She has been looking into where this idea came from and how people are reacting. The Department New with the normal weather coming and memorial day weekend, people are going to want to go outside. That is why theyre launching this new program to see if it works. Take a walk in the park. You may see one of these. We just saw them today. We did not notice them until we walked back. They are spaced six feet apart. More are being drawn up. Such as washington park. Dolores park in the mission district. My friend sent me a picture of what it was looking like. He says the circle has encouraged him it was safe to socialize outside. It is because of the circles to be honest. Some were skeptical about the parking spots. I thought it was a little farfetched. Then they said they found the markings take the guesswork out of social distancing. At the same time, it was not six feet apart. These are blatantly obvious. The social circles are a relief after past weekends with big crowds. Here it is super clear what the boundaries are. I think this is deafly more organized and relaxed than it was on saturday. San francisco decided to try it after talking to new york city where officials tried it in domino park. We wanted to put it in four separate cultures of the city. This is the hub program. We wanted to see how it would work out. It essentially takes no additional funds. The department is talking up the cost normally marking city sports fields. They hope it will be another reminder for people to stay safe during this pandemic. The pandemic is really sold that parks are nice to have. They are a critical part of our infrastructure. They are what is keeping people healthy and sane. We want to keep all of our parks open. We want people to have a good time. That means using them safely. Tomorrow, the Department Plans to put more circles at a fourth part. They say they may consider actually expanding this program. Such a simple idea. It seems to really make sense. It is right there on the ground. The San Francisco landmarks are going green tonight. Green lights are shining on city hall. The Salesforce Tower and the conservatory in golden gate park. Park rangers and gardeners are considered essential workers. The job allows residents a place to go for a Mental Health break during this pandemic. The chp says a pickup truck went off the road and into a pond in the keys area of nevada. This happened after 6 30 am. But the driver and female passenger made it out of that truck. They were holding onto the bed. Then they dog managed to swing free from the wreck and the man tried to swim after. He went under and never resurface. We are still investigating right now. We were told there were actually pulling out of this parking area directly behind me. Prior to the vehicle losing control. The passenger of that vehicle was taken to the hospital. They say the dive team and other agencies were searching for the driver. Now to Sonoma County were a fire survivor is finally home again after almost 3 years. The celebration was by necessity at a distance but no less sincere. Our reporter joins us now with this story. A certificate of occupancy is the ticket. It is official permission to move in. She got hers this week against the odds. A pandemic ritual. The driveby celebration. The santa rosa neighborhood turned out for the housewarming. The 86 row blue kisses and gave air hugs on her triumphant day moving back to just the court. I am overjoyed and overwhelmed. I am very grateful. We chose this place when we moved here in 1969. They raised the family. In home her and her husband love. One of thousands of homes that were leveled. We all have Homeowners Insurance but, do we really know what is going to happen . Our home was vastly underinsured so our coverage went to construction. She battled her Insurance Company because everybody was delayed. She was actually diagnosed with cancer right before the fire happened. She had to go to surgery. Was she was displaced from her home. There was a lot going on. More than the fire. Two major fires and floods and now this. They say takes resiliency to persist to this point. Especially in Sonoma County. The survivor of a disaster. She gets her certificate of occupancy right in the middle of the pandemic. Family and community got her through. She calls her journey a roller coaster. When i got up and went down to the bottom, there has always been someone there to catch me. In her new house. A irongate salvaged from the fire. A survivor like her ready to greet all who come. They love me. They care for me. The new home has been redesigned so her daughter son inlaw and grandsons can live with that. Once social distancing has eased , a proper housewarming will be held. Talk about a long road back. She has been through so much. So great to see her walking through that gate that was salvaged. A lot of people asked her. What do you want to put yourself through it . Youre fighting with state farm for every penny. She never relented. She felt that is where her husband wanted her to be. A true story of resiliency. Thank you. This behavior is talking at any time. A real looking red tag. The City Attorney says it is fake. The alleged scheme to push tenants out of a building. More than 1 billion. The big payout to ensure americans are among the first to get a coronavirus vaccine. The Holiday Weekend just about upon us. It will really heat up. I will see you back here after the break. The u. S. Government is giving the drugmaker more than 1 billion to help it develop a coronavirus vaccine. In return they have agreed to conduct a Clinical Trial in the u. S. With 30,000 participants. It will supply the u. S. With 300 million doses of the vaccine. The vaccine is considered a leading candidate but has not yet been proven effective. The money will speed up development and production. Human trials began last month on more than 1000 volunteers. Health officials are planning to draw blood from people in 25 cities including San Francisco. They say the goal is to better understand how widely the coronavirus has spread. Researchers will be looking for antibodies. Nearly 300,000 samples will be tested. Specimen collection is scheduled to begin next month and continue until october 2021. President trump said he would not order a second shelter in place. People say that is a very distinct possibility. We are not going to close the country. It would be whether it is a amber or a flame. We are not closing our country. The president spoke during a tour of the manufacturing plant which is now producing ventilators. He was not wearing a mask although the ford executives were wearing them. He says he wore one earlier but he did not want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it. A new poll finds the majority of americans are wearing mask to prevent the spread of the virus. 84 percent said they have worn a mask in public. That includes 89 percent of democrats. Researchers say their data does not find evidence. Over mask wearing. Some tenants said they were kicked out of the rental in the midst of this pandemic. Our Crime Reporter spoke with the top official who said a red tag notice placed on their home was a fake. This is the red tag notice that was found outside of their home late last month. It looked real enough. He claimed the home was unsafe because of foundation damage. The problem was, it was all bogus. A fake red tag was put on this property. He did not issue this red tag. He was working remotely. It is a fraudulent red tag. Among those living here was a woman who was about to give birth. The city filed a lawsuit against the Property Owners who traumatize their tenants. They have company come to the home and remove the tenants possessions. By that i mean all of their possessions. He loaded all of their stuff on there. She says she saw the tenants getting kicked out. Tennis said they have since been allowed to stay and their belongings were back. They say the damage has been done and disorder happened despite a moratorium on evictions. This behavior is shocking at any time. It is particular shocking during this coronavirus crisis. As well as a moving company. I reached the sister by phone. She said i think the city should get the facts straight. I think you have been misinformed. That was my only response. The city is asking for a restraining order that will block them for further harassment. Now to santa cruz where Law Enforcement revealed new details about the brutal kidnapping and murder last october. Authorities arrested four suspects on tuesday. Three were in southern california. Authorities say two of the suspects i work for the victim previously. He was a tech executive who also ran a cannabis business. Authorities say he was kidnapped from his home and forced into a car. He was taken to the mountains where he was found shot to death. They can there to take monetary items. They were armed with the rifle. I think that really speaks for the violence of this act and the situation. Authorities say interviews with coworkers led investigators to the four suspects. It is warming up or did warm up today. That is the bump on the graph im about to show you. Maybe 8 degrees. Tomorrow theyre going to drop down a bit. Just a couple of degrees. Then back up significantly as we going to the Holiday Weekend. Check out santa rosa. 95 degrees forecast. 97 for concorde. Monday will be the warmest day of the weekend with temperatures mid and upper 90s. The current forecasted highs for tomorrow are going to be about 4 degrees cooler than these. 84 in vallejo. 85 in fairfield. Those temperatures tomorrow will be mostly in the upper 70s. Slightly cooler tomorrow. It is just a blip as we push into a much warmer pattern for saturday and sunday and significantly warmer for monday. We could even see a heat advisory. When we come back we will take a look at the model and it she set up for this memorial day weekend. I will see you back in a bit. A Police Officer who nearly lost his mobility. When i was in my accident i cannot get out of my car. s long road to recovery and where he found the strength to persevere and his return to duty this week. Then, the office of the future. See how companies are scrambling to make their office space safe for workers. A bay area Police Officer back on the job almost 2 years after a car accident that cost him his legs. The injuries were severe and the beginning of a long road to recovery. Our reporter is live with the officers returned and determination. The officer tells me his journey has been a difficult one. In his words, he pushed through. For the first time in almost 2 years, the san mateo Police Officers back on the job this week patrolling the streets. Armed with determination. He is now able to do the police work that he loves. It was just something internal that was pushing me. In june on his way home to life changing accident. While driving his suv, he fell asleep at the will. He says he was about to hit another car so he made a sharp turn rolling his suv multiple times. He suffered serious injuries. I take pride on making sure my family is taking care of. For me not to be able to do that was a huge hit to my confidence. The 41yearold tells me his darkest day came after his left leg was amputated. A fellow officer who started a nonprofit to help veterans give him the support he needed. That officer was among those who helped him get into the physical shape needed to return to police work. The most difficult part is the mental part. He is grateful for the support he received from his fellow officers. Including his older brother. A detective also with the police. For him, to receive that kind of assistance was tough. This is a special day. Tuesday was the first day back on the job. The police chief tells me he had to pass physical test to resume his duties. He earned every bit of this. A great bit of diligence. A no quit attitude. This veteran Police Officer has a message for anyone who is facing difficulties. You are going to have your days. What you need to do is find the strength within. I asked the officer what it was like to return to work during the pandemic. He says he is saddened by the loss of lives yet he is found joy in people coming together. The determination is a lesson for all of this. It is good to see him back in that uniform. Thank you so much. The District Attorneys Office has a new staff member. His name is percy. Is a black labrador. He is a highly trained court docket companies crime victims during crime investigations. He will sit with children and adults with Developmental Disabilities to help them stay calm. Percy will be handled by two victim advocates was that homeowners are lifted and the courts reopen. Dogs are used in more than a dozen counties. Coming up, new information about last years outbreak tied to romaine lettuce. What officials believed was to blame. Plus, some of the changes companies are exploring to keep workers safe when they come back. He went out of his way to be as unpleasant as he could. Sports columnist. Plus San Franciscos oldest gay bar is closing. See why there is still hope. Across america, Business Owners are figuring things out. Finding new ways to serve customers. Connect employees. And work with partners. Comcast business is right there with you. With a network that helps give you speed, reliability and security. And enough bandwidth to handle all your connected devices. Voice Solutions Like remote Call Forwarding and readable voicemail. And safe, convenient installation. When every connection counts, you can count on us. Get the connectivity your business needs. Call today. Comcast business. The Labor Department says 2. 4 million americans fought for unappointed benefits over the past week. That number is down from 3 million. Here in california, the numbers up to 246,000. A 16 percent jump. Since the lockdowns began back in midmarch, the number of americans filing for jobless claims is approaching 39 million. Stocks were lower on the jobs news. Increasing tensions. The dow closed down 101 and th s p 500 was down 23. They saw some of the biggest losses today. Facebook is the latest tech company to announce plans to let its employees keep working from home after state homeowners are lifted. He says only about 25 percent are expected to return to the office. He added that within the next 5 to 10 years, over half of the employees could work remotely. They have also said they would allow workers to continue working from home permanently. Corporate america is rethinking the office space to protect workers from the shutdown. Tonight, they show us some of the adjustments underway and what may be the most important change of all. If you want a glimpse of what officers may look like, just take a look at the orders in santa clara. All we have done his field calls. From customers wanted to take their open space environment and divided as much as they can. So people can work closely together. Being secluded from the guy next to them. The founder started the company focusing on high adjustable desk. The businesses explore exposure the coronavirus, producing thousands of Office Dividers of all types of materials. Some of these clients are large customers. They are wanting 40,000 dividers. We are trying to respond to all of this. Now, they have gone away. Division of space has gone away. There is more coffee bars. It is all open. Now, this post pandemic, were starting to see the dividers going back up. She knows the evolution of the office well. Her firm works with major names. Many of whom are looking for ways to adjust to the new normal. Trying to help them provide social distancing. Either having a staggered workforce. Half and half. There are so many companies. They present to clients with these types of reconfigurations to utilize space while maintaining social distancing. The epidemiologist and ceo says dividers can be helpful but are not as effective as changing behaviors. He says employers need to use as many toys as possible to limit transmission. Especially from asymptomatic carriers. When youre in the environment they will be asking questions and taking temperatures. You will let down. Why businesses continue to mall ideas, one thing they say we should all expect is more people continuing to work from home like i am. If your office works perfectly well, everybodys doing well at home, why come in. There is no question they have already changed how many places that do business. Announcing a work from home forever option. Many department and Grocery Stores that put up plexiglass barriers at the register. Social distance markers have been placed on the ground. They say it is a bit of a moving target as companies explore their options. They said they are adapting just like these offices. From what im hearing, it is going to be a face to move in. Some large tech clients will be moving 25 percent of their employees initially. They have more social distancing. That will by the some time to figure out how theyre going to readjust their footprints. We moved to this story now. The furniture designer may have designed another way for restaurants to a allow for customers to maintain social distancing. They have developed a unique way of welcoming those who are anxious to go back to bars. He is making individual plexiglass dividers. He designed this to be elegant. Guaranteed to meet social distancing regulations. Federal officials now believe cows may be to blame for the e. Coli outbreak. The fda released a report today linking the three outbreaks to the Salinas Valley near cattle grazing area. Cow droppings can contain e. Coli which can contaminate water and soil through water runoff or being tracked two forms by people or animals. The outbreak sickened 188 people in the United States and canada. Facebook is examining its Grocery Program during the coronavirus pandemic. Today, facebook was stripping bags of healthy food to the senior center. The mobile market is a Farmers Market on wills. It provides Fresh Produce from local farms and restaurants. At the same time, we went from making 200 bags of produce to now making 1400 bags. The program has donated about 4000 bags of food to local nonprofits. It is planning to keep the Program Running through the end of the year. We are tracking the Holiday Weekend forecast. It is going to get hot. Details in your 5day forecast. New information about a fire aboard a scuba boat. What the report revealed. The big shift from the university in california. The decision that will impact student admissions. And. Lets get started. music fades in hey hi the fbi believes a shooting today at the air station in Corpus Christi is terrorism related. Police say the suspect sped through the security gates early this morning then got sta shooting. The suspect was shot and killed. A to hit a switch raising a barrier. The shooter has not been identified and Officials Say a second person of interest may be at large. In the report shows that the 34 people that died in a boat fire last summer off the coast died from smoke inhalation. All 33 passengers and one crew member died last september while aboard it. They had been sleeping below deck and suffered Carbon Monoxide poisoning. The only survivors were the captain and for the crewmembers. Many of the victims were from the bay area. The fire broke out in the middle of the night. The cause is still under investigation. A Restaurant Owner caught up in a public Corruption Case is now awaiting sentencing. The owner entered a guilty plea today for 2 felony fraud charges. And the former public works director are accused of trying to bribe the airport commissioner to open a restaurant at sfo. Under a plea agreement, he must cooperate with the ongoing investigation. He faces up to 40 years in prison and 500,000 in fines. New information tonight about a deadly encounter yesterday. Police officers arrived at a home. To serve a arrest warrant to a 66yearold man. Investigators say he was armed. When officers ordered him to put down the gun, he shot himself in the head. At some point, we are told the officer also fired a shot hitting that man. Paramedics were called to the scene. Oakland is wrapping up its effort to pick up garbage and debris that is dumped around the city. Staffing at the publix Work Department have been reduced by 70 percent because the pandemic. Now they say staffing is almost fully restored. Crews are starting to tackle the backlog of trash dumped on the streets and sidewalks and in empty lots. We are strengthening our cruise. This is a approach the city started piloting about a year and a half ago. We were not just responding to service request. Also, additional to that, proactively going out and looking for known hotspots and picking up everything we could find. The city asked residents help identify areas where there is trash by reporting illegal dumping. It is the last call for a famous gay bar. Wyatt has stood for five decades but now says they cannot reopen. Our chief meteorologist will take us through the Holiday Weekend. One of the oldest and best known gay bars is shutting down. The owner say the economic fallout from the pandemic is too much to overcome. Our reporter has more on the last call at the stud. San francisco stud bar opened its doors in 1966. Moving to its current location. Surviving recessions and the aids epidemic. The owner say running a bar can be difficult. During a pandemic, the bar has been empty and remaining open has proved impossible. At this point due to the coronavirus, we just could not continue to accrue debt. They say the stud has been more than just a bar serving as a venue for musicians. They say the last chapter has not been written for the stud. They will continue to have a online presence. City and state leaders have pledged their support. We know that one day and someday soon, we will have to find a place that will either have to build out or that will require some construction. It is going to take a lot of money. We cannot continue to accrue debt. The organizer say the closing of the stud is yet another indicator of how the coronavirus impacts marginalized communities. It is unfortunately part of a nationwide and worldwide trend of gay bars closing their doors. That is something that people have been documenting for the last few years is the loss of all of these institutions. We have lost a couple of other bars in San Francisco. They said they would be holding a funeral for the venue on may 31. There really hoping the community can come together and help them find that new location where they can someday reopen their doors. The organizer say they do not expect it to be the last gay bar to fall victim to the coronavirus in the current economic conditions. Ktvu fox news. The university of california will no longer require sat or act scores for freshman applicants. The board approved a plan to approve standardized testing until 2024. By then the system says it hopes to have a new test that gives a more rounded assessment of applicants. Critics say they are biased against students from this schools because they cannot afford the expensive test prep. The university of california could partially reopen some of its 10 campuses in the fall. The uc president says she expects a hybrid of online and in person classes. Some may also reopen but with fewer students. Sport events can be held without audiences. The board says decisions will be made by individual campuses over the next month. A humpback wall that was entangled in fishing gear has been freed in monterey bay. A team of experts got the job done. Including a crew. They say the well was weighed down by three sets of fishing gear and could not move. This is the third time maintained well has been freed off of the west coast. The Mammal Center says freeing a well boost his chances of survival but does not guarantee it. Today were looking into the Holiday Weekend. Temperatures tomorrow. Today warmed up. These are the highs from today. Temperatures tomorrow going to cool down a bit but then they will spike back up rapidly. Saturdays temperatures will look like today. Sunday and monday will be much warmer. Even upper 90s possible. With that being said, i think we will see someone hundreds or triple digit heat as we get into tuesday and wednesday. There is oakland. No fog. Very little wind. A lot of traffic out there. Not too bad for this time a night. We have has some gust up to 25 miles per hour. The reason it is going to cool down. There it is right there. That system is just going to kind of slide through. It is going this way and has everything. This counts as a front. It is the difference between colder air here and warmer air here. That is the cofront. The cold air is coming down behind it. That is going to fill in around here. That is what temperatures would drop a couple of degrees. In the winter you get a big precipitous drop. Probably about 5 degrees. Temperatures a little warmer than they were last night. Forecasted highs tomorrow. Then yellows. Those are 70s. Granger 60s. A little bit a coastal fog shows up. The forecast for San Francisco and oakland and san jose looks like this. Mostly sunny in the late afternoon. San francisco is just 65. 78 in concord. 79 in fairfield. As we head into saturday and sunday, monday and tuesday, we are up there. Temperatures really get going. We will see a real warming trend. On saturday and sunday. Temperatures really start to go. A nice looking memorial day weekend. Remember to wear your mask. Social distance. Have a nice weekend and stay close to home. We can still have a great time. We just have to remember to stick to social distancing. He goes oneonone with bay area sports columnist. Then on the 11 pm news. Nursing homes continue to be hotspots. One care facility recorded two more deaths today and another is now under investigation. Coming to you from napa. Tonight no real sporting events happening. Doing things a little bit differently. If youre a sports fan in general, you will love it. If you are a bay area sports fan, you will be over the moon. Gloves off. It is really suck. Particular like i say. If you how from around here. The best sports columnist the bay area has ever known. Just as the title of the book would say. Very uninhibited to say the least. We look back at 40 years of coverage and some of the bears most controversial and colorful sports figures. Lets start with mike singletary. Cannot win with him. Cannot coach with him. I want winners. In one the middle of the most unstable periods, the hall of fame linebacker was called on to coach and help bring the team back to respectability. He remembers being at that now famous i want Winners Press conference. He is talking to the media. Our sneakers and jeans. I want winners. He is just banging and screaming. I do say coach, you got the wrong weapons. You should reserve that for your players. He says are you going to be here every week . I want winners. He says i will come stand on the podium with you. One of the most polarizing figures in 49er history was the quarterback colin kaepernick. Everyone had a opinion. He certainly has one. I really do not like him. He was so rude for no reason at all. He took the lights in hardly saying any words. He went out of his way to be as unpleasant as he could and to show us you are a bunch of bums. You are so humans. Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything. What he does not question his cause, he does have an issue with his motives. He went his whole career and never mentioned that. He lost his starting job and he was no longer important. Now he found this issue and became the most important athlete in america. It seems to me he found a way to become even more famous. A continuing theme in gloves off. The media and their relationship with todays athletes. It is a contentious unsolvable relationship. I love the adjective used. It is unsolvable. We could write something or you could Say Something that would threaten them or hurt them. I understand why they feel that way. There was no resolution to it. Most everyone who covers sports on a regular basis no doubt has a secret good guy or favorites list. He is no exception. Now he can refill it. At the top of the list. Dusty baker. I was that spring training. It was my wifes birthday. I was saying hello sweetheart sorry im not home for your birthday. Dusty happen to be there. He grabs the phone out of my hand and seems happy birthday to my wife on the phone. You can see him doing it. He is brilliant and kind but he is not a pushover. He is someone with a backbone. Someone i really admire. Hands down. You have to agree with him on that one. Gloves off. That man is a original. Moving along. This talk about some nascar stuff. Some activity in sports is live. It would help if the weather will cooperate a bit in Darlington South carolina. As they get off the expended 200. Postponed tuesday. Michael lynette spun out. Things come apart. At that particular juncture. It comes down to the final two laps. Kyle busch in second place. This is a great finish. It comes right down to the checkered flag. It is chase briscoe winding up winning the toyota 200. Like i said it does not come much higher than that. And very emotional finish for him to win this race. Just two days ago, his wife and himself had a routine doctors appointment found out that the baby 12 weeks along had no fetal heartbeat. He called it the worst day in his life. Ended by the best day or one of them. Quite a turnaround. That is the sporting life at this hour. It is 11 pm and time for more news. Thank you so much. Next. We want to keep all of our parks open. That means using them safely. A creative approach to keeping people at a safe distance. Stay six feet apart to make sure park goers keep their distance. Summer calling those circles human parking spaces. Hello again. Frank is off tonight. The circles can currently be found. Washington course part. The citys Recreational Park department is putting the circles at the Jackson Playground tomorrow. Our reporter joins us now with reaction to this new effort. This idea first came from new york city where they tried it at a park there. They said why not give it a shot here. With talk with some people who said they were a little bit skeptical. Other people told us they loved it. Take a

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